diff options
authordmack <dmack@ae88bc3d-4319-0410-8dbf-d08b4c9d3795>2009-10-20 19:22:10 +0000
committerdmack <dmack@ae88bc3d-4319-0410-8dbf-d08b4c9d3795>2009-10-20 19:22:10 +0000
commit2327627f86535caf18fafb97b0b24103b4d37ef8 (patch)
parent27926fe3de408cb90048ce7507843fae88add755 (diff)
Tue Oct 20 19:20:36 UTC 2009 Daniel L.C. Mack <>SAPOP_Threat_dev
3 files changed, 142 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 641f0ffa5c0..89cfa749d0e 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+Tue Oct 20 19:20:36 UTC 2009 Daniel L.C. Mack <>
+ * utils/SANetGenerator:
+ * utils/SANetGenerator/
+ * utils/SANetGenerator/
+ Added the initial files for generating SANets. Rand Skeletons is for different
+ random graph algorithms. Net Skeleton is a sample program using Rand Skeletons.
Thu Oct 15 00:40:20 UTC 2009 Ben Podgursky <>
* C2W/C2W_Demo.cpp:
@@ -20,7 +30,7 @@ Thu Oct 15 00:40:20 UTC 2009 Ben Podgursky <>
* utils/PDDLtoSANetTranslator/PDDLParser/src/pddl4j/
- Eliminated initial action
+ Eliminated initial action
Sun Oct 4 19:44:35 UTC 2009 Ben Podgursky <>
diff --git a/utils/SANetGenerator/ b/utils/SANetGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..502e95eab8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/SANetGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#Daniel L.C. Mack
+#Build Random Skeletons for SA_POP
+import networkx as nx
+import re
+import sys
+import random as rand
+import Rand_Skeletons as RS
+Ntasks = int(sys.argv[1])
+Nconds = int(sys.argv[2])
+inDegree = float(sys.argv[3])
+outDegree = float(sys.argv[4])
+rGen = int(sys.argv[5])
+output = sys.argv[6]
+ofile = open(output, 'w')
+ofile.write("strict digraph testGraph {\n")
+SANet = nx.DiGraph()
+tasks = []
+conds = []
+#Build and record different types of nodes
+for each in range(0,Ntasks+1):
+ tname = "task" + str(each)
+ SANet.add_node(tname)
+ tasks.append(tname)
+for each in range(0,Nconds+1):
+ cname = "cond" + str(each)
+ SANet.add_node(cname)
+ conds.append(cname)
+#Choose function to generate from
+if rGen == 1:
+ SANet = RS.erdosGen(SANet, tasks, conds, inDegree, outDegree)
+#Print out the graph currently into something resembling an SANet, for GraphViz to render
+for each in tasks:
+ ofile.write("\"" + each + "\" [shape = box, style=filled, color = grey];\n" )
+for each in conds:
+ ofile.write("\"" + each +"\" [ style=filled, color = grey];\n")
+for edge in SANet.edges():
+ ofile.write("\"" + edge[0] + "\" -> \"" + edge[1] + "\";\n")
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/SANetGenerator/ b/utils/SANetGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..76b1ea05932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/SANetGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#Daniel Mack
+#Random Skeleton Generators
+import networkx as nx
+import random as rand
+#Modified Erdos-Renyi Graph Generator
+def erdosGen(SANet, tasks, conds, inDegree, outDegree):
+ inD = {}
+ outD = {}
+ pairs = {}
+ haltGen = 0;
+ haltOut = 0;
+ haltIn = 0;
+ #continue until the graph has met the in/out degreee limits
+ while haltGen == 0:
+ ctask = ""
+ ccond = ""
+ found = 0
+ while found == 0:
+ #Choose Task
+ ctask = tasks[rand.randrange(len(tasks))]
+ #Choose Cond
+ ccond = conds[rand.randrange(len(conds))]
+ key = ctask + "," + ccond
+ #if already been used as either an effect or precondition
+ if key in pairs:
+ found = 0
+ else:
+ #valid pair for random pairing
+ found = 1
+ pairs[key] = 1
+ #choose direction
+ EfforPre = rand.randrange(2)
+ #If 0 then it's a precondition link
+ if EfforPre == 0 and haltIn == 0:
+ SANet.add_edge(ccond, ctask)
+ if ctask in inD:
+ inD[ctask] += 1
+ else:
+ inD[ctask] = 1
+ elif haltOut == 0:
+ #otherwise it's an effect
+ SANet.add_edge(ctask, ccond)
+ if ctask in outD:
+ outD[ctask] += 1
+ else:
+ outD[ctask] = 1
+ #Check for Stopping Conditions
+ totalIn = 0.0
+ totalOut = 0.0
+ for each in tasks:
+ if each in inD:
+ totalIn += inD[each]
+ if each in outD:
+ totalOut += outD[each]
+ avgIn = totalIn/len(tasks)
+ avgOut = totalOut/len(tasks)
+ if avgIn >= inDegree:
+ haltIn = 1
+ if avgOut >= outDegree:
+ haltOut = 1
+ if haltIn == 1 and haltOut == 1:
+ print avgIn
+ print avgOut
+ haltGen = 1
+ return SANet \ No newline at end of file