path: root/bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/ b/bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/
deleted file mode 100644
index 895c2f81c50..00000000000
--- a/bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-package WorkspaceCreator;
-# ************************************************************
-# Description : Base class for all workspace creators
-# Author : Chad Elliott
-# Create Date : 5/13/2002
-# ************************************************************
-# ************************************************************
-# Pragmas
-# ************************************************************
-use strict;
-use FileHandle;
-use File::Path;
-use File::Basename;
-use Creator;
-use vars qw(@ISA);
-@ISA = qw(Creator);
-# ************************************************************
-# Data Section
-# ************************************************************
-# ************************************************************
-# Subroutine Section
-# ************************************************************
-sub new {
- my($class) = shift;
- my($global) = shift;
- my($inc) = shift;
- my($template) = shift;
- my($ti) = shift;
- my($dynamic) = shift;
- my($static) = shift;
- my($relative) = shift;
- my($addtemp) = shift;
- my($addproj) = shift;
- my($progress) = shift;
- my($self) = Creator::new($class, $global, $inc,
- $template, $ti, $relative,
- $addtemp, $addproj,
- $progress, 'workspace');
- my($typecheck) = $self->{'type_check'};
- $self->{'workspace_name'} = undef;
- $self->{$typecheck} = 0;
- $self->{'projects'} = [];
- $self->{'project_info'} = {};
- $self->{'reading_parent'} = [];
- $self->{'project_files'} = [];
- $self->{'dynamic'} = $dynamic;
- $self->{'static'} = $static;
- return $self;
-sub parse_line {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($ih) = shift;
- my($line) = shift;
- my($status,
- $errorString,
- @values) = $self->parse_known($line);
- ## Was the line recognized?
- if ($status && defined $values[0]) {
- if ($values[0] eq $self->{'grammar_type'}) {
- my($name) = $values[1];
- my($typecheck) = $self->{'type_check'};
- if (defined $name && $name eq '}') {
- my($rp) = $self->{'reading_parent'};
- if (!defined $$rp[0]) {
- ## Fill in all the default values
- $self->generate_defaults();
- ## End of project; Have subclass write out the file
- ## Generate the project files
- my($gstat, $generator) = $self->generate_project_files();
- if ($gstat) {
- $self->write_workspace($generator);
- }
- else {
- $errorString = 'ERROR: Unable to ' .
- 'generate all of the project files';
- $status = 0;
- }
- $self->{'workspace_name'} = undef;
- $self->{'projects'} = [];
- $self->{'project_info'} = {};
- $self->{'project_files'} = [];
- }
- $self->{$typecheck} = 0;
- }
- else {
- ## Project Beginning
- ## Deal with the inheritance hiearchy first
- my($parents) = $values[2];
- if (defined $parents) {
- foreach my $parent (@$parents) {
- ## Read in the parent onto ourself
- my($file) = $self->search_include_path("$parent.mwc");
- if (defined $file) {
- my($rp) = $self->{'reading_parent'};
- push(@$rp, 1);
- $self->parse_file("$parent.mwc");
- pop(@$rp);
- if (!$status) {
- $errorString = "ERROR: Invalid parent: $parent";
- }
- }
- else {
- $status = 0;
- $errorString = "ERROR: Unable to locate parent: $parent";
- }
- }
- }
- ## Set up some initial values
- if (defined $name) {
- $name =~ s/^\(\s*//;
- $name =~ s/\s*\)$//;
- $self->{'workspace_name'} = $name;
- }
- $self->{$typecheck} = 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- $errorString = "ERROR: Unrecognized line: $line";
- $status = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ($status == -1) {
- my($project_files) = $self->{'project_files'};
- push(@$project_files, $line);
- $status = 1;
- }
- return $status, $errorString;
-sub search_for_files {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($files) = shift;
- my($exts) = shift;
- my($array) = shift;
- foreach my $file (@$files) {
- if (-d $file) {
- my(@f) = $self->generate_default_file_list($file);
- $self->search_for_files(\@f, $exts, $array);
- }
- else {
- foreach my $ext (@$exts) {
- if ($file =~ /$ext$/) {
- unshift(@$array, $file);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-sub generate_default_components {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($files) = shift;
- my($pjf) = $self->{'project_files'};
- my(@exts) = ("\\.mpc");
- if (defined $$pjf[0]) {
- ## If we have files, then process directories
- my(@built) = ();
- foreach my $file (@$pjf) {
- if (-d $file) {
- my(@found) = ();
- my(@gen) = $self->generate_default_file_list($file);
- $self->search_for_files(\@gen, \@exts, \@found);
- push(@built, @found);
- }
- else {
- push(@built, $file);
- }
- }
- $self->{'project_files'} = \@built;
- }
- else {
- ## Add all of the mpc files in this directory
- ## and in the subdirectories.
- $self->search_for_files($files, \@exts, $pjf);
- ## If no files were found, then we push the empty
- ## string, so the Project Creator will generate
- ## the default project file.
