path: root/ACE/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 569 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/tests/ b/ACE/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index f33caad39a2..00000000000
--- a/ACE/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
- if 0;
-# $Id$
-# -*- perl -*-
-# This file is for running the tests in the ACE tests directory.
-# It is usually used for auto_compiles.
-if (defined $ENV{ACE_ROOT}) {
- use lib "$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin";
-} else {
- use lib '../bin';
-if (defined $ENV{top_srcdir}) {
- use lib "$ENV{top_srcdir}/bin";
-use PerlACE::Run_Test;
-use PerlACE::TestTarget;
-use Cwd;
-use English;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use FileHandle;
-use File::Basename;
-$config_list = new PerlACE::ConfigList;
-sub check_for_more_configs ()
- my $fh = new FileHandle;
- if ($fh->open ("< ../ace/ACE_COMPONENTS.list")) {
- while (<$fh>) {
- if (m/ Other /) {
- print "Adding 'Other' as my config\n" if defined $opt_d;
- $config_list->add_one_config ('OTHER');
- }
- if (m/ Token /) {
- print "Adding 'Token' as my config\n" if defined $opt_d;
- $config_list->add_one_config ('TOKEN');
- }
- }
- $fh->close ();
- }
- elsif (defined $opt_d) {
- print "Could not open ACE_COMPONENTS.list file\n" if defined $opt_d;
- print "Assuming TOKEN and OTHER subsets are included\n" if defined $opt_d;
- $config_list->add_one_config ('OTHER');
- $config_list->add_one_config ('TOKEN');
- }
- my $P = new PerlACE::Process ("../netsvcs/servers/main");
- if (!-x $P->Executable ()) {
- $config_list->add_one_config ('missing_netsvcs');
- }
- if (defined $opt_v) {
- $config_list->add_one_config ('VxWorks');
- }
-sub record_resources ()
- if ($config_list->check_config ('CHECK_RESOURCES')) {
- if (!defined $ENV{'LOGNAME'}) {
- $user=`whoami`;
- }
- else {
- $user = $ENV{'LOGNAME'};
- }
- $start_test_resources=`ipcs | egrep $user`;
- }
-sub check_resources
- my($oh) = shift;
- if ($config_list->check_config ('CHECK_RESOURCES')) {
- if (defined $opt_v) {
- print $oh "memShow();\n";
- }
- else {
- $end_test_resources=`ipcs | egrep $user`;
- if ("$start_test_resources" ne "$end_test_resources") {
- print STDERR "Warning: the ACE tests _may_ have leaked OS ".
- "resources!\n";
- print STDERR "Warning: Before: $start_test_resources\n";
- print STDERR "Warning: After: $end_test_resources\n";
- }
- }
- }
-sub run_program ($)
- my $path = shift;
- my $arguments = shift;
- if ($path =~ /^(\S*)\s*(.*)/ ) {
- $path = $1;
- $arguments = $2 . $arguments;
- }
- ## Print it out before we check for the executable
- ## if the executable doesn't exist, the error will show
- ## up as part of the previous test.
- print "auto_run_tests: tests/$path $arguments\n";
- my ($program, $dir, $suffix) = fileparse($path);
- my $start_dir = getcwd ();
- if ($dir ne "" && !chdir $dir) {
- print STDERR "Error: Can\'t chdir to $dir for $path\n";
- return;
- }
- unlink <log/$program*.log>;
- unlink "core";
- my $P;
- if ($config_list->check_config ('Valgrind')) {
- $P = new PerlACE::Process ($program,$arguments);
- $P->IgnoreExeSubDir(1);
- }
- else {
- if ($config_list->check_config ('LabVIEW_RT')) {
- $P = new PerlACE::ProcessLVRT ($program,$arguments);
- }
- else {
- $P = new PerlACE::Process ($program,$arguments);
- }
- ### Try to run the program
- if (! -e $P->Executable ()) {
- print STDERR "Error: " . $P->Executable () .
- " does not exist or is not runnable\n";
- chdir $start_dir;
- return;
- }
- }
- my $start_time = time();
- $status = $P->SpawnWaitKill (400);
- my $time = time() - $start_time;
- ### Check for problems
- if ($status == -1) {
- print STDERR "Error: $program FAILED (time out)\n";
- $P->Kill ();
- $P->TimedWait (1);
- }
- elsif ($status != 0) {
- print STDERR "Error: $program $arguments FAILED with exit status $status\n";
- }
- print "\nauto_run_tests_finished: tests/$program $arguments Time:$time"."s Result:$status\n";
- check_log ($program);
- if ($config_list->check_config ('Codeguard')) {
- check_codeguard_log ($program);
- }
- chdir $start_dir;
-sub run_vxworks_command ($)
- my $program = shift;
- unlink <log/$program*.log>;
- unlink "core";
- my $P = new PerlACE::ProcessVX ($program);
- ## check module existence
- if (! -e $P->Executable ()) {
- print STDERR "Error: " . $P->Executable() .
