diff options
authorEnrico Olivelli <>2022-02-03 10:16:16 +0100
committerEnrico Olivelli <>2022-02-04 08:06:33 +0100
commit5127b4008e0bad498013f542bc45dce2b20b21cc (patch)
parent11b4497047937bb8ed87bc283ac5eef5ce7d87da (diff)
ZooKeeper 3.8.0 release notes
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/zookeeper-docs/src/main/resources/markdown/ b/zookeeper-docs/src/main/resources/markdown/
index e32614df0..128ecdd09 100644
--- a/zookeeper-docs/src/main/resources/markdown/
+++ b/zookeeper-docs/src/main/resources/markdown/
@@ -14,254 +14,424 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-# ZooKeeper 3.0.0 Release Notes
-* [Migration Instructions when Upgrading to 3.0.0](#migration)
- * [Migrating Client Code](#migration_code)
- * [Watch Management](#Watch+Management)
- * [Java API](#Java+API)
- * [C API](#C+API)
- * [Migrating Server Data](#migration_data)
- * [Migrating Server Configuration](#migration_config)
-* [Changes Since ZooKeeper 2.2.1](#changes)
-These release notes include new developer and user facing incompatibilities, features, and major improvements.
-* [Migration Instructions](#migration)
-* [Changes](#changes)
-<a name="migration"></a>
-## Migration Instructions when Upgrading to 3.0.0
-<div class="section">
-*You should only have to read this section if you are upgrading from a previous version of ZooKeeper to version 3.0.0, otw skip down to [changes](#changes)*
-A small number of changes in this release have resulted in non-backward compatible Zookeeper client user code and server instance data. The following instructions provide details on how to migrate code and date from version 2.2.1 to version 3.0.0.
-Note: ZooKeeper increments the major version number (major.minor.fix) when backward incompatible changes are made to the source base. As part of the migration from SourceForge we changed the package structure (* to org.apache.zookeeper.*) and felt it was a good time to incorporate some changes that we had been withholding. As a result the following will be required when migrating from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 version of ZooKeeper.
-* [Migrating Client Code](#migration_code)
-* [Migrating Server Data](#migration_data)
-* [Migrating Server Configuration](#migration_config)
-<a name="migration_code"></a>
-### Migrating Client Code
-The underlying client-server protocol has changed in version 3.0.0
-of ZooKeeper. As a result clients must be upgraded along with
-serving clusters to ensure proper operation of the system (old
-pre-3.0.0 clients are not guaranteed to operate against upgraded
-3.0.0 servers and vice-versa).
-<a name="Watch+Management"></a>
-#### Watch Management
-In previous releases of ZooKeeper any watches registered by clients were lost if the client lost a connection to a ZooKeeper server.
-This meant that developers had to track watches they were interested in and reregister them if a session disconnect event was received.
-In this release the client library tracks watches that a client has registered and reregisters the watches when a connection is made to a new server.
-Applications that still manually reregister interest should continue working properly as long as they are able to handle unsolicited watches.
-For example, an old application may register a watch for /foo and /goo, lose the connection, and reregister only /goo.
-As long as the application is able to receive a notification for /foo, (probably ignoring it) it does not need to be changed.
-One caveat to the watch management: it is possible to miss an event for the creation and deletion of a znode if watching for creation and both the create and delete happens while the client is disconnected from ZooKeeper.
-This release also allows clients to specify call specific watch functions.
-This gives the developer the ability to modularize logic in different watch functions rather than cramming everything in the watch function attached to the ZooKeeper handle.
-Call specific watch functions receive all session events for as long as they are active, but will only receive the watch callbacks for which they are registered.
-<a name="Java+API"></a>
-#### Java API
-1. The java package structure has changed from ***** to **org.apache.zookeeper***. This will probably affect all of your java code which makes use of ZooKeeper APIs (typically import statements)
-1. A number of constants used in the client ZooKeeper API were re-specified using enums (rather than ints). See [ZOOKEEPER-7](, [ZOOKEEPER-132]( and [ZOOKEEPER-139]( for full details
-1. [ZOOKEEPER-18]( removed KeeperStateChanged, use KeeperStateDisconnected instead
-Also see [the current Java API](
-<a name="C+API"></a>
-#### C API
-1. A number of constants used in the client ZooKeeper API were renamed in order to reduce namespace collision, see [ZOOKEEPER-6]( for full details
-<a name="migration_data"></a>
-### Migrating Server Data
-The following issues resulted in changes to the on-disk data format (the snapshot and transaction log files contained within the ZK data directory) and require a migration utility to be run.
-* [ZOOKEEPER-27 Unique DB identifiers for servers and clients](
-* [ZOOKEEPER-32 CRCs for ZooKeeper data](
-* [ZOOKEEPER-33 Better ACL management](
-* [ZOOKEEPER-38 headers (version+) in log/snap files](
-**The following must be run once, and only once, when upgrading the ZooKeeper server instances to version 3.0.0.**
-###### Note
-> The <dataLogDir> and <dataDir> directories referenced below are specified by the *dataLogDir*
- and *dataDir* specification in your ZooKeeper config file respectively. *dataLogDir* defaults to
- the value of *dataDir* if not specified explicitly in the ZooKeeper server config file (in which
- case provide the same directory for both parameters to the upgrade utility).
