/* valaccode.vala * * Copyright (C) 2017 Rico Tzschichholz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Rico Tzschichholz */ namespace Vala { static int? ccode_attribute_cache_index = null; static unowned CCodeAttribute get_ccode_attribute (CodeNode node) { if (ccode_attribute_cache_index == null) { ccode_attribute_cache_index = CodeNode.get_attribute_cache_index (); } unowned AttributeCache? attr = node.get_attribute_cache (ccode_attribute_cache_index); if (attr == null) { var new_attr = new CCodeAttribute (node); node.set_attribute_cache (ccode_attribute_cache_index, new_attr); attr = new_attr; } return (CCodeAttribute) attr; } public static string get_ccode_name (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).name; } public static string get_ccode_const_name (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).const_name; } public static string get_ccode_type_name (Interface iface) { return get_ccode_attribute(iface).type_name; } public static string get_ccode_type_cast_function (ObjectTypeSymbol sym) { assert (!(sym is Class && ((Class) sym).is_compact)); return get_ccode_upper_case_name (sym); } public static string get_ccode_interface_get_function (Interface iface) { return "%s_GET_INTERFACE".printf (get_ccode_upper_case_name (iface)); } public static string get_ccode_class_get_function (Class cl) { assert (!cl.is_compact); return "%s_GET_CLASS".printf (get_ccode_upper_case_name (cl)); } public static string get_ccode_class_get_private_function (Class cl) { assert (!cl.is_compact); return "%s_GET_CLASS_PRIVATE".printf (get_ccode_upper_case_name (cl)); } public static string get_ccode_class_type_function (Class cl) { assert (!cl.is_compact); return "%s_CLASS".printf (get_ccode_upper_case_name (cl)); } public static string get_ccode_lower_case_name (CodeNode node, string? infix = null) { unowned Symbol? sym = node as Symbol; if (sym != null) { if (infix == null) { infix = ""; } if (sym is Delegate) { return "%s%s%s".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_prefix (sym.parent_symbol), infix, Symbol.camel_case_to_lower_case (sym.name)); } else if (sym is Signal) { return get_ccode_attribute (sym).name.replace ("-", "_"); } else if (sym is ErrorCode) { return get_ccode_name (sym).down (); } else { return "%s%s%s".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_prefix (sym.parent_symbol), infix, get_ccode_lower_case_suffix (sym)); } } else if (node is ErrorType) { unowned ErrorType type = (ErrorType) node; if (type.error_domain == null) { if (infix == null) { return "g_error"; } else { return "g_%s_error".printf (infix); } } else if (type.error_code == null) { return get_ccode_lower_case_name (type.error_domain, infix); } else { return get_ccode_lower_case_name (type.error_code, infix); } } else if (node is DelegateType) { unowned DelegateType type = (DelegateType) node; return get_ccode_lower_case_name (type.delegate_symbol, infix); } else if (node is PointerType) { unowned PointerType type = (PointerType) node; return get_ccode_lower_case_name (type.base_type, infix); } else if (node is GenericType) { return "valageneric"; } else if (node is VoidType) { return "valavoid"; } else { unowned DataType type = (DataType) node; return get_ccode_lower_case_name (type.data_type, infix); } } public static string get_ccode_upper_case_name (Symbol sym, string? infix = null) { if (sym is Property) { return "%s_%s".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_name (sym.parent_symbol), Symbol.camel_case_to_lower_case (sym.name)).ascii_up (); } else { return get_ccode_lower_case_name (sym, infix).ascii_up (); } } public static string get_ccode_header_filenames (Symbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).header_filenames; } public static string get_ccode_feature_test_macros (Symbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).feature_test_macros; } public static string get_ccode_prefix (Symbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).prefix; } public static string get_ccode_lower_case_prefix (Symbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).lower_case_prefix; } public static string get_ccode_lower_case_suffix (Symbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).lower_case_suffix; } public static string get_ccode_ref_function (TypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).ref_function; } public static string get_ccode_quark_name (ErrorDomain edomain) { return "%s-quark".