# Copyright: 2011 by the XStatic authors, see AUTHORS.txt for details. # License: MIT license, see LICENSE.txt for details. """ XStatic - setup.py Works with: setuptools """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages # The README.txt file should be written in reST so that PyPI can use # it to generate your project's PyPI page. long_description = open('README.txt').read() setup( name='XStatic', version='0.0.1a0', description='XStatic base package with minimal support code', long_description=long_description, classifiers=[], keywords=[], author='Thomas Waldmann', author_email='tw@waldmann-edv.de', url='http:/bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/xstatic', license='MIT license', packages=find_packages(), namespace_packages=['xstatic', 'xstatic.pkg', ], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, install_requires=[], # there should never be a dependency! )