-1. Shutdown the ZooKeeper server cluster.
-1. Backup your <dataLogDir> and <dataDir> directories
-1. Run upgrade using
- * `bin/ upgrade <dataLogDir> <dataDir>`
- or
- * `java -classpath pathtolog4j:pathtozookeeper.jar UpgradeMain <dataLogDir> <dataDir>`
+ Release Notes - ZooKeeper - Version 3.8.0
- where <dataLogDir> is the directory where all transaction logs (log.*) are stored. <dataDir> is the directory where all the snapshots (snapshot.*) are stored.
-1. Restart the cluster.
-If you have any failure during the upgrade procedure keep reading to sanitize your database.
-This is how upgrade works in ZooKeeper. This will help you troubleshoot in case you have problems while upgrading
-1. Upgrade moves files from `<dataLogDir>` and `<dataDir>` to `<dataLogDir>/version-1/` and `<dataDir>/version-1` respectively (version-1 sub-directory is created by the upgrade utility).
-1. Upgrade creates a new version sub-directory `<dataDir>/version-2` and `<dataLogDir>/version-2`
-1. Upgrade reads the old database from `<dataDir>/version-1` and `<dataLogDir>/version-1` into the memory and creates a new upgraded snapshot.
-1. Upgrade writes the new database in `<dataDir>/version-2`.
-1. In case you start ZooKeeper 3.0 without upgrading from 2.0 on a 2.0 database - the servers will start up with an empty database.
- This is because the servers assume that `<dataDir>/version-2` and `<dataLogDir>/version-2` will have the database to start with. Since this will be empty
- in case of no upgrade, the servers will start with an empty database. In such a case, shutdown the ZooKeeper servers, remove the version-2 directory (remember
- this will lead to loss of updates after you started 3.0.)
- and then start the upgrade procedure.
-1. If the upgrade fails while trying to rename files into the version-1 directory, you should try and move all the files under `<dataDir>/version-1`
- and `<dataLogDir>/version-1` to `<dataDir>` and `<dataLogDir>` respectively. Then try upgrade again.
-1. If you do not wish to run with ZooKeeper 3.0 and prefer to run with ZooKeeper 2.0 and have already upgraded - you can run ZooKeeper 2 with
- the `<dataDir>` and `<dataLogDir>` directories changed to `<dataDir>/version-1` and `<dataLogDir>/version-1`. Remember that you will lose all the updates that you made after the upgrade.
-<a name="migration_config"></a>
-### Migrating Server Configuration
-There is a significant change to the ZooKeeper server configuration file.
-The default election algorithm, specified by the *electionAlg* configuration attribute, has
-changed from a default of *0* to a default of *3*. See
-[Cluster Options](zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_clusterOptions) section of the administrators guide, specifically
-the *electionAlg* and *server.X* properties.
-You will either need to explicitly set *electionAlg* to its previous default value
-of *0* or change your *server.X* options to include the leader election port.
-<a name="changes"></a>
-## Changes Since ZooKeeper 2.2.1
-Version 2.2.1 code, documentation, binaries, etc... are still accessible on [SourceForge](
-| Issue | Notes |
-|[ZOOKEEPER-43](|Server side of auto reset watches.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-132](|Create Enum to replace CreateFlag in ZooKepper.create method|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-139](|Create Enums for WatcherEvent's KeeperState and EventType|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-18](|keeper state inconsistency|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-38](|headers in log/snap files|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-8](|Stat enchaned to include num of children and size|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-6](|List of problem identifiers in zookeeper.h|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-7](|Use enums rather than ints for types and state|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-27](|Unique DB identifiers for servers and clients|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-32](|CRCs for ZooKeeper data|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-33](|Better ACL management|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-203](|fix datadir typo in releasenotes|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-145](|write detailed release notes for users migrating from 2.x to 3.0|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-23](|Auto reset of watches on reconnect|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-191](|forrest docs for upgrade.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-201](|validate magic number when reading snapshot and transaction logs|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-200](|the magic number for snapshot and log must be different|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-199](|fix log messages in persistence code|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-197](|create checksums for snapshots|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-198](|apache license header missing from|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-5](|Upgrade Feature in Zookeeper server.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-194](|Fix terminology in zookeeperAdmin.xml|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-151](|Document change to server configuration|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-193](|update java example doc to compile with latest zookeeper|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-187](|CreateMode api docs missing|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-186](|add new "releasenotes.xml" to forrest documentation|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-190](|Reorg links to docs and navs to docs into related sections|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-189](|forrest build not validated xml of input documents|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-188](|Check that election port is present for all servers|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-185](|Improved version of FLETest|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-184](|tests: An explicit include derective is needed for the usage of memcpy functions|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-183](|Array subscript is above array bounds in od_completion, src/cli.c.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-182](|zookeeper_init accepts empty host-port string and returns valid pointer to zhandle_t.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-17](|zookeeper_init doc needs clarification|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-181](|Some Source Forge Documents did not get moved over: javaExample, zookeeperTutorial, zookeeperInternals|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-180](|Placeholder sections needed in document for new topics that the umbrella jira discusses|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-179](|Programmer's Guide "Basic Operations" section is missing content|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-178](|FLE test.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-159](|Cover two corner cases of leader election|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-156](|update programmer guide with acl details from old wiki page|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-154](|reliability graph diagram in overview doc needs context|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-157](|Peer can't find existing leader|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-155](|improve "the zookeeper project" section of overview doc|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-140](|Deadlock in QuorumCnxManager|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-147](|This is version of the documents with most of the [tbd...] scrubbed out|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-150](|zookeeper build broken|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-136](|sync causes hang in all followers of quorum.