[description] \fBzenity\fP is a program that will display GTK+ dialogs, and return (either in the return code, or on standard output) the users input. This allows you to present information, and ask for information from the user, from all manner of shell scripts. .PP For example, \fBzenity \-\-question\fP will return either 0, 1 or 5, depending on whether the user pressed \fIOK\fP, \fICancel\fP or timeout has been reached. \fBzenity \-\-entry\fP will output on standard output what the user typed into the text entry field. .PP Comprehensive documentation is also available in the GNOME Help Browser. [examples] Display a file selector with the title \fISelect a file to remove\fP. The file selected is returned on standard output. .IP zenity \-\-title="Select a file to remove" \-\-file-selection .PP Display a text entry dialog with the title \fISelect Host\fP and the text \fISelect the host you would like to flood-ping\fP. The entered text is returned on standard output. .IP zenity \-\-title "Select Host" \-\-entry \-\-text "Select the host you would like to flood-ping" .PP Display a dialog, asking \fIMicrosoft Windows has been found! Would you like to remove it?\fP. The return code will be 0 (true in shell) if \fIOK\fP is selected, and 1 (false) if \fICancel\fP is selected. .IP zenity \-\-question \-\-title "Alert" \-\-text "Microsoft Windows has been found! Would you like to remove it?" .PP Show the search results in a list dialog with the title \fISearch Results\fP and the text \fIFinding all header files...\fP. .IP find . \-name '*.h' | zenity \-\-list \-\-title "Search Results" \-\-text "Finding all header files.." \-\-column "Files" .PP Show a passive notification .IP zenity \-\-notification \-\-icon=software-update-available \-\-text "System update necessary!" .PP Display a weekly shopping list in a check list dialog with \fIApples\fP and \fIOranges\fP pre selected .IP zenity \-\-list \-\-checklist \-\-column "Buy" \-\-column "Item" TRUE Apples TRUE Oranges FALSE Pears FALSE Toothpaste .PP Display a progress dialog while searching for all the postscript files in your home directory .P find $HOME \-name '*.ps' | zenity \-\-progress \-\-pulsate [author] .PP \fBZenity\fP was originally written by Glynn Foster . It has since been maintained by a number of contributors since then. .PP This manual page was originally written by Ross Burton . It currently contains portions which are automatically generated, and other portions written by its original author. [see also] \fBdialog\fP(1)