]> <separator/> <app name="Program futtatása..." cmd="xfrun4"/> <separator/> <app name="Terminál" cmd="xfterm4" /> <app name="Fájlkezelő (xffm)" cmd="xffm"/> <app name="Böngésző" cmd="mozilla"/> <separator/> <menu name="Beállítások" visible="yes"> <app name="Beállításkezelő..." cmd="xfce-setting-show"/> <app name="Háttér..." cmd="xfce-setting-show backdrop"/> <!-- <app name="Háttér" cmd="xfce-setting-show backdrop"/> <app name="Munkaterületek" cmd="xfce-setting-show workspaces"/> <app name="Fájlkezelő (xffm)" cmd="xfce-setting-show xffm"/> <app name="Felhasználói felület (gtk+)" cmd="xfce-setting-show ui"/> <app name="Icon box" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfibx"/> <app name="Egér" cmd="xfce-setting-show mouse"/> <app name="Ablaklista" cmd="xfce-setting-show taskbar"/> <app name="Billentyűzet" cmd="xfce-setting-show keyboard"/> <app name="Ablakkezelő" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfwm4"/> <app name="Margók" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfwm_margins"/> <app name="Panel" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfce"/> --> </menu> <separator/> <app name="Súgó" cmd="xfhelp4"/> <!-- <separator/> --> <!-- Set visible to yes to use this item. This will exit the desktop manager. If you also put 'exec xfdesktop' at the end of your ~/.xinitrc, this menu item can be used to exit the X session. --> <builtin name="Kilépés" cmd="quit" visible="no"/> <!-- Example on how to include a file: 1) declare an ENTITY in the DOCTYPE tag (see above) 2) include entity in file: --> <!-- &menu2; --> </xfdesktop-menu>