path: root/ACE/ace/OS_NS_time.cpp
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authorErik Sohns <>2023-01-22 17:38:34 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-01-22 17:38:34 +0100
commit9e18d338ec598e1a8da6d32a0fba5a20c76978f7 (patch)
tree045f42001bd4e15cf8285686798fe47acd2f2b60 /ACE/ace/OS_NS_time.cpp
parent8b6ad82dc91f728cea2c9e86a17e5969a3338fcc (diff)
parent8ab31e3e5bb8c09a9c326a54545f4cb475345a78 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into message_queue_ex_get_queue
Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/ace/OS_NS_time.cpp')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/ace/OS_NS_time.cpp b/ACE/ace/OS_NS_time.cpp
index 526507eeb1b..3303e0588b4 100644
--- a/ACE/ace/OS_NS_time.cpp
+++ b/ACE/ace/OS_NS_time.cpp
@@ -11,212 +11,8 @@
#include "ace/OS_NS_Thread.h"
#include "ace/Object_Manager_Base.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
-# include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" /* Need ACE_OS::sprintf() */
- ACE_TCHAR const * const ACE_OS_day_of_week_name[] =
- {
- ACE_TEXT ("Sun"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Mon"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Tue"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Wed"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Thu"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Fri"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Sat")
- };
- ACE_TCHAR const * const ACE_OS_month_name[] =
- {
- ACE_TEXT ("Jan"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Feb"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Mar"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Apr"),
- ACE_TEXT ("May"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Jun"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Jul"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Aug"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Sep"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Oct"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Nov"),
- ACE_TEXT ("Dec")
- };
- static ACE_TCHAR const ACE_OS_CTIME_R_FMTSTR[] = ACE_TEXT ("%3s %3s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d\n");
-} /* end blank namespace */
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_WINCE */
-# if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
-ACE_OS::ctime_r (const time_t *clock, ACE_TCHAR *buf, int buflen)
- // buflen must be at least 26 wchar_t long.
- if (buflen < 26) // Again, 26 is a magic number.
- {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return 0;
- }
- // This is really stupid, converting FILETIME to timeval back and
- // forth. It assumes FILETIME and DWORDLONG are the same structure
- // internally.
- _100ns.QuadPart = (DWORDLONG) *clock * 10000 * 1000
- + ACE_Time_Value::FILETIME_to_timval_skew;
- FILETIME file_time;
- file_time.dwLowDateTime = _100ns.LowPart;
- file_time.dwHighDateTime = _100ns.HighPart;
- FILETIME localtime;
- SYSTEMTIME systime;
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&file_time, &localtime);
- FileTimeToSystemTime (&localtime, &systime);
- ACE_OS::snprintf (buf, buflen, ACE_OS_CTIME_R_FMTSTR,
- ACE_OS_day_of_week_name[systime.wDayOfWeek],
- ACE_OS_month_name[systime.wMonth - 1],
- systime.wDay,
- systime.wHour,
- systime.wMinute,
- systime.wSecond,
- systime.wYear);
- return buf;
-# endif /* ACE_HAS_WINCE */
-# if defined (ACE_LACKS_DIFFTIME)
-ACE_OS::difftime (time_t t1, time_t t0)
- /* return t1 - t0 in seconds */
- struct tm tms[2], *ptms[2], temp;
- double seconds;
- int swap = 0;
- /* extract the tm structure from time_t */
- ptms[1] = ::gmtime_r (&t1, &tms[1]);
- if (ptms[1] == 0) return 0.0;
- ptms[0] = ::gmtime_r (&t0, &tms[0]);
- if (ptms[0] == 0) return 0.0;
- /* make sure t1 is > t0 */
- if (tms[1].tm_year < tms[0].tm_year)
- swap = 1;
- else if (tms[1].tm_year == tms[0].tm_year)
- {
- if (tms[1].tm_yday < tms[0].tm_yday)
- swap = 1;
- else if (tms[1].tm_yday == tms[0].tm_yday)
- {
- if (tms[1].tm_hour < tms[0].tm_hour)
- swap = 1;
- else if (tms[1].tm_hour == tms[0].tm_hour)
- {
- if (tms[1].tm_min < tms[0].tm_min)
- swap = 1;
- else if (tms[1].tm_min == tms[0].tm_min)
- {
- if (tms[1].tm_sec < tms[0].tm_sec)
- swap = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (swap)
- temp = tms[0], tms[0] = tms[1], tms[1] = temp;
- seconds = 0.0;
- if (tms[1].tm_year > tms[0].tm_year)
- {
- // Accumulate the time until t[0] catches up to t[1]'s year.
