path: root/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Component_Base.idl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/CIAO/ciao/Component_Base.idl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 788 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Component_Base.idl b/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Component_Base.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index df173894f03..00000000000
--- a/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Component_Base.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
- * @@ Compile this file with:
- *
- * tao_idl -Gv -I W:/ACE_wrappers/TAO -I W:/ACE_wrappers/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs Component_Base.idl
- *
- * This file has been split into
- * CIAO_Base.pidl
- * CIAO_Event.pidl
- * CIAO_Component.pidl
- * CIAO_Transaction.pidl
- * CIAO_Container.pidl
- * CIAO_Container_Ex.pidl
- * CIAO_Deployment.pidl
- */
-// import ::CORBA
-// import ::SecurityLevel2
-// import ::CosPersistentState
-// import ::PortableServer
-// import ::CosNotification
-// import ::CosNotifyChannelAdmin
-#include <orb.idl>
-#include <SecurityLevel2.idl>
-#include <CosPersistentState.idl>
-// #include <CosNotification.idl>
-// #include <CosNotifyChannelAdmin.idl>
- * Temporarily fix for lacking of typePrefix keyword.
- * Search for the word "typePrefix" when tao_idl starts
- * supporting the keyword.
- */
-#pragma prefix ""
-module Components {
- /**
- * @@ Commented out temporarily for lack of typePrefix support.
- */
- // typePrefix Components ""
- typedef string FeatureName;
- typedef sequence<FeatureName> NameList;
- valuetype Cookie
- {
- private CORBA::OctetSeq cookieValue;
- };
- valuetype PortDescription
- {
- public FeatureName Name;
- public CORBA::RepositoryId type_id;
- };
- valuetype FacetDescription : PortDescription
- {
- public Object facet_ref;
- };
- typedef sequence<FacetDescription> FacetDescriptions;
- typedef unsigned long FailureReason;
- exception InvalidName {};
- exception InvalidConnection {};
- exception ExceededConnectionLimit {};
- exception AlreadyConnected {};
- exception NoConnection {};
- exception CookieRequired {};
- exception CreateFailure {
- FailureReason reason;
- };
- exception FinderFailure
- {
- FailureReason reason;
- };
- exception RemoveFailure
- {
- FailureReason reason;
- };
- exception DuplicateKeyValue {};
- exception InvalidKey {};
- exception UnknownKeyValue {};
- exception NoKeyAvailable {};
- exception BadEventType
- {
- CORBA::RepositoryId expected_event_type;
- };
- exception HomeNotFound {};
- exception WrongComponentType {};
- typedef FailureReason InvalidConfigurationReason;
- const InvalidConfigurationReason UnknownConfigValueName = 0;
- const InvalidConfigurationReason InvalidConfigValueType = 1;
- const InvalidConfigurationReason ConfigValueRequired = 2;
- const InvalidConfigurationReason ConfigValueNotExpected = 3;
- exception InvalidConfiguration
- {
- InvalidConfigurationReason reason;
- FeatureName name;
- };
- exception IllegalState {};
- interface Navigation
- {
- Object provide_facet (in FeatureName name)
- raises (InvalidName);
- FacetDescriptions get_all_facets();
- FacetDescriptions get_named_facets (in NameList names)
- raises (InvalidName);
- boolean same_component (in Object object_ref);
- };
- valuetype ConnectionDescription
- {
- public Cookie ck;
- public Object objref;
- };
- typedef sequence<ConnectionDescription> ConnectionDescriptions;
- valuetype ReceptacleDescription : PortDescription
- {
- public boolean is_multiple;
- public ConnectionDescriptions connections;
- };
- typedef sequence<ReceptacleDescription> ReceptacleDescriptions;
- interface Receptacles
- {
- Cookie connect (in FeatureName name, in Object connection )
- raises (InvalidName,
- InvalidConnection,
- AlreadyConnected,
- ExceededConnectionLimit);
- // @@ Changed to return the previously connected object reference -- basef on RTF 1.1.
