path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 481 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/ b/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7ea60181f..00000000000
--- a/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.omg.CORBA.*;
-import CosTrading.*;
-import CosTradingDynamic.*;
-import CosTrading.LookupPackage.*;
-import Property_Evaluator;
-import TS_Resolve;
-public class Discover_Server
- extends Frame
- implements ItemListener, ActionListener
- private static final String CURRENT_DIR = System.getProperty ("user.dir");
- private static String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty ("file.separator");
- private static final String SERVICE_TYPE = "MMDevice";
- private static final String REFERENCE = "Reference";
- private static final String MOVIE_INFO = "Movie_Info";
- private static final String MOVIE_NAMES = "Movie_Names";
- private static final String SERVER_NAME = "Server_Name";
- private static final String HAS_CONNECTIONS =
- " Number_Of_Connections < Max_Connections";
- private static final String HTML_FILE =
- CURRENT_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + "movie-list.html";
- private static final String STATS_FILE =
- CURRENT_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + "movie-stats.html";
- private static final String COMPILE = " Compile ";
- private static final String SELECT = " Select ";
- private static final String CLOSE = " Close ";
- private static final byte JAVA_INIT = 35;
- private static final Font FONT = new Font ("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 14);
- private ORB orb_;
- private int port_;
- private Lookup lookup_;
- private boolean first_click_ = true;
- private String currently_shown_ = null;
- private List movies_selector_ = new List (14, false);
- private Hashtable movies_ = new Hashtable ();
- private Button compile_ = new Button (COMPILE);
- private Button select_ = new Button (SELECT);
- private Button close_ = new Button (CLOSE);
- public Discover_Server (ORB orb, Lookup lookup, int port)
- {
- super ("Server Discovery");
- System.out.println ("yadda");
- this.orb_ = orb;
- this.port_ = port;
- this.lookup_ = lookup;
- Panel button_panel = new Panel ();
- button_panel.setLayout (new FlowLayout (FlowLayout.CENTER, 25, 10));
- button_panel.add (this.compile_);
- button_panel.add (this.select_);
- button_panel.add (this.close_);
- Panel list_panel = new Panel ();
- list_panel.setLayout (new CardLayout (10, 10));
- list_panel.add ("List", this.movies_selector_);
- this.compile_.setFont (FONT);
- this.select_.setFont (FONT);
- this.close_.setFont (FONT);
- this.movies_selector_.setFont (FONT);
- this.compile_.requestFocus ();
- this.compile_.addActionListener (this);
- this.select_.addActionListener (this);
- this.close_.addActionListener (this);
- this.movies_selector_.addItemListener (this);
- this.movies_selector_.addActionListener (this);
- this.setLayout (new BorderLayout (0, 0));
- this.add ("North", list_panel);
- this.add ("South", button_panel);
- }
- public void compile_movies ()
- {
- String configuration = "";
- String[] properties = new String[3];
- SpecifiedProps desired_props = new SpecifiedProps ();
- OfferSeqHolder offers = new OfferSeqHolder ();
- OfferIteratorHolder offer_iter = new OfferIteratorHolder ();
- properties[0] = MOVIE_INFO;
- properties[1] = MOVIE_NAMES;
- properties[2] = SERVER_NAME;
- desired_props.prop_names (properties);
- String constraint = configuration + HAS_CONNECTIONS;
- this.query_trader (constraint, "", desired_props, offers, offer_iter);
- this.movies_selector_.removeAll ();
- for (int i = 0; i < offers.value.length; i++)
- this.extract_movies (offers.value[i]);
- if (offer_iter.value != null)
- {
- boolean more_in_iter = true;
- OfferSeqHolder iter_offers = new OfferSeqHolder ();
- while (more_in_iter)
- {
- more_in_iter = offer_iter.value.next_n (10, iter_offers);
- for (int i = 0; i < iter_offers.value.length; i++)
- this.extract_movies (iter_offers.value[i]);
- }
- }
- // Add the movies to the list.
- Enumeration movie_names = this.movies_.keys ();
- // Future: alphabetize this!
- while (movie_names.hasMoreElements ())
- {
- String movie_name = (String) movie_names.nextElement ();
- System.out.println (movie_name);
- this.movies_selector_.add (movie_name);
- }
- }
- public void view_info (String movie_name)
- {
- Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime ();
- try
- {
- if (! movie_name.equals (this.currently_shown_))
- {
- this.generate_html (movie_name);
- if (! this.first_click_)
- runtime.exec ("netscape-remote " + HTML_FILE);
- else
- {
- // runtime.exec ("netscape-remote-new " + HTML_FILE);
- this.first_click_ = false;
- }
- this.currently_shown_ = movie_name;
- }
- }
- catch (Exception exception)
- {
- System.out.println (exception);
- }
- }
- public void select_movie (String movie_name)
- {
- // This will be replaced by the server performance visualization
- // stage.
- if (movie_name != null)
- {
- // Perform lookup to retrieve the vector of offers associated
- // with this movie name.
