path: root/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc
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- While most of the source code in WebStone is covered by the terms
-in the file LICENSE, the following files are covered by the GNU license,
-reproduced below:
- config.guess
- config.sub
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/FAQ-webstone.html b/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/FAQ-webstone.html
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-<!-- WEBMAGIC TRANSLATION NAME="ServerRoot" SRC="/var/www/htdocs/" DST="/" -->
-<!-- WEBMAGIC TRANSLATION NAME="ProjectRoot" SRC="./" DST="" -->
-<P><!-- Changed by: Michael Blakeley, 9-Nov-1995 --></P>
-<H1><IMG SRC="webstone.gif" WIDTH="534" HEIGHT="174" SGI_SETWIDTH SGI_SETHEIGHT SGI_FULLPATH="/disk6/WebStone-2.0/doc/webstone.gif"></H1>
-</CENTER><CENTER><H2 ALIGN="CENTER">Frequently Asked Questions, with Answers</H2>
-</CENTER><CENTER><ADDRESS ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="">WebFORCE</A> Technical Marketing, <A HREF="">Silicon Graphics</A></ADDRESS>
-</CENTER><CENTER><ADDRESS ALIGN="CENTER">Last revised: 9 November 1995</ADDRESS>
-<P><STRONG>This document answers frequently-asked questions about WebStone.</STRONG> </P>
-<LI><A HREF="#meta-FAQ">Meta-FAQ</A>: What is this document? Where can I get a copy?
-<LI><A HREF="#diff">What is the difference between WebStone 1.1 and WebStone 2.0?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#compare1.1&amp;2">Can I compare WebStone 1.1 and WebStone 2.0 numbers against each other?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#what-is">What is WebStone?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#webperf">What about Webperf?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#what-does">What does WebStone do?</A>
-<LI><STRONG><A HREF="#_wmh2_815967937">Feature Enhancements in WebStone 2.0</STRONG></A>
-<LI><A HREF="#does-not">What doesn't WebStone do?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#obtaining">Where can I get WebStone?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#running">How do I run WebStone?</A>
-<LI>Experimental GUI
-<LI><A HREF="#common-problems">Common problems when running WebStone</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#swap-space">Out of swap space</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#timing-info">Error reading timing info</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#interpreting">What do the results mean?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#majordomo">I'm still having problems. Where can I get help?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#legal">Legal issues</A>
-<P>If you have comments about this document, please forward them to the <A HREF="">author</A>. </P>
-<H2><A NAME="meta-FAQ">Meta-FAQ: What is this document? Where can I get a copy?</A></H2>
-<P>This is a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about WebStone.
-The latest copy is always available at <A HREF=""></A> and via the WebStone mailing list. The FAQ is periodically posted to the <A HREF="#majordomo">WebStone mailing list</A>, and to the USENET newsgroup <A HREF="news:comp.benchmarks">comp.benchmarks</A>. </P>
-<H2><A NAME="diff">What is the difference between WebStone 1.1 and WebStone 2.0?</A></H2>
-<P>WebStone 2.0 is a rewrite of the WebStone 1.1 code. Significant changes
-have been made both in the code and in the fileset and run rules. Many bugs
-were eliminated, support for other platforms has been included and many
-new features have been added. The WebStone 1.1 and WebStone 2.0 numbers
-cannot be compared, since so much has changed. In general, WebStone 1.1
-will give higher connections/second values, but lower throughput numbers
-than WebStone 2.0.</P>
-<H2><A NAME="compare1.1&amp;2">Can I compare WebStone 1.1 and WebStone 2.0 numbers against each other?</A></H2>
-<P>Absolutely NOT! WebStone 1.1 numbers are based on a different fileset, as
-well as an older version of the benchmarking software. The WebStone 1.1
-fileset was based on a fileset with a smaller average filesize, so that
-the number of connections per second will tend to be higher (all things
-being equal). The WebStone 2.0 fileset is based on observations of several
-real world sites, and the distribution of the filesizes found there. This
-fileset is also similar to the fileset chosen by the SPEC committee for
-their benchmark.</P>
-<P>While it is possible to convert the 1.1 fileset to a 2.0 format and then
-test it, the resulting numbers will not be the same, because the underlying
-software used to perform the testing has changed. WebStone 1.1 was also
-heavily abused because of the lack of run rules, and reporting rules. It
-is recommended that everyone move to WebStone 2.0.</P>
-<H2><A NAME="what-is">What is WebStone?</A></H2>
-<P>WebStone is a highly-configurable client-server benchmark for HTTP servers. </P>
-<P>The original WebStone benchmark was released in March, 1995. The original
-white paper describing this benchmark is available from <A HREF=""></A> </P>
-<P>WebStone is not a proprietary benchmark - it is an open benchmark. The source
-code is freely available, and anyone can examine it. By design, WebStone
-does not unfairly favor SGI, Netscape, or any other company - it is simply
-a performance measurement tool. </P>
-<H2><A NAME="webperf">What about Webperf?</A></H2>
-<P>A SPEC SFS working group is presently adapting SPEC SFS to Web server benchmarking.
-SGI's WebStone team is part of this working group, and we support fully
-the effort. WebStone is available to fulfill the immediate Web benchmarking
-needs - not to confuse the public.</P>
-<P>Basically, if you like WebStone, use it. When SPEC releases Webperf, check
-it out.</P>
-<H2><A NAME="what-does">What does WebStone do?</A></H2>
-<P>WebStone makes a user-configurable number of HTTP 1.0 GET requests for specific
-pages on a Web server. Any Web server can be tested, and any HTML content
-can be used. </P>
-<P>WebStone measures the throughput and latency of each HTTP transfer. By default,
-only statistical data are returned, but the user may optionally request
-data for each and every transaction. WebStone also reports transaction failures,
-which translate into those little &quot;Connection Refused&quot; alerts in the real
-<H2><A NAME="_wmh2_815967937">Feature Enhancements in WebStone 2.0</A></H2>
-<P>WebStone 2.0 includes support for testing proxy servers, as well as more
-flexible handling of URL's that enable WebStone to test a wide variety of
-content types. The code has also been significantly rewritten so that it
-is more robust and portable.</P>
-<H2><A NAME="does-not">What doesn't WebStone do?</A></H2>
-<P>WebStone does not yet do any of the following (listed roughly in order of
-planned implementation): </P>
-<LI>POST transactions, widely used for CGI-bin scripts
-<P>If you have additional requests for WebStone functionality, contact the <A HREF="#majordomo">WebStone mailing list</A>. </P>
-<H2><A NAME="obtaining">Where can I get WebStone?</A></H2>
-<P>The latest copy of WebStone, and of this FAQ, is available at <A HREF=""></A> </P>
-<H2><A NAME="running">How do I run WebStone?</A></H2>
-<P>WebStone includes a README file which may answer some of your questions.
-However, here's a brief overview. </P>
-<LI><A HREF="#test-bed">Set up your test-bed</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#loading-webstone">Load WebStone onto your webmaster </A>
-<LI><A HREF="#edit-runbench">Edit <CODE>testbed</CODE></A>
-<LI><A HREF="#file-list">Write a file list</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#start-benchmark">Start the benchmark</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#collect-results">Collect the results</A>
-<H3>WebStone now has an experimental GUI!</H3>
-<P>To try the GUI, make sure you have a Web browser, and run <CODE>./webstone -gui</CODE> from the WebStone base directory. You don't need to hand-edit the <CODE>testbed</CODE> file anymore, but you still need to edit <CODE>filelist</CODE> if you want to change the workload. This may not be necessary, since we've
-distributed two real-world workload models with WebStone. </P>
-<P>These are the stepts to follow to run the GUI </P>
-<LI><A HREF="#test-bed">Set up your test-bed</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#loading-webstone">Load WebStone onto your webmaster </A>
-<LI><CODE>./webstone -gui</CODE>
-<P>If the GUI appears to hang, you can kill stray WebStone processes with <CODE>./webstone -kill</CODE> </P>
-<H3><A NAME="test-bed">Setting up your test bed</A></H3>
-<P>Your test bed should include, at minimum, two machines and a network. The
-first machine is your Web server - it can be any HTTP 1.0-compliant server.
-As far as WebStone is concerned, it's a black box. </P>
-<P>You'll also need a webmaster and one or more webclients. These should be
-Unix hosts, since WebStone hasn't been tested on any non-Unix operating
-systems (feel free to port it, if you like). The webmaster and the webclient
-may be the same machine, if desired: we've run up to 120 webclients and
-the webmaster on a single 32MB Indy. </P>
-<P>You must establish a trust relationship between your webmaster and webclients.
-Each webclient must be set up so that the webmaster can use <CODE>rexec</CODE> to execute the WebStone on the client. This can be done with a guest account.
-It's also helpful if root can <CODE>rexec</CODE> and <CODE>rcp</CODE> to the webclients, and even to the web server. This requires editing the <CODE>/.rhosts</CODE> and <CODE>/etc/host.equiv</CODE> files. Here's an example: </P>
-<P><CODE>/.rhosts</CODE> (on each webclient) </P>
-webmaster root
-<P><CODE>/etc/hosts/equiv</CODE> (on each webclient) </P>
-<P>To make best use of WebStone, your webmaster should be equipped with a C
-compiler, Perl, awk, and a Web browser. A data analysis program such as
-GnuPlot may also come in handy. </P>
-<P>Connect the webclients, the webmaster, and the web server to a common network.
-To check your setup, load a browser on one of the webclients, and make sure
-it can connect to the Web server. </P>
-<H3><A NAME="loading-webstone">Loading WebStone</A></H3>
-<P>Copy the WebStone distribution onto your webmaster. If your webmaster isn't
-an SGI IRIX 5.3 machine, you'll have to make the binaries. Type <KBD>make</KBD> from the WebStone directory - this creates the following binaries: </P>
-<P>Common porting errors </P>
-<LI>If you want to use gcc instead of cc, change the CC variable in <CODE>src/Makefile</CODE>.
-<LI>Many System V-based Unix implementations (such as Solaris 2.x) will need<CODE> LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl</CODE> in <CODE>src/Makefile</CODE>.
-<LI>Some users may also need to comment out the definition of <CODE>rexec</CODE> in <CODE>webmaster.c</CODE>
-<P>If you encounter other errors, please contact the <A HREF="#majordomo">WebStone mailing list</A>. </P>
-<P>Type <CODE>make install</CODE> to put the binaries in the <CODE>bin</CODE> directory. </P>
-<P>When you run WebStone, the <CODE>distribute</CODE> script automatically copies the <CODE>webclient</CODE> binary to the other client systems. If you're running diverse clients (e.g.,
-a couple Suns, a couple BSD hosts), you'll want to comment the <CODE>distribute</CODE> script out of <CODE>bin/runbench</CODE>, and distribute host-specific versions of <CODE>webclient</CODE> by hand. </P>
-<H3><A NAME="edit-runbench">Edit <CODE></A>testbed</CODE></H3>
-<P>If you use the <CODE>webstone</CODE> script to automate WebStone, you'll want to edit the <CODE>conf/testbed</CODE> script. The <CODE>testbed</CODE> script contains several configurable parameters that WebStone relies on.
-Here is an example: </P>
-WEBSERVERTUNINGFILES=&quot;$WEBSERVERDIR/httpd-80/config/magnus.conf $WEBSERVERDIR/httpd-80/config/obj.conf&quot;
-CLIENTS=&quot;webstone1 webstone2 webstone3 webstone4 webstone5&quot;
-<P>Briefly, the first set of parameters means that the WebStone benchmark will
-run from 8 clients to 128 clients, in increments of 8. Each increment will
-run for 30 minutes, and the whole test will be repeated three times. This
-test suite would take roughly 24 hours to complete. </P>
-<P>Why multiple iterations? The WebStone benchmark is a stochastic process
-so there will be variation from run to run, especially if your test file
-sets have large files or if you approach overloading the server. 3 iterations
-is about the minimum you should run just to see if there is variation and
-to gauge the amount of variation. the <TT>TIMEPERRUN</TT> needs to be long enough to establish a steady state and allow it to dominate
-the run. 30 minutes seems to be enough if the sizes of the files are small.
-You may want to run the benchmark longer per run to minimize variation if
-the files are large. </P>
-<P>The second set of parameters means that we will test a server called &quot;www&quot;
-at port 80 (note that the port number may be changed to accomodate proxy
-servers or multiple servers on the same host). We will use four clients.
-Also, we specify the location of a system tuning file (on Sun Solaris, one
-could use /etc/system), and web server tuning files (specified for Netscape).
-These files will be copied into the <CODE>runs</CODE> subdirectories for later reference. </P>
-<P>Finally, we specify the WebStone account on the clients. Here, we use the
-guest account, with a fixed password: guest. </P>
-<H3><A NAME="file-list">Write a file list</A></H3>
-<P>The basic WebStone tests expect a set of files to reside on the server to
-be retrieved by the <TT>webstone</TT> client programs. The file list tells WebStone which files to retrieve. </P>
-<P>It's possible to use an arbitrary set of fixed-length files for WebStone.
