/* $Xorg: Create.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:03:54 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /*********************************************************** Copyright 1987, 1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, Copyright 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mountain View, CA All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or Sun not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. SUN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN BE LI- ABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* Copyright 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ #include "IntrinsicI.h" #include "VarargsI.h" #include "ShellP.h" #ifndef X_NO_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT #include "ResConfigP.h" #endif #include static String XtNxtCreateWidget = "xtCreateWidget"; static String XtNxtCreatePopupShell = "xtCreatePopupShell"; static void CallClassPartInit(ancestor, wc) WidgetClass ancestor, wc; { if (ancestor->core_class.superclass != NULL) { CallClassPartInit(ancestor->core_class.superclass, wc); } if (ancestor->core_class.class_part_initialize != NULL) { (*(ancestor->core_class.class_part_initialize)) (wc); } } void XtInitializeWidgetClass(wc) WidgetClass wc; { XtEnum inited; LOCK_PROCESS; if (wc->core_class.class_inited) { UNLOCK_PROCESS; return; } inited = 0x01; { WidgetClass pc; #define LeaveIfClass(c, d) if (pc == c) { inited = d; break; } for (pc = wc; pc; pc = pc->core_class.superclass) { LeaveIfClass(rectObjClass, 0x01 | RectObjClassFlag); LeaveIfClass(coreWidgetClass, 0x01 | RectObjClassFlag | WidgetClassFlag); LeaveIfClass(compositeWidgetClass, 0x01 | RectObjClassFlag | WidgetClassFlag | CompositeClassFlag); LeaveIfClass(constraintWidgetClass, 0x01 | RectObjClassFlag | WidgetClassFlag | CompositeClassFlag | ConstraintClassFlag); LeaveIfClass(shellWidgetClass, 0x01 | RectObjClassFlag | WidgetClassFlag | CompositeClassFlag | ShellClassFlag); LeaveIfClass(wmShellWidgetClass, 0x01 | RectObjClassFlag | WidgetClassFlag | CompositeClassFlag | ShellClassFlag | WMShellClassFlag); LeaveIfClass(topLevelShellWidgetClass, 0x01 | RectObjClassFlag | WidgetClassFlag | CompositeClassFlag | ShellClassFlag | WMShellClassFlag | TopLevelClassFlag); } #undef LeaveIfClass } if (wc->core_class.version != XtVersion && wc->core_class.version != XtVersionDontCheck) { String param[3]; String mismatch = "Widget class %s version mismatch (recompilation needed):\n widget %d vs. intrinsics %d."; String recompile = "Widget class %s must be re-compiled."; Cardinal num_params; param[0] = wc->core_class.class_name; param[1] = (String) wc->core_class.version; param[2] = (String) XtVersion; if (wc->core_class.version == (11 * 1000 + 5) || /* MIT X11R5 */ wc->core_class.version == (11 * 1000 + 4)) { /* MIT X11R4 */ if ((inited & WMShellClassFlag) && (sizeof(Boolean) != sizeof(char) || sizeof(Atom) != sizeof(Widget) || sizeof(Atom) != sizeof(String))) { num_params=3; XtWarningMsg("versionMismatch","widget",XtCXtToolkitError, mismatch, param, &num_params); num_params=1; XtErrorMsg("R4orR5versionMismatch","widget",XtCXtToolkitError, recompile, param, &num_params); } } else if (wc->core_class.version == (11 * 1000 + 3)) { /* MIT X11R3 */ if (inited & ShellClassFlag) { num_params=1; XtWarningMsg("r3versionMismatch","widget",XtCXtToolkitError, "Shell Widget class %s binary compiled for R3", param,&num_params); XtErrorMsg("R3versionMismatch","widget",XtCXtToolkitError, recompile, param, &num_params); } } else { num_params=3; XtWarningMsg("versionMismatch","widget",XtCXtToolkitError, mismatch, param, &num_params); if (wc->core_class.version == (2 * 1000 + 2)) /* MIT X11R2 */ { num_params=1; XtErrorMsg("r2versionMismatch","widget",XtCXtToolkitError, recompile, param, &num_params); } } } if ((wc->core_class.superclass != NULL) && (!