/* valaccodemethodcallmodule.vala * * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jürg Billeter * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Raffaele Sandrini * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter * Raffaele Sandrini */ using GLib; public class Vala.CCodeMethodCallModule : CCodeAssignmentModule { public override void visit_method_call (MethodCall expr) { // the bare function call var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (get_cvalue (expr.call)); CCodeFunctionCall async_call = null; CCodeFunctionCall finish_call = null; Method m = null; Delegate deleg = null; List params; var ma = expr.call as MemberAccess; var itype = expr.call.value_type; params = itype.get_parameters (); if (itype is MethodType) { assert (ma != null); m = ((MethodType) itype).method_symbol; if (!get_ccode_simple_generics (m)) { context.analyzer.check_type_arguments (ma); } if (ma.inner != null && ma.inner.value_type is EnumValueType && ((EnumValueType) ma.inner.value_type).get_to_string_method() == m) { // Enum.VALUE.to_string() unowned Enum en = (Enum) ma.inner.value_type.type_symbol; ccall.call = new CCodeIdentifier (generate_enum_to_string_function (en)); } else if (context.profile == Profile.POSIX && ma.inner != null && ma.inner.value_type != null && ma.inner.value_type.type_symbol == string_type.type_symbol && ma.member_name == "printf") { ccall.call = new CCodeIdentifier (generate_string_printf_function ()); } else if (expr.is_constructv_chainup) { ccall.call = new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_constructv_name ((CreationMethod) m)); } } else if (itype is SignalType) { var sig_type = (SignalType) itype; if (ma != null && ma.inner is BaseAccess && sig_type.signal_symbol.is_virtual) { m = sig_type.signal_symbol.default_handler; } else { ccall = (CCodeFunctionCall) get_cvalue (expr.call); } } else if (itype is ObjectType) { // constructor var cl = (Class) ((ObjectType) itype).type_symbol; m = cl.default_construction_method; generate_method_declaration (m, cfile); var real_name = get_ccode_real_name (m); if (expr.is_constructv_chainup) { real_name = get_ccode_constructv_name ((CreationMethod) m); } ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (real_name)); } else if (itype is StructValueType) { // constructor var st = (Struct) ((StructValueType) itype).type_symbol; m = st.default_construction_method; generate_method_declaration (m, cfile); ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_real_name (m))); } else if (itype is DelegateType) { deleg = ((DelegateType) itype).delegate_symbol; } var in_arg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); var out_arg_map = in_arg_map; if (m != null && m.coroutine) { // async call async_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (m))); finish_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_finish_name (m))); if (ma.inner is BaseAccess) { CCodeExpression? vcast = null; if (m.base_method != null) { unowned Class base_class = (Class) m.base_method.parent_symbol; vcast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_class_type_function (base_class))); ((CCodeFunctionCall) vcast).add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_parent_class".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_name (current_class)))); } else if (m.base_interface_method != null) { unowned Interface base_iface = (Interface) m.base_interface_method.parent_symbol; vcast = get_this_interface_cexpression (base_iface); } if (vcast != null) { async_call.call = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (vcast, get_ccode_vfunc_name (m)); finish_call.call = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (vcast, get_ccode_finish_vfunc_name (m)); } } else if (m != null && get_ccode_no_wrapper (m) && m.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE && !(m is CreationMethod)) { var instance_value = ma.inner.target_value; if ((ma.member_name == "begin" || ma.member_name == "end") && ma.inner.symbol_reference == ma.symbol_reference) { var inner_ma = (MemberAccess) ma.inner; instance_value = inner_ma.inner.target_value; } CCodeExpression? vcast = null; if (m.parent_symbol is Class) { unowned Class base_class = (Class) m.parent_symbol; vcast = get_this_class_cexpression (base_class, instance_value); } else if (m.parent_symbol is Interface) { unowned Interface base_iface = (Interface) m.parent_symbol; vcast = get_this_interface_cexpression (base_iface, instance_value); } if (vcast != null) { async_call.call = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (vcast, get_ccode_vfunc_name (m)); finish_call.call = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (vcast, get_ccode_finish_vfunc_name (m)); } } if (ma.member_name == "begin" && ma.inner.symbol_reference == ma.symbol_reference) { // no finish call ccall = async_call; params = m.get_async_begin_parameters (); } else if (ma.member_name == "end" && ma.inner.symbol_reference == ma.symbol_reference) { // no async call ccall = finish_call; params = m.get_async_end_parameters (); } else if (!expr.is_yield_expression) { // same as .begin, backwards compatible to bindings without async methods ccall = async_call; params = m.get_async_begin_parameters (); } else { ccall = finish_call; // output arguments used separately out_arg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); // pass GAsyncResult stored in closure to finish function out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_async_result_pos (m)), get_variable_cexpression ("_res_")); } } if (m is CreationMethod && m.parent_symbol is Class) { if (context.profile == Profile.GOBJECT) { if (!