-Although these files have the <TT>.html</TT> extension, they are used to represent files of many types. Basically we
-treat &quot;bits-as-bits&quot;. You can use the programs in the <TT>genfileset</TT> subdirectory to create the needed set of files, and copy them onto your
-server: </P>
- ./webstone -genfiles
-<P>The sample file list shipped with WebStone uses the files created by genfiles: </P>
-<P># Sample filelist, abstracted from access logs<BR>
-/file500.html 350 #500<BR>
-/file5k.html 500 #5125<BR>
-/file50k.html 140 #51250<BR>
-/file500k.html 9 #512500<BR>
-/file5m.html 1 #5248000<BR>
-<P>This filelist consists of 5 different files. The number following the filename
-is the weight of this file in the distribution. All the weights are summed
-together and the frequency of each file is the weight of that file over
-the total weights.</P>
-<P>For example, in this fileset the weights add up to 1000. So the the file500k.html
-page will occur 350 out of 1000 times, and the file5m.html will occur once
-every 1000 pages. </P>
-<P>Note that the URI should be changed to a full URI when testing proxy servers,
-for example, if the proxy server is called proxy, but the actual server
-which stores the file is called seltzer1, you could use the following filelist:</P>
-<P> #Sample filelist, abstracted from access logs<BR>
- 350 #500<BR>
- 500 #5125<BR>
- 140 #51250<BR>
- 9 #512500<BR>
- 1 #5248000</P>
-<P>This URI is the one which is passed to the proxy server, which in turn uses
-it to fetch the file from Notice that the particular files
-and the distribution are identical to the previous filelist. The other change
-which would need to be made for testing proxy servers is to have an entry
-&quot;PROXY=proxy&quot; in the testbed file and to specify the port where the proxy
-server listens for requests.</P>
-<P>Wherever possible, use the same pages for WebStone that you will use in
-the real world. This means that you'll have a harder time comparing your
-results with published results, but your results will more accurately reflect <STRONG>your</STRONG> situation. </P>
-<H3><A NAME="start-benchmark">Start the benchmark</A></H3>
-<P>type <CODE>./webstone</CODE> </P>
-<P>The results of each run will be saved in a directory called <TT>runs</TT>. Note that the runbench script attempts to collect configuration information
-about your client and server configurations such as netstat results. You
-may see some error messages if your clients don't have netstat or other
-utilities. </P>
-<H3><A NAME="collect-results">Collect the results</A></H3>
-<P>The WebStone summary statistics generated by <TT>webmaster</TT> are saved by <TT>runbench</TT> in a date stamped subdirectory of the <TT>runs</TT> directory in the current directory similar to: </P>
- runs/950804_2304/run
-<P>The script wscollect is provided as a tool for collected the results of
-all of the runs and generating a tab delimited file with all of the results.
-This file can be read into a spreadsheet or read by other analysis programs. </P>
- wscollect runs &gt; runs.tabs
-<P>An additional script called <TT>tabs2html</TT> will take a tab delimited file and produce an HTML 3.0 style table of the
-results: </P>
- tabs2html runs.tabs &gt; runs.html
-<H2><A NAME="common-problems">Common problems when running WebStone</A></H2>
-<H3><A NAME="swap-space">Out of swap space</A></H3>
-<P>It's fairly common for the Web server under test to run out of swap space.
-As a rule of thumb, make sure that you have swap space equal to the number
-of server processes times the size of the largest test file. </P>
-<P>For instance, if you're testing a 10MB file on a Netscape server with 64
-processes, you'll need to have at least 640MB of swap space. <CITE>N.B.</CITE>: On SGI IRIX 5.x, you can substitute large amounts of <EM>virtual swap space</EM>, since Netscape doesn't actually use all the space it asks for. </P>
-<P>See your operating system-specific administration guide for details on adding
-and configuring swap space. </P>
-<H3><A NAME="timing-info">Error reading timing info</A></H3>
-<P><STRONG>Question</STRONG>: </P>
-<P>Running: </P>
-webmaster -w webmaster -p 9990 -u flist -f config
-<P>on </P>
-<P>outputs: </P>
-Waiting for READY from 6 clients
-All READYs received
-Sending GO to all clients
-All clients started at Tue Aug 8 11:57:30 1995
-Waiting for clients completion
-Reading results
-.Error second reading timing info from one of the clients:
-Interrupted system call
-web child 1 did not respond. 3456 bytes read
-.Error second reading timing info from one of the clients:
-Interrupted system call
-web child 0 did not respond. 3456 bytes read
-<P>What does the second reading timing info contain? What might cause the second
-read to fail while the first passes? </P>
-<P><STRONG>Answer</STRONG>: </P>
-<P>It's most likely that one of the WebStone clients died before it could report
-results to the webmaster. We've squashed many circumstances in which this
-happens, but bugs continue to appear, especially on systems we haven't tested. </P>
-<P>We can't do much for this kind of problem without debugging traces. Edit <CODE>testbed</CODE>, and set the <CODE>DEBUG</CODE> parameter to <CODE>DEBUG=-d</CODE>, so that debugging info will be written to files named /tmp/webstone-debug.&lt;PID&gt;. </P>
-<P>If you can replicate this problem with debugging turned on, please let us
-know. We'd love to examine the traces. </P>
-<P>Another possible source of problems with reading timing info is when a page
-in the filelist did not get read by a client, but the webmaster was expecting
-to find it. This can happen when the test time, number of clients and filelist
-distribution are set up so that a file which gets read infrequently does
-not get read _yet_ before the test period ends.This will get ironed out
-in a later release of WebStone.</P>
-<H2><A NAME="interpreting">What do the results mean?</A></H2>
-<P>WebStone primarily measures throughput (bytes/second) and latency (time
-to complete a request). WebStone also reports pages/minute, connection rate
-averages, and other numbers. Some of these may help you to sanity-check
-the throughput measurements. </P>
-<P>Two types of throughput are measured: aggregate and per-client. Both are
-averaged over the entire test time and the entire client base. Aggregate
-throughput is simply total bytes (body + header) transferred throughout
-the test, divided by the total test time. Per-client throughput divides
-aggregate throughput by the number of clients. </P>
-<P>Two types of latency are reported: connection latency and request latency.
-For each metric, the mean time is provided, as well as the standard deviation
-of all data, plus the minimum and maximum times. Connection latency reflects
-the time taken to establish a connection, while request latency reflects
-the time to complete the data transfer once the connection has been established. </P>
-<P>User-perceived latency will include the sum of connection and request latencies,
-plus any network latency due to WAN connections, routers, modems, etc. </P>
-<P>WebStone also reports a metric called <EM>Little's Ls</EM>. <EM>Ls</EM> is derived from Little's Law, and reflects how much time is spent by the
-server on request processing, rather than overhead and errors. Ls. is also an indirect indicator of the average number of connections which
-the web server has open at any particular instant. This number should stay
-very close to the number of clients, or else some clients are being denied
-access to the server at any given time.</P>
-<P>If you load your Web servers high enough, you'll begin to see errors in
-the results. That's fine (at least as far as WebStone is concerned). It
-just means that your server is heavily loaded, and some clients aren't being
-serviced before they time out. In fact, the number of errors at a given
-load can be an excellent indicator of how your server will perform under
-extremely heavy loads. </P>
-<H2><A NAME="majordomo">I'm still having problems. Where can I get help?</A></H2>
-<P>Subscribe to the WebStone mailing list! Send a message to <A HREF=""></A> - the subject doesn't matter, but the content should be: </P>
-subscribe webstone
-<P>You should receive a message shortly, confirming that you've been added
-to the mailing list. You can send to the whole list at <A HREF=""></A> - the authors of WebStone read the list, and they'll do their best to help.
-Other list members may also be able to help. </P>
-<P>If you have access to USENET News, you can also read and post to <A HREF="news:comp.benchmarks">comp.benchmarks</A>. As with any newsgroup, read the FAQ before posting! </P>
-<P>There's also a mailing list devoted to the performance limits of the HTTP
-protocol. You can subscribe by sending e-mail to <A HREF=""></A> with the text </P>
-subscribe &lt;your-email-address&gt;
-<H2><A NAME="legal">Legal Stuff</A></H2>
-<P>This file and all files contained in the WebStone distribution are copyright
-&#169; 1995, 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc. </P>
-<P>This software is provided without support and without any obligation on
-the part of Silicon Graphics, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, modification
-or enhancement. There is no guarantee that this software will be included
-in future software releases, and it probably will not be included. </P>
-<P>In no event will Silicon Graphics, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue or
-profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if Silicon
-Graphics, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. </P>
diff --git a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/LICENSE.html b/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/LICENSE.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 05d2b5a0378..00000000000
--- a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/LICENSE.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-This file and all files contained in this directory are
-copyright 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
-This software is provided without support and without any obligation on the
-part of Silicon Graphics, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, modification
-or enhancement. There is no guarantee that this software will be included in
-future software releases, and it probably will not be included.
-In no event will Silicon Graphics, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue or
-profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if
-Silicon Graphics, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
diff --git a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/WebStone.html b/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/WebStone.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e16afbae696..00000000000
--- a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/WebStone.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<!-- WEBMAGIC TRANSLATION NAME="ServerRoot" SRC="/var/www/htdocs/" DST="/" -->
-<!-- WEBMAGIC TRANSLATION NAME="ProjectRoot" SRC="./" DST="" -->
-<P><A HREF="WebStone.html"><IMG SRC="webstone.gif" WIDTH="534" HEIGHT="174" BORDER="0" SGI_SETWIDTH SGI_SETHEIGHT SGI_FULLPATH="/usr/people/mblakele/WebStone-working/doc/webstone.gif"></A>
-<H1>World Wide Web Server Benchmarking</H1>
-<P>If you have any questions, please read the <EM><A HREF="FAQ-webstone.html">WebStone FAQ</EM></A>.
-<H2><A HREF="../bin/">Set up WebStone</A></H2>
-<H2><A HREF="../bin/">Run WebStone</A></H2>
-<H2><A HREF="../bin/">View WebStone Results</A></H2>
-<H2><A HREF="../bin/">Administer WebStone</A></H2>
-<ADDRESS><A HREF="LICENSE.html">copyright 1995 Silicon Graphics</A></ADDRESS>
diff --git a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/ b/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b25a16e1fe..00000000000
--- a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-ITERATIONS: Total Number of times to run test suite.
-MINCLIENTS: Start the test suite by running this number of clients.
-MAXCLIENTS: End the test suite when this number of clients have run.
-CLIENTINCR: Increment the number of clients by this number after each run.
-TIMEPERRUN: Minutes to run each test.
-PORTNO: TCP/IP port to test on the Web server.
-SERVER: Name or IP number of Web server to be tested.
-PROXYSERVER: Name or IP number of a proxy server through which to test.
-CLIENTS: Name(s) or IP address(es) of machine(s) to use as WebStone clients.
-OSTUNINGFILES: Full pathname(s) of OS tuning files to copy into the bin/runs directory.
-WEBSERVERDIR: Base directory name for Web server.
-WEBDOCDIR: Base directory name for Web server document root.
-WEBSERVERTUNINGFILES: Full pathname(s) of Web server tuning files to copy into bin/runs.
-CLIENTINFO: Name of an informational binary to run on each client.
-SERVERINFO: Name of an informational binary to run on each server.
-TMPDIR: Full pathname of a directory where temporary files may be stored.
-CLIENTACCOUNT: Run WebStone on CLIENTS as this username, via rsh.
-CLIENTPASSWORD: Password for CLIENTACCOUNT. This cannot be blank.
-DEBUG: Leave blank, or set to -d to activate debugging mode. Debug files are written to TMPDIR.
-RCP: Command to use for remote copying. Default: rcp.
-RSH: Command to use for remote execution of a command. Default: rsh.
