/* valaobjectcreationexpression.vala * * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter */ using GLib; /** * Represents an object creation expression in the source code. */ public class Vala.ObjectCreationExpression : Expression, CallableExpression { /** * The object type to create. */ public DataType type_reference { get { return _data_type; } private set { _data_type = value; _data_type.parent_node = this; } } /** * The construction method to call. */ public Expression call { get { return member_name; } } /** * The construction method to use or the data type to be created * with the default construction method. */ public MemberAccess member_name { get { return _member_name; } private set { _member_name = value; _member_name.parent_node = this; } } public bool is_yield_expression { get; set; } public bool is_chainup { get; set; } public bool struct_creation { get; set; } private List argument_list = new ArrayList (); private List object_initializer = new ArrayList (); private DataType _data_type; private MemberAccess _member_name; /** * Creates a new object creation expression. * * @param member_name object type to create * @param source_reference reference to source code * @return newly created object creation expression */ public ObjectCreationExpression (MemberAccess member_name, SourceReference? source_reference = null) { this.source_reference = source_reference; this.member_name = member_name; } /** * Appends the specified expression to the list of arguments. * * @param arg an argument */ public void add_argument (Expression arg) { argument_list.add (arg); arg.parent_node = this; } /** * Returns the argument list. * * @return argument list */ public unowned List get_argument_list () { return argument_list; } /** * Appends the specified member initializer to the object initializer. * * @param init a member initializer */ public void add_member_initializer (MemberInitializer init) { object_initializer.add (init); init.parent_node = this; } /** * Returns the object initializer. * * @return member initializer list */ public unowned List get_object_initializer () { return object_initializer; } public override void accept (CodeVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit_object_creation_expression (this); visitor.visit_expression (this); } public override void accept_children (CodeVisitor visitor) { if (type_reference != null) { type_reference.accept (visitor); } if (member_name != null) { member_name.accept (visitor); } foreach (Expression arg in argument_list) { arg.accept (visitor); } foreach (MemberInitializer init in object_initializer) { init.accept (visitor); } } public override void replace_expression (Expression old_node, Expression new_node) { int index = argument_list.index_of (old_node); if (index >= 0) { argument_list[index] = new_node; new_node.parent_node = this; } } public override bool is_pure () { return false; } public override bool is_accessible (Symbol sym) { if (member_name != null && !member_name.is_accessible (sym)) { return false; } foreach (var arg in argument_list) { if (!arg.is_accessible (sym)) { return false; } } foreach (var init in object_initializer) { if (!init.initializer.is_accessible (sym)) { return false; } } return true; } public override void replace_type (DataType old_type, DataType new_type) { if (type_reference == old_type) { type_reference = new_type; } } public override bool check (CodeContext context) { if (checked) { return !error; } checked = true; if (!member_name.check (context)) { error = true; return false; } TypeSymbol type; if (member_name.symbol_reference == null) { error = true; return false; } var constructor_sym = member_name.symbol_reference; var type_sym = member_name.symbol_reference; var type_args = member_name.get_type_arguments (); if (constructor_sym is Method) { type_sym = constructor_sym.parent_symbol; var constructor = (Method) constructor_sym; if (!(constructor_sym is CreationMethod)) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' is not a creation method", constructor.get_full_name ()); return false; } symbol_reference = constructor; // inner expression can also be base access when chaining constructors unowned MemberAccess? ma = member_name.inner as MemberAccess; if (ma != null) { type_args = ma.get_type_arguments (); } } if (type_sym is Class) { type = (TypeSymbol) type_sym; if (((Class) type).is_error_base) { type_reference = new ErrorType (null, null, source_reference); } else { type_reference = new ObjectType ((Class) type, source_reference); } } else if (type_sym is Struct) { type = (TypeSymbol) type_sym; type_reference = new StructValueType ((Struct) type, source_reference); } else if (type_sym is ErrorCode) { type = (TypeSymbol) type_sym; type_reference = new ErrorType ((ErrorDomain) type_sym.parent_symbol, (ErrorCode) type_sym, source_reference); symbol_reference = type_sym; } else { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' is not a class, struct, or error code", type_sym.get_full_name ()); return false; } foreach (DataType type_arg in type_args) { type_reference.add_type_argument (type_arg); } value_type = type_reference.copy (); value_type.value_owned = true; if (type is Class) { var cl = (Class) type; if (struct_creation) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "syntax error, use `new' to create new objects"); return false; } if (cl.is_abstract) { value_type = null; error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "Can't create instance of abstract class `%s'", cl.get_full_name ()); return false; } if (symbol_reference == null) { symbol_reference = cl.default_construction_method; if (symbol_reference == null) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' does not have a default constructor", cl.get_full_name ()); return false; } // track usage for flow analyzer symbol_reference.used = true; symbol_reference.version.check (context, source_reference); } if (symbol_reference != null && (symbol_reference.access == SymbolAccessibility.PRIVATE || symbol_reference.access == SymbolAccessibility.PROTECTED)) { bool in_target_type = false; for (Symbol this_symbol = context.analyzer.current_symbol; this_symbol != null; this_symbol = this_symbol.parent_symbol) { if (this_symbol == cl) { in_target_type = true; break; } } if (!in_target_type) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "Access to non-public constructor `%s' denied", symbol_reference.get_full_name ()); return false; } } while (cl != null) { // FIXME: use target values in the codegen if (cl.get_attribute_string ("CCode", "ref_sink_function") != null) { value_type.floating_reference = true; break; } cl = cl.base_class; } } else if (type is Struct) { var st = (Struct) type; if (!struct_creation && !context.deprecated) { Report.warning (source_reference, "deprecated syntax, don't use `new' to initialize structs"); } if (symbol_reference == null) { symbol_reference = st.default_construction_method; } if (context.profile == Profile.GOBJECT && st.is_simple_type () && symbol_reference == null && object_initializer.size == 0) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "`%s' does not have a default constructor", st.get_full_name ()); return false; } } // check whether there is the expected amount of type-arguments if (!type_reference.check_type_arguments (context)) { error = true; return false; } if (symbol_reference == null && argument_list.size != 0) { value_type = null; error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "No arguments allowed when constructing type `%s'", type.get_full_name ()); return false; } if (symbol_reference is Method) { var m = (Method) symbol_reference; if (is_yield_expression) { if (!m.coroutine) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "yield expression requires async method"); } if (context.analyzer.current_method == null || !context.analyzer.current_method.coroutine) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "yield expression not available outside async method"); } } else if (m is CreationMethod) { if (m.coroutine) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "missing `yield' before async creation expression"); } } // FIXME partial code duplication of MethodCall.check Expression last_arg = null; Iterator arg_it = argument_list.iterator (); foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { if (!param.check (context)) { error = true; } if (param.ellipsis) { break; } if (param.params_array) { var array_type = (ArrayType) param.variable_type; while (arg_it.next ()) { Expression arg = arg_it.get (); /* store expected type for callback parameters */ arg.target_type = array_type.element_type; arg.target_type.value_owned = array_type.value_owned; } break; } if (arg_it.next ()) { Expression arg = arg_it.get (); /* store expected type for callback parameters */ arg.formal_target_type = param.variable_type; arg.target_type = arg.formal_target_type.get_actual_type (value_type, null, this); last_arg = arg; } } // printf arguments if (m.printf_format) { StringLiteral format_literal = null; if (last_arg is NullLiteral) { // do not replace explicit null } else if (last_arg != null) { // use last argument as format string format_literal = StringLiteral.get_format_literal (last_arg); if (format_literal == null && argument_list.size == m.get_parameters ().size - 1) { // insert "%s" to avoid issues with embedded % format_literal = new StringLiteral ("\"%s\""); format_literal.target_type = context.analyzer.string_type.copy (); argument_list.insert (argument_list.size - 1, format_literal); // recreate iterator and skip to right position arg_it = argument_list.iterator (); foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { if (param.ellipsis || param.params_array) { break; } arg_it.next (); } } } if (format_literal != null) { string format = format_literal.eval (); if (!context.analyzer.check_print_format (format, arg_it, source_reference)) { return false; } } } foreach (Expression arg in argument_list) { arg.check (context); } context.analyzer.check_arguments (this, new MethodType (m), m.get_parameters (), argument_list); } else if (type_reference is ErrorType) { if (type_reference != null) { type_reference.check (context); } if (member_name != null) { member_name.check (context); } foreach (Expression arg in argument_list) { arg.check (context); } foreach (MemberInitializer init in object_initializer) { init.check (context); } if (argument_list.size == 0) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "Too