path: root/ACE/ace/Svc_Handler.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/ace/Svc_Handler.h b/ACE/ace/Svc_Handler.h
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-// -*- C++ -*-
- * @file Svc_Handler.h
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * @author Douglas Schmidt <>
- * @author Irfan Pyarali <>
- */
-#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
-#include "ace/Synch_Options.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Recyclable.h"
-#include "ace/Reactor.h"
-// Forward decls.
-class ACE_Connection_Recycling_Strategy;
- * @class ACE_Svc_Handler
- *
- * @brief Defines the interface for a service that exchanges data with
- * its connected peer.
- *
- * This class provides a well-defined interface that the
- * Acceptor and Connector pattern factories use as their target.
- * Typically, client applications will subclass ACE_Svc_Handler
- * and do all the interesting work in the subclass. One thing
- * that the ACE_Svc_Handler does contain is a PEER_STREAM
- * endpoint that is initialized by an ACE_Acceptor or
- * ACE_Connector when a connection is established successfully.
- * This endpoint is used to exchange data between a
- * ACE_Svc_Handler and the peer it is connected with.
- */
-class ACE_Svc_Handler : public ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_USE>
- // Useful STL-style traits.
- typedef ACE_PEER_STREAM_ADDR addr_type;
- typedef ACE_PEER_STREAM stream_type;
- /**
- * Constructor initializes the @a thr_mgr and @a mq by passing them
- * down to the ACE_Task base class. The @a reactor is passed to
- * the ACE_Event_Handler.
- */
- ACE_Svc_Handler (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr = 0,
- ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_SYNCH_USE> *mq = 0,
- ACE_Reactor *reactor = ACE_Reactor::instance ());
- /// Destructor.
- virtual ~ACE_Svc_Handler (void);
- /// Activate the client handler. This is typically called by the
- /// ACE_Acceptor or ACE_Connector.
- virtual int open (void * = 0);
- /**
- * Object termination hook -- application-specific cleanup code goes
- * here. This function is called by the idle() function if the object
- * does not have a ACE_Connection_Recycling_Strategy associated with it.
- * Also, due to this class's derivation from ACE_Task, close() is
- * also called when a thread activated with this object exits. See
- * ACE_Task::close() for further details. The default action of this
- * function is to call handle_close() with the default arguments.
- */
- virtual int close (u_long flags = 0);
- /**
- * Call this method if you want to recycling the @c Svc_Handler
- * instead of closing it. If the object does not have a recycler,
- * it will be closed.
- */
- virtual int idle (u_long flags = 0);
- /**
- * Call this method if you want to get/set the state of the
- * @c Svc_Handler. If the object does not have a recycler, this call
- * will have no effect (and the accessor will return
- */
- virtual ACE_Recyclable_State recycle_state (void) const;
- virtual int recycle_state (ACE_Recyclable_State new_state);
- /**
- * When the svc_handle is no longer needed around as a hint, call
- * this method. In addition, reset @c *act_holder to zero if
- * @a act_holder != 0.
- */
- virtual void cleanup_hint (void **act_holder = 0);
- // = Dynamic linking hooks.
- /// Default version does no work and returns -1. Must be overloaded
- /// by application developer to do anything meaningful.
- virtual int init (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]);
- /// Default version does no work and returns -1. Must be overloaded
- /// by application developer to do anything meaningful.
- virtual int fini (void);
- /// Default version does no work and returns -1. Must be overloaded
- /// by application developer to do anything meaningful.
- virtual int info (ACE_TCHAR **info_string, size_t length) const;
- // = Demultiplexing hooks.
- /**
- * Perform termination activities on the SVC_HANDLER. The default
- * behavior is to close down the <peer_> (to avoid descriptor leaks)
- * and to <destroy> this object (to avoid memory leaks)! If you
- * don't want this behavior make sure you override this method...
- */
- virtual int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE,
- ACE_Reactor_Mask = ACE_Event_Handler::ALL_EVENTS_MASK);
- /// Default behavior when timeouts occur is to close down the
- /// <Svc_Handler> by calling <handle_close>.
- virtual int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &time,
- const void *);
- /// Get the underlying handle associated with the <peer_>.
- virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const;
- /// Set the underlying handle associated with the <peer_>.
- virtual void set_handle (ACE_HANDLE);
- /// Returns the underlying PEER_STREAM. Used by
- /// <ACE_Acceptor::accept> and <ACE_Connector::connect> factories
- ACE_PEER_STREAM &peer (void) const;
- /// Overloaded new operator. This method unobtrusively records if a
- /// <Svc_Handler> is allocated dynamically, which allows it to clean
- /// itself up correctly whether or not it's allocated statically or
- /// dynamically.
- void *operator new (size_t n);
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_NEW_NOTHROW)
- /// Overloaded new operator, nothrow_t variant. Unobtrusively records if a
- /// <Svc_Handler> is allocated dynamically, which allows it to clean
- /// itself up correctly whether or not it's allocated statically or
- /// dynamically.
- void *operator new (size_t n, const ACE_nothrow_t&) throw();
- void operator delete (void *p, const ACE_nothrow_t&) throw ();
- /// This operator permits "placement new" on a per-object basis.