diff --git a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/ b/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed0a6523f5..00000000000
--- a/apps/JAWS/clients/WebSTONE/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8974 +0,0 @@
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-12 div PenW add cvi}bd/DoW{iRes 50 div PenW add cvi}bd/DW{iRes 8 div
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-pop tr AG m sm}def/P{m cm pop tr 0 0 M AG cp m sm}def/RRect{n 4 copy
-M 3 1 roll exch L 4 2 roll L L cp}bd/RRCC{/r ed/y1 ed/x1 ed/y0 ed/x0
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-225 1171 44 (is ) 45 SB
-270 1171 74 (the ) 75 SB
-345 1171 137 (typing ) 138 SB
-483 1171 84 (and ) 85 SB
-568 1171 236 (negotiation ) 238 SB
-806 1171 54 (of ) 56 SB
-862 1171 97 (data ) 99 SB
-961 1171 308 (representation, ) 310 SB
-1271 1171 182 (allowing ) 184 SB
-1455 1171 167 (systems ) 169 SB
-1624 1171 54 (to ) 56 SB
-1680 1171 59 (be ) 61 SB
-1741 1171 101 (built ) 103 SB
-1844 1171 288 (independently ) 290 SB
-2134 1171 41 (of) 41 SB
-225 1230 74 (the ) 85 SB
-310 1230 97 (data ) 108 SB
-418 1230 120 (being ) 131 SB
-549 1230 241 (transferred. ) 252 SB
-801 1230 13 ( ) 24 SB
-825 1230 90 (The ) 101 SB
-926 1230 182 (protocol ) 193 SB
-1119 1230 44 (is ) 55 SB
-1174 1230 179 (typically ) 191 SB
-1365 1230 156 (layered ) 168 SB
-1533 1230 63 (on ) 75 SB
-1608 1230 79 (top ) 91 SB
-1699 1230 54 (of ) 66 SB
-1765 1230 164 (TCP/IP ) 176 SB
-1941 1230 49 (in ) 61 SB
-2002 1230 120 (order ) 132 SB
-2134 1230 41 (to) 41 SB
-225 1289 207 (guarantee ) 213 SB
-438 1289 97 (data ) 103 SB
-541 1289 177 (transfer. ) 183 SB
-724 1289 13 ( ) 19 SB
-743 1289 127 (Other ) 133 SB
-876 1289 181 (methods ) 188 SB
-1064 1289 54 (of ) 61 SB
-1125 1289 97 (data ) 104 SB
-1229 1289 164 (transfer ) 171 SB
-1400 1289 141 (maybe ) 148 SB
-1548 1289 117 (used, ) 124 SB
-1672 1289 90 (but, ) 97 SB
-1769 1289 74 (the ) 81 SB
-1850 1289 93 (vast ) 100 SB
-1950 1289 177 (majority ) 184 SB
-2134 1289 41 (of) 41 SB
-225 1348 982 (existing systems use TCP/IP for HTTP transfers. ) 983 SB
-1208 1348 13 ( ) 14 SB
-1222 1348 90 (The ) 91 SB
-1313 1348 182 (protocol ) 183 SB
-1496 1348 169 (consists ) 170 SB
-1666 1348 54 (of ) 55 SB
-1721 1348 35 (a ) 36 SB
-1757 1348 158 (request ) 159 SB
-1916 1348 84 (and ) 85 SB
-2001 1348 174 (response) 174 SB
-225 1407 1182 (paradigm. See reference for further information on HTTP.) 1182 SB
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-1706 1525 74 (the ) 76 SB
-1782 1525 169 (Internet ) 171 SB
-1953 1525 35 (a ) 37 SB
-1990 1525 96 (user ) 98 SB
-2088 1525 87 (with) 87 SB
-225 1584 74 (the ) 79 SB
-304 1584 79 (use ) 84 SB
-388 1584 54 (of ) 59 SB
-447 1584 59 (an ) 65 SB
-512 1584 164 (internet ) 170 SB
-682 1584 174 (browser ) 180 SB
-862 1584 13 ( ) 19 SB
-881 1584 44 (is ) 50 SB
-931 1584 93 (able ) 99 SB
-1030 1584 54 (to ) 60 SB
-1090 1584 139 (access ) 145 SB
-1235 1584 74 (the ) 80 SB
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-1608 1584 35 (a ) 41 SB
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-1840 1584 184 (interface ) 190 SB
-2030 1584 145 (defined) 145 SB
-225 1643 169 (through ) 179 SB
-404 1643 74 (the ) 84 SB
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-634 1643 105 (Text ) 115 SB
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-1150 1643 201 (\(HTML\), ) 212 SB
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-1504 1643 44 (is ) 55 SB
-1559 1643 35 (a ) 46 SB
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-1980 1643 195 (\(Standard) 195 SB
-225 1702 645 (Generalized Markup Language\).) 645 SB
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-1807 1820 59 (be ) 60 SB
-1867 1820 142 (shared ) 143 SB
-2010 1820 165 (between) 165 SB
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-408 1879 214 (platforms. ) 217 SB
-625 1879 13 ( ) 16 SB
-641 1879 90 (The ) 94 SB
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-709 1938 74 (the ) 77 SB
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-1754 1938 74 (the ) 77 SB
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-1890 2409 13 ( ) 16 SB
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-1529 2586 198 (hardware ) 200 SB
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-600 2645 44 (is ) 53 SB
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-494 2704 44 (is ) 46 SB
-540 2704 35 (a ) 37 SB
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-871 2704 13 ( ) 15 SB
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-1914 2704 13 ( ) 15 SB
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-1750 514 74 (the ) 76 SB
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-1938 573 63 (on ) 70 SB
-2008 573 99 (how ) 106 SB
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-756 632 13 ( ) 14 SB
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-1948 1044 54 (of ) 60 SB
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-1861 1103 54 (to ) 55 SB
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-841 1162 54 (of ) 57 SB
-898 1162 134 (server ) 137 SB
-1035 1162 214 (platforms. ) 217 SB
-1252 1162 13 ( ) 16 SB
-1268 1162 45 (It ) 48 SB
-1316 1162 44 (is ) 48 SB
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-1551 1162 89 (that ) 93 SB
-1644 1162 74 (the ) 78 SB
-1722 1162 230 (benchmark ) 234 SB
-1956 1162 85 (will ) 89 SB
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-225 1221 1687 (and will help define a standard the WWW community may use when comparing data.) 1687 SB
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-1982 2059 105 (have ) 111 SB
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-524 2118 89 (that ) 96 SB
-620 2118 85 (will ) 93 SB
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-780 2118 227 (considered ) 235 SB
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-1218 2118 13 ( ) 21 SB
-1239 2118 45 (It ) 53 SB
-1292 2118 92 (also ) 100 SB
-1392 2118 144 (should ) 152 SB
-1544 2118 59 (be ) 67 SB
-1611 2118 125 (noted ) 133 SB
-1744 2118 89 (that ) 97 SB
-1841 2118 113 (there ) 121 SB
-1962 2118 44 (is ) 52 SB
-2014 2118 92 (also ) 100 SB
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-1852 2589 275 (measurement ) 282 SB
-2134 2589 41 (of) 41 SB
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-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-225 169 560 (- Number of pages retrieved) 560 SB
-225 228 527 (- Number of files retrieved) 527 SB
-375 346 1572 (The benchmark\222s goal is to control as much of the clients running environment ) 1573 SB
-1948 346 54 (as ) 55 SB
-2003 346 172 (possible.) 172 SB
-225 405 1192 (The WebSTONE has no interest in the server configuration.) 1192 SB
-375 523 121 (Since ) 122 SB
-497 523 74 (the ) 76 SB
-573 523 134 (object ) 136 SB
-709 523 44 (is ) 46 SB
-755 523 54 (to ) 56 SB
-811 523 155 (control ) 157 SB
-968 523 54 (as ) 56 SB
-1024 523 121 (much ) 123 SB
-1147 523 54 (of ) 56 SB
-1203 523 74 (the ) 76 SB
-1279 523 120 (client ) 122 SB
-1401 523 260 (environment ) 262 SB
-1663 523 54 (as ) 56 SB
-1719 523 172 (possible ) 174 SB
-1893 523 71 (we ) 73 SB
-1966 523 166 (decided ) 168 SB
-2134 523 41 (to) 41 SB
-225 582 44 (is ) 50 SB
-275 582 115 (write ) 121 SB
-396 582 74 (the ) 80 SB
-476 582 230 (benchmark ) 236 SB
-712 582 49 (in ) 55 SB
-767 582 46 (C ) 52 SB
-819 582 84 (and ) 90 SB
-909 582 78 (not ) 84 SB
-993 582 54 (to ) 60 SB
-1053 582 79 (use ) 85 SB
-1138 582 166 (existing ) 172 SB
-1310 582 108 (code ) 114 SB
-1424 582 170 (libraries ) 176 SB
-1600 582 54 (as ) 60 SB
-1660 582 97 (they ) 103 SB
-1763 582 74 (are ) 80 SB
-1843 582 78 (not ) 84 SB
-1927 582 154 (written ) 161 SB
-2088 582 87 (with) 87 SB
-225 641 262 (performance ) 264 SB
-489 641 49 (in ) 51 SB
-540 641 124 (mind. ) 126 SB
-666 641 13 ( ) 15 SB
-681 641 90 (The ) 92 SB
-773 641 230 (benchmark ) 232 SB
-1005 641 122 (sends ) 124 SB
-1129 641 139 (HTTP ) 141 SB
-1270 641 177 (requests ) 179 SB
-1449 641 54 (to ) 56 SB
-1505 641 74 (the ) 77 SB
-1582 641 134 (server ) 137 SB
-1719 641 84 (and ) 87 SB
-1806 641 98 (then ) 101 SB
-1907 641 204 (processes ) 207 SB
-2114 641 61 (the) 61 SB
-225 700 262 (performance ) 269 SB
-494 700 97 (data ) 104 SB
-598 700 119 (when ) 126 SB
-724 700 123 (done. ) 130 SB
-854 700 13 ( ) 20 SB
-874 700 99 (This ) 106 SB
-980 700 151 (insures ) 159 SB
-1139 700 89 (that ) 97 SB
-1236 700 98 (only ) 106 SB
-1342 700 74 (the ) 82 SB
-1424 700 108 (code ) 116 SB
-1540 700 203 (necessary ) 211 SB
-1751 700 54 (to ) 62 SB
-1813 700 165 (execute ) 173 SB
-1986 700 74 (the ) 82 SB
-2068 700 107 (given) 107 SB
-225 759 879 (request is performed in the most direct path.) 879 SB
-375 877 168 (Though ) 178 SB
-553 877 113 (there ) 123 SB
-676 877 85 (will ) 95 SB
-771 877 147 (always ) 157 SB
-928 877 59 (be ) 69 SB
-997 877 132 (added ) 142 SB
-1139 877 195 (overhead ) 205 SB
-1344 877 49 (in ) 59 SB
-1403 877 74 (the ) 84 SB
-1487 877 230 (benchmark ) 240 SB
-1727 877 83 (this ) 94 SB
-1821 877 161 (ensures ) 172 SB
-1993 877 74 (the ) 85 SB
-2078 877 97 (most) 97 SB
-225 936 155 (control ) 160 SB
-385 936 102 (over ) 107 SB
-492 936 74 (the ) 79 SB
-571 936 188 (accuracy ) 193 SB
-764 936 54 (of ) 59 SB
-823 936 74 (the ) 79 SB
-902 936 243 (benchmark. ) 248 SB
-1150 936 13 ( ) 18 SB
-1168 936 110 (With ) 116 SB
-1284 936 83 (this ) 89 SB
-1373 936 162 (method ) 168 SB
-1541 936 74 (the ) 80 SB
-1621 936 109 (layer ) 115 SB
-1736 936 54 (of ) 60 SB
-1796 936 166 (existing ) 172 SB
-1968 936 170 (libraries ) 176 SB
-2144 936 31 (is) 31 SB
-225 995 1754 (removed and only what is needed to measure the pure performance of the server is used.) 1754 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 1114 95 (2.3) 95 SB
-375 1114 1185 (Metrics the WebSTONE doesn\222t test) 1185 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 1289 121 (Since ) 134 SB
-509 1289 83 (this ) 96 SB
-605 1289 230 (benchmark ) 243 SB
-848 1289 44 (is ) 57 SB
-905 1289 217 (concerned ) 230 SB
-1135 1289 98 (only ) 111 SB
-1246 1289 100 (with ) 113 SB
-1359 1289 74 (the ) 87 SB
-1446 1289 134 (server ) 147 SB
-1593 1289 185 (software ) 198 SB
-1791 1289 84 (and ) 98 SB
-1889 1289 211 (hardware, ) 225 SB
-2114 1289 61 (the) 61 SB
-225 1348 267 (WebSTONE ) 273 SB
-498 1348 105 (does ) 111 SB
-609 1348 78 (not ) 84 SB
-693 1348 84 (test ) 91 SB
-784 1348 74 (the ) 81 SB
-865 1348 174 (browser ) 181 SB
-1046 1348 56 (or ) 63 SB
-1109 1348 120 (client ) 127 SB
-1236 1348 91 (side ) 98 SB
-1334 1348 249 (applications ) 256 SB
-1590 1348 56 (or ) 63 SB
-1653 1348 183 (libraries. ) 190 SB
-1843 1348 13 ( ) 20 SB
-1863 1348 13 ( ) 20 SB
-1883 1348 168 (Though ) 175 SB
-2058 1348 49 (in ) 56 SB
-2114 1348 61 (the) 61 SB
-225 1407 132 (future ) 138 SB
-363 1407 40 (it ) 46 SB
-409 1407 126 (might ) 132 SB
-541 1407 59 (be ) 65 SB
-606 1407 54 (of ) 60 SB
-666 1407 159 (interest ) 165 SB
-831 1407 54 (to ) 61 SB
-892 1407 85 (add ) 92 SB
-984 1407 83 (this ) 90 SB
-1074 1407 54 (to ) 61 SB
-1135 1407 74 (the ) 81 SB
-1216 1407 243 (benchmark. ) 250 SB
-1466 1407 13 ( ) 20 SB
-1486 1407 138 (Please ) 145 SB
-1631 1407 76 (see ) 83 SB
-1714 1407 132 (future ) 139 SB
-1853 1407 193 (additions ) 200 SB
-2053 1407 54 (to ) 61 SB
-2114 1407 61 (the) 61 SB
-225 1466 654 (benchmark in chapter 8, later on ) 655 SB
-880 1466 49 (in ) 50 SB
-930 1466 83 (this ) 84 SB
-1014 1466 124 (paper ) 125 SB
-1139 1466 71 (for ) 72 SB
-1211 1466 117 (other ) 118 SB
-1329 1466 157 (metrics ) 158 SB
-1487 1466 89 (that ) 90 SB
-1577 1466 83 (this ) 84 SB
-1661 1466 230 (benchmark ) 231 SB
-1892 1466 190 (currently ) 191 SB
-2083 1466 92 (does) 92 SB
-225 1525 837 (not test but will need to in the near future.) 837 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 1673 57 (3.) 57 SB
-375 1673 826 (WebSTONE Architecture) 826 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 1848 90 (The ) 92 SB
-467 1848 267 (WebSTONE ) 269 SB
-736 1848 248 (architecture ) 251 SB
-987 1848 44 (is ) 47 SB
