path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/ b/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6c2847064e..00000000000
--- a/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/AVStreams/server_discovery/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import Server_Discovery;
-import Server_Discovery_Util;
-public class Server_Discovery_Selection
- extends JInternalFrame
- JTree tree_;
- Server_Discovery sd_;
- JScrollPane table_scroller_ = new JScrollPane ();
- DefaultMutableTreeNode root_ = new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Movies");
- String selected_movie_ = null, selected_server_ = null;
- Hashtable movie_map_ = new Hashtable ();
- public Server_Discovery_Selection (Server_Discovery sd)
- {
- super ("Movie Selection", true, true, true, true);
- this.sd_ = sd;
- tree_ = new JTree (this.root_);
- JScrollPane tree_scroller = new JScrollPane (this.tree_);
- JSplitPane split_pane =
- new JSplitPane (JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, false,
- tree_scroller, this.table_scroller_);
- TreeSelectionListener tsl = new TreeSelectionListener ()
- {
- public void valueChanged (TreeSelectionEvent e)
- {
- TreePath tree_path = e.getNewLeadSelectionPath ();
- if (tree_path.getPath ().length == 3)
- {
- DefaultMutableTreeNode tree_node =
- (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tree_path.getLastPathComponent ();
- String host_name = (String) tree_node.getUserObject ();
- DefaultMutableTreeNode parent_node =
- (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tree_node.getParent ();
- String movie_name = (String) parent_node.getUserObject ();
- String key = host_name + movie_name;
- TAO_VR.Movie movie = (TAO_VR.Movie) movie_map_.get (key);
- generate_table (host_name, movie);
- }
- }
- };
- this.tree_.addTreeSelectionListener (tsl);
- tree_scroller.setBackground (this.tree_.getBackground ());
- JPanel content_pane = new JPanel ();
- JPanel button_pane = new JPanel ();
- ImageIcon mmedia = new ImageIcon ("select", "mmedia3.gif");
- JButton select_button = new JButton ("View This Selection", mmedia);
- button_pane.setBorder (new EtchedBorder ());
- button_pane.add (select_button);
- content_pane.setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
- content_pane.add ("Center", split_pane);
- content_pane.add ("South", button_pane);
- ActionListener al = new ActionListener ()
- {
- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
- {
- if (selected_server_ != null && selected_movie_ != null)
- {
- Server_Discovery_Util.load_movie (selected_server_,
- selected_movie_);
- }
- }
- };
- select_button.addActionListener (al);
- this.setContentPane (content_pane);
- this.setSize (350, 400);
- this.setLocation (15, 15);
- }
- public void add_movie (String host_name, TAO_VR.Movie movie)
- {
- // @ TODO: Order the movies alphabetically by name.
- DefaultMutableTreeNode category =
- new DefaultMutableTreeNode (movie.category_);
- DefaultMutableTreeNode movie_name =
- new DefaultMutableTreeNode (movie.name_);
- DefaultMutableTreeNode server_name =
- new DefaultMutableTreeNode (host_name);
- Object[] path = { category, movie_name, server_name };
- TreePath tree_path = new TreePath (path);
- String key = host_name + movie.name_;
- this.movie_map_.put (key, movie);
- this.tree_.addSelectionPath (tree_path);
- }
- public void flush ()
- {
- }
- private void generate_table (String host_name, TAO_VR.Movie movie)
- {
- // The user object here is going to be a JTable instead of a
- // simply a string. The table will contain values for each of
- // the fields of the TAO_VR.Movie struct, where the description
- // URL will be hightlighted as a link. Clicking on that link in
- // the table will call up a JEditorPane with the html file in
- // it. In addition, there will be a button in one of table
- // entries for viewing performance numbers.
- DefaultTableModel table_model = new DefaultTableModel (10, 2);
- // Set the column values:
- table_model.setValueAt ("Name", 0, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("File Name", 1, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("Category", 2, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("Description", 3, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("Format", 4, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("File Size", 5, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("Duration", 6, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("Frame Rate", 7, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("Frame Size", 8, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt ("Server Performance", 9, 0);
- table_model.setValueAt (movie.name_, 0, 1);
- table_model.setValueAt (movie.filename_, 1, 1);
- table_model.setValueAt (movie.category_, 2, 1);
- table_model.setValueAt ("0", 4, 1);
- table_model.setValueAt ("MPEG", 5, 1);
- table_model.setValueAt ("0", 6, 1);
- table_model.setValueAt ("0", 7, 1);
- table_model.setValueAt ("0", 8, 1);
- // Special cases:
- Font label_font = new Font ("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12);
- ImageIcon link_icon = new ImageIcon ("link", "www1.gif");
- JLabel url_label = new JLabel (movie.description_, link_icon, JLabel.RIGHT);
- url_label.setFont (label_font);
- url_label.setForeground (;
- url_label.addMouseListener (new Clicked_URL (movie.description_));
- table_model.setValueAt (url_label, 3, 1);
- ImageIcon graph_icon = new ImageIcon ("graph", "graph02.gif");
- JLabel graph_label = new JLabel ("Display server performance", graph_icon, JLabel.RIGHT);
- graph_label.setFont (label_font);
- graph_label.setForeground (;
- graph_label.addMouseListener (new Clicked_Graph (movie.name_, host_name));
- table_model.setValueAt (graph_label, 9, 1);
- JTable movie_table = new JTable (table_model);
- DefaultMutableTreeNode table_node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (movie_table, false);
- JViewport viewport = new JViewport ();
- viewport.setView (movie_table);
- this.table_scroller_.setViewport (viewport);
- this.selected_movie_ = movie.name_;
- this.selected_server_ = host_name;
- }
- class Clicked_URL extends MouseAdapter
- {
- private String url_;
- public Clicked_URL (String url)
- {
- this.url_ = url;
- }
- public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
- {
- sd_.load_page (this.url_);
- }
- }
- class Clicked_Graph extends MouseAdapter
- {
- private String movie_, host_;
- public Clicked_Graph (String movie, String host)
- {
- this.movie_ = movie;
- this.host_ = host;
- }
- public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
- {
- sd_.display_performance (this.movie_, this.host_);
- }
- }