((Class) m.parent_symbol).is_compact) { ccall.add_argument (get_variable_cexpression ("object_type")); } } else { ccall.add_argument (get_this_cexpression ()); } if (!current_class.is_compact) { if (current_class != m.parent_symbol) { // chain up to base class foreach (DataType base_type in current_class.get_base_types ()) { if (base_type.type_symbol is Class) { List type_parameters = null; if (get_ccode_real_name (m) == "g_object_new") { // gobject-style chainup type_parameters = ((Class) base_type.type_symbol).get_type_parameters (); } add_generic_type_arguments (m, in_arg_map, base_type.get_type_arguments (), expr, true, type_parameters); break; } } } else { // chain up to other constructor in same class int type_param_index = 0; var cl = (Class) m.parent_symbol; foreach (TypeParameter type_param in cl.get_type_parameters ()) { in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (0.1 * type_param_index + 0.01), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_type_id (type_param))); in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (0.1 * type_param_index + 0.02), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_copy_function (type_param))); in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (0.1 * type_param_index + 0.03), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_destroy_function (type_param))); type_param_index++; } } } else if (current_class.is_subtype_of (gsource_type)) { // g_source_new string class_prefix = get_ccode_lower_case_name (current_class); string prepare_func = "NULL"; string check_func = "NULL"; foreach (Method impl in current_class.get_methods ()) { if (!impl.overrides) { continue; } switch (impl.name) { case "prepare": prepare_func = "%s_real_prepare".printf (class_prefix); break; case "check": check_func = "%s_real_check".printf (class_prefix); break; default: break; } } var funcs = new CCodeDeclaration ("const GSourceFuncs"); funcs.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC; funcs.add_declarator (new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("_source_funcs", new CCodeConstant ("{ %s, %s, %s_real_dispatch, %s_finalize}".printf (prepare_func, check_func, class_prefix, class_prefix)))); ccode.add_statement (funcs); ccall.add_argument (new CCodeCastExpression (new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, new CCodeIdentifier ("_source_funcs")), "GSourceFuncs *")); var csizeof = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("sizeof")); csizeof.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (current_class))); ccall.add_argument (csizeof); } else if (current_class.base_class != null && get_ccode_simple_generics (m)) { if (current_class != m.parent_symbol) { foreach (DataType base_type in current_class.get_base_types ()) { if (base_type.type_symbol is Class) { add_generic_type_arguments (m, in_arg_map, base_type.get_type_arguments (), expr); break; } } } else { // TODO: simple generics are only supported in bindings. } } } else if (m is CreationMethod && m.parent_symbol is Struct) { ccall.add_argument (get_this_cexpression ()); } else if (m != null && m.has_type_parameters () && !get_ccode_has_generic_type_parameter (m) && !get_ccode_simple_generics (m) && (ccall != finish_call || expr.is_yield_expression)) { // generic method // don't add generic arguments for .end() calls add_generic_type_arguments (m, in_arg_map, ma.get_type_arguments (), expr); } // the complete call expression, might include casts, comma expressions, and/or assignments CCodeExpression ccall_expr = ccall; if (m is ArrayResizeMethod && context.profile != Profile.POSIX) { var array_type = (ArrayType) ma.inner.value_type; in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (0), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (array_type.element_type))); } else if (m is ArrayMoveMethod) { requires_array_move = true; } else if (m is ArrayCopyMethod) { expr.target_value = copy_value (ma.inner.target_value, expr); return; } CCodeExpression instance = null; if (m != null && m.is_async_callback) { if (current_method.closure) { var block = ((Method) m.parent_symbol).body; instance = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (get_variable_cexpression ("_data%d_".printf (get_block_id (block))), "_async_data_"); } else { instance = new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_"); } in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), instance); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), instance); } else if (m != null && m.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE && !