path: root/docs/tutorials/015
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/tutorials/015')
-rw-r--r--docs/tutorials/015/stream.gifbin4079 -> 0 bytes
49 files changed, 0 insertions, 5436 deletions
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/015-client.dsp b/docs/tutorials/015/015-client.dsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5152df92235..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/015-client.dsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="015 client" - Package Owner=<4>
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
-# ** DO NOT EDIT **
-# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103
-CFG=015 client - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
-!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "015-client.mak".
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "015-client.mak" CFG="015 client - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "015 client - Win32 Release" (based on\
- "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
-!MESSAGE "015 client - Win32 Debug" (based on\
- "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
-# Begin Project
-# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
-# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "015 client - Win32 Release"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\.." /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386
-# ADD LINK32 ace.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /libpath:"..\..\..\ace"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "015 client - Win32 Debug"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /GX /Od /I "..\..\.." /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 aced.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /out:"../client.exe" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"..\..\..\ace"
-# Begin Target
-# Name "015 client - Win32 Release"
-# Name "015 client - Win32 Debug"
-# Begin Group "Source Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Header Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Resource Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
-# End Group
-# End Target
-# End Project
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/015-server.dsp b/docs/tutorials/015/015-server.dsp
deleted file mode 100644
index d9f45886fe9..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/015-server.dsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="015 server" - Package Owner=<4>
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
-# ** DO NOT EDIT **
-# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103
-CFG=015 server - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
-!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "015-server.mak".
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "015-server.mak" CFG="015 server - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "015 server - Win32 Release" (based on\
- "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
-!MESSAGE "015 server - Win32 Debug" (based on\
- "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
-# Begin Project
-# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
-# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "015 server - Win32 Release"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\.." /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386
-# ADD LINK32 ace.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /libpath:"..\..\..\ace"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "015 server - Win32 Debug"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /GX /Od /I "..\..\.." /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 aced.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /out:"../server.exe" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"..\..\..\ace"
-# Begin Target
-# Name "015 server - Win32 Release"
-# Name "015 server - Win32 Debug"
-# Begin Group "Source Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Header Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Resource Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
-# End Group
-# End Target
-# End Project
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Client_i.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Client_i.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6415fed1966..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Client_i.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Client_i.h"
-#include "ace/Message_Block.h"
-#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Connector.h"
-// Simple constructor just remembers the endpoint information for use by open.
-Client::Client( u_short _port, const char * _server)
- : port_(_port), server_(_server)
- ;
-/* Do nothing. This should probably call close() if we can make sure
- that it's OK to close() multiple times.
- ;
-/* Open the connection to the server. This is traditional ACE. We
- simply construct an endpoint and use a connector to establish the
- link.
-int Client::open( void )
- ACE_INET_Addr addr(port_,server_);
- ACE_SOCK_Connector con;
- if( con.connect(peer(),addr) == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "ACE_SOCK_Connector::connect()"), -1);
- }
- // Something new here... We have to use the protocol stream
- // to ensure that our data is in the correct format when
- // received by the server. Thus, we open the stream and
- // transfer ownership of the peer.
- return stream().open( peer() );
-// The remainder of the functions just delegate to the stream.
-int Client::close( void )
- return stream().close();
-int Client::put( ACE_Message_Block * _message )
- return stream().put(_message,0);
-int Client::get( ACE_Message_Block * & _response )
- return stream().get(_response);
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Client_i.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Client_i.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 32eaac8dd48..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Client_i.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#ifndef CLIENT_H
-#define CLIENT_H
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "Protocol_Stream.h"
-class ACE_Message_Block;
-/* Hide the details of connection and protocol-conformance from the
- application-level logic.
-class Client
- // Provide the server information when constructing the
- // object. This could (and probably should) be moved to the
- // open() method.
- Client (u_short port,
- const char *server);
- // Cleanup...
- ~Client (void);
- // Open the connection to the server.
- int open (void);
- // Close the connection to the server. Be sure to do this
- // before you let the Client go out of scope.
- int close (void);
- // Put a message to the server. The Client assumes ownership of
- // <message> at that point and will release() it when done. Do not
- // use <message> after passing it to put().
- int put (ACE_Message_Block *message);
- // Get a response from the server. The caller becomes the owner of
- // <response> after this call and is responsible for invoking
- // release() when done.
- int get (ACE_Message_Block *&response);
- // Protocol_Stream hides the protocol conformance details from us.
- Protocol_Stream stream_;
- // We create a connection on the peer_ and then pass ownership of it
- // to the protocol stream.
- ACE_SOCK_Stream peer_;
- // Endpoing information saved by the constructor for use by open().
- u_short port_;
- const char *server_;
- // Accessors for the complex member variables.
- Protocol_Stream &stream (void)
- {
- return this->stream_;
- }
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
-#endif /* CLIENT_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Compressor.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Compressor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 931264d716c..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Compressor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Compressor.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-Compressor::Compressor( void )
- : Protocol_Task()
- ;
- ;
-/* This is where you insert your compression code. Most compressors
- want to work on a block of data instead of a byte-stream.
- Fortunately the message block has a block that can be compressed.
- Take a look at libz for a quick way to add compression to your
- apps
- */
-int Compressor::send(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Compressor::send() compressing (%s)\n", message->rd_ptr() ));
- // Create a block to hold the compressed data. I belive libz
- // recommends a buffer about 10-20% larger than the source.
- // Other libraries/algorithms may have their own quirks.
- ACE_Message_Block * compressed = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- // Perform a bogus compression algorithm. 'CD' just tells me
- // that this is compressed data and when we "decompress" we'll
- // look for this signature to validate the data received.
- ACE_OS::sprintf( compressed->wr_ptr(), "CD:%s", message->rd_ptr() );
- compressed->wr_ptr( strlen(compressed->wr_ptr())+1 );
- // Send the compressed data down the stream to the next module
- this->put_next( compressed );
- // We're done here.
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
-/* And here's the decompression side. We've written Xmit/Recv so that
- we're guaranteed to get an entire block of compressed data. If
- we'd used recv() in the Recv object then we might have gotten a
- partial block and that may not decompress very nicely.
- */
-int Compressor::recv(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Compress::recv() decompressing (%s)\n", message->rd_ptr() ));
- // Room for the decompressed data. In the real world you
- // would probably want to send the original (uncompressed)
- // data size in the message. You can predict the maximum
- // possible decompression size but it's cheap and easy just to
- // send that along. Look again at how I do exacly that
- // between Xmit and Recv.
- ACE_Message_Block * decompressed = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- // Check for our signature. Even when you use a real
- // compression algorithm you may want to include your own
- // signature so that you can verify the block. It pays to be
- // paranoid!
- if( ACE_OS::strncmp( message->rd_ptr(), "CD:", 3 ) )
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Improperly encompressed data.\n" ));
- message->release();
- return(-1);
- }
- // Skip past the signature before going any further.
- message->rd_ptr( 3 );
- // Perform a bogus decompression algorithm. This is where you
- // would feed to libz or your favorite decompressor. (It's
- // costly but you could invoke popen() on gzip!)
- ACE_OS::sprintf( decompressed->wr_ptr(), "%s", message->rd_ptr() );
- decompressed->wr_ptr( strlen(decompressed->wr_ptr())+1 );
- // Recv the decompressed data down the stream to the next module
- this->put_next( decompressed );
- // We're done here.
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Compressor.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Compressor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb4c7248cce..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Compressor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#define COMPRESSOR_h
-#include "Protocol_Task.h"
-/* A reallly dumb compression object. (It actually adds 3 bytes to
- every message block.)
-class Compressor : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- Compressor (void);
- ~Compressor (void);
- // This is called when the compressor is on the downstream side.
- // We'll take the message, compress it and move it along to the next
- // module.
- int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- // This one is called on the upstream side. No surprise: we
- // decompress the data and send it on up the stream.
- int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
-#endif /* COMPRESSOR_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Crypt.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Crypt.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 83cfd7ab73f..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Crypt.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Crypt.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-/* The expected constructor...
- */
-Crypt::Crypt( void )
- : Protocol_Task()
-/* To send the data we'll apply a signature and encryption.
- */
-int Crypt::send(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Crypt::send() encrypting (%s)\n", message->rd_ptr() ));
- // I suspect that some encryptors might change the data size.
- // It probably isn't safe to create a same-size destination buffer.
- ACE_Message_Block * encrypted = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- // Perform a bogus encryption algorithm and add our safety
- // signature. Adding the original data size is also probably
- // a good idea that I haven't encorporated here.
- ACE_OS::sprintf( encrypted->wr_ptr(), "ED:%s", message->rd_ptr() );
- encrypted->wr_ptr( strlen(encrypted->wr_ptr())+1 );
- // Send the encrypted data down the stream to the next module
- this->put_next( encrypted );
- // We're done here.
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
-/* The upstream movement requires that we decrypt what the peer has
- given us.
-int Crypt::recv(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Crypt::recv() decrypting (%s)\n", message->rd_ptr() ));
- // Create a destination for the decrypted data. The same
- // block size caveat exists of course.
- ACE_Message_Block * decrypted = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- // Check the signature as expected.
- if( ACE_OS::strncmp( message->rd_ptr(), "ED:", 3 ) )
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Improperly encrypted data.\n" ));
- message->release();
- return(-1);
- }
- // Don't forget to skip past the signature before decrypting
- // or things will be quite exciting!
- message->rd_ptr( 3 );
- // Perform a bogus decryption algorithm
- ACE_OS::sprintf( decrypted->wr_ptr(), "%s", message->rd_ptr() );
- decrypted->wr_ptr( strlen(decrypted->wr_ptr())+1 );
- // Send the decrypted data down the stream to the next module
- this->put_next( decrypted );
- // We're done here.
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Crypt.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Crypt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de997fa4a9..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Crypt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#ifndef CRYPT_H
-#define CRYPT_h
-#include "Protocol_Task.h"
-/* An interface (adaptor) between your favorite encryption method and
- an ACE_Stream.
-class Crypt : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- Crypt (void);
- ~Crypt (void);
- // Moving downstream will encrypt the data
- int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- // And moving upstream will decrypt it.
- int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
-#endif /* CRYPT_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Handler.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Handler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cfb3242c3d..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Handler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Handler.h"
-#include "Protocol_Task.h"
-/* The Protocol_Stream gives us the option to insert a Protocol_Task
- to process data received by the stream. We'll get into the details
- more when we talk about the stream in detail. For now it's enough
- to know that Handler_Task::recv() will be invoked by the stream
- after data from the client has been received and processed (eg --
- decrypted, uncompressed, and whatever else the protocol requires.)
-class Handler_Task : public Protocol_Task
- // Typical...
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- // Simple...
- Handler_Task(void);
- ~Handler_Task(void);
- // recv() is invoked after received data has been fully
- // processed by the protocol rules. Data processing typically
- // done in handle_input() can then be done here.
- int recv(ACE_Message_Block * message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- ;
- ;
-/* The Acceptor will open() us once the peer() connection is
- established. There are a couple of things we have to do here
- before we're ready to receive data from the client.
-int Handler::open (void *)
- ACE_INET_Addr addr;
- // Make sure that we can get the peer's address. If we can't
- // then there may be a network error or something else that
- // will prevent communicating with the client. This is
- // something you'll want to do in every event handler you create.
- if (this->peer ().get_remote_addr (addr) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) Cannot get remote addr\n"), -1);
- // Announce the client
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) connected with %s\n", addr.get_host_name() ));
- // Here's the first new twist to the old event handler.
- // Before we can use the Protocol_Stream to communicate with
- // the peer, we must open() it. We provide the stream with
- // the peer() so that it will have a valid socket on which to
- // read client requests and send our responses. We also
- // provide a Handler_Task instance that will ultimately be
- // responsible for processing any client data we receive.
- int rval = stream().open( this->peer(), new Handler_Task() );
- // Of course, we have to account for the chance that the
- // stream's open() may fail.
- if( rval == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) Cannot open the protocol stream.\n"), -1);
- }
- // Now that we know the client is valid and that the stream is
- // ready for business we can register with the gloabl reactor
- // instance. Here again is an opportunity for improvement if
- // we expect to have mulitple Server object instances.
- if (ACE_Reactor::instance()->register_handler (this, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) Cannot register with reactor\n"), -1);
- return rval;
-/* This is a fairly typical destroy() method that can be shared by
- both close() and handle_close().
-void Handler::destroy (void)
- ACE_Reactor::instance()->remove_handler(this,ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK|ACE_Event_Handler::DONT_CALL);
- this->peer ().close ();
- delete this;
-/* In this simple application we just forward the close() and
- handle_close() requests right on to the destroy() method.
-int Handler::close (u_long)
- this->destroy ();
- return 0;
-int Handler::handle_close(ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask _mask)
- this->destroy();
- return 0;
-/* Unlike a "traditional" handle_input() ours is very simple. Because
- of the use of the protocol stream, we delegate the read function to
- the stream's get() and rely on our Handler_Task to do the real work.
-int Handler::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) Activity from client\n" ));
- // This will cause a blocking read from the peer(). The data
- // will then be pushed through the protocol stream.
- if( stream().get( ) == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) Cannot get data from protocol stream\n"), -1);
- }
- return 0;
-/* A Protocol_Task is derived from ACE_Task and has the option of
- running in one or more threads. I've chosen here to construct the
- baseclass with no threads but it should work just fine with one or
- more if you need. Unless you're sharing the Handler_Task with
- several peers, however, you're probably just wasting a thread to
- activate it. On the other hand, if your reactor is running in a
- single thread (as in this example) then you can easily implement
- thread-per-connection concurrency by giving the baseclass one thread.