-1034 1848 142 (shown ) 145 SB
-1179 1848 49 (in ) 52 SB
-1231 1848 129 (figure ) 132 SB
-1363 1848 93 (2-1. ) 96 SB
-1459 1848 13 ( ) 16 SB
-1475 1848 90 (The ) 93 SB
-1568 1848 263 (Webchildren ) 266 SB
-1834 1848 74 (are ) 77 SB
-1911 1848 214 (controlled ) 217 SB
-2128 1848 47 (by) 47 SB
-225 1907 74 (the ) 76 SB
-301 1907 320 (WebMASTER. ) 322 SB
-623 1907 13 ( ) 15 SB
-638 1907 90 (The ) 92 SB
-730 1907 307 (WebMASTER ) 309 SB
-1039 1907 174 (controls ) 177 SB
-1216 1907 74 (the ) 77 SB
-1293 1907 202 (operation ) 205 SB
-1498 1907 54 (of ) 57 SB
-1555 1907 74 (the ) 77 SB
-1632 1907 230 (benchmark ) 233 SB
-1865 1907 92 (run. ) 95 SB
-1960 1907 13 ( ) 16 SB
-1976 1907 67 (As ) 70 SB
-2046 1907 129 (shown) 129 SB
-225 1966 49 (in ) 50 SB
-275 1966 129 (figure ) 130 SB
-405 1966 80 (2-1 ) 81 SB
-486 1966 113 (there ) 114 SB
-600 1966 74 (are ) 75 SB
-675 1966 38 (4 ) 39 SB
-714 1966 263 (Webchildren ) 264 SB
-978 1966 215 (connected ) 216 SB
-1194 1966 54 (to ) 55 SB
-1249 1966 74 (the ) 75 SB
-1324 1966 139 (HTTP ) 140 SB
-1464 1966 134 (server ) 135 SB
-1599 1966 102 (over ) 103 SB
-1702 1966 35 (a ) 36 SB
-1738 1966 203 (dedicated ) 204 SB
-1942 1966 114 (LAN ) 115 SB
-2057 1966 118 (\(LAN) 118 SB
-225 2025 68 (1\). ) 77 SB
-302 2025 13 ( ) 22 SB
-324 2025 90 (The ) 99 SB
-423 2025 307 (WebMASTER ) 316 SB
-739 2025 44 (is ) 53 SB
-792 2025 190 (executed ) 199 SB
-991 2025 63 (on ) 72 SB
-1063 2025 35 (a ) 44 SB
-1107 2025 177 (separate ) 186 SB
-1293 2025 148 (system ) 158 SB
-1451 2025 157 (outside ) 167 SB
-1618 2025 54 (of ) 64 SB
-1682 2025 74 (the ) 84 SB
-1766 2025 276 (Webchildren. ) 286 SB
-2052 2025 13 ( ) 23 SB
-2075 2025 13 ( ) 23 SB
-2098 2025 77 (The) 77 SB
-225 2084 307 (WebMASTER ) 317 SB
-542 2084 81 (can ) 91 SB
-633 2084 59 (be ) 69 SB
-702 2084 79 (run ) 89 SB
-791 2084 63 (on ) 73 SB
-864 2084 85 (one ) 95 SB
-959 2084 54 (of ) 64 SB
-1023 2084 74 (the ) 85 SB
-1108 2084 139 (clients ) 150 SB
-1258 2084 56 (or ) 67 SB
-1325 2084 63 (on ) 74 SB
-1399 2084 35 (a ) 46 SB
-1445 2084 177 (separate ) 188 SB
-1633 2084 189 (machine. ) 200 SB
-1833 2084 13 ( ) 24 SB
-1857 2084 90 (The ) 101 SB
-1958 2084 217 (benchmark) 217 SB
-225 2143 190 (currently ) 191 SB
-416 2143 44 (is ) 45 SB
-461 2143 226 (configured ) 227 SB
-688 2143 54 (to ) 55 SB
-743 2143 79 (run ) 80 SB
-823 2143 74 (the ) 75 SB
-898 2143 307 (WebMASTER ) 308 SB
-1206 2143 63 (on ) 64 SB
-1270 2143 35 (a ) 36 SB
-1306 2143 176 (machine ) 177 SB
-1483 2143 89 (that ) 90 SB
-1573 2143 44 (is ) 45 SB
-1618 2143 78 (not ) 80 SB
-1698 2143 63 (on ) 65 SB
-1763 2143 74 (the ) 76 SB
-1839 2143 113 (same ) 115 SB
-1954 2143 178 (network ) 180 SB
-2134 2143 41 (as) 41 SB
-225 2202 505 (the clients and the server.) 505 SB
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-150 60 1185 2533 B
-1 F
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 143 53 1189 2537 CB
-1189 2539 117 (LAN 1) 117 SB
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-150 60 705 2533 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 143 53 709 2537 CB
-709 2539 117 (LAN 2) 117 SB
-0 lc
-0 lj
-0 0 0 pC
-0 3 SP
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-240 420 1695 2383 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 229 409 1701 2389 CB
-1763 2491 104 (HTTP) 104 SB
-gs 229 409 1701 2389 CB
-1761 2541 109 (Server) 109 SB
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 90 1245 2413 B
-1 F
-32 0 0 33 33 0 0 0 29 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 199 79 1251 2419 CB
-1251 2420 166 (Webchildren) 166 SB
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 90 975 2413 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 199 79 981 2419 CB
-981 2420 166 (Webchildren) 166 SB
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 90 1245 2683 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 199 79 1251 2689 CB
-1251 2690 166 (Webchildren) 166 SB
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 90 975 2683 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 199 79 981 2689 CB
-981 2690 166 (Webchildren) 166 SB
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 240 465 2473 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 199 229 471 2479 CB
-473 2580 194 (WebMASTER) 194 SB
-1 lc
-1 lj
-1065 2503 M 0 180 1 PP
-1365 2503 M 0 180 1 PP
-1065 2593 M 630 0 1 PP
-885 2593 M 0 -240 1 PP
-885 2593 M 0 240 1 PP
-1065 2353 M 0 60 1 PP
-1335 2353 M 0 60 1 PP
-1365 2833 M 0 -60 1 PP
-1065 2833 M 0 -60 1 PP
-675 2593 M 210 0 1 PP
-885 2833 M 480 0 1 PP
-885 2353 M 450 0 1 PP
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-1050 90 435 2903 B
-1 F
-32 0 0 58 58 0 0 0 54 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 1043 83 439 2907 CB
-439 2909 1021 (Figure 3 A WebSTONE test environment) 1021 SB
-1 #C
-statusdict begin /manualfeed false store end
-%%PageResources: font Times-Bold
-%%+ font Times-Roman
-%%Page: 8 8
-%%PageResources: (atend)
-0 0 25 11 798 1100 300 SM
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-225 2951 226 (Gene Trent) 226 SB
-225 3010 716 (Copyright \251 Silicon Graphics, 1995) 716 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 21 50 2154 2899 CB
-2154 2901 21 (8) 21 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 307 110 (With ) 116 SB
-491 307 74 (the ) 80 SB
-571 307 133 (ability ) 139 SB
-710 307 54 (to ) 60 SB
-770 307 105 (have ) 111 SB
-881 307 74 (the ) 80 SB
-961 307 307 (WebMASTER ) 313 SB
-1274 307 63 (on ) 70 SB
-1344 307 35 (a ) 42 SB
-1386 307 180 (different ) 187 SB
-1573 307 148 (system ) 155 SB
-1728 307 115 (gives ) 122 SB
-1850 307 74 (the ) 81 SB
-1931 307 196 (flexibility ) 203 SB
-2134 307 41 (to) 41 SB
-225 366 1845 (have different networks talking to the same server and to have different client configurations.) 1845 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 485 95 (3.1) 95 SB
-375 485 709 (WebSTONE Software) 709 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 660 90 (The ) 110 SB
-485 660 267 (WebSTONE ) 287 SB
-772 660 44 (is ) 64 SB
-836 660 35 (a ) 55 SB
-891 660 237 (distributed, ) 257 SB
-1148 660 281 (multi-process ) 302 SB
-1450 660 243 (benchmark. ) 264 SB
-1714 660 13 ( ) 34 SB
-1748 660 90 (The ) 111 SB
-1859 660 145 (master ) 166 SB
-2025 660 150 (process) 150 SB
-225 719 341 (\(WebMASTER\) ) 360 SB
-585 719 118 (reads ) 137 SB
-722 719 74 (the ) 93 SB
-815 719 120 (client ) 140 SB
-955 719 278 (configuration ) 298 SB
-1253 719 93 (files ) 113 SB
-1366 719 54 (as ) 74 SB
-1440 719 95 (well ) 115 SB
-1555 719 54 (as ) 74 SB
-1629 719 74 (the ) 94 SB
-1723 719 206 (command ) 226 SB
-1949 719 96 (line. ) 116 SB
-2065 719 13 ( ) 33 SB
-2098 719 77 (The) 77 SB
-225 778 307 (WebMASTER ) 311 SB
-536 778 98 (then ) 103 SB
-639 778 217 (constructs ) 222 SB
-861 778 35 (a ) 40 SB
-901 778 206 (command ) 211 SB
-1112 778 83 (line ) 88 SB
-1200 778 71 (for ) 76 SB
-1276 778 103 (each ) 108 SB
-1384 778 276 (Webchildren. ) 281 SB
-1665 778 13 ( ) 18 SB
-1683 778 90 (The ) 95 SB
-1778 778 307 (WebMASTER ) 312 SB
-2090 778 85 (then) 85 SB
-225 837 187 (remotely ) 193 SB
-418 837 158 (spawns ) 164 SB
-582 837 74 (the ) 80 SB
-662 837 276 (Webchildren. ) 282 SB
-944 837 13 ( ) 19 SB
-963 837 112 (Each ) 118 SB
-1081 837 54 (of ) 60 SB
-1141 837 74 (the ) 80 SB
-1221 837 263 (Webchildren ) 269 SB
-1490 837 98 (then ) 105 SB
-1595 837 118 (reads ) 125 SB
-1720 837 74 (the ) 81 SB
-1801 837 206 (command ) 213 SB
-2014 837 83 (line ) 90 SB
-2104 837 71 (and) 71 SB
-225 896 151 (startup ) 156 SB
-381 896 317 (communication ) 322 SB
-703 896 100 (with ) 105 SB
-808 896 74 (the ) 79 SB
-887 896 320 (WebMASTER. ) 325 SB
-1212 896 13 ( ) 18 SB
-1230 896 117 (After ) 122 SB
-1352 896 59 (all ) 64 SB
-1416 896 74 (the ) 79 SB
-1495 896 263 (Webchildren ) 268 SB
-1763 896 105 (have ) 111 SB
-1874 896 105 (been ) 111 SB
-1985 896 190 (initialized) 190 SB
-225 955 1482 (the WebMASTER instructs the Webchildren to commence the benchmark.) 1482 SB
-375 1073 67 (As ) 69 SB
-444 1073 103 (each ) 105 SB
-549 1073 263 (Webchildren ) 265 SB
-814 1073 160 (finishes ) 163 SB
-977 1073 59 (its ) 62 SB
-1039 1073 79 (run ) 82 SB
-1121 1073 74 (the ) 77 SB
-1198 1073 307 (WebMASTER ) 310 SB
-1508 1073 163 (collects ) 166 SB
-1674 1073 74 (the ) 77 SB
-1751 1073 97 (data ) 100 SB
-1851 1073 108 (from ) 111 SB
-1962 1073 103 (each ) 106 SB
-2068 1073 107 (client) 107 SB
-225 1132 84 (and ) 89 SB
-314 1132 199 (coalesces ) 204 SB
-518 1132 74 (the ) 79 SB
-597 1132 97 (data ) 102 SB
-699 1132 90 (into ) 96 SB
-795 1132 35 (a ) 41 SB
-836 1132 148 (report. ) 154 SB
-990 1132 13 ( ) 19 SB
-1009 1132 152 (During ) 158 SB
-1167 1132 74 (the ) 80 SB
-1247 1132 79 (run ) 85 SB
-1332 1132 74 (the ) 80 SB
-1412 1132 263 (Webchildren ) 269 SB
-1681 1132 74 (are ) 80 SB
-1761 1132 258 (autonomous ) 264 SB
-2025 1132 54 (of ) 60 SB
-2085 1132 90 (each) 90 SB
-225 1191 582 (other and the WebMASTER.) 582 SB
-375 1309 141 (Figure ) 142 SB
-517 1309 76 (3.1 ) 77 SB
-594 1309 137 (shows ) 139 SB
-733 1309 59 (an ) 61 SB
-794 1309 177 (example ) 179 SB
-973 1309 54 (of ) 56 SB
-1029 1309 35 (a ) 37 SB
-1066 1309 144 (typical ) 146 SB
-1212 1309 120 (client ) 122 SB
-1334 1309 164 (running ) 166 SB
-1500 1309 38 (3 ) 40 SB
-1540 1309 276 (Webchildren. ) 278 SB
-1818 1309 13 ( ) 15 SB
-1833 1309 90 (The ) 92 SB
-1925 1309 250 (Webchildren) 250 SB
-225 1368 74 (are ) 78 SB
-303 1368 186 (spawned ) 190 SB
-493 1368 60 (by ) 64 SB
-557 1368 74 (the ) 78 SB
-635 1368 320 (WebMASTER. ) 324 SB
-959 1368 13 ( ) 18 SB
-977 1368 112 (Each ) 117 SB
-1094 1368 200 (Webchild ) 205 SB
-1299 1368 98 (then ) 103 SB
-1402 1368 118 (reads ) 123 SB
-1525 1368 59 (its ) 64 SB
-1589 1368 278 (configuration ) 283 SB
-1872 1368 93 (files ) 98 SB
-1970 1368 84 (and ) 89 SB
-2059 1368 116 (opens) 116 SB
-225 1427 513 (log files if part of the test.) 513 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 241 121 1515 1683 CB
-1515 1685 104 (HTTP) 104 SB
-gs 241 121 1515 1683 CB
-1515 1735 109 (Server) 109 SB
-1 lc
-1 lj
-0 0 0 pC
-0 1 SP
-gs 151 1 675 1683 CB
-825 1683 M -150 0 1 PP
-gs 1 301 1215 1653 CB
-1215 1653 M 0 300 1 PP
-gs 1 541 675 1683 CB
-675 1683 M 0 540 1 PP
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 60 855 1653 B
-1 F
-32 0 0 33 33 0 0 0 29 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 211 61 855 1653 CB
-855 1654 166 (Webchildren) 166 SB
-120 45 944 1667 E
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 60 855 1773 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 211 61 855 1773 CB
-855 1774 166 (Webchildren) 166 SB
-120 45 944 1787 E
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-210 60 855 1923 B
-1 F
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 211 61 855 1923 CB
-855 1924 166 (Webchildren) 166 SB
-120 45 944 1937 E
-0 lc
-0 lj
-0 3 SP
-930 750 555 1593 B
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-90 120 915 2133 B
-1 F
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 83 113 919 2137 CB
-919 2139 66 (Log) 66 SB
-gs 83 113 919 2137 CB
-919 2189 71 (files) 71 SB
-1 lc
-1 lj
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-45 30 959 2102 E
-1 F
-1005 2103 M 0 180 1 PP
-915 2103 M 0 180 1 PP
-/fm 256 def
-45 30 959 2282 E
-1 F
-814 1653 M -368 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-0 0 0 fC
-/fm 256 def
-450 1663 M 15 10 -15 10 0 -20 3 PP
-1 F
-/fm 256 def
-810 1643 M -15 -10 15 -10 0 20 3 PP
-1 F
-0 3 SP
-814 1773 M -368 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
-450 1783 M 15 10 -15 9 0 -19 3 PP
-1 F
-/fm 256 def
-810 1764 M -15 -9 15 -10 0 19 3 PP
-1 F
-0 3 SP
-814 1923 M -368 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
-450 1933 M 15 10 -15 10 0 -20 3 PP
-1 F
-/fm 256 def
-810 1913 M -15 -10 15 -10 0 20 3 PP
-1 F
-32 0 0 38 38 0 0 0 34 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 241 61 315 1593 CB
-315 1595 233 ( WebMASTER) 233 SB
-gs 241 61 315 1711 CB
-315 1713 233 ( WebMASTER) 233 SB
-gs 241 61 315 1863 CB
-315 1865 233 ( WebMASTER) 233 SB
-0 3 SP
