path: root/lorry.tar-importer
diff options
authorDaniel Silverstone <>2012-09-21 17:13:04 +0100
committerDaniel Silverstone <>2012-09-24 15:03:55 +0100
commita7f8b1b63a97c66aea6f39342313d7a5b919cfa7 (patch)
tree967235881352d2ae3c8f14fa026abdb968755841 /lorry.tar-importer
parentbf479d5b735b31fde4ecfbfbca4d1217a64f8403 (diff)
Fix up Lorry to expect repositories to be bare.
This patch makes Lorry always create bare repositories where it can (Note that it cannot for CVS imports) and to create tarballs of bare repositories (if not disabled) which will be more efficient than bundles for creation and cloning. We may be able to disable bundles later.
Diffstat (limited to 'lorry.tar-importer')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lorry.tar-importer b/lorry.tar-importer
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb17ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lorry.tar-importer
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+## Note: Modified for Baserock lorry.
+## tar archive frontend for git-fast-import
+## For example:
+## mkdir project; cd project; git init
+## perl import-tars.perl *.tar.bz2
+## git whatchanged import-tars
+## Use --metainfo to specify the extension for a meta data file, where
+## import-tars can read the commit message and optionally author and
+## committer information.
+## echo 'This is the commit message' > myfile.tar.bz2.msg
+## perl import-tars.perl --metainfo=msg myfile.tar.bz2
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $metaext = '';
+die "usage: import-tars [--metainfo=extension] *.tar.{gz,bz2,lzma,xz,Z}\n"
+ unless GetOptions('metainfo=s' => \$metaext) && @ARGV;
+my $branch_name = 'master';
+my $branch_ref = "refs/heads/$branch_name";
+my $old_sha = `git show-ref $branch_ref 2>/dev/null`;
+my $author_name = $ENV{'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'} || 'Lorry Tar Creator';
+my $author_email = $ENV{'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'} || '';
+my $committer_name = $ENV{'GIT_COMMITTER_NAME'} || `git config --get`;
+my $committer_email = $ENV{'GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'} || `git config --get`;
+chomp($committer_name, $committer_email, $old_sha);
+if ($old_sha ne '') {
+ $old_sha = ($old_sha =~ /^([a-f0-9]+)/)[0];
+open(FI, '|-', 'git', 'fast-import', '--quiet')
+ or die "Unable to start git fast-import: $!\n";
+foreach my $tar_file (@ARGV)
+ my $commit_time = time;
+ $tar_file =~ m,([^/]+)$,;
+ my $tar_name = $1;
+ if ($tar_name =~ s/\.(tar\.gz|tgz)$//) {
+ open(I, '-|', 'gunzip', '-c', $tar_file)
+ or die "Unable to gunzip -c $tar_file: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.(tar\.bz2|tbz2)$//) {
+ open(I, '-|', 'bunzip2', '-c', $tar_file)
+ or die "Unable to bunzip2 -c $tar_file: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.tar\.Z$//) {
+ open(I, '-|', 'uncompress', '-c', $tar_file)
+ or die "Unable to uncompress -c $tar_file: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.(tar\.(lzma|xz)|(tlz|txz))$//) {
+ open(I, '-|', 'xz', '-dc', $tar_file)
+ or die "Unable to xz -dc $tar_file: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($tar_name =~ s/\.tar$//) {
+ open(I, $tar_file) or die "Unable to open $tar_file: $!\n";
+ } else {
+ die "Unrecognized compression format: $tar_file\n";
