path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/mpeg/source/include
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/mpeg/source/include')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/mpeg/source/include/common.h b/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/mpeg/source/include/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 140ba26e82c..00000000000
--- a/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/mpeg/source/include/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-/* Copyright (c) 1995 Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
- * P.O.Box 91000-1000, Portland, OR 97291, USA;
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of O.G.I. not be used in advertising or
- * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- * written prior permission. O.G.I. makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Shanwei Cen
- * Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- * email:
- */
-#ifndef _MPEG_COMMON_H
-#define _MPEG_COMMON_H
-#include "ace/OS.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-extern int gethostname (char*, size_t);
-#define VERSION 200 /* version 2.00 */
-#define NeedByteOrderConversion
-#elif !defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
-#if (defined(vax) || defined(i386) || defined(i486)) && !defined(NeedByteOrderConversion)
-#define NeedByteOrderConversion
-/*following is defined so that debuging information is printed out for only
- specific user (usually software developer), LOG_DIR is also defined */
-#define LOG_DIR "/home/shanweic/log/"
-#define DEVELOPER_UID 8640
-/* %% this is where the logging is done.." */
-#define LOG_DIR "./"
-#define DEVELOPER_UID 1735
-#define SFprintf if ((!getuid()) || getuid() == DEVELOPER_UID) fprintf
-#define Fprintf if (shared->config.verbose) fprintf
-#define VCR_TCP_PORT 7101
-#define VCR_UNIX_PORT "/tmp/vcr_unix_port01"
-#define VCR_ATM_PORT "3005"
-#define SPEEDUP_INV_SCALE 5 /* VS fast starts at 5/(5-1) normal speed */
-#define AB_BUF_SIZE (64 * 1024) /* size of client AB buffer */
-#if 0
-#define VB_BUF_SIZE (256 * 1024) /* Size of client VB buffer */
-#define VB_BUF_SIZE (1024 * 1024) /* Size of client VB buffer */
-#define VD_BUF_SIZE (1024 * 1024) /* Size of client VD buffer */
-#define PATH_SIZE 256
-#define PATTERN_SIZE 100
-#define MAX_FRAMES 54000 /* half hour video at 30FPS */
-#define MAX_VDQUEUE_SIZE 20
-#define MAX_FB_PACKETS 20 /* max number of feedback packet info collected. */
-#define POSITION_RANGE 100
-#define MSGGAP_MIN -10 /* these are used for recording stat of
- msgs received by VB */
-#define MSGGAP_MAX 50
-/* audio type constants */
-#define AudioTypeMuLaw 0
-#define AudioTypeALaw 1
-#define AudioTypeRIFF 2
-#define AudioTypeLiner16 3
-#define AudioTypeLiner8 4
-#define AudioTypeLiner8Offset 5
-/* Video and audio compression format */
-#define VIDEO_MPEG1 0
-#define VIDEO_MPEG2 1
-#define VIDEO_JPEG 3
-#define VIDEO_SIF 4
-#define AUDIO_RAW 10
-#define AUDIO_MPEG1 11
-#define AUDIO_MPEG2 12
-/* system configuration default values */
-#define DEFAULT_maxFPS 60
-#define DEFAULT_maxSPS 16000
-#define DEFAULT_ffFPS 150
-#define DEFAULT_fbFPS 150
-#define DEFAULT_feedBackDelay 2000
-#define DEFAULT_audioMask 0x1
-#define DEFAULT_encodeType AudioTypeMuLaw
-#define DEFAULT_channels 1
-#define DEFAULT_samplesPerSecond 8000
-#define DEFAULT_bytesPerSample 1
-#define DEFAULT_audioTimerDuration 500
-#define DEFAULT_audioBufferedIntervals 2
-#define DEFAULT_framesPerAudioPlay 4
-#define DEFAULT_audioForward 800
-#define DEFAULT_filterPara 50
-#define DEFAULT_maxSPframes 60
-#define DEFAULT_VStimeAdvance 100
-#define DEFAULT_volume 0
-/* audio parameter data structure */
-typedef struct
- int encodeType;
- int channels;
- int samplesPerSecond;
- int bytesPerSample;
-} AudioParameter;
-/* client processes shared data structure definition */
-typedef struct
- int VDframeNumber;
- int VBbufId, VDbufId;
- char * VBbufAddr, * VDbufAddr;
- int pixelValid;
- unsigned char pixel[256]; /* for transfering pixel value from VP to VD */
- /* command and status */
- int cmd;
- int cmdsn;
- int cmdBusy;
- int loopBack;