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_name (edomain).replace ("_", "-")); } public static bool is_reference_counting (TypeSymbol sym) { if (sym is Class) { return get_ccode_ref_function (sym) != null; } else if (sym is Interface) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static bool is_ref_function_void (DataType type) { unowned Class? cl = type.data_type as Class; if (cl != null) { return get_ccode_ref_function_void (cl); } else { return false; } } public static bool is_free_function_address_of (DataType type) { unowned Class? cl = type.data_type as Class; if (cl != null) { return get_ccode_free_function_address_of (cl); } else { return false; } } public static bool get_ccode_ref_function_void (Class cl) { return get_ccode_attribute(cl).ref_function_void; } public static bool get_ccode_free_function_address_of (Class cl) { return get_ccode_attribute(cl).free_function_address_of; } public static string get_ccode_unref_function (ObjectTypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).unref_function; } public static string get_ccode_ref_sink_function (ObjectTypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).ref_sink_function; } public static string get_ccode_copy_function (TypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).copy_function; } public static string get_ccode_destroy_function (TypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).destroy_function; } public static string? get_ccode_dup_function (TypeSymbol sym) { if (sym is Struct) { return get_ccode_attribute (sym).dup_function; } return get_ccode_copy_function (sym); } public static string get_ccode_free_function (TypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).free_function; } public static bool get_ccode_is_gboxed (TypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_free_function (sym) == "g_boxed_free"; } public static bool get_ccode_finish_instance (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute (node).finish_instance; } public static string get_ccode_type_id (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).type_id; } public static string get_ccode_type_function (TypeSymbol sym) { assert (!((sym is Class && ((Class) sym).is_compact) || sym is ErrorCode || sym is ErrorDomain || sym is Delegate)); return "%s_get_type".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_name (sym)); } public static string get_ccode_marshaller_type_name (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).marshaller_type_name; } public static string get_ccode_get_value_function (CodeNode sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).get_value_function; } public static string get_ccode_set_value_function (CodeNode sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).set_value_function; } public static string get_ccode_take_value_function (CodeNode sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).take_value_function; } public static string get_ccode_param_spec_function (CodeNode sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).param_spec_function; } public static string get_ccode_type_check_function (TypeSymbol sym) { unowned Class? cl = sym as Class; var a = sym.get_attribute_string ("CCode", "type_check_function"); if (cl != null && a != null) { return a; } else if ((cl != null && cl.is_compact) || sym is Struct || sym is Enum || sym is Delegate) { return ""; } else { return get_ccode_upper_case_name (sym, "IS_"); } } public static string get_ccode_class_type_check_function (Class cl) { assert (!cl.is_compact); return "%s_CLASS".printf (get_ccode_type_check_function (cl)); } public static string get_ccode_default_value (TypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).default_value; } public static string get_ccode_default_value_on_error (TypeSymbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute (sym).default_value_on_error; } public static bool get_ccode_has_copy_function (Struct st) { return st.get_attribute_bool ("CCode", "has_copy_function", true); } public static bool get_ccode_has_destroy_function (Struct st) { return st.get_attribute_bool ("CCode", "has_destroy_function", true); } public static double get_ccode_instance_pos (CodeNode node) { if (node is Delegate) { return node.get_attribute_double ("CCode", "instance_pos", -2); } else { return node.get_attribute_double ("CCode", "instance_pos", 0); } } public static double get_ccode_error_pos (Callable c) { return c.get_attribute_double ("CCode", "error_pos", -1); } public static bool get_ccode_array_length (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).array_length; } public