path: root/TAO/IIOP/lib/iiopobj.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/IIOP/lib/iiopobj.hh')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/IIOP/lib/iiopobj.hh b/TAO/IIOP/lib/iiopobj.hh
index 1ca702b23b3..45e0e4d7196 100644
--- a/TAO/IIOP/lib/iiopobj.hh
+++ b/TAO/IIOP/lib/iiopobj.hh
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
#ifndef _iiopobj_hh
#define _iiopobj_hh
+# if !defined(ACE_HAS_THREADS)
+typedef ACE_Null_Mutex ACE_Thread_Mutex;
+# endif
typedef CORBA_SEQUENCE <CORBA_Octet> opaque;
@@ -60,94 +64,95 @@ extern "C" const IID IID_IIOP_Object;
class _EXPCLASS IIOP_Object : public STUB_Object
- public:
- //
- // stub-based invocation
- //
- void do_call (
- CORBA_Environment &env,
- const calldata *info,
- ...
- );
- //
- // DII based invocation
- //
- void do_dynamic_call (
- const char *opname,
- CORBA_Boolean is_roundtrip,
- CORBA_NVList_ptr args,
- CORBA_NamedValue_ptr result,
- CORBA_Flags flags,
- CORBA_ExceptionList &exceptions,
- CORBA_Environment &env
- );
- //
- // Support for tables keyed by objrefs.
- //
- CORBA_ULong hash (
- CORBA_ULong maximum,
- CORBA_Environment &env
- );
- CORBA_Boolean is_equivalent (
- CORBA_Object_ptr other_obj,
- CORBA_Environment &env
- );
- //
- // XXX All objref representations should know how to marshal themselves.
- // That will involve ensuring that the IOR that gets marshaled talks a
- // specific protocol, otherwise the target of a message would not be
- // invoke using the objref it receives (compromising functionality in
- // a very basic and mysterious mannter). So for example an objref might
- // need to create a proxy for itself rather than marshaling its own
- // representation. [ The IIOP engine does not need to worry about such
- // issues since it only supports one protocol -- the problem won't show
- // up. "Multiprotocol ORBs" will need to solve that problem though. ]
- //
- IIOP::ProfileBody profile;
- IIOP::ProfileBody *fwd_profile;
- IIOP_Object (char *repository_id)
- : fwd_profile (0), base (this),
- STUB_Object (repository_id),
- _refcount (1)
- { }
- //
- // COM stuff
- //
- ULONG __stdcall AddRef ();
- ULONG __stdcall Release ();
- HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface (
- REFIID type_id,
- void **ppv
- );
- private:
- CORBA_Object base;
- unsigned _refcount;
- //
- // Destructor is to be called only through Release()
- //
- ~IIOP_Object ()
- { assert (_refcount == 0);
- delete fwd_profile; }
- //
- // Disallow copy constructor and assignment operator
- //
- IIOP_Object (const IIOP_Object &);
- operator = (const IIOP_Object &);
+ //
+ // stub-based invocation
+ //
+ void do_call (
+ CORBA_Environment &env,
+ const calldata *info,
+ ...
+ );
+ //
+ // DII based invocation
+ //
+ void do_dynamic_call (
+ const char *opname,
+ CORBA_Boolean is_roundtrip,
+ CORBA_NVList_ptr args,
+ CORBA_NamedValue_ptr result,
+ CORBA_Flags flags,
+ CORBA_ExceptionList &exceptions,
+ CORBA_Environment &env
+ );
+ //
+ // Support for tables keyed by objrefs.
+ //
+ CORBA_ULong hash (
+ CORBA_ULong maximum,
+ CORBA_Environment &env
+ );
+ CORBA_Boolean is_equivalent (
+ CORBA_Object_ptr other_obj,
+ CORBA_Environment &env
+ );
+ //
+ // XXX All objref representations should know how to marshal themselves.
+ // That will involve ensuring that the IOR that gets marshaled talks a
+ // specific protocol, otherwise the target of a message would not be
+ // invoke using the objref it receives (compromising functionality in
+ // a very basic and mysterious mannter). So for example an objref might
+ // need to create a proxy for itself rather than marshaling its own
+ // representation. [ The IIOP engine does not need to worry about such
+ // issues since it only supports one protocol -- the problem won't show
+ // up. "Multiprotocol ORBs" will need to solve that problem though. ]
+ //
+ IIOP::ProfileBody profile;
+ IIOP::ProfileBody *fwd_profile;
+ IIOP_Object (char *repository_id)
+ : fwd_profile (0), base (this),
+ STUB_Object (repository_id),
+ _refcount (1)
+ { }
+ //
+ // COM stuff
+ //
+ ULONG __stdcall AddRef ();
+ ULONG __stdcall Release ();
+ HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface (
+ REFIID type_id,
+ void **ppv
+ );
+ CORBA_Object base;
+ ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
+ unsigned _refcount;
+ //
+ // Destructor is to be called only through Release()
+ //
+ ~IIOP_Object ()
+ { assert (_refcount == 0);
+ delete fwd_profile; }
+ //
+ // Disallow copy constructor and assignment operator
+ //
+ IIOP_Object (const IIOP_Object &);
+ operator = (const IIOP_Object &);
#if defined (__GNUG__)
- //
- // G++ (even 2.6.3) stupidly thinks instances can't be
- // created. This de-warns.
- //
- friend class everyone_needs_a_friend;
+ //
+ // G++ (even 2.6.3) stupidly thinks instances can't be
+ // created. This de-warns.
+ //
+ friend class everyone_needs_a_friend;