#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function """ This is a modified version of the unittest module has been modified by Michael D. Stenner from Steve Purcell's version (revision 1.46, as distributed with python 2.3.3) in the following ways: * the text formatting has been made much prettier by printing "nested" test suites * the test resulte "skip" has been added for skipping tests. A test can call any of the .skip() .skipUnless(), or .skipIf() methods from within the test method or the setUp method. * all attributes originally named with leading "__" have been changed to a single "_". This makes subclassing much easier. COMPATIBILITY It should be possible to drop this in as replacement for the standard unittest module simply by doing: import munittest as unittest In fact, the reverse is ALMOST true. Test code written for this module very nearly runs perfectly with the standard unittest module. Exceptions are: * The .skip() methods will obviously not work on the standard unittest. However, they will ERROR out and the error message will complain about missing .skip() attributes, so it will be obvious and will have the same effect as skipping. * the .setDescription method (or description argument) for TestSuite will not work. However, setting the .description attribute on a standard TestSuite instance does no harm, so if need to set them manually (you're not satisfied with the doc-string route) and you WANT to be compatible both ways, do that :) DESCRIPTIONS Names for suites in the pretty formatting are (like the test functions) slurped from the doc-strings of the corresponding object, or taken from the names of those objects. This applies to both TestCase-derived classes, and modules. Also, the TestSuite class description can be set manually in a number of ways (all of which achieve the same result): suite = TestSuite(test_list, 'this is the description') suite.setDescription('this is the description') suite.description = 'this is the description' Michael D. Stenner 2004/03/18 v0.1 =========================================================================== The original doc-string for this module follows: =========================================================================== Python unit testing framework, based on Erich Gamma's JUnit and Kent Beck's Smalltalk testing framework. This module contains the core framework classes that form the basis of specific test cases and suites (TestCase, TestSuite etc.), and also a text-based utility class for running the tests and reporting the results (TextTestRunner). Simple usage: import unittest class IntegerArithmenticTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testAdd(self): ## test method names begin 'test*' self.assertEquals((1 + 2), 3) self.assertEquals(0 + 1, 1) def testMultiply(self): self.assertEquals((0 * 10), 0) self.assertEquals((5 * 8), 40) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() Further information is available in the bundled documentation, and from http://pyunit.sourceforge.net/ Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001 Steve Purcell This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Python itself, so long as this copyright message and disclaimer are retained in their original form. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS CODE, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE CODE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THERE IS NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. """ import time import sys import traceback import os import types import unittest try: cmp except NameError: def cmp(a, b): return (a > b) - (a < b) ############################################################################## # Exported classes and functions ############################################################################## __all__ = ['TestResult', 'TestCase', 'TestSuite', 'TextTestRunner', 'TestLoader', 'FunctionTestCase', 'main', 'defaultTestLoader'] # Expose obsolete functions for backwards compatibility __all__.extend(['getTestCaseNames', 'makeSuite', 'findTestCases']) ############################################################################## # Test framework core ############################################################################## # All classes defined herein are 'new-style' classes, allowing use of 'super()' __metaclass__ = type def _strclass(cls): return "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) class TestResult: """Holder for test result information. Test results are automatically managed by the TestCase and TestSuite classes, and do not need to be explicitly manipulated by writers of tests. Each instance holds the total number of tests run, and collections of failures and errors that occurred among those test runs. The collections contain tuples of (testcase, exceptioninfo), where exceptioninfo is the formatted traceback of the error that occurred. """ def __init__(self): self.failures = [] self.errors = [] self.skipped = [] self.testsRun = 0 self.shouldStop = 0 def startTest(self, test): "Called when the given test is about to be run" self.testsRun = self.testsRun + 1 def stopTest(self, test): "Called when the given test has been run" pass def startSuite(self, suite): "Called when the given suite is about to be run" pass def stopSuit(self, suite): "Called