path: root/bin/ADDIDL.DSM
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/ADDIDL.DSM')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ADDIDL.DSM b/bin/ADDIDL.DSM
deleted file mode 100644
index b53ea3eb636..00000000000
--- a/bin/ADDIDL.DSM
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-' $Header$
-' $NoKeywords: $
-' @doc AddIDL
-' Macros for Microsoft Visual Studio.
-' @comm To install this file go to Tools->Customize->Macro Files->Browse...
-'@bsub Add an IDL file into all build projects in the current workspace.
-'@comm This routine also sets up the custom build options require for the TAO
-'CORBA implementation. The use can select to create a new file or just add a reference
-'to the project (e.g. if a file already exists).If a new file is created, then a
-'basic outline for an OMG module or interface declaration is inserted. Note that the inline
-'file extension is defined by INLINE_EXTENSION.
-Sub AddIDLFile()
-'DESCRIPTION: Add new IDL File with TAO custom build entries to all build projects in the workspace.
- On Error Resume Next
- 'Define the extension used for inline files here
- WkSpaceDir = Application.CurrentDirectory
- ModuleName = InputBox("module (namespace or extensionless IDL filename):")
- FileName = ModuleName
- WkSpaceDir=InputBox("Directory for IDL file: ","Output Directory",WkSpaceDir)
- if WkSpaceDir="" then
- Exit Sub
- end if
- if Right(WkSpaceDir,1) <> "\" then
- WkSpaceDir=WkSpaceDir+"\"
- end if
- IDLFile = WkSpaceDir+FileName +".idl"
- 'Try to a file with this path/name
- Documents.Open IDLFile
- 'If such a file already exists then it should now be the active doc
- if ActiveDocument.Fullname = IDLFile then
- if msgbox("Overwrite the existing file ?",vbYesNo) = vbNo then
- NewFile = 0
- else
- 'Close the file before we modify it
- ActiveDocument.Close
- NewFile = 1
- end if
- else
- NewFile =1
- end if
- 'If NewFile is set to 1 then create the outline for a OMG IDL module
- if NewFile = 1 then
- InterfaceName = InputBox("interface:")
- if msgbox("Include a module ("+ ModuleName+") declaration",vbYesNo) = vbYes then
- Descr = vbLF + vbLF + "#if !defined (_" + UCase(ModuleName) + "_IDL)" + vbLF + _
- "#define _" + UCase(ModuleName) + "_IDL" + vbLF +vbLF + _
- "//"+vbLF+"//" +vbLF + "module " + ModuleName + " {" +vbLF + _
- " //" + vbLF + _
- " interface " + InterfaceName + "{"+vbLF + _
- " //Definitions"+ vbLF + vbLF+ vbLF + _
- " //Operations"+ vbLF + vbLF+ vbLF + _
- " //Properties"+ vbLF+ vbLF + _
- " };"+vbLF + "};"+vbLF +vbLF + _
- "#endif /* _"+ UCase(ModuleName) +"_IDL */"+vbLF
- else
- Descr = vbLF + vbLF + "#if !defined (_" + UCase(ModuleName) + "_IDL)" + vbLF + _
- "#define _" + UCase(ModuleName) + "_IDL" + vbLF +vbLF + _
- " //" + vbLF + _
- " //" + vbLF + _
- " interface " + InterfaceName + "{"+vbLF + _
- " //Definitions"+ vbLF + vbLF+ vbLF + _
- " //Operations"+ vbLF + vbLF+ vbLF + _
- " //Properties"+ vbLF+ vbLF + _
- " };"+vbLF +vbLF + _
- "#endif /* _"+ UCase(ModuleName) +"_IDL */"+vbLF
- end if
- CreateCppFile IDLFile, Descr
- end if
- Dim proj
- ' Add the files to each project
- 'Note that the inline files do not need to be added
- for each proj in Projects
- if msgbox("Add "+ IDLFile +" and the IDL compiler output files to "+ proj +" ?",vbYesNo) = vbYes then
- ProjectPath= Left(proj.FullName,InStrRev(proj.FullName,"\")-1)
- proj.AddFile IDLFile
- proj.AddFile WkSpaceDir+ModuleName + "C.cpp"
- proj.AddFile WkSpaceDir+ModuleName + "C.h"
- proj.AddFile WkSpaceDir+ModuleName + "S.cpp"
- proj.AddFile WkSpaceDir+ModuleName + "S.h"
- proj.AddFile WkSpaceDir+ModuleName + "S_T.cpp"
- proj.AddFile WkSpaceDir+ModuleName + "S_T.h"
- Dim cfg
- ' Add the custom build for each configuration in each project
- If proj.Type = "Build" Then
- Commands="%ACE_ROOT%\bin\tao_idl.exe -ci C."+ INLINE_EXTENSION +" -si S.inl -st S_T."+ INLINE_EXTENSION +" " + IDLFile
- Output = "$(InputName)C.cpp" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)C.h" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)C."+ INLINE_EXTENSION +"" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)S.cpp" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)S.h" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)S."+ INLINE_EXTENSION +"" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)S_T.cpp" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)S_T.h" + vbLF + _
- "$(InputName)S_T."+ INLINE_EXTENSION +""
- for each cfg in proj.Configurations
- cfg.AddCustomBuildStepToFile IDLFile, Commands, Output, "Running the TAO IDL Compiler on $(InputPath)..."
- next
- End If
- end if
- next
-End Sub
-'@bsub Creates a C/C++ file.
-'@comm This routine will create a C or C++ source file f, with content c.
-'The new file will become the active doc.
-Function CreateCppFile(byval f, byval c)
-'DESCRIPTION: Creates a .cpp file.
- On Error Resume Next
- Documents.Add "Text"
- ActiveDocument.Language = "C/C++"
- ActiveDocument.Selection = c
- ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine
- ActiveDocument.Save f
-End Function