- if (!defined $$pjf[0]) {
- push(@$pjf, '');
- }
- }
-sub generate_defaults {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($base) = $self->base_directory();
- ## Generate default workspace name
- if (!defined $self->{'workspace_name'}) {
- $self->{'workspace_name'} = $base;
- }
- my(@files) = $self->generate_default_file_list();
- ## Generate default components
- $self->generate_default_components(\@files);
-sub get_workspace_name {
- my($self) = shift;
- return $self->{'workspace_name'};
-sub write_workspace {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($generator) = shift;
- my($status) = 1;
- my($fh) = new FileHandle();
- my($name) = $self->transform_file_name($self->workspace_file_name());
- my($dir) = dirname($name);
- if ($dir ne '.') {
- mkpath($dir, 0, 0777);
- }
- if (open($fh, ">$name")) {
- $self->pre_workspace($fh);
- $self->write_comps($fh, $generator);
- $self->post_workspace($fh);
- close($fh);
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Unable to open $name for output\n";
- $status = 0;
- }
- return $status;
-sub save_project_info {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($gen) = shift;
- my($gpi) = shift;
- my($dir) = shift;
- my($projects) = shift;
- my($pi) = shift;
- my($c) = 0;
- foreach my $pj (@$gen) {
- my($full) = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : '') . $pj;
- push(@$projects, $full);
- $$pi{$full} = $$gpi[$c];
- $c++;
- }
-sub generate_project_files {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($status) = 0;
- my(@projects) = ();
- my(%pi) = ();
- my($generator) = $self->project_creator();
- my($cwd) = $self->getcwd();
- foreach my $file (@{$self->{'project_files'}}) {
- my($dir) = dirname($file);
- ## We must change to the subdirectory for
- ## which this project file is intended
- if ($self->cd($dir)) {
- $status = $generator->generate(basename($file));
- ## If any one project file fails, then stop
- ## processing altogether.
- if (!$status) {
- return $status, $generator;
- }
- ## Get the individual project information and
- ## generated file name(s)
- my($gen) = $generator->get_files_written();
- my($gpi) = $generator->get_project_info();
- ## If we need to generate a workspace file per project
- ## then we generate a temporary project info and projects
- ## array and call write_project().
- if ($dir ne '.' && $self->workspace_per_project()) {
- my(%perpi) = ();
- my(@perprojects) = ();
- $self->save_project_info($gen, $gpi, '.', \@perprojects, \%perpi);
- ## Set our per project information
- $self->{'projects'} = \@perprojects;
- $self->{'project_info'} = \%perpi;
- ## Write our per project workspace
- $self->write_workspace();
- ## Reset our project information to empty
- $self->{'projects'} = [];
- $self->{'project_info'} = {};
- }
- $self->cd($cwd);
- $self->save_project_info($gen, $gpi, $dir, \@projects, \%pi);
- }
- else {
- ## Unable to change to the directory
- return 0, $generator;
- }
- }
- $self->{'projects'} = \@projects;
- $self->{'project_info'} = \%pi;
- return $status, $generator;
-sub get_projects {
- my($self) = shift;
- return $self->{'projects'};
-sub get_project_info {
- my($self) = shift;
- return $self->{'project_info'};
-sub get_dynamic {
- my($self) = shift;
- return $self->{'dynamic'};
-sub get_static {
- my($self) = shift;
- return $self->{'static'};
-sub sort_dependencies {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($projects) = shift;
- my($pjs) = shift;
- my(@list) = @$projects;
- my(%prepend) = ();
- foreach my $project (@list) {
- my($dname) = dirname($project);
- if ($dname ne '.') {
- $prepend{basename($project)} = dirname($project);
- }
- }
- ## Put the projects in the order specified
- ## by the project dpendencies.
- for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#list; $i++) {
- my($project) = $list[$i];
- my($pi) = $$pjs{$project};
- my($name, $deps) = @$pi;
- if ($deps ne '') {
- my($darr) = $self->create_array($deps);
- my($moved) = 0;
- foreach my $dep (@$darr) {
- my($base) = basename($dep);
- my($full) = (defined $prepend{$base} ?
- "$prepend{$base}/" : '') . $base;
- if ($project ne $full) {
- ## See if the dependency is listed after this project
- for(my $j = $i; $j <= $#list; $j++) {
- if ($list[$j] eq $full) {
- ## If so, move it in front of the current project
- splice(@list, $i, 0, $full);
- splice(@list, $j + 1, 1);
- $moved = 1;
- $j--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($moved) {
- $i--;
- }
- }
- }
- return @list;
-sub project_creator {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($str) = "$self";
- ## NOTE: If the subclassed WorkspaceCreator name prefix does not
- ## match the name prefix of the ProjectCreator, this code
- ## will not work and the subclassed WorkspaceCreator will
- ## need to override this method.
- $str =~ s/Workspace/Project/;
- $str =~ s/=HASH.*//;
- return $str->new($self->get_global_cfg(),
- $self->get_include_path(),
- $self->get_template_override(),
- $self->get_ti_override(),
- $self->get_dynamic(),
- $self->get_static(),
- $self->get_relative(),
- $self->get_addtemp(),
- $self->get_addproj(),
- $self->get_progress_callback());
-sub sort_files {
- #my($self) = shift;
- return 0;
-# ************************************************************
-# Virtual Methods To Be Overridden
-# ************************************************************
-sub workspace_file_name {
- #my($self) = shift;
- return '';
-sub workspace_per_project {
- #my($self) = shift;
- return 0;
-sub pre_workspace {
- #my($self) = shift;
- #my($fh) = shift;
-sub write_comps {
- #my($self) = shift;
- #my($fh) = shift;
- #my($gens) = shift;
-sub post_workspace {
- #my($self) = shift;
- #my($fh) = shift;