when the tiven suite has been run" pass def addError(self, test, err): """Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info(). """ self.errors.append((test, self._exc_info_to_string(err))) def addFailure(self, test, err): """Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().""" self.failures.append((test, self._exc_info_to_string(err))) def addSuccess(self, test): "Called when a test has completed successfully" pass def addSkip(self, test, err): "Called when the test has been skipped" self.skipped.append((test, self._exc_info_to_string(err))) def wasSuccessful(self): "Tells whether or not this result was a success" return len(self.failures) == len(self.errors) == 0 def stop(self): "Indicates that the tests should be aborted" self.shouldStop = 1 def _exc_info_to_string(self, err): """Converts a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values into a string.""" return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*err)) def __repr__(self): return "<%s run=%i errors=%i failures=%i>" % \ (_strclass(self.__class__), self.testsRun, len(self.errors), len(self.failures)) class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): """A class whose instances are single test cases. By default, the test code itself should be placed in a method named 'runTest'. If the fixture may be used for many test cases, create as many test methods as are needed. When instantiating such a TestCase subclass, specify in the constructor arguments the name of the test method that the instance is to execute. Test authors should subclass TestCase for their own tests. Construction and deconstruction of the test's environment ('fixture') can be implemented by overriding the 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods respectively. If it is necessary to override the __init__ method, the base class __init__ method must always be called. It is important that subclasses should not change the signature of their __init__ method, since instances of the classes are instantiated automatically by parts of the framework in order to be run. """ # This attribute determines which exception will be raised when # the instance's assertion methods fail; test methods raising this # exception will be deemed to have 'failed' rather than 'errored' failureException = AssertionError # test methods raising the following exception will be considered # skipped - this is neither pass, fail, or error. it should be # used when some resource needed to perform the test isn't avialable, # or when a lengthy test is deliberately skipped for time. class skipException(Exception): pass # whether receiving KeyboardInterrupt during setUp or the test causes # the test to be interpreted as skipped. The default is no. It's # probably best to do: # except KeyboardInterrupt: self.skip() # inside the test method interrupt_skips = 0 def countTestCases(self): return 1 def defaultTestResult(self): return TestResult() def shortDescription(self): """Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no description has been provided. The default implementation of this method returns the first line of the specified test method's docstring. """ doc = self._testMethodDoc return doc and doc.split('\n')[0].strip() or None def id(self): return "%s.%s" % (_strclass(self.__class__), self._testMethodName) def __str__(self): return "%s (%s)" % (self._testMethodName, _strclass(self.__class__)) def __repr__(self): return "<%s testMethod=%s>" % \ (_strclass(self.__class__), self._testMethodName) def __call__(self, result=None): if result is None: result = self.defaultTestResult() result.startTest(self) testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName) try: try: self.setUp() except KeyboardInterrupt: if self.interrupt_skips: result.addSkip(self, self._exc_info()) return else: raise except self.skipException: result.addSkip(self, self._exc_info()) return except: result.addError(self, self._exc_info()) return ok = 0 try: testMethod() ok = 1 except self.failureException: result.addFailure(self, self._exc_info()) except KeyboardInterrupt: if self.interrupt_skips: result.addSkip(self, self._exc_info()) return else: raise except self.skipException: result.addSkip(self, self._exc_info()) return except: result.addError(self, self._exc_info()) try: self.tearDown() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: result.addError(self, self._exc_info()) ok = 0 if ok: result.addSuccess(self) finally: result.stopTest(self) def debug(self): """Run the test without collecting errors in a TestResult""" self.setUp() getattr(self, self._testMethodName)() self.tearDown() def _exc_info(self): """Return a version of sys.exc_info() with the traceback frame minimised; usually the top level of the traceback frame is not needed. """ exctype, excvalue, tb = sys.exc_info() if sys.platform[:4] == 'java': ## tracebacks look different in Jython return (exctype, excvalue, tb) newtb = tb.tb_next if newtb is None: return (exctype, excvalue, tb) return (exctype, excvalue, newtb) def fail(self, msg=None): """Fail immediately, with the given message.""" raise self.failureException(msg) def failIf(self, expr, msg=None): "Fail the test if the expression is true." if expr: raise self.failureException(msg) def failUnless(self, expr, msg=None): """Fail the test unless the expression is true.""" if not expr: raise self.failureException(msg) def failUnlessRaises(self, excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs): """Fail unless an exception of class excClass is thrown by callableObj when invoked with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs. If a different type of exception is thrown, it will not be caught, and the test case will be deemed to have suffered an error, exactly as for an unexpected exception. """ try: callableObj(*args, **kwargs) except excClass: return else: if hasattr(excClass,'__name__'): excName = excClass.