-1076 1653 M 128 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
-1200 1643 M -15 -10 15 -10 0 20 3 PP
-1 F
-/fm 256 def
-1080 1663 M 15 10 -15 10 0 -20 3 PP
-1 F
-0 3 SP
-1076 1803 M 128 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
-1200 1794 M -15 -9 15 -10 0 19 3 PP
-1 F
-/fm 256 def
-1080 1813 M 15 10 -15 9 0 -19 3 PP
-1 F
-0 3 SP
-1076 1953 M 128 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
-1200 1943 M -15 -10 15 -10 0 20 3 PP
-1 F
-/fm 256 def
-1080 1963 M 15 10 -15 10 0 -20 3 PP
-1 F
-0 3 SP
-1226 1803 M 428 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
-1650 1794 M -15 -9 15 -10 0 19 3 PP
-1 F
-/fm 256 def
-1230 1813 M 15 10 -15 9 0 -19 3 PP
-1 F
-gs 151 1 675 1803 CB
-825 1803 M -150 0 1 PP
-gs 151 1 675 1953 CB
-825 1953 M -150 0 1 PP
-0 3 SP
-675 2223 M 229 0 1 PP
-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
-900 2213 M -15 -10 15 -10 0 20 3 PP
-1 F
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-120 120 1155 2133 B
-1 F
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-gs 113 113 1159 2137 CB
-1159 2139 106 (config) 106 SB
-gs 113 113 1159 2137 CB
-1159 2189 71 (files) 71 SB
-0 3 SP
-255 255 255 fC
-/fm 256 def
-60 30 1214 2102 E
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-1 F
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-/fm 256 def
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-1 F
-0 3 SP
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-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
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-1 F
-0 3 SP
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-0 1 SP
-/fm 256 def
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-1 F
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-717 1622 13 ( ) 17 SB
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-1788 581 197 (however, ) 209 SB
-1997 581 40 (it ) 52 SB
-2049 581 44 (is ) 56 SB
-2105 581 70 (still) 70 SB
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-1434 640 13 ( ) 14 SB
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-367 1993 54 (as ) 62 SB
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-521 1993 54 (as ) 62 SB
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-665 1993 134 (server ) 142 SB
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-1964 2297 74 (are ) 75 SB
-2039 2297 93 (able ) 95 SB
-2134 2297 41 (to) 41 SB
-300 2356 651 (be brought to bear on the server.) 651 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 50 /Symbol font
-225 2413 36 (\267 ) 75 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-300 2418 1703 (The number of pages. The more pages that are requested test other aspects of server.) 1703 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 2596 579 (6.1 Page selection) 579 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 2771 1140 (Each page in the mix has a percentage associated with it. ) 1141 SB
-1516 2771 13 ( ) 14 SB
-1530 2771 99 (This ) 100 SB
-1630 2771 229 (percentage ) 230 SB
-1860 2771 44 (is ) 45 SB
-1905 2771 74 (the ) 75 SB
-1980 2771 195 (weighting) 195 SB
-225 2830 143 (factor. ) 151 SB
-376 2830 13 ( ) 21 SB
-397 2830 90 (The ) 98 SB
-495 2830 137 (higher ) 145 SB
-640 2830 74 (the ) 82 SB
-722 2830 162 (number ) 170 SB
-892 2830 74 (the ) 82 SB
-974 2830 115 (more ) 123 SB
-1097 2830 178 (frequent ) 186 SB
-1283 2830 74 (the ) 82 SB
-1365 2830 107 (page ) 115 SB
-1480 2830 85 (will ) 93 SB
-1573 2830 59 (be ) 67 SB
-1640 2830 77 (hit. ) 85 SB
-1725 2830 13 ( ) 21 SB
-1746 2830 48 (A ) 56 SB
-1802 2830 164 (random ) 172 SB
-1974 2830 162 (number ) 170 SB
-2144 2830 31 (is) 31 SB
-1 #C
-statusdict begin /manualfeed false store end
-%%PageResources: font Symbol
-%%+ font Times-Bold
-%%+ font Times-Roman
-%%Page: 13 13
-%%PageResources: (atend)
-0 0 25 11 798 1100 300 SM
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-0 0 0 fC
-225 2951 226 (Gene Trent) 226 SB
-225 3010 716 (Copyright \251 Silicon Graphics, 1995) 716 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (13) 42 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-225 169 833 (generated and then compared to the page ) 834 SB
-1059 169 160 (weight. ) 161 SB
-1220 169 13 ( ) 14 SB
-1234 169 45 (If ) 46 SB
-1280 169 74 (the ) 75 SB
-1355 169 164 (random ) 165 SB
-1520 169 162 (number ) 163 SB
-1683 169 174 (matches ) 175 SB
-1858 169 74 (the ) 75 SB
-1933 169 107 (page ) 108 SB
-2041 169 134 (weight) 134 SB
-225 228 98 (then ) 100 SB
-325 228 89 (that ) 91 SB
-416 228 142 (pages\222 ) 144 SB
-560 228 93 (files ) 95 SB
-655 228 74 (are ) 76 SB
-731 228 189 (retrieved ) 192 SB
-923 228 85 (one ) 88 SB
-1011 228 50 (at ) 53 SB
-1064 228 35 (a ) 38 SB
-1102 228 112 (time. ) 115 SB
-1217 228 13 ( ) 16 SB
-1233 228 112 (Each ) 115 SB
-1348 228 263 (Webchildren ) 266 SB
-1614 228 78 (has ) 81 SB
-1695 228 59 (its ) 62 SB
-1757 228 99 (own ) 102 SB
-1859 228 164 (random ) 167 SB
-2026 228 149 (number) 149 SB
-225 287 194 (sequence.) 194 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 406 498 (6.2 Page Access) 498 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 581 117 (After ) 119 SB
-494 581 35 (a ) 38 SB
-532 581 107 (page ) 110 SB
-642 581 44 (is ) 47 SB
-689 581 172 (selected ) 175 SB
-864 581 60 (by ) 63 SB
-927 581 164 (random ) 167 SB
-1094 581 147 (weight ) 150 SB
-1244 581 98 (then ) 101 SB
-1345 581 103 (each ) 106 SB
-1451 581 200 (Webchild ) 203 SB
-1654 581 178 (contacts ) 181 SB
-1835 581 74 (the ) 77 SB
-1912 581 139 (HTTP ) 142 SB
-2054 581 121 (server) 121 SB
-225 640 84 (and ) 88 SB
-313 640 177 (requests ) 181 SB
-494 640 74 (the ) 78 SB
-572 640 91 (first ) 95 SB
-667 640 74 (file ) 78 SB
-745 640 54 (of ) 58 SB
-803 640 74 (the ) 78 SB
-881 640 120 (page. ) 124 SB
-1005 640 13 ( ) 17 SB
-1022 640 117 (After ) 121 SB
-1143 640 74 (the ) 78 SB
-1221 640 200 (Webchild ) 204 SB
-1425 640 173 (receives ) 177 SB
-1602 640 74 (the ) 78 SB
-1680 640 91 (first ) 95 SB
-1775 640 107 (page ) 112 SB
-1887 640 40 (it ) 45 SB
-1932 640 177 (requests ) 182 SB
-2114 640 61 (the) 61 SB
-225 699 98 (next ) 101 SB
-326 699 85 (one ) 89 SB
-415 699 101 (until ) 105 SB
-520 699 59 (all ) 63 SB
-583 699 74 (the ) 78 SB
-661 699 93 (files ) 97 SB
-758 699 71 (for ) 75 SB
-833 699 89 (that ) 93 SB
-926 699 107 (page ) 111 SB
-1037 699 105 (have ) 109 SB
-1146 699 105 (been ) 109 SB
-1255 699 218 (requested. ) 222 SB
-1477 699 13 ( ) 17 SB
-1494 699 73 (On ) 77 SB
-1571 699 103 (each ) 107 SB
-1678 699 107 (page ) 111 SB
-1789 699 74 (the ) 78 SB
-1867 699 99 (time ) 103 SB
-1970 699 40 (it ) 44 SB
-2014 699 116 (takes ) 120 SB
-2134 699 41 (to) 41 SB
-225 758 1465 (connect and down load the file is recorded and log if logging is turned on.) 1465 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 936 733 (6.3 Duration of the test) 733 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 1111 90 (The ) 100 SB
-475 1111 267 (WebSTONE ) 277 SB
-752 1111 44 (is ) 54 SB
-806 1111 187 (designed ) 197 SB
-1003 1111 54 (to ) 64 SB
-1067 1111 79 (run ) 89 SB
-1156 1111 101 (until ) 112 SB
-1268 1111 74 (the ) 85 SB
-1353 1111 139 (clients ) 150 SB
-1503 1111 79 (run ) 90 SB
-1593 1111 79 (out ) 90 SB
-1683 1111 54 (of ) 65 SB
-1748 1111 175 (memory ) 186 SB
-1934 1111 56 (or ) 67 SB
-2001 1111 74 (the ) 85 SB
-2086 1111 89 (loop) 89 SB
-225 1170 164 (counter ) 165 SB
-390 1170 83 (hits ) 84 SB
-474 1170 151 (20000. ) 152 SB
-626 1170 13 ( ) 14 SB
-640 1170 90 (The ) 91 SB
-731 1170 102 (loop ) 103 SB
-834 1170 164 (counter ) 165 SB
-999 1170 44 (is ) 45 SB
-1044 1170 74 (the ) 75 SB
-1119 1170 133 (ability ) 134 SB
-1253 1170 54 (to ) 55 SB
-1308 1170 79 (run ) 80 SB
-1388 1170 35 (a ) 36 SB
-1424 1170 84 (test ) 85 SB
-1509 1170 49 (in ) 50 SB
-1559 1170 203 (repetition ) 204 SB
-1763 1170 54 (as ) 55 SB
-1818 1170 54 (to ) 56 SB
-1874 1170 112 (time. ) 114 SB
-1988 1170 13 ( ) 15 SB
-2003 1170 99 (This ) 101 SB
-2104 1170 71 (test) 71 SB
-225 1229 44 (is ) 45 SB
-270 1229 148 (limited ) 149 SB
-419 1229 169 (because ) 170 SB
-589 1229 54 (of ) 55 SB
-644 1229 13 ( ) 14 SB
-658 1229 120 (client ) 121 SB
-779 1229 188 (memory. ) 189 SB
-968 1229 13 ( ) 14 SB
-982 1229 45 (If ) 46 SB
-1028 1229 120 (client ) 121 SB
-1149 1229 175 (memory ) 176 SB
-1325 1229 44 (is ) 45 SB
-1370 1229 78 (not ) 79 SB
-1449 1229 59 (an ) 60 SB
-1509 1229 110 (issue ) 111 SB
-1620 1229 83 (this ) 84 SB
-1704 1229 162 (number ) 163 SB
-1867 1229 81 (can ) 83 SB
-1950 1229 59 (be ) 61 SB
-2011 1229 164 (changed) 164 SB
-225 1288 1483 (and the benchmark recompiled. Most tests do not last longer than 1 hour..) 1483 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 1466 696 (7. Benchmark Results) 696 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 1641 90 (The ) 91 SB
-466 1641 201 (following ) 202 SB
-668 1641 44 (is ) 45 SB
-713 1641 35 (a ) 36 SB
-749 1641 144 (typical ) 145 SB
-894 1641 79 (run ) 80 SB
-974 1641 54 (of ) 55 SB
-1029 1641 74 (the ) 75 SB
-1104 1641 243 (benchmark. ) 244 SB
-1348 1641 13 ( ) 14 SB
-1362 1641 90 (The ) 91 SB
-1453 1641 91 (first ) 92 SB
-1545 1641 79 (run ) 81 SB
-1626 1641 44 (is ) 46 SB
-1672 1641 54 (of ) 56 SB
-1728 1641 74 (the ) 76 SB
-1804 1641 230 (benchmark ) 232 SB
-2036 1641 139 (against) 139 SB
-225 1700 962 (the Netsite server followed by the NCSA server.) 962 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-225 1847 943 (The following parameters were modified to run the test:) 943 SB
-225 1897 204 (nm_clusters) 204 SB
-225 1947 279 (somaxconn = 50) 279 SB
-225 1997 334 (nm_clusters = 4000) 334 SB
-225 2047 371 (tcp_keepidle = \(1200\)) 371 SB
-225 2097 488 (tcp_keep_timer_in_close = 1) 488 SB
-225 2197 333 (Hardware platform:) 333 SB
-225 2297 459 (1 150 MHZ IP22 Processor) 459 SB
-225 2347 897 (FPU: MIPS R4010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0) 897 SB
-225 2397 822 (CPU: MIPS R4400 Processor Chip Revision: 5.0) 822 SB
-225 2447 403 (On-board serial ports: 2) 403 SB
-225 2497 617 (On-board bi-directional parallel port) 617 SB
-225 2547 453 (Data cache size: 16 Kbytes) 453 SB
-225 2597 557 (Instruction cache size: 16 Kbytes) 557 SB
-225 2647 924 (Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 1 Mbyte) 924 SB
-225 2697 534 (Main memory size: 256 Mbytes) 534 SB
-225 2747 934 (Integral ISDN: Basic Rate Interface unit 0, revision 1.0) 934 SB
-225 2797 1077 (XPI FDDI controller: xpi0, firmware version 9411032038, SAS) 1077 SB
-225 2847 546 (Integral Ethernet: ec3, version 1) 546 SB
-1 #C
-statusdict begin /manualfeed false store end
-%%PageResources: font Times-Bold
-%%+ font Times-Roman
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-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-225 2951 226 (Gene Trent) 226 SB
-225 3010 716 (Copyright \251 Silicon Graphics, 1995) 716 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (14) 42 SB
-225 169 546 (Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 1) 546 SB
-225 219 1215 (Integral SCSI controller 5: Version WD33C95A, differential, revision 0) 1215 SB
-225 269 657 (Disk drive: unit 4 on SCSI controller 5) 657 SB
-225 319 657 (Disk drive: unit 3 on SCSI controller 5) 657 SB
-225 369 657 (Disk drive: unit 2 on SCSI controller 5) 657 SB
-225 419 657 (Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 5) 657 SB
-225 469 1215 (Integral SCSI controller 4: Version WD33C95A, differential, revision 0) 1215 SB
-225 519 1012 (Integral SCSI controller 0: Version WD33C93B, revision D) 1012 SB
-225 569 657 (Disk drive: unit 5 on SCSI controller 0) 657 SB
-225 619 633 (CDROM: unit 4 on SCSI controller 0) 633 SB
-225 669 657 (Disk drive: unit 2 on SCSI controller 0) 657 SB
-225 769 1633 (The file set used for this test is listed below. In this case a general and media rich mix was used.) 1633 SB
-225 869 1097 (#This file is used to configure the pages and files to be tested for.) 1097 SB
-225 919 21 (6) 21 SB
-225 969 74 (40 3) 74 SB
-225 1019 199 (/file3k.html) 199 SB
-225 1069 199 (/file4k.html) 199 SB
-225 1119 199 (/file5k.html) 199 SB