- seconds = 60 - tms[0].tm_sec;
- tms[0].tm_sec = 0;
- tms[0].tm_min += 1;
- seconds += 60 * (60 - tms[0].tm_min);
- tms[0].tm_min = 0;
- tms[0].tm_hour += 1;
- seconds += 60*60 * (24 - tms[0].tm_hour);
- tms[0].tm_hour = 0;
- tms[0].tm_yday += 1;
-# define ISLEAPYEAR(y) ((y)&3u?0:(y)%25u?1:(y)/25u&12?0:1)
- if (ISLEAPYEAR(tms[0].tm_year))
- seconds += 60*60*24 * (366 - tms[0].tm_yday);
- else
- seconds += 60*60*24 * (365 - tms[0].tm_yday);
- tms[0].tm_yday = 0;
- tms[0].tm_year += 1;
- while (tms[1].tm_year > tms[0].tm_year)
- {
- if (ISLEAPYEAR(tms[0].tm_year))
- seconds += 60*60*24 * 366;
- else
- seconds += 60*60*24 * 365;
- tms[0].tm_year += 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Normalize
- if (tms[1].tm_sec < tms[0].tm_sec)
- {
- if (tms[1].tm_min == 0)
- {
- if (tms[1].tm_hour == 0)
- {
- tms[1].tm_yday -= 1;
- tms[1].tm_hour += 24;
- }
- tms[1].tm_hour -= 1;
- tms[1].tm_min += 60;
- }
- tms[1].tm_min -= 1;
- tms[1].tm_sec += 60;
- }
- tms[1].tm_sec -= tms[0].tm_sec;
- if (tms[1].tm_min < tms[0].tm_min)
- {
- if (tms[1].tm_hour == 0)
- {
- tms[1].tm_yday -= 1;
- tms[1].tm_hour += 24;
- }
- tms[1].tm_hour -= 1;
- tms[1].tm_min += 60;
- }
- tms[1].tm_min -= tms[0].tm_min;
- if (tms[1].tm_hour < tms[0].tm_hour)
- {
- tms[1].tm_yday -= 1;
- tms[1].tm_hour += 24;
- }
- tms[1].tm_hour -= tms[0].tm_hour;
- tms[1].tm_yday -= tms[0].tm_yday;
- }
- // accumulate the seconds
- seconds += tms[1].tm_sec;
- seconds += 60 * tms[1].tm_min;
- seconds += 60*60 * tms[1].tm_hour;
- seconds += 60*60*24 * tms[1].tm_yday;
- return seconds;
-# endif /* ACE_LACKS_DIFFTIME */
struct tm *
ACE_OS::localtime_r (const time_t *t, struct tm *res)
@@ -224,51 +20,6 @@ ACE_OS::localtime_r (const time_t *t, struct tm *res)
#if defined (ACE_HAS_TR24731_2005_CRT)
ACE_SECURECRTCALL (localtime_s (res, t), struct tm *, 0, res);
return res;
-#elif defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
- // This is really stupid, converting FILETIME to timeval back and
- // forth. It assumes FILETIME and DWORDLONG are the same structure
- // internally.
- const unsigned short int __mon_yday[2][13] =
- {
- /* Normal years. */
- { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 },
- /* Leap years. */
- { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 }
- };
- ::GetTimeZoneInformation (&pTz);
- _100ns.QuadPart = (DWORDLONG) *t * 10000 * 1000 + ACE_Time_Value::FILETIME_to_timval_skew;
- FILETIME file_time;
- file_time.dwLowDateTime = _100ns.LowPart;
- file_time.dwHighDateTime = _100ns.HighPart;
- FILETIME localtime;
- SYSTEMTIME systime;
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&file_time, &localtime);
- FileTimeToSystemTime (&localtime, &systime);
- res->tm_hour = systime.wHour;
- res->tm_isdst = pTz.DaylightBias != 0;
- int iLeap;
- iLeap = (res->tm_year % 4 == 0 && (res->tm_year% 100 != 0 || res->tm_year % 400 == 0));
- // based on leap select which group to use
- res->tm_mday = systime.wDay;
- res->tm_min = systime.wMinute;
- res->tm_mon = systime.wMonth - 1;
- res->tm_sec = systime.wSecond;
- res->tm_wday = systime.wDayOfWeek;
- res->tm_yday = __mon_yday[iLeap][systime.wMonth] + systime.wDay;
- res->tm_year = systime.wYear;// this the correct year but bias the value to start at the 1900
- res->tm_year = res->tm_year - 1900;
- return res;
#elif defined (ACE_LACKS_LOCALTIME_R)
@@ -291,28 +42,11 @@ time_t
ACE_OS::mktime (struct tm *t)
ACE_OS_TRACE ("ACE_OS::mktime");
-# if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
- FILETIME t_file;
- t_sys.wSecond = t->tm_sec;
- t_sys.wMinute = t->tm_min;
- t_sys.wHour = t->tm_hour;
- t_sys.wDay = t->tm_mday;
- t_sys.wMonth = t->tm_mon + 1; // SYSTEMTIME is 1-indexed, tm is 0-indexed
- t_sys.wYear = t->tm_year + 1900; // SYSTEMTIME is real; tm is since 1900
- t_sys.wDayOfWeek = t->tm_wday; // Ignored in below function call.
- t_sys.wMilliseconds = 0;
- if (SystemTimeToFileTime (&t_sys, &t_file) == 0)
- return -1;
- ACE_Time_Value tv (t_file);
- return tv.sec ();
-# else
-# if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) && !defined (ACE_HAS_MT_SAFE_MKTIME)
+#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) && !defined (ACE_HAS_MT_SAFE_MKTIME)
return std::mktime (t);
-# endif /* ACE_HAS_WINCE */
#if defined (ACE_LACKS_STRPTIME)