+ }
+ my $author_time = 0;
+ my $next_mark = 1;
+ my $have_top_dir = 1;
+ my ($top_dir, %files);
+ while (read(I, $_, 512) == 512) {
+ my ($name, $mode, $uid, $gid, $size, $mtime,
+ $chksum, $typeflag, $linkname, $magic,
+ $version, $uname, $gname, $devmajor, $devminor,
+ $prefix) = unpack 'Z100 Z8 Z8 Z8 Z12 Z12
+ Z8 Z1 Z100 Z6
+ Z2 Z32 Z32 Z8 Z8 Z*', $_;
+ last unless length($name);
+ if ($name eq '././@LongLink') {
+ # GNU tar extension
+ if (read(I, $_, 512) != 512) {
+ die ('Short archive');
+ }
+ $name = unpack 'Z257', $_;
+ next unless $name;
+ my $dummy;
+ if (read(I, $_, 512) != 512) {
+ die ('Short archive');
+ }
+ ($dummy, $mode, $uid, $gid, $size, $mtime,
+ $chksum, $typeflag, $linkname, $magic,
+ $version, $uname, $gname, $devmajor, $devminor,
+ $prefix) = unpack 'Z100 Z8 Z8 Z8 Z12 Z12
+ Z8 Z1 Z100 Z6
+ Z2 Z32 Z32 Z8 Z8 Z*', $_;
+ }
+ next if $name =~ m{/\z};
+ $mode = oct $mode;
+ $size = oct $size;
+ $mtime = oct $mtime;
+ next if $typeflag == 5; # directory
+ print FI "blob\n", "mark :$next_mark\n";
+ if ($typeflag == 2) { # symbolic link
+ print FI "data ", length($linkname), "\n", $linkname;
+ $mode = 0120000;
+ } else {
+ print FI "data $size\n";
+ while ($size > 0 && read(I, $_, 512) == 512) {
+ print FI substr($_, 0, $size);
+ $size -= 512;
+ }
+ }
+ print FI "\n";
+ my $path;
+ if ($prefix) {
+ $path = "$prefix/$name";
+ } else {
+ $path = "$name";
+ }
+ $files{$path} = [$next_mark++, $mode];
+ $author_time = $mtime if $mtime > $author_time;
+ $path =~ m,^([^/]+)/,;
+ $top_dir = $1 unless $top_dir;
+ $have_top_dir = 0 if $top_dir ne $1;
+ }
+ my $commit_msg = "Imported from $tar_file.";
+ my $this_committer_name = $committer_name;
+ my $this_committer_email = $committer_email;
+ my $this_author_name = $author_name;
+ my $this_author_email = $author_email;
+ if ($metaext ne '') {
+ # Optionally read a commit message from <filename.tar>.msg
+ # Add a line on the form "Committer: name <e-mail>" to override
+ # the committer and "Author: name <e-mail>" to override the
+ # author for this tar ball.
+ if (open MSG, '<', "${tar_file}.${metaext}") {
+ my $header_done = 0;
+ $commit_msg = '';
+ while (<MSG>) {
+ if (!$header_done && /^Committer:\s+([^<>]*)\s+<(.*)>\s*$/i) {
+ $this_committer_name = $1;
+ $this_committer_email = $2;
+ } elsif (!$header_done && /^Author:\s+([^<>]*)\s+<(.*)>\s*$/i) {
+ $this_author_name = $1;
+ $this_author_email = $2;
+ } elsif (!$header_done && /^$/) { # empty line ends header.
+ $header_done = 1;
+ } else {
+ $commit_msg .= $_;
+ $header_done = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close MSG;
+ }
+ }
+ print FI <<EOF;
+commit $branch_ref
+author $this_author_name <$this_author_email> $author_time +0000
+committer $this_committer_name <$this_committer_email> $commit_time +0000
+ if ($old_sha ne '') {
+ print FI <<EOF;
+from $old_sha
+ }
+ print FI <<EOF;
+ foreach my $path (keys %files)
+ {
+ my ($mark, $mode) = @{$files{$path}};
+ $path =~ s,^([^/]+)/,, if $have_top_dir;
+ $mode = $mode & 0111 ? 0755 : 0644 unless $mode == 0120000;
+ printf FI "M %o :%i %s\n", $mode, $mark, $path;
+ }
+ print FI "\n";
+ print FI <<EOF;
+tag $tar_name
+from $branch_ref
+tagger $author_name <$author_email> $author_time +0000
+Package $tar_name
+ close I;
+close FI;