(wc->core_class.superclass->core_class.class_inited))) XtInitializeWidgetClass(wc->core_class.superclass); if (wc->core_class.class_initialize != NULL) (*(wc->core_class.class_initialize))(); CallClassPartInit(wc, wc); wc->core_class.class_inited = inited; UNLOCK_PROCESS; } static void CallInitialize (class, req_widget, new_widget, args, num_args) WidgetClass class; Widget req_widget; Widget new_widget; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; { WidgetClass superclass; XtInitProc initialize; XtArgsProc initialize_hook; LOCK_PROCESS; superclass = class->core_class.superclass; UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (superclass) CallInitialize (superclass, req_widget, new_widget, args, num_args); LOCK_PROCESS; initialize = class->core_class.initialize; UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (initialize) (*initialize) (req_widget, new_widget, args, &num_args); LOCK_PROCESS; initialize_hook = class->core_class.initialize_hook; UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (initialize_hook) (*initialize_hook) (new_widget, args, &num_args); } static void CallConstraintInitialize (class, req_widget, new_widget, args, num_args) ConstraintWidgetClass class; Widget req_widget, new_widget; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; { WidgetClass superclass; XtInitProc initialize; LOCK_PROCESS; superclass = class->core_class.superclass; UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (superclass != constraintWidgetClass) CallConstraintInitialize((ConstraintWidgetClass) superclass, req_widget, new_widget, args, num_args); LOCK_PROCESS; initialize = class->constraint_class.initialize; UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (initialize) (*initialize) (req_widget, new_widget, args, &num_args); } static Widget xtWidgetAlloc(widget_class, parent_constraint_class, parent, name, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args) WidgetClass widget_class; ConstraintWidgetClass parent_constraint_class; Widget parent; String name; ArgList args; /* must be NULL if typed_args is non-NULL */ Cardinal num_args; XtTypedArgList typed_args; /* must be NULL if args is non-NULL */ Cardinal num_typed_args; { Widget widget; Cardinal wsize, csize = 0; ObjectClassExtension ext; LOCK_PROCESS; if (! (widget_class->core_class.class_inited)) XtInitializeWidgetClass(widget_class); ext = (ObjectClassExtension) XtGetClassExtension(widget_class, XtOffsetOf(ObjectClassRec, object_class.extension), NULLQUARK, XtObjectExtensionVersion, sizeof(ObjectClassExtensionRec)); if (parent_constraint_class) csize = parent_constraint_class->constraint_class.constraint_size; if (ext && ext->allocate) { XtAllocateProc allocate; Cardinal extra = 0; Cardinal nargs = num_args; Cardinal ntyped = num_typed_args; allocate = ext->allocate; UNLOCK_PROCESS; (*allocate)(widget_class, &csize, &extra, args, &nargs, typed_args, &ntyped, &widget, NULL); } else { wsize = widget_class->core_class.widget_size; UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (csize) { if (sizeof(struct {char a; double b;}) != (sizeof(struct {char a; unsigned long b;}) - sizeof(unsigned long) + sizeof(double))) { if (csize && !(csize & (sizeof(double) - 1))) wsize = (wsize + sizeof(double) - 1) & ~(sizeof(double)-1); } } widget = (Widget) __XtMalloc((unsigned)(wsize + csize)); widget->core.constraints = (csize ? (XtPointer)((char *)widget + wsize) : NULL); } widget->core.self = widget; widget->core.parent = parent; widget->core.widget_class = widget_class; widget->core.xrm_name = StringToName((name != NULL) ? name : ""); widget->core.being_destroyed = (parent != NULL ? parent->core.being_destroyed : FALSE); return widget; } static void CompileCallbacks(widget) Widget widget; { CallbackTable offsets; InternalCallbackList* cl; int i; LOCK_PROCESS; offsets = (CallbackTable) widget->core.widget_class->core_class.callback_private; for (i = (int) *(offsets++); --i >= 0; offsets++) { cl = (InternalCallbackList *) ((char *) widget - (*offsets)->xrm_offset - 1); if (*cl) *cl = _XtCompileCallbackList((XtCallbackList) *cl); } UNLOCK_PROCESS; } static Widget xtCreate(name, class, widget_class, parent, default_screen, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args, parent_constraint_class, post_proc) char *name, *class; WidgetClass widget_class; Widget parent; Screen* default_screen; /* undefined when creating a nonwidget */ ArgList args; /* must be NULL if typed_args is non-NULL */ Cardinal num_args; XtTypedArgList typed_args; /* must be NULL if args is non-NULL */ Cardinal num_typed_args; ConstraintWidgetClass parent_constraint_class; /* NULL if not a subclass of Constraint or if child is popup shell */ XtWidgetProc post_proc; { /* need to use strictest alignment rules possible in next two decls. */ double widget_cache[100]; double constraint_cache[20]; Widget req_widget; XtPointer req_constraints; Cardinal wsize, csize; Widget