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-134](|findbugs cleanup|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-133](|hudson tests failing intermittently|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-144](|add tostring support for watcher event, and enums for event type/state|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-21](|Improve zk ctor/watcher|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-142](|Provide Javadoc as to the maximum size of the data byte array that may be stored within a znode|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-93](|Create Documentation for Zookeeper|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-117](|threading issues in Leader election|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-137](|client watcher objects can lose events|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-131](|Old leader election can elect a dead leader over and over again|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-130](|update build.xml to support apache release process|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-118](|findbugs flagged switch statement in|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-115](|Potential NPE in QuorumCnxManager|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-114](|cleanup ugly event messages in zookeeper client|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-112](|src/java/main has test code embedded into it.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-39](|Use Watcher objects rather than boolean on read operations.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-97](|supports optional output directory in code generator.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-101](|Integrate ZooKeeper with "violations" feature on hudson|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-105](|Catch Zookeeper exceptions and print on the stderr.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-42](|Change Leader Election to fast tcp.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-48](|auth_id now handled correctly when no auth ids present|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-44](|Create sequence flag children with prefixes of 0's so that they can be lexicographically sorted.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-108](|Fix sync operation reordering on a Quorum.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-25](|Fuse module for Zookeeper.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-58](|Race condition on|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-56](|Add clover support to build.xml.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-75](|register the ZooKeeper mailing lists with|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-54](|remove sleeps in the tests.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-55](|build.xml failes to retrieve a release number from SVN and the ant target "dist" fails|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-89](|invoke WhenOwnerListener.whenNotOwner when the ZK connection fails|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-90](|invoke WhenOwnerListener.whenNotOwner when the ZK session expires and the znode is the leader|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-82](|Make the ZooKeeperServer more DI friendly.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-110](|Build script relies on svnant, which is not compatible with subversion 1.5 working copies|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-111](|Significant cleanup of existing tests.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-122](|Fix NPE in jute's Utils.toCSVString.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-123](|Fix the wrong class is specified for the logger.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-2](|Fix synchronization issues in QuorumPeer and FastLeader election.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-125](|Remove unwanted class declaration in FastLeaderElection.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-61](|Address in client/server test cases.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-75](|cleanup the library directory|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-109](|cleanup of NPE and Resource issue nits found by static analysis|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-76](|Commit 677109 removed the cobertura library, but not the build targets.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-63](|Race condition in client close|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-70](|Add skeleton forrest doc structure for ZooKeeper|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-79](|Document jacob's leader election on the wiki recipes page|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-73](|Move ZK wiki from SourceForge to Apache|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-72](|Initial creation/setup of ZooKeeper ASF site.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-71](|Determine what to do re ZooKeeper Changelog|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-68](|parseACLs in fails to parse elements of ACL, should be lastIndexOf rather than IndexOf|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-130](|update build.xml to support apache release process.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-131](|Fix Old leader election can elect a dead leader over and over again.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-137](|client watcher objects can lose events|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-117](|threading issues in Leader election|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-128](|test coverage on async client operations needs to be improved|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-127](|Use of non-standard election ports in config breaks services|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-53](|tests failing on solaris.|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-172](|FLE Test|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-41](|Sample startup script|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-33](|Better ACL management|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-49](|SetACL does not work|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-20](|Child watches are not triggered when the node is deleted|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-15](|handle failure better in build.xml:test|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-11](|ArrayList is used instead of List|
-|[ZOOKEEPER-45](|Restructure the SVN repository after initial import |
-|[ZOOKEEPER-1](|Initial ZooKeeper code contribution from Yahoo!|
+## New Feature
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3301]( - Enforce the quota limit
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3601]( - introduce the fault injection framework: Byteman for ZooKeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3907]( - add a documentation about alerting on metrics
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4211]( - Expose Quota Metrics to Prometheus
+## Improvement
+* [ZOOKEEPER-1871]( - Add an option to zkCli to wait for connection before executing commands
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2907]( - Logged request buffer isn&#39;t useful
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3730]( - fix a typo about watchManagerName in the
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3798]( - remove the useless code in the ProposalRequestProcessor#processRequest
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3800]( - improve the log printing the address when QuorumCnxManager#ListenerHandler&#39;s port binds
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3807]( - fix the bad format when website pages build due to bash marker
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3841]( - remove useless codes in the
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3849]( - improve the all logs with a necessary time unit at the start up of server
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3898]( - Fix typos
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3942]( - move traceMask calculation logic into the trace log guard
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3961]( - Inaccurate Error Message
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4001]( - AuditHelper.addAuditLog(...) more readable
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4037]( - Closing autoCloseable resource with try-with-resources block