- int framesPerSecond; /* Frames per second */
- int usecPerFrame; /* micro-seconds per frame, actual video speed */
- int samplesPerSecond; /* Samples per second */
- int usecPerSample; /* micro-seconds per sample, actual audio speed */
- int volumePosition;
- int balancePosition;
- int speedPosition;
- int locationPosition;
- struct hostent audioHost;
- char audioPath[PATH_SIZE];
- struct hostent videoHost;
- char videoPath[PATH_SIZE];
- int live; /* non-zero if any of the video/audio streams are live source */
- int videoFormat;
- int audioFormat;
- /* video channel parameters */
- int totalFrames;
- int totalGroups;
- int totalHeaders;
- int averageFrameSize;
- double pictureRate;
- int horizontalSize;
- int verticalSize;
- int pelAspectRatio;
- int vbvBufferSize;
- int firstGopFrames;
- int patternSize;
- char pattern[PATTERN_SIZE];
- int IframeGap;
- int VStimeAdvance;
- int lastIframeDecoded;
- int sendPatternGops;
- char sendPattern[PATTERN_SIZE];
- float frameRateLimit;
- int framesDropped;
- int qosRecomputes;
- /* video channel status */
- int currentGroup;
- int currentFrame;
- int currentDisplay;
- int nextFrame;
- int nextGroup;
- /* audio channel parameters */
- int totalSamples;
- AudioParameter audioPara;
- /* audio channel status */
- int nextSample; /* played by AP */
- /* AudioFile device parameter */
- AudioParameter AFPara;
- int currentUPF;
- int rtplay; /* realtime tag, -- VD needs to drop frames when needed */
- int collectStat; /* to indicate if statistics should be collected or not */
- int VBheadFrame; /* ID of last frame put to VBbuffer by VB */
- int needHeader; /* VD requests resending of systerm Header */
- int playRoundTripDelay; /* play round trip time (from issuing play/FF/FB
- command to first Decoded frame showup in
- VD buffer) estimated by CTR start_timer() */
- int audioMaxPktSize; /* 0 -- reliable byte stream,
- >0 - non-discard mode packet stream,
- <0 - discard mode packet stream */
- int videoMaxPktSize;
- /* System configuration parameters */
- struct
- {
- int rt; /* play as fast as possible without dropping frames,
- and audio turned off when this tag is set to 0 (zero)
- */
- int maxFPS; /* maximum PLAY frames-per-second, this play speed is used
- during playback when speed scale is set to 100 */
- int maxSPS; /* similar to maxFPS, used when audio is played without
- corresponding video
- */
- int ffFPS; /* play speed when Fast forward */
- int fbFPS; /* play speed when fast rewind */
- int feedBackDelay; /* msec, delay of feedback when AB, VB received first
- packet, 0 (zero) default to adaptive */
- int audioMask; /* mask for audio output device */
- AudioParameter audioPara; /* default audio parameter by system */
- int audioTimerDuration; /* for audio-only case, miliseconds */
- int audioBufferedIntervals; /* for audio-only case,
- audioTimerDuration * audioBufferedIntervals
- milliseconds of audio samples will be buffered
- in AF buffer
- */
- int framesPerAudioPlay; /* for audio-video case, each time, samples corresponding
- to this number of video frames will be played */
- int audioForward; /* forward value for audio channel, in AFTime unit
- (number of samples), audio channel is played ahead of video
- by this number of samples. This is introduce to compensate
- the dely to AF in audio channel, and usually should be less
- than 1 (one) second, but greater than zero.
- */
- int VStimeAdvance; /* target VB buffer level to be mentained (micro-seconds). This
- is sent in INIT message to VS, to decide how many frames to
- be maintained in VB buffer
- */
- float frameRateLimit; /* playback frame rate limit (frames per second) */
- int collectStat; /* tag to collect statistics to file 'stat.n' when set */
- int collectFrameInfo; /* collect MPEG frame info to file 'stat.n' when set*/
- int syncEffective; /* tag to make sync mechanism effective when set */
- int qosEffective; /* tag to make QoS control effective when set */
- int audioOffset; /* offset added to audio channel 'nextSample' when play().
- usually audio and video are not recorded strictly
- synchronized. This parameter is to compensate it. The
- value can be any integer value.