(m is CreationMethod)) { var instance_value = ma.inner.target_value; if ((ma.member_name == "begin" || ma.member_name == "end") && ma.inner.symbol_reference == ma.symbol_reference) { var inner_ma = (MemberAccess) ma.inner; instance_value = inner_ma.inner.target_value; } instance = get_cvalue_ (instance_value); var st = m.parent_symbol as Struct; if (st != null && !st.is_simple_type ()) { // we need to pass struct instance by reference if (!get_lvalue (instance_value)) { instance_value = store_temp_value (instance_value, expr); } instance = new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_cvalue_ (instance_value)); } if (!m.coroutine) { in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), instance); } else if (expr.is_yield_expression) { in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), instance); if (get_ccode_finish_instance (m)) { out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), instance); } } else if (ma.member_name != "end" || get_ccode_finish_instance (m)) { out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), instance); in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), instance); } } else if (m != null && m.binding == MemberBinding.CLASS) { unowned Class cl = (Class) m.parent_symbol; var cast = get_this_class_cexpression (cl, ma.inner != null ? ma.inner.target_value : null); in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), cast); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (m)), cast); } if (m != null && get_ccode_has_generic_type_parameter (m)) { // insert type argument for macros if (m.has_type_parameters ()) { // generic method int type_param_index = 0; foreach (var type_arg in ma.get_type_arguments ()) { // real structs are passed by reference for simple generics if (get_ccode_simple_generics (m) && type_arg.is_real_struct_type () && !type_arg.nullable && !(type_arg is PointerType)) { type_arg = new PointerType (type_arg); } in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_generic_type_pos (m) + 0.01 * type_param_index), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (type_arg))); type_param_index++; } } else { // method in generic type int type_param_index = 0; foreach (var type_arg in ma.inner.value_type.get_type_arguments ()) { in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_generic_type_pos (m) + 0.01 * type_param_index), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (type_arg))); type_param_index++; } } } if (m is ArrayMoveMethod) { var array_type = (ArrayType) ma.inner.value_type; var csizeof = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("sizeof")); csizeof.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (array_type.element_type))); in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (0.1), csizeof); } else if (m is DynamicMethod) { emit_context.push_symbol (m); m.clear_parameters (); int param_nr = 1; foreach (Expression arg in expr.get_argument_list ()) { var unary = arg as UnaryExpression; if (unary != null && unary.operator == UnaryOperator.OUT) { // out argument var param = new Parameter ("param%d".printf (param_nr), unary.inner.value_type); param.direction = ParameterDirection.OUT; m.add_parameter (param); } else if (unary != null && unary.operator == UnaryOperator.REF) { // ref argument var param = new Parameter ("param%d".printf (param_nr), unary.inner.value_type); param.direction = ParameterDirection.REF; m.add_parameter (param); } else { // in argument m.add_parameter (new Parameter ("param%d".printf (param_nr), arg.value_type)); } param_nr++; } foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { param.accept (this); } generate_dynamic_method_wrapper ((DynamicMethod) m); emit_context.pop_symbol (); } else if (m is CreationMethod && context.profile == Profile.GOBJECT && m.parent_symbol is Class) { ccode.add_assignment (get_this_cexpression (), new CCodeCastExpression (ccall, get_ccode_name (current_class) + "*")); if (current_method.body.captured) { // capture self after setting it var ref_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (get_dup_func_expression (new ObjectType (current_class), expr.source_reference)); ref_call.add_argument (get_this_cexpression ()); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (get_variable_cexpression ("_data%d_".printf (get_block_id (current_method.body))), "self"), ref_call); } if (!current_class.is_compact && current_class.has_type_parameters ()) { /* type, dup func, and destroy func fields for generic types */ var priv_access = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeIdentifier ("self"), "priv"); foreach (TypeParameter type_param in current_class.get_type_parameters ()) { var type = get_ccode_type_id (type_param); var dup_func = get_ccode_copy_function (type_param); var destroy_func = get_ccode_destroy_function (type_param); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (priv_access, type), new CCodeIdentifier (type)); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (priv_access, dup_func), new CCodeIdentifier (dup_func)); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (priv_access, destroy_func), new CCodeIdentifier (destroy_func)); } } // object chainup can't be used as expression ccall_expr = null; } bool ellipsis = false; int i = 1; int arg_pos; Iterator params_it = params.iterator (); foreach (Expression arg in expr.get_argument_list ()) { CCodeExpression cexpr = get_cvalue (arg); var carg_map = in_arg_map; Parameter? param = null; if (params_it.next ()) { param = params_it.get (); ellipsis = param.params_array || param.ellipsis; } if (param != null && !ellipsis) { if (param.direction == ParameterDirection.OUT) { carg_map = out_arg_map; } var unary = arg as UnaryExpression; if (unary == null || unary.operator != UnaryOperator.OUT) { if (get_ccode_array_length (param) && param.variable_type is ArrayType && !