/* valagenietokentype.vala * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Jamie McCracken, Jürg Billeter * Based on code by Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jamie McCracken jamiemcc gnome org */ using GLib; public enum Vala.Genie.TokenType { NONE, ABSTRACT, ARRAY, AS, ASSERT, ASSIGN, ASSIGN_ADD, ASSIGN_BITWISE_AND, ASSIGN_BITWISE_OR, ASSIGN_BITWISE_XOR, ASSIGN_DIV, ASSIGN_MUL, ASSIGN_PERCENT, ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT, ASSIGN_SUB, ASYNC, BITWISE_AND, BITWISE_OR, BREAK, CARRET, CASE, CHARACTER_LITERAL, CLASS, CLOSE_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACKET, CLOSE_PARENS, CLOSE_REGEX_LITERAL, CLOSE_TEMPLATE, COLON, COMMA, CONST, CONSTRUCT, CONTINUE, DEDENT, DEF, DEFAULT, DELEGATE, DELETE, DICT, DIV, DO, DOT, DOWNTO, DYNAMIC, ELLIPSIS, ELSE, ENUM, ENSURES, ERRORDOMAIN, EOF, EOL, EVENT, EXCEPT, EXTERN, FALSE, FINAL, FINALLY, FOR, GET, HASH, IDENTIFIER, IF, IMPLEMENTS, IN, INDENT, INIT, INLINE, INTEGER_LITERAL, INTERFACE, INTERNAL, INTERR, IS, ISA, LAMBDA, LIST, LOCK, MINUS, NAMESPACE, NEW, NULL, OF, OUT, OP_AND, OP_DEC, OP_EQ, OP_GE, OP_GT, OP_INC, OP_LE, OP_LT, OP_NE, OP_NEG, OP_OR, OP_PTR, OP_SHIFT_LEFT, OPEN_BRACE, OPEN_BRACKET, OPEN_PARENS, OPEN_REGEX_LITERAL, OPEN_TEMPLATE, OVERRIDE, OWNED, PARAMS, PASS, PERCENT, PLUS, PRINT, PRIVATE, PROP, PROTECTED, PUBLIC, RAISE, RAISES, READONLY, REAL_LITERAL, REF, REGEX_LITERAL, REQUIRES, RETURN, SEALED, SEMICOLON, SET, SIZEOF, STAR, STATIC, STRING_LITERAL, STRUCT, SUPER, TEMPLATE_STRING_LITERAL, THIS, TILDE, TO, TRUE, TRY, TYPEOF, UNOWNED, USES, VAR, VERBATIM_STRING_LITERAL, VIRTUAL, VOID, VOLATILE, WEAK, WHEN, WHILE, WRITEONLY, YIELD; public unowned string to_string () { switch (this) { case ABSTRACT: return "`abstract'"; case ARRAY: return "`array'"; case AS: return "`as'"; case ASSERT: return "`assert'"; case ASSIGN: return "`='"; case ASSIGN_ADD: return "`+='"; case ASSIGN_BITWISE_AND: return "`&='"; case ASSIGN_BITWISE_OR: return "`|='"; case ASSIGN_BITWISE_XOR: return "`^='"; case ASSIGN_DIV: return "`/='"; case ASSIGN_MUL: return "`*='"; case ASSIGN_PERCENT: return "`%='"; case ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT: return "`<<='"; case ASSIGN_SUB: return "`-='"; case ASYNC: return "`async'"; case BITWISE_AND: return "`&'"; case BITWISE_OR: return "`|'"; case BREAK: return "`break'"; case CARRET: return "`^'"; case CASE: return "`case'"; case CHARACTER_LITERAL: return "character literal"; case CLASS: return "`class'"; case CLOSE_BRACE: return "`}'"; case CLOSE_BRACKET: return "`]'"; case CLOSE_PARENS: return "`)'"; case CLOSE_REGEX_LITERAL: return "`/'"; case CLOSE_TEMPLATE: return "close template"; case COLON: return "`:'"; case COMMA: return "`,'"; case CONST: return "`const'"; case CONSTRUCT: return "`construct'"; case CONTINUE: return "`continue'"; case DEDENT: return "`dedent'"; case DEF: return "`def'"; case DEFAULT: return "`default'"; case DELEGATE: return "`delegate'"; case DELETE: return "`delete'"; case DICT: return "`dict'"; case DIV: return "`/'"; case DO: return "`do'"; case DOT: return "`.'"; case DOWNTO: return "`downto'"; case DYNAMIC: return "`dynamic'"; case ELLIPSIS: return "`...'"; case ELSE: return "`else'"; case