- */
- int filterPara; /* 1/R of Median, nsamples of Mean and Average */
- int maxSPframes; /* max number of frame in a sendPattern */
- int audioConn; /* tag for connection oriented audio data channel */
- int videoConn; /* tag for connection oriented video data channel */
- int verbose;
- } config;
-#ifdef STAT
- struct
- {
- unsigned VBmaxBytes; /* max fill level (bytes) in VB */
- unsigned VBdroppedFrames; /* accumulative total number of frames dropped by VB
- because VB buffer full */
- unsigned VBemptyTimes; /* number of time VD fail to get a frame from VB
- immediately */
- unsigned VDnoRef; /* # of frames without reference */
- unsigned VDagainstSendPattern; /* # of frames against send pattern */
- unsigned VDtooLateI; /* # of I frames dropped 'cause too late */
- unsigned VDtooLateP; /* # of P frames dropped 'cause too late */
- unsigned VDtooLateB; /* # of B frames dropped 'cause too late */
- unsigned VDlastFrameDecoded; /* ID of last frame decoded by VD */
- unsigned CTRdropLate;
- unsigned CTRdropOutOrder;
- unsigned CTRdispOnTime;
- unsigned CTRdispLate;
- unsigned fbPacketNumber; /* # packets sent by feedback mechanism */
- struct {
- int frameId;
- int addUsecPerFrame;
- int addFrames;
- int frames;
- int framesDropped;
- float frameRateLimit;
- int advance;
- } fbPackets[MAX_FB_PACKETS]; /* recording FB packet contents */
- unsigned VDqueue[MAX_VDQUEUE_SIZE]; /* record number of frames with VD queue
- length of index number */
- int VBmsgGaps[MSGGAP_MAX + 1 - MSGGAP_MIN]; /* # of ind-sized gaps between msgs */
- char VBframesReceived[(MAX_FRAMES + 7)/8]; /* bit array for frames received by VB */
- char VDframesDecoded[(MAX_FRAMES + 7)/8]; /* bit array for frames decoded by VD */
- char VPframesDisplayed[(MAX_FRAMES + 7)/8]; /* bit array for frames displayed by VP */
- short VBfillLevel[MAX_FRAMES]; /* VB buffer fill level (frames) recorded by CTR */
- } stat;
-} SharedData;
-/* command and reply: GUI-CTR, CTR-VS, CTR-AS */
-/* GUI to CTR, (and also CTR to VS and/or AS) */
-#define CmdINIT 0 /* followed by: videoHost, videoPath, audioHost, audioPath
- each item is passed as a string (without 0), led with length(int) */
-#define CmdINITaudio 1 /* for CTR-AS */
-#define CmdINITvideo 2 /* for CTR-VS */
-#define CmdSTOP 3
-#define CmdFF 4
-#define CmdFB 5
-#define CmdSTEP 6
-#define CmdPLAY 7
-#define CmdREF 20 /* this is for sending REFerence frame by VS
- for CmdSTEP and CmdPLAY */
-#define CmdPOSITION 8 /* followed by position */
-#define CmdPOSITIONrelease 9 /* followed by position */
-#define CmdVOLUME 10 /* followed by position */
-#define CmdBALANCE 11 /* followed by position */
-#define CmdSPEED 12 /* followed by position */
-#define CmdLOOPenable 13
-#define CmdLOOPdisable 14
-#define CmdSTATstream 23 /* reply with { | type(byte) | size(int) }+ | */
-#define CmdSTATsent 24 /* reply with { | byte }+ | */
-#define CmdCLOSE 18
-#define CmdFAIL 19 /* followed by a string */
-#define CmdDONE 15 /* CTR to GUI:
- replay for accptance and execution of Above Cmd */
-#define CmdVPinitScreen 30 /* CTR to VP(GUI), audio-only screen clearning */
-#define CmdVPdisplayFrame 31 /* CTR to VP(GUI) to display the single frame in buffer */
-#define CmdVPclearScreen 32 /* CTR to VP(GUI), to clear all images in VD buffer */
-#define CmdVPaudioPosition 33 /* CTR to VP(GUI), in audio-only case, set position bar */
-// to terminate the event loop
-#define CmdExit 34
-// cmd sent by Java GUI to Controller process
-#define CmdJINIT 35
-/* CTR-VS */
-/* CmdINITvideo: followd by parameters of a fixed structure of 3 integers
- reply with CmdINITvideo followed by reply or CmdFAIL followed by a string,
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int version;
- int nameLength; /* the length of the video file */
- /* this structure is followed by a zero-terminated file name as follows:
- char videoFile[];
- */
-} INITvideoPara;
-typedef struct
- int live;
- int format;
- int totalHeaders;
- int totalFrames;
- int totalGroups;
- int horizontalSize;