-225 1169 53 (5 3) 53 SB
-225 1219 220 (/file10k.html) 220 SB
-225 1269 220 (/file17k.html) 220 SB
-225 1319 220 (/file20k.html) 220 SB
-225 1369 53 (5 2) 53 SB
-225 1419 211 (/file5m.html) 211 SB
-225 1469 211 (/file1m.html) 211 SB
-225 1519 74 (20 3) 74 SB
-225 1569 199 (/file6k.html) 199 SB
-225 1619 199 (/file7k.html) 199 SB
-225 1669 241 (/file200k.html) 241 SB
-225 1719 74 (20 2) 74 SB
-225 1769 211 (/file3m.html) 211 SB
-225 1819 220 (/file21k.html) 220 SB
-225 1869 74 (10 2) 74 SB
-225 1919 241 (/file500k.html) 241 SB
-225 1969 220 (/file13k.html) 220 SB
-225 2069 1890 (What follows is the results of a test ran for 10 minutes with the above page sets. The first set of data is from the) 1890 SB
-225 2119 242 (Netsite server.) 242 SB
-225 2219 182 (Netsite 1.0) 182 SB
-225 2269 1428 (********************************************************************) 1428 SB
-225 2319 1239 (/usr/local/bin/webstone -w xpi0-alfalfa -c sulu:2959 -u filelist -t 35 -n %d) 1239 SB
-225 2369 773 (Client: gateweb-indy8 Number of Clients: 6) 773 SB
-225 2419 773 (Client: gateweb-indy9 Number of Clients: 6) 773 SB
-225 2469 783 (Client: gateweb-indy10 Number of Clients: 6) 783 SB
-225 2519 783 (Client: gateweb-indy11 Number of Clients: 6) 783 SB
-225 2619 616 (Waiting for READY from 24 clients) 616 SB
-225 2669 375 (All READYs received) 375 SB
-225 2719 428 (Sending GO to all clients) 428 SB
-225 2769 793 (All clients started at Fri Mar 17 11:23:10 1995) 793 SB
-225 2819 516 (Waiting for clients completion) 516 SB
-1 #C
-statusdict begin /manualfeed false store end
-%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
-%%Page: 15 15
-%%PageResources: (atend)
-0 0 25 11 798 1100 300 SM
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-225 2951 226 (Gene Trent) 226 SB
-225 3010 716 (Copyright \251 Silicon Graphics, 1995) 716 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (15) 42 SB
-225 169 780 (All clients ended at Fri Mar 17 11:58:34 1995) 780 SB
-225 219 145 (Page # 0) 145 SB
-225 269 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 319 692 (Total number of times page was hit 6649) 692 SB
-225 369 560 (Total time 4238.492450 seconds) 560 SB
-225 419 611 (Maximum Response time 2.071999) 611 SB
-225 469 666 (Total connect time for page 77.660191) 666 SB
-225 519 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.052151) 615 SB
-225 569 655 (Total amount of data moved 81702912) 655 SB
-225 619 273 (Page size 12288) 273 SB
-225 669 546 (Total number of connects 19947) 546 SB
-225 719 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 819 145 (Page # 1) 145 SB
-225 869 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 919 671 (Total number of times page was hit 607) 671 SB
-225 969 539 (Total time 526.552497 seconds) 539 SB
-225 1019 611 (Maximum Response time 1.805497) 611 SB
-225 1069 645 (Total connect time for page 8.111734) 645 SB
-225 1119 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.036912) 615 SB
-225 1169 655 (Total amount of data moved 29213696) 655 SB
-225 1219 273 (Page size 48128) 273 SB
-225 1269 525 (Total number of connects 1821) 525 SB
-225 1319 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1419 145 (Page # 2) 145 SB
-225 1469 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1519 671 (Total number of times page was hit 980) 671 SB
-225 1569 581 (Total time 15710.908864 seconds) 581 SB
-225 1619 632 (Maximum Response time 22.764984) 632 SB
-225 1669 666 (Total connect time for page 19.605667) 666 SB
-225 1719 615 (Maximum time to connect 5.785718) 615 SB
-225 1769 697 (Total amount of data moved 6165626880) 697 SB
-225 1819 315 (Page size 6291456) 315 SB
-225 1869 525 (Total number of connects 1960) 525 SB
-225 1919 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2019 145 (Page # 3) 145 SB
-225 2069 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2119 692 (Total number of times page was hit 2866) 692 SB
-225 2169 560 (Total time 2581.663009 seconds) 560 SB
-225 2219 611 (Maximum Response time 3.341992) 611 SB
-225 2269 666 (Total connect time for page 33.253920) 666 SB
-225 2319 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.046310) 615 SB
-225 2369 676 (Total amount of data moved 625108992) 676 SB
-225 2419 294 (Page size 218112) 294 SB
-225 2469 525 (Total number of connects 8598) 525 SB
-225 2519 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2619 145 (Page # 4) 145 SB
-225 2669 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2719 692 (Total number of times page was hit 3040) 692 SB
-225 2769 581 (Total time 25083.667145 seconds) 581 SB
-225 2819 632 (Maximum Response time 11.803875) 632 SB
-1 #C
-statusdict begin /manualfeed false store end
-%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
-%%Page: 16 16
-%%PageResources: (atend)
-0 0 25 11 798 1100 300 SM
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-225 2951 226 (Gene Trent) 226 SB
-225 3010 716 (Copyright \251 Silicon Graphics, 1995) 716 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (16) 42 SB
-225 169 666 (Total connect time for page 26.375753) 666 SB
-225 219 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.036555) 615 SB
-225 269 697 (Total amount of data moved 9628385280) 697 SB
-225 319 315 (Page size 3167232) 315 SB
-225 369 525 (Total number of connects 6080) 525 SB
-225 419 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 519 145 (Page # 5) 145 SB
-225 569 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 619 692 (Total number of times page was hit 1628) 692 SB
-225 669 560 (Total time 2148.113647 seconds) 560 SB
-225 719 611 (Maximum Response time 2.793287) 611 SB
-225 769 666 (Total connect time for page 14.345538) 666 SB
-225 819 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.036117) 615 SB
-225 869 676 (Total amount of data moved 855207936) 676 SB
-225 919 294 (Page size 525312) 294 SB
-225 969 525 (Total number of connects 3256) 525 SB
-225 1019 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1119 816 (==================================) 816 SB
-225 1169 453 (WEBSTONE number: 450) 453 SB
-225 1219 459 (Total number of clients: 24) 459 SB
-225 1269 1051 (Total cumulative time of test for all hosts \(sec\): 50333.931099) 1051 SB
-225 1319 872 (Total number of pages retrieved from server: 15770) 872 SB
-225 1369 583 (Total number of errors to server: 0) 583 SB
-225 1419 714 (Total number of connects to server: 41672) 714 SB
-225 1469 756 (Average time per connect: 0.004304 seconds) 756 SB
-225 1519 769 (Maximum time to connect: 5.782854 seconds) 769 SB
-225 1569 711 (Total mount of data moved: 17409474560) 711 SB
-225 1619 1438 (Total bytes of body moved: 17401507840 bytes.Total bytes of header moved 7966720) 1438 SB
-225 1669 1081 (Average body size: 417583 bytes. Average retrieval size 417774) 1081 SB
-225 1719 470 (Thruput = 345879 bytes/sec) 470 SB
-225 1769 719 (Average Response time: 1.207859 seconds) 719 SB
-225 1819 775 (Maximum Response time: 19.524160 seconds) 775 SB
-225 1969 1491 (***********************************************************************) 1491 SB
-225 2019 175 (NCSA 1.3) 175 SB
-225 2069 1512 (************************************************************************) 1512 SB
-225 2169 1380 (/usr/local/bin/webstone -w xpi0-alfalfa -c sulu:2920 -p 1081 -u filelist -t 35 -n %d) 1380 SB
-225 2219 773 (Client: gateweb-indy8 Number of Clients: 6) 773 SB
-225 2269 773 (Client: gateweb-indy9 Number of Clients: 6) 773 SB
-225 2319 783 (Client: gateweb-indy10 Number of Clients: 6) 783 SB
-225 2369 783 (Client: gateweb-indy11 Number of Clients: 6) 783 SB
-225 2469 616 (Waiting for READY from 24 clients) 616 SB
-225 2519 375 (All READYs received) 375 SB
-225 2569 428 (Sending GO to all clients) 428 SB
-225 2619 793 (All clients started at Fri Mar 17 10:46:38 1995) 793 SB
-225 2669 516 (Waiting for clients completion) 516 SB
-225 2719 780 (All clients ended at Fri Mar 17 11:22:02 1995) 780 SB
-225 2769 145 (Page # 0) 145 SB
-225 2819 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-1 #C
-statusdict begin /manualfeed false store end
-%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
-%%Page: 17 17
-%%PageResources: (atend)
-0 0 25 11 798 1100 300 SM
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-0 0 0 fC
-225 2951 226 (Gene Trent) 226 SB
-225 3010 716 (Copyright \251 Silicon Graphics, 1995) 716 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (17) 42 SB
-225 169 692 (Total number of times page was hit 1414) 692 SB
-225 219 581 (Total time 16772.472590 seconds) 581 SB
-225 269 632 (Maximum Response time 23.797445) 632 SB
-225 319 666 (Total connect time for page 93.585630) 666 SB
-225 369 615 (Maximum time to connect 5.997783) 615 SB
-225 419 655 (Total amount of data moved 17375232) 655 SB
-225 469 273 (Page size 12288) 273 SB
-225 519 525 (Total number of connects 4242) 525 SB
-225 569 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 669 145 (Page # 1) 145 SB
-225 719 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 769 671 (Total number of times page was hit 144) 671 SB
-225 819 560 (Total time 1797.158479 seconds) 560 SB
-225 869 632 (Maximum Response time 23.050203) 632 SB
-225 919 645 (Total connect time for page 0.673942) 645 SB
-225 969 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.013216) 615 SB
-225 1019 634 (Total amount of data moved 6930432) 634 SB
-225 1069 273 (Page size 48128) 273 SB
-225 1119 504 (Total number of connects 432) 504 SB
-225 1169 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1269 145 (Page # 2) 145 SB
-225 1319 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1369 671 (Total number of times page was hit 102) 671 SB
-225 1419 560 (Total time 4813.787541 seconds) 560 SB
-225 1469 632 (Maximum Response time 56.573603) 632 SB
-225 1519 645 (Total connect time for page 6.192456) 645 SB
-225 1569 615 (Maximum time to connect 5.905150) 615 SB
-225 1619 676 (Total amount of data moved 641728512) 676 SB
-225 1669 315 (Page size 6291456) 315 SB
-225 1719 504 (Total number of connects 204) 504 SB
-225 1769 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1869 145 (Page # 3) 145 SB
-225 1919 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1969 671 (Total number of times page was hit 580) 671 SB
-225 2019 560 (Total time 7588.192121 seconds) 560 SB
-225 2069 632 (Maximum Response time 25.115934) 632 SB
-225 2119 645 (Total connect time for page 2.897182) 645 SB
-225 2169 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.019975) 615 SB
-225 2219 676 (Total amount of data moved 126504960) 676 SB
-225 2269 294 (Page size 218112) 294 SB
-225 2319 525 (Total number of connects 1740) 525 SB
-225 2369 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2469 145 (Page # 4) 145 SB
-225 2519 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2569 671 (Total number of times page was hit 600) 671 SB
-225 2619 581 (Total time 16247.815216 seconds) 581 SB
-225 2669 632 (Maximum Response time 39.003870) 632 SB
-225 2719 645 (Total connect time for page 1.790447) 645 SB
-225 2769 615 (Maximum time to connect 0.015736) 615 SB
-225 2819 697 (Total amount of data moved 1900339200) 697 SB
-1 #C
-statusdict begin /manualfeed false store end
-%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
-%%Page: 18 18
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-0 0 25 11 798 1100 300 SM
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-0 0 0 fC
-225 2951 226 (Gene Trent) 226 SB
-225 3010 716 (Copyright \251 Silicon Graphics, 1995) 716 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (18) 42 SB
-225 169 315 (Page size 3167232) 315 SB
-225 219 525 (Total number of connects 1200) 525 SB
-225 269 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 369 145 (Page # 5) 145 SB
-225 419 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 469 671 (Total number of times page was hit 294) 671 SB
-225 519 560 (Total time 2922.036210 seconds) 560 SB
-225 569 632 (Maximum Response time 20.210504) 632 SB
-225 619 666 (Total connect time for page 18.487052) 666 SB
