/* valaccodecontrolflowmodule.vala * * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Jürg Billeter * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Raffaele Sandrini * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter * Raffaele Sandrini */ using GLib; public abstract class Vala.CCodeControlFlowModule : CCodeMethodModule { public override void visit_if_statement (IfStatement stmt) { ccode.open_if (get_cvalue (stmt.condition)); stmt.true_statement.emit (this); if (stmt.false_statement != null) { ccode.add_else (); stmt.false_statement.emit (this); } ccode.close (); } void visit_string_switch_statement (SwitchStatement stmt) { // we need a temporary variable to save the property value var temp_value = create_temp_value (stmt.expression.value_type, false, stmt); var ctemp = get_cvalue_ (temp_value); var cinit = new CCodeAssignment (ctemp, get_cvalue (stmt.expression)); var czero = new CCodeConstant ("0"); var free_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_free")); free_call.add_argument (ctemp); var cisnull = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.EQUALITY, new CCodeConstant ("NULL"), ctemp); var cquark = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_quark_from_string")); cquark.add_argument (ctemp); var ccond = new CCodeConditionalExpression (cisnull, new CCodeConstant ("0"), cquark); int label_temp_id = next_temp_var_id++; temp_value = create_temp_value (gquark_type, true, stmt); int label_count = 0; foreach (SwitchSection section in stmt.get_sections ()) { if (section.has_default_label ()) { continue; } foreach (SwitchLabel label in section.get_labels ()) { label.expression.emit (this); var cexpr = get_cvalue (label.expression); if (is_constant_ccode_expression (cexpr)) { var cname = "_tmp%d_label%d".printf (label_temp_id, label_count++); ccode.add_declaration (get_ccode_name (gquark_type), new CCodeVariableDeclarator (cname, czero), CCodeModifiers.STATIC); } } } ccode.add_expression (cinit); ctemp = get_cvalue_ (temp_value); cinit = new CCodeAssignment (ctemp, ccond); ccode.add_expression (cinit); if (stmt.expression.value_type.value_owned) { // free owned string ccode.add_expression (free_call); } SwitchSection default_section = null; label_count = 0; int n = 0; foreach (SwitchSection section in stmt.get_sections ()) { if (section.has_default_label ()) { default_section = section; continue; } CCodeBinaryExpression cor = null; foreach (SwitchLabel label in section.get_labels ()) { label.expression.emit (this); var cexpr = get_cvalue (label.expression); if (is_constant_ccode_expression (cexpr)) { var cname = new CCodeIdentifier ("_tmp%d_label%d".printf (label_temp_id, label_count++)); var ccondition = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.INEQUALITY, czero, cname); var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_quark_from_static_string")); cinit = new CCodeAssignment (cname, ccall); ccall.add_argument (cexpr); cexpr = new CCodeConditionalExpression (ccondition, cname, cinit); } else { var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_quark_from_string")); ccall.add_argument (cexpr); cexpr = ccall; } var ccmp = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.EQUALITY, ctemp, cexpr); if (cor == null) { cor = ccmp; } else { cor = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.OR, cor, ccmp); } } if (n > 0) { ccode.else_if (cor); } else { ccode.open_if (cor); } ccode.open_switch (new CCodeConstant ("0")); ccode.add_default (); section.emit (this); ccode.close (); n++; } if (default_section != null) { if (n > 0) { ccode.add_else (); } ccode.open_switch (new CCodeConstant ("0")); ccode.add_default (); default_section.emit (this); ccode.close (); } if (n > 0) { ccode.close (); } } public override void visit_switch_statement (SwitchStatement stmt) { if (stmt.expression.value_type.compatible (string_type)) { visit_string_switch_statement (stmt); return; } ccode.open_switch (get_cvalue (stmt.expression)); bool has_default = false; foreach (SwitchSection section in stmt.get_sections ()) { if (section.has_default_label ()) { ccode.add_default (); has_default = true; } section.emit (this); } if (!has_default) { // silence C compiler ccode.add_default (); ccode.add_break (); } ccode.close (); } public override void visit_switch_label (SwitchLabel label) { if (((SwitchStatement) label.section.parent_node).expression.value_type.compatible (string_type)) { return; } if (label.expression != null) { label.expression.emit (this); visit_end_full_expression (label.expression); ccode.add_case (get_cvalue (label.expression)); } } public override void visit_loop (Loop stmt) { if (context.profile == Profile.GOBJECT) { ccode.open_while (new CCodeConstant ("TRUE")); } else { cfile.add_include ("stdbool.h"); ccode.open_while (new CCodeConstant ("true")); } stmt.body.emit (this); ccode.close (); } public override void visit_foreach_statement (ForeachStatement stmt) { ccode.open_block (); var collection_backup = stmt.collection_variable; var collection_type = collection_backup.variable_type; var array_type = collection_type as ArrayType; if (array_type != null) { // avoid assignment issues array_type.inline_allocated = false; array_type.fixed_length = false; } visit_local_variable (collection_backup); ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (collection_backup)), get_cvalue (stmt.collection)); if (stmt.tree_can_fail && stmt.collection.tree_can_fail) { // exception handling add_simple_check (stmt.collection); } if (stmt.collection.value_type is