__name__ else: excName = str(excClass) raise self.failureException(excName) def failUnlessEqual(self, first, second, msg=None): """Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '==' operator. """ if not first == second: raise self.failureException(msg or '%r != %r' % (first, second)) def failIfEqual(self, first, second, msg=None): """Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '==' operator. """ if first == second: raise self.failureException(msg or '%r == %r' % (first, second)) def failUnlessAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=7, msg=None): """Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero. Note that decimal places (from zero) is usually not the same as significant digits (measured from the most significant digit). """ if round(second-first, places) != 0: raise self.failureException(msg or '%r != %r within %s places' % (first, second, places)) def failIfAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=7, msg=None): """Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero. Note that decimal places (from zero) is usually not the same as significant digits (measured from the most significant digit). """ if round(second-first, places) == 0: raise self.failureException(msg or '%r == %r within %r places' % (first, second, places)) assertEqual = assertEquals = failUnlessEqual assertNotEqual = assertNotEquals = failIfEqual assertAlmostEqual = assertAlmostEquals = failUnlessAlmostEqual assertNotAlmostEqual = assertNotAlmostEquals = failIfAlmostEqual assertRaises = failUnlessRaises assert_ = failUnless def skip(self, msg=None): """Skip the test""" raise self.skipException(msg) def skipIf(self, expr, msg=None): "Skip the test if the expression is true." if expr: raise self.skipException(msg) def skipUnless(self, expr, msg=None): """Skip the test unless the expression is true.""" if not expr: raise self.skipException(msg) class TestSuite: """A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases. For use, create an instance of TestSuite, then add test case instances. When all tests have been added, the suite can be passed to a test runner, such as TextTestRunner. It will run the individual test cases in the order in which they were added, aggregating the results. When subclassing, do not forget to call the base class constructor. """ def __init__(self, tests=(), description=None): self._tests = [] self.addTests(tests) self.description = description or '(no description)' def __repr__(self): return "<%s tests=%s>" % (_strclass(self.__class__), self._tests) __str__ = __repr__ def shortDescription(self): return self.description def setDescription(self, description): self.description = description def countTestCases(self): cases = 0 for test in self._tests: cases = cases + test.countTestCases() return cases def addTest(self, test): self._tests.append(test) def addTests(self, tests): for test in tests: self.addTest(test) def run(self, result): return self(result) def __call__(self, result): try: result.startSuite(self) except AttributeError: pass for test in self._tests: if result.shouldStop: break test(result) try: result.endSuite(self) except AttributeError: pass return result def debug(self): """Run the tests without collecting errors in a TestResult""" for test in self._tests: test.debug() class FunctionTestCase(TestCase): """A test case that wraps a test function. This is useful for slipping pre-existing test functions into the PyUnit framework. Optionally, set-up and tidy-up functions can be supplied. As with TestCase, the tidy-up ('tearDown') function will always be called if the set-up ('setUp') function ran successfully. """ def __init__(self, testFunc, setUp=None, tearDown=None, description=None): TestCase.__init__(self) self._setUpFunc = setUp self._tearDownFunc = tearDown self._testFunc = testFunc self._description = description def setUp(self): if self._setUpFunc is not None: self._setUpFunc() def tearDown(self): if self._tearDownFunc is not None: self._tearDownFunc() def runTest(self): self._testFunc() def id(self): return self._testFunc.__name__ def __str__(self): return "%s (%s)" % (_strclass(self.__class__), self._testFunc.__name__) def __repr__(self): return "<%s testFunc=%s>" % (_strclass(self.__class__), self._testFunc) def shortDescription(self): if self._description is not None: return self._description doc = self._testFunc.__doc__ return doc and doc.split('\n')[0].strip() or None ############################################################################## # Locating and loading tests ############################################################################## class TestLoader: """This class is responsible for loading tests according to various criteria and returning them wrapped in a Test """ testMethodPrefix = 'test' sortTestMethodsUsing = cmp suiteClass = TestSuite def loadTestsFromTestCase(self, testCaseClass): """Return a suite of all tests cases contained in testCaseClass""" name_list = self.getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass) instance_list = map(testCaseClass, name_list) description = getattr(testCaseClass, '__doc__') \ or testCaseClass.