few arguments, errors need at least 1 argument"); } else { Iterator arg_it = argument_list.iterator (); arg_it.next (); var ex = arg_it.get (); if (ex.value_type == null || !ex.value_type.compatible (context.analyzer.string_type)) { error = true; Report.error (source_reference, "Invalid type for argument 1"); } var format_literal = StringLiteral.get_format_literal (ex); if (format_literal != null) { var format = format_literal.eval (); if (!context.analyzer.check_print_format (format, arg_it, source_reference)) { error = true; return false; } } arg_it = argument_list.iterator (); arg_it.next (); if (!context.analyzer.check_variadic_arguments (arg_it, 1, source_reference)) { error = true; return false; } } } //Resolve possible generic-type in SizeofExpression used as parameter default-value foreach (Expression arg in argument_list) { unowned SizeofExpression sizeof_expr = arg as SizeofExpression; if (sizeof_expr != null && sizeof_expr.type_reference is GenericType) { var sizeof_type = sizeof_expr.type_reference.get_actual_type (type_reference, type_reference.get_type_arguments (), this); replace_expression (arg, new SizeofExpression (sizeof_type, source_reference)); } } if (!type.external_package) { context.analyzer.check_type (type_reference); } // Unwrap chained member initializers foreach (MemberInitializer init in get_object_initializer ()) { if (!(init.initializer is MemberInitializer)) { continue; } int index = object_initializer.index_of (init); object_initializer.remove_at (index); assert (index >= 0); unowned MemberInitializer? inner_mi = (MemberInitializer) init.initializer; while (inner_mi.initializer is MemberInitializer) { inner_mi = (MemberInitializer) inner_mi.initializer; } var local = new LocalVariable (null, get_temp_name (), inner_mi.initializer, inner_mi.initializer.source_reference); var decl = new DeclarationStatement (local, inner_mi.initializer.source_reference); decl.check (context); insert_statement (context.analyzer.insert_block, decl); do { var member_init = new MemberInitializer (inner_mi.name, new MemberAccess (null, local.name, inner_mi.source_reference), inner_mi.source_reference); object_initializer.insert (index++, member_init); inner_mi = inner_mi.parent_node as MemberInitializer; } while (inner_mi != null); } foreach (MemberInitializer init in get_object_initializer ()) { init.parent_node = this; init.check (context); } // FIXME code duplication in MethodCall.check if (tree_can_fail) { if (parent_node is LocalVariable || parent_node is ExpressionStatement) { // simple statements, no side effects after method call } else if (!(context.analyzer.current_symbol is Block)) { // can't handle errors in field initializers Report.error (source_reference, "Field initializers must not throw errors"); } else { // store parent_node as we need to replace the expression in the old parent node later on var old_parent_node = parent_node; var local = new LocalVariable (value_type.copy (), get_temp_name (), null, source_reference); var decl = new DeclarationStatement (local, source_reference); insert_statement (context.analyzer.insert_block, decl); var temp_access = SemanticAnalyzer.create_temp_access (local, target_type); temp_access.formal_target_type = formal_target_type; // don't set initializer earlier as this changes parent_node and parent_statement local.initializer = this; decl.check (context); // move temp variable to insert block to ensure the // variable is in the same block as the declaration // otherwise there will be scoping issues in the generated code var block = (Block) context.analyzer.current_symbol; block.remove_local_variable (local); context.analyzer.insert_block.add_local_variable (local); old_parent_node.replace_expression (this, temp_access); temp_access.check (context); } } return !error; } public override void get_error_types (Collection collection, SourceReference? source_reference = null) { if (symbol_reference is Method) { if (source_reference == null) { source_reference = this.source_reference; } var m = (Method) symbol_reference; m.get_error_types (collection, source_reference); } } public override void emit (CodeGenerator codegen) { foreach (Expression arg in argument_list) { arg.emit (codegen); } foreach (MemberInitializer init in object_initializer) { init.emit (codegen); } codegen.visit_object_creation_expression (this); codegen.visit_expression (this); } public override void get_defined_variables (Collection collection) { foreach (Expression arg in argument_list) { arg.get_defined_variables (collection); } } public override void get_used_variables (Collection collection) { foreach (Expression arg in argument_list) { arg.get_used_variables (collection); } foreach (MemberInitializer init in object_initializer) { init.get_used_variables (collection); } } public override string to_string () { var b = new StringBuilder (); if (is_yield_expression) { b.append ("yield "); } if (!struct_creation) { b.append ("new "); } if (member_name != null) { b.append (member_name.to_string ()); } b.append_c ('('); bool first = true; foreach (var expr in argument_list) { if (!first) { b.append (", "); } b.append (expr.to_string ()); first = false; } b.append_c (')'); return b.str; } }