path: root/specs/sync.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
+ "">
+<!--translated from sync.tex, on 2010-06-29 10:52:00,
+by TeX4ht ( xhtml,docbook,html,refcaption -->
+<book id="sync">
+ <title>X Synchronization Extention Protocol</title>
+ <subtitle>X Consortium Standard</subtitle>
+ <releaseinfo>X Version 11, Release 6.6.84</releaseinfo>
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Tim</firstname><surname>Glauert</surname>
+ <affiliation><orgname>Olivetti Research/MultiWorks</orgname></affiliation>
+ </author>
+ <othercredit>
+ <firstname>Dave</firstname>
+ <surname>Carver</surname>
+ <affiliation><orgname>Digital EquipmentCorporation, MIT/Project Athena</orgname></affiliation>
+ </othercredit>
+ <othercredit>
+ <firstname>Jim</firstname>
+ <surname>Gettys</surname>
+ <affiliation><orgname>Digital EquipmentCorporation, Cambridge Research Laboratory</orgname></affiliation>
+ </othercredit>
+ <othercredit>
+ <firstname>David</firstname>
+ <surname>Wiggins</surname>
+ <affiliation><orgname>X Consortium, Inc.</orgname></affiliation>
+ </othercredit>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <corpname>X Consortium Standard</corpname>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>1991</year>
+ <holder>
+Olivetti Research Limited, Cambridge England and
+Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts
+ </holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <copyright><year>1991</year><holder>X Consortium</holder></copyright>
+ <releaseinfo>Version 3.0</releaseinfo>
+ <affiliation><orgname>X Consortium</orgname></affiliation>
+ <productnumber>X Version 11, Release 6.8</productnumber>
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this documentation for any
+purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+copyright notice appear in all copies. Olivetti, Digital, MIT, and the
+X Consortium make no representations about the suitability for any purpose
+of the information in this document. This documentation is provided as
+is without express or implied warranty.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+(the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
+to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+<para>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</para>
+<para>Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
+not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X
+<chapter id="synchronization_protocol">
+<title>Synchronization Protocol</title>
+The core X protocol makes no guarantees about the relative order of execution
+of requests for different clients. This means that any synchronization between
+clients must be done at the client level in an operating system-dependent and
+network-dependent manner. Even if there was an accepted standard for such
+synchronization, the use of a network introduces unpredictable delays between
+the synchronization of the clients and the delivery of the resulting requests
+to the X server.
+The core X protocol also makes no guarantees about the time at which requests
+are executed, which means that all clients with real-time constraints must
+implement their timing on the host computer. Any such timings are subject to
+error introduced by delays within the operating system and network and are
+inefficient because of the need for round-trip requests that keep the client
+and server synchronized.
+The synchronization extension provides primitives that allow synchronization
+between clients to take place entirely within the X server. This removes any
+error introduced by the network and makes it possible to synchronize clients
+on different hosts running different operating systems. This is important for
+multimedia applications, where audio, video, and graphics data streams are
+being synchronized. The extension also provides internal timers within the
+X server to which client requests can be synchronized. This allows simple
+animation applications to be implemented without any round-trip requests and
+makes best use of buffering within the client, network, and server.
+<sect1 id="description">
+The mechanism used by this extension for synchronization within the X
+server is to block the processing of requests from a client until a
+specific synchronization condition occurs. When the condition occurs, the
+client is released and processing of requests continues. Multiple clients
+may block on the same condition to give inter-client synchronization.
+Alternatively, a single client may block on a condition such as an animation
+frame marker.
+The extension adds <function>Counter</function> and
+<function>Alarm</function> to the set of resources managed by the
+server. A counter has a 64-bit integer value that may be increased or
+decreased by client requests or by the server internally. A client can block
+by sending an Await request that waits until one of a set of synchronization
+conditions, called TRIGGERs, becomes TRUE.
