# # Storage lookup/creation helpers # # Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. import os import re import stat import subprocess import libvirt from .logger import log from .storage import StoragePool, StorageVolume from . import xmlutil def _lookup_vol_by_path(conn, path): """ Try to find a volume matching the full passed path. Call info() on it to ensure the volume wasn't removed behind libvirt's back """ try: vol = conn.storageVolLookupByPath(path) vol.info() return vol, None except libvirt.libvirtError as e: # test_urls trigger empty errors here, because python # garbage collection kicks in after the failure but before # we read the error code, and libvirt virStoragePoolFree # public entry point clears the cached error. So ignore # an empty error code if (e.get_error_code() and e.get_error_code() != libvirt.VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL): raise # pragma: no cover return None, e def _lookup_vol_by_basename(pool, path): """ Try to lookup a volume for 'path' in parent 'pool' by it's filename. This sometimes works in cases where full volume path lookup doesn't, since not all libvirt storage backends implement path lookup. """ name = os.path.basename(path) if name in pool.listVolumes(): return pool.storageVolLookupByName(name) def _get_block_size(path): # pragma: no cover try: fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDONLY) # os.SEEK_END is not present on all systems size = os.lseek(fd, 0, 2) os.close(fd) except Exception: size = 0 return size def _get_size(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return 0 if _stat_is_block(path): return _get_block_size(path) # pragma: no cover return os.path.getsize(path) def _stat_is_block(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return False return stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]) def _check_if_path_managed(conn, path): """ Try to lookup storage objects for the passed path. Returns (volume, parent pool). Only one is returned at a time. """ vol, ignore = _lookup_vol_by_path(conn, path) if vol: return vol, vol.storagePoolLookupByVolume() pool = StoragePool.lookup_pool_by_path(conn, os.path.dirname(path)) if not pool: return None, None # We have the parent pool, but didn't find a volume on first lookup # attempt. Refresh the pool and try again, in case we were just out # of date or the pool was inactive. try: StoragePool.ensure_pool_is_running(pool, refresh=True) vol, verr = _lookup_vol_by_path(conn, path) if verr: try: vol = _lookup_vol_by_basename(pool, path) except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover vol = None pool = None verr = str(e) if not vol and not pool and verr: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(_("Cannot use storage %(path)s: %(err)s") % {'path': path, 'err': verr}) return vol, pool def _can_auto_manage(path): path = path or "" skip_prefixes = ["/dev", "/sys", "/proc"] if path_is_url(path): return False for prefix in skip_prefixes: if path.startswith(prefix + "/") or path == prefix: return False return True def _get_storage_search_path(path): # If the passed path is one of our artificial rbd:// style # URIs, parse out the path component, since that is what is needed # for looking up storage volumes by target path from .uri import URI uriobj = URI(path) if uriobj.scheme == "rbd": return uriobj.path.strip("/") return path def manage_path(conn, path): """ If path is not managed, try to create a storage pool to probe the path """ if not conn.support.conn_storage(): return None, None, None # pragma: no cover if not path: return None, None, None if not path_is_url(path) and not path_is_network_vol(conn, path): path = os.path.abspath(path) searchpath = _get_storage_search_path(path) vol, pool = _check_if_path_managed(conn, searchpath) if vol or pool or not _can_auto_manage(path): return path, vol, pool dirname = os.path.dirname(path) poolname = os.path.basename(dirname).replace(" ", "_") if not poolname: poolname = "dirpool" poolname = StoragePool.find_free_name(conn, poolname) log.debug("Attempting to build pool=%s target=%s", poolname, dirname) poolxml = StoragePool(conn) poolxml.name = poolname poolxml.type = poolxml.TYPE_DIR poolxml.target_path = dirname pool = poolxml.install(build=False, create=True, autostart=True) vol = _lookup_vol_by_basename(pool, path) return path, vol, pool def path_is_url(path): """ Detect if path is a URL """ return bool(re.match(r"[a-zA-Z]+(\+[a-zA-Z]+)?://.