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4046]( - Fix typo
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4058]( - Update checkstyle-strict.xml by the latest version 8.39 of checkstyle
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4188]( - add a doc about whoami CLI
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4209]( - Update Netty version to 4.1.53.Final on 3.5 branch
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4217]( - Report caller function name in `handle_socket_error_msg`
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4231]( - Add document for snapshot compression config
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4259]( - Allow AdminServer to force https
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4280]( - fix the log format in the DataTree#deserializeZxidDigest method
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4281]( - Packet length sanity check is inconsistent
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4284]( - Add metrics for observer sync time
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4291]( - ZooInspector has very high latency when operating against remote clusters
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4294]( - FileSnap#findNValidSnapshots should not declare IOException
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4301]( - fix typo
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4312]( - ZooKeeperServerEmbedded: enhance server start/stop for testability
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4318]( - Only report the follower sync time metrics if sync is completed
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4326]( - fix typo in the
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4346]( - remove never used field
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4349]( - delete the useless oraclePath directory generated by test suit
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4350]( - improve the method: QuorumOracleMaj#overrideQuorumDecision
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4355]( - ZK documentation side bar and welcome page are out of sync
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4370]( - add zookeeperOracleQuorums.html link to webpage index
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4380]( - Avoid NPE in RateLogger#rateLimitLog
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4382]( - Update Maven Bundle Plugin in order to allow builds on JDK18
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4396]( - Read Key/trust store password from file
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4402]( - Added Hyperlink At LOGO
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4411]( - improve the grammar issue[patch] in the
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4427]( - Migrate to Logback
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4435]( - Typo in the log message of ServerCnxnFactory
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4453]( - NettyServerCnxnFactory: allow to configure the early TLS connection drop feature
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4454]( - Upgrade Netty to 4.1.73
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4462]( - Upgrade Netty TCNative to 2.0.48
+## Bug
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3128]( - Get CLI Command displays Authentication error for Authorization error
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3706]( - ZooKeeper.close() would leak SendThread when the network is broken
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3781]( - Zookeeper 3.5.7 not creating snapshot
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3877]( - JMX Bean RemotePeerBean should enclose IPV6 host in square bracket same as LocalPeerBean
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3887]( - In SSL-only server status command should use secureClientPortAddress instead of clientPortAddress
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3943]( - Zookeeper Inspector throwing NullPointerExceptions and not displaying properly
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3987]( - Build failures when running surefire tests concurrently due to bind address already in use
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3988]( - org.apache.zookeeper.server.NettyServerCnxn.receiveMessage throws NullPointerException
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3992]( - addWatch api should check the null watch
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4007]( - A typo in the ZKUtil#validateFileInput method
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4050]( - Zookeeper Inspector reports &quot;List of default node viewers is empty&quot; when not specifically run from the zookeeper-contrib/zookeeper-contrib-zooinspector directory
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4191]( - Missing executable bits in source release tarball
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4194]( - ZooInspector throws NullPointerExceptions to console when node data is null
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4201]( - C client: SASL-related compilation issues on macOS Catalina
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4204]( - Flaky test - RequestPathMetricsCollectorTest.testMultiThreadPerf
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4205]( - Test fails when port 8080 is in use
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4207]( - New CI pipeline checks out master in branch builds too
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4210]( - Zookeeper c client: detect connection loss during opportunistic async send
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4219]( - Quota checks break setData in multi transactions
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4220]( - Potential redundant connection attempts during leader election
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4230]( - Use dynamic temp folder instead of static temp folder in RestMain
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4232]( - InvalidSnapshotTest corrupts its own test data
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4247]( - NPE while processing message from restarted quorum member
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4265]( - Download page broken links
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4266]( - Correct ZooKeeper version in documentation header
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4267]( - Fix check-style issues
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4269]( - acceptedEpoch.tmp rename failure will cause server startup error
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4272]( - Upgrade Netty library to &gt; 4.1.60 due to security vulnerability CVE-2021-21295
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4275]( - Slowness in sasl login or subject.doAs() causes zk client to falsely assume that the server did not respond, closes connection and goes to unnecessary retries
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4277]( - dependency-check:check failing - jetty-server-9.4.38 CVE-2021-28165
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4278]( - dependency-check:check failing - netty-transport-4.1.60.Final CVE-2021-21409
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4309]( - QuorumCnxManager&#39;s ListenerHandler thread leak
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4311]( - Fsync errors are ignored in AtomicFileWritingIdiom
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4325]( - IllegalArgumentException when use ZkUtil::listSubTreeBFS to list &quot;/&quot;
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4337]( - CVE-2021-34429 in jetty 9.4.38.v20210224 in zookeeper 3.7.0
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4342]( - Robustify C client against errors during SASL negotiation
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4343]( - OWASP Dependency-Check fails with CVE-2021-29425, commons-io-2.6
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4345]( - Avoid NoSunchMethodException caused by shaded zookeeper jar
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4356]( - Code blocks do not render correctly in ZK docs site