- Object disconnect (in FeatureName name, in Cookie ck)
- raises (InvalidName,
- InvalidConnection,
- CookieRequired,
- NoConnection);
- ConnectionDescriptions get_connections (in FeatureName name)
- raises (InvalidName);
- ReceptacleDescriptions get_all_receptacles ();
- ReceptacleDescriptions get_named_receptacles (in NameList names)
- raises (InvalidName);
- };
- abstract valuetype EventBase {};
- interface EventConsumerBase
- {
- void push_event (in EventBase evt) raises (BadEventType);
- };
- valuetype ConsumerDescription : PortDescription
- {
- public EventConsumerBase consumer;
- };
- typedef sequence<ConsumerDescription> ConsumerDescriptions;
- valuetype EmitterDescription : PortDescription
- {
- public EventConsumerBase consumer;
- };
- typedef sequence<EmitterDescription> EmitterDescriptions;
- valuetype SubscriberDescription
- {
- public Cookie ck;
- public EventConsumerBase consumer;
- };
- typedef sequence<SubscriberDescription> SubscriberDescriptions;
- valuetype PublisherDescription : PortDescription
- {
- public SubscriberDescriptions consumer;
- };
- typedef sequence<PublisherDescription> PublisherDescriptions;
- interface Events
- {
- EventConsumerBase get_consumer (in FeatureName sink_name)
- raises (InvalidName);
- Cookie subscribe (in FeatureName publisher_name,
- in EventConsumerBase subscriber)
- raises (InvalidName,
- AlreadyConnected,
- InvalidConnection,
- ExceededConnectionLimit);
- EventConsumerBase unsubscribe (in FeatureName publisher_name,
- in Cookie ck)
- raises (InvalidName,
- InvalidConnection);
- void connect_consumer (in FeatureName emitter_name,
- in EventConsumerBase consumer)
- raises (InvalidName,
- AlreadyConnected,
- InvalidConnection);
- EventConsumerBase disconnect_consumer (in FeatureName source_name)
- raises (InvalidName,
- NoConnection);
- ConsumerDescriptions get_all_consumers ();
- ConsumerDescriptions get_named_consumers (in NameList names)
- raises (InvalidName);
- EmitterDescriptions get_all_emitters ();
- EmitterDescriptions get_named_emitters (in NameList names)
- raises (InvalidName);
- PublisherDescriptions get_all_publishers ();
- PublisherDescriptions get_named_publishers (in NameList names)
- raises (InvalidName);
- };
- abstract valuetype PrimaryKeyBase {};
- interface CCMObject; //forward reference
- interface CCMHome
- {
- CORBA::IRObject get_component_def ();
- CORBA::IRObject get_home_def ();
- void remove_component ( in CCMObject comp)
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- };
- typedef sequence<CCMHome> CCMHomes;
- interface KeylessCCMHome
- {
- CCMObject create_component()
- raises (CreateFailure);
- };
- interface HomeFinder
- {
- CCMHome find_home_by_component_type (in CORBA::RepositoryId comp_repid)
- raises (HomeNotFound);
- CCMHome find_home_by_home_type (in CORBA::RepositoryId home_repid)
- raises (HomeNotFound);
- CCMHome find_home_by_name (in string home_name)
- raises (HomeNotFound);
- };
- interface Configurator
- {
- void configure (in CCMObject comp)
- raises (WrongComponentType);
- };
- valuetype ConfigValue
- {
- public FeatureName name;
- public any value;
- };
- typedef sequence<ConfigValue> ConfigValues;
- interface StandardConfigurator : Configurator
- {
- void set_configuration (in ConfigValues descr);
- };
- interface HomeConfiguration : CCMHome
- {
- void set_configurator (in Configurator cfg);
- void set_configuration_values (in ConfigValues config);
- void complete_component_configuration (in boolean b);
- void disable_home_configuration();
- };
- valuetype ComponentPortDescription
- {
- public FacetDescriptions facets;
- public ReceptacleDescriptions receptacles;
- public ConsumerDescriptions consumers;
- public EmitterDescriptions emitters;
- public PublisherDescriptions publishers;
- };
- interface CCMObject : Navigation, Receptacles, Events
- {
- CORBA::IRObject get_component_def ( );
- CCMHome get_ccm_home( );
- PrimaryKeyBase get_primary_key( )
- raises (NoKeyAvailable);
- void configuration_complete( )
- raises (InvalidConfiguration);
- void remove()
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- ComponentPortDescription get_all_ports ();
- };
- // @@ Enumeration and DefaultEnumeration are only for EJB to CCM
- // mapping? At any rate, we should be able to skip them for now.
- abstract valuetype Enumeration
- {
- boolean has_more_elements();
- CCMObject next_element();
- };
- typedef sequence<CCMObject> CCMObjectSeq;
- valuetype DefaultEnumeration : Enumeration
- {
- private CCMObjectSeq objects;
- };
- // @@ Components::Transaction is still there.