- : inherited()
- ;
- ;
-/* When installed into the protocol stream, the Handler_Task's recv()
- method will be called when data is ready for processing.
- */
-int Handler_Task::recv(ACE_Message_Block * message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout )
- // Announce the request we got from the client
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Handler_Task::recv() got (%s)\n", message->rd_ptr() ));
- // Create a response message to send to the client
- ACE_Message_Block * response = new ACE_Message_Block( 128 );
- // Nothing very original about this I'm afraid...
- ACE_OS::sprintf( response->wr_ptr(), "You Said: (%s)", message->rd_ptr() );
- response->wr_ptr( strlen(response->wr_ptr())+1 );
- // Release the original message block now that we're through
- // "processing" it.
- message->release();
- // Turn the message around and send it back down the Stream.
- // In other words, we invoke the put() method on the
- // Protocol_Stream without having to have a direct reference
- // to the stream object.
- return this->reply( response, timeout );
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Handler.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Handler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0f1a69e46..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Handler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#ifndef HANDLER_H
-#define HANDLER_H
-#include "ace/Svc_Handler.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-#include "Protocol_Stream.h"
-/* Just your basic event handler. We use ACE_Svc_Handler<> as a
- baseclass so that it can maintain the peer() and other details for
- us. We're not going to activate() this object, so we can get away
- with the NULL synch choice. */
-class Handler : public ACE_Svc_Handler <ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
- Handler (void);
- ~Handler (void);
- // Called by the acceptor when we're created in response to a client
- // connection.
- int open (void *);
- // Called when it's time for us to be deleted. We take care of
- // removing ourselves from the reactor and shutting down the peer()
- // connectin.
- void destroy (void);
- // Called when it's time for us to go away. There are subtle
- // differences between destroy() and close() so don't try to use
- // either for all cases.
- int close (u_long);
- // Respond to peer() activity.
- int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE);
- // This will be called when handle_input() returns a failure code.
- // That's our signal that it's time to begin the shutdown process.
- int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE,
- ACE_Reactor_Mask mask);
- // Like the Client, we have to abide by the protocol requirements.
- // We use a local Protocol_Stream object to take care of those
- // details. For us, I/O then just becomes a matter of interacting
- // with the stream.
- Protocol_Stream stream_;
- Protocol_Stream &stream (void)
- {
- return this->stream_;
- }
-#endif /* HANDLER_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile b/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5975764d91d..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Local macros
-BIN = client server
-all clean realclean : #
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.client $@
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.server $@
-client server : #
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.$@ all
-Depend : #
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.client $@
-HTML : #
- [ -f hdr ] || $(MAKE) UNSHAR
- perl ../combine *.pre
- chmod +r *.html
-SHAR : #
- [ ! -f combine.shar ] || exit 1
- shar -T hdr bodies *.pre *.pst > combine.shar && $(RM) hdr bodies *.pre *.pst
- sh combine.shar
-CLEAN : realclean
- $(RM) hdr bodies *.pre *.pst .depend*
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile.client b/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile.client
deleted file mode 100644
index 20680aea15b..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile.client
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Local macros
-BIN = client
-FILES += Protocol_Stream
-FILES += Protocol_Task
-FILES += Xmit
-FILES += Recv
-FILES += Compressor
-FILES += Crypt
-FILES += Client_i
-SRC = $(addsuffix .cpp,$(BIN))
-SRC += $(addsuffix .cpp,$(FILES))
-HDR = *.h
-MAKEFILE = Makefile.client
-DEPEND = .depend.client
-# Include macros and targets
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/wrapper_macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.common.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.nonested.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.lib.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.bin.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.local.GNU
-# Local targets
-HTML : #
- perl ../combine *.html
-rename : #
- for i in *.cxx ; do \
- n=`expr "$$i" : "\(.*\).cxx"` ;\
- mv $$i $$n.cpp ;\
- done
-Indent : #
- for i in $(SRC) $(HDR) ; do \
- indent -npsl -l80 -fca -fc1 -cli0 -cdb -ts2 -bl -bli0 < $$i | \
- sed -e 's/: :/::/g' \
- -e 's/^.*\(public:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(protected:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(private:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/:\(public\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(protected\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(private\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/ / /g' \
- > $$i~ ;\
- mv $$i~ $$i ;\
- done
-Depend : depend
- perl ../fix.Makefile -f $(MAKEFILE) -o $(DEPEND)
-$(DEPEND) :
- touch $(DEPEND)
-# Dependencies
-include $(DEPEND)
-include .depend.client
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile.server b/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile.server
deleted file mode 100644
index 109cecc8e90..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Makefile.server
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Local macros
-BIN = server
-FILES += Protocol_Stream
-FILES += Protocol_Task
-FILES += Xmit
-FILES += Recv
-FILES += Compressor
-FILES += Crypt
-FILES += Handler
-FILES += Server_i
-SRC = $(addsuffix .cpp,$(BIN))
-SRC += $(addsuffix .cpp,$(FILES))
-HDR = *.h
-MAKEFILE = Makefile.server
-DEPEND = .depend.server
-# Include macros and targets
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/wrapper_macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.common.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.nonested.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.lib.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.bin.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.local.GNU
-# Local targets
-HTML : #
- perl ../combine *.html
-rename : #
- for i in *.cxx ; do \
- n=`expr "$$i" : "\(.*\).cxx"` ;\
- mv $$i $$n.cpp ;\
- done
-Indent : #
- for i in $(SRC) $(HDR) ; do \
- indent -npsl -l80 -fca -fc1 -cli0 -cdb -ts2 -bl -bli0 < $$i | \
- sed -e 's/: :/::/g' \
- -e 's/^.*\(public:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(protected:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(private:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/:\(public\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(protected\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(private\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/ / /g' \
- > $$i~ ;\
- mv $$i~ $$i ;\
- done
-Depend : depend
- perl ../fix.Makefile -f $(MAKEFILE) -o $(DEPEND)
-$(DEPEND) :
- touch $(DEPEND)
-# Dependencies
-include $(DEPEND)
-include .depend.server
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Stream.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Stream.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9b866a1bd..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Stream.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Protocol_Stream.h"
-#include "Protocol_Task.h"
-#include "Xmit.h"
-#include "Recv.h"
-#include "Compressor.h"
-#include "Crypt.h"
-#include "ace/Stream_Modules.h"
-/* You can choose at compile time to include/exclude the protocol
- pieces.
-// The usual typedefs to make things easier to type.
-typedef ACE_Module<ACE_MT_SYNCH> Module;
-typedef ACE_Thru_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> Thru_Task;
-/* An ACE_Stream is a collection of ACE_Modules. You can think of it
- as a doubly-linked list if you like. Each Module contains two
- ACE_Task derivatives. One of these tasks is used when sending data
- "upstream", the other is used for "downstream" operation. In some
- cases, you'll only need to move data in one direction. To provide
- a placeholder for the other direction, ACE_Thru_Task can be used.
- ACE_Thru_Task responds to the put() by simply invoking put_next()
- to send the data to the next module.
- */
-/* Do-nothing constructor and destructor
- */
-Protocol_Stream::Protocol_Stream (void)
-Protocol_Stream::~Protocol_Stream (void)
-/* Even opening the stream is rather simple. The important thing to
- remember is that the modules you push onto the stream first will be
- at the tail (eg -- most downstream) end of things when you're
- done.
- */
-Protocol_Stream::open (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer,
- Protocol_Task *reader)
- // Initialize our peer() to read/write the socket we're given
- peer_.set_handle (peer.get_handle ());
- // Construct (and remember) the Recv object so that we can read from
- // the peer().
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (recv_,
- Recv ( this->peer ()),
- -1);
- // Add the transmit and receive tasks to the head of the stream. As
- // we add more modules these will get pushed downstream and end up
- // nearest the tail by the time we're done.
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("Xmit/Recv",
- new Xmit ( this->peer ()),
- recv_)) == -1)
- "%p\n",
- "stream().push(xmit/recv)"),
- -1);
- // Add any other protocol tasks to the stream. Each one is added at
- // the head. The net result is that Xmit/Recv are at the tail.
- if (this->open () == -1)
- return -1;
- // If a reader task was provided then push that in as the upstream
- // side of the next-to-head module. Any data read from the peer()
- // will be sent through here last. Server applications will
- // typically use this task to do the actual processing of data.
- // Note the use of Thru_Task. Since a module must always have a
- // pair of tasks we use this on the writer side as a no-op.
- if (reader)
- {
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("Reader",
- new Thru_Task (),
- reader)) == -1)
- "%p\n",
- "stream().push(reader)"),
- -1);
- }
- return 0;
-/* Add the necessary protocol objects to the stream. The way we're
- pushing things on we will encrypt the data before compressing it.
-Protocol_Stream::open (void)
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("compress",
- new Compressor (),
- new Compressor ())) == -1)
- "%p\n",
- "stream().push(comprssor)"),
- -1);
-#if defined (ENABLE_ENCRYPTION)
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("crypt",
- new Crypt (),
- new Crypt ())) == -1)
- "%p\n",
- "stream().push(crypt)"),
- -1);
- return 0;
-// Closing the Protocol_Stream is as simple as closing the ACE_Stream.
-Protocol_Stream::close (void)
- return stream ().close ();
-// Simply pass the data directly to the ACE_Stream.
-Protocol_Stream::put (ACE_Message_Block *&message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return stream ().put (message,
- timeout);
-/* Tell the Recv module to read some data from the peer and pass it
- upstream. Servers will typically use this method in a
- handle_input() method to tell the stream to get a client's request. */
- // If there is no Recv module, we're in big trouble!
- if (recv_ == 0)
- "(%P|%t) No Recv object!\n"),
- -1);
- // This tells the Recv module to go to it's peer() and read some
- // data. Once read, that data will be pushed upstream. If there is
- // a reader object then it will have a chance to process the data.
- // If not, the received data will be available in the message queue
- // of the stream head's reader object (eg --
- // stream().head()->reader()->msg_queue()) and can be read with our
- // other get() method below.
- if (recv_->get () == -1)
- "(%P|%t) Cannot queue read request\n"),
- -1);
- // For flexibility I've added an error() method to tell us if
- // something bad has happened to the Recv object.
- if (recv_->error ())
- "(%P|%t) Recv object error!\n"),
- -1);
- return 0;
-/* Take a message block off of the stream head reader's message queue.
- If the queue is empty, use get() to read from the peer. This is
- most often used by client applications. Servers will generaly
- insert a reader that will prevent the data from getting all the way
- upstream to the head. */
-Protocol_Stream::get (ACE_Message_Block *&response,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout )
- if (stream ().head ()->reader ()->msg_queue ()->is_empty ()
- && this->get () == -1)
- "(%P|%t) Cannot get data into the stream.\n"),
- -1);
- return stream ().head ()->reader ()->getq (response,
- timeout);
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Stream.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Stream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff96f468fc..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Stream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "ace/Stream.h"
-// Shorthand for the stream.
-typedef ACE_Stream<ACE_MT_SYNCH> Stream;
-// Forward references to cut down on the number of #includes
-class ACE_Message_Block;
-class Recv;
-class Protocol_Task;
-/* The Protocol_Stream provides a tidy interface to an ACE_Stream
- setup to process a data block through a series of protocol stages.
-class Protocol_Stream
- Protocol_Stream (void);
- ~Protocol_Stream (void);
- // Provide the stream with an ACE_SOCK_Stream on which it can
- // communicate. If _reader is non-null, it will be added as the
- // reader task just below the stream head so that it can process
- // data read from the peer.
- int open (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer,
- Protocol_Task *reader = 0);
- // Close the stream. All of the tasks & modules will also be
- // closed.
- int close (void);
- // putting data onto the stream will pass it through all protocol
- // levels and send it to the peer.
- int put (ACE_Message_Block *&message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- // get will cause the Recv task (at the tail of the stream) to read
- // some data from the peer and pass it upstream. The message block
- // is then taken from the stream reader task's message queue.
- int get (ACE_Message_Block *&response,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- // Tell the Recv task to read some data and send it upstream. The
- // data will pass through the protocol tasks and be queued into the
- // stream head reader task's message queue. If you've installed a
- // _reader in open() then that task's recv() method will see the
- // message and may consume it instead of passing it to the stream
- // head for queueing.
- int get (void);
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
- // Our peer connection
- ACE_SOCK_Stream peer_;
- // The stream managing the various protocol tasks
- Stream stream_;
- // A task which is capable of receiving data on a socket.
- // Note that this is only useful by client-side applications.
- Recv *recv_;
- Stream &stream (void)
- {
- return this->stream_;
- }
- // Install the protocol tasks into the stream.
- int open (void);
-#endif /* PROTOCOL_STREAM_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Task.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Task.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b1eb82a43ad..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Task.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Protocol_Task.h"
-// Construct the object and remember the thread count.
- ;
- ;
-int Protocol_Task::open(void *arg)
- return(0);
-int Protocol_Task::close(u_long flags)
- return 0;
-/* When a message is put() onto the task, it's time to process() some data.
-int Protocol_Task::put(ACE_Message_Block *message,ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return this->process(message,timeout);
-/* Return an error since we don't want the task to ever be activated.
- */
-int Protocol_Task::svc(void)
- return -1;
-/* There's nothing really magic about process(). We just decide if
- we're moving data upstream or downstream and invoke the appropriate
- virtual function to handle it.
-int Protocol_Task::process(ACE_Message_Block * message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- if( this->is_writer() )
- {
- return this->send(message,timeout);
- }
- return this->recv(message,timeout);
-/* We must insist that derivatives provide a meaningful overload for
- these methods. It's fairly common for ACE object methods to return
- an error when an overload is expected but the method cannot be
- safely made pure virtual.