static string? get_ccode_array_length_type (CodeNode node) { if (node is ArrayType) { return get_ccode_name (((ArrayType) node).length_type); } else { assert (node is Method || node is Parameter || node is Delegate); return get_ccode_attribute(node).array_length_type; } } public static bool get_ccode_array_null_terminated (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).array_null_terminated; } public static string? get_ccode_array_length_name (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).array_length_name; } public static string? get_ccode_array_length_expr (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).array_length_expr; } public static double get_ccode_array_length_pos (CodeNode node) { var a = node.get_attribute ("CCode"); if (a != null && a.has_argument ("array_length_pos")) { return a.get_double ("array_length_pos"); } if (node is Parameter) { unowned Parameter param = (Parameter) node; return get_ccode_pos (param) + 0.1; } else { return -3; } } public static double get_ccode_delegate_target_pos (CodeNode node) { var a = node.get_attribute ("CCode"); if (a != null && a.has_argument ("delegate_target_pos")) { return a.get_double ("delegate_target_pos"); } if (node is Parameter) { unowned Parameter param = (Parameter) node; return get_ccode_pos (param) + 0.1; } else { return -3; } } public static double get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos (CodeNode node) { var a = node.get_attribute ("CCode"); if (a != null && a.has_argument ("destroy_notify_pos")) { return a.get_double ("destroy_notify_pos"); } if (node is Parameter) { unowned Parameter param = (Parameter) node; return get_ccode_pos (param) + 0.1; } else { return -3; } } public static bool get_ccode_delegate_target (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).delegate_target; } public static string get_ccode_delegate_target_name (Variable variable) { return get_ccode_attribute(variable).delegate_target_name; } public static string get_ccode_delegate_target_destroy_notify_name (Variable variable) { return get_ccode_attribute(variable).delegate_target_destroy_notify_name; } public static double get_ccode_pos (Parameter param) { return get_ccode_attribute(param).pos; } public static string? get_ccode_type (CodeNode node) { return get_ccode_attribute(node).ctype; } public static bool get_ccode_simple_generics (Method m) { return m.get_attribute_bool ("CCode", "simple_generics"); } public static string get_ccode_real_name (Symbol sym) { return get_ccode_attribute(sym).real_name; } public static string get_ccode_constructv_name (CreationMethod m) { const string infix = "constructv"; unowned Class parent = (Class) m.parent_symbol; if (m.name == ".new") { return "%s%s".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_prefix (parent), infix); } else { return "%s%s_%s".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_prefix (parent), infix, m.name); } } public static string get_ccode_vfunc_name (Method m) { return get_ccode_attribute(m).vfunc_name; } public static double get_ccode_async_result_pos (Method m) { assert (m.coroutine); return m.get_attribute_double ("CCode", "async_result_pos", 0.1); } public static string get_ccode_finish_name (Method m) { return get_ccode_attribute(m).finish_name; } public static string get_ccode_finish_vfunc_name (Method m) { return get_ccode_attribute(m).finish_vfunc_name; } public static string get_ccode_finish_real_name (Method m) { return get_ccode_attribute(m).finish_real_name; } public static bool get_ccode_no_accessor_method (Property p) { return p.get_attribute ("NoAccessorMethod") != null; } public static bool get_ccode_concrete_accessor (Property p) { return p.get_attribute ("ConcreteAccessor") != null; } public static bool get_ccode_has_emitter (Signal sig) { return sig.get_attribute ("HasEmitter") != null; } public static bool get_ccode_has_type_id (TypeSymbol sym) { return sym.get_attribute_bool ("CCode", "has_type_id", true); } public static bool get_ccode_has_new_function (Method m) { return m.get_attribute_bool ("CCode", "has_new_function", true); } public static bool get_ccode_has_generic_type_parameter (Method m) { var a = m.get_attribute ("CCode"); return a != null && a.has_argument ("generic_type_pos"); } public static double get_ccode_generic_type_pos (Method m) { return m.get_attribute_double ("CCode", "generic_type_pos"); } public static string get_ccode_sentinel (Method m) { return get_ccode_attribute(m).sentinel; } }