+The <function>CreateCounter</function> request allows a client to create a
+<function>Counter</function> that can be changed by explicit
+<function>SetCounter</function> and <function>ChangeCounter</function>
+requests. These can be used to implement synchronization between different
+There are some counters, called <function>System Counters</function>, that
+are changed by the server internally rather than by client requests. The
+effect of any change to a system counter is not visible until the server
+has finished processing the current request. In other words, system
+counters are apparently updated in the gaps between the execution of
+requests rather than during the actual execution of a request. The extension
+provides a system counter that advances with the server time as defined by
+the core protocol, and it may also provide counters that advance with the
+real-world time or that change each time the CRT screen is refreshed.
+Other extensions may provide their own extension-specific system counters.
+The extension provides an <function>Alarm</function> mechanism that allows
+clients to receive an event on a regular basis when a particular counter
+is changed.
+<sect1 id="types">
+Please refer to the X11 Protocol specification as this document uses
+syntactic conventions established there and references types defined there.
+<para>The following new types are used by the extension.</para>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+INT64: 64-bit signed integer
+VALUETYPE: {Absolute,Relative};
+TESTTYPE: {PositiveTransition,NegativeTransition,
+ PositiveComparison,NegativeComparison}
+ counter:COUNTER,
+ value-type:VALUETYPE,
+ wait-value:INT64,
+ test-type:TESTTYPE
+ ]
+ trigger:TRIGGER,
+ event-threshold:INT64
+ ]
+ name:STRING8,
+ counter:COUNTER,
+ resolution:INT64
+ ]
+ALARMSTATE: {Active,Inactive,Destroyed}
+The COUNTER type defines the client-side handle on a server
+<function>Counter</function>. The value of a counter is an INT64.
+The TRIGGER type defines a test on a counter that is either TRUE or FALSE. The
+value of the test is determined by the combination of a test value, the value
+of the counter, and the specified test-type.
+The test value for a trigger is calculated using the value-type and
+wait-value fields when the trigger is initialized. If the value-type field
+is not one of the named VALUETYPE constants, the request that initialized the
+trigger will return a <function>Value</function> error. If the value-type
+field is <function>Absolute</function>, the test value is given by the
+wait-value field. If the value-type field is <function>Relative</function>,
+the test value is obtained by adding the wait-value field to the value of the
+counter. If the resulting test value would lie outside the range for an
+INT64, the request that initialized the trigger will return a
+<function>Value</function> error. If counter is <function>None</function>
+and the value-type is <function>Relative</function>, the request that
+initialized the trigger will return a <function>Match</function> error. If
+counter is not None and does not name a valid counter, a Counter error is
+If the test-type is <function>PositiveTransition</function>, the trigger is
+initialized to FALSE, and it will become TRUE when the counter changes from
+a value less than the test value to a value greater than or equal to the
+test value. If the test-type is <function>NegativeTransition</function>,
+the trigger is initialize to FALSE, and it will become TRUE when the counter
+changes from a value greater than the test value to a value less than or
+equal to the test value. If the test-type is
+<function>PositiveComparison</function>, the trigger is TRUE if the
+counter is greater than or equal to the test value and FALSE otherwise. If the
+test-type is <function>NegativeComparison</function>, the trigger is TRUE
+if the counter is less than or equal to the test value and FALSE otherwise.
+If the test-type is not one of the named TESTTYPE constants, the request that
+initialized the trigger will return a Value error. A trigger with a counter
+value of <function>None</function> and a valid test-type is always TRUE.
+The WAITCONDITION type is simply a trigger with an associated event-threshold.
+The event threshold is used by the <function>Await</function> request to
+decide whether or not to generate an event to the client after the trigger has
+become TRUE. By setting the event-threshold to an appropriate value, it is
+possible to detect the situation where an <function>Await</function> request
+was processed after the TRIGGER became TRUE, which usually indicates that
+the server is not processing requests as fast as the client expects.