- void * operator new (size_t n, void *p);
- /**
- * Call this to free up dynamically allocated <Svc_Handlers>
- * (otherwise you will get memory leaks). In general, you should
- * call this method rather than <delete> since this method knows
- * whether or not the object was allocated dynamically, and can act
- * accordingly (i.e., deleting it if it was allocated dynamically).
- */
- virtual void destroy (void);
- /**
- * This really should be private so that users are forced to call
- * <destroy>. Unfortunately, the C++ standard doesn't allow there
- * to be a public new and a private delete. It is a bad idea to
- * call this method directly, so use <destroy> instead, unless you
- * know for sure that you've allocated the object dynamically.
- */
- void operator delete (void *);
- /**
- * This operator is necessary to complement the class-specific
- * operator new above. Unfortunately, it's not portable to all C++
- * compilers...
- */
- void operator delete (void *, void *);
- /// Close down the descriptor and unregister from the Reactor
- void shutdown (void);
- /// Dump the state of an object.
- void dump (void) const;
- // = The following methods are not suppose to be public.
- // Because friendship is *not* inherited in C++, these methods have
- // to be public.
- // = Accessors to set/get the connection recycler.
- /// Set the recycler and the @a recycling_act that is used during
- /// purging and caching.
- virtual void recycler (ACE_Connection_Recycling_Strategy *recycler,
- const void *recycling_act);
- /// Get the recycler.
- virtual ACE_Connection_Recycling_Strategy *recycler (void) const;
- /// Get the recycling act.
- virtual const void *recycling_act (void) const;
- /**
- * Upcall made by the recycler when it is about to recycle the
- * connection. This gives the object a chance to prepare itself for
- * recycling. Return 0 if the object is ready for recycling, -1 on
- * failures.
- */
- virtual int recycle (void * = 0);
- /// Maintain connection with client.
- /// Have we been dynamically created?
- bool dynamic_;
- /// Keeps track of whether we are in the process of closing (required
- /// to avoid circular calls to <handle_close>).
- bool closing_;
- /// Pointer to the connection recycler.
- ACE_Connection_Recycling_Strategy *recycler_;
- /// Asynchronous Completion Token (ACT) to be used to when talking to
- /// the recycler.
- const void *recycling_act_;
- * @class ACE_Buffered_Svc_Handler
- *
- * @brief Defines the interface for a service that exchanges data with
- * its connected peer and supports buffering.
- *
- * The buffering feature makes it possible to queue up
- * ACE_Message_Blocks in an ACE_Message_Queue until (1) the
- * queue is "full" or (2) a period of time elapses, at which
- * point the queue is "flushed" via <sendv_n> to the peer.
- */
-class ACE_Buffered_Svc_Handler : public ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_PEER_STREAM_2, ACE_SYNCH_USE>
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- /**
- * Constructor initializes the @a thr_mgr and @a mq by passing them
- * down to the ACE_Task base class. The @a reactor is passed to
- * the ACE_Event_Handler. The @a max_buffer_size and
- * @a relative_timeout are used to determine at what point to flush
- * the @a mq. By default, there's no buffering at all. The
- * @a relative_timeout value is interpreted to be in a unit that's
- * relative to the current time returned by <ACE_OS::gettimeofday>.
- */
- ACE_Buffered_Svc_Handler (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr = 0,
- ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_SYNCH_USE> *mq = 0,
- ACE_Reactor *reactor = ACE_Reactor::instance (),
- size_t max_buffer_size = 0,
- ACE_Time_Value *relative_timeout = 0);
- /// Destructor, which calls <flush>.
- virtual ~ACE_Buffered_Svc_Handler (void);
- /**
- * Insert the ACE_Message_Block chain rooted at @a message_block
- * into the ACE_Message_Queue with the designated @a timeout. The
- * <flush> method will be called if this <put> causes the number of
- * bytes to exceed the maximum buffer size or if the timeout period
- * has elapsed.
- */
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *message_block,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- /// Flush the ACE_Message_Queue, which writes all the queued
- /// ACE_Message_Blocks to the <PEER_STREAM>.
- virtual int flush (void);
- /// This method is not currently implemented -- this is where the
- /// integration with the <Reactor> would occur.
- virtual int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &time,
- const void *);
- /// Dump the state of an object.
- void dump (void) const;
- /// Implement the flush operation on the ACE_Message_Queue, which
- /// writes all the queued ACE_Message_Blocks to the <PEER_STREAM>.
- /// Assumes that the caller holds the lock.
- virtual int flush_i (void);
- /// Maximum size the <Message_Queue> can be before we have to flush
- /// the buffer.
- size_t maximum_buffer_size_;
- /// Current size in bytes of the <Message_Queue> contents.
- size_t current_buffer_size_;
- /// Timeout value used to control when the buffer is flushed.
- ACE_Time_Value next_timeout_;
- /// Interval of the timeout.
- ACE_Time_Value interval_;
- /// Timeout pointer.
- ACE_Time_Value *timeoutp_;
-#include "ace/Svc_Handler.cpp"
-#pragma implementation ("Svc_Handler.cpp")
-#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ACE_SVC_HANDLER_H */