/* valaclass.vala * * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter */ using GLib; /** * Represents a class declaration in the source code. */ public class Vala.Class : ObjectTypeSymbol { /** * Specifies the base class. */ public Class base_class { get; set; } /** * Specifies whether this class is abstract. Abstract classes may not be * instantiated. */ public bool is_abstract { get; set; } public bool is_partial { get; set; } /** * Specifies whether this class is sealed. Sealed classes may not be * sub-classed. */ public bool is_sealed { get; set; } /** * Instances of compact classes are fast to create and have a * compact memory layout. Compact classes don't support runtime * type information or virtual methods. */ public bool is_compact { get { if (_is_compact == null) { if (base_class != null && !base_class.is_subtype_of (this)) { _is_compact = base_class.is_compact; } else { _is_compact = get_attribute ("Compact") != null; } } return _is_compact; } } /** * Opaque compact classes hide their memory layout, only allowing private or * internal instance members. */ public bool is_opaque { get { if (_is_opaque == null) { _is_opaque = get_attribute_bool ("Compact", "opaque"); } return _is_opaque; } } /** * Instances of immutable classes are immutable after construction. */ public bool is_immutable { get { if (_is_immutable == null) { if (base_class != null && !base_class.is_subtype_of (this)) { _is_immutable = base_class.is_immutable; } else { _is_immutable = get_attribute ("Immutable") != null; } } return _is_immutable; } } /** * Instances of immutable classes are immutable after construction. */ public bool is_singleton { get { if (_is_singleton == null) { _is_singleton = get_attribute ("SingleInstance") != null; } return _is_singleton; } } /** * Specifies whether this class has private fields. */ public bool has_private_fields { get; set; } /** * Specifies whether this class has class fields. */ public bool has_class_private_fields { get; private set; } private bool? _is_compact; private bool? _is_opaque; private bool? _is_immutable; private bool? _is_singleton; private List base_types = new ArrayList (); private HashMap implicit_implementations = new HashMap (Symbol.hash_func, Symbol.equal_func); /** * Specifies the default construction method. */ public CreationMethod? default_construction_method { get; private set; } /** * Specifies the instance constructor. */ public Constructor? constructor { get { return _constructor; } private set { _constructor = value; if (_constructor != null) { _constructor.owner = scope; } } } /** * Specifies the class constructor. */ public Constructor? class_constructor { get { return _class_constructor; } private set { _class_constructor = value; if (_class_constructor != null) { _class_constructor.owner = scope; } } } /** * Specifies the static class constructor. */ public Constructor? static_constructor { get { return _static_constructor; } private set { _static_constructor = value; if (_static_constructor != null) { _static_constructor.owner = scope; } } } /** * Specifies the instance destructor. */ public Destructor? destructor { get { return _destructor; } private set { _destructor = value; if (_destructor != null) { _destructor.owner = scope; } } } /** * Specifies the class destructor. */ public Destructor? static_destructor { get { return _static_destructor; } private set { _static_destructor = value; if (_static_destructor != null) { _static_destructor.owner = scope; } } } /** * Specifies the class destructor. */ public Destructor? class_destructor { get { return _class_destructor; } private set { _class_destructor = value; if (_class_destructor != null) { _class_destructor.owner = scope; } } } /** * Specifies whether this class denotes an error base. */ public bool is_error_base { get { return get_attribute ("ErrorBase") != null; } } Constructor? _constructor; Constructor? _class_constructor; Constructor? _static_constructor; Destructor? _destructor; Destructor? _class_destructor; Destructor? _static_destructor; /** * Creates a new class. * * @param name type name * @param source_reference reference to source code * @param comment class documentation * @return newly created class */ public Class (string name, SourceReference? source_reference = null, Comment? comment = null) { base (name, source_reference, comment); } /** * Adds the specified class or interface to the list of base types of * this class. * * @param type a class or interface reference */ public void add_base_type (DataType type) { base_types.add (type); type.parent_node = this; } /** * Returns the base type list. * * @return list of base types */ public unowned List get_base_types () { return base_types; } /** * Adds the specified field as a member to this class. * * @param f a field */ public override void add_field (Field f) { base.add_field (f); if (f.access == SymbolAccessibility.PRIVATE && f.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE) { has_private_fields = true; } else if (f.access == SymbolAccessibility.PRIVATE && f.binding == MemberBinding.CLASS) { has_class_private_fields = true; } } /** * Adds the specified method as a member to this class. * * @param m a method */ public override void add_method (Method m) { if (m.binding != MemberBinding.STATIC || m is CreationMethod) { if (m.this_parameter != null) { m.scope.remove (m.this_parameter.name); } m.this_parameter = new Parameter ("this", SemanticAnalyzer.get_this_type (m, this), m.source_reference); m.scope.add (m.this_parameter.name, m.this_parameter); } if (!