+The SYSTEMCOUNTER type provides the client with information about a
+<function>System</function>Counter. The name field is the textual name of
+the counter that identifies the counter to the client. The counter field
+is the client-side handle that should be used in requests that require a
+counter. The resolution field gives the approximate step size of the system
+counter. This is a hint to the client
+that the extension may not be able to resolve two wait conditions with test
+values that differ by less than this step size. A microsecond clock, for
+example, may advance in steps of 64 microseconds, so a counter based on this
+clock would have a resolution of 64.
+The only system counter that is guaranteed to be present is called SERVERTIME,
+which counts milliseconds from some arbitrary starting point. The least
+significant 32 bits of this counter track the value of Time used by the
+server in Events and Requests. Other system counters may be provided by
+different implementations of the extension. The X Consortium will maintain a
+registry of system counter names to avoid collisions in the name space.
+An ALARM is the client-side handle on an <function>Alarm</function> resource.
+<sect1 id="errors">
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Counter</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+This error is generated if the value for a COUNTER argument in a request
+does not name a defined COUNTER.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Alarm</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+This error is generated if the value for an ALARM argument in a request
+does not name a defined ALARM.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+<sect1 id="requests">
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Initialize</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+version-major,version-minor: CARD8
+version-major,version-minor: CARD8
+ <para>
+This request must be executed before any other requests for this extension. If a
+client violates this rule, the results of all SYNC requests that it issues are
+undefined. The request takes the version number of the extension that the
+client wishes to use and returns the actual version number being implemented
+by the extension for this client. The extension may return different
+version numbers to a client depending of the version number supplied by
+that client. This request should be executed only once for each client
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Given two different versions of the SYNC protocol, v1 and v2, v1 is
+compatible with v2 if and only if v1.version_major = v2.version_major
+and v1.version_minor &lt;= v2.version_minor. Compatible means that the
+functionality is fully supported in an identical fashion in the two versions.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+This document describes major version 3, minor version 0 of the SYNC protocol.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>ListSystemCounters</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+system-counters: LISTofSYSTEMCOUNTER
+Errors: Alloc
+ <para>
+This request returns a list of all the system counters that are available at
+the time the request is executed, which includes the system counters
+that are maintained by other extensions. The list returned by this
+request may change as counters are created and destroyed by other extensions.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>CreateCounter</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+initial-value: INT64
+Errors: IDChoice,Alloc
+ <para>
+This request creates a counter and assigns the specified id to it. The counter
+value is initialized to the specified initial-value and there are no clients
+waiting on the counter.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>DestroyCounter</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+counter: COUNTER
+Errors: Counter,Access
+ <para>
+This request destroys the given counter and sets the counter fields for all
+triggers that specify this counter to <function>None</function>. All clients
+waiting on the counter are released and a <function>CounterNotify</function>
+event with the destroyed field set to TRUE is sent to each waiting client,
+regardless of the event-threshold. All alarms specifying the counter become
+<function>Inactive</function> and an <function>AlarmNotify</function>
+event with a state field of <function>Inactive</function> is generated. A
+counter is destroyed automatically when the connection to the creating client
+is closed down if the close-down mode is Destroy. An
+<function>Access</function> error is generated if counter is a system
+counter. A <function>Counter</function> error is generated if counter does
+not name a valid counter.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>QueryCounter</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+counter: COUNTER
+value: INT64
+Errors: <function>Counter</function>
+ <para>
+This request returns the current value of the given counter or a generates
+Counter error if counter does not name a valid counter.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Await</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+Errors: Counter,Alloc,Value
+ <para>
+When this request is executed, the triggers in the wait-list are initialized
+using the wait-value and value-type fields, as described in the definition of
+TRIGGER above. The processing of further requests for the client is blocked
+until one or more of the triggers becomes TRUE. This may happen immediately,
+as a result of the initialization, or at some later time, as a result of
+a subsequent <function>SetCounter</function>,
+<function>ChangeCounter</function> or
+<function>DestroyCounter</function> request.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+A Value error is generated if wait-list is empty.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+When the client becomes unblocked, each trigger is checked to determine
+whether a <function>CounterNotify</function> event should be generated.