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4360]( - Avoid NPE during metrics execution if the leader is not set on a FOLLOWER node
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4362]( - ZKDatabase.txnCount logged non transactional requests
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4367]( - Zookeeper#Login thread leak in case of Sasl AuthFailed.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4372]( - Zookeeper lock recipe doesn&#39;t parse negative sequence numbers correctly
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4377]( - KeeperException.create has NullPointerException when low version client requests the high version server
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4406]( - fix the znode type for Barrier implementation in the
+## Test
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4319]( - Refactor AtomicFileWritingIdiomTest to use TempDir annotation
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4333]( - QuorumSSLTest - testOCSP fails on JDK17
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4340]( - Add tab unit test for StringUtils#split
+## Task
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3957]( - Create Owasp check build on new Jenkins instance
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3970]( - Enable ZooKeeperServerController to expire session
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3980]( - Fix Jenkinsfiles with new tool names
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4233]( - dependency-check:check failing - Jetty 9.4.35.v20201120 - CVE-2020-27223
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4315]( - Fix NOTICE file in the source distribution
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4384]( - Fix &#39;se[r]ver&#39; typo in ClientCnxn class.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4414]( - Update Netty to 4.1.70.Final
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4429]( - Update jackson-databind to 2.13.1
+## Sub-task
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3774]( - Close quorum socket asynchronously on the leader to avoid ping being blocked by long socket closing time
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4251]( - Flaky test: org.apache.zookeeper.test.WatcherTest
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4257]( - learner.asyncSending, learner.closeSocketAsync and leader.closeSocketAsync should be configurable in zoo.cfg
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4270]( - Flaky test: QuorumPeerMainTest#testLeaderOutOfView
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4461]( - Migrate zookeeper-contrib and -recipes projects.
+## Bug
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3128]( - Get CLI Command displays Authentication error for Authorization error
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3706]( - ZooKeeper.close() would leak SendThread when the network is broken
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3781]( - Zookeeper 3.5.7 not creating snapshot
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3877]( - JMX Bean RemotePeerBean should enclose IPV6 host in square bracket same as LocalPeerBean
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3887]( - In SSL-only server status command should use secureClientPortAddress instead of clientPortAddress
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3943]( - Zookeeper Inspector throwing NullPointerExceptions and not displaying properly
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3987]( - Build failures when running surefire tests concurrently due to bind address already in use
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3988]( - org.apache.zookeeper.server.NettyServerCnxn.receiveMessage throws NullPointerException
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3992]( - addWatch api should check the null watch
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4007]( - A typo in the ZKUtil#validateFileInput method
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4050]( - Zookeeper Inspector reports &quot;List of default node viewers is empty&quot; when not specifically run from the zookeeper-contrib/zookeeper-contrib-zooinspector directory
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4191]( - Missing executable bits in source release tarball
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4194]( - ZooInspector throws NullPointerExceptions to console when node data is null
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4201]( - C client: SASL-related compilation issues on macOS Catalina
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4204]( - Flaky test - RequestPathMetricsCollectorTest.testMultiThreadPerf
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4205]( - Test fails when port 8080 is in use
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4207]( - New CI pipeline checks out master in branch builds too
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4210]( - Zookeeper c client: detect connection loss during opportunistic async send
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4219]( - Quota checks break setData in multi transactions
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4220]( - Potential redundant connection attempts during leader election
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4230]( - Use dynamic temp folder instead of static temp folder in RestMain
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4232]( - InvalidSnapshotTest corrupts its own test data
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4247]( - NPE while processing message from restarted quorum member
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4265]( - Download page broken links
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4266]( - Correct ZooKeeper version in documentation header
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4267]( - Fix check-style issues
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4269]( - acceptedEpoch.tmp rename failure will cause server startup error
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4272]( - Upgrade Netty library to &gt; 4.1.60 due to security vulnerability CVE-2021-21295
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4275]( - Slowness in sasl login or subject.doAs() causes zk client to falsely assume that the server did not respond, closes connection and goes to unnecessary retries
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4277]( - dependency-check:check failing - jetty-server-9.4.38 CVE-2021-28165
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4278]( - dependency-check:check failing - netty-transport-4.1.60.Final CVE-2021-21409
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4309]( - QuorumCnxManager&#39;s ListenerHandler thread leak
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4311]( - Fsync errors are ignored in AtomicFileWritingIdiom
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4325]( - IllegalArgumentException when use ZkUtil::listSubTreeBFS to list &quot;/&quot;
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4337]( - CVE-2021-34429 in jetty 9.4.38.v20210224 in zookeeper 3.7.0
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4342]( - Robustify C client against errors during SASL negotiation
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4343]( - OWASP Dependency-Check fails with CVE-2021-29425, commons-io-2.6
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4345]( - Avoid NoSunchMethodException caused by shaded zookeeper jar
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4356]( - Code blocks do not render correctly in ZK docs site
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4360]( - Avoid NPE during metrics execution if the leader is not set on a FOLLOWER node
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4362]( - ZKDatabase.txnCount logged non transactional requests
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4367]( - Zookeeper#Login thread leak in case of Sasl AuthFailed.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4372]( - Zookeeper lock recipe doesn&#39;t parse negative sequence numbers correctly
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4377]( - KeeperException.create has NullPointerException when low version client requests the high version server