widget; XtCacheRef *cache_refs; int i; XtCreateHookDataRec call_data; widget = xtWidgetAlloc(widget_class, parent_constraint_class, parent, name, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args); if (XtIsRectObj(widget)) { widget->core.managed = FALSE; } if (XtIsWidget(widget)) { widget->core.name = XrmNameToString(widget->core.xrm_name); widget->core.screen = default_screen; widget->core.tm.translations = NULL; widget->core.window = (Window) 0; widget->core.visible = TRUE; widget->core.popup_list = NULL; widget->core.num_popups = 0; }; LOCK_PROCESS; if (XtIsApplicationShell(widget)) { ApplicationShellWidget a = (ApplicationShellWidget) widget; if (class != NULL) a->application.xrm_class = StringToClass(class); else a->application.xrm_class = widget_class->core_class.xrm_class; a->application.class = XrmQuarkToString(a->application.xrm_class); } UNLOCK_PROCESS; /* fetch resources */ cache_refs = _XtGetResources(widget, args, num_args, typed_args, &num_typed_args); /* Convert typed arg list to arg list */ if (typed_args != NULL && num_typed_args > 0) { args = (ArgList)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(sizeof(Arg) * num_typed_args); if (args == NULL) _XtAllocError(NULL); for (i = 0; i < num_typed_args; i++) { args[i].name = typed_args[i].name; args[i].value = typed_args[i].value; } num_args = num_typed_args; } CompileCallbacks(widget); if (cache_refs != NULL) { XtAddCallback(widget, XtNdestroyCallback, XtCallbackReleaseCacheRefList, (XtPointer)cache_refs ); } wsize = widget_class->core_class.widget_size; csize = 0; req_widget = (Widget) XtStackAlloc(wsize, widget_cache); (void) memmove ((char *) req_widget, (char *) widget, (int) wsize); CallInitialize (XtClass(widget), req_widget, widget, args, num_args); if (parent_constraint_class != NULL) { csize = parent_constraint_class->constraint_class.constraint_size; if (csize) { req_constraints = XtStackAlloc(csize, constraint_cache); (void) memmove((char*)req_constraints, widget->core.constraints, (int)csize); req_widget->core.constraints = req_constraints; } else req_widget->core.constraints = NULL; CallConstraintInitialize(parent_constraint_class, req_widget, widget, args, num_args); if (csize) XtStackFree(req_constraints, constraint_cache); } XtStackFree((XtPointer)req_widget, widget_cache); if (post_proc != (XtWidgetProc) NULL) { Widget hookobj; (*post_proc)(widget); hookobj = XtHooksOfDisplay((default_screen != (Screen*) NULL) ? default_screen->display : XtDisplayOfObject(parent)); if (XtHasCallbacks(hookobj, XtNcreateHook) == XtCallbackHasSome) { call_data.type = XtHcreate; call_data.widget = widget; call_data.args = args; call_data.num_args = num_args; XtCallCallbackList(hookobj, ((HookObject)hookobj)->hooks.createhook_callbacks, (XtPointer)&call_data); } } if (typed_args != NULL) { while (num_typed_args-- > 0) { /* In GetResources we may have dynamically alloc'd store to hold */ /* a copy of a resource which was larger then sizeof(XtArgVal). */ /* We must free this store now in order to prevent a memory leak */ /* A typed arg that has a converted value in dynamic store has a */ /* negated size field. */ if (typed_args->type != NULL && typed_args->size < 0) { XtFree((char*)typed_args->value); typed_args->size = -(typed_args->size); } typed_args++; } DEALLOCATE_LOCAL((char*)args); } return (widget); } static void widgetPostProc(w) Widget w; { XtWidgetProc insert_child; Widget parent = XtParent(w); String param = XtName(w); Cardinal num_params = 1; if (XtIsComposite(parent)) { LOCK_PROCESS; insert_child = ((CompositeWidgetClass) parent->core.widget_class)-> composite_class.insert_child; UNLOCK_PROCESS; } else { return; } if (insert_child == NULL) { XtAppErrorMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(parent), "nullProc","insertChild",XtCXtToolkitError, "\"%s\" parent has NULL insert_child method", ¶m, &num_params); } else { (*insert_child) (w); } } Widget _XtCreateWidget(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args) String name; WidgetClass widget_class; Widget parent; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; XtTypedArgList typed_args; Cardinal num_typed_args; { register Widget widget; ConstraintWidgetClass cwc; Screen* default_screen; XtEnum class_inited; String params[3]; Cardinal num_params; params[0] = name; num_params = 1; if (parent == NULL) { XtErrorMsg("invalidParent", XtNxtCreateWidget, XtCXtToolkitError, "XtCreateWidget \"%s\" requires non-NULL parent", params, &num_params); } else if (widget_class == NULL) { XtAppErrorMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(parent), "invalidClass", XtNxtCreateWidget, XtCXtToolkitError, "XtCreateWidget \"%s\" requires non-NULL widget class", params, &num_params); } LOCK_PROCESS; if (!widget_class->core_class.class_inited) XtInitializeWidgetClass(widget_class); class_inited = widget_class->core_class.class_inited; UNLOCK_PROCESS; if ((class_inited & WidgetClassFlag) == 0) { /* not a widget */ default_screen = NULL; if (XtIsComposite(parent)) { CompositeClassExtension ext; ext = (CompositeClassExtension) XtGetClassExtension(XtClass(parent), XtOffsetOf(CompositeClassRec, composite_class.extension), NULLQUARK, 1L, (Cardinal) 0); LOCK_PROCESS; if (ext && (ext->version > XtCompositeExtensionVersion || ext->record_size > sizeof(CompositeClassExtensionRec))) { params[1] = XtClass(parent)->core_class.class_name; num_params = 2; XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(parent), "invalidExtension", XtNxtCreateWidget, XtCXtToolkitError, "widget \"%s\" class %s has invalid CompositeClassExtension record", params, &num_params); } if (!ext || !ext->accepts_objects) { params[1] = XtName(parent); num_params = 2; XtAppErrorMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(parent), "nonWidget", XtNxtCreateWidget,XtCXtToolkitError, "attempt to add non-widget child \"%s\" to parent \"%s\" which supports only widgets", params, &num_params); } UNLOCK_PROCESS; } } else { default_screen = parent->core.screen; } if (XtIsConstraint(parent)) { cwc = (ConstraintWidgetClass) parent->core.widget_class; } else { cwc = NULL; } widget = xtCreate(name, (char *)NULL, widget_class, parent, default_screen, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args, cwc, widgetPostProc); return (widget); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Widget XtCreateWidget( _Xconst char* name, WidgetClass widget_class, Widget parent, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args ) #else Widget XtCreateWidget(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args) String name; WidgetClass widget_class; Widget parent; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; #endif { Widget retval; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(parent); LOCK_APP(app); retval = _XtCreateWidget(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, (Cardinal)0); UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Widget XtCreateManagedWidget( _Xconst char* name, WidgetClass widget_class, Widget parent, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args ) #else Widget XtCreateManagedWidget(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args) String name; WidgetClass widget_class; Widget parent; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; #endif { register Widget widget; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(parent); LOCK_APP(app); XtCheckSubclass(parent, compositeWidgetClass, "in XtCreateManagedWidget"); widget = _XtCreateWidget(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, (Cardinal) 0); XtManageChild(widget); UNLOCK_APP(app); return widget; } static void popupPostProc(w) Widget w; { Widget parent = XtParent(w); parent->core.popup_list = (WidgetList) XtRealloc((char*) parent->core.popup_list, (unsigned) (parent->core.num_popups+1) * sizeof(Widget)); parent->core.popup_list[parent->core.num_popups++] = w; } Widget _XtCreatePopupShell(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args) String name; WidgetClass widget_class; Widget parent; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; XtTypedArgList typed_args; Cardinal num_typed_args; { register Widget widget; Screen* default_screen; if (parent == NULL) { XtErrorMsg("invalidParent",XtNxtCreatePopupShell,XtCXtToolkitError, "XtCreatePopupShell requires non-NULL parent", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); } else if (widget_class == NULL) { XtAppErrorMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(parent), "invalidClass",XtNxtCreatePopupShell,XtCXtToolkitError, "XtCreatePopupShell requires non-NULL widget class", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); } XtCheckSubclass(parent, coreWidgetClass, "in XtCreatePopupShell"); default_screen = parent->core.screen; widget = xtCreate(name, (char *)NULL, widget_class, parent, default_screen, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args, (ConstraintWidgetClass)NULL, popupPostProc); #ifndef X_NO_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT XtAddEventHandler (widget, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, (XtEventHandler) _XtResourceConfigurationEH, NULL); #endif return(widget); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Widget XtCreatePopupShell( _Xconst char* name, WidgetClass widget_class, Widget parent, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args ) #else Widget XtCreatePopupShell(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args) String name; WidgetClass widget_class; Widget parent; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; #endif { Widget retval; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(parent); LOCK_APP(app); retval = _XtCreatePopupShell(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, (Cardinal)0); UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } Widget _XtAppCreateShell(name, class, widget_class, display, args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args) String name, class; WidgetClass widget_class; Display* display; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; XtTypedArgList typed_args; Cardinal num_typed_args; { Widget shell; if (widget_class == NULL) { XtAppErrorMsg(XtDisplayToApplicationContext(display), "invalidClass","xtAppCreateShell",XtCXtToolkitError, "XtAppCreateShell requires non-NULL widget class", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); } if (name == NULL) name = XrmNameToString(_XtGetPerDisplay(display)->name); shell = xtCreate(name, class, widget_class, (Widget)NULL, (Screen*)DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display), args, num_args, typed_args, num_typed_args, (ConstraintWidgetClass) NULL, _XtAddShellToHookObj); #ifndef X_NO_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT XtAddEventHandler (shell, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, (XtEventHandler) _XtResourceConfigurationEH, NULL); #endif return shell; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Widget XtAppCreateShell( _Xconst char* name, _Xconst char* class, WidgetClass widget_class, Display *display, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args ) #else Widget XtAppCreateShell(name, class, widget_class, display, args, num_args) String name, class; WidgetClass widget_class; Display *display; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; #endif { Widget retval; DPY_TO_APPCON(display); LOCK_APP(app); retval = _XtAppCreateShell(name, class, widget_class, display, args, num_args, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, (Cardinal)0); UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } /* ARGSUSED */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Widget XtCreateApplicationShell( _Xconst char* name, /* unused in R3 and later */ WidgetClass widget_class, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args ) #else Widget XtCreateApplicationShell(name, widget_class, args, num_args) String name; /* unused in R3 and later */ WidgetClass widget_class; ArgList args; Cardinal num_args; #endif { Widget retval; Display* dpy; XrmClass class; XtAppContext app = _XtDefaultAppContext(); LOCK_APP(app); dpy = app->list[0]; class = _XtGetPerDisplay(dpy)->class; retval = _XtAppCreateShell((String)NULL, XrmQuarkToString((XrmQuark)class), widget_class, dpy, args, num_args, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, (Cardinal)0); UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } Widget _XtCreateHookObj(screen) Screen* screen; { Widget req_widget; double widget_cache[100]; Cardinal wsize = 0; Widget hookobj = xtWidgetAlloc(hookObjectClass, (ConstraintWidgetClass)NULL, (Widget)NULL, "hooks", (ArgList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, (Cardinal)0); ((HookObject)hookobj)->hooks.screen = screen; (void) _XtGetResources(hookobj, (ArgList)NULL, 0, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, &wsize); CompileCallbacks(hookobj); wsize = hookObjectClass->core_class.widget_size; req_widget = (Widget) XtStackAlloc(wsize, widget_cache); (void) memmove ((char *) req_widget, (char *) hookobj, (int) wsize); CallInitialize (hookObjectClass, req_widget, hookobj, (ArgList)NULL, (Cardinal) 0); XtStackFree((XtPointer)req_widget, widget_cache); return hookobj; }