- " does not exist\n";
- return;
- }
- print "auto_run_tests: tests/$program\n";
- my $start_time = time();
- $status = $P->SpawnWaitKill (400);
- my $time = time() - $start_time;
- ### Check for problems
- if ($status == -1) {
- print STDERR "Error: $program FAILED (time out)\n";
- $P->Kill ();
- $P->TimedWait (1);
- }
- elsif ($status != 0) {
- print STDERR "Error: $program FAILED with exit status $status\n";
- }
- print "\nauto_run_tests_finished: test/$program Time:$time"."s Result:$status\n";
- check_log ($program);
-sub output_vxworks_commands
- my($oh) = shift;
- my($program) = shift;
- my($length) = length($program) + 2;
- if (defined $ENV{'ACE_RUN_VX_CHECK_RESOURCES'}) {
- print $oh "memShow();\n";
- }
- print $oh "write(2, \"\\n$program\\n\", $length);\n" .
- "ld 1,0, \"" . $program . ".out\"\n" .
- "vx_execae ace_main\n" .
- "unld \"" . $program . ".out\"\n";
-sub purify_program ($)
- ### @todo
- my $program = shift;
- $program_exe = $program;
- print STDERR "Purifying $program\n";
- system ("purify ".
- "/run ".
- "/save-data=purify_results\$program.pfy ".
- "/save-text-data=purify_results\$program.txt ".
- "/AllocCallStackLength=20 ".
- "/ErrorCallStackLength=20 ".
- "/HandlesInUseAtExit ".
- "/InUseAtExit ".
- "/LeaksAtExit ".
- "$program_exe");
-sub check_log ($)
- my $program = shift;
- ### Check the logs
- local $log_suffix;
- if (defined $ENV{"ACE_WINCE_TEST_CONTROLLER"}) {
- $log_suffix = ".txt";
- }
- else {
- $log_suffix = ".log";
- }
- # Support logs generated by tests in subdirectories, such as tests
- # found in the SSL subdirectory.
- local $the_program = basename($program);
- local $log = "log/".$the_program.$log_suffix;
- if (-e "core") {
- print STDERR "Error: $program dumped core\n";
- unlink "core";
- }
- if (! -e $log ) {
- print STDERR "Error: No log file ($log) is present\n";
- }
- else {
- if (open (LOG, "<".$log) == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error: Cannot open log file $log\n";
- }
- else {
- my $print_log = 0;
- my $starting_matched = 0;
- my $ending_matched = 0;
- while (<LOG>) {
- chomp;
- if (m/Starting/) {
- $starting_matched = 1;
- }
- if (m/Ending/) {
- $ending_matched = 1;
- }
- if (/LM\_ERROR\@(.*)$/) {
- print STDERR "Error: ($log): $1\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- if (/LM\_WARNING\@(.*)$/) {
- print STDERR "Warning: ($log): $1\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- }
- close (LOG); # ignore errors
- if ($starting_matched == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error ($log): no line with 'Starting'\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- if ($ending_matched == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error ($log): no line with 'Ending'\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- if ($print_log == 1) {
- print STDERR "======= Begin Log File \n";
- if (open (LOG, "<".$log) == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error: Cannot open log file $log\n";
- }
- else {
- my @log = <LOG>;
- print STDERR @log;
- close (LOG);
- }
- print STDERR "======= End Log File \n";
- }
- # Now check for any sub-logs. If either the main log or a
- # sub-log has an error, print the sub-log.
- opendir (THISDIR, "log");
- local $sublognames = "$program\-.*".$log_suffix;
- @sublogs = grep (/^$sublognames/, readdir (THISDIR));
- closedir (THISDIR);
- my $saw_short_process_manager_child_log = 0;
- foreach $log (@sublogs) {
- # Just like the main log, but note that Process_Manager_Test
- # kills (signal 9) one of its children so the log may get
- # deleted, or it may be incomplete. So let this one go, but
- # only once per Process_Manager_Test.