- */
-int Protocol_Task::send(ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return -1;
-int Protocol_Task::recv(ACE_Message_Block * message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return -1;
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Task.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Task.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f886001678f..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Protocol_Task.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-/* A typical ACE_Task<> derivative that adds a few things appropriate
- to protocol stacks. To keep things a little simpler, we prevent
- activation of the task and just borrow the thread of control from
- the calling method in all cases.
-class Protocol_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- typedef ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> inherited;
- Protocol_Task (void);
- ~Protocol_Task (void);
- // open() is invoked when the task is inserted into the stream.
- virtual int open (void *arg);
- // close() is invoked when the stream is closed (flags will be set
- // to '1') and when the svc() method exits (flags will be '0').
- virtual int close (u_long flags);
- // As data travels through the stream, the put() method of each task
- // is invoked to keep the data moving along.
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- // We're obligated to provide this signature even though we won't be
- // allowing this object to be activated.
- virtual int svc (void);
- // Called by put() or svc() as necessary to process a block of data.
- int process (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- // Tasks on the writer (downstream) side of the stream are called
- // upon to send() data that will ultimately go to the peer.
- virtual int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- // Tasks on the reader (upstream) side will be receiving data that
- // came from the peer.
- virtual int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
-#endif /* PROTOCOL_TASK_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Recv.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Recv.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 121e50c213b..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Recv.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Recv.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-/* Construct the object with the peer reference and other appropriate
- initializations.
-Recv::Recv( ACE_SOCK_Stream & _peer )
- : Protocol_Task(), peer_(_peer), error_(0)
- // Create the tickler that get() will use to trigger recv()
- // through the baseclass. Since we're single-threaded this is
- // probably overkill but it makes multi-threading easier if we
- // choose to do that.
- tickler_ = new ACE_Message_Block(1);
-/* Be sure we manage the lifetime of the tickler to prevent a memory
- leak.
- tickler_->release();
-/* By putting the tickler to ourselves we cause things to happen in
- the baseclass that will invoke recv(). If we know we're single
- threaded we could directly call recv() and be done with it but then
- we'd have to do something else if we're multi-threaded. Just let
- the baseclass worry about those things!
-int Recv::get(void)
- return this->put( tickler_, 0 );
-int Recv::recv(ACE_Message_Block * message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- int rval;
- /* Xmit will send us the message length in clear-text. I
- assume that will be less than 32-bytes!
- */
- char msize[32];
- int b = 0;
- /* Read from the socket one byte at a time until we see then
- end-of-string NULL character. Since the OS layers (at least
- in Unix) will provide some buffering this isn't as bad as
- it may seem at first.
- The byte-at-a-time recv breaks horribly on Win32 where the
- WFMO_Reactor is used. This is because the socket has been
- placed into non-blocking mode and only the recv() of the
- first byte will block. The solution is to use
- ACE_Select_Reactor which doesn't change the socket
- characteristics. We did that back in main(), so we should
- be in good shape now.
- */
- do
- {
- rval = this->peer().recv( &msize[b], 1, timeout );
- if( rval == -1 )
- {
- error_ = 1;
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "Recv::recv() Failed to get message size."), -1);
- }
- }
- while( msize[b++] != 0 );
- int size = ACE_OS::atoi(msize);
- // Make a block big enough to contain the data we'll read
- message = new ACE_Message_Block( size );
- // Read the actual message data into our new message block
- rval = this->peer().recv_n( message->wr_ptr(), size, 0, timeout );
- // If we got the data correctly then send it on upstream.
- if( rval > 0 )
- {
- message->wr_ptr( rval );
- return( this->put_next( message ) );
- }
- // Something bad happend on the recv_n(). Set an error flag
- // and return error.
- error_ = 1;
- return( -1 );
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Recv.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Recv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e65b3ecb1e..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Recv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#ifndef RECV_H
-#define RECV_h
-#include "Protocol_Task.h"
-class ACE_SOCK_Stream;
-/* Get some data from the peer and send it upstream for
- de-protocol-ization.
-class Recv : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- // Give it someone to talk to...
- Recv (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer);
- ~Recv (void);
- // Trigger a read from the socket
- int get (void);
- // In some cases it might be easier to check the "state" of the Recv
- // object than to rely on return codes filtering back to you.
- int error (void)
- {
- return this->error_;
- }
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
- // The baseclass will trigger this when our get() method is called.
- // A message block of the appropriate size is created, filled and
- // passed up the stream.
- int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- // Our endpoint
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer_;
- // get() uses a bogus message block to cause the baseclass to invoke
- // recv(). To avoid memory thrashing, we create that bogus message
- // once and reuse it for the life of Recv.
- ACE_Message_Block *tickler_;
- // Our error flag (duh)
- int error_;
-#endif /* RECV_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Server_i.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Server_i.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e71803b3d26..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Server_i.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Server_i.h"
-/* We have to allocate space for our static finished_ flag. We also
- initialize it to 'false' so that we don't exit immediately.
-sig_atomic_t Server::finished_ = 0;
-/* The simple constructor and destructor don't do anything but give us
- a place to expand in the future if we want.
- ;
- ;
-/* Opening the server is as simple as opening the acceptor with the
- default ACE_Reactor instance. If we want to allow multiple
- instances of Server objects then we should have an ACE_Reactor
- member variable that we can register with.
-int Server::open(void)
- if ( (ACE_INET_Addr (ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT), ACE_Reactor::instance()) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "open"), -1);
- return(0);
-/* Running the server just means that we execute the basic event
- loop for the reactor. Again, if we had a private reactor then we
- could have multiple server's in their run() method.
-int Server::run(void)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) starting up server daemon\n"));
- // Here's the basic event loop. I have a 2-second timeout on
- // the handle_events() so that we don't have to wait too long
- // when we set the finished_ flag.
- while (!finished_)
- {
- // Some (all?) platforms return the "remaining time" in the
- // timeout parameter. If we don't reset it each time, we
- // will end up with a 100% CPU spin loop!
- ACE_Time_Value timeout(2);
- ACE_Reactor::instance()->handle_events (&timeout);
- }
- // Close the acceptor when we're done. This may be handled by
- // the framework but it's good practice to be explicit about things.
- acceptor_.close();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) shutting down server daemon\n"));
- return 0;
-/* The close() method simply sets the finished_ flag so that run()
- will leave the event loop and exit.
-int Server::close(void)
- finished_ = 1;
- ACE_Reactor::instance()->notify();
- return(0);
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Server_i.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Server_i.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a77c611565..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Server_i.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#ifndef SERVER_H
-#define SERVER_H
-#include "ace/Acceptor.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#include "Handler.h"
-/* Anytime I have templates I try to remember to create a typedef for
- the parameterized object. It makes for much less typing later!
-typedef ACE_Acceptor <Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR> Acceptor;
-class Server
- // Our simple constructor takes no parameters. To make the
- // server a bit more useful, you may want to pass in the
- // TCP/IP port to be used by the acceptor.
- Server (void);
- ~Server (void);
- // Open the server for business
- int open (void);
- // Close all server instances by setting the finished_ flag.
- // Actually, the way this class is written, you can only have
- // one instance.
- static int close (void);
- // Run the server's main loop. The use of the gloabl ACE_Reactor by
- // this method is what limits us to one Server instance.
- int run (void);
- // This will accept client connection requests and instantiate a
- // Handler object for each new connection.
- Acceptor acceptor_;
- // Our shutdown flag
- static sig_atomic_t finished_;
-#endif /* SERVER_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Xmit.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/Xmit.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9450fc00cf0..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Xmit.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Xmit.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-/* Construct the object with the peer connection and choose not to
- activate ourselves into a dedicated thread. You might get some
- performance gain by activating but if you really want a
- multi-threaded apprroach you should handle that as a separate
- issue. Attempting to force threading at this level will likely
- cause more trouble than you want to deal with.
-Xmit::Xmit( ACE_SOCK_Stream & _peer )
- : Protocol_Task(), peer_(_peer)
-/* Check to see if we're being closed by the stream (flags != 0) or if
- we're responding to the exit of our svc() method.
-int Xmit::close(u_long flags)
- // Take care of the baseclass closure.
- int rval = inherited::close(flags);
- // Only if we're being called at the stream shutdown do we close
- // the peer connection. If, for some reason, we were activated
- // into one or more threads we wouldn't want to close the pipe
- // before all threads had a chance to flush their data.
- if( flags )
- {
- peer().close();
- }
- return( rval );
-/* Our overload of send() will take care of sending the data to the
- peer.
-int Xmit::send(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- int rval;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Xmit::send() sending (%s)(%d)\n", message->rd_ptr(), message->length() ));
- /* Since we're going to be sending data that may have been
- compressed and encrypted it's probably important for the
- receiver to get an entire "block" instead of having a
- partial read.
- For that reason, we'll send the length of the message block
- (in clear-text) to the peer so that it can then recv_n()
- the entire block contents in one read operation.
- */
- char msize[32];
- sprintf(msize,"%d",message->length());
- // Be sure we send the end-of-string NULL so that Recv will
- // know when to stop assembling the length.
- rval = this->peer().send_n( msize, strlen(msize)+1, 0, timeout );
- if( rval == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "Xmit::send() Failed to send message size."), -1);
- }
- /* Now we send the actual data. If you're worried about
- network efficiency then you may choose to create one buffer
- containing msize and the message data and send it all at
- once.
- */
- rval = this->peer().send_n( message->rd_ptr(), message->length(), 0, timeout );
- // Release the message block since we're done with it.
- message->release();
- return( rval );
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/Xmit.h b/docs/tutorials/015/Xmit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 356bacf25b9..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/Xmit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#ifndef XMIT_H
-#define XMIT_h
-#include "Protocol_Task.h"
-// Forward reference reduces #include dependencies
-class ACE_SOCK_Stream;
-/* A class suitable for sending data to a peer from within an
- ACE_Stream.
- */
-class Xmit : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- // We must be given a valid peer when constructed. Without that we
- // don't know who to send data to.
- Xmit (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer);
- ~Xmit (void);
- // As you know, close() will be called in a couple of ways by the
- // ACE framework. We use that opportunity to terminate the
- // connection to the peer.
- int close (u_long flags);
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
- // Send the data to the peer. By now it will have been completely
- // protocol-ized by other tasks in the stream.
- int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- // A representation of the peer we're talking to.
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer_;
-#endif /* XMIT_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/client.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/client.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a573b4f3902..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/client.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-/* The Client object will implement the nasty details of connecting to
- communicating with the server
-#include "Client_i.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- // How many messages will we send?
- int mcount = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi(argv[1]) : 3;
- // Construct a Client with our desired endpoint.
- // Attempt to open the connection to the server.
- if( == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "Client::open()"), -1);
- }
- // Send a few messages to the server and get some responses...
- for( int i = 0 ; i < mcount ; ++i )
- {
- // Since we'll be using a Protocol Stream (even though we
- // don't know that at this level) we require the use of
- // ACE_Message_Block objects to send/receive data.
- ACE_Message_Block * message = new ACE_Message_Block( 128 );
- // Construct a silly message to send to the server.
- // Notice that we're careful to add one to the strlen() so
- // that we also send the end-of-string NULL character.
- ACE_OS::sprintf (message->wr_ptr (), "This is message %d.", i);
- message->wr_ptr (strlen (message->rd_ptr ())+1);
- // client will take ownership of the message block so that
- // we don't have to remember to release(). We *do* have
- // to remember not to use it after put() since it may be
- // released almost immediately.
- client.put( message );
- ACE_Message_Block * response;
- // get() takes an ACE_Message_Block pointer reference. We then
- // assume ownership of it and must release() when we're done.
- if( client.get( response ) == -1 )
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Failed to get response from server\n" ));
- break;
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) The server's response: (%s)\n",
- response->rd_ptr()));
- // Now that we're through with the response we have to
- // release() it to avoid memory leaks.
- response->release();
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) Shutting down the stream\n" ));
- // Before we exit, it's a good idea to properly close() the connection.
- if( client.close() == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "Client::close()"), -1);
- }
- return(0);
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/combine.shar b/docs/tutorials/015/combine.shar
deleted file mode 100644
index 68a509ce351..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/combine.shar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1063 +0,0 @@
-# This is a shell archive (produced by GNU sharutils 4.2).
-# To extract the files from this archive, save it to some FILE, remove
-# everything before the `!/bin/sh' line above, then type `sh FILE'.
-# Made on 1999-02-14 13:38 EST by <>.
-# Source directory was `/var/home/jcej/projects/ACE_wrappers/docs/tutorials/015'.
-# Existing files will *not* be overwritten unless `-c' is specified.
