path: root/TAO/CIAO/tests/RTCCM/Priority_Test/descriptors/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/CIAO/tests/RTCCM/Priority_Test/descriptors/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/CIAO/tests/RTCCM/Priority_Test/descriptors/ b/TAO/CIAO/tests/RTCCM/Priority_Test/descriptors/
deleted file mode 100755
index 653c9b7d9f0..00000000000
--- a/TAO/CIAO/tests/RTCCM/Priority_Test/descriptors/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
- if 0;
-# $Id$
-# -*- perl -*-
-# @@ Run this script from ../descriptors/ instead.
-use lib "$ENV{'ACE_ROOT'}/bin";
-use PerlACE::Run_Test;
-## Source in the environment setting
-if ($CIAO_ROOT eq "") {
-$status = 0;
-$local = 1;
-$assembly = PerlACE::LocalFile ("no-rt-3rates.cad");
-$daemon_ior = PerlACE::LocalFile ("daemon.ior");
-$am_ior = PerlACE::LocalFile ("am.ior");
-$c25_ior = PerlACE::LocalFile ("c25.ior");
-$c50_ior = PerlACE::LocalFile ("c50.ior");
-$c75_ior = PerlACE::LocalFile ("c75.ior");
-$cookie = PerlACE::LocalFile ("ck_demo_deployment");
-## The following control how to iterate thru various work amount
-$start_work = 80;
-$end_work = 401;
-$work_step = 10;
-$run_time = 60; # run for $run_time sec.
-## Controlling test behavior
-$test_deploy = 0;
-$no_daemon = 0;
-$reverse_call_order = 0;
-# Parse command line argument
-while ( $#ARGV >= 0)
- if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-test_deploy/i) {
- $test_deploy = 1;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-remote/i) {
- $local = 0;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-assembly/i) {
- shift;
- if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
- $assembly = PerlACE::LocalFile ("$ARGV[0]");
- }
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-work_step/i) {
- shift;
- if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
- $work_step = $ARGV[0];
- }
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-reverse_call_order/i) {
- $reverse_call_order = 1;
- }
- else {
- die "Invalid flag: $ARGV[0]\n";
- }
- shift;
-if ($local == 1) {
- $deploy_config = PerlACE::LocalFile ("test.dat");
-else {
- $deploy_config = PerlACE::LocalFile ("remote.dat");
-# CIAO Daemon command line arguments
-$daemon_args1 = "-ORBEndpoint iiop://localhost:10000 -o $daemon_ior -i CIAO_Installation_Data.ini -n $CIAO_ROOT/tools/ComponentServer/ComponentServer";
-$assembly_manager_args = "-o $am_ior -c $deploy_config";
-$ad_deploy = " -k file://$am_ior -o $cookie -a $assembly";
-$ad_teardown = " -k file://$am_ior -d $cookie -x";
-# CIAO daemon process definition
-$DS = new PerlACE::Process ("$CIAO_ROOT/tools/Daemon/CIAO_Daemon",
- "$daemon_args1");
-if ($local == 1) {
-## Starting up the CIAO daemon
- $DS->Spawn ();
- if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($daemon_ior, 15) == -1) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Could not find daemon ior file <$daemon_ior>\n";
- $DS->Kill ();
- exit 1;
- }
-for ($work = $start_work; $work < $end_work; $work += $work_step)
- unlink $daemon_ior;
- unlink $am_ior;
- unlink $cookie;
-## Starting up the CIAO Assembly Manager
- $AM = new PerlACE::Process("$CIAO_ROOT/tools/Assembly_Deployer/Assembly_Manager",
- $assembly_manager_args);
- $AM->Spawn ();
- if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($am_ior, 15) == -1) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Could not find assembly ior file <$am_ior>\n";
- $AM->Kill ();
- $DS->Kill ();
- exit 1;
- }
-## Now actually deploy the application
- $AD = new PerlACE::Process("$CIAO_ROOT/tools/Assembly_Deployer/Assembly_Deployer",
- $ad_deploy);
- if ($AD->SpawnWaitKill (60) == -1) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Failed to deploy assembly file <$assembly>\n";
- $AD->Kill ();
- $AM->Kill ();
- $DS->Kill ();
- }
-## Make sure the application is up and running
- if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($c75_ior, 15) == -1) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Could not find controller ior file <$controller_ior>\n";
- $AM->Kill ();
- $DS->Kill ();
- exit 1;
- }
- printf "Test work: $work\n";
- if ($reverse_call_order == 0) {
- $all_iors = "-k file://$c25_ior -k file://$c50_ior -k file://$c75_ior";
- }
- else {
- $all_iors = "-k file://$c50_ior -k file://$c75_ior -k file://$c25_ior";
- }
-#Start the client to send the trigger message
- $CL = new PerlACE::Process ("../Controllers/client",
- "$all_iors -w $work");
- $CL->SpawnWaitKill(60);
-## Now wait for the test to complete. Need to figure out a way to
-## detect this.
- sleep ($run_time);
-#Start the client to send the trigger message
- $CL = new PerlACE::Process ("../Controllers/client",
- "$all_iors -f");
- $CL->SpawnWaitKill(60);
-## Now teardown the application
- $AD = new PerlACE::Process("$CIAO_ROOT/tools/Assembly_Deployer/Assembly_Deployer",
- $ad_teardown);
- if ($AD->SpawnWaitKill (60) == -1) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Failed to teardown assembly file <$assembly>\n";
- $AD->Kill ();
- $AM->Kill ();
- $DS->Kill ();
- exit 1;
- }
-#$ctrl = $DS->WaitKill (5);
- $AM->WaitKill (2);
- unlink $cookie;
- unlink $c25_ior;
- unlink $c50_ior;
- unlink $c75_ior;
- unlink $daemon_ior;
- unlink $am_ior;
-$DS->Kill ();
-exit $status;