-225 669 615 (Maximum time to connect 5.843007) 615 SB
-225 719 676 (Total amount of data moved 154441728) 676 SB
-225 769 294 (Page size 525312) 294 SB
-225 819 504 (Total number of connects 588) 504 SB
-225 869 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 969 816 (==================================) 816 SB
-225 1019 432 (WEBSTONE number: 89) 432 SB
-225 1069 459 (Total number of clients: 24) 459 SB
-225 1119 1051 (Total cumulative time of test for all hosts \(sec\): 50244.193163) 1051 SB
-225 1169 851 (Total number of pages retrieved from server: 3134) 851 SB
-225 1219 583 (Total number of errors to server: 0) 583 SB
-225 1269 693 (Total number of connects to server: 8420) 693 SB
-225 1319 756 (Average time per connect: 0.014684 seconds) 756 SB
-225 1369 769 (Maximum time to connect: 5.995063 seconds) 769 SB
-225 1419 690 (Total mount of data moved: 2848899584) 690 SB
-225 1469 1417 (Total bytes of body moved: 2847382528 bytes.Total bytes of header moved 1517056) 1417 SB
-225 1519 1081 (Average body size: 338169 bytes. Average retrieval size 338349) 1081 SB
-225 1569 460 (Thruput = 56701 bytes/sec) 460 SB
-225 1619 719 (Average Response time: 5.967243 seconds) 719 SB
-225 1669 775 (Maximum Response time: 42.658441 seconds) 775 SB
-225 1769 904 (cern 3.0 ************************************) 904 SB
-225 1819 1380 (/usr/local/bin/webstone -w xpi0-alfalfa -c sulu:2996 -p 1080 -u filelist -t 45 -n %d) 1380 SB
-225 1869 773 (Client: gateweb-indy8 Number of Clients: 6) 773 SB
-225 1919 773 (Client: gateweb-indy9 Number of Clients: 6) 773 SB
-225 1969 783 (Client: gateweb-indy10 Number of Clients: 6) 783 SB
-225 2019 783 (Client: gateweb-indy11 Number of Clients: 6) 783 SB
-225 2119 616 (Waiting for READY from 24 clients) 616 SB
-225 2169 375 (All READYs received) 375 SB
-225 2219 428 (Sending GO to all clients) 428 SB
-225 2269 793 (All clients started at Fri Mar 17 15:10:43 1995) 793 SB
-225 2319 516 (Waiting for clients completion) 516 SB
-225 2369 780 (All clients ended at Fri Mar 17 15:56:07 1995) 780 SB
-225 2419 145 (Page # 0) 145 SB
-225 2469 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2519 692 (Total number of times page was hit 3724) 692 SB
-225 2569 581 (Total time 16302.320093 seconds) 581 SB
-225 2619 632 (Maximum Response time 62.488345) 632 SB
-225 2669 708 (Total connect time for page 7149.901812) 708 SB
-225 2719 636 (Maximum time to connect 59.671519) 636 SB
-225 2769 655 (Total amount of data moved 45530112) 655 SB
-225 2819 273 (Page size 12288) 273 SB
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-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (19) 42 SB
-225 169 546 (Total number of connects 11105) 546 SB
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-225 319 145 (Page # 1) 145 SB
-225 369 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 419 671 (Total number of times page was hit 501) 671 SB
-225 469 560 (Total time 2637.893006 seconds) 560 SB
-225 519 632 (Maximum Response time 38.798005) 632 SB
-225 569 708 (Total connect time for page 1229.359340) 708 SB
-225 619 636 (Maximum time to connect 35.484663) 636 SB
-225 669 655 (Total amount of data moved 24018944) 655 SB
-225 719 273 (Page size 48128) 273 SB
-225 769 525 (Total number of connects 1496) 525 SB
-225 819 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 919 145 (Page # 2) 145 SB
-225 969 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1019 671 (Total number of times page was hit 432) 671 SB
-225 1069 560 (Total time 3164.881323 seconds) 560 SB
-225 1119 632 (Maximum Response time 41.850207) 632 SB
-225 1169 708 (Total connect time for page 1267.914110) 708 SB
-225 1219 636 (Maximum time to connect 35.819251) 636 SB
-225 1269 697 (Total amount of data moved 2707423232) 697 SB
-225 1319 315 (Page size 6291456) 315 SB
-225 1369 504 (Total number of connects 862) 504 SB
-225 1419 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1519 145 (Page # 3) 145 SB
-225 1569 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 1619 692 (Total number of times page was hit 2080) 692 SB
-225 1669 560 (Total time 8849.459607 seconds) 560 SB
-225 1719 632 (Maximum Response time 63.461733) 632 SB
-225 1769 708 (Total connect time for page 3450.850531) 708 SB
-225 1819 636 (Maximum time to connect 59.909275) 636 SB
-225 1869 676 (Total amount of data moved 453441536) 676 SB
-225 1919 294 (Page size 218112) 294 SB
-225 1969 525 (Total number of connects 6205) 525 SB
-225 2019 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2119 145 (Page # 4) 145 SB
-225 2169 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
-225 2219 692 (Total number of times page was hit 1732) 692 SB
-225 2269 581 (Total time 10588.881744 seconds) 581 SB
-225 2319 632 (Maximum Response time 63.663196) 632 SB
-225 2369 708 (Total connect time for page 5386.565167) 708 SB
-225 2419 636 (Maximum time to connect 59.516712) 636 SB
-225 2469 697 (Total amount of data moved 5447897088) 697 SB
-225 2519 315 (Page size 3167232) 315 SB
-225 2569 525 (Total number of connects 3452) 525 SB
-225 2619 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
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-225 2769 1944 (=================================================================================) 1944 SB
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-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (20) 42 SB
-225 169 560 (Total time 3968.363226 seconds) 560 SB
-225 219 632 (Maximum Response time 62.245675) 632 SB
-225 269 708 (Total connect time for page 2099.311825) 708 SB
-225 319 636 (Maximum time to connect 59.244292) 636 SB
-225 369 676 (Total amount of data moved 491273216) 676 SB
-225 419 294 (Page size 525312) 294 SB
-225 469 525 (Total number of connects 1878) 525 SB
-225 519 1896 (===============================================================================) 1896 SB
-225 619 816 (==================================) 816 SB
-225 669 453 (WEBSTONE number: 209) 453 SB
-225 719 459 (Total number of clients: 24) 459 SB
-225 769 1051 (Total cumulative time of test for all hosts \(sec\): 45943.710179) 1051 SB
-225 819 851 (Total number of pages retrieved from server: 9412) 851 SB
-225 869 625 (Total number of errors to server: 247) 625 SB
-225 919 714 (Total number of connects to server: 25167) 714 SB
-225 969 756 (Average time per connect: 0.823767 seconds) 756 SB
-225 1019 790 (Maximum time to connect: 30.002288 seconds) 790 SB
-225 1069 690 (Total mount of data moved: 9394691072) 690 SB
-225 1119 1417 (Total bytes of body moved: 9389627392 bytes.Total bytes of header moved 5063680) 1417 SB
-225 1169 1081 (Average body size: 373093 bytes. Average retrieval size 373294) 1081 SB
-225 1219 470 (Thruput = 204483 bytes/sec) 470 SB
-225 1269 719 (Average Response time: 1.825553 seconds) 719 SB
-225 1319 775 (Maximum Response time: 34.973206 seconds) 775 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 1420 736 (7.1 Summary of results) 736 SB
-32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 38 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-225 1595 182 (Netsite 1.0) 182 SB
-225 1645 453 (WEBSTONE number: 450) 453 SB
-225 1695 459 (Total number of clients: 24) 459 SB
-225 1745 1051 (Total cumulative time of test for all hosts \(sec\): 50333.931099) 1051 SB
-225 1795 872 (Total number of pages retrieved from server: 15770) 872 SB
-225 1845 583 (Total number of errors to server: 0) 583 SB
-225 1895 714 (Total number of connects to server: 41672) 714 SB
-225 1945 756 (Average time per connect: 0.004304 seconds) 756 SB
-225 1995 769 (Maximum time to connect: 5.782854 seconds) 769 SB
-225 2045 711 (Total mount of data moved: 17409474560) 711 SB
-225 2095 1438 (Total bytes of body moved: 17401507840 bytes.Total bytes of header moved 7966720) 1438 SB
-225 2145 1081 (Average body size: 417583 bytes. Average retrieval size 417774) 1081 SB
-225 2195 470 (Thruput = 345879 bytes/sec) 470 SB
-225 2245 719 (Average Response time: 1.207859 seconds) 719 SB
-225 2295 775 (Maximum Response time: 19.524160 seconds) 775 SB
-225 2395 147 (Cern 3.0) 147 SB
-225 2445 453 (WEBSTONE number: 209) 453 SB
-225 2495 459 (Total number of clients: 24) 459 SB
-225 2545 1051 (Total cumulative time of test for all hosts \(sec\): 45943.710179) 1051 SB
-225 2595 851 (Total number of pages retrieved from server: 9412) 851 SB
-225 2645 625 (Total number of errors to server: 247) 625 SB
-225 2695 714 (Total number of connects to server: 25167) 714 SB
-225 2745 756 (Average time per connect: 0.823767 seconds) 756 SB
-225 2795 790 (Maximum time to connect: 30.002288 seconds) 790 SB
-225 2845 690 (Total mount of data moved: 9394691072) 690 SB
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-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (21) 42 SB
-225 169 1417 (Total bytes of body moved: 9389627392 bytes.Total bytes of header moved 5063680) 1417 SB
-225 219 1081 (Average body size: 373093 bytes. Average retrieval size 373294) 1081 SB
-225 269 470 (Thruput = 204483 bytes/sec) 470 SB
-225 319 719 (Average Response time: 1.825553 seconds) 719 SB
-225 369 775 (Maximum Response time: 34.973206 seconds) 775 SB
-225 469 175 (NCSA 1.3) 175 SB
-225 519 432 (WEBSTONE number: 89) 432 SB
-225 569 459 (Total number of clients: 24) 459 SB
-225 619 1051 (Total cumulative time of test for all hosts \(sec\): 50244.193163) 1051 SB
-225 669 851 (Total number of pages retrieved from server: 3134) 851 SB
-225 719 583 (Total number of errors to server: 0) 583 SB
-225 769 693 (Total number of connects to server: 8420) 693 SB
-225 819 756 (Average time per connect: 0.014684 seconds) 756 SB
-225 869 769 (Maximum time to connect: 5.995063 seconds) 769 SB
-225 919 690 (Total mount of data moved: 2848899584) 690 SB
-225 969 1417 (Total bytes of body moved: 2847382528 bytes.Total bytes of header moved 1517056) 1417 SB
-225 1019 1081 (Average body size: 338169 bytes. Average retrieval size 338349) 1081 SB
-225 1069 460 (Thruput = 56701 bytes/sec) 460 SB
-225 1119 719 (Average Response time: 5.967243 seconds) 719 SB
-225 1169 775 (Maximum Response time: 42.658441 seconds) 775 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-225 1307 1818 (The three examples above show a typical output from a run of the WebSTONE benchmark.) 1818 SB
-225 1366 1393 (The WebSTONE number is the number of pages retrieved per minute.) 1393 SB
-225 1425 1863 (Average time to connect: This is calculated by dividing the total time to connect by the total ) 1863 SB
-375 1484 403 (number of connects.) 403 SB
-225 1543 1907 (Maximum time to connect: This is defined as the longest time it took to connect during the run.) 1907 SB
-225 1602 1579 (Total amount of data moved: This is the amount of data transferred during the ) 1580 SB
-1805 1602 92 (run. ) 93 SB
-1898 1602 30 (\( ) 31 SB
-1929 1602 161 (NOTE: ) 162 SB
-2091 1602 13 ( ) 14 SB
-2105 1602 70 (this) 70 SB
-375 1661 1756 (also includes data moved of pages that where incomplete. Incomplete pages means that ) 1756 SB
-375 1720 1401 (the page was interrupted during retrieval and was unable to complete.\)) 1401 SB
-225 1779 1909 (Average Response time: This is calculated by dividing the total response time by the number of ) 1909 SB
-375 1838 187 (response.) 187 SB
-225 1897 1649 (Maximum response time: This is the maximum time to connect and transfer a page.) 1649 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 2045 1455 (8. Future of the WebSTONE and future work) 1455 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 2220 67 (As ) 69 SB
-444 2220 83 (this ) 85 SB
-529 2220 44 (is ) 46 SB
-575 2220 74 (the ) 76 SB
-651 2220 91 (first ) 93 SB
-744 2220 157 (version ) 159 SB
-903 2220 54 (of ) 56 SB
-959 2220 74 (the ) 76 SB
-1035 2220 230 (benchmark ) 232 SB
-1267 2220 40 (it ) 42 SB
-1309 2220 44 (is ) 46 SB
-1355 2220 54 (to ) 56 SB
-1411 2220 59 (be ) 62 SB
-1473 2220 227 (considered ) 230 SB
-1703 2220 35 (a ) 38 SB
-1741 2220 122 (living ) 125 SB
-1866 2220 230 (benchmark ) 233 SB