__name__ description = description.splitlines()[0].strip() suite = self.suiteClass(instance_list, description) return suite def loadTestsFromModule(self, module): """Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the given module""" tests = [] for name in dir(module): obj = getattr(module, name) if (isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, TestCase) and not obj in [TestCase, FunctionTestCase]): tests.append(self.loadTestsFromTestCase(obj)) description = getattr(module, '__doc__') \ or module.__name__ description = (description.splitlines()[0]).strip() return self.suiteClass(tests, description) def loadTestsFromName(self, name, module=None): """Return a suite of all tests cases given a string specifier. The name may resolve either to a module, a test case class, a test method within a test case class, or a callable object which returns a TestCase or TestSuite instance. The method optionally resolves the names relative to a given module. """ parts = name.split('.') if module is None: if not parts: raise ValueError("incomplete test name: %s" % name) else: parts_copy = parts[:] while parts_copy: try: module = __import__('.'.join(parts_copy)) break except ImportError: del parts_copy[-1] if not parts_copy: raise parts = parts[1:] obj = module for part in parts: obj = getattr(obj, part) import unittest if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType): return self.loadTestsFromModule(obj) elif (isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, unittest.TestCase)): return self.loadTestsFromTestCase(obj) elif isinstance(obj, types.UnboundMethodType): return obj.__self__.__class__(obj.__name__) elif callable(obj): test = obj() if not isinstance(test, (unittest.TestCase, unittest.TestSuite)): raise ValueError("calling %s returned %s, not a test" % (obj,test)) return test else: raise ValueError("don't know how to make test from: %s" % obj) def loadTestsFromNames(self, names, module=None): """Return a suite of all tests cases found using the given sequence of string specifiers. See 'loadTestsFromName()'. """ suites = [] for name in names: suites.append(self.loadTestsFromName(name, module)) return self.suiteClass(suites) def getTestCaseNames(self, testCaseClass): """Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass """ testFnNames = [n for n in dir(testCaseClass) if n.startswith(self.testMethodPrefix)] for baseclass in testCaseClass.__bases__: for testFnName in self.getTestCaseNames(baseclass): if testFnName not in testFnNames: # handle overridden methods testFnNames.append(testFnName) testFnNames.sort() return testFnNames defaultTestLoader = TestLoader() ############################################################################## # Patches for old functions: these functions should be considered obsolete ############################################################################## def _makeLoader(prefix, sortUsing, suiteClass=None): loader = TestLoader() loader.sortTestMethodsUsing = sortUsing loader.testMethodPrefix = prefix if suiteClass: loader.suiteClass = suiteClass return loader def getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass, prefix, sortUsing=cmp): return _makeLoader(prefix, sortUsing).getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass) def makeSuite(testCaseClass, prefix='test', sortUsing=cmp, suiteClass=TestSuite): return _makeLoader(prefix, sortUsing, suiteClass).loadTestsFromTestCase(testCaseClass) def findTestCases(module, prefix='test', sortUsing=cmp, suiteClass=TestSuite): return _makeLoader(prefix, sortUsing, suiteClass).loadTestsFromModule(module) ############################################################################## # Text UI ############################################################################## class _WritelnDecorator: """Used to decorate file-like objects with a handy 'writeln' method""" def __init__(self,stream): self.stream = stream def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.stream,attr) def write(self, arg): self.stream.write(arg) self.stream.flush() def writeln(self, arg=None): if arg: self.write(arg) self.write('\n') # text-mode streams translate to \r\n if needed class _TextTestResult(TestResult): """A test result class that can print formatted text results to a stream. Used by TextTestRunner. """ separator1 = '=' * 79 separator2 = '-' * 79 def __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity): TestResult.