- int verticalSize;
- int pelAspectRatio;
- int pictureRate1000;
- int vbvBufferSize;
- int sizeIFrame;
- int sizePFrame;
- int sizeBFrame;
- int sizeSystemHeader;
- int sizeGop;
- int averageFrameSize;
- int firstGopFrames;
- int patternSize;
- char pattern[PATTERN_SIZE];
-} INITvideoReply;
-/* CmdPOSITION, CmdPOSITIONrelease: followed by following parameter */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int nextGroup;
-} POSITIONpara;
-/* CmdSTEP: followed by following parameter */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int nextFrame;
-} STEPpara;
-/* CmdFF, CmdFB: followed by following parameter */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int nextGroup;
- int usecPerFrame;
- int framesPerSecond;
- int VStimeAdvance;
-} FFpara;
-/*CmdPLAY: followed by following parameter */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int collectStat;
- int nextFrame;
- int usecPerFrame;
- int framesPerSecond;
- int frameRateLimit1000;
- int VStimeAdvance;
- int sendPatternGops;
- char sendPattern[PATTERN_SIZE];
-} PLAYpara;
-/* CmdSPEED: parameter */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int usecPerFrame;
- int framesPerSecond;
- int frameRateLimit1000;
- int sendPatternGops;
- char sendPattern[PATTERN_SIZE];
-} SPEEDpara;
-/* CmdLOOPenabe, CmdLOOPdisable, CmdSTOP: following by SN */
-/* video channel data packet structure */
-typedef struct
- int cmd;
- int cmdsn;
- int sh;
- int gop;
- int frame;
- int display; /* display frame number */
- int future;
- int past;
- int currentUPF;
- int dataBytes;
-} VideoPacket;
-/* video channel data message structure */
-typedef struct
- int packetsn;
- int packetSize;
- int msgsn;
- int msgOffset;
- int msgSize;
-} VideoMessage;
-/* Feedback parameter structure */
-typedef struct
- int cmdsn;
- int needHeader;
- int addUsecPerFrame;
- int addFrames;
- int frameRateLimit1000;
- int sendPatternGops;
- int sendPattern[PATTERN_SIZE];
-} VideoFeedBackPara;
-/* audio channel commands and parameters */
-/* CmdINITaudio parameter of fixed structure of 3 integers and a AudioPara,
- replys with CmdINITaudio followed by reply or CmdFAIL followed by a string */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int version;
- AudioParameter para;
- int nameLength;
- /* char audioFile[] */
-} INITaudioPara;
-typedef struct
- int live;
- int format;
- AudioParameter para;
- int totalSamples;
-} INITaudioReply;
-/* CmdPLAY parameter */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int nextSample;
-#if 0
- int samplesPerSecond; /* <= shared->audioPara.samplesPerSecond */
- int samplesPerSecond; /* audio playback speed */
- int samplesPerPacket; /* Number of samples in a packet */
- int ABsamples; /* size of client VB buffer in samples */
- int spslimit; /* QoS parameter: sps supported by the audio channel */
-} PLAYaudioPara;
-/* STOP followed only by SN */
-/* CmdSPEED parameter */
-typedef struct
- int sn;
- int samplesPerSecond;
- int samplesPerPacket; /* Number of samples in a packet */
- int spslimit;
-} SPEEDaudioPara;
-/* audio packet structure */
-typedef struct
- int cmdsn;
- int resend;
- int samplesPerSecond;
- int firstSample;
- int samples;
- int actualSamples;
- int dataBytes;
-} AudioPacket;
-typedef struct
- int firstSample; /* Id of the first sample in this packet */
- int samples; /* number of samples in current packet */
-} APdescriptor; /* audio packet decriptor */
-/* audio feedback packet */
-typedef struct
- int cmdsn;
- int type; /* 0 - feedback command; >=1 - Number of packets to be resent */
- union {
- struct {
- int addsps;
- int addSamples;
- } fb;
- APdescriptor ap;
- } data;
-} AudioFeedBackPara;
-/* One actual resent request may have multiple APdescriptors depending on
- the value in element type, all execpt the first one follows above structure*/
-typedef struct {
- int sh, gop, frame, display, future, past;
- int refcount; /* reference count */
- unsigned char * data; /* data buffer for image */
-} FrameBlock;
-#endif /* _MPEG_COMMON_H */