*", path or "")) def path_is_network_vol(conn, path): """ Detect if path is a network volume such as rbd, gluster, etc """ for volxml in conn.fetch_all_vols(): if path and volxml.target_path == path: return volxml.type == "network" return False def _get_dev_type(path, vol_xml, vol_object, pool_xml, remote): """ Try to get device type for volume. """ if vol_xml and vol_xml.type: return vol_xml.type if pool_xml: t = pool_xml.get_disk_type() if t == StorageVolume.TYPE_BLOCK: return "block" elif t == StorageVolume.TYPE_NETWORK: return "network" if vol_object: # pragma: no cover # This path is hard to test, because test suite XML always has # the vol_xml.type set t = vol_object.info()[0] if t == StorageVolume.TYPE_FILE: return "file" elif t == StorageVolume.TYPE_BLOCK: return "block" elif t == StorageVolume.TYPE_NETWORK: return "network" if path: if path_is_url(path): return "network" if remote: if not _can_auto_manage(path): # Just a heurisitic, if this path is one of the ones # we don't try to auto-import, then consider it a # block device, because managing those correctly is difficult return "block" else: if os.path.isdir(path): return "dir" elif _stat_is_block(path): return "block" # pragma: no cover return "file" def path_definitely_exists(conn, path): """ Return True if the path certainly exists, False if we are unsure. See DeviceDisk entry point for more details """ if path is None: return False try: (vol, pool) = _check_if_path_managed(conn, path) ignore = pool if vol: return True if not conn.is_remote(): return os.path.exists(path) except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass return False ######################### # ACL/path perm helpers # ######################### SETFACL = "setfacl" def _fix_perms_acl(dirname, username): cmd = [SETFACL, "--modify", "user:%s:x" % username, dirname] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() log.debug("Ran command '%s'", cmd) if out or err: log.debug("out=%s\nerr=%s", out, err) if proc.returncode != 0: raise ValueError(err) def _fix_perms_chmod(dirname): log.debug("Setting +x on %s", dirname) mode = os.stat(dirname).st_mode newmode = mode | stat.S_IXOTH os.chmod(dirname, newmode) if os.stat(dirname).st_mode != newmode: # Trying to change perms on vfat at least doesn't work # but also doesn't seem to error. Try and detect that raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover _("Permissions on '%s' did not stick") % dirname) def set_dirs_searchable(dirlist, username): useacl = True errdict = {} for dirname in dirlist: if useacl: try: _fix_perms_acl(dirname, username) continue except Exception as e: log.debug("setfacl failed: %s", e) log.debug("trying chmod") useacl = False try: # If we reach here, ACL setting failed, try chmod _fix_perms_chmod(dirname) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover errdict[dirname] = str(e) return errdict def _is_dir_searchable(dirname, uid, username): """ Check if passed directory is searchable by uid """ try: statinfo = os.stat(dirname) except OSError: # pragma: no cover return False if uid == statinfo.st_uid: flag = stat.S_IXUSR elif uid == statinfo.st_gid: flag = stat.S_IXGRP # pragma: no cover else: flag = stat.S_IXOTH if bool(statinfo.st_mode & flag): return True # Check POSIX ACL (since that is what we use to 'fix' access) cmd = ["getfacl", dirname] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() except OSError: # pragma: no cover log.debug("Didn't find the getfacl command.") return False if proc.returncode != 0: # pragma: no cover log.debug("Cmd '%s' failed: %s", cmd, err) return False pattern = "user:%s:..x" % username return bool(re.search(pattern.encode("utf-8", "replace"), out)) def is_path_searchable(path, uid, username): """ Check each dir component of the passed path, see if they are searchable by the uid/username, and return a list of paths which aren't searchable """ if os.path.isdir(path): dirname = path base = "-" else: dirname, base = os.path.split(path) fixlist = [] while base: if not _is_dir_searchable(dirname, uid, username): fixlist.append(dirname) dirname, base = os.path.split(dirname) return fixlist ############################################## # Classes for tracking storage media details # ############################################## class _StorageBase(object): """ Storage base class, defining the API used by DeviceDisk """ def __init__(self, conn): self._conn = conn self._parent_pool_xml = None def get_size(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_dev_type(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_driver_type(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_vol_install(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_vol_object(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_parent_pool(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_parent_pool_xml(self): if not self._parent_pool_xml and self.get_parent_pool(): self._parent_pool_xml = StoragePool(self._conn, parsexml=self.get_parent_pool().XMLDesc(0)) return self._parent_pool_xml def validate(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_path(self): raise NotImplementedError() def is_stub(self): return False # Storage creation routines def is_size_conflict(self): raise NotImplementedError() def will_create_storage(self): raise NotImplementedError() def create(self, meter): ignore = meter # pragma: no cover raise xmlutil.DevError( "%s can't create storage" % self.