path: root/ace/Process.h
diff options
authorharrison <harrison@ae88bc3d-4319-0410-8dbf-d08b4c9d3795>1997-05-11 00:40:10 +0000
committerharrison <harrison@ae88bc3d-4319-0410-8dbf-d08b4c9d3795>1997-05-11 00:40:10 +0000
commit0830b495ba71706d96858070bee0b1d287ee4119 (patch)
tree28fbed9c7ab53aa68d0572383a8f08cf1ab432b4 /ace/Process.h
parente5edd8a3274852e9d9f1fee74507c8932d9bcc61 (diff)
ACE_ProcessEx is working on NT and Solaris.
Diffstat (limited to 'ace/Process.h')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/ace/Process.h b/ace/Process.h
index 3ea3243299c..5c9d51ad2b9 100644
--- a/ace/Process.h
+++ b/ace/Process.h
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ class ACE_Export ACE_Process_Options
// and exec).
- enum { DEFAULT_CL_OPTIONS_BUF_LEN = 1024 };
ACE_Process_Options (int inherit_environment = 1,
- int cl_options_buf_len=DEFAULT_CL_OPTIONS_BUF_LEN);
+ int command_line_buf_len=DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_BUF_LEN);
// If <inherit_environment> == 1, the new process will inherit the
- // environment of the current process. <cl_options_buf_len> is the
+ // environment of the current process. <command_line_buf_len> is the
// max strlen for command-line arguments.
~ACE_Process_Options (void);
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ public:
// sure to set the others to ACE_INVALID_HANDLE. Returns 0 on
// success, -1 on failure.
+ int setenv (const char *format, ...);
+ // <format> must be of the form "VARIABLE= VALUE". There can not be
+ // any spaces between VARIABLE and the equal sign.
int setenv (const char *variable_name, const char *format, ...);
// Set a single environment variable, <variable_name>. Since
// different platforms separate each environment variable
@@ -64,36 +68,29 @@ public:
// Set the working directory for the process. strlen of <wd> must
// be <= MAXPATHLEN.
- void path (LPCTSTR p);
- // Set the path to the application. This can either be a full path,
- // relative path, or just an executable name. If an executable name
- // is used, we rely on the platforms support for searching paths.
- // strlen of <p> must be <= MAXPATHLEN. Since we need a path to run
- // a process, this method *must* be called!
- void cl_options (const char *format, ...);
+ void command_line (const char *format, ...);
// Set the command-line arguments. <format> can use any printf
- // formats. Check this->cl_options_buf and this->argv_cl_options
- // for accessors.
+ // formats. The first token in <format> should be the path to the
+ // application. This can either be a full path, relative path, or
+ // just an executable name. If an executable name is used, we rely
+ // on the platform's support for searching paths. Since we need a
+ // path to run a process, this method *must* be called!
// ************************************************************
// = These operations are used by ACE_Process to retrieve options
// values.
// ************************************************************
- LPCTSTR path (void) const;
- // The full path to the application.
LPTSTR working_directory (void);
// Current working directory. Returns "" if nothing has been set.
- LPTSTR cl_options_buf (void);
+ LPTSTR command_line_buf (void);
// Buffer of command-line options. Returns exactly what was passed
- // to this->cl_options.
+ // to this->command_line.
- char * const *cl_options_argv (void);
+ char * const *command_line_argv (void);
// argv-style command-line options. Parses and modifies the string
- // created from this->cl_options. All spaces not in quotes ("" or
+ // created from this->command_line. All spaces not in quotes ("" or
// '') are replaced with null (\0) bytes. An argv array is built
// and returned with each entry pointing to the start of
// null-terminated string. Returns { 0 } if nothing has been set.
@@ -208,23 +205,17 @@ protected:
char *environment_argv_[MAX_ENVIRONMENT_ARGS];
// Pointers into environment_buf_.
- LPTSTR cl_options_buf_;
+ LPTSTR command_line_buf_;
// Buffer of command-line arguments. E.g., "-f foo -b bar".
- char *cl_options_;
- // Buffer containing command line options.
+ char *command_line_argv_[MAX_COMMAND_LINE_OPTIONS];
+ // Argv-style command-line arguments.
- char *cl_options_argv_[MAX_COMMAND_LINE_OPTIONS];
- // Are 64 command-line arguments enough?
- int cl_options_argv_calculated_;
- // Ensures cl_options_argv is only calculated once.
+ int command_line_argv_calculated_;
+ // Ensures command_line_argv is only calculated once.
TCHAR working_directory_[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
// The current working directory.
- TCHAR path_[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
- // The application path.
// ************************************************************