- if (open (LOG, "<log/".$log) == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error: Cannot open sublog file $log\n";
- }
- else {
- my $number_starting = 0;
- my $number_ending = 0;
- while (<LOG>) {
- chomp;
- if (m/Starting/) {
- $number_starting++;
- }
- if (m/Ending/) {
- $number_ending++;
- }
- if (/LM\_ERROR\@(.*)$/) {
- print STDERR "Error: ($log): $1\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- if (/LM\_WARNING\@(.*)$/) {
- print STDERR "Warning: ($log): $1\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($number_starting == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error ($log): no line with 'Starting'\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- if ($number_ending == 0) {
- if ($program eq 'Process_Manager_Test' &&
- $saw_short_process_manager_child_log == 0) {
- $saw_short_process_manager_child_log = 1;
- $number_ending = 1;
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "Error ($log): no line with 'Ending'\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($number_starting != $number_ending) {
- print STDERR "Error ($log): Number of 'Starting' does not match number of 'Ending' ($number_starting != $number_ending)\n";
- $print_log = 1;
- }
- close (LOG); # ignore errors
- if ($print_log == 1) {
- print STDERR "======= Begin Sublog File ".$log."\n";
- if (open (LOG, "<log/".$log) == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error: Cannot open sublog file $log\n";
- }
- else {
- my @log = <LOG>;
- print STDERR @log;
- close (LOG);
- }
- print STDERR "======= End Sublog File \n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-sub check_codeguard_log ($)
- my $program = shift;
- ### Check the logs
- local $log = $program.".cgl";
- if (-e $log ) {
- print STDERR "======= Begin Codeguard Log File \n";
- if (open (LOG, "<".$log) == 0) {
- print STDERR "Error: Cannot open codeguard log file $log\n";
- }
- else {
- my @log = <LOG>;
- print STDERR @log;
- close (LOG);
- }
- print STDERR "======= End Codeguard Log File \n";
- }
-sub delete_temp_files ()
- my @files = ('ace_pipe_name', 'pattern');
- my $file = '';
- if (!opendir (DIR, $tmp)) {
- warn "Cannot open temp directory $tmp\n";
- return;
- }
- foreach $file (readdir (DIR)) {
- if ($file =~ /^ace_temp_file/ || $file =~ /^Naming_Test/) {
- push @files, $tmp . '/' . $file;
- }
- }
- closedir (DIR);
- PerlACE::check_n_cleanup_files ('MEM_Acceptor_*');
- PerlACE::check_n_cleanup_files ('backing_store_*');
-if (!getopts ('dhtvo:') || $opt_h) {
- print " [-h] [-v] [-o <output file>] [-t file1 file2 ...]\n";
- print "\n";
- print "Runs the tests listed in run_test.lst\n";
- print "\n";
- print "Options:\n";
- print " -d Debug mode (do not run tests)\n";
- print " -h Display this help\n";
- print " -t Runs all the tests passed via the cmd line\n";
- print " -v Generate commands for VxWorks\n";
- print " -o Put VxWorks commands in <output file>\n";
- print "\n";
- print "Pass in configs using \"-Config XXXXX\"\n";
- print "\n";
- print "Possible Configs: CHECK_RESOURCES Purify Codeguard Valgrind ",
- $config_list->list_configs (), "\n";
- exit (1);
-## since we can't use "our" to get rid of warnings.
-$opt_h = $opt_h if (defined $opt_h);
-$opt_t = $opt_t if (defined $opt_t);
-$opt_g = $opt_g if (defined $opt_g);
-if (!($tmp = $ENV{TMP}) && !($tmp = $ENV{TEMP})) {
- $tmp="/tmp";
-check_for_more_configs ();
-if (PerlACE::is_vxworks_test ()) {
- $opt_v = 1;
-@tests = ();
-if (defined $opt_t) {
- @tests = @ARGV;
-else {
- $config_list->load ("run_test.lst");
- @tests = $config_list->valid_entries ();
-if (defined $opt_d) {
- $config_list->dump ();
-record_resources () if (!defined $opt_d);
-my($oh) = \*STDOUT;
-if (defined $opt_v && defined $opt_o) {
- $oh = new FileHandle();
- if ($opt_o != 1) {
- if (!open($oh, ">$opt_o")) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Unable to write to $opt_o\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- print $oh "#\n" .
- "# ACE one-button test for VxWorks 5.x.\n" .
- "# To use: -> < run_test.vxworks > run_test.log\n" .
- "#\n" .
- "# NOTE: if you build with a shared ACE library, be sure to load\n" .
- "# that first:\n" .
- "# -> ld < ../ace/\n" .
- "# and unld it after running the tests.\n" .
- "#\n" .
- "# The output logs can be checked from a Unix host:\n" .
- "# % ./run_tests.check log/*.log\n\n";
- foreach $test (@tests) {
- output_vxworks_commands ($oh, $test);
- }
-else {
- my $target = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target ($PerlACE::TestConfig);
- foreach $test (@tests) {
- if (defined $opt_d) {
- print "Would run test $test now\n";
- }
- elsif ($config_list->check_config ('Purify')) {
- purify_program ($test);
- }
- if (defined $opt_v) {
- run_vxworks_command ($test);
- }
- else {
- run_program ($test);
- }
- $target->GetStderrLog();
- }
-check_resources ($oh) if (!defined $opt_d);
-delete_temp_files ();