+The difference between the counter and the test value is calculated by
+subtracting the test value from the value of the counter. If the test-type
+is <function>PositiveTransition</function> or
+<function>PositiveComparison</function>, a
+<function>CounterNotify</function> event is generated if the difference is
+at least event-threshold. If the test-type is
+<function>NegativeTransition</function> or
+<function>NegativeComparison</function>, a
+<function>CounterNotify</function> event is generated if the difference
+is at most event-threshold. If the difference lies outside the range for an
+INT64, an event is not generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+This threshold check is made for each trigger in the list and a
+<function>CounterNotify</function> event is generated for every trigger for
+which the check succeeds. The check for
+<function>CounterNotify</function> events is performed even if one of the
+triggers is TRUE when the request is first executed. Note that a
+<function>CounterNotify</function> event may be generated for a trigger
+that is FALSE if there are multiple triggers in the request. A
+<function>CounterNotify</function> event with the destroyed flag set to
+TRUE is always generated if the counter for one of the triggers is
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>ChangeCounter</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+counter: COUNTER
+amount: INT64
+Errors: <function>Counter,Access,Value</function>
+ <para>
+This request changes the given counter by adding amount to the current
+counter value. If the change to this counter satisfies a trigger for which a client
+is waiting, that client is unblocked and one or more
+<function>CounterNotify</function> events may be generated. If the change to
+the counter satisfies the trigger for an alarm, an
+<function>AlarmNotify</function> event is generated and the
+alarm is updated. An <function>Access</function> error is generated if
+counter is a system counter. A <function>Counter</function> error is
+generated if counter does not name a valid counter. If the resulting value
+for the counter would be outside the range for an INT64, a
+<function>Value</function> error is generated and the counter is not changed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+It should be noted that all the clients whose triggers are satisfied by this
+change are unblocked, so this request cannot be used to implement mutual
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>SetCounter</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+counter: COUNTER
+value: INT64
+Errors: <function>Counter,Access</function>
+ <para>
+This request sets the value of the given counter to value. The effect is
+equivalent to executing the appropriate ChangeCounter request to change
+the counter value to value. An Access error is generated if counter names a
+system counter. A Counter error is generated if counter does not name a valid
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>CreateAlarm</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+id: ALARM
+values-mask: CARD32
+values-list: LISTofVALUE
+left">Errors: IDChoice,Counter,Match,Value,Alloc
+ <para>
+This request creates an alarm and assigns the identifier id to it. The
+values-mask and values-list specify the attributes that are to be explicitly
+initialized. The attributes for an Alarm and their defaults are:
+ </para>
+ <informaltable>
+ <tgroup cols="4">
+ <colspec colname="c1"/>
+ <colspec colname="c2"/>
+ <colspec colname="c3"/>
+ <colspec colname="c4"/>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry align="left">Attribute</entry>
+ <entry align="left">Type</entry>
+ <entry align="left">Default</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row role="hline">
+ <entry rowsep="1"></entry>
+ <entry rowsep="1"></entry>
+ <entry rowsep="1"></entry>
+ <entry rowsep="1"></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry align="left">trigger</entry>
+ <entry align="left">TRIGGER</entry>
+ <entry align="left">counter</entry>
+ <entry align="left">None</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry align="left"></entry>