((ArrayType) param.variable_type).fixed_length) { var array_type = (ArrayType) param.variable_type; var length_ctype = get_ccode_array_length_type (param); if (unary != null && unary.operator == UnaryOperator.REF) { length_ctype = "%s*".printf (length_ctype); } for (int dim = 1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) { var array_length_expr = new CCodeCastExpression (get_array_length_cexpression (arg, dim), length_ctype); carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_array_length_pos (param) + 0.01 * dim), array_length_expr); } } else if (get_ccode_delegate_target (param) && param.variable_type is DelegateType) { var deleg_type = (DelegateType) param.variable_type; if (deleg_type.delegate_symbol.has_target) { CCodeExpression delegate_target_destroy_notify; var delegate_target = get_delegate_target_cexpression (arg, out delegate_target_destroy_notify); assert (delegate_target != null); if (get_ccode_type (param) == "GClosure*") { // one single GClosure parameter var closure_new = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_cclosure_new")); closure_new.add_argument (new CCodeCastExpression (cexpr, "GCallback")); closure_new.add_argument (delegate_target); closure_new.add_argument (new CCodeCastExpression (delegate_target_destroy_notify, "GClosureNotify")); cexpr = new CCodeConditionalExpression (new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.EQUALITY, cexpr, new CCodeConstant ("NULL")), new CCodeConstant ("NULL"), closure_new); } else { // Override previously given target/destroy only if it was NULL // TODO https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vala/issues/59 var node = carg_map.get (get_param_pos (get_ccode_delegate_target_pos (param))); if (node == null || (node is CCodeConstant && ((CCodeConstant) node).name == "NULL")) { carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_delegate_target_pos (param)), delegate_target); if (deleg_type.is_disposable ()) { assert (delegate_target_destroy_notify != null); carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos (param)), delegate_target_destroy_notify); } } } } } else if (param.variable_type is MethodType) { // callbacks in dynamic method calls CCodeExpression delegate_target_destroy_notify; carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_delegate_target_pos (param)), get_delegate_target_cexpression (arg, out delegate_target_destroy_notify)); } else if (param.variable_type is GenericType) { if (m != null && get_ccode_simple_generics (m)) { var generic_type = (GenericType) param.variable_type; int type_param_index = m.get_type_parameter_index (generic_type.type_parameter.name); var type_arg = ma.get_type_arguments ().get (type_param_index); if (param.variable_type.value_owned) { if (requires_copy (type_arg)) { carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos (param)), get_destroy_func_expression (type_arg)); } else { carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos (param)), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } } } } cexpr = handle_struct_argument (param, arg, cexpr); } else { arg.target_value = null; var temp_var = get_temp_variable (param.variable_type, param.variable_type.value_owned, null, true); emit_temp_var (temp_var); set_cvalue (arg, get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name)); arg.target_value.value_type = arg.target_type; cexpr = new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_cvalue (arg)); if (get_ccode_array_length (param) && param.variable_type is ArrayType && !((ArrayType) param.variable_type).fixed_length) { var array_type = (ArrayType) param.variable_type; var length_ctype = get_ccode_array_length_type (param); for (int dim = 1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) { var temp_array_length = get_temp_variable (new CType (length_ctype, "0"), true, null, true); emit_temp_var (temp_array_length); append_array_length (arg, get_variable_cexpression (temp_array_length.name)); carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_array_length_pos (param) + 0.01 * dim), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_array_lengths (arg).get (dim - 1))); } } else if (get_ccode_delegate_target (param) && param.variable_type is DelegateType) { var deleg_type = (DelegateType) param.variable_type; if (deleg_type.delegate_symbol.has_target) { temp_var = get_temp_variable (delegate_target_type, true, null, true); emit_temp_var (temp_var); set_delegate_target (arg, get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name)); carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_delegate_target_pos (param)), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_delegate_target (arg))); if (deleg_type.is_disposable ()) { temp_var = get_temp_variable (delegate_target_destroy_type, true, null, true); emit_temp_var (temp_var); set_delegate_target_destroy_notify (arg, get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name)); carg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos (param)), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_delegate_target_destroy_notify (arg))); } } } } if (get_ccode_type (param) != null) { cexpr = new CCodeCastExpression (cexpr, get_ccode_type (param)); } } else { // ellipsis arguments var unary = arg as UnaryExpression; if (ellipsis && unary != null && unary.operator == UnaryOperator.OUT) { carg_map = out_arg_map; arg.target_value = null; // infer type and ownership from argument expression var temp_var = get_temp_variable (arg.value_type, arg.value_type.value_owned, null, true); emit_temp_var (temp_var); set_cvalue (arg, get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name)); arg.target_value.value_type = arg.value_type; if (arg.value_type is DelegateType && ((DelegateType) arg.value_type).delegate_symbol.has_target) { // Initialize target/destroy cvalues to allow assignment of delegates from