(m.return_type is VoidType) && m.get_postconditions ().size > 0) { if (m.result_var != null) { m.scope.remove (m.result_var.name); } m.result_var = new LocalVariable (m.return_type.copy (), "result", null, m.source_reference); m.result_var.is_result = true; } if (m is CreationMethod) { if (m.name == null) { default_construction_method = (CreationMethod) m; m.name = ".new"; } unowned CreationMethod cm = (CreationMethod) m; if (cm.class_name != null && cm.class_name != name) { // class_name is null for constructors generated by GIdlParser Report.error (m.source_reference, "missing return type in method `%s.%s´", get_full_name (), cm.class_name); m.error = true; return; } if (is_abstract && cm.access == SymbolAccessibility.PUBLIC) { //TODO Report an error for external constructors too if (external_package) { Report.warning (m.source_reference, "Creation method of abstract class cannot be public."); } else { Report.error (m.source_reference, "Creation method of abstract class cannot be public."); error = true; return; } } } base.add_method (m); } public HashMap get_implicit_implementations () { return implicit_implementations; } /** * Adds the specified property as a member to this class. * * @param prop a property */ public override void add_property (Property prop) { base.add_property (prop); if (prop.binding != MemberBinding.STATIC) { prop.this_parameter = new Parameter ("this", SemanticAnalyzer.get_this_type (prop, this), prop.source_reference); prop.scope.add (prop.this_parameter.name, prop.this_parameter); } if (prop.field != null) { add_field (prop.field); } } public override void add_constructor (Constructor c) { switch (c.binding) { case MemberBinding.INSTANCE: if (constructor != null) { Report.error (c.source_reference, "class already contains a constructor"); } constructor = c; break; case MemberBinding.CLASS: if (class_constructor != null) { Report.error (c.source_reference, "class already contains a class constructor"); } class_constructor = c; break; case MemberBinding.STATIC: if (static_constructor != null) { Report.error (c.source_reference, "class already contains a static constructor"); } static_constructor = c; break; default: assert_not_reached (); } if (c.binding != MemberBinding.STATIC) { if (c.this_parameter != null) { c.scope.remove (c.this_parameter.name); } c.this_parameter = new Parameter ("this", SemanticAnalyzer.get_this_type (c, this), c.source_reference); c.scope.add (c.this_parameter.name, c.this_parameter); } } public override void add_destructor (Destructor d) { switch (d.binding) { case MemberBinding.INSTANCE: if (destructor != null) { Report.error (d.source_reference, "class already contains a destructor"); } destructor = d; break; case MemberBinding.CLASS: if (class_destructor != null) { Report.error (d.source_reference, "class already contains a class destructor"); } class_destructor = d; break; case MemberBinding.STATIC: if (static_destructor != null) { Report.error (d.source_reference, "class already contains a static destructor"); } static_destructor = d; break; default: assert_not_reached (); } if (d.binding != MemberBinding.STATIC) { if (d.this_parameter != null) { d.scope.remove (d.this_parameter.name); } d.this_parameter = new Parameter ("this", SemanticAnalyzer.get_this_type (d, this), d.source_reference); d.scope.add (d.this_parameter.name, d.this_parameter); } } public override void accept (CodeVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit_class (this); } public override void accept_children (CodeVisitor visitor) { foreach (DataType type in base_types) { type.accept (visitor); } // Invoke common implementation in ObjectTypeSymbol base.accept_children (visitor); if (constructor != null) { constructor.accept (visitor); } if (class_constructor != null) { class_constructor.accept (visitor); } if (static_constructor != null) { static_constructor.accept (visitor); } if (destructor != null) { destructor.accept (visitor); } if (static_destructor != null) { static_destructor.accept (visitor); } if (class_destructor != null) { class_destructor.accept (visitor); } } public override bool is_reference_type () { return true; } public bool is_fundamental () { if (!is_compact && base_class == null) { return true; } return false; } public override bool is_subtype_of (TypeSymbol t) { if (this == t) { return true; } foreach (DataType base_type in base_types) { if (base_type.type_symbol != null && base_type.type_symbol != this && base_type.type_symbol.is_subtype_of (t)) { return true; } } return false; } public override void replace_type (DataType old_type, DataType new_type) { for (int i = 0; i < base_types.size; i++) { if (base_types[i] == old_type) { base_types[i] = new_type; new_type.parent_node = this; return; } } } private void get_all_prerequisites (Interface iface, List list) { foreach (DataType prereq in iface.get_prerequisites ()) { TypeSymbol type = prereq.type_symbol; /* skip