-# This shar contains:
-# length mode name
-# ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------
-# 414 -rw-rw-r-- hdr
-# 419 -rw-rw-r-- bodies
-# 4228 -rw-rw-r-- page01.pre
-# 194 -rw-rw-r-- page02.pre
-# 318 -rw-rw-r-- page03.pre
-# 178 -rw-rw-r-- page04.pre
-# 304 -rw-rw-r-- page05.pre
-# 418 -rw-rw-r-- page06.pre
-# 321 -rw-rw-r-- page07.pre
-# 501 -rw-rw-r-- page08.pre
-# 640 -rw-rw-r-- page09.pre
-# 978 -rw-rw-r-- page10.pre
-# 334 -rw-rw-r-- page11.pre
-# 49 -rw-rw-r-- page12.pre
-# 326 -rw-rw-r-- page13.pre
-# 540 -rw-rw-r-- page14.pre
-# 770 -rw-rw-r-- page15.pre
-# 660 -rw-rw-r-- page16.pre
-# 213 -rw-rw-r-- page17.pre
-# 372 -rw-rw-r-- page18.pre
-# 281 -rw-rw-r-- page19.pre
-# 356 -rw-rw-r-- page20.pre
-# 151 -rw-rw-r-- page21.pre
-# 2567 -rw-rw-r-- page22.pre
-# 406 -rw-rw-r-- page04.pst
-# 617 -rw-rw-r-- page09.pst
-for dir in $PATH
- if test "$gettext_dir" = FAILED && test -f $dir/gettext \
- && ($dir/gettext --version >/dev/null 2>&1)
- then
- set `$dir/gettext --version 2>&1`
- if test "$3" = GNU
- then
- gettext_dir=$dir
- fi
- fi
- if test "$locale_dir" = FAILED && test -f $dir/shar \
- && ($dir/shar --print-text-domain-dir >/dev/null 2>&1)
- then
- locale_dir=`$dir/shar --print-text-domain-dir`
- fi
-if test "$locale_dir" = FAILED || test "$gettext_dir" = FAILED
- echo=echo
- TEXTDOMAINDIR=$locale_dir
- TEXTDOMAIN=sharutils
- echo="$gettext_dir/gettext -s"
-touch -am 1231235999 $$.touch >/dev/null 2>&1
-if test ! -f 1231235999 && test -f $$.touch; then
- shar_touch=touch
- shar_touch=:
- echo
- $echo 'WARNING: not restoring timestamps. Consider getting and'
- $echo "installing GNU \`touch', distributed in GNU File Utilities..."
- echo
-rm -f 1231235999 $$.touch
-if mkdir _sh31334; then
- $echo 'x -' 'creating lock directory'
- $echo 'failed to create lock directory'
- exit 1
-# ============= hdr ==============
-if test -f 'hdr' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'hdr' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'hdr' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'hdr' &&
-X <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-X <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
-X <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'hdr' &&
- chmod 0664 'hdr' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'hdr' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'hdr:' 'MD5 check failed'
-41322d388f7bb6c8eba031c4a6ab53ce hdr
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'hdr'`"
- test 414 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'hdr:' 'original size' '414,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= bodies ==============
-if test -f 'bodies' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'bodies' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'bodies' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'bodies' &&
-# The client application specific files
-# The server application specific files
-# The basic protocol stream
-# Send/Receive objects
-# Protocol objects
- $shar_touch -am 1022205498 'bodies' &&
- chmod 0664 'bodies' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'bodies' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'bodies:' 'MD5 check failed'
-a6c99d6567b0640ad524b196dc43647e bodies
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'bodies'`"
- test 419 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'bodies:' 'original size' '419,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page01.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page01.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page01.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page01.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page01.pre' &&
-In a typical client/server system you will be sending and receiving
-X data. That's the whole point after all.
-In the client/server tutorials that we've done so far it was just a
-X matter of sending a buffer of data to the peer. This was done
-X with the send*() and recv*() methods of the ACE_SOCK* objects.
-In a more robust system, one might want to process the data before
-X sending it to a peer and "unprocess" it after reading from a
-X peer. These processing steps might include encryption,
-X compression, applying checksums or any number of other actions.
-In this tutorial a Protocol_Stream object is created to encrypt and
-X compress* data being sent between peers. Both client and server
-X applications are presented as well. I present the application
-level code first and then go into the details of the protocol stream
-and it's helper objects. If the stream stuff in the application logic
-is confusing then just read on by and come back to it after the later
-Several folks have reported problems with this tutorial on Win32.
-There are a couple of ways to solve this. I've chosen to solve it by
-using the ACE_Select_Reactor on all platforms instead of taking the
-Kirthika's abstract:
-The Protocol Stream model consists of a stream layer which pushes the
-data towards the underlying SOCK_Stream thru the stages of encryption
-and compression. This data is received at the other end of the
-SOCK_Stream and sent up to its Protocol_Stream layer via the stages of
-decompression and decryption and an optional Reader task. This is very
-similar to the model of the TCP/IP stack (specifically the datalink to
-physical layer portion).
-ACE_Message_Blocks are used to communicate between the client and the
-server across the Protocol Stream, which abstracts the protocol
-conformance details. The underlying SOCK_Stream is used to set up the
-connection using the ACE_SOCK_Connector class. Once the connector
-completes its job, the SOCK_Stream pointer is passed on to the
-Protocol Stream which now takes over. The Client has put() and get()
-methods to send and receive data from the server.
-The server is implemented using the ACE_Acceptor to listen at the port
-for connections and a reactor for delegating events to the appropriate
-event handler. The handle_input () method of the handler simply allows
-the stream to receive the data and hand it over to the Handler_Task (a
-derivative of the ACE_Task) which will then process it.
-The implementation of this Protocol Stream model is done using the
-ACE_Module class. The module for Xmit/Recv is shoved in first
-into the stream, followed by the compression and encryption modules. The
-optional Reader if defined is bundled with a dummy task
-(ACE_Thru_Task class) into a module. The get() and put() methods do
-the job of reading and writing to the Stream. Each module is made up
-of a pair of Protocol Tasks. A Protocol Task is a derivative of the
-ACE_Task and whose recv() and send() methods need to be filled to
-perform the appropriate task.
-The Xmit object derives from the Protocol task and has a send() method
-which does the task of transmitting data to the underlying
-SOCK_Stream. Keeping the fragmentation and reassembly issues in mind,
-block-size is also sent across with the block of data.
-The Recv object uses a dummy Message Block to provoke the Protocol
-Task object to call the recv() on it. This is done by being
-foresighted about the use of mutliple threads instead of a single
-The compression/decompression is bundled in a single Protocol Task
-object with the send () method doing the compression and the recv()
-doing the decompression. Similarly, the encrption/decryption is done
-using a single Protocol Task object.
-This tutorial provides a glimpse on how to design and implement a
-protocol in layers and also revises a lot of what has been learnt until
-now from the previous tutorials.
-(for instance, Message_Block, Task, Acceptor, Connector, Event_Handler
-<font size=-1>* Ok, I didn't really implement encryption and
-X compression objects. I'll leave that as a thought
-X exercise!</font>
- $shar_touch -am 0214124599 'page01.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page01.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page01.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page01.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-a09c3ff1f21a90aab991e0f38dc00458 page01.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page01.pre'`"
- test 4228 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page01.pre:' 'original size' '4228,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page02.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page02.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page02.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page02.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page02.pre' &&
-We'll take a look first at the client application. As usual, our goal
-X is to keep the main() application as simple as possible and
-X delegate the tricky stuff to another object.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page02.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page02.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page02.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page02.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-6a2e64962c95b349625f418502c95952 page02.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page02.pre'`"
- test 194 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page02.pre:' 'original size' '194,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page03.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page03.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page03.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page03.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page03.pre' &&
-The Client object is designed to hide all of the messy connection
-X logic from it's users. It also provides put/get methods for
-X sending data to the server and receiving the server's response.
-X Note the Protocol_Stream member that will take care of
-X converting and sending/receiving the data.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page03.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page03.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page03.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page03.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-95326c064b10bbda428d3c967f285760 page03.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page03.pre'`"
- test 318 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page03.pre:' 'original size' '318,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page04.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page04.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page04.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page04.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page04.pre' &&
-The implementation of the Client object. Only the open() method
-X really does any work. The other methods simply delegate their
-X function to the Protocol_Stream.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page04.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page04.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page04.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page04.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-2955ca8d3b0fc6840f3d371aea528b8d page04.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page04.pre'`"
- test 178 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page04.pre:' 'original size' '178,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page05.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page05.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page05.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page05.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page05.pre' &&
-Like the client, we want to keep the main() part of our server code as
-X simple as possible. This is done by putting most of the work
-X into the Handler object that will deal with client connections.
-XFrom the looks of the code below, I think we've been successful in our
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page05.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page05.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page05.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page05.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-8833b0d7f90a4d13f68b8cdb9147c29a page05.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page05.pre'`"
- test 304 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page05.pre:' 'original size' '304,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page06.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page06.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page06.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page06.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page06.pre' &&
-The Server object exists in order simplify the
-main() application level. To that end, it hides the details of
-creating an acceptor and managing the reactor.
-The static close() method available for a signal handler as you saw on
-the previous page. Of course the assumption here is that there would
-only be one Server instance but since you can't provide a TCP/IP port,
-that's probably a valid assumption!
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page06.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page06.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page06.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page06.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-06a0abefdf4e704b42147f433bd27e4d page06.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page06.pre'`"
- test 418 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page06.pre:' 'original size' '418,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page07.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page07.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page07.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page07.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page07.pre' &&
-And now the implementation of Server. This is actually just the
-main() code from a previous tutorial broken into appropriate method
-calls. It may seem silly to do this rather than keeping the stuff in
-main() but you'll find that you have less trouble enhancing an
-application when you take this sort of approach.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page07.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page07.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page07.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page07.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-7dfb75884939c3c05ee1e1000956e9f4 page07.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page07.pre'`"
- test 321 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page07.pre:' 'original size' '321,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page08.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page08.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page08.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page08.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page08.pre' &&
-The Handler object is our event handler. You can use either
-ACE_Event_Handler or ACE_Svc_Handler<> for the baseclass. I generally
-prefer the latter since it takes care of some housekeeping that I
-would otherwise be responsible for.
-The class declaration is taken almost exactly from a previous
-tutorial. A good design will have a simple handler object that will
-collect data from the peer and pass it along to another object for
-processing. Again, keep it simple and delegate authority.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page08.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page08.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page08.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page08.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-471889eb736a025fc46719549bca160a page08.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page08.pre'`"
- test 501 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page08.pre:' 'original size' '501,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page09.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page09.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page09.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page09.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page09.pre' &&
-Like any other event handler, the handle_input() method will be
-responsible for getting data from the peer() and doing something with
-it. In this case, we have a Protocol_Stream to deal with. We'll use
-the stream for the actual I/O but we are ultimately responsible for
-processing the data from the peer. To do that, we've created a
-Handler_Task that fits within the Protocol_Stream framework to process
-data that has been received. Handler::handle_input() will tell the stream that
-it's time to read data and that data will eventually show up at
-Handler_Task::recv() where we'll process it as required by our
-application logic.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page09.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page09.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page09.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page09.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-da5c4b11d356dc9caf3a8e3b6b2527a6 page09.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page09.pre'`"
- test 640 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page09.pre:' 'original size' '640,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page10.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page10.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page10.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page10.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page10.pre' &&
-And so finally we come to the Protocol_Stream. That, after all, is
-the focus of the entire tutorial but it took us half of the day to get
-The Protocol_Stream uses an ACE_Stream to move an ACE_Message_Block
-through a series of tasks. Each task in the stream is responsible for
-performing some operation on the data in the message block. That is
-the nature of a protocol stream (or "stack" if you prefer). In this
-stream, the data is compressed and encrypted* on its way between
-peers. We also allow users of the stream to install a reader task to
-handle data that percolates up from the peer. As you saw a page or
-two ago, this is most useful for a server.
-<font size=-1>*Again, I just pretend to do these things. It would
-take another day or two to go through any sort of reasonable
-encryption or compression!</font>
-Before we get into the code, here's a picture that's shows what's
-going on here.
-<P><center><img src="stream.gif"></center></p>
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page10.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page10.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page10.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page10.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-a74423390fb5217104c6d89d7f202e8b page10.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page10.pre'`"
- test 978 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page10.pre:' 'original size' '978,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page11.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page11.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page11.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page11.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page11.pre' &&
-And now the implementation of the Protocol_Stream. There are more
-lines of code here than we've seen so far but it still isn't
-complicated. The basic idea is to construct the ACE_Stream with our
-set of protocol objects that will manipulate the data. Our primary
-concern in this file is to get everything in the correct order!
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page11.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page11.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page11.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page11.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-b0e968102fb417b12710e99465f4e387 page11.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page11.pre'`"
- test 334 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page11.pre:' 'original size' '334,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page12.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page12.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page12.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page12.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page12.pre' &&
-A quick look at the Protocol_Task header...
- $shar_touch -am 0210223499 'page12.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page12.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page12.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page12.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-5258df32a7fddcecfe902aec8440f98f page12.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page12.pre'`"
- test 49 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page12.pre:' 'original size' '49,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page13.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page13.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page13.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page13.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page13.pre' &&
-The Protocol_Task implementation takes care of the open(), close(),
-put() and svc() methods so that derivatives can concentrate on the
-send() and recv() methods. After a while you find that most
-ACE_Task<> derivatives look very similar in the four basic methods and
-only need one or two additional to do any real work.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page13.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page13.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page13.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page13.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-8b74a6d79d158222928097a9bb1335db page13.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page13.pre'`"
- test 326 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page13.pre:' 'original size' '326,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page14.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page14.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page14.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page14.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page14.pre' &&
-The Xmit object knows how to send data to the peer. It sits at the
-tail of the stream and gets everything that flows down from the head.
-In keeping with the spirit of things, this object does only one thing
-and doesn't concern itself with anyone else' details.
-The only thing you might want to do is combine it with Recv. Why?
-As you'll realize in a page or two, the Xmit and Recv objects must
-interact if you're going to ensure a safe transit. By having a single
-object it's easier to coordinate and maintain the interaction.
- $shar_touch -am 1019213498 'page14.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page14.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page14.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page14.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-bfc300ca2da5b82a5e452713cbf2f544 page14.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page14.pre'`"
- test 540 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page14.pre:' 'original size' '540,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page15.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page15.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page15.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page15.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page15.pre' &&
-The implementation of Xmit isn't too complicated. If we choose to
-combine it with the Recv task we simply lift the recv() method from
-that object and drop it into this one.