varargs unowned GLibValue arg_value = (GLibValue) arg.target_value; if (arg_value.delegate_target_cvalue == null) { arg_value.delegate_target_cvalue = new CCodeConstant ("NULL"); } if (arg_value.delegate_target_destroy_notify_cvalue == null) { arg_value.delegate_target_destroy_notify_cvalue = new CCodeConstant ("NULL"); } } cexpr = new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_cvalue (arg)); } else { cexpr = handle_struct_argument (null, arg, cexpr); } } arg_pos = get_param_pos (param != null && !ellipsis ? get_ccode_pos (param) : i, ellipsis); carg_map.set (arg_pos, cexpr); if (m is ArrayResizeMethod && context.profile == Profile.POSIX) { var csizeof = new CCodeIdentifier ("sizeof (%s)".printf (get_ccode_name (((ArrayType) ma.inner.value_type).element_type))); carg_map.set (arg_pos, new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.MUL, csizeof, cexpr)); } else { carg_map.set (arg_pos, cexpr); } if (arg is NamedArgument && ellipsis) { var named_arg = (NamedArgument) arg; string name = string.joinv ("-", named_arg.name.split ("_")); carg_map.set (get_param_pos (i - 0.1, ellipsis), new CCodeConstant ("\"%s\"".printf (name))); } i++; } if (params_it.next ()) { var param = params_it.get (); /* if there are more parameters than arguments, * the additional parameter is an ellipsis parameter * otherwise there is a bug in the semantic analyzer */ assert (param.params_array || param.ellipsis); ellipsis = true; } /* add length argument for methods returning arrays */ if (m != null && m.return_type is ArrayType && async_call != ccall) { var array_type = (ArrayType) m.return_type; for (int dim = 1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) { if (get_ccode_array_null_terminated (m)) { // handle calls to methods returning null-terminated arrays var temp_var = get_temp_variable (itype.get_return_type (), true, null, false); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); ccall_expr = new CCodeAssignment (temp_ref, ccall_expr); requires_array_length = true; var len_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("_vala_array_length")); len_call.add_argument (temp_ref); append_array_length (expr, len_call); } else if (get_ccode_array_length (m)) { var length_ctype = get_ccode_array_length_type (m); var temp_var = get_temp_variable (new CType (length_ctype, "0"), true, null, true); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_array_length_pos (m) + 0.01 * dim), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, temp_ref)); append_array_length (expr, temp_ref); } else if (get_ccode_array_length_expr (m) != null) { append_array_length (expr, new CCodeConstant (get_ccode_array_length_expr (m))); } else { append_array_length (expr, new CCodeConstant ("-1")); } } } else if (m != null && m.return_type is DelegateType && async_call != ccall) { var deleg_type = (DelegateType) m.return_type; if (get_ccode_delegate_target (m) && deleg_type.delegate_symbol.has_target) { var temp_var = get_temp_variable (delegate_target_type, true, null, true); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_delegate_target_pos (m)), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, temp_ref)); set_delegate_target (expr, temp_ref); if (deleg_type.is_disposable ()) { temp_var = get_temp_variable (delegate_target_destroy_type, true, null, true); temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos (m)), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, temp_ref)); set_delegate_target_destroy_notify (expr, temp_ref); } else { set_delegate_target_destroy_notify (expr, new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } } else { set_delegate_target (expr, new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); if (deleg_type.delegate_symbol.has_target) { set_delegate_target_destroy_notify (expr, new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } } } // add length argument for delegates returning arrays // TODO: avoid code duplication with methods returning arrays, see above if (deleg != null && deleg.return_type is ArrayType) { var array_type = (ArrayType) deleg.return_type; for (int dim = 1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) { if (get_ccode_array_null_terminated (deleg)) { // handle calls to methods returning null-terminated arrays var temp_var = get_temp_variable (itype.get_return_type (), true, null, false); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); ccall_expr = new CCodeAssignment (temp_ref, ccall_expr); requires_array_length = true; var len_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("_vala_array_length")); len_call.add_argument (temp_ref); append_array_length (expr, len_call); } else if (get_ccode_array_length (deleg)) { var length_ctype = get_ccode_array_length_type (deleg); var temp_var = get_temp_variable (new CType (length_ctype, "0"), true, null, true); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_array_length_pos (deleg) + 0.01 * dim), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, temp_ref)); append_array_length (expr, temp_ref); } else { append_array_length (expr, new CCodeConstant ("-1")); } } } else if (deleg != null && deleg.return_type is DelegateType && get_ccode_delegate_target (deleg)) { var deleg_type = (DelegateType) deleg.return_type; if (deleg_type.delegate_symbol.has_target) { var temp_var = get_temp_variable (delegate_target_type, true, null, true); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_delegate_target_pos (deleg)), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, temp_ref)); set_delegate_target (expr, temp_ref); if (deleg_type.is_disposable ()) { temp_var = get_temp_variable (delegate_target_destroy_type, true, null, true); temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos (deleg)), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, temp_ref)); set_delegate_target_destroy_notify (expr, temp_ref); } } } if (m != null && m.coroutine) { if (expr.is_yield_expression) { // asynchronous call in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (-1), new CCodeIdentifier (generate_ready_function (current_method))); in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (-0.9), new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_")); } } if (expr.tree_can_fail) { // method can fail current_method_inner_error = true; // add &inner_error before the ellipsis arguments out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_error_pos ((Callable) m ?? deleg)), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_inner_error_cexpression ())); } else if (m != null && m.has_error_type_parameter () && async_call != ccall) { // inferred error argument from base method out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_error_pos (m)), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } if (ellipsis) { /* ensure variable argument list ends with NULL * except when using printf-style arguments */ if (m == null) { in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (-1, true), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } else if (!m.printf_format && !m.scanf_format && get_ccode_sentinel (m) != "" && !expr.is_constructv_chainup) { in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (-1, true), new CCodeConstant (get_ccode_sentinel (m))); } } if (deleg != null && deleg.has_target) { CCodeExpression delegate_target_destroy_notify; in_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (deleg)), get_delegate_target_cexpression (expr.call, out delegate_target_destroy_notify)); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (get_ccode_instance_pos (deleg)), get_delegate_target_cexpression (expr.call, out delegate_target_destroy_notify)); } // structs are returned via out parameter bool return_result_via_out_param = itype.get_return_type ().is_real_non_null_struct_type (); // pass address for the return value of non-void signals without emitter functions if (itype is SignalType && !(itype.get_return_type () is VoidType)) { var sig = ((SignalType) itype).signal_symbol; if (ma != null && ma.inner is BaseAccess && sig.is_virtual) { // normal return value for base access } else if (!get_ccode_has_emitter (sig) || ma.source_reference.file == sig.source_reference.file) { return_result_via_out_param = true; } } if (async_call == ccall) { // skip out parameter for .begin() calls return_result_via_out_param = false; } CCodeExpression out_param_ref = null; if (return_result_via_out_param) { var out_param_var = get_temp_variable (itype.get_return_type (), true, null, true); out_param_ref = get_variable_cexpression (out_param_var.name); emit_temp_var (out_param_var); out_arg_map.set (get_param_pos (-3), new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, out_param_ref)); } // append C arguments in the right order int last_pos; int min_pos; if (async_call != ccall) { // don't append out arguments for .begin() calls last_pos = -1; while (true) { min_pos = -1; foreach (int pos in out_arg_map.get_keys ()) { if (pos > last_pos && (min_pos == -1 || pos < min_pos)) { min_pos = pos; } } if (min_pos == -1) { break; } ccall.add_argument (out_arg_map.get (min_pos)); last_pos = min_pos; } } if (async_call != null) { last_pos = -1; while (true) { min_pos = -1; foreach (int pos in in_arg_map.get_keys ()) { if (pos > last_pos && (min_pos == -1 || pos < min_pos)) { min_pos = pos; } } if (min_pos == -1) { break; } async_call.add_argument (in_arg_map.get (min_pos)); last_pos = min_pos; } } if (expr.is_yield_expression) { // set state before calling async function to support immediate callbacks int state = emit_context.next_coroutine_state++; ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression ("_state_"), new CCodeConstant (state.to_string ())); ccode.add_expression (async_call); ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("FALSE")); ccode.add_label ("_state_%d".printf (state)); } if (expr.is_assert) { string message = ((string) expr.source_reference.begin.pos).substring (0, (int) (expr.source_reference.end.pos - expr.source_reference.begin.pos)); ccall.call = new CCodeIdentifier ("_vala_assert"); ccall.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("\"%s\"".printf (message.replace ("\n", " ").escape ("")))); requires_assert = true; } if (return_result_via_out_param) { ccode.add_expression (ccall_expr); ccall_expr = out_param_ref; } if (m != null && m.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE && m.returns_modified_pointer) { if (ma != null && ma.inner.symbol_reference is Property && ma.inner is MemberAccess) { var prop = (Property) ma.inner.symbol_reference; store_property (prop, ((MemberAccess) ma.inner).inner, new GLibValue (expr.value_type, ccall_expr)); ccall_expr = null; } else { ccall_expr = new CCodeAssignment (instance, ccall_expr); } } // real structs are passed by reference for simple generics if (m != null && get_ccode_simple_generics (m) && m.return_type is GenericType && expr.value_type.is_real_struct_type () && !expr.value_type.nullable && !