/* valaarraytype.vala * * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter */ using GLib; /** * An array type. */ public class Vala.ArrayType : ReferenceType { /** * The element type. */ public DataType element_type { get { return _element_type; } set { _element_type = value; _element_type.parent_node = this; } } public bool invalid_syntax { get; set; } public bool inline_allocated { get; set; } public bool fixed_length { get; set; } /** * The length of this fixed-length array. */ public Expression? length { get { return _length; } set { _length = value; if (_length != null) { _length.parent_node = this; } } } /** * The rank of this array. */ public int rank { get; set; } private DataType _element_type; private Expression _length; private ArrayLengthField length_field; private ArrayResizeMethod resize_method; private ArrayMoveMethod move_method; private ArrayCopyMethod copy_method; public ArrayType (DataType element_type, int rank, SourceReference? source_reference) { this.element_type = element_type; this.rank = rank; this.source_reference = source_reference; } public override Symbol? get_member (string member_name) { if (member_name == "length") { return get_length_field (); } else if (member_name == "move") { return get_move_method (); } else if (member_name == "resize") { if (rank > 1) { return null; } return get_resize_method (); } else if (member_name == "copy") { return get_copy_method (); } return null; } private ArrayLengthField get_length_field () { if (length_field == null) { length_field = new ArrayLengthField (source_reference); length_field.access = SymbolAccessibility.PUBLIC; var root_symbol = source_reference.file.context.root; if (rank > 1) { // length is an int[] containing the dimensions of the array, starting at 0 ValueType integer = new IntegerType ((Struct) root_symbol.scope.lookup ("int")); length_field.variable_type = new ArrayType (integer, 1, source_reference); } else { length_field.variable_type = new IntegerType ((Struct) root_symbol.scope.lookup ("int")); } } return length_field; } private ArrayResizeMethod get_resize_method () { if (resize_method == null) { resize_method = new ArrayResizeMethod (source_reference); resize_method.return_type = new VoidType (); resize_method.access = SymbolAccessibility.PUBLIC; resize_method.set_attribute_string ("CCode", "cname", "g_renew"); var root_symbol = source_reference.file.context.root; var int_type = new IntegerType ((Struct) root_symbol.scope.lookup ("int")); resize_method.add_parameter (new Parameter ("length", int_type)); resize_method.returns_modified_pointer = true; } return resize_method; } private ArrayMoveMethod get_move_method () { if (move_method == null) { move_method = new ArrayMoveMethod (source_reference); move_method.return_type = new VoidType (); move_method.access = SymbolAccessibility.PUBLIC; move_method.set_attribute_string ("CCode", "cname", "_vala_array_move"); var root_symbol = source_reference.file.context.root; var int_type = new IntegerType ((Struct) root_symbol.scope.lookup ("int")); move_method.add_parameter (new Parameter ("src", int_type)); move_method.add_parameter (new Parameter ("dest", int_type)); move_method.add_parameter (new Parameter ("length", int_type)); } return move_method; } private ArrayCopyMethod get_copy_method () { if (copy_method == null) { copy_method = new ArrayCopyMethod (source_reference); copy_method.return_type = this.copy (); copy_method.return_type.value_owned = true; copy_method.access = SymbolAccessibility.PUBLIC; copy_method.set_attribute_string ("CCode", "cname", "_vala_array_copy"); } return copy_method; } public override DataType copy () { var result = new ArrayType (element_type.copy (), rank, source_reference); result.value_owned = value_owned; result.nullable = nullable; result.floating_reference = floating_reference; result.inline_allocated = inline_allocated; if (fixed_length) { result.fixed_length = true; result.length = length; } return result; } public override bool is_array () { return true; } public override string to_qualified_string (Scope? scope) { var elem_str = element_type.to_qualified_string (scope); if (element_type.is_weak () && !(parent_node is Constant)) { elem_str = "(unowned %s)".printf (elem_str); } if (!fixed_length) { return "%s[%s]%s".printf (elem_str, string.nfill (rank - 1, ','), nullable ? "?" : ""); } else { return elem_str; } } public override bool compatible (DataType target_type) { if (target_type.data_type != null) { if (target_type.data_type.is_subtype_of (CodeContext.get ().analyzer.gvalue_type.data_type) && element_type.data_type == CodeContext.get ().root.scope.lookup ("string")) { // allow implicit conversion from string[] to GValue return true; } if (target_type.data_type.is_subtype_of (CodeContext.get ().analyzer.gvariant_type.data_type)) { // allow implicit conversion to GVariant return true; } } if (target_type is PointerType || (target_type.data_type != null && target_type.data_type.get_attribute ("PointerType") != null)) { /* any array type can be cast to a generic pointer */ return true; } /* temporarily ignore type parameters */ if (target_type is GenericType) { return true; } var target_array_type = target_type as ArrayType; if (target_array_type == null) { return false; } if (target_array_type.rank != rank) { return false; } if (element_type is ValueType && element_type.nullable != target_array_type.element_type.nullable) { return false; } if (element_type.compatible (target_array_type.element_type) && target_array_type.element_type.compatible (element_type)) { return true; } return false; } public override bool is_reference_type_or_type_parameter () { return true; } public override void accept_children (CodeVisitor visitor) { element_type.accept (visitor); } public override void replace_type (DataType old_type, DataType new_type) { if (element_type == old_type) { element_type = new_type; } } public override bool is_accessible (Symbol sym) { return element_type.is_accessible (sym); } public override bool check (CodeContext context) { if (invalid_syntax) { Report.error (source_reference, "syntax error, no expression allowed between array brackets"); error = true; return false; } if (fixed_length && length != null) { length.check (context); if (length.value_type == null || !(length.value_type is IntegerType) || !length.is_constant ()) { Report.error (length.source_reference, "Expression of constant integer type expected"); return false; } } return element_type.check (context); } public override DataType get_actual_type (DataType? derived_instance_type, List? method_type_arguments, CodeNode node_reference) { ArrayType result = (ArrayType) this.copy (); if (derived_instance_type == null && method_type_arguments == null) { return result; } if (element_type is GenericType || element_type.has_type_arguments ()) { result.element_type = result.element_type.get_actual_type (derived_instance_type, method_type_arguments, node_reference); } return result; } public override DataType? infer_type_argument (TypeParameter type_param, DataType value_type) { var array_type = value_type as ArrayType; if (array_type != null) { return element_type.infer_type_argument (type_param, array_type.element_type); } return null; } public override bool is_disposable () { if (fixed_length) { return element_type.is_disposable (); } else { return base.is_disposable (); } } }