-Note that close() must decide if it's being called when the stream is
-shutdown or when it's svc() method exits. Since we tell the baseclass
-not to use any threads it's a safe bet that flags will always be
-non-zero. Still, it's good practice to plan for the future by
-checking the value.
-Note also that when we send the data we prefix it with the data size.
-This let's our sibling Recv ensure that an entire block is received
-together. This can be very important for compression and encryption
-processes which typically work better with blocks of data instead of
-streams of data.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page15.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page15.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page15.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page15.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-0d79137eaedd73b820037fcafe6e16b6 page15.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page15.pre'`"
- test 770 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page15.pre:' 'original size' '770,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page16.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page16.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page16.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page16.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page16.pre' &&
-Recv is the sibling to Xmit. Again, they could be combined into a
-single object if you want.
-An ACE_Stream is designed to handle downstream traffic very
-well. You put() data into it and it flows along towards the tail.
-However, there doesn't seem to be a way to put data in such that it
-will travel upstream. To get around that, I've added a get() method
-to Recv that will trigger a read on the socket. Recv will then put
-the data to the next upstream module and we're on our way. As noted
-earlier, that data will eventually show up either in the <i>reader</i>
-(if installed on the stream open()) or the stream head reader task's
-message queue.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page16.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page16.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page16.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page16.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-2d89b3c894cfcfdfef47ae506913cdad page16.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page16.pre'`"
- test 660 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page16.pre:' 'original size' '660,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page17.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page17.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page17.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page17.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page17.pre' &&
-The Recv implementation is nearly as simple as Xmit. There's
-opportunity for error when we get the message size and we have to
-manage the lifetime of the tickler but other than that it's pretty
-basic stuff.
- $shar_touch -am 1019173798 'page17.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page17.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page17.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page17.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-7db337f2c6ec74d75560534dec550b0e page17.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page17.pre'`"
- test 213 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page17.pre:' 'original size' '213,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page18.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page18.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page18.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page18.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page18.pre' &&
-This and the next three pages present the protocol objects that
-provide compression and encryption. If you were hoping to learn the
-secrets of compression and encryption then I'm going to disappoint
-you. There are some really good libraries out there that do this
-stuff though and if anyone wants to integrate one of them into the
-tutorial I'll be glad to take it!
- $shar_touch -am 1019213698 'page18.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page18.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page18.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page18.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-dc5f706bd5a27009aed167c0b137648e page18.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page18.pre'`"
- test 372 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page18.pre:' 'original size' '372,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page19.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page19.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page19.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page19.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page19.pre' &&
-Here we implement the details of our compression. By having both
-compression and decompression in one object it's easier to keep track
-of implementation details. Splitting Xmit/Recv like I did will make
-things more difficult if something has to change in their interaction.
- $shar_touch -am 1019205798 'page19.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page19.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page19.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page19.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-4eb5dcd181f180d6c460971903efb288 page19.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page19.pre'`"
- test 281 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page19.pre:' 'original size' '281,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page20.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page20.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page20.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page20.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page20.pre' &&
-While I might be able to come up with a competitive compressor, I
-don't have a snowball's chance to code up encryption. I'd be better
-off piping the data through the standard Unix crypt command.
-So, while I was lazy with Compress, I'm realistic with Crypt. I'll
-show you the hooks and entry points and let someone else contribute an
- $shar_touch -am 1019213798 'page20.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page20.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page20.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page20.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-7f75130d385a34b2c421a8d7cae69cc3 page20.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page20.pre'`"
- test 356 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page20.pre:' 'original size' '356,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page21.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page21.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page21.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page21.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page21.pre' &&
-The encryption implementation isn't any smarter than that of the
-compressor. Still, the hooks are there for you to insert your
-favorite library.
- $shar_touch -am 1019213898 'page21.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page21.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page21.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page21.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-7f0f64452098cdef38c5496340a4b6c7 page21.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page21.pre'`"
- test 151 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page21.pre:' 'original size' '151,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page22.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page22.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page22.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page22.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page22.pre' &&
-Well, this has certainly been one of the more verbose tutorials to
-date. I must say "thanks" to everyone who stuck it out this far!
-A quick review of what we've done:
-<LI>Create a simple client application and Client object that uses a
-Protocol Stream without really knowing how they work. The app (and
-object) rely on the public interface of the Protocol Stream to get the
-job done. At this level the protocol details are irrelevant.
-<LI>Next, we create a simple server application and Server object
-similar to the client. The Protocol Stream is of course used and we
-have to know a little more so that we can insert a <i>reader</i> that
-will ultimately process the data from the client.
-<LI>We then go into the details of the Protocol_Stream implementation
-and it's Protocol_Task object that forms the basis for the stream
-tasks. Each object is kept as small and simple as possible to improve
-reusability and future maintenance.
-<LI>Finally, the individual protocol objects are discused. Separate
-objects for the peer interface were created as well as the bogus
-compressor and encryptor. The protocol can be extended or modified by
-creating new such objects and installing them in the Protocol_Stream's
-open() method.
-It doesn't sound like much but it certainly took a bunch of files to
-get there. It's easy to get lost in the details when there's so much
-to cover so you're encouraged to go over things a couple of times.
-As always, enhancments of the tutorials is welcome!
-Here's the complete file list:
-<LI><A HREF="client">Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.client">client Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="client.cpp">client.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.h">Client_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.cpp">Client_i.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.server">Server Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.h">Server_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.cpp">Server_i.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.h">Handler.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.cpp">Handler.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Stream.cpp">Protocol_Stream.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Stream.h">Protocol_Stream.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Task.cpp">Protocol_Task.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Task.h">Protocol_Task.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Xmit.cpp">Xmit.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Xmit.h">Xmit.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Recv.cpp">Recv.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Recv.h">Recv.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Compressor.cpp">Compressor.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Compressor.h">Compressor.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Crypt.cpp">Crypt.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Crypt.h">Crypt.h</A>
- $shar_touch -am 1022205898 'page22.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page22.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page22.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page22.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-9eae1b08c2e061a68bfc1f3cbc2f59de page22.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page22.pre'`"
- test 2567 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page22.pre:' 'original size' '2567,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page04.pst ==============
-if test -f 'page04.pst' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page04.pst' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page04.pst' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page04.pst' &&
-Ok, that's it for the client. We've seen a very simple main()
-X followed by an equally simple Client object.
-For a quick look back:
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.client">client Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="client.cpp">client.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.h">Client_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.cpp">Client_i.cpp</A>
-Now we'll move on and examine the server counter-part of our client.
- $shar_touch -am 1022205698 'page04.pst' &&
- chmod 0664 'page04.pst' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page04.pst' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page04.pst:' 'MD5 check failed'
-00419a8ab9a3ddae3261840b62afdc4a page04.pst
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page04.pst'`"
- test 406 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page04.pst:' 'original size' '406,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page09.pst ==============
-if test -f 'page09.pst' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page09.pst' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page09.pst' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page09.pst' &&
-That's it for the server-specific code. I think I've been fairly
-successful in keeping it simple and to the point. There are a couple
-of places where the as-yet-undescribed Protocol_Stream pops up and may
-cause confusion. We're going to discuss that mystery now but before
-we do here's the list of server files if you want to review:
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.server">Server Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.h">Server_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.cpp">Server_i.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.h">Handler.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.cpp">Handler.cpp</A>
- $shar_touch -am 1022205698 'page09.pst' &&
- chmod 0664 'page09.pst' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page09.pst' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page09.pst:' 'MD5 check failed'
-a96009f43a6fe8e6b52ffa923993a3e1 page09.pst
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page09.pst'`"
- test 617 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page09.pst:' 'original size' '617,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-rm -fr _sh31334
-exit 0
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-In a typical client/server system you will be sending and receiving
- data. That's the whole point after all.
-In the client/server tutorials that we've done so far it was just a
- matter of sending a buffer of data to the peer. This was done
- with the send*() and recv*() methods of the ACE_SOCK* objects.
-In a more robust system, one might want to process the data before
- sending it to a peer and "unprocess" it after reading from a
- peer. These processing steps might include encryption,
- compression, applying checksums or any number of other actions.
-In this tutorial a Protocol_Stream object is created to encrypt and
- compress* data being sent between peers. Both client and server
- applications are presented as well. I present the application
-level code first and then go into the details of the protocol stream
-and it's helper objects. If the stream stuff in the application logic
-is confusing then just read on by and come back to it after the later
-Several folks have reported problems with this tutorial on Win32.
-There are a couple of ways to solve this. I've chosen to solve it by
-using the ACE_Select_Reactor on all platforms instead of taking the
-Kirthika's abstract:
-The Protocol Stream model consists of a stream layer which pushes the
-data towards the underlying SOCK_Stream thru the stages of encryption
-and compression. This data is received at the other end of the
-SOCK_Stream and sent up to its Protocol_Stream layer via the stages of
-decompression and decryption and an optional Reader task. This is very
-similar to the model of the TCP/IP stack (specifically the datalink to
-physical layer portion).
-ACE_Message_Blocks are used to communicate between the client and the
-server across the Protocol Stream, which abstracts the protocol
-conformance details. The underlying SOCK_Stream is used to set up the
-connection using the ACE_SOCK_Connector class. Once the connector
-completes its job, the SOCK_Stream pointer is passed on to the
-Protocol Stream which now takes over. The Client has put() and get()
-methods to send and receive data from the server.
-The server is implemented using the ACE_Acceptor to listen at the port
-for connections and a reactor for delegating events to the appropriate
-event handler. The handle_input () method of the handler simply allows
-the stream to receive the data and hand it over to the Handler_Task (a
-derivative of the ACE_Task) which will then process it.
-The implementation of this Protocol Stream model is done using the
-ACE_Module class. The module for Xmit/Recv is shoved in first
-into the stream, followed by the compression and encryption modules. The
-optional Reader if defined is bundled with a dummy task
-(ACE_Thru_Task class) into a module. The get() and put() methods do
-the job of reading and writing to the Stream. Each module is made up
-of a pair of Protocol Tasks. A Protocol Task is a derivative of the
-ACE_Task and whose recv() and send() methods need to be filled to
-perform the appropriate task.
-The Xmit object derives from the Protocol task and has a send() method
-which does the task of transmitting data to the underlying
-SOCK_Stream. Keeping the fragmentation and reassembly issues in mind,
-block-size is also sent across with the block of data.
-The Recv object uses a dummy Message Block to provoke the Protocol
-Task object to call the recv() on it. This is done by being
-foresighted about the use of mutliple threads instead of a single
-The compression/decompression is bundled in a single Protocol Task
-object with the send () method doing the compression and the recv()
-doing the decompression. Similarly, the encrption/decryption is done
-using a single Protocol Task object.
-This tutorial provides a glimpse on how to design and implement a
-protocol in layers and also revises a lot of what has been learnt until
-now from the previous tutorials.
-(for instance, Message_Block, Task, Acceptor, Connector, Event_Handler
-<font size=-1>* Ok, I didn't really implement encryption and
- compression objects. I'll leave that as a thought
- exercise!</font>
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page02.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-We'll take a look first at the client application. As usual, our goal
- is to keep the main() application as simple as possible and
- delegate the tricky stuff to another object.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=red>/* The Client object will implement the nasty details of connecting to
- communicating with the server
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Client_i.h</font>"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- <font color=red>// How many messages will we send?</font>
- int mcount = argc > 1 ? <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::atoi</font>(argv[1]) : 3;
- <font color=red>// Construct a Client with our desired endpoint.</font>
- <font color=red>// Attempt to open the connection to the server.</font>
- if( == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green><font color=#008888>Client::open</font>()</font>"), -1);
- }
- <font color=red>// Send a few messages to the server and get some responses...</font>
- for( int i = 0 ; i &lt; mcount ; ++i )
- {
- <font color=red>// Since we'll be using a Protocol Stream (even though we</font>
- <font color=red>// don't know that at this level) we require the use of</font>
- <font color=red>// ACE_Message_Block objects to send/receive data.</font>
- ACE_Message_Block * message = new ACE_Message_Block( 128 );
- <font color=red>// Construct a silly message to send to the server.</font>
- <font color=red>// Notice that we're careful to add one to the strlen() so </font>
- <font color=red>// that we also send the end-of-string NULL character.</font>
- <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::sprintf</font> (message->wr_ptr (), "<font color=green>This is message %d.</font>", i);
- message->wr_ptr (strlen (message->rd_ptr ())+1);
- <font color=red>// client will take ownership of the message block so that </font>
- <font color=red>// we don't have to remember to release(). We *do* have</font>
- <font color=red>// to remember not to use it after put() since it may be</font>
- <font color=red>// released almost immediately.</font>
- client.put( message );
- ACE_Message_Block * response;
- <font color=red>// get() takes an ACE_Message_Block pointer reference. We then</font>
- <font color=red>// assume ownership of it and must release() when we're done.</font>
- if( client.get( response ) == -1 )
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Failed to get response from server\n</font>" ));
- break;
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) The server's response: (%s)\n</font>",
- response->rd_ptr()));
- <font color=red>// Now that we're through with the response we have to</font>
- <font color=red>// release() it to avoid memory leaks.</font>
- response->release();
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Shutting down the stream\n</font>" ));
- <font color=red>// Before we exit, it's a good idea to properly close() the connection.</font>
- if( client.close() == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green><font color=#008888>Client::close</font>()</font>"), -1);
- }
- return(0);
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page03.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The Client object is designed to hide all of the messy connection
- logic from it's users. It also provides put/get methods for
- sending data to the server and receiving the server's response.
- Note the Protocol_Stream member that will take care of
- converting and sending/receiving the data.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>CLIENT_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>CLIENT_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#if !defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE</font>)
-<font color=blue># pragma</font> <font color=purple>once</font>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Stream.h</font>"
-class ACE_Message_Block;
-<font color=red>/* Hide the details of connection and protocol-conformance from the
- application-level logic.