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4406]( - fix the znode type for Barrier implementation in the
+## New Feature
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3301]( - Enforce the quota limit
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3601]( - introduce the fault injection framework: Byteman for ZooKeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3907]( - add a documentation about alerting on metrics
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4211]( - Expose Quota Metrics to Prometheus
+## Improvement
+* [ZOOKEEPER-1871]( - Add an option to zkCli to wait for connection before executing commands
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2907]( - Logged request buffer isn&#39;t useful
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3730]( - fix a typo about watchManagerName in the
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3798]( - remove the useless code in the ProposalRequestProcessor#processRequest
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3800]( - improve the log printing the address when QuorumCnxManager#ListenerHandler&#39;s port binds
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3807]( - fix the bad format when website pages build due to bash marker
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3841]( - remove useless codes in the
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3849]( - improve the all logs with a necessary time unit at the start up of server
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3898]( - Fix typos
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3942]( - move traceMask calculation logic into the trace log guard
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3961]( - Inaccurate Error Message
+# Release Notes - ZooKeeper - Version 3.7.0
+## New Feature
+* [ZOOKEEPER-1112]( - Add support for C client for SASL authentication
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3264]( - The benchmark tools for zookeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3301]( - Enforce the quota limit
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3681]( - Add s390x support for Travis build
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3714]( - Add (Cyrus) SASL authentication support to Perl client
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3874]( - Official API to start ZooKeeper server from Java
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3948]( - Introduce a deterministic runtime behavior injection framework for ZooKeeperServer testing
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3959]( - Allow multiple superUsers with SASL
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3969]( - Add whoami API and Cli command
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4030]( - Optionally canonicalize host names in quorum SASL authentication
+## Improvement
+* [ZOOKEEPER-1871]( - Add an option to zkCli to wait for connection before executing commands
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2272]( - Code clean up in ZooKeeperServer and KerberosName
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2649]( - The ZooKeeper do not write in log session ID in which the client has been authenticated.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2779]( - Add option to not set ACL for reconfig node
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3101]( - Add comment reminding users to add cases to zerror when adding values to ZOO_ERRORS
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3342]( - Use StandardCharsets
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3411]( - remove the deprecated CLI: ls2 and rmr
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3427]( - Introduce SnapshotComparer that assists debugging with snapshots.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3482]( - SASL (Kerberos) Authentication with SSL for clients and Quorum
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3561]( - Generalize target authentication scheme for ZooKeeper authentication enforcement.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3567]( - Add SSL support for the zk python client
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3581]( - use factory design pattern to refactor ZooKeeperMain
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3582]( - refactor the async api call to lambda style
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3638]( - Update Jetty to 9.4.24.v20191120
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3640]( - Implement &quot;batch mode&quot; in cli_mt
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3649]( - ls -s CLI need a line break
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3662]( - Remove NPE Possibility in Follower Class
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3663]( - Clean Up ZNodeName Class
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3666]( - remove the deprecated LogFormatter tool
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3671]( - Use ThreadLocalConcurrent to Replace Random and Math.random
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3678]( - Remove Redundant GroupID from Maven POMs
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3679]( - Upgrade maven-compiler-plugin For ZooKeeper-jute
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3682]( - Stop initializing new SSL connection if ZK server is shutting down
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3683]( - Discard requests that are delayed longer than a configured threshold
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3687]( - Jute Use JDK hashCode Methods for Native Types
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3688]( - Use StandardCharsets UTF-8 in Jute toString
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3690]( - Improving leader efficiency via not processing learner&#39;s requests in commit processor
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3691]( - Use JDK String Join Method in ZK StringUtils
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3694]( - Use Map computeIfAbsent in AvgMinMaxCounterSet Class
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3708]( - Move Logging Code into Logging Guard in Learner
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3722]( - make logs of ResponseCache more readable
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3728]( - move traceMask calculation logic into the trace log in the FinalRequestProcessor#processRequest
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3741]( - Fix ZooKeeper 3.5 C client build on Fedora8
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3761]( - upgrade JLine jar dependency
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3767]( - fix a large amount of maven build warnings
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3785]( - Make sources buildable with JDK14
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3786]( - Simplify generation of VersionInfoMain and Info
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3788]( - Add m2e configuration in pom.xml for Eclipse developers
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3790]( - zkpython: Minor compilation and testing issues
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3791]( - Miscellaneous Maven improvements
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3796]( - Skip Learner Request made to ObserverMaster from going to next processor
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3805]( - NIOServerCnxnFactory static block has no used code
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3808]( - correct the documentation about digest.enabled
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3811]( - cleaning up the code,A static field should be directly referred by its class name
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3831]( - Add a test that does a minimal validation of Apache Curator
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3833]( - Do Not Override Plugin Versions from Apache Parent POM
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3836]( - Use Commons and JDK Functions in ClientBase
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3839]( - ReconfigBackupTest Remove getFileContent
