path: root/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Deployment.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/CIAO/ciao/Deployment.idl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Deployment.idl b/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Deployment.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c303d61a66..00000000000
--- a/TAO/CIAO/ciao/Deployment.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Deployment_Data.idl"
-#include "Packaging_Data.idl"
-#include "Target_Data.idl"
-#include "ServerResources.idl"
-module Deployment {
- exception InvalidProperty {
- string name;
- string reason;
- };
- exception NameExists {
- };
- exception PackageError {
- string source;
- string reason;
- };
- exception NoSuchName {
- };
- exception LastConfiguration {
- };
- exception InvalidReference {
- };
- // Below exception types are CIAO specific
- exception PlanNotExist {
- };
- // CIAO specific struct type used for shared component management
- // mapping the name of component to its plan_uuid
- struct ComponentPlan
- {
- string name;
- string plan_uuid;
- };
- typedef sequence < ComponentPlan > ComponentPlans;
- interface ApplicationManager {
- Application startLaunch (in Properties configProperty,
- out Connections providedReference,
- in boolean start)
- raises (ResourceNotAvailable, StartError, InvalidProperty);
- void destroyApplication (in Application app)
- raises (StopError);
- };
- typedef sequence < Application > Applications;
- /// CIAO 's DomainApplicationManager interface differs spec-defined interface
- /// in the same that it also integrates the spec-defined interface for
- /// DomainApplication into itself
- interface DomainApplicationManager
- {
- DeploymentPlan getPlan ();
- /// CIAO specific version of startLaunch implementation, this one
- /// differs with spec-defined operation in the sense that it doesn't
- /// return DomainApplication object reference.
- void startLaunch (in Properties configProperty, in boolean start)
- raises (ResourceNotAvailable, StartError, InvalidProperty);
- void finishLaunch (in boolean start,
- in boolean is_ReDAC)
- raises (StartError, InvalidConnection);
- void start ()
- raises (StartError);
- /// CIAO specific extention
- /// Fetch NodeApplication based on the given node name
- NodeApplication get_node_app (in string node_name)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- /// CIAO speicifc extension, it differs with the spec defined one
- /// for no input parameter.
- void destroyApplication ()
- raises (StopError);
- /// CIAO specific extension to destroy NodeApplicationManager
- void destroyManager ()
- raises (StopError);
- /// CIAO specific extension
- /// Perform the actual redeployment and reconfiguration on the dommain level.
- void perform_redeployment (in DeploymentPlan new_plan)
- raises (PlanError,
- InstallationFailure,
- UnknownImplId,
- ImplEntryPointNotFound,
- InvalidConnection,
- InvalidProperty,
- ::Components::RemoveFailure);
- };
- typedef sequence < DomainApplicationManager > DomainApplicationManagers;
- interface ExecutionManager {
- DomainApplicationManager preparePlan (in DeploymentPlan plan,
- in boolean commitResources)
- raises (ResourceNotAvailable, PlanError, StartError);
- DomainApplicationManagers getManagers ();
- DomainApplicationManager getManager (in string plan_uuid)
- raises (PlanNotExist);
- void destroyManager (in DomainApplicationManager manager)
- raises (StopError);
- /// CIAO specific extention
- /// Destroy ApplicatioManagers by plan_uuid, the unique semantics of this
- /// operation lies in the fact that if some components are
- /// still up and running, then the ApplicationManagers won't be destroyed.
- void destroyManagerByPlan (in string plan_uuid)
- raises (StopError);
- /// CIAO specific extention
- /// "Get" operation, return the DeploymentPlan
- DeploymentPlan getPlan (in string plan_uuid);
- /// CIAO specific operation to handle dynamic system redeployment
- /// and reconfiguration
- /// This operation could handle dynamic redeployment, and this
- /// is the operation exposed to clients directly. Other
- /// "perform_redeployment" operation defined on DAM and NA
- /// are implementaion details within DAnCE.
- void perform_redeployment (in DeploymentPlan new_plan)
- raises (PlanError,
- InstallationFailure,
- UnknownImplId,
- ImplEntryPointNotFound,
- InvalidConnection,
- InvalidProperty,
- ::Components::RemoveFailure);
- };
- interface Logger {
- };
- interface NodeApplicationManager :
- ApplicationManager
- {
- /// CIAO specific operation to handle dynamic system redeployment
- /// and reconfiguration
- /// This operation could handle dynamic redeployment for
- /// a node-level deployment plan within a node
- /// @para add_or_remove If true, we add new components only, vice vesa.
- Application perform_redeployment (in Properties configProperty,
- out Connections providedReference,
- in boolean add_or_remove,
- in boolean start)
- raises (PlanError,
- InstallationFailure,
- UnknownImplId,
- ImplEntryPointNotFound,
- InvalidConnection,
- InvalidProperty,
- ::Components::RemoveFailure);
- /// CIAO specific operation to reset deployment plan
- void reset_plan (in DeploymentPlan plan);
- /// CIAO speicfic operation to set the information of
- /// "shared components" (through NodeManager)
- void set_shared_components (in ComponentPlans components);
- };
- interface NodeManager {
- void joinDomain (in Domain ciao_domain,
- in TargetManager manager,
- in Logger log);
- void leaveDomain ();
- NodeApplicationManager preparePlan (in DeploymentPlan plan)
- raises (StartError, PlanError);
- void destroyManager (in NodeApplicationManager appManager)
- raises (StopError, InvalidReference);
- /// CIAO specific extension
- /// Destroy the NAM and all the associated NAs with this child_plan
- /// We can guarantee that the input DeploymentPlan is valid, since it
- /// is fetched from the cached DeploymentPlan of DAM, which has been
- /// validated before.
- void destroyPlan (in DeploymentPlan plan)
- raises (StopError);
- /// CIAO specific extension
- /// Get all the shared components installed in this node
- ComponentPlans get_shared_components ();
- };
- interface RepositoryManager {
- void installPackage (in string installationName, in string location)
- raises (NameExists, PackageError);
- void createPackage (in string installationName,
- in PackageConfiguration package,
- in string baseLocation,
- in boolean replace)
- raises (NameExists, PackageError);
- PackageConfiguration findPackageByName (in string name)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- PackageConfiguration findPackageByUUID (in string UUID)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- ::CORBA::StringSeq findNamesByType (in string type);
- ::CORBA::StringSeq getAllNames ();
- ::CORBA::StringSeq getAllTypes ();
- void deletePackage (in string installationName)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- };
-//***************************************new_RepositoryManager ONWARDS*****************************************
-typedef sequence<octet> Artifact;
- typedef sequence<octet> Package;
- exception NoPlan {
- };
- enum Platform {
- Win32,
- Unix,
- Linux,
- Solaris,
- Vxworks,
- };
- struct Implementation
- {
- Platform the_platform;
- string name;
- Artifact the_implementation;
- };
- typedef sequence<Implementation> Implementations;
- interface new_RepositoryManager
- {
- void installPackage (in string installationName,
- in Package the_package,
- in boolean replace)
- raises (NameExists, PackageError);
- DeploymentPlan retrievePlan (in string packageName)
- raises (NoPlan);
- Package findPackageByName (in string name)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- Implementation findImplementationByName (in string implementation_name,
- in string package_name)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- Package findPackageByUUID (in string UUID)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- Implementation findImplementationByUUID (in string UUID)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- //::CORBA::StringSeq findNamesByType (in string type);
- //::CORBA::StringSeq getAllTypes ();
- ::CORBA::StringSeq getAllPackageNames ();
- void deletePackage (in string installationName)
- raises (NoSuchName);
- };
-#endif /* DEPLOYMENT_IDL */