+ <entry align="left"></entry>
+ <entry align="left">value-type</entry>
+ <entry align="left">Absolute</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry align="left"></entry>
+ <entry align="left"></entry>
+ <entry align="left">value</entry>
+ <entry align="left">0</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry align="left"></entry>
+ <entry align="left"></entry>
+ <entry align="left">test-type</entry>
+ <entry align="left">PositiveComparison</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry align="left">delta</entry>
+ <entry align="left">INT64</entry>
+ <entry align="left">1</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry align="left">events</entry>
+ <entry align="left">BOOL</entry>
+ <entry align="left">TRUE</entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </informaltable>
+ <para>
+The trigger is initialized as described in the definition of TRIGGER, with an
+error being generated if necessary.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If the counter is <function>None</function>, the state of the alarm is set
+to <function>Inactive</function>, else it is set to Active.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Whenever the trigger becomes TRUE, either as a result of this request or as the
+result of a <function>SetCounter</function>,
+<function>ChangeCounter</function>, <function>DestroyCounter</function>, or
+<function>ChangeAlarm</function> request, an
+<function>AlarmNotify</function> event is generated and the alarm is
+updated. The alarm is updated by repeatedly adding delta to the value of the
+trigger and reinitializing it until it becomes FALSE. If this update would
+cause value to fall outside the range for an INT64, or if the counter
+value is <function>None</function>, or if the delta is 0 and test-type
+is <function>PositiveComparison</function> or
+<function>NegativeComparison</function>, no change is made to value and
+the alarm state is changed to <function>Inactive</function> before the
+event is generated. No further events are generated by an
+<function>Inactive</function> alarm until a <function>ChangeAlarm</function>
+or <function>DestroyAlarm </function> request is executed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If the test-type is <function>PositiveComparison</function> or
+<function>PositiveTransition and</function> delta is less than zero, or
+if the test-type is <function>NegativeComparison</function> or
+<function>NegativeTransition</function> and delta is greater than zero,
+a <function>Match</function> error is generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The events value enables or disables delivery of
+<function>AlarmNotify</function> events
+to the requesting client. The alarm keeps a separate event flag for
+each client so that other clients may select to receive events from this
+ </para>
+ <para>
+An <function>AlarmNotify</function> event is always generated at some time
+after the execution of a <function>CreateAlarm</function> request. This
+will happen immediately if the trigger is TRUE, or it will happen later
+when the trigger becomes TRUE or the Alarm is destroyed.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>ChangeAlarm</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+id: ALARM
+values-mask: CARD32
+values-list: LISTofVALUE
+Errors: Alarm,Counter,Value,Match
+ <para>
+This request changes the parameters of an Alarm. All of the parameters
+specified for the <function>CreateAlarm</function> request may be changed
+using this request. The trigger is reinitialized and an
+<function>AlarmNotify</function> event is generated if appropriate, as
+explained in the description of the <function>CreateAlarm</function> request.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Changes to the events flag affect the event delivery to the requesting
+client only and may be used by a client to select or deselect event delivery
+from an alarm created by another client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The order in which attributes are verified and altered is server-dependent.