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3883]( - new UncaughtExceptionHandler object with lambda
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3893]( - Enhance documentation for property ssl.clientAuth
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3913]( - Upgrade to Netty 4.1.50.Final
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3919]( - Add ARM64 jobs to Travis-CI
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3926]( - make the rc constant in the ClientCnxn
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3934]( - upgrade dependency-check to version 6.0.0
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3935]( - Handle float metrics in check_zookeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3941]( - Upgrade commons-cli to 1.4
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3950]( - Add support for BCFKS key/trust store format
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3952]( - Remove commons-lang from ZooKeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3956]( - Remove json-simple from ZooKeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3958]( - Update dependency versions and eliminate java docs warnings
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3960]( - Update ZooKeeper client documentation about key file format parameters
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3971]( - Auto close resources with try catch block
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3978]( - Adding additional security metrics to zookeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3989]( - GenerateLoad needs to use log for protecting sensitive data
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4000]( - use the computeIfAbsent to simplify the Leader#processSync method
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4033]( - Remove unnecessary judgment of null
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4048]( - Upgrade Mockito to 3.6.28 - allow builds on JDK16
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4058]( - Update checkstyle-strict.xml by the latest version 8.39 of checkstyle
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4188]( - add a doc about whoami CLI
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4209]( - Update Netty version to 4.1.53.Final on 3.5 branch
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4221]( - Improve the error message when message goes above jute.maxbufer size
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4231]( - Add document for snapshot compression config
+## Bug
+* [ZOOKEEPER-1105]( - c client zookeeper_close not send CLOSE_OP request to server
+* [ZOOKEEPER-1677]( - Misuse of INET_ADDRSTRLEN
+* [ZOOKEEPER-1998]( - C library calls getaddrinfo unconditionally from zookeeper_interest
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2164]( - fast leader election keeps failing
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2307]( - ZooKeeper not starting because acceptedEpoch is less than the currentEpoch
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2475]( - Include ZKClientConfig API in zoookeeper javadoc
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2490]( - infinitely connect on windows
+* [ZOOKEEPER-2836]( - QuorumCnxManager.Listener Thread Better handling of SocketTimeoutException
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3112]( - fd leak due to UnresolvedAddressException on connect.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3215]( - Handle Java 9/11 additions of covariant return types to java.nio.ByteBuffer methods
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3426]( - ZK prime_connection(the Handshake) can complete without reading all the payload.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3579]( - handle NPE gracefully when the watch parameter of zookeeper java client is null
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3613]( - ZKConfig fails to return proper value on getBoolean() when user accidentally includes spaces at the end of the value
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3642]( - Data inconsistency when the leader crashes right after sending SNAP sync
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3644]( - Data loss after upgrading standalone ZK server 3.4.14 to 3.5.6 with
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3651]( - NettyServerCnxnFactoryTest is flaky
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3653]( - Audit Log feature fails in a stand alone zookeeper setup
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3654]( - Incorrect *_CFLAGS handling in Automake
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3656]( - SyncRequestProcessor doesn&#39;t update lastFlushTime correctly on observers
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3667]( - set jute.maxbuffer hexadecimal number throw parseInt error
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3698]( - NoRouteToHostException when starting large ZooKeeper cluster on localhost
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3699]( - upgrade jackson-databind to address CVE-2019-20330
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3701]( - Split brain on log disk full
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3710]( - [trivial bug] fix compile error in PurgeTxnTest introduced by ZOOKEEPER-3231
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3726]( - invalid ipv6 address comparison in C client
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3737]( - Unable to eliminate log4j1 transitive dependency
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3738]( - Avoid use of broken codehaus properties-maven-plugin
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3739]( - Remove use of com.sun.nio.file.SensitivityWatchEventModifier
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3745]( - Update copyright notices from 2019 to 2020
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3748]( - Resolve release requirements in download page
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3769]( - fast leader election does not end if leader is taken down
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3772]( - JettyAdminServer should not allow HTTP TRACE method
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3780]( - restore Version.getRevision() to be backward compatible
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3781]( - Zookeeper 3.5.7 not creating snapshot
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3782]( - Replace filter with list comprehension for returning list in
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3793]( - Request throttling is broken when RequestThrottler is disabled or configured incorrectly.
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3801]( - Fix Jenkins link in pom
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3814]( - ZooKeeper config propagates even with disabled dynamic reconfig
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3818]( - fix status command to support SSL-only server
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3829]( - Zookeeper refuses request after node expansion
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3830]( - After add a new node, zookeeper cluster won&#39;t commit any proposal if this new node is leader
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3832]( - ZKHostnameVerifier rejects valid certificates with subjectAltNames
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3842]( - Rolling scale up of zookeeper cluster does not work with reconfigEnabled=false
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3863]( - Do not track global sessions in ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3865]( - fix backward-compatibility for ZooKeeperServer constructor
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3876]( - status command fails when IPV6 is configured
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3877]( - JMX Bean RemotePeerBean should enclose IPV6 host in square bracket same as LocalPeerBean
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3878]( - Client connection fails if IPV6 is not enclosed in square brackets
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3885]( - zoo_aremove_watches segfault: zk_hashtable needs locking!