on previous errors */ if (type == null) { continue; } list.add (type); if (type is Interface) { get_all_prerequisites ((Interface) type, list); } } } public bool is_a (ObjectTypeSymbol t) { if (this == t) { return true; } foreach (DataType base_type in get_base_types ()) { if (base_type.type_symbol is Class) { if (((Class) base_type.type_symbol).is_a (t)) { return true; } } else if (base_type.type_symbol == t) { return true; } } return false; } public bool implements (Interface i) { foreach (DataType base_type in get_base_types ()) { if (base_type.type_symbol == i) { return true; } } return false; } public override bool check (CodeContext context) { if (checked) { return !error; } if (!base.check (context)) { return false; } checked = true; var old_source_file = context.analyzer.current_source_file; var old_symbol = context.analyzer.current_symbol; if (source_reference != null) { context.analyzer.current_source_file = source_reference.file; } context.analyzer.current_symbol = this; foreach (DataType base_type_reference in get_base_types ()) { if (!base_type_reference.check (context)) { error = true; return false; } if (!(base_type_reference is ObjectType)) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "base type `%s' of class `%s' is not an object type", base_type_reference.to_string (), get_full_name ()); return false; } // check whether base type is at least as accessible as the class if (!base_type_reference.is_accessible (this)) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "base type `%s' is less accessible than class `%s'", base_type_reference.to_string (), get_full_name ()); return false; } // check whether there is the expected amount of type-arguments if (!base_type_reference.check_type_arguments (context)) { error = true; return false; } } foreach (DataType type in base_types) { type.check (context); context.analyzer.check_type (type); } foreach (TypeParameter p in get_type_parameters ()) { p.check (context); } if (base_class != null && base_class.is_singleton) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' cannot inherit from SingleInstance class `%s'", get_full_name (), base_class.get_full_name ()); } if (is_singleton && !is_subtype_of (context.analyzer.object_type)) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "SingleInstance class `%s' requires inheritance from `GLib.Object'", get_full_name ()); } /* singleton classes require an instance constructor */ if (is_singleton && constructor == null) { var c = new Constructor (source_reference); c.body = new Block (source_reference); add_constructor (c); } if (base_class != null && base_class.is_sealed) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' cannot inherit from sealed class `%s'", get_full_name (), base_class.get_full_name ()); } if (is_sealed) { if (is_compact) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "Sealed class `%s' cannot be compact", get_full_name ()); return false; } if (is_abstract) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "Sealed class `%s' cannot be abstract", get_full_name ()); return false; } } /* process enums first to avoid order problems in C code */ foreach (Enum en in get_enums ()) { en.check (context); } foreach (Field f in get_fields ()) { if (is_compact && f.binding != MemberBinding.STATIC) { //FIXME Should external bindings follow this too? if (!external_package && !is_opaque && f.access == SymbolAccessibility.PRIVATE) { Report.error (f.source_reference, "private fields are only supported in opaque compact classes, use [Compact (opaque = true)]"); error = true; } if (!external_package && is_opaque && (f.access == SymbolAccessibility.PUBLIC || f.access == SymbolAccessibility.PROTECTED)) { Report.error (f.source_reference, "fields in opaque compact classes must be private or internal"); error = true; } if (f.binding == MemberBinding.CLASS) { Report.error (f.source_reference, "class fields are not supported in compact classes"); error = true; } } f.check (context); } foreach (Constant c in get_constants ()) { c.check (context); } foreach (Method m in get_methods ()) { m.check (context); } foreach (Property prop in get_properties ()) { if (prop.get_attribute ("NoAccessorMethod") != null && !is_subtype_of (context.analyzer.object_type)) { error = true; Report.error (prop.source_reference, "NoAccessorMethod is only allowed for properties in classes derived from GLib.Object"); return false; } prop.check (context); } foreach (Signal sig in get_signals ()) { sig.check (context); } if (constructor != null) { constructor.check (context); } if (class_constructor != null) { class_constructor.check (context); } if (static_constructor != null) { static_constructor.check (context); } if (destructor != null) { destructor.check (context); } if (static_destructor != null) { static_destructor.check (context); } if (class_destructor != null) { class_destructor.check (context); } foreach (Class cl in get_classes ()) { cl.check (context); } foreach (Interface iface in get_interfaces ()) { iface.check (context); } foreach (Struct st in get_structs ()) { st.check (context); } foreach (Delegate d in get_delegates ()) { d.check (context); } /* compact classes cannot implement interfaces */ if (is_compact) { foreach (DataType base_type in get_base_types ()) { if (base_type.type_symbol is Interface) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "compact classes `%s' may not implement interfaces", get_full_name ()); } } if (!external && !external_package && base_class != null && !base_class.is_subtype_of (context.analyzer.gsource_type)) { foreach (Field f in get_fields ()) { if (f.