#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Ensure that Wget correctly encodes url() parameters in CSS.""" from test.base_test import HTTP from test.http_test import HTTPTest from misc.wget_file import WgetFile ############################## File Definitions ############################### FILE1 = """ Hello """ FILE2 = "This is an image" File1_File = WgetFile("index.html", FILE1) File2_File = WgetFile("image 1.html", FILE2) File2_ServerFile = WgetFile("image%201.html", FILE2) WGET_OPTIONS = "--recursive --convert-links --no-host-directories" WGET_URLS = [[""]] Servers = [HTTP] Files = [[File1_File, File2_ServerFile]] Existing_Files = [] ExpectedReturnCode = 0 ExpectedDownloadedFiles = [File1_File, File2_File] # Request_List = [["GET /", # "GET /image 1.html"]] ################ Pre and Post Test Hooks ##################################### pre_test = { "ServerFiles" : Files, "LocalFiles" : Existing_Files } test_options = { "WgetCommands" : WGET_OPTIONS, "Urls" : WGET_URLS } post_test = { "ExpectedFiles" : ExpectedDownloadedFiles, "ExpectedRetcode" : ExpectedReturnCode } err = HTTPTest ( pre_hook=pre_test, test_params=test_options, post_hook=post_test, protocols=Servers ).begin () exit (err)