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3891]( - ZKCli commands give wrong error message &quot;Authentication is not valid&quot; for insufficient permissions
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3895]( - Client side NullPointerException in case of empty Multi operation
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3905]( - Race condition causes sessions to be created for clients even though their certificate authentication has failed
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3911]( - Data inconsistency caused by DIFF sync uncommitted log
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3933]( - owasp failing with json-simple-1.1.1.jar: CVE-2020-10663, CVE-2020-7712
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3937]( - C client: avoid out-of-order packets during SASL negotiation
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3943]( - Zookeeper Inspector throwing NullPointerExceptions and not displaying properly
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3944]( - zookeeper c api sasl client memory leak
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3951]( - Compile Error in Zookeeper.c without SASL
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3954]( - use of uninitialized data in zookeeper-client/zookeeper-client-c/src/zookeeper.c:free_auth_completion
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3955]( - added a shebang or a &#39;shell&#39; directive to
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3979]( - Clients can corrupt the audit log
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3983]( - C client test suite hangs forever &#39;sss&#39; is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3987]( - Build failures when running surefire tests concurrently due to bind address already in use
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3991]( - QuorumCnxManager Listener port bind retry does not retry DNS lookup
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3992]( - addWatch api should check the null watch
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3994]( - disconnect reason wrong
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4045]( - CVE-2020-25649 - Upgrade jackson databind to
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4050]( - Zookeeper Inspector reports &quot;List of default node viewers is empty&quot; when not specifically run from the zookeeper-contrib/zookeeper-contrib-zooinspector directory
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4055]( - Dockerfile can&#39;t build Zookeeper C client library
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4191]( - Missing executable bits in source release tarball
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4199]( - Avoid thread leak in QuorumRequestPipelineTest
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4200]( - WatcherCleanerTest often fails on macOS Catalina
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4201]( - C client: SASL-related compilation issues on macOS Catalina
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4205]( - Test fails when port 8080 is in use
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4207]( - New CI pipeline checks out master in branch builds too
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4219]( - Quota checks break setData in multi transactions
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4220]( - Potential redundant connection attempts during leader election
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4230]( - Use dynamic temp folder instead of static temp folder in RestMain
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4232]( - InvalidSnapshotTest corrupts its own test data
+## Test
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3664]( - test
+## Wish
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3415]( - convert internal logic to use java 8 streams
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3763]( - Restore ZKUtil.deleteRecursive in order to help compatibility of applications with 3.5 and 3.6
+## Task
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3669]( - Use switch Statement in ClientCnxn SendThread
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3677]( - owasp checker failing for - CVE-2019-17571 Apache Log4j 1.2 deserialization of untrusted data in SocketServer
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3695]( - Source release tarball does not match repository in 3.6.0
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3696]( - Support alternative algorithms for ACL digest
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3704]( - upgrade maven dependency-check to 5.3.0
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3733]( - Fix issues reported in 3.6.0rc3
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3734]( - upgrade jackson-databind to address CVE-2020-8840
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3751]( - upgrade jackson-databind to 2.10 from 2.9
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3794]( - upgrade netty to address CVE-2020-11612
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3817]( - owasp failing due to CVE-2020-9488
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3896]( - Migrate Jenkins jobs to
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3957]( - Create Owasp check build on new Jenkins instance
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3962]( - Create .asf.yaml file for ZooKeeper repo
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3967]( - Jetty License Update
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3973]( - Create configuration files GitHub Actions CI builds
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3980]( - Fix Jenkinsfiles with new tool names
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3981]( - Flaky test MultipleAddressTest::testGetValidAddressWithNotValid
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4017]( - Owasp check failing - Jetty 9.4.32 - CVE-2020-27216
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4023]( - dependency-check:check failing - Jetty 9.4.34.v20201102 - CVE-2020-27218
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4056]( - Update copyright notices from 2020 to 2021
+* [ZOOKEEPER-4233]( - dependency-check:check failing - Jetty 9.4.35.v20201120 - CVE-2020-27223
+## Sub-task
+* [ZOOKEEPER-837]( - cyclic dependency ClientCnxn, ZooKeeper
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3574]( - Close quorum socket asynchronously to avoid server shutdown stalled by long socket closing time
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3575]( - Moving sending packets in Learner to a separate thread
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3845]( - Add metric JVM_PAUSE_TIME
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3852]( - Upgrade jUnit in ZooKeeper-Jute
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3854]( - Upgrade jUnit in ZooKeeper-Recipes
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3855]( - Upgrade jUnit in ZooKeeper-Metrics-providers
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3856]( - Add a couple metrics to track inflight diff syncs and snap syncs
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3859]( - Add a couple request processor metrics
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3862]( - Re-enable deprecation check after finishing jUnit upgrade
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3872]( - Upgrade jUnit in ZooKeeper-server
+* [ZOOKEEPER-3953]( - Update hamcrest-library to version 2.2