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "derived compact classes may not have instance fields"); break; } } } } /* gather all prerequisites */ List prerequisites = new ArrayList (); foreach (DataType base_type in get_base_types ()) { if (base_type.type_symbol is Interface) { get_all_prerequisites ((Interface) base_type.type_symbol, prerequisites); } } /* check whether all prerequisites are met */ List missing_prereqs = new ArrayList (str_equal); foreach (TypeSymbol prereq in prerequisites) { if (!is_a ((ObjectTypeSymbol) prereq)) { missing_prereqs.insert (0, prereq.get_full_name ()); } } /* report any missing prerequisites */ if (missing_prereqs.size > 0) { error = true; string error_string = "%s: some prerequisites (".printf (get_full_name ()); bool first = true; foreach (string s in missing_prereqs) { if (first) { error_string = "%s`%s'".printf (error_string, s); first = false; } else { error_string = "%s, `%s'".printf (error_string, s); } } error_string += ") are not met"; Report.error (source_reference, error_string); } /* VAPI classes don't have to specify overridden methods */ if (source_type == SourceFileType.SOURCE) { /* all abstract symbols defined in base types have to be at least defined (or implemented) also in this type */ foreach (DataType base_type in get_base_types ()) { if (base_type.type_symbol is Interface) { unowned Interface iface = (Interface) base_type.type_symbol; if (base_class != null && base_class.is_subtype_of (iface)) { // reimplementation of interface, class is not required to reimplement all methods break; } /* We do not need to do expensive equality checking here since this is done * already. We only need to guarantee the symbols are present. */ /* check methods */ foreach (Method m in iface.get_methods ()) { if (m.is_abstract) { var implemented = false; unowned Class? base_class = this; while (base_class != null && !implemented) { foreach (var impl in base_class.get_methods ()) { if (impl.base_interface_method == m || (base_class != this && impl.base_interface_method == null && impl.name == m.name && (impl.base_interface_type == null || impl.base_interface_type.type_symbol == iface) && impl.compatible_no_error (m))) { // method is used as interface implementation, so it is not unused impl.version.check (context, source_reference); impl.used = true; implemented = true; if (impl.base_interface_method == null) { implicit_implementations.set (m, impl); } break; } } base_class = base_class.base_class; } if (!implemented) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' does not implement interface method `%s'", get_full_name (), m.get_full_name ()); } } } /* check properties */ foreach (Property prop in iface.get_properties ()) { if (prop.is_abstract) { Symbol sym = null; unowned Class? base_class = this; while (base_class != null && !(sym is Property)) { sym = base_class.scope.lookup (prop.name); base_class = base_class.base_class; } if (sym is Property) { var base_prop = (Property) sym; string? invalid_match = null; // No check at all for "new" classified properties, really? if (!base_prop.hides && !base_prop.compatible (prop, out invalid_match)) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "Type and/or accessors of inherited properties `%s' and `%s' do not match: %s.", prop.get_full_name (), base_prop.get_full_name (), invalid_match); } // property is used as interface implementation, so it is not unused sym.version.check (context, source_reference); sym.used = true; } else { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' does not implement interface property `%s'", get_full_name (), prop.get_full_name ()); } } } } } /* all abstract symbols defined in base classes have to be implemented in non-abstract classes */ if (!is_abstract) { unowned Class? base_class = base_class; while (base_class != null && base_class.is_abstract) { foreach (Method base_method in base_class.get_methods ()) { if (base_method.is_abstract) { var override_method = SemanticAnalyzer.symbol_lookup_inherited (this, base_method.name) as Method; if (override_method == null || !override_method.overrides) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' does not implement abstract method `%s'", get_full_name (), base_method.get_full_name ()); } } } foreach (Property base_property in base_class.get_properties ()) { if (base_property.is_abstract) { var override_property = SemanticAnalyzer.symbol_lookup_inherited (this, base_property.name) as Property; if (override_property == null || !override_property.overrides) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' does not implement abstract property `%s'", get_full_name (), base_property.get_full_name ()); } } } base_class = base_class.base_class; } } } context.analyzer.current_source_file = old_source_file; context.analyzer.current_symbol = old_symbol; return !error; } } // vim:sw=8 noet