ENUM: return "`enum'"; case ENSURES: return "`ensures'"; case ERRORDOMAIN: return "`errordomain'"; case EOF: return "end of file"; case EOL: return "end of line"; case EVENT: return "event"; case EXCEPT: return "`except'"; case EXTERN: return "`extern'"; case FALSE: return "`false'"; case FINAL: return "`final'"; case FINALLY: return "`finally'"; case FOR: return "`for'"; case GET: return "`get'"; case HASH: return "`hash'"; case IDENTIFIER: return "identifier"; case IF: return "`if'"; case IMPLEMENTS: return "`implements'"; case IN: return "`in'"; case INDENT: return "`tab indent'"; case INIT: return "`init'"; case INLINE: return "`inline'"; case INTEGER_LITERAL: return "integer literal"; case INTERFACE: return "`interface'"; case INTERNAL: return "`internal'"; case INTERR: return "`?'"; case IS: return "`is'"; case ISA: return "`isa'"; case LAMBDA: return "`=>'"; case LIST: return "`list'"; case LOCK: return "`lock'"; case MINUS: return "`-'"; case NAMESPACE: return "`namespace'"; case NEW: return "`new'"; case NULL: return "`null'"; case OF: return "`of'"; case OUT: return "`out'"; case OP_AND: return "`and'"; case OP_DEC: return "`--'"; case OP_EQ: return "`=='"; case OP_GE: return "`>='"; case OP_GT: return "`>'"; case OP_INC: return "`++'"; case OP_LE: return "`<='"; case OP_LT: return "`<'"; case OP_NE: return "`!='"; case OP_NEG: return "`!'"; case OP_OR: return "`or'"; case OP_PTR: return "`->'"; case OP_SHIFT_LEFT: return "`<<'"; case OPEN_BRACE: return "`{'"; case OPEN_BRACKET: return "`['"; case OPEN_PARENS: return "`('"; case OPEN_REGEX_LITERAL: return "`/'"; case OPEN_TEMPLATE: return "open template"; case OVERRIDE: return "`override'"; case OWNED: return "`owned'"; case PARAMS: return "`params'"; case PASS: return "`pass'"; case PERCENT: return "`%'"; case PLUS: return "`+'"; case PRINT: return "`print'"; case PRIVATE: return "`private'"; case PROP: return "`prop'"; case PROTECTED: return "`protected'"; case PUBLIC: return "`public'"; case RAISE: return "`raise'"; case RAISES: return "`raises'"; case READONLY: return "`readonly'"; case REAL_LITERAL: return "real literal"; case REF: return "`ref'"; case REGEX_LITERAL: return "regex literal"; case REQUIRES: return "`requires'"; case RETURN: return "`return'"; case SEALED: return "`sealed'"; case SEMICOLON: return "`;'"; case SET: return "`set'"; case SIZEOF: return "`sizeof'"; case STAR: return "`*'"; case STATIC: return "`static'"; case STRING_LITERAL: return "string literal"; case STRUCT: return "`struct'"; case SUPER: return "`super'"; case TEMPLATE_STRING_LITERAL: return "template string literal"; case THIS: return "`self'"; case TILDE: return "`~'"; case TO: return "`to'"; case TRUE: return "`true'"; case TRY: return "`try'"; case TYPEOF: return "`typeof'"; case UNOWNED: return "`unowned'"; case USES: return "`uses'"; case VAR: return "`var'"; case VERBATIM_STRING_LITERAL: return "verbatim string literal"; case VIRTUAL: return "`virtual'"; case VOID: return "`void'"; case VOLATILE: return "`volatile'"; case WEAK: return "`weak'"; case WHEN: return "`when'"; case WHILE: return "`while'"; case WRITEONLY: return "`writeonly'"; case YIELD: return "`yield'"; default: return "unknown token"; } } }