- module Transaction
- {
- typedef sequence<octet> TranToken;
- exception NoTransaction {};
- exception NotSupported {};
- exception SystemError {};
- exception RollbackError {};
- exception HeuristicMixed {};
- exception HeuristicRollback {};
- exception Security {};
- exception InvalidToken {};
- enum Status
- {
- };
- local interface UserTransaction {
- void begin ()
- raises (NotSupported,
- SystemError);
- void commit ()
- raises (RollbackError,
- NoTransaction,
- HeuristicMixed,
- HeuristicRollback,
- Security,
- SystemError);
- void rollback ()
- raises (NoTransaction,
- Security,
- SystemError);
- void set_rollback_only ()
- raises (NoTransaction,
- SystemError);
- Status get_status()
- raises (SystemError);
- void set_timeout (in long to)
- raises (SystemError);
- TranToken suspend ()
- raises (NoTransaction,
- SystemError);
- void resume (in TranToken txtoken)
- raises (InvalidToken,
- SystemError);
- };
- };
- // *************** Basic Container interfaces ***************
- typedef SecurityLevel2::Credentials Principal;
- local interface CCMContext
- {
- Principal get_caller_principal();
- CCMHome get_CCM_home();
- boolean get_rollback_only()
- raises (IllegalState);
- Transaction::UserTransaction get_user_transaction()
- raises (IllegalState);
- boolean is_caller_in_role (in string role);
- void set_rollback_only()
- raises (IllegalState);
- };
- enum CCMExceptionReason
- {
- };
- exception CCMException
- {
- CCMExceptionReason reason;
- };
- local interface EnterpriseComponent {};
- local interface SessionContext : CCMContext
- {
- Object get_CCM_object()
- raises (IllegalState);
- };
- local interface SessionComponent : EnterpriseComponent
- {
- void set_session_context ( in SessionContext ctx)
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_activate()
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_passivate()
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_remove ()
- raises (CCMException);
- };
- local interface SessionSynchronization
- {
- void after_begin ()
- raises (CCMException);
- void before_completion ()
- raises (CCMException);
- void after_completion (in boolean committed)
- raises (CCMException);
- };
- local interface EntityContext : CCMContext
- {
- Object get_CCM_object ()
- raises (IllegalState);
- PrimaryKeyBase get_primary_key ()
- raises (IllegalState);
- };
- local interface EntityComponent : EnterpriseComponent
- {
- void set_entity_context (in EntityContext ctx)
- raises (CCMException);
- void unset_entity_context ()
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_activate ()
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_load ()
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_store ()
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_passivate ()
- raises (CCMException);
- void ccm_remove ()
- raises (CCMException);
- };
- // *************** Extended Container Interfaces ***************
- enum BadComponentReferenceReason
- {
- };
- typedef CosPersistentState::CatalogBase CatalogBase;
- typedef CosPersistentState::_TypeId _TypeId;
- typedef short SegmentId;
- const SegmentId COMPONENT_SEGMENT = 0;
- typedef short FacetId;
- const FacetId COMPONENT_FACET = 0;
- typedef sequence<octet> IdData;
- typedef CosPersistentState::Pid PersistentId;
- typedef short StateIdType;
- const StateIdType PERSISTENT_ID = 0;
- exception BadComponentReference
- {
- BadComponentReferenceReason reason;
- };
- exception PolicyMismatch {};
- exception PersistenceNotAvailable {};
- exception UnknownActualHome {};
- exception ProxyHomeNotSupported {};
- exception InvalidStateIdData {};
- local interface HomeRegistration
- {
- void register_home (in CCMHome home_ref,
- in string home_name);
- void unregister_home (in CCMHome home_ref);
- };
- local interface CCM2Context : CCMContext
- {
- HomeRegistration get_home_registration ();
- void req_passivate ()
- raises (PolicyMismatch);
- CatalogBase get_persistence (in _TypeId catalog_type_id)
- raises (PersistenceNotAvailable);
- };
- local interface ProxyHomeRegistration : HomeRegistration
- {
- void register_proxy_home (in CCMHome rhome,
- in CCMHome ahome)
- raises (UnknownActualHome,
- ProxyHomeNotSupported);
- };
- local interface Session2Context : SessionContext, CCM2Context
- {
- Object create_ref (in CORBA::RepositoryId repid);
- Object create_ref_from_oid (in CORBA::OctetSeq oid,
- in CORBA::RepositoryId repid);
- CORBA::OctetSeq get_oid_from_ref (in Object objref)
- raises (IllegalState,
- BadComponentReference);
- };
- abstract valuetype StateIdValue
- {