(expr.value_type is PointerType)) { ccall_expr = new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.POINTER_INDIRECTION, new CCodeParenthesizedExpression (ccall_expr)); } if (m != null && get_ccode_type (m) != null && get_ccode_type (m) != get_ccode_name (m.return_type)) { // Bug 699956: Implement cast for method return type if [CCode type=] annotation is specified ccall_expr = new CCodeCastExpression (ccall_expr, get_ccode_name (m.return_type)); } if (m is ArrayResizeMethod) { // FIXME: size expression must not be evaluated twice at runtime (potential side effects) Iterator arg_it = expr.get_argument_list ().iterator (); arg_it.next (); var new_size = get_cvalue (arg_it.get ()); var array_type = (ArrayType) ma.inner.value_type; var temp_decl = get_temp_variable (array_type.length_type); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_decl.name); emit_temp_var (temp_decl); /* memset needs string.h */ cfile.add_include ("string.h"); var clen = get_array_length_cexpression (ma.inner, 1); var celems = get_cvalue (ma.inner); var csizeof = new CCodeIdentifier ("sizeof (%s)".printf (get_ccode_name (array_type.element_type))); var cdelta = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.MINUS, temp_ref, clen); var ccheck = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.GREATER_THAN, temp_ref, clen); var czero = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("memset")); czero.add_argument (new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.PLUS, celems, clen)); czero.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("0")); czero.add_argument (new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.MUL, csizeof, cdelta)); ccode.add_assignment (temp_ref, new_size); ccode.add_expression (ccall_expr); ccode.add_expression (new CCodeConditionalExpression (ccheck, czero, new CCodeConstant ("NULL"))); ccode.add_assignment (get_array_length_cexpression (ma.inner, 1), temp_ref); var array_var = ma.inner.symbol_reference; if (array_var != null && array_var.is_internal_symbol () && (array_var is LocalVariable || array_var is Field)) { ccode.add_assignment (get_array_size_cvalue (ma.inner.target_value), temp_ref); } return; } if (expr.parent_node is ExpressionStatement && !expr.value_type.is_disposable ()) { if (ccall_expr != null && !return_result_via_out_param) { ccode.add_expression (ccall_expr); } } else { var result_type = itype.get_return_type (); if (expr.formal_value_type is GenericType && !(expr.value_type is GenericType)) { var type_parameter = ((GenericType) expr.formal_value_type).type_parameter; var st = type_parameter.parent_symbol.parent_symbol as Struct; if (type_parameter.parent_symbol == garray_type || (st != null && get_ccode_name (st) == "va_list")) { // GArray and va_list don't use pointer-based generics // above logic copied from visit_expression () // TODO avoid code duplication result_type = expr.value_type; } if (st != null && get_ccode_name (st) == "va_list" && ma.member_name == "arg") { if (result_type is DelegateType && ((DelegateType) result_type).delegate_symbol.has_target) { set_cvalue (expr, null); // Initialize target/destroy cvalues to allow assignment of delegates from varargs unowned GLibValue arg_value = (GLibValue) expr.target_value; if (arg_value.delegate_target_cvalue == null) { arg_value.delegate_target_cvalue = new CCodeConstant ("NULL"); } if (arg_value.delegate_target_destroy_notify_cvalue == null) { arg_value.delegate_target_destroy_notify_cvalue = new CCodeConstant ("NULL"); } } } } if (m != null && m.get_format_arg_index () >= 0) { set_cvalue (expr, ccall_expr); } else if (m != null && m.get_attribute_bool ("CCode", "use_inplace", false)) { set_cvalue (expr, ccall_expr); } else if (!return_result_via_out_param && !has_ref_out_argument (expr) && (result_type is ValueType && !result_type.is_disposable ())) { set_cvalue (expr, ccall_expr); } else if (!return_result_via_out_param) { var temp_var = get_temp_variable (result_type, result_type.value_owned, null, false); var temp_ref = get_variable_cexpression (temp_var.name); emit_temp_var (temp_var); ccode.add_assignment (temp_ref, ccall_expr); set_cvalue (expr, temp_ref); ((GLibValue) expr.target_value).lvalue = true; } else { set_cvalue (expr, ccall_expr); ((GLibValue) expr.target_value).lvalue = true; } } params_it = params.iterator (); foreach (Expression arg in expr.get_argument_list ()) { Parameter param = null; if (params_it.next ()) { param = params_it.get (); } var unary = arg as UnaryExpression; // update possible stale _*_size_ variable if (unary != null && unary.operator == UnaryOperator.REF) { if (param != null && get_ccode_array_length (param) && param.variable_type is ArrayType && !((ArrayType) param.variable_type).fixed_length && ((ArrayType) param.variable_type).rank == 1) { unowned Variable? array_var = unary.inner.symbol_reference as Variable; if ((array_var is LocalVariable || array_var is Field) && array_var.is_internal_symbol () && array_var.variable_type is ArrayType && !