-class Client
- <font color=red>// Provide the server information when constructing the</font>
- <font color=red>// object. This could (and probably should) be moved to the</font>
- <font color=red>// open() method.</font>
- Client (u_short port,
- const char *server);
- <font color=red>// Cleanup...</font>
- ~Client (void);
- <font color=red>// Open the connection to the server.</font>
- int open (void);
- <font color=red>// Close the connection to the server. Be sure to do this</font>
- <font color=red>// before you let the Client go out of scope.</font>
- int close (void);
- <font color=red>// Put a message to the server. The Client assumes ownership of</font>
- <font color=red>// &lt;message> at that point and will release() it when done. Do not</font>
- <font color=red>// use &lt;message> after passing it to put().</font>
- int put (ACE_Message_Block *message);
- <font color=red>// Get a response from the server. The caller becomes the owner of</font>
- <font color=red>// &lt;response> after this call and is responsible for invoking</font>
- <font color=red>// release() when done.</font>
- int get (ACE_Message_Block *&response);
- <font color=red>// Protocol_Stream hides the protocol conformance details from us.</font>
- Protocol_Stream stream_;
- <font color=red>// We create a connection on the peer_ and then pass ownership of it</font>
- <font color=red>// to the protocol stream.</font>
- ACE_SOCK_Stream peer_;
- <font color=red>// Endpoing information saved by the constructor for use by open().</font>
- u_short port_;
- const char *server_;
- <font color=red>// Accessors for the complex member variables.</font>
- Protocol_Stream &stream (void)
- {
- return this->stream_;
- }
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* CLIENT_H */</font>
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page04.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The implementation of the Client object. Only the open() method
- really does any work. The other methods simply delegate their
- function to the Protocol_Stream.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Client_i.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Message_Block.h">ace/Message_Block.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/INET_Addr.h">ace/INET_Addr.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Connector.h">ace/SOCK_Connector.h</A>"
-<font color=red>// Simple constructor just remembers the endpoint information for use by open.</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client::Client</font>( u_short _port, const char * _server)
- : port_(_port), server_(_server)
- ;
-<font color=red>/* Do nothing. This should probably call close() if we can make sure
- that it's OK to close() multiple times.
-<font color=#008888>Client::~Client</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=red>/* Open the connection to the server. This is traditional ACE. We
- simply construct an endpoint and use a connector to establish the
- link.
-int <font color=#008888>Client::open</font>( void )
- ACE_INET_Addr addr(port_,server_);
- ACE_SOCK_Connector con;
- if( con.connect(peer(),addr) == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green><font color=#008888>ACE_SOCK_Connector::connect</font>()</font>"), -1);
- }
- <font color=red>// Something new here... We have to use the protocol stream</font>
- <font color=red>// to ensure that our data is in the correct format when</font>
- <font color=red>// received by the server. Thus, we open the stream and</font>
- <font color=red>// transfer ownership of the peer.</font>
- return stream().open( peer() );
-<font color=red>// The remainder of the functions just delegate to the stream.</font>
-int <font color=#008888>Client::close</font>( void )
- return stream().close();
-int <font color=#008888>Client::put</font>( ACE_Message_Block * _message )
- return stream().put(_message,0);
-int <font color=#008888>Client::get</font>( ACE_Message_Block * & _response )
- return stream().get(_response);
-Ok, that's it for the client. We've seen a very simple main()
- followed by an equally simple Client object.
-For a quick look back:
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.client">client Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="client.cpp">client.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.h">Client_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.cpp">Client_i.cpp</A>
-Now we'll move on and examine the server counter-part of our client.
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page05.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-Like the client, we want to keep the main() part of our server code as
- simple as possible. This is done by putting most of the work
- into the Handler object that will deal with client connections.
-From the looks of the code below, I think we've been successful in our
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Server_i.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Select_Reactor.h">ace/Select_Reactor.h</A>"
-<font color=red>// A signal handler that will close the server object</font>
-extern "<font color=green>C</font>" void handler (int)
- <font color=#008888>Server::close</font>();
-int main (int, char **)
- <font color=red>/* On Win32, the WFMO reactor is used by default.
- Unfortunately, that causes the sockets to be put into
- non-blocking mode which will break <font color=#008888>Recv::recv</font>(). To
- prevent that issue, I explicitly use the Select Reactor
- instead. I'll talk more about the "<font color=green>problem</font>" in the Recv
- comments.
- */</font>
- <font color=red>// First, we create a Select_Reactor that will do the work.</font>
- <font color=red>// To keep things simple, I'll create it on the stack.</font>
- ACE_Select_Reactor mySelectReactor;
- <font color=red>// Next, we need an ACE_Reactor that is the bridge between the </font>
- <font color=red>// code and the real reactor. It is given a pointer to the</font>
- <font color=red>// real reactor.</font>
- ACE_Reactor myReactor (&mySelectReactor);
- <font color=red>// Finally, we set the singleton instance to use the reactor</font>
- <font color=red>// we've created.</font>
- <font color=#008888>ACE_Reactor::instance</font> (&myReactor);
- <font color=red>// The server object that abstracts away all of the difficult parts.</font>
- Server server;
- <font color=red>// Attempt to open the server. Like all good ACE-based</font>
- <font color=red>// objects, we'll get -1 on failure.</font>
- if( == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green></font>"), -1);
- }
- <font color=red>// Install a signal handler for ^C so that we can exit gracefully</font>
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- <font color=red>// Run the server's main loop until we're interrupted</font>
- if( == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green></font>"), -1);
- }
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* These explicit instantiations were taken from an earlier tutorial.
- Your compiler may require others as well.
-<font color=blue>#if defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION</font>)
-template class ACE_Acceptor &lt;Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>;
-template class ACE_Svc_Handler&lt;ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>;
-<font color=blue>#elif defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA</font>)
-<font color=blue>#pragma</font> <font color=purple>instantiate</font> ACE_Acceptor &lt;Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>
-<font color=blue>#pragma</font> <font color=purple>instantiate</font> ACE_Svc_Handler&lt;ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */</font>
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
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- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The Server object exists in order simplify the
-main() application level. To that end, it hides the details of
-creating an acceptor and managing the reactor.
-The static close() method available for a signal handler as you saw on
-the previous page. Of course the assumption here is that there would
-only be one Server instance but since you can't provide a TCP/IP port,
-that's probably a valid assumption!
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>SERVER_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>SERVER_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Acceptor.h">ace/Acceptor.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#if !defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE</font>)
-<font color=blue># pragma</font> <font color=purple>once</font>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h">ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Handler.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* Anytime I have templates I try to remember to create a typedef for
- the parameterized object. It makes for much less typing later!
-typedef ACE_Acceptor &lt;Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR> Acceptor;
-class Server
- <font color=red>// Our simple constructor takes no parameters. To make the</font>
- <font color=red>// server a bit more useful, you may want to pass in the</font>
- <font color=red>// TCP/IP port to be used by the acceptor.</font>
- Server (void);
- ~Server (void);
- <font color=red>// Open the server for business</font>
- int open (void);
- <font color=red>// Close all server instances by setting the finished_ flag.</font>
- <font color=red>// Actually, the way this class is written, you can only have</font>
- <font color=red>// one instance.</font>
- static int close (void);
- <font color=red>// Run the server's main loop. The use of the gloabl ACE_Reactor by</font>
- <font color=red>// this method is what limits us to one Server instance.</font>
- int run (void);
- <font color=red>// This will accept client connection requests and instantiate a</font>
- <font color=red>// Handler object for each new connection.</font>
- Acceptor acceptor_;
- <font color=red>// Our shutdown flag</font>
- static sig_atomic_t finished_;
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* SERVER_H */</font>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-And now the implementation of Server. This is actually just the
-main() code from a previous tutorial broken into appropriate method
-calls. It may seem silly to do this rather than keeping the stuff in
-main() but you'll find that you have less trouble enhancing an
-application when you take this sort of approach.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Server_i.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* We have to allocate space for our static finished_ flag. We also
- initialize it to 'false' so that we don't exit immediately.
-sig_atomic_t <font color=#008888>Server::finished_</font> = 0;
-<font color=red>/* The simple constructor and destructor don't do anything but give us
- a place to expand in the future if we want.
-<font color=#008888>Server::Server</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=#008888>Server::~Server</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=red>/* Opening the server is as simple as opening the acceptor with the
- default ACE_Reactor instance. If we want to allow multiple
- instances of Server objects then we should have an ACE_Reactor
- member variable that we can register with.
-int <font color=#008888>Server::open</font>(void)
- if ( (ACE_INET_Addr (ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT), <font color=#008888>ACE_Reactor::instance</font>()) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green>open</font>"), -1);
- return(0);
-<font color=red>/* Running the server just means that we execute the basic event
- loop for the reactor. Again, if we had a private reactor then we
- could have multiple server's in their run() method.
-int <font color=#008888>Server::run</font>(void)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) starting up server daemon\n</font>"));
- <font color=red>// Here's the basic event loop. I have a 2-second timeout on</font>
- <font color=red>// the handle_events() so that we don't have to wait too long</font>
- <font color=red>// when we set the finished_ flag.</font>
- while (!finished_)
- {
- <font color=red>// Some (all?) platforms return the "<font color=green>remaining time</font>" in the</font>
- <font color=red>// timeout parameter. If we don't reset it each time, we</font>
- <font color=red>// will end up with a 100% CPU spin loop!</font>
- ACE_Time_Value timeout(2);
- <font color=#008888>ACE_Reactor::instance</font>()->handle_events (&timeout);
- }
- <font color=red>// Close the acceptor when we're done. This may be handled by </font>
- <font color=red>// the framework but it's good practice to be explicit about things.</font>
- acceptor_.close();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) shutting down server daemon\n</font>"));
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* The close() method simply sets the finished_ flag so that run()
- will leave the event loop and exit.
-int <font color=#008888>Server::close</font>(void)
- finished_ = 1;
- <font color=#008888>ACE_Reactor::instance</font>()->notify();
- return(0);
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The Handler object is our event handler. You can use either
-ACE_Event_Handler or ACE_Svc_Handler<> for the baseclass. I generally
-prefer the latter since it takes care of some housekeeping that I
-would otherwise be responsible for.
-The class declaration is taken almost exactly from a previous
-tutorial. A good design will have a simple handler object that will
-collect data from the peer and pass it along to another object for
-processing. Again, keep it simple and delegate authority.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>HANDLER_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>HANDLER_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Svc_Handler.h">ace/Svc_Handler.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#if !defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE</font>)
-<font color=blue># pragma</font> <font color=purple>once</font>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Stream.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* Just your basic event handler. We use ACE_Svc_Handler&lt;> as a
- baseclass so that it can maintain the peer() and other details for
- us. We're not going to activate() this object, so we can get away
- with the NULL synch choice. */</font>
-class Handler : public ACE_Svc_Handler &lt;ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
- Handler (void);
- ~Handler (void);
- <font color=red>// Called by the acceptor when we're created in response to a client</font>
- <font color=red>// connection.</font>
- int open (void *);
- <font color=red>// Called when it's time for us to be deleted. We take care of</font>
- <font color=red>// removing ourselves from the reactor and shutting down the peer()</font>
- <font color=red>// connectin.</font>
- void destroy (void);
- <font color=red>// Called when it's time for us to go away. There are subtle</font>
- <font color=red>// differences between destroy() and close() so don't try to use</font>
- <font color=red>// either for all cases.</font>
- int close (u_long);
- <font color=red>// Respond to peer() activity.</font>
- int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE);
- <font color=red>// This will be called when handle_input() returns a failure code.</font>
- <font color=red>// That's our signal that it's time to begin the shutdown process.</font>
- int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE,
- ACE_Reactor_Mask mask);
- <font color=red>// Like the Client, we have to abide by the protocol requirements.</font>
- <font color=red>// We use a local Protocol_Stream object to take care of those</font>
- <font color=red>// details. For us, I/O then just becomes a matter of interacting</font>
- <font color=red>// with the stream.</font>
- Protocol_Stream stream_;
- Protocol_Stream &stream (void)
- {
- return this->stream_;
- }
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* HANDLER_H */</font>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-Like any other event handler, the handle_input() method will be
-responsible for getting data from the peer() and doing something with
-it. In this case, we have a Protocol_Stream to deal with. We'll use
-the stream for the actual I/O but we are ultimately responsible for
-processing the data from the peer. To do that, we've created a
-Handler_Task that fits within the Protocol_Stream framework to process
-data that has been received. Handler::handle_input() will tell the stream that
-it's time to read data and that data will eventually show up at
-Handler_Task::recv() where we'll process it as required by our
-application logic.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Handler.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Task.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* The Protocol_Stream gives us the option to insert a Protocol_Task
- to process data received by the stream. We'll get into the details
- more when we talk about the stream in detail. For now it's enough
- to know that <font color=#008888>Handler_Task::recv</font>() will be invoked by the stream
- after data from the client has been received and processed (eg --
- decrypted, uncompressed, and whatever else the protocol requires.)
-class Handler_Task : public Protocol_Task
- <font color=red>// Typical...</font>
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- <font color=red>// Simple...</font>
- Handler_Task(void);
- ~Handler_Task(void);
- <font color=red>// recv() is invoked after received data has been fully</font>
- <font color=red>// processed by the protocol rules. Data processing typically </font>
- <font color=red>// done in handle_input() can then be done here.</font>
- int recv(ACE_Message_Block * message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
-<font color=#008888>Handler::Handler</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=#008888>Handler::~Handler</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=red>/* The Acceptor will open() us once the peer() connection is
- established. There are a couple of things we have to do here
- before we're ready to receive data from the client.
