/* zeitgeist-daemon.vala * * Copyright © 2011 Seif Lotfy * Copyright © 2011 Michal Hruby * Copyright © 2011 Collabora Ltd. * By Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals * By Seif Lotfy * Copyright © 2012 Canonical Ltd. * By Siegfried-A. Gevatter * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace Zeitgeist { [DBus (name = "org.freedesktop.DBus")] public interface RemoteDBus : Object { public abstract bool name_has_owner (string name) throws IOError; } public class Daemon : Object, RemoteLog { private static bool show_version_info = false; private static bool show_options = false; private static bool no_datahub = false; private static bool replace_mode = false; private static bool quit_daemon = false; private static string log_level = ""; private static string? log_file = null; const OptionEntry[] options = { { "version", 'v', 0, OptionArg.NONE, out show_version_info, "Print program's version number and exit", null }, { "no-datahub", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, out no_datahub, "Do not start zeitgeist-datahub automatically", null }, { "no-passive-loggers", 0, OptionFlags.HIDDEN, OptionArg.NONE, out no_datahub, null, null }, { "replace", 'r', 0, OptionArg.NONE, out replace_mode, "If another Zeitgeist instance is already running, replace it", null }, { "quit", 'q', 0, OptionArg.NONE, out quit_daemon, "Quit running Zeitgeist daemon instance", null }, { "log-level", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, out log_level, "How much information should be printed; possible values: " + "DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL", "LEVEL" }, { "log-file", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, out log_file, "File to which the log output will be appended", null }, { "shell-completion", 0, OptionFlags.HIDDEN, OptionArg.NONE, out show_options, null, null }, { null } }; private static Daemon? instance; private static MainLoop mainloop; private static bool name_acquired = false; private Engine engine; private MonitorManager notifications; private uint log_register_id; private unowned DBusConnection connection; public string[] extensions { owned get { string[] ext = engine.get_extension_names (); return ext; } } public VersionStruct version { owned get { var s = VersionStruct (); string[] ver = Config.VERSION.split ("."); if (ver.length >= 3) { s.major = int.parse (ver[0]); s.minor = int.parse (ver[1]); s.micro = int.parse (ver[2]); } else { warning ("Unable to parse version info!"); s.major = 0; s.minor = 8; s.micro = 99; } return s; } } public Daemon () throws EngineError { engine = new Engine (); notifications = MonitorManager.get_default (); } public async Variant get_events (uint32[] event_ids, Cancellable? cancellable, BusName? sender=null) throws Error { var timer = new Timer (); GenericArray events = engine.get_events (event_ids); debug ("%s executed in %f seconds: got %i events", GLib.Log.METHOD, timer.elapsed (), events.length); return Events.to_variant_with_limit (events); } public async string[] find_related_uris (Variant time_range, Variant event_templates, Variant result_event_templates, uint storage_state, uint num_events, uint result_type, Cancellable? cancellable, BusName? sender=null) throws Error { return engine.find_related_uris ( new TimeRange.from_variant (time_range), Events.from_variant (event_templates), Events.from_variant (result_event_templates), storage_state, num_events, result_type); } public async uint32[] find_event_ids (Variant time_range, Variant event_templates, uint storage_state, uint num_events, uint result_type, Cancellable? cancellable=null, BusName? sender=null) throws Error { var timer = new Timer (); var ids = engine.find_event_ids ( new TimeRange.from_variant (time_range), Events.from_variant(event_templates), storage_state, num_events, result_type, sender); debug ("%s executed in %f seconds: found %i event ids", GLib.Log.METHOD, timer.elapsed (), ids.length); return ids; } public async Variant find_events (Variant time_range, Variant event_templates, uint storage_state, uint num_events, uint result_type, Cancellable? cancellable=null, BusName? sender=null) throws Error { var timer = new Timer (); var events = engine.find_events ( new TimeRange.from_variant (time_range), Events.from_variant (event_templates), storage_state, num_events, result_type, sender); debug ("%s executed in %f seconds: found %i events", GLib.Log.METHOD, timer.elapsed (), events.length); return Events.to_variant_with_limit (events); } public async uint32[] insert_events ( Variant vevents, Cancellable? cancellable=null, BusName? sender=null) throws Error { var events = Events.from_variant (vevents); uint32[] event_ids = engine.insert_events (events, sender); var min_timestamp = int64.MAX; var max_timestamp = int64.MIN; for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (events[i] == null) continue; min_timestamp = int64.min (min_timestamp, events[i].timestamp); max_timestamp = int64.max (max_timestamp, events[i].timestamp); } if (min_timestamp < int64.MAX) { notifications.notify_insert ( new TimeRange (min_timestamp, max_timestamp), events); } /* else { there's not even one valid event } */ return event_ids; } public async Variant delete_events (uint32[] event_ids, Cancellable? cancellable=null, BusName? sender=null) throws Error { TimeRange? time_range = engine.delete_events (event_ids, sender); if (time_range != null) { notifications.notify_delete (time_range, event_ids); } else { // All the given event_ids are invalod or the events // have already been deleted before! time_range = new TimeRange (-1, -1); } return time_range.to_variant (); } public async void quit (Cancellable? cancellable=null) throws Error { do_quit (); } private void do_quit () { engine.close (); mainloop.quit (); } public async void install_monitor (ObjectPath monitor_path, Variant time_range, Variant event_templates, BusName? owner=null) throws Error { assert (owner != null); notifications.install_monitor (owner, monitor_path, new TimeRange.from_variant (time_range), Events.from_variant (event_templates)); } public async void remove_monitor (ObjectPath monitor_path, BusName? owner=null) throws Error { assert (owner != null); notifications.remove_monitor (owner, monitor_path); } public void register_dbus_object (DBusConnection conn) throws IOError { connection = conn; log_register_id = conn.register_object ( Utils.ENGINE_DBUS_PATH, this); } public void unregister_dbus_object () { if (log_register_id != 0) { connection.unregister_object (log_register_id); log_register_id = 0; } } private static bool quit_running_instance (DBusConnection conn) { try { var running_instance = conn.get_proxy_sync ( Utils.ENGINE_DBUS_NAME, Utils.ENGINE_DBUS_PATH); running_instance.quit (); return true; } catch (Error err) { warning ("%s", err.message); } return false; } private static void name_acquired_callback (DBusConnection conn) { name_acquired = true; // only run datahub when we acquire bus name if (!no_datahub) { try { Process.spawn_command_line_async ("zeitgeist-datahub"); } catch (SpawnError err) { warning ("%s", err.message); } } } private static void name_lost_callback (DBusConnection? conn) { if (conn == null) { // something happened to our bus connection mainloop.quit (); } else if (instance != null && !name_acquired) { // we acquired bus connection, but couldn't own the name if (!replace_mode) { } debug ("Waiting 10 seconds to acquire name..."); // we already called Quit, let's wait a while // for the running instance to quit, bail out // if it doesn't Timeout.add (10000, () => { if (!name_acquired) { warning ("Timeout reached, unable to acquire name!"); mainloop.quit (); } return false; }); } else if (instance != null && name_acquired) { // we owned the name and we lost it... what to do? mainloop.quit (); } } static void run () throws Error { DBusConnection connection; bool name_owned; try { connection = Bus.get_sync (BusType.SESSION); var proxy = connection.get_proxy_sync ( "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES); name_owned = proxy.name_has_owner (Utils.ENGINE_DBUS_NAME); } catch (IOError err) { throw err; } if (name_owned) { if (replace_mode || quit_daemon) { quit_running_instance (connection); } else { warning ("An existing instance was found. Please use " + "--replace to stop it and start a new instance."); throw new EngineError.EXISTING_INSTANCE ( "Zeitgeist is running already."); } } /* don't do anything else if we were called with --quit param */ if (quit_daemon) return; /* setup Engine instance and register objects on dbus */ try { instance = new Daemon (); instance.register_dbus_object (connection); } catch (Error err) { if (err is EngineError.DATABASE_CANTOPEN) { warning ("Could not access the database file.\n" + "Please check the permissions of file %s.", Utils.get_database_file_path ()); } else if (err is EngineError.DATABASE_BUSY) { warning ("It looks like another Zeitgeist instance " + "is already running (the database is locked). " + "If you want to start a new instance, use --replace."); } throw err; } uint owner_id = Bus.own_name_on_connection (connection, Utils.ENGINE_DBUS_NAME, BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE, name_acquired_callback, name_lost_callback); mainloop = new MainLoop (); mainloop.run (); if (instance != null) { Bus.unown_name (owner_id); instance.unregister_dbus_object (); instance = null; // make sure we send quit reply try { connection.flush_sync (); } catch (Error e) { warning ("%s", e.message); } } } static void safe_exit () { instance.do_quit (); } static int main (string[] args) { Posix.signal (Posix.SIGHUP, safe_exit); Posix.signal (Posix.SIGINT, safe_exit); Posix.signal (Posix.SIGTERM, safe_exit); var opt_context = new OptionContext (" - Zeitgeist daemon"); opt_context.add_main_entries (options, null); try { opt_context.parse (ref args); if (show_version_info) { stdout.printf (Config.VERSION + "\n"); return 0; } if (show_options) { foreach (unowned OptionEntry? entry in options) { if (entry.long_name != null) stdout.printf ("--%s ", entry.long_name); if (entry.short_name != 0) stdout.printf ("-%c ", entry.short_name); } stdout.printf ("--help\n"); return 0; } Logging.setup_logging (log_level, log_file); run (); } catch (Error err) { if (err is EngineError.EXISTING_INSTANCE) return 10; if (err is EngineError.DATABASE_CANTOPEN) return 21; if (err is EngineError.DATABASE_BUSY) return 22; warning ("%s", err.message); return 1; } return 0; } } } // vim:expandtab:ts=4:sw=4