/* valaccodewriter.vala * * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter */ using GLib; /** * Represents a writer to write C source files. */ public class Vala.CCodeWriter { /** * Specifies the file to be written. */ public string filename { get; set; } /** * Specifies the source file used to generate this one. */ private string source_filename; /** * Specifies whether to emit line directives. */ public bool line_directives { get; set; } /** * Specifies whether the output stream is at the beginning of a line. */ public bool bol { get { return _bol; } } static GLib.Regex fix_indent_regex; private string temp_filename; private bool file_exists; private FileStream? stream; private int indent; private int current_line_number = 1; private bool using_line_directive; /* at begin of line */ private bool _bol = true; public CCodeWriter (string filename, string? source_filename = null) { this.filename = filename; this.source_filename = source_filename; } /** * Opens the file. * * @return true if the file has been opened successfully, * false otherwise */ public bool open (bool write_version) { file_exists = FileUtils.test (filename, FileTest.EXISTS); if (file_exists) { temp_filename = "%s.valatmp".printf (filename); stream = FileStream.open (temp_filename, "w"); } else { /* * File doesn't exist. In case of a particular destination (-d flag), * check and create the directory structure. */ var dirname = Path.get_dirname (filename); DirUtils.create_with_parents (dirname, 0755); stream = FileStream.open (filename, "w"); } if (stream == null) { return false; } var opening = write_version ? "/* %s generated by valac %s, the Vala compiler".printf (Path.get_basename (filename), Config.BUILD_VERSION) : "/* %s generated by valac, the Vala compiler".printf (Path.get_basename (filename)); write_string (opening); // Write the file name if known if (source_filename != null) { write_newline (); write_string (" * generated from %s".printf (Path.get_basename (source_filename))); } write_string (", do not modify */"); write_newline (); write_newline (); return true; } /** * Closes the file. */ public void close () { stream = null; if (file_exists) { var changed = true; try { var old_file = new MappedFile (filename, false); var new_file = new MappedFile (temp_filename, false); var len = old_file.get_length (); if (len == new_file.get_length ()) { if (Memory.cmp (old_file.get_contents (), new_file.get_contents (), len) == 0) { changed = false; } } old_file = null; new_file = null; } catch (FileError e) { // assume changed if mmap comparison doesn't work } if (changed) { FileUtils.rename (temp_filename, filename); } else { FileUtils.unlink (temp_filename); if (source_filename != null) { var stats = Stat (source_filename); var target_stats = Stat (filename); if (stats.st_mtime >= target_stats.st_mtime) { UTimBuf timebuf = { stats.st_atime + 1, stats.st_mtime + 1 }; FileUtils.utime (filename, timebuf); } } } } } /** * Writes tabs according to the current indent level. */ public void write_indent (CCodeLineDirective? line = null) { if (line_directives) { if (line != null) { line.write (this); using_line_directive = true; } else if (using_line_directive) { // no corresponding Vala line, emit line directive for C line write_string ("#line %d \"%s\"".printf (current_line_number + 1, Path.get_basename (filename))); write_newline (); using_line_directive = false; } } if (!_bol) { write_newline (); } stream.puts (string.nfill (indent, '\t')); _bol = false; } /** * Writes n spaces. */ public void write_nspaces (uint n) { stream.puts (string.nfill (n, ' ')); } /** * Writes the specified string. * * @param s a string */ public void write_string (string s) { stream.puts (s); _bol = false; } /** * Writes a newline. */ public void write_newline () { stream.putc ('\n'); current_line_number++; _bol = true; } /** * Opens a new block, increasing the indent level. */ public void write_begin_block () { if (!_bol) { stream.putc (' '); } else { write_indent (); } stream.putc ('{'); write_newline (); indent++; } /** * Closes the current block, decreasing the indent level. */ public void write_end_block () { assert (indent > 0); indent--; write_indent (); stream.putc ('}'); } /** * Writes the specified text as comment. * * @param text the comment text */ public void write_comment (string text) { try { write_indent (); stream.puts ("/*"); bool first = true; // discard tabs at beginning of line if (fix_indent_regex == null) fix_indent_regex = new GLib.Regex ("^\t+");; foreach (unowned string line in text.split ("\n")) { if (!first) { write_indent (); } else { first = false; } var lineparts = fix_indent_regex.replace_literal (line, -1, 0, "").split ("*/"); for (int i = 0; lineparts[i] != null; i++) { stream.puts (lineparts[i]); if (lineparts[i+1] != null) { stream.puts ("* /"); } } } stream.puts ("*/"); write_newline (); } catch (RegexError e) { // ignore } } }