- Vector vector = (Vector) this.movies_.get (movie_name);
- Hashtable props = (Hashtable) vector.elementAt (0);
- org.omg.CORBA.Object object =
- (org.omg.CORBA.Object) props.get (REFERENCE);
- String ior = this.orb_.object_to_string (object);
- TAO_VR.Movie movie_info = (TAO_VR.Movie) props.get (movie_name);
- System.out.println (this.port_ + " " + ior + " " + movie_info.filename_);
- this.load_movie (ior, movie_info.filename_);
- // this.shutdown ();
- }
- }
- public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e)
- {
- Integer index = (Integer) e.getItem ();
- String movie_name = this.movies_selector_.getItem (index.intValue ());
- this.view_info (movie_name);
- }
- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
- {
- String action_command = e.getActionCommand ();
- if (action_command.equals (COMPILE))
- this.compile_movies ();
- else if (action_command.equals (SELECT))
- {
- String selected_movie = this.movies_selector_.getSelectedItem ();
- this.select_movie (selected_movie);
- }
- else if (action_command.equals (CLOSE))
- {
- this.shutdown ();
- }
- else
- this.select_movie (action_command);
- }
- private void query_trader (String constraint,
- String preference,
- SpecifiedProps desired_props,
- OfferSeqHolder offers,
- OfferIteratorHolder offer_itr)
- {
- String ior = null;
- Policy[] policies = new Policy[5];
- Any boolean_true = this.orb_.create_any ();
- Any cardinality = this.orb_.create_any ();
- Any follow_option_any = this.orb_.create_any ();
- FollowOption follow_option_rule = FollowOption.always;
- PolicyNameSeqHolder limits_applied = new PolicyNameSeqHolder ();
- desired_props.all_(true);
- cardinality.insert_ulong (60);
- boolean_true.insert_boolean (false);
- FollowOptionHelper.insert (follow_option_any, follow_option_rule);
- policies[0] = new Policy ("exact_type_match", boolean_true);
- policies[1] = new Policy ("link_follow_rule", follow_option_any);
- policies[2] = new Policy ("return_card", cardinality);
- policies[3] = new Policy ("search_card", cardinality);
- policies[4] = new Policy ("match_card", cardinality);
- try
- {
- // Compile list of names
- this.lookup_.query (SERVICE_TYPE,
- constraint,
- preference,
- policies,
- desired_props,
- 10,
- offers,
- offer_itr,
- limits_applied);
- // this.dump_all_properties (offers.value, offer_itr.value);
- }
- catch (Exception excp)
- {
- System.err.println (excp);
- }
- }
- private void load_movie (String ior, String movie_name)
- {
- try
- {
- InetAddress inet_addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost ();
- // Open a socket to the controller process of the video client.
- // Socket controller_sock = new Socket (inet_addr,
- //this.port_);
- Socket controller_sock = new Socket ("merengue", this.port_);
- OutputStream controller_stream = controller_sock.getOutputStream ();
- // DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream (controller_stream);
- // Write the demultiplexing key for this controller operation:
- controller_stream.write (JAVA_INIT);
- // dos.writeByte (JAVA_INIT);
- // Write the length and contents of the ior string.
- controller_stream.write (ior.length ());
- System.out.println ("Writing: " + ior.length ());
- controller_stream.write (ior.getBytes ());
- System.out.println ("Writing: " + ior.getBytes ());
- //dos.writeChars (ior);
- // Write the length and contents of the ior string.
- controller_stream.write (movie_name.length ());
- controller_stream.write (movie_name.getBytes ());
- //dos.writeChars (movie_name);
- // Close the socket.
- //controller_sock.close ();
- }
- catch (Exception excp)
- {
- System.out.println ("Failed to load movie.");
- System.out.println (excp);
- }
- }
- private void dump_all_properties (Offer[] offers,
- OfferIterator offer_iterator)
- {
- try
- {
- this.dump_properties (offers);
- if (offer_iterator != null)
- {
- OfferSeqHolder iter_offers = new OfferSeqHolder ();
- System.out.println ("*** Dumping Properties in Iterator.");
- boolean more_in_iter = true;
- while (more_in_iter)
- {
- System.out.println ("*** Fetching another batch of offers.");
- more_in_iter = offer_iterator.next_n (10, iter_offers);
- System.out.println ("*** Length: " + iter_offers.value.length);
- this.dump_properties (iter_offers.value);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (DPEvalFailure exception)
- {
- System.out.println (exception);
- }
- }
- private void dump_properties (Offer[] offer_seq)
- throws DPEvalFailure
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < offer_seq.length; i++)
- {
- Property_Evaluator prop_eval = new Property_Evaluator (offer_seq[i]);
- for (int j = 0; j < offer_seq[i].properties.length; j++)
- {
- System.out.println ("Property: " +
- offer_seq[i].properties[j].name +
- " Value: " +
- prop_eval.property_value (j, this.orb_));
- //prop_eval.property_to_string (j, this.orb_));
- }
- System.out.println ("----------------------------");
- }
- }
- private void extract_movies (Offer offer)
- {
- Hashtable prop_map = new Hashtable ();
- prop_map.put (REFERENCE, offer.reference);
- for (int i = 0; i <; i++)
- {
- Property property =[i];
- String property_name =;
- // Use a hashtable to map property names to their values.