ArrayType) { array_type = (ArrayType) stmt.collection.value_type; var array_len = get_array_length_cexpression (stmt.collection); // store array length for use by _vala_array_free ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression (get_array_length_cname (get_local_cname (collection_backup), 1)), array_len); var iterator_variable = new LocalVariable (array_type.length_type.copy (), stmt.variable_name + "_it"); visit_local_variable (iterator_variable); var it_name = get_local_cname (iterator_variable); var ccond = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.LESS_THAN, get_variable_cexpression (it_name), array_len); ccode.open_for (new CCodeAssignment (get_variable_cexpression (it_name), new CCodeConstant ("0")), ccond, new CCodeAssignment (get_variable_cexpression (it_name), new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.PLUS, get_variable_cexpression (it_name), new CCodeConstant ("1")))); CCodeExpression element_expr = new CCodeElementAccess (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (collection_backup)), get_variable_cexpression (it_name)); var element_type = array_type.element_type.copy (); element_type.value_owned = false; element_expr = get_cvalue_ (transform_value (new GLibValue (element_type, element_expr, true), stmt.type_reference, stmt)); visit_local_variable (stmt.element_variable); ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (stmt.element_variable)), element_expr); // set array length for stacked arrays if (stmt.type_reference is ArrayType) { var inner_array_type = (ArrayType) stmt.type_reference; for (int dim = 1; dim <= inner_array_type.rank; dim++) { ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression (get_array_length_cname (get_local_cname (stmt.element_variable), dim)), new CCodeConstant ("-1")); } } stmt.body.emit (this); ccode.close (); } else if (stmt.collection.value_type.compatible (new ObjectType (glist_type)) || stmt.collection.value_type.compatible (new ObjectType (gslist_type))) { // iterating over a GList or GSList var iterator_variable = new LocalVariable (collection_type.copy (), stmt.variable_name + "_it"); visit_local_variable (iterator_variable); var it_name = get_local_cname (iterator_variable); var ccond = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.INEQUALITY, get_variable_cexpression (it_name), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); ccode.open_for (new CCodeAssignment (get_variable_cexpression (it_name), get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (collection_backup))), ccond, new CCodeAssignment (get_variable_cexpression (it_name), new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (get_variable_cexpression (it_name), "next"))); CCodeExpression element_expr = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (get_variable_cexpression (it_name), "data"); if (collection_type.get_type_arguments ().size != 1) { Report.error (stmt.source_reference, "internal error: missing generic type argument"); stmt.error = true; return; } var element_data_type = collection_type.get_type_arguments ().get (0).copy (); element_data_type.value_owned = false; element_expr = convert_from_generic_pointer (element_expr, element_data_type); element_expr = get_cvalue_ (transform_value (new GLibValue (element_data_type, element_expr), stmt.type_reference, stmt)); visit_local_variable (stmt.element_variable); ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (stmt.element_variable)), element_expr); stmt.body.emit (this); ccode.close (); } else if (stmt.collection.value_type.compatible (new ObjectType (gvaluearray_type))) { // iterating over a GValueArray var iterator_variable = new LocalVariable (uint_type.copy (), "%s_index".printf (stmt.variable_name)); visit_local_variable (iterator_variable); var arr_index = get_variable_cname (get_local_cname (iterator_variable)); var ccond = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.LESS_THAN, get_variable_cexpression (arr_index), new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (collection_backup)), "n_values")); ccode.open_for (new CCodeAssignment (get_variable_cexpression (arr_index), new CCodeConstant ("0")), ccond, new CCodeAssignment (get_variable_cexpression (arr_index), new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.PLUS, get_variable_cexpression (arr_index), new CCodeConstant ("1")))); var get_item = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_array_get_nth")); get_item.add_argument (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (collection_backup))); get_item.add_argument (get_variable_cexpression (arr_index)); CCodeExpression element_expr = new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.POINTER_INDIRECTION, get_item); if (stmt.type_reference.value_owned) { element_expr = get_cvalue_ (copy_value (new GLibValue (stmt.type_reference, element_expr), new StructValueType (gvalue_type))); } visit_local_variable (stmt.element_variable); ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (stmt.element_variable)), element_expr); stmt.body.emit (this); ccode.close (); } foreach (LocalVariable local in stmt.get_local_variables ()) { if (requires_destroy (local.variable_type)) { ccode.add_expression (destroy_local (local)); } } ccode.close (); } public override void visit_break_statement (BreakStatement stmt) { append_local_free (current_symbol, true); ccode.add_break (); } public override void visit_continue_statement (ContinueStatement stmt) { append_local_free (current_symbol, true); ccode.add_continue (); } }