-int <font color=#008888>Handler::open</font> (void *)
- ACE_INET_Addr addr;
- <font color=red>// Make sure that we can get the peer's address. If we can't</font>
- <font color=red>// then there may be a network error or something else that</font>
- <font color=red>// will prevent communicating with the client. This is</font>
- <font color=red>// something you'll want to do in every event handler you create.</font>
- if (this->peer ().get_remote_addr (addr) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Cannot get remote addr\n</font>"), -1);
- <font color=red>// Announce the client</font>
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) connected with %s\n</font>", addr.get_host_name() ));
- <font color=red>// Here's the first new twist to the old event handler.</font>
- <font color=red>// Before we can use the Protocol_Stream to communicate with</font>
- <font color=red>// the peer, we must open() it. We provide the stream with</font>
- <font color=red>// the peer() so that it will have a valid socket on which to</font>
- <font color=red>// read client requests and send our responses. We also</font>
- <font color=red>// provide a Handler_Task instance that will ultimately be</font>
- <font color=red>// responsible for processing any client data we receive.</font>
- int rval = stream().open( this->peer(), new Handler_Task() );
- <font color=red>// Of course, we have to account for the chance that the</font>
- <font color=red>// stream's open() may fail.</font>
- if( rval == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Cannot open the protocol stream.\n</font>"), -1);
- }
- <font color=red>// Now that we know the client is valid and that the stream is </font>
- <font color=red>// ready for business we can register with the gloabl reactor</font>
- <font color=red>// instance. Here again is an opportunity for improvement if</font>
- <font color=red>// we expect to have mulitple Server object instances.</font>
- if (<font color=#008888>ACE_Reactor::instance</font>()->register_handler (this, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Cannot register with reactor\n</font>"), -1);
- return rval;
-<font color=red>/* This is a fairly typical destroy() method that can be shared by
- both close() and handle_close().
-void <font color=#008888>Handler::destroy</font> (void)
- <font color=#008888>ACE_Reactor::instance</font>()->remove_handler(this,ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK|ACE_Event_Handler::DONT_CALL);
- this->peer ().close ();
- delete this;
-<font color=red>/* In this simple application we just forward the close() and
- handle_close() requests right on to the destroy() method.
-int <font color=#008888>Handler::close</font> (u_long)
- this->destroy ();
- return 0;
-int <font color=#008888>Handler::handle_close</font>(ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask _mask)
- this->destroy();
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* Unlike a "<font color=green>traditional</font>" handle_input() ours is very simple. Because
- of the use of the protocol stream, we delegate the read function to
- the stream's get() and rely on our Handler_Task to do the real work.
-int <font color=#008888>Handler::handle_input</font> (ACE_HANDLE)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Activity from client\n</font>" ));
- <font color=red>// This will cause a blocking read from the peer(). The data</font>
- <font color=red>// will then be pushed through the protocol stream.</font>
- if( stream().get( ) == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Cannot get data from protocol stream\n</font>"), -1);
- }
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* A Protocol_Task is derived from ACE_Task and has the option of
- running in one or more threads. I've chosen here to construct the
- baseclass with no threads but it should work just fine with one or
- more if you need. Unless you're sharing the Handler_Task with
- several peers, however, you're probably just wasting a thread to
- activate it. On the other hand, if your reactor is running in a
- single thread (as in this example) then you can easily implement
- thread-per-connection concurrency by giving the baseclass one thread.
-<font color=#008888>Handler_Task::Handler_Task</font>(void)
- : inherited()
- ;
-<font color=#008888>Handler_Task::~Handler_Task</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=red>/* When installed into the protocol stream, the Handler_Task's recv()
- method will be called when data is ready for processing.
- */</font>
-int <font color=#008888>Handler_Task::recv</font>(ACE_Message_Block * message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout )
- <font color=red>// Announce the request we got from the client</font>
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) <font color=#008888>Handler_Task::recv</font>() got (%s)\n</font>", message->rd_ptr() ));
- <font color=red>// Create a response message to send to the client</font>
- ACE_Message_Block * response = new ACE_Message_Block( 128 );
- <font color=red>// Nothing very original about this I'm afraid...</font>
- <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::sprintf</font>( response->wr_ptr(), "<font color=green>You Said: (%s)</font>", message->rd_ptr() );
- response->wr_ptr( strlen(response->wr_ptr())+1 );
- <font color=red>// Release the original message block now that we're through</font>
- <font color=red>// "<font color=green>processing</font>" it.</font>
- message->release();
- <font color=red>// Turn the message around and send it back down the Stream.</font>
- <font color=red>// In other words, we invoke the put() method on the</font>
- <font color=red>// Protocol_Stream without having to have a direct reference</font>
- <font color=red>// to the stream object.</font>
- return this->reply( response, timeout );
-That's it for the server-specific code. I think I've been fairly
-successful in keeping it simple and to the point. There are a couple
-of places where the as-yet-undescribed Protocol_Stream pops up and may
-cause confusion. We're going to discuss that mystery now but before
-we do here's the list of server files if you want to review:
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.server">Server Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.h">Server_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.cpp">Server_i.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.h">Handler.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.cpp">Handler.cpp</A>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-And so finally we come to the Protocol_Stream. That, after all, is
-the focus of the entire tutorial but it took us half of the day to get
-The Protocol_Stream uses an ACE_Stream to move an ACE_Message_Block
-through a series of tasks. Each task in the stream is responsible for
-performing some operation on the data in the message block. That is
-the nature of a protocol stream (or "stack" if you prefer). In this
-stream, the data is compressed and encrypted* on its way between
-peers. We also allow users of the stream to install a reader task to
-handle data that percolates up from the peer. As you saw a page or
-two ago, this is most useful for a server.
-<font size=-1>*Again, I just pretend to do these things. It would
-take another day or two to go through any sort of reasonable
-encryption or compression!</font>
-Before we get into the code, here's a picture that's shows what's
-going on here.
-<P><center><img src="stream.gif"></center></p>
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>PROTOCOL_STREAM_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>PROTOCOL_STREAM_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#if !defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE</font>)
-<font color=blue># pragma</font> <font color=purple>once</font>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Stream.h">ace/Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=red>// Shorthand for the stream.</font>
-typedef ACE_Stream&lt;ACE_MT_SYNCH> Stream;
-<font color=red>// Forward references to cut down on the number of <font color=blue>#include</font>s</font>
-class ACE_Message_Block;
-class Recv;
-class Protocol_Task;
-<font color=red>/* The Protocol_Stream provides a tidy interface to an ACE_Stream
- setup to process a data block through a series of protocol stages.
-class Protocol_Stream
- Protocol_Stream (void);
- ~Protocol_Stream (void);
- <font color=red>// Provide the stream with an ACE_SOCK_Stream on which it can</font>
- <font color=red>// communicate. If _reader is non-null, it will be added as the</font>
- <font color=red>// reader task just below the stream head so that it can process</font>
- <font color=red>// data read from the peer.</font>
- int open (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer,
- Protocol_Task *reader = 0);
- <font color=red>// Close the stream. All of the tasks & modules will also be</font>
- <font color=red>// closed.</font>
- int close (void);
- <font color=red>// putting data onto the stream will pass it through all protocol</font>
- <font color=red>// levels and send it to the peer.</font>
- int put (ACE_Message_Block *&message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- <font color=red>// get will cause the Recv task (at the tail of the stream) to read</font>
- <font color=red>// some data from the peer and pass it upstream. The message block</font>
- <font color=red>// is then taken from the stream reader task's message queue.</font>
- int get (ACE_Message_Block *&response,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- <font color=red>// Tell the Recv task to read some data and send it upstream. The</font>
- <font color=red>// data will pass through the protocol tasks and be queued into the</font>
- <font color=red>// stream head reader task's message queue. If you've installed a</font>
- <font color=red>// _reader in open() then that task's recv() method will see the</font>
- <font color=red>// message and may consume it instead of passing it to the stream</font>
- <font color=red>// head for queueing.</font>
- int get (void);
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
- <font color=red>// Our peer connection</font>
- ACE_SOCK_Stream peer_;
- <font color=red>// The stream managing the various protocol tasks</font>
- Stream stream_;
- <font color=red>// A task which is capable of receiving data on a socket.</font>
- <font color=red>// Note that this is only useful by client-side applications.</font>
- Recv *recv_;
- Stream &stream (void)
- {
- return this->stream_;
- }
- <font color=red>// Install the protocol tasks into the stream.</font>
- int open (void);
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* PROTOCOL_STREAM_H */</font>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-And now the implementation of the Protocol_Stream. There are more
-lines of code here than we've seen so far but it still isn't
-complicated. The basic idea is to construct the ACE_Stream with our
-set of protocol objects that will manipulate the data. Our primary
-concern in this file is to get everything in the correct order!
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Stream.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Task.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Xmit.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Recv.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Compressor.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Crypt.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Stream_Modules.h">ace/Stream_Modules.h</A>"
-<font color=red>/* You can choose at compile time to include/exclude the protocol
- pieces.
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>ENABLE_COMPRESSION</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>ENABLE_ENCRYPTION</font>
-<font color=red>// The usual typedefs to make things easier to type.</font>
-typedef ACE_Module&lt;ACE_MT_SYNCH> Module;
-typedef ACE_Thru_Task&lt;ACE_MT_SYNCH> Thru_Task;
-<font color=red>/* An ACE_Stream is a collection of ACE_Modules. You can think of it
- as a doubly-linked list if you like. Each Module contains two
- ACE_Task derivatives. One of these tasks is used when sending data
- "<font color=green>upstream</font>", the other is used for "<font color=green>downstream</font>" operation. In some
- cases, you'll only need to move data in one direction. To provide
- a placeholder for the other direction, ACE_Thru_Task can be used.
- ACE_Thru_Task responds to the put() by simply invoking put_next()
- to send the data to the next module.
- */</font>
-<font color=red>/* Do-nothing constructor and destructor
- */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::Protocol_Stream</font> (void)
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::~Protocol_Stream</font> (void)
-<font color=red>/* Even opening the stream is rather simple. The important thing to
- remember is that the modules you push onto the stream first will be
- at the tail (eg -- most downstream) end of things when you're
- done.
- */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::open</font> (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer,
- Protocol_Task *reader)
- <font color=red>// Initialize our peer() to read/write the socket we're given</font>
- peer_.set_handle (peer.get_handle ());
- <font color=red>// Construct (and remember) the Recv object so that we can read from</font>
- <font color=red>// the peer().</font>
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (recv_,
- Recv ( this->peer ()),
- -1);
- <font color=red>// Add the transmit and receive tasks to the head of the stream. As</font>
- <font color=red>// we add more modules these will get pushed downstream and end up</font>
- <font color=red>// nearest the tail by the time we're done.</font>
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("<font color=green>Xmit/Recv</font>",
- new Xmit ( this->peer ()),
- recv_)) == -1)
- "<font color=green>%p\n</font>",
- "<font color=green>stream().push(xmit/recv)</font>"),
- -1);
- <font color=red>// Add any other protocol tasks to the stream. Each one is added at</font>
- <font color=red>// the head. The net result is that Xmit/Recv are at the tail.</font>
- if (this->open () == -1)
- return -1;
- <font color=red>// If a reader task was provided then push that in as the upstream</font>
- <font color=red>// side of the next-to-head module. Any data read from the peer()</font>
- <font color=red>// will be sent through here last. Server applications will</font>
- <font color=red>// typically use this task to do the actual processing of data.</font>
- <font color=red>// Note the use of Thru_Task. Since a module must always have a</font>
- <font color=red>// pair of tasks we use this on the writer side as a no-op.</font>
- if (reader)
- {
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("<font color=green>Reader</font>",
- new Thru_Task (),
- reader)) == -1)
- "<font color=green>%p\n</font>",
- "<font color=green>stream().push(reader)</font>"),
- -1);
- }
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* Add the necessary protocol objects to the stream. The way we're
- pushing things on we will encrypt the data before compressing it.
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::open</font> (void)
-<font color=blue>#if defined</font> (<font color=purple>ENABLE_COMPRESSION</font>)
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("<font color=green>compress</font>",
- new Compressor (),
- new Compressor ())) == -1)
- "<font color=green>%p\n</font>",
- "<font color=green>stream().push(comprssor)</font>"),
- -1);
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ENABLE_COMPRESSION */</font>
-<font color=blue>#if defined</font> (<font color=purple>ENABLE_ENCRYPTION</font>)
- if (stream ().push (new Module ("<font color=green>crypt</font>",
- new Crypt (),
- new Crypt ())) == -1)
- "<font color=green>%p\n</font>",
- "<font color=green>stream().push(crypt)</font>"),
- -1);
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ENABLE_ENCRYPTION */</font>
- return 0;
-<font color=red>// Closing the Protocol_Stream is as simple as closing the ACE_Stream.</font>
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::close</font> (void)
- return stream ().close ();
-<font color=red>// Simply pass the data directly to the ACE_Stream.</font>
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::put</font> (ACE_Message_Block *&message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return stream ().put (message,
- timeout);
-<font color=red>/* Tell the Recv module to read some data from the peer and pass it
- upstream. Servers will typically use this method in a
- handle_input() method to tell the stream to get a client's request. */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::get</font>(void)
- <font color=red>// If there is no Recv module, we're in big trouble!</font>
- if (recv_ == 0)
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) No Recv object!\n</font>"),
- -1);
- <font color=red>// This tells the Recv module to go to it's peer() and read some</font>
- <font color=red>// data. Once read, that data will be pushed upstream. If there is</font>
- <font color=red>// a reader object then it will have a chance to process the data.</font>
- <font color=red>// If not, the received data will be available in the message queue</font>
- <font color=red>// of the stream head's reader object (eg --</font>
- <font color=red>// stream().head()->reader()->msg_queue()) and can be read with our</font>
- <font color=red>// other get() method below.</font>
- if (recv_->get () == -1)
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Cannot queue read request\n</font>"),
- -1);
- <font color=red>// For flexibility I've added an error() method to tell us if</font>
- <font color=red>// something bad has happened to the Recv object.</font>
- if (recv_->error ())
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Recv object error!\n</font>"),
- -1);
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* Take a message block off of the stream head reader's message queue.
