path: root/yarns.webapp
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1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yarns.webapp/040-running-jobs.yarn b/yarns.webapp/040-running-jobs.yarn
index 879d9fa..571afd6 100644
--- a/yarns.webapp/040-running-jobs.yarn
+++ b/yarns.webapp/040-running-jobs.yarn
@@ -237,6 +237,85 @@ Cleanup.
+Forget jobs whose MINION is gone
+A job's status is updated when a MINION uses the `/1.0/job-update`
+call, and when the MINION uses that to report that the job has
+finished, the STATEDB is updated accordingly. However, sometimes the
+MINION never tells WEBAPP that the job if finished. This can happen
+for a variety of reasons, such as (not limited to these):
+* MINION crashes.
+* WEBAPP is unavailable.
+* The host reboots, killing MINION and WEBAPP both.
+If this happens, STATEDB still marks the job as running, and WEBAPP
+won't start a new job for that lorry specification.
+To deal with these, we need to have a way to clean up "ghost jobs"
+like these. We do this with the `/1.0/cleanup-ghost-jobs` API call,
+which marks all jobs finished that haven't had a `job-update` called
+on them for a long time.
+ SCENARIO forget jobs without MINION updates in a long time
+Set up a WEBAPP that uses a CONFGIT with a Lorry file, so we can start
+a job.
+ GIVEN a new git repository in CONFGIT
+ AND an empty lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT
+ AND lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT adds lorries *.lorry using prefix upstream
+ AND Lorry file CONFGIT/foo.lorry with {"foo":{"type":"git","url":"git://foo"}}
+ AND WEBAPP uses CONFGIT as its configuration directory
+ AND a running WEBAPP
+Pretend it is a known time (specifically, the beginning of the epoch).
+This is needed so we can trigger the ghost job timeout later.
+ WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/pretend-time with now=0
+Tell WEBAPP to read the configuration.
+ WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration
+Start a new job.
+ WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/give-me-job with host=testhost&pid=123
+ THEN response has job_id set to 1
+Verify that the job is in the list of running jobs.
+ WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-running-jobs
+ THEN response has running_jobs set to [1]
+Remove any ghosts. There aren't any yet, so nothing should be removed.
+ WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/remove-ghost-jobs
+ AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-running-jobs
+ THEN response has running_jobs set to [1]
+Now, pretend a long time has passed, and clean up the ghost job. The
+default value for the ghost timeout is reasonably short (less than a
+day), so we pretend it is about 10 days later (one million seconds).
+ WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/pretend-time with now=1000000
+ AND admin makes request POST /1.0/remove-ghost-jobs
+ AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-running-jobs
+ THEN response has running_jobs set to []
+Further, if we request for a new job now, we'll get one for the same
+lorry specification.
+ WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/give-me-job with host=testhost&pid=123
+ THEN response has job_id set to 2
+ AND response has path set to "upstream/foo"
+Finally, clean up.
+ FINALLY WEBAPP terminates
Remove a terminated job