__class__.__name__) class _StorageCreator(_StorageBase): """ Base object for classes that will actually create storage on disk """ def __init__(self, conn): _StorageBase.__init__(self, conn) self._pool = None self._vol_install = None self._path = None self._size = None self._dev_type = None ############## # Public API # ############## def create(self, meter): raise NotImplementedError def validate(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_size(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_path(self): if self._vol_install and not self._path: xmlobj = StoragePool(self._conn, parsexml=self._vol_install.pool.XMLDesc(0)) if self.get_dev_type() == "network": self._path = self._vol_install.name else: self._path = os.path.join( xmlobj.target_path, self._vol_install.name) return self._path def get_vol_install(self): return self._vol_install def get_vol_xml(self): return self._vol_install def get_dev_type(self): if not self._dev_type: self._dev_type = _get_dev_type(self._path, self._vol_install, None, self.get_parent_pool_xml(), self._conn.is_remote()) return self._dev_type def get_driver_type(self): if self._vol_install: if self._vol_install.supports_format(): return self._vol_install.format return "raw" def will_create_storage(self): return True def get_vol_object(self): return None def get_parent_pool(self): if self._vol_install: return self._vol_install.pool return None def exists(self): return False class ManagedStorageCreator(_StorageCreator): """ Handles storage creation via libvirt APIs. All the actual creation logic lives in StorageVolume, this is mostly about pulling out bits from that class and mapping them to DeviceDisk elements """ def __init__(self, conn, vol_install): _StorageCreator.__init__(self, conn) self._pool = vol_install.pool self._vol_install = vol_install def create(self, meter): return self._vol_install.install(meter=meter) def is_size_conflict(self): return self._vol_install.is_size_conflict() def validate(self): return self._vol_install.validate() def get_size(self): return float(self._vol_install.capacity) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 class CloneStorageCreator(_StorageCreator): """ Handles manually copying local files for Cloner Many clone scenarios will use libvirt storage APIs, which will use the ManagedStorageCreator """ def __init__(self, conn, output_path, input_path, size, sparse): _StorageCreator.__init__(self, conn) self._path = output_path self._output_path = output_path self._input_path = input_path self._size = size self._sparse = sparse def get_size(self): return self._size def is_size_conflict(self): ret = False msg = None if self.get_dev_type() == "block": avail = _get_size(self._path) # pragma: no cover else: vfs = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self._path))) avail = vfs.f_frsize * vfs.f_bavail need = int(self._size) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 if need > avail: # pragma: no cover if self._sparse: msg = _("The filesystem will not have enough free space" " to fully allocate the sparse file when the guest" " is running.") else: ret = True msg = _("There is not enough free space to create the disk.") if msg: msg += " " msg += (_("%(mem1)s M requested > %(mem2)s M available") % {"mem1": (need // (1024 * 1024)), "mem2": (avail // (1024 * 1024))}) return (ret, msg) def validate(self): if self._size is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(_("size is required for non-existent disk " "'%s'" % self.get_path())) err, msg = self.is_size_conflict() if err: raise ValueError(msg) # pragma: no cover if msg: log.warning(msg) # pragma: no cover def create(self, meter): text = (_("Cloning %(srcfile)s") % {'srcfile': os.path.basename(self._input_path)}) size_bytes = int(self.get_size() * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) meter.start(text, size_bytes) # Plain file clone self._clone_local(meter, size_bytes) def _clone_local(self, meter, size_bytes): if self._input_path == "/dev/null": # pragma: no cover # Not really sure why this check is here, # but keeping for compat log.debug("Source dev was /dev/null. Skipping") return if self._input_path == self._output_path: log.debug("Source and destination are the same. Skipping.") return # If a destination file exists and sparse flag is True, # this priority takes an existing file. if (not os.path.exists(self._output_path) and self._sparse): clone_block_size = 4096 sparse = True fd = None try: fd = os.open(self._output_path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o640) os.ftruncate(fd, size_bytes) finally: if fd: os.close(fd) else: clone_block_size = 1024 * 1024 * 10 sparse = False log.debug("Local Cloning %s to %s, sparse=%s, block_size=%s", self._input_path, self._output_path, sparse, clone_block_size) zeros = b'\0' * 4096 src_fd, dst_fd = None, None try: try: src_fd = os.open(self._input_path, os.O_RDONLY) dst_fd = os.open(self._output_path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o640) i = 0 while 1: l = os.read(src_fd, clone_block_size) s = len(l) if s == 0: meter.end() break # check sequence of zeros if sparse and zeros == l: os.lseek(dst_fd, s, 1) else: b = os.write(dst_fd, l) if s != b: # pragma: no cover meter.end() break i += s if i < size_bytes: meter.update(i) except OSError as e: # pragma: no cover log.debug("Error while cloning", exc_info=True) msg = (_("Error cloning diskimage " "%(inputpath)s to %(outputpath)s: %(error)s") % {"inputpath": self._input_path, "outputpath": self._output_path, "error": str(e)}) raise RuntimeError(msg) from None finally: if src_fd is not None: os.close(src_fd) if dst_fd is not None: os.close(dst_fd) class StorageBackendStub(_StorageBase): """ Class representing a storage path for a parsed XML disk, that we don't want to do slow resolving of unless requested """ def __init__(self, conn, path, dev_type, driver_type): _StorageBase.__init__(self, conn) self._path = path self._dev_type = dev_type self._driver_type = driver_type def get_path(self): return self._path def get_vol_object(self): return None def get_vol_xml(self): return None def get_parent_pool(self): return None def get_size(self): return 0 def exists(self): return True def get_dev_type(self): return self._dev_type def get_driver_type(self): return self._driver_type def validate(self): return def get_vol_install(self): return None def is_size_conflict(self): return (False, None) def is_stub(self): return True def will_create_storage(self): return False class StorageBackend(_StorageBase): """ Class that carries all the info about any existing storage that the disk references """ def __init__(self, conn, path, vol_object, parent_pool): _StorageBase.__init__(self, conn) self._vol_object = vol_object self._parent_pool = parent_pool self._path = path if self._vol_object is not None: self._path = None if self._vol_object and not self._parent_pool: raise xmlutil.DevError( "parent_pool must be specified") # Cached bits self._vol_xml = None self._parent_pool_xml = None self._exists = None self._size = None self._dev_type = None ############## # Public API # ############## def get_path(self): if self._vol_object: return self.get_vol_xml().target_path return self._path def get_vol_object(self): return self._vol_object def get_vol_xml(self): if self._vol_xml is None: self._vol_xml = StorageVolume(self._conn, parsexml=self._vol_object.XMLDesc(0)) self._vol_xml.pool = self._parent_pool return self._vol_xml def get_parent_pool(self): return self._parent_pool def get_size(self): """ Return size of existing storage """ if self._size is None: ret = 0 if self._vol_object: ret = self.get_vol_xml().capacity elif self._path: ret = _get_size(self._path) self._size = (float(ret) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0) return self._size def exists(self): if self._exists is None: if self._vol_object: self._exists = True elif self._path is None: self._exists = True elif (not self.get_dev_type() == "network" and not self._conn.is_remote() and os.path.exists(self._path)): self._exists = True elif self._parent_pool: self._exists = False elif self.get_dev_type() == "network": self._exists = True elif (self._conn.is_remote() and not _can_auto_manage(self._path)): # This allows users to pass /dev/sdX and we don't try to # validate it exists on the remote connection, since # autopooling /dev is perilous. Libvirt will error if # the device doesn't exist. self._exists = True else: self._exists = False return self._exists def get_dev_type(self): """ Return disk 'type' value per storage settings """ if self._dev_type is None: vol_xml = None if self._vol_object: vol_xml = self.get_vol_xml() self._dev_type = _get_dev_type(self._path, vol_xml, self._vol_object, self.get_parent_pool_xml(), self._conn.is_remote()) return self._dev_type def get_driver_type(self): if self._vol_object: if self.get_vol_xml().supports_format(): return self.get_vol_xml().format return "raw" return None def validate(self): return def get_vol_install(self): return None def is_size_conflict(self): return (False, None) def will_create_storage(self): return False