path: root/TAO/CIAO/DAnCE/examples/Display/NavDisplayGUI_exec/DetailView.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/CIAO/DAnCE/examples/Display/NavDisplayGUI_exec/DetailView.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/CIAO/DAnCE/examples/Display/NavDisplayGUI_exec/DetailView.cpp b/TAO/CIAO/DAnCE/examples/Display/NavDisplayGUI_exec/DetailView.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 95125600100..00000000000
--- a/TAO/CIAO/DAnCE/examples/Display/NavDisplayGUI_exec/DetailView.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "DetailView.h"
-#include <qlayout.h>
-#include <qpushbutton.h>
-#include <qtabwidget.h>
-#include <qtable.h>
-#include <qlabel.h>
-#include <qlineedit.h>
-#include <qspinbox.h>
-DetailView::DetailView(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
-: QWidget(parent, name), current_unit(NULL)
- QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(this, 8, 10);
- // Create a label containing a QMovie
- separatorlabel = new QLabel(this, "label0" );
- grid->addMultiCellWidget(separatorlabel, 0, 0, 0, 9);
- QLabel *sem_id_label = new QLabel("FDN:", this);
- grid->addWidget(sem_id_label, 1, 0);
- sem_id_val = new QLineEdit(this);
- sem_id_val->setReadOnly(1);
- grid->addMultiCellWidget(sem_id_val, 1, 1, 1, 7);
- QLabel *descr_label = new QLabel("Description:", this);
- grid->addWidget(descr_label, 2, 0);
- descr_edit = new QLineEdit(this);
- grid->addMultiCellWidget(descr_edit, 2, 2, 1, 7);
- QLabel *x_label = new QLabel("X coordinate:", this);
- grid->addWidget(x_label, 3, 0);
- x_edit = new QSpinBox(this);
- x_edit->setMinValue(0);
- x_edit->setMaxValue(65535);
- grid->addWidget(x_edit, 3, 1);
- QLabel *y_label = new QLabel("Y coordinate:", this);
- grid->addWidget(y_label, 3, 3);
- y_edit = new QSpinBox(this);
- y_edit->setMinValue(0);
- y_edit->setMaxValue(65535);
- grid->addWidget(y_edit, 3, 4);
- QLabel *z_label = new QLabel("Z coordinate:", this);
- grid->addWidget(z_label, 3, 6);
- z_edit = new QSpinBox(this);
- z_edit->setMinValue(0);
- z_edit->setMaxValue(65535);
- grid->addWidget(z_edit, 3, 7);
- // Create a label containing a QMovie
- QString path_to_movie;
- char *ace_root = getenv("ACE_ROOT");
- if(ace_root)
- {
- path_to_movie += ace_root;
- path_to_movie += "/TAO/CIAO/examples/handcrafted/Display/NavDisplayGUI_exec/trolltech.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- path_to_movie = "../NavDisplayGUI_exec/trolltech.gif";
- }
- movie = QMovie(path_to_movie);
- movielabel = new QLabel(this, "label1" );
- movie.connectStatus(this, SLOT(movieStatus(int)));
- movie.connectUpdate(this, SLOT(movieUpdate(const QRect&)));
- movielabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain );
- movielabel->setMovie(movie);
- movielabel->setFixedSize( 128+movielabel->frameWidth()*2,
- 64+movielabel->frameWidth()*2 );
- grid->addMultiCellWidget(new QLabel("", this), 1, 4, 8, 8);
- grid->addMultiCellWidget(movielabel, 1, 4, 9, 9);
- QPushButton *apply = new QPushButton("Apply", this);
- apply->setDefault(1);
- grid->addWidget(apply, 7, 9);
- connect(apply, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(apply()));
- QTabWidget *tabs = new QTabWidget(this);
- child_list = new QTable(0, 6, tabs);
- child_list->setSelectionMode(QTable::Single);
- child_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(0, "FDN");
- child_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(1, "Description");
- child_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(2, "X Coordinate");
- child_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(3, "Y Coordinate");
- child_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(4, "Z Coordinate");
- child_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(5, "Color");
- parent_list = new QTable(0, 6, tabs);
- parent_list->setSelectionMode(QTable::Single);
- parent_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(0, "FDN");
- parent_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(1, "Description");
- parent_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(2, "X Coordinate");
- parent_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(3, "Y Coordinate");
- parent_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(4, "Z Coordinate");
- parent_list->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(5, "Color");
- tabs->addTab(child_list, "Property set &1");
- tabs->addTab(parent_list, "Property set &2");
- grid->addMultiCellWidget(new QLabel(this), 4, 4, 0, 9);
- grid->addMultiCellWidget(tabs, 5, 5, 0, 9);
-DetailView::currentNode(NavUnit *unit)
- UnitLocation loc = unit->getLocation();
- descr_edit->setText(unit->getShortDescr());
- this->updateLocation(loc);
-DetailView::updateLocation(const UnitLocation &loc)
- x_edit->setValue(static_cast<int>(loc.x_));
- y_edit->setValue(static_cast<int>(loc.y_));
- z_edit->setValue(static_cast<int>(loc.z_));
-DetailView::movieUpdate( const QRect& )
- // Uncomment this to test animated icons on your window manager
- //setIcon( movie.framePixmap() );
-DetailView::movieStatus( int s )
- switch ( s ) {
- case QMovie::SourceEmpty:
- case QMovie::UnrecognizedFormat:
- {
- QPixmap pm("tt-logo.png");
- movielabel->setPixmap(pm);
- movielabel->setFixedSize(pm.size());
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ( movielabel->movie() ) // for flicker-free animation:
- movielabel->setBackgroundMode( NoBackground );
- }