+If an error is generated, a subset of the attributes may have been altered.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>DestroyAlarm</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+alarm: ALARM
+Errors: Alarm
+ <para>
+This request destroys an alarm. An alarm is automatically destroyed when the
+creating client is closed down if the close-down mode is
+<function>Destroy</function>. When an alarm is destroyed, an
+<function>AlarmNotify</function> event is generated with a state value of
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>QueryAlarm</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+alarm: ALARM
+trigger: TRIGGER
+delta: INT64
+Errors: <function>Alarm</function>
+ <para>This request retrieves the current parameters for an Alarm.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>SetPriority</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+client-resource: XID
+priority: INT32
+Errors: <function>Match</function>
+ <para>
+This request changes the scheduling priority of the client that created
+client-resource. If client-resource is <function>None</function>, then
+the priority for the client making the request is changed. A
+<function>Match</function> error is generated if client-resource is not
+<function>None</function> and does not name an existing resource in the
+server. For any two priority values, A and B, A is higher priority if
+and only if A is greater than B.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The priority of a client is set to 0 when the initial client connection is
+ made.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The effect of different client priorities depends on the particular
+implementation of the extension, and in some cases it may have no effect at
+all. However, the intention is that higher priority clients will have
+their requests executed before those of lower priority clients.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+For most animation applications, it is desirable that animation clients be
+given priority over nonrealtime clients. This improves the smoothness of the
+animation on a loaded server. Because a server is free to implement very strict
+priorities, processing requests for the highest priority client to the
+exclusion of all others, it is important that a client that may potentially
+monopolize the whole server, such as an animation that produces continuous
+output as fast as it can with no rate control, is run at low rather than high
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>GetPriority</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+client-resource: XID
+priority: INT32
+Errors: <function>Match</function>
+ <para>
+This request returns the scheduling priority of the client that created
+client-resource. If client-resource is <function>None</function>, then the
+priority for the client making the request is returned. A
+<function>Match</function> error is generated if client-resource is
+not <function>None</function> and does not name an existing resource in the
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+<sect1 id="events">
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>CounterNotify</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+counter: COUNTER
+wait-value: INT64
+counter-value: INT64
+time: TIME
+count: CARD16
+destroyed: BOOL
+ <para>
+<function>CounterNotify</function> events may be generated when a client
+becomes unblocked after an <function>Await</function> request has been
+processed. The wait-value is the value being waited for, and counter-value
+is the actual value of the counter at the time the event was generated.
+The destroyed flag is TRUE if this request was generated as the result of
+the destruction of the counter and FALSE otherwise. The time is the server
+time at which the event was generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+When a client is unblocked, all the <function>CounterNotify</function>
+events for the Await request are generated contiguously. If count is 0,
+there are no more events to follow for this request. If count is n,
+there are at least n more events to follow.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>AlarmNotify</term>
+ <listitem>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+alarm: ALARM
+counter-value: INT64
+alarm-value: INT64
+time: TIME
+ <para>
+An <function>AlarmNotify</function> event is generated when an alarm is
+triggered. alarm-value is the test value of the trigger in the alarm when
+it was triggered, counter-value is the value of the counter that triggered
+the alarm, and time is the server time at which the event was generated.
+The state is the new state of the alarm. If state is
+<function>Inactive</function>, no more events will be generated by this
+alarm until a <function>ChangeAlarm</function> request is executed, the alarm
+is destroyed, or the counter for the alarm is destroyed.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+<chapter id="encoding">
+Please refer to the X11 Protocol Encoding document as this section uses
+syntactic conventions established there and references types defined there.
+<para>The name of this extension is "SYNC".</para>
+<sect1 id="encoding_new_types">
+<title>Encoding New Types</title>
+The following new types are used by the extension.
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+ 0 Active
+ 1 Inactive
+ 2 Destroyed
+INT64: 64-bit signed integer
+ 4 COUNTER counter
+ 8 INT64 resolution
+ 2 n length of name in bytes
+ n STRING8 name
+ p pad,p=pad(n+2)
+ 0 PositiveTransition
+ 1 NegativeTransition
+ 2 PositiveComparison
+ 3 NegativeComparison
+ 4 COUNTER counter
+ 4 VALUETYPE wait-type
+ 8 INT64 wait-value
+ 0 Absolute
+ 1 Relative
+ 20 TRIGGER trigger
+ 8 INT64 event threshold
+An INT64 is encoded in 8 bytes with the most significant 4 bytes
+first followed by the least significant 4 bytes. Within these 4-byte
+groups, the byte ordering determined during connection setup is used.
