WARNING: On exit XFree86 restores the old mode but it does not disable the secondary card. As a result the second card (which has some randonm CRTC timing) may produce synch pulses which are wrong for your monitor. If your monitor does not tolerate bad timing I would recommend that you don't try Multi-head yet, or at least, turn it off *before* leaving X. 3.9Nl notice: There is a problem with releasing of LBX colormap privates which may cause a seg. fault when the server exits. I got a patch from Mark Vojkovich which fixes it. If you have a CL-GD5480 or CL-GD5446 ver. B you should be able to try Multi-Head with that card as a secondary. The primary card should not have any special feature. Some MainBoards may not do it right too. I tried it with a 5465 (AGP) as a primary and 5446B (PCI) secondary on an ABIT LX6 upgraded to the latest bios. Version A of the 5446 cannot be pure MMIO (The driver requires that it is the primary display adapter). You can distinguish between the rel A and rel B by running "scanpci -v". Version 1 does not report a valid BASE1 address. The bios upgrade lets me chose if the primary display adapter is on PCI on AGP (I chose the AGP card as primary). Warning - this setup will *NOT* work with XFree86 3.3.2. The only problem that I found so far is with memory configuration initialization. My bios does not initialize the secondary display adapter. This results in a currupted display. Here are the options: 1. warm booting from Windows 98 may work. I have not tried that. 2. Take out the other card and leave the 5446 (or 5480) as the primary card. Start the server and watch it's output. Look for lines like: (--) CIRRUS(0): Memory Config reg 1 is 0x1B (--) CIRRUS(0): Memory Config reg 2 is 0x21 Remember these values. Now edit XF86Config and add to the proper device section the lines: Option "MemCFG1" "0x1B" Option "MemCFG2" "0x21" These values are the contents of registers SR0F and SR17. (notice: the 5480 driver does not use and will not print MemCFG2). Now you can reinstall the other card (which must me set as the the primary display adaptor). A note about configuring multi-head: There should be a separate section for each adapter (device), Monitor and Screen. A "ServerLayout" section is optional (and recommended). To make it easier for XFree86 to relate device sections to actual cards, use a BusId line in each device section. XFree86 3.9N works properly if the config file is for Multi-head but it finds only one display adapter.