- prop_map.put (property_name, property);
- System.out.println ("Found property " + property_name);
- if (property_name.equals (MOVIE_INFO))
- {
- try
- {
- Property_Evaluator prop_eval = new Property_Evaluator (offer);
- Any tmp = prop_eval.property_value (i, this.orb_);
- TAO_VR.Movie[] movie_info = TAO_VR.Movie_InfoHelper.extract (tmp);
- // In the top level hashtable, a movie name is mapped to
- // a vector where each element is reserved for an offer
- // that has that movie. In that element is the
- // aforementioned interior hashtable. Pretty damn
- // complicated. How did I think of this?
- for (int j = 0; j < movie_info.length; j++)
- {
- Vector movie_vector = null;
- movie_vector = (Vector) this.movies_.get (movie_info[j].name_);
- if (movie_vector == null)
- {
- System.out.println ("Adding movie to map " + movie_info[j]);
- movie_vector = new Vector ();
- this.movies_.put (movie_info[j].name_, movie_vector);
- }
- movie_vector.addElement (prop_map);
- prop_map.put (movie_info[j].name_, movie_info[j]);
- }
- }
- catch (DPEvalFailure dpeval)
- {
- System.out.println (dpeval);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void generate_html (String movie_name)
- throws IOException
- {
- String first_url = null;
- Vector movie_offers = (Vector) this.movies_.get (movie_name);
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (STATS_FILE);
- PrintWriter pwr = new PrintWriter (fos);
- pwr.println ("<html>");
- pwr.println ("<BODY bgcolor=\"FFFFFF\" BACKGROUND=\"000000\"");
- pwr.println ("TEXT= \"000055\" VLINK=\"0000BF\" LINK=\"BF0000\">");
- pwr.println ("<b> " + movie_name + " Availability: </b><p>");
- for (int i = 0; i < movie_offers.size (); i++)
- {
- Hashtable offer_props = (Hashtable) movie_offers.elementAt (i);
- Property name_prop = (Property) offer_props.get (SERVER_NAME);
- TAO_VR.Movie movie_info = (TAO_VR.Movie) offer_props.get (movie_name);
- String server_name = name_prop.value.extract_string ();
- pwr.println ("<b>Server: " + server_name + "</b><br>");
- if (i == 0)
- first_url = movie_info.description_;
- pwr.println ("<font size =-1>");
- pwr.println ("<tt> <a href=\"" +
- movie_info.description_ +
- "\" Target=\"main\"\"> " +
- movie_info.description_ +
- "</a></tt><p>");
- pwr.println ("<li> Filename: <tt>" +
- movie_info.filename_ + "</tt><br>");
- pwr.println ("<li> Format: <tt></tt> <br>");
- pwr.println ("<li> File size: <tt></tt> <br>");
- pwr.println ("<li> Duration: <tt></tt> <br>");
- pwr.println ("<li> Frame Rate: <tt></tt> <br>");
- pwr.println ("<li> Frame Size: <tt></tt> <br>");
- pwr.println ("</font>");
- pwr.println ("<p>");
- }
- pwr.println ("</html>");
- pwr.close ();
- fos = new FileOutputStream (HTML_FILE);
- pwr = new PrintWriter (fos);
- pwr.println ("<html>");
- pwr.println ("<head>");
- pwr.println ("<title> " + movie_name + " </title>");
- pwr.println ("</head>");
- pwr.println ("<FRAMESET COLS=\"250,*\" FRAMEBORDER=\"yes\" BORDER=\"1\" BORDERCOLOR=\"#000000\">");
- pwr.println ("<FRAME SRC=\"file:" + STATS_FILE + "\"");
- pwr.println ("NAME=\"menu\" NORESIZE SCROLLING=\"auto\" MARGINWIDTH=0>");
- pwr.println ("<FRAME SRC=\"" + first_url + "\"");
- pwr.println ("NAME=\"main\" NORESIZE SCROLLING=\"auto\" MARGINWIDTH=0>");
- pwr.println ("</FRAMESET>");
- pwr.println ("</html>");
- pwr.close ();
- }
- private void shutdown ()
- {
- Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime ();
- this.dispose ();
- runtime.exit (0);
- }
- public static void main (String[] args)
- {
- int port = 6676;
- if (args.length > 1)
- port = Integer.parseInt (args[0]);
- // Initialize the ORB
- java.util.Properties props = null;
- ORB orb = ORB.init (args, props);
- // Resolve the Trading Service
- Lookup lookup = TS_Resolve.resolve_trading_service (orb);
- if (lookup != null)
- {
- Discover_Server ds = new Discover_Server (orb, lookup, port);
- ds.setBounds (20, 20, 320, 350);
- ();
- }
- }