+<sect1 id="encoding_errors">
+<title>Encoding Errors</title>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+ 1 0 Error
+ 1 Base + 0 code
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 CARD32 bad counter
+ 2 CARD16 minor opcode
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 21 unused
+ 1 0 Error
+ 1 Base + 1 code
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 CARD32 bad alarm
+ 2 CARD16 minor opcode
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 21 unused
+<sect1 id="encoding_requests">
+<title>Encoding Requests</title>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 0 minor opcode
+ 2 2 request length
+ 1 CARD8 major version
+ 1 CARD8 minor version
+ 2 unused
+ 1 1 Reply
+ 1 unused
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 0 reply length
+ 1 CARD8 major version
+ 1 CARD8 minor version
+ 2 unused
+ 20 unused
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 1 minor opcode
+ 2 1 request length
+ 1 1 Reply
+ 1 unused
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 0 reply length
+ 4 INT32 list length
+ 20 unused
+ 4n list of SYSTEMCOUNTER system counters
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 2 minor opcode
+ 2 4 request length
+ 4 COUNTER id
+ 8 INT64 initial value
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 6 minor opcode<footnote><para>A previous version of this document gave an incorrect minor opcode</para></footnote>
+ 2 2 request length
+ 4 COUNTER counter
+ 1 1 Reply
+ 1 unused
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 0 reply length
+ 8 INT64 counter value
+ 16 unused
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 7 minor opcode<footnote><para>A previous version of this document gave an incorrect minor opcode.</para></footnote>
+ 2 1 + 7*n request length
+ 28n LISTofWAITCONDITION wait conditions
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 4 minor opcode<footnote><para>A previous version of this document gave an incorrect minor opcode.</para></footnote>
+ 2 4 request length
+ 4 COUNTER counter
+ 8 INT64 amount
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 3 minor opcode<footnote><para>A previous version of this document gave an incorrect minor opcode.</para></footnote>
+ 2 4 request length
+ 4 COUNTER counter
+ 8 INT64 value
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 8 minor opcode
+ 2 3+n request length
+ 4 ALARM id
+ 4 BITMASK values mask
+ #x00000001 counter
+ #x00000002 value-type
+ #x00000004 value
+ #x00000008 test-type
+ #x00000010 delta
+ #x00000020 events
+ 4n LISTofVALUE values
+ 4 COUNTER counter
+ 4 VALUETYPE value-type
+ 8 INT64 value
+ 4 TESTTYPE test-type
+ 8 INT64 delta
+ 4 BOOL events
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 9 minor opcode
+ 2 3+n request length
+ 4 ALARM id
+ 4 BITMASK values mask
+ encodings as for <function>CreateAlarm</function>
+ 4n LISTofVALUE values
+ encodings as for <function>CreateAlarm</function>
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 11 minor opcode<footnote><para>A previous version of this document gave an incorrect minor opcode.</para></footnote>
+ 2 2 request length
+ 4 ALARM alarm
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 10 minor opcode<footnote><para>A previous version of this document gave an incorrect minor opcode.</para></footnote>
+ 2 2 request length
+ 4 ALARM alarm
+ 1 1 Reply
+ 1 unused
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 2 reply length
+ 20 TRIGGER trigger
+ 8 INT64 delta
+ 1 BOOL events
+ 1 ALARMSTATE state
+ 2 unused
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 12 minor opcode
+ 2 3 request length
+ 4 CARD32 id
+ 4 INT32 priority
+ 1 CARD8 major opcode
+ 1 13 minor opcode
+ 2 1 request length
+ 4 CARD32 id
+ 1 1 Reply
+ 1 unused
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 0 reply length
+ 4 INT32 priority
+ 20 unused
+<sect1 id="encoding_events">
+<title>Encoding Events</title>
+<literallayout class="monospaced">
+ 1 Base + 0 code
+ 1 0 kind
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 COUNTER counter
+ 8 INT64 wait value
+ 8 INT64 counter value
+ 4 TIME timestamp
+ 2 CARD16 count
+ 1 BOOL destroyed
+ 1 unused
+ 1 Base + 1 code
+ 1 1 kind
+ 2 CARD16 sequence number
+ 4 ALARM alarm
+ 8 INT64 counter value
+ 8 INT64 alarm value
+ 4 TIME timestamp
+ 1 ALARMSTATE state
+ 3 unused