((ArrayType) array_var.variable_type).fixed_length) { ccode.add_assignment (get_array_size_cvalue (unary.inner.target_value), get_array_length_cvalue (unary.inner.target_value, 1)); } } } if (unary == null || unary.operator != UnaryOperator.OUT) { continue; } if (requires_destroy (unary.inner.value_type)) { // unref old value ccode.add_expression (destroy_value (unary.inner.target_value)); } // infer type of out-parameter from argument if (ma.symbol_reference is DynamicMethod && unary.target_value.value_type == null) { unary.target_value.value_type = unary.inner.value_type.copy (); } // assign new value store_value (unary.inner.target_value, transform_value (unary.target_value, unary.inner.value_type, arg), expr.source_reference); // handle out null terminated arrays if (param != null && get_ccode_array_null_terminated (param)) { requires_array_length = true; var len_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("_vala_array_length")); len_call.add_argument (get_cvalue_ (unary.inner.target_value)); ccode.add_assignment (get_array_length_cvalue (unary.inner.target_value, 1), len_call); } } if (m is CreationMethod && m.parent_symbol is Class && ((current_class.is_compact && current_class.base_class != null) || current_class.is_subtype_of (gsource_type))) { var cinitcall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_instance_init".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_name (current_class, null)))); cinitcall.add_argument (get_this_cexpression ()); if (!current_class.is_compact) { cinitcall.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } ccode.add_expression (cinitcall); } } private string generate_enum_to_string_function (Enum en) { var to_string_func = "_%s_to_string".printf (get_ccode_lower_case_name (en)); if (!add_wrapper (to_string_func)) { // wrapper already defined return to_string_func; } // declaration var function = new CCodeFunction (to_string_func, "const char*"); function.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC; function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("value", get_ccode_name (en))); // definition push_context (new EmitContext ()); push_function (function); ccode.open_switch (new CCodeConstant ("value")); foreach (var enum_value in en.get_values ()) { ccode.add_case (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (enum_value))); ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("\""+get_ccode_name (enum_value)+"\"")); } ccode.close (); ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); // append to file cfile.add_function_declaration (function); cfile.add_function (function); pop_context (); return to_string_func; } bool has_ref_out_argument (MethodCall c) { foreach (var arg in c.get_argument_list ()) { unowned UnaryExpression? unary = arg as UnaryExpression; if (unary != null && (unary.operator == UnaryOperator.OUT || unary.operator == UnaryOperator.REF)) { return true; } } return false; } string generate_string_printf_function () { if (!add_wrapper ("string_printf")) { // wrapper already defined return "string_printf"; } // declaration var function = new CCodeFunction ("string_printf", "char*"); function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("format", "const char*")); function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter.with_ellipsis ()); function.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC | CCodeModifiers.PRINTF; // definition push_context (new EmitContext ()); push_function (function); ccode.add_declaration ("int", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("length")); ccode.add_declaration ("va_list", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("ap")); ccode.add_declaration ("char*", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("result")); var va_start = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("va_start")); va_start.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("ap")); va_start.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("format")); ccode.add_expression (va_start); if (context.profile == Profile.POSIX) { cfile.add_include ("stdio.h"); } var vsnprintf = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("vsnprintf")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("0")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("format")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("ap")); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("length"), new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.PLUS, vsnprintf, new CCodeConstant ("1"))); var va_end = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("va_end")); va_end.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("ap")); ccode.add_expression (va_end); var malloc = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("malloc")); malloc.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("length")); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("result"), malloc); va_start = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("va_start")); va_start.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("ap")); va_start.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("format")); ccode.add_expression (va_start); vsnprintf = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("vsnprintf")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("result")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("length")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("format")); vsnprintf.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("ap")); ccode.add_expression (vsnprintf); va_end = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("va_end")); va_end.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("ap")); ccode.add_expression (va_end); ccode.add_return (new CCodeIdentifier ("result")); // append to file cfile.add_include ("stdarg.h"); cfile.add_function_declaration (function); cfile.add_function (function); pop_context (); return "string_printf"; } }