__init__(self) self.stream = stream self.showAll = verbosity > 1 self.dots = verbosity == 1 self.descriptions = descriptions if descriptions: self.indent = ' ' else: self.indent = '' self.depth = 0 self.width = 80 def getDescription(self, test): if self.descriptions: return test.shortDescription() or str(test) else: return str(test) def startSuite(self, suite): if self.showAll and self.descriptions: self.stream.write(self.indent * self.depth) try: desc = self.getDescription(suite) except AttributeError: desc = '(no description)' self.stream.writeln(desc) self.depth += 1 def startTest(self, test): TestResult.startTest(self, test) if self.showAll: self.stream.write(self.indent * self.depth) d = self.getDescription(test) dwidth = self.width - len(self.indent) * self.depth - 11 format = "%%-%is" % dwidth self.stream.write(format % d) self.stream.write(" ... ") def addSuccess(self, test): TestResult.addSuccess(self, test) if self.showAll: self.stream.writeln("ok") elif self.dots: self.stream.write('.') def addError(self, test, err): TestResult.addError(self, test, err) if self.showAll: self.stream.writeln("ERROR") elif self.dots: self.stream.write('E') def addFailure(self, test, err): TestResult.addFailure(self, test, err) if self.showAll: self.stream.writeln("FAIL") elif self.dots: self.stream.write('F') def addSkip(self, test, err): TestResult.addSkip(self, test, err) if self.showAll: self.stream.writeln("skip") elif self.dots: self.stream.write('s') def endSuite(self, suite): self.depth -= 1 def printErrors(self): if self.dots or self.showAll: self.stream.writeln() self.printErrorList('ERROR', self.errors) self.printErrorList('FAIL', self.failures) def printErrorList(self, flavour, errors): for test, err in errors: self.stream.writeln(self.separator1) self.stream.writeln("%s: %s" % (flavour,self.getDescription(test))) self.stream.writeln(self.separator2) self.stream.writeln("%s" % err) class TextTestRunner: """A test runner class that displays results in textual form. It prints out the names of tests as they are run, errors as they occur, and a summary of the results at the end of the test run. """ def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr, descriptions=1, verbosity=1): self.stream = _WritelnDecorator(stream) self.descriptions = descriptions self.verbosity = verbosity def _makeResult(self): return _TextTestResult(self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity) def run(self, test): "Run the given test case or test suite." result = self._makeResult() startTime = time.time() test(result) stopTime = time.time() timeTaken = float(stopTime - startTime) result.printErrors() self.stream.writeln(result.separator2) run = result.testsRun self.stream.writeln("Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" % (run, run != 1 and "s" or "", timeTaken)) self.stream.writeln() if not result.wasSuccessful(): self.stream.write("FAILED (") failed, errored, skipped = map(len, (result.failures, result.errors, result.skipped)) if failed: self.stream.write("failures=%d" % failed) if errored: if failed: self.stream.write(", ") self.stream.write("errors=%d" % errored) if skipped: self.stream.write(", skipped=%d" % skipped) self.stream.writeln(")") else: if result.skipped: self.stream.writeln("OK (skipped=%d)" % len(result.skipped)) else: self.stream.writeln("OK") return result ############################################################################## # Facilities for running tests from the command line ############################################################################## class TestProgram: """A command-line program that runs a set of tests; this is primarily for making test modules conveniently executable. """ USAGE = """\ Usage: %(progName)s [options] [test] [...] Options: -h, --help Show this message -v, --verbose Verbose output -q, --quiet Minimal output Examples: %(progName)s - run default set of tests %(progName)s MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite' %(progName)s MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomething %(progName)s MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methods in MyTestCase """ def __init__(self, module='__main__', defaultTest=None, argv=None, testRunner=None, testLoader=defaultTestLoader): if isinstance(module, str): self.module = __import__(module) for part in module.split('.')[1:]: self.module = getattr(self.module, part) else: self.module = module if argv is None: argv = sys.argv self.verbosity = 1 self.defaultTest = defaultTest self.testRunner = testRunner self.testLoader = testLoader self.progName = os.path.basename(argv[0]) self.parseArgs(argv) self.runTests() def usageExit(self, msg=None): if msg: print(msg) print(self.USAGE % self.__dict__) sys.exit(2) def parseArgs(self, argv): import getopt try: options, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hHvq', ['help','verbose','quiet']) for opt, value in options: if opt in ('-h','-H','--help'): self.usageExit() if opt in ('-q','--quiet'): self.verbosity = 0 if opt in ('-v','--verbose'): self.verbosity = 2 if len(args) == 0 and self.defaultTest is None: self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self.module) return if len(args) > 0: self.testNames = args else: self.testNames = (self.defaultTest,) self.createTests() except getopt.error as msg: self.usageExit(msg) def createTests(self): self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromNames(self.testNames, self.module) def runTests(self): if self.testRunner is None: self.testRunner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=self.verbosity) result = self.testRunner.run(self.test) sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful()) main = TestProgram ############################################################################## # Executing this module from the command line ############################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": main(module=None)