-2099 2220 76 (that) 76 SB
-225 2279 699 (will continue to grow and improve.) 699 SB
-375 2397 482 (In the future there are a ) 483 SB
-858 2397 162 (number ) 163 SB
-1021 2397 54 (of ) 55 SB
-1076 2397 132 (things ) 133 SB
-1209 2397 89 (that ) 90 SB
-1299 2397 106 (need ) 107 SB
-1406 2397 54 (to ) 55 SB
-1461 2397 59 (be ) 60 SB
-1521 2397 132 (added ) 133 SB
-1654 2397 54 (to ) 55 SB
-1709 2397 74 (the ) 75 SB
-1784 2397 230 (benchmark ) 231 SB
-2015 2397 89 (that ) 90 SB
-2105 2397 70 (this) 70 SB
-225 2456 1529 (author at this time did not have time to add. The following is but a small list.) 1529 SB
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-226 2513 34 (\267) 35 SB
-261 2513 19 ( ) 40 SB
-225 2513 34 (\267) 35 SB
-260 2513 19 ( ) 40 SB
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-300 2543 893 (Effects of the CGI \(Common Gate Interface\)) 893 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 75 /Symbol font
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-261 2600 19 ( ) 40 SB
-225 2600 34 (\267) 35 SB
-260 2600 19 ( ) 40 SB
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-300 2630 798 (Security \(encryption and authentication\)) 798 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 75 /Symbol font
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-261 2687 19 ( ) 40 SB
-225 2687 34 (\267) 35 SB
-260 2687 19 ( ) 40 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-300 2717 298 (HTML parsing) 298 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 75 /Symbol font
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-225 2774 34 (\267) 35 SB
-260 2774 19 ( ) 40 SB
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-gs 42 50 2133 2899 CB
-2133 2901 42 (22) 42 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 257 1067 (These and others are of importance in the near future.) 1067 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 376 658 (9. Acknowledgments) 658 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 551 129 (There ) 139 SB
-514 551 74 (are ) 84 SB
-598 551 35 (a ) 45 SB
-643 551 162 (number ) 172 SB
-815 551 54 (of ) 64 SB
-879 551 145 (people ) 155 SB
-1034 551 89 (that ) 99 SB
-1133 551 105 (have ) 115 SB
-1248 551 143 (helped ) 153 SB
-1401 551 100 (with ) 111 SB
-1512 551 83 (this ) 94 SB
-1606 551 230 (benchmark ) 241 SB
-1847 551 102 (over ) 113 SB
-1960 551 74 (the ) 85 SB
-2045 551 94 (past ) 105 SB
-2150 551 25 (2) 25 SB
-225 610 171 (months. ) 180 SB
-405 610 13 ( ) 22 SB
-427 610 103 (First ) 112 SB
-539 610 84 (and ) 93 SB
-632 610 190 (foremost ) 199 SB
-831 610 121 (Mark ) 130 SB
-961 610 110 (Sake ) 120 SB
-1081 610 99 (who ) 109 SB
-1190 610 143 (helped ) 153 SB
-1343 610 108 (code ) 118 SB
-1461 610 84 (and ) 94 SB
-1555 610 448 (developed/architected ) 458 SB
-2013 610 74 (the ) 84 SB
-2097 610 78 (first) 78 SB
-225 669 1412 (version of the benchmark. Steffen Low for support and belief that this ) 1413 SB
-1638 669 144 (should ) 145 SB
-1783 669 168 (happen. ) 169 SB
-1952 669 13 ( ) 14 SB
-1966 669 70 (To ) 71 SB
-2037 669 138 (Helena) 138 SB
-225 728 339 (Winkler-Parenty ) 353 SB
-578 728 71 (for ) 85 SB
-663 728 59 (all ) 73 SB
-736 728 76 (her ) 90 SB
-826 728 109 (help. ) 123 SB
-949 728 13 ( ) 27 SB
-976 728 30 (I ) 44 SB
-1020 728 137 (would ) 151 SB
-1171 728 92 (also ) 107 SB
-1278 728 84 (like ) 99 SB
-1377 728 54 (to ) 69 SB
-1446 728 147 (special ) 162 SB
-1608 728 123 (thank ) 138 SB
-1746 728 132 (David ) 147 SB
-1893 728 209 (Ceimwize ) 224 SB
-2117 728 58 (for) 58 SB
-225 787 535 (contributions to this paper.) 535 SB
-375 905 221 (Additional ) 222 SB
-597 905 142 (thanks ) 143 SB
-740 905 54 (to ) 55 SB
-795 905 105 (Neal ) 106 SB
-901 905 177 (Nucklus ) 178 SB
-1079 905 84 (and ) 85 SB
-1164 905 82 (Bill ) 83 SB
-1247 905 182 (Nowicki ) 183 SB
-1430 905 71 (for ) 72 SB
-1502 905 147 (critical ) 148 SB
-1650 905 114 (input ) 115 SB
-1765 905 54 (to ) 55 SB
-1820 905 83 (this ) 84 SB
-1904 905 124 (paper ) 125 SB
-2029 905 84 (and ) 85 SB
-2114 905 61 (the) 61 SB
-225 964 230 (benchmark.) 230 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 1083 742 (10. Author information) 742 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-375 1258 117 (Gene ) 128 SB
-503 1258 122 (Trent ) 133 SB
-636 1258 44 (is ) 55 SB
-691 1258 35 (a ) 46 SB
-737 1258 179 (Member ) 190 SB
-927 1258 54 (of ) 65 SB
-992 1258 204 (Technical ) 215 SB
-1207 1258 99 (staff ) 110 SB
-1317 1258 49 (in ) 61 SB
-1378 1258 74 (the ) 86 SB
-1464 1258 187 (Advance ) 199 SB
-1663 1258 108 (Data ) 120 SB
-1783 1258 178 (Division ) 190 SB
-1973 1258 54 (of ) 66 SB
-2039 1258 136 (Silicon) 136 SB
-225 1317 203 (Graphics. ) 220 SB
-445 1317 13 ( ) 30 SB
-475 1317 87 (Mr. ) 104 SB
-579 1317 122 (Trent ) 139 SB
-718 1317 44 (is ) 61 SB
-779 1317 74 (the ) 91 SB
-870 1317 184 (principal ) 201 SB
-1071 1317 194 (Software ) 211 SB
-1282 1317 190 (Engineer ) 207 SB
-1489 1317 89 (that ) 106 SB
-1595 1317 216 (developed ) 234 SB
-1829 1317 74 (the ) 92 SB
-1921 1317 254 (WebSTONE) 254 SB
-225 1376 230 (benchmark ) 231 SB
-456 1376 84 (and ) 85 SB
-541 1376 142 (author ) 143 SB
-684 1376 54 (of ) 55 SB
-739 1376 83 (this ) 84 SB
-823 1376 122 (white ) 124 SB
-947 1376 137 (paper. ) 139 SB
-1086 1376 13 ( ) 15 SB
-1101 1376 117 (Gene ) 119 SB
-1220 1376 119 (holds ) 121 SB
-1341 1376 35 (a ) 37 SB
-1378 1376 201 (bachelors ) 203 SB
-1581 1376 146 (degree ) 148 SB
-1729 1376 49 (in ) 51 SB
-1780 1376 216 (Electronic ) 218 SB
-1998 1376 177 (Engineer) 177 SB
-225 1435 232 (technology ) 235 SB
-460 1435 108 (from ) 111 SB
-571 1435 135 (Devry ) 138 SB
-709 1435 177 (Institute ) 180 SB
-889 1435 54 (of ) 57 SB
-946 1435 261 (Technology. ) 264 SB
-1210 1435 13 ( ) 16 SB
-1226 1435 71 (He ) 74 SB
-1300 1435 81 (can ) 84 SB
-1384 1435 59 (be ) 63 SB
-1447 1435 167 (reached ) 171 SB
-1618 1435 50 (at ) 54 SB
-1672 1435 249 ( ) 253 SB
-1925 1435 56 (or ) 60 SB
-1985 1435 50 (at ) 54 SB
-2039 1435 136 (Silicon) 136 SB
-225 1494 757 (Graphics 2011 N. Mountain View, Ca) 757 SB
-375 1612 121 (Mark ) 133 SB
-508 1612 110 (Sake ) 122 SB
-630 1612 44 (is ) 56 SB
-686 1612 35 (a ) 47 SB
-733 1612 179 (Member ) 191 SB
-924 1612 54 (of ) 66 SB
-990 1612 204 (Technical ) 216 SB
-1206 1612 99 (staff ) 111 SB
-1317 1612 49 (in ) 61 SB
-1378 1612 74 (the ) 86 SB
-1464 1612 187 (Advance ) 199 SB
-1663 1612 108 (Data ) 120 SB
-1783 1612 178 (Division ) 190 SB
-1973 1612 54 (of ) 66 SB
-2039 1612 136 (Silicon) 136 SB
-225 1671 1238 (Graphics. Mr. Sake co-authored the WebSTONE benchmark.) 1238 SB
-32 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 69 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
-225 1938 486 (11. References:) 486 SB
-32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
-383 2094 59 ([1]) 59 SB
-525 2094 862 (Berners-Lee, Fielding, and Frystyk Nielsen.) 862 SB
-525 2153 303 (\223Hypertext Tra) 303 SB
-828 2153 550 (nsfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0\224) 550 SB
-525 2212 986 (Network Working Group INTERRNET_DRAFT) 986 SB
-525 2271 639 (<>) 639 SB
-525 2330 1311 (<URL:> December 19, 1994) 1311 SB
-375 2439 59 ([2]) 59 SB
-525 2439 566 (Mark Wittle, Bruce E. Keith) 566 SB
-525 2498 1359 (\223LADDIS: The Next Generation In NFS File Server Benchmarking\224) 1359 SB
-525 2557 1031 (USENIX Association Conference Proceeding, 1993) 1031 SB
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-225 2726 507 (12. Trademarks) 507 SB
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-<!-- WEBMAGIC TRANSLATION NAME="ServerRoot" SRC="/var/www/htdocs/" DST="/" -->
-<!-- WEBMAGIC TRANSLATION NAME="ProjectRoot" SRC="./" DST="" -->
-<TITLE>What is Webstone 2.0</TITLE>
-<CENTER><H1 ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="webstone.gif" WIDTH="534" HEIGHT="174" SGI_FULLPATH="/disk6/WebStone-2.0/doc/webstone.gif"></H1>
-</CENTER><H1>Introducing WebStone 2.0</H1>
-<P>WebStone 2.0 is the second generation Webstone web server benchmark. It
-incorporates numerous bug fixes, modifications for compatibility with other
-platforms and adds the new functionality of benchmark proxy servers, cgi
-and NSAPI programs as well as introducing run rules which should make Webstone
-numbers significantly more meaningful for comparison.</P>
-<H2>New Features</H2>
-<P>Webstone 2.0 provides facilities for benchmarking proxy servers. This is
-accomplished by putting in a value for the the PROXYSERVER entry in the
-conf/testbed file, and changing the filelist to include URL's that have
-the hostname for the actual web server.</P>
-<P>Dynamic content benchmarking is now explicitly supported in Webstone 2.0.
-The file README.DynamicWorkload has directions for testing of NSAPI. The
-included filelist.dynamic-{light,medium,heavy} serve as sample loads, with
-the filelist.dynamic-heavy being the load that should be reported for NSAPI
-performance. The cgi-send numbers should be quored for the filelist.cgi-heavy
-<P>A port of the WebStone 2.0 benchmark to Windows NT is also included in this
-release. This port is still in progress, so full functionality is not assured.
-Specifically only the benchmark code has been ported - the supporting scripts
-have not.</P>
-<H2>Run Rules</H2>
-<P>As of Webstone 2.0, there are now run rules which must be adhered to for
-published Webstone numbers. These are fairly basic, but they provide important
-constraints on the benchmarking which make Webstone numbers more meaningful.</P>
-<P><B>Fileset: </B>Included in the Webstone distribution is filelist.standard, which was previously
-called filelist.sample. This filelist has a distribution of fileset sizes
-that matches the kind of distributions seen in live web sites. The largest
-file in the distribution is a 5 MB in length, which simulates the occasional
-MPEG or other animation file which is downloaded. This filelist should be
-used for all published Webstone numbers. Note that running WebStone 2.0
-with the sort of fileset given in WebStone 1.1 will not yield a comparable
-benchmark. In general, the WebStone 2.0 filelist will yield lower rates
-for connections/second, but higher rates for throughput - the two sets of
-numbers cannot be compared.</P>
-<P>When reporting NSAPI numbers, the filelist.dynamic-heavy filelist should
-be used. For CGI numbers, the filelist.cgi-heavy filelist should be used.</P>
-<P><B>Benchmark Run Configuration:</B> For a reported WebStone run, the runtime must be set at least 10 minutes.
-This provides adequate time for the server and client configuration to reach
-a steady state, and then provides a length of time long enough to cancel
-out the high variations seen in the first few minutes of the run. The number
-of clients should also vary from 20 to 100 in increments of 10 so that performance
-of the server under a wide variety of loads can be observed.</P>
-<P><B>Server Configuration:</B> The number of threads/processes is open to the discretion of the benchmarkers.
-However, whether server side logging is on must be explicitly reported.
-When logging is turned on, it must be in the common logfile format, and
-only IP addresses should be logged. Parsed HTML is recommended to be turned
-<P>Proxy Configuration: The configuration of how often the proxy server polls
-the actual server for refreshes of it's cache should be described, as well
-as any information</P>
-<P><B>Server Machine Configuration:</B> When reporting runs, it is necessary that the operating system, memory
-configuration and any special operating system modifications be reported,
-especially changes to the TCP/IP stack.</P>
-<P><B>Testbed configuration: </B>Reported runs must include information about the network topology being
-used, as well as the number and type of machines generating load.</P>
-<P>All reported runs must include the information summarized by webstone -results,
-excluding the timestamp. This includes: number of clients, connections per
-second, little's law number, latency, error level and throughput. Preferably
-in a table format.</P>