- StateIdType get_sid_type();
- IdData get_sid_data();
- };
- local interface StateIdFactory
- {
- StateIdValue create (in IdData data)
- raises (InvalidStateIdData);
- };
- valuetype PersistentIdValue : StateIdValue
- {
- private PersistentId pid;
- PersistentId get_pid();
- factory init (in PersistentId pid);
- };
- valuetype SegmentDescr
- {
- private StateIdValue sid;
- private SegmentId seg;
- StateIdValue get_sid();
- SegmentId get_seg_id();
- factory init (in StateIdValue sid,
- in SegmentId seg);
- };
- typedef sequence<SegmentDescr> SegmentDescrSeq;
- local interface ComponentId
- {
- FacetId get_target_facet();
- SegmentId get_target_segment();
- StateIdValue get_target_state_id (in StateIdFactory sid_factory)
- raises (InvalidStateIdData);
- StateIdValue get_segment_state_id (in SegmentId seg,
- in StateIdFactory sid_factory)
- raises (InvalidStateIdData);
- ComponentId create_with_new_target (in FacetId new_target_facet,
- in SegmentId new_target_segment);
- SegmentDescrSeq get_segment_descrs (in StateIdFactory sid_factory)
- raises (InvalidStateIdData);
- };
- local interface Entity2Context : EntityContext, CCM2Context
- {
- ComponentId get_component_id ()
- raises (IllegalState);
- ComponentId create_component_id (in FacetId target_facet,
- in SegmentId target_segment,
- in SegmentDescrSeq seq_descrs);
- ComponentId create_monolithic_component_id (in FacetId target_facet,
- in StateIdValue sid);
- Object create_ref_from_cid (in CORBA::RepositoryId repid,
- in ComponentId cid);
- ComponentId get_cid_from_ref (in Object objref)
- raises (BadComponentReference);
- };
- local interface ExecutorLocator : EnterpriseComponent
- {
- Object obtain_executor (in string name)
- raises (CCMException);
- void release_executor (in Object exc)
- raises (CCMException);
- void configuration_complete()
- raises (InvalidConfiguration);
- };
- local interface HomeExecutorBase
- {
- };
- // *************** Packaging and Deployment ***************
- module Deployment
- {
- typedef string UUID;
- typedef string Location;
- enum AssemblyState
- {
- };
- exception UnknownImplId {};
- exception InvalidLocation {};
- exception InstallationFailure
- {
- FailureReason reason;
- };
- exception InvalidAssembly {};
- interface ComponentInstallation
- {
- void install(in UUID implUUID,
- in Location component_loc)
- raises (InvalidLocation,
- InstallationFailure);
- void replace(in UUID implUUID,
- in Location component_loc)
- raises (InvalidLocation,
- InstallationFailure);
- void remove(in UUID implUUID)
- raises (UnknownImplId,
- RemoveFailure);
- Location get_implementation (in UUID implUUID)
- raises (UnknownImplId,
- InstallationFailure);
- };
- interface Assembly
- {
- void build()
- raises (CreateFailure);
- void tear_down()
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- AssemblyState get_state();
- };
- interface AssemblyFactory
- {
- Cookie create_assembly(in Location assembly_loc)
- raises (InvalidLocation,
- CreateFailure);
- Assembly lookup(in Cookie c)
- raises (InvalidAssembly);
- void destroy(in Cookie c)
- raises (InvalidAssembly,
- RemoveFailure);
- };
- interface ComponentServer; // Forward decl.
- typedef sequence<ComponentServer> ComponentServers;
- interface ServerActivator
- {
- ComponentServer create_component_server (in ConfigValues config)
- raises (CreateFailure,
- InvalidConfiguration);
- void remove_component_server (in ComponentServer server)
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- ComponentServers get_component_servers ();
- };
- interface Container; // Forward decl.
- typedef sequence<Container> Containers;
- interface ComponentServer
- {
- readonly attribute ConfigValues configuration;
- ServerActivator get_server_activator ();
- Container create_container (in ConfigValues config)
- raises (CreateFailure,
- InvalidConfiguration);
- void remove_container (in Container cref)
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- Containers get_containers ();
- void remove ()
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- };
- exception ImplEntryPointNotFound {};
- interface Container
- {
- readonly attribute ConfigValues configuration;
- ComponentServer get_component_server ();
- CCMHome install_home (in UUID id,
- in string entrypt,
- in ConfigValues config)
- raises (UnknownImplId,
- ImplEntryPointNotFound,
- InstallationFailure,
- InvalidConfiguration);
- void remove_home (in CCMHome href)
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- CCMHomes get_homes ();
- void remove ()
- raises (RemoveFailure);
- };
- };