- If the queue is empty, use get() to read from the peer. This is
- most often used by client applications. Servers will generaly
- insert a reader that will prevent the data from getting all the way
- upstream to the head. */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Stream::get</font> (ACE_Message_Block *&response,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout )
- if (stream ().head ()->reader ()->msg_queue ()->is_empty ()
- && this->get () == -1)
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Cannot get data into the stream.\n</font>"),
- -1);
- return stream ().head ()->reader ()->getq (response,
- timeout);
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- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-A quick look at the Protocol_Task header...
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>PROTOCOL_TASK_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>PROTOCOL_TASK_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Task.h">ace/Task.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#if !defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE</font>)
-<font color=blue># pragma</font> <font color=purple>once</font>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */</font>
-<font color=red>/* A typical ACE_Task&lt;> derivative that adds a few things appropriate
- to protocol stacks. To keep things a little simpler, we prevent
- activation of the task and just borrow the thread of control from
- the calling method in all cases.
-class Protocol_Task : public ACE_Task&lt;ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- typedef ACE_Task&lt;ACE_MT_SYNCH> inherited;
- Protocol_Task (void);
- ~Protocol_Task (void);
- <font color=red>// open() is invoked when the task is inserted into the stream.</font>
- virtual int open (void *arg);
- <font color=red>// close() is invoked when the stream is closed (flags will be set</font>
- <font color=red>// to '1') and when the svc() method exits (flags will be '0').</font>
- virtual int close (u_long flags);
- <font color=red>// As data travels through the stream, the put() method of each task</font>
- <font color=red>// is invoked to keep the data moving along.</font>
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- <font color=red>// We're obligated to provide this signature even though we won't be </font>
- <font color=red>// allowing this object to be activated.</font>
- virtual int svc (void);
- <font color=red>// Called by put() or svc() as necessary to process a block of data.</font>
- int process (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- <font color=red>// Tasks on the writer (downstream) side of the stream are called</font>
- <font color=red>// upon to send() data that will ultimately go to the peer.</font>
- virtual int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- <font color=red>// Tasks on the reader (upstream) side will be receiving data that</font>
- <font color=red>// came from the peer.</font>
- virtual int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* PROTOCOL_TASK_H */</font>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The Protocol_Task implementation takes care of the open(), close(),
-put() and svc() methods so that derivatives can concentrate on the
-send() and recv() methods. After a while you find that most
-ACE_Task<> derivatives look very similar in the four basic methods and
-only need one or two additional to do any real work.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Task.h</font>"
-<font color=red>// Construct the object and remember the thread count.</font>
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::Protocol_Task</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::~Protocol_Task</font>(void)
- ;
-int <font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::open</font>(void *arg)
- return(0);
-int <font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::close</font>(u_long flags)
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* When a message is put() onto the task, it's time to process() some data.
-int <font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::put</font>(ACE_Message_Block *message,ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return this->process(message,timeout);
-<font color=red>/* Return an error since we don't want the task to ever be activated.
- */</font>
-int <font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::svc</font>(void)
- return -1;
-<font color=red>/* There's nothing really magic about process(). We just decide if
- we're moving data upstream or downstream and invoke the appropriate
- virtual function to handle it.
-int <font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::process</font>(ACE_Message_Block * message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- if( this->is_writer() )
- {
- return this->send(message,timeout);
- }
- return this->recv(message,timeout);
-<font color=red>/* We must insist that derivatives provide a meaningful overload for
- these methods. It's fairly common for ACE object methods to return
- an error when an overload is expected but the method cannot be
- safely made pure virtual.
- */</font>
-int <font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::send</font>(ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return -1;
-int <font color=#008888>Protocol_Task::recv</font>(ACE_Message_Block * message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- return -1;
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The Xmit object knows how to send data to the peer. It sits at the
-tail of the stream and gets everything that flows down from the head.
-In keeping with the spirit of things, this object does only one thing
-and doesn't concern itself with anyone else' details.
-The only thing you might want to do is combine it with Recv. Why?
-As you'll realize in a page or two, the Xmit and Recv objects must
-interact if you're going to ensure a safe transit. By having a single
-object it's easier to coordinate and maintain the interaction.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>XMIT_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>XMIT_h</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Task.h</font>"
-<font color=red>// Forward reference reduces <font color=blue>#include</font> dependencies</font>
-class ACE_SOCK_Stream;
-<font color=red>/* A class suitable for sending data to a peer from within an
- ACE_Stream.
- */</font>
-class Xmit : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- <font color=red>// We must be given a valid peer when constructed. Without that we</font>
- <font color=red>// don't know who to send data to.</font>
- Xmit (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer);
- ~Xmit (void);
- <font color=red>// As you know, close() will be called in a couple of ways by the</font>
- <font color=red>// ACE framework. We use that opportunity to terminate the</font>
- <font color=red>// connection to the peer.</font>
- int close (u_long flags);
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
- <font color=red>// Send the data to the peer. By now it will have been completely</font>
- <font color=red>// protocol-ized by other tasks in the stream.</font>
- int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- <font color=red>// A representation of the peer we're talking to.</font>
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer_;
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* XMIT_H */</font>
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- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The implementation of Xmit isn't too complicated. If we choose to
-combine it with the Recv task we simply lift the recv() method from
-that object and drop it into this one.
-Note that close() must decide if it's being called when the stream is
-shutdown or when it's svc() method exits. Since we tell the baseclass
-not to use any threads it's a safe bet that flags will always be
-non-zero. Still, it's good practice to plan for the future by
-checking the value.
-Note also that when we send the data we prefix it with the data size.
-This let's our sibling Recv ensure that an entire block is received
-together. This can be very important for compression and encryption
-processes which typically work better with blocks of data instead of
-streams of data.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Xmit.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=red>/* Construct the object with the peer connection and choose not to
- activate ourselves into a dedicated thread. You might get some
- performance gain by activating but if you really want a
- multi-threaded apprroach you should handle that as a separate
- issue. Attempting to force threading at this level will likely
- cause more trouble than you want to deal with.
-<font color=#008888>Xmit::Xmit</font>( ACE_SOCK_Stream & _peer )
- : Protocol_Task(), peer_(_peer)
-<font color=#008888>Xmit::~Xmit</font>(void)
-<font color=red>/* Check to see if we're being closed by the stream (flags != 0) or if
- we're responding to the exit of our svc() method.
-int <font color=#008888>Xmit::close</font>(u_long flags)
- <font color=red>// Take care of the baseclass closure.</font>
- int rval = <font color=#008888>inherited::close</font>(flags);
- <font color=red>// Only if we're being called at the stream shutdown do we close</font>
- <font color=red>// the peer connection. If, for some reason, we were activated</font>
- <font color=red>// into one or more threads we wouldn't want to close the pipe</font>
- <font color=red>// before all threads had a chance to flush their data.</font>
- if( flags )
- {
- peer().close();
- }
- return( rval );
-<font color=red>/* Our overload of send() will take care of sending the data to the
- peer.
-int <font color=#008888>Xmit::send</font>(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- int rval;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) <font color=#008888>Xmit::send</font>() sending (%s)(%d)\n</font>", message->rd_ptr(), message->length() ));
- <font color=red>/* Since we're going to be sending data that may have been
- compressed and encrypted it's probably important for the
- receiver to get an entire "<font color=green>block</font>" instead of having a
- partial read.
- For that reason, we'll send the length of the message block
- (in clear-text) to the peer so that it can then recv_n()
- the entire block contents in one read operation.
- */</font>
- char msize[32];
- sprintf(msize,"<font color=green>%d</font>",message->length());
- <font color=red>// Be sure we send the end-of-string NULL so that Recv will</font>
- <font color=red>// know when to stop assembling the length.</font>
- rval = this->peer().send_n( msize, strlen(msize)+1, 0, timeout );
- if( rval == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green><font color=#008888>Xmit::send</font>() Failed to send message size.</font>"), -1);
- }
- <font color=red>/* Now we send the actual data. If you're worried about
- network efficiency then you may choose to create one buffer
- containing msize and the message data and send it all at
- once.
- */</font>
- rval = this->peer().send_n( message->rd_ptr(), message->length(), 0, timeout );
- <font color=red>// Release the message block since we're done with it.</font>
- message->release();
- return( rval );
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-Recv is the sibling to Xmit. Again, they could be combined into a
-single object if you want.
-An ACE_Stream is designed to handle downstream traffic very
-well. You put() data into it and it flows along towards the tail.
-However, there doesn't seem to be a way to put data in such that it
-will travel upstream. To get around that, I've added a get() method
-to Recv that will trigger a read on the socket. Recv will then put
-the data to the next upstream module and we're on our way. As noted
-earlier, that data will eventually show up either in the <i>reader</i>
-(if installed on the stream open()) or the stream head reader task's
-message queue.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>RECV_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>RECV_h</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Task.h</font>"
-class ACE_SOCK_Stream;
-<font color=red>/* Get some data from the peer and send it upstream for
- de-protocol-ization.
-class Recv : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- <font color=red>// Give it someone to talk to...</font>
- Recv (ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer);
- ~Recv (void);
- <font color=red>// Trigger a read from the socket</font>
- int get (void);
- <font color=red>// In some cases it might be easier to check the "<font color=green>state</font>" of the Recv</font>
- <font color=red>// object than to rely on return codes filtering back to you.</font>
- int error (void)
- {
- return this->error_;
- }
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer (void)
- {
- return this->peer_;
- }
- <font color=red>// The baseclass will trigger this when our get() method is called.</font>
- <font color=red>// A message block of the appropriate size is created, filled and</font>
- <font color=red>// passed up the stream.</font>
- int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
- <font color=red>// Our endpoint</font>
- ACE_SOCK_Stream &peer_;
- <font color=red>// get() uses a bogus message block to cause the baseclass to invoke</font>
- <font color=red>// recv(). To avoid memory thrashing, we create that bogus message</font>
- <font color=red>// once and reuse it for the life of Recv.</font>
- ACE_Message_Block *tickler_;
- <font color=red>// Our error flag (duh)</font>
- int error_;
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* RECV_H */</font>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The Recv implementation is nearly as simple as Xmit. There's
-opportunity for error when we get the message size and we have to
-manage the lifetime of the tickler but other than that it's pretty
-basic stuff.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Recv.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=red>/* Construct the object with the peer reference and other appropriate
- initializations.
-<font color=#008888>Recv::Recv</font>( ACE_SOCK_Stream & _peer )
- : Protocol_Task(), peer_(_peer), error_(0)
- <font color=red>// Create the tickler that get() will use to trigger recv()</font>
- <font color=red>// through the baseclass. Since we're single-threaded this is</font>
- <font color=red>// probably overkill but it makes multi-threading easier if we</font>
- <font color=red>// choose to do that.</font>
- tickler_ = new ACE_Message_Block(1);
-<font color=red>/* Be sure we manage the lifetime of the tickler to prevent a memory
- leak.
-<font color=#008888>Recv::~Recv</font>(void)
- tickler_->release();
-<font color=red>/* By putting the tickler to ourselves we cause things to happen in
- the baseclass that will invoke recv(). If we know we're single
- threaded we could directly call recv() and be done with it but then
- we'd have to do something else if we're multi-threaded. Just let
- the baseclass worry about those things!
-int <font color=#008888>Recv::get</font>(void)
- return this->put( tickler_, 0 );
-int <font color=#008888>Recv::recv</font>(ACE_Message_Block * message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- int rval;
- <font color=red>/* Xmit will send us the message length in clear-text. I
- assume that will be less than 32-bytes!
- */</font>
- char msize[32];
- int b = 0;
- <font color=red>/* Read from the socket one byte at a time until we see then
- end-of-string NULL character. Since the OS layers (at least
- in Unix) will provide some buffering this isn't as bad as
- it may seem at first.
- The byte-at-a-time recv breaks horribly on Win32 where the
- WFMO_Reactor is used. This is because the socket has been
- placed into non-blocking mode and only the recv() of the
- first byte will block. The solution is to use
- ACE_Select_Reactor which doesn't change the socket
- characteristics. We did that back in main(), so we should
- be in good shape now.
- */</font>
- do
- {
- rval = this->peer().recv( &msize[b], 1, timeout );
- if( rval == -1 )
- {
- error_ = 1;
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "<font color=green>%p\n</font>", "<font color=green><font color=#008888>Recv::recv</font>() Failed to get message size.</font>"), -1);
- }
- }
- while( msize[b++] != 0 );
- int size = <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::atoi</font>(msize);
- <font color=red>// Make a block big enough to contain the data we'll read</font>
- message = new ACE_Message_Block( size );
- <font color=red>// Read the actual message data into our new message block</font>
- rval = this->peer().recv_n( message->wr_ptr(), size, 0, timeout );
- <font color=red>// If we got the data correctly then send it on upstream.</font>
- if( rval > 0 )
- {
- message->wr_ptr( rval );
- return( this->put_next( message ) );
- }
- <font color=red>// Something bad happend on the recv_n(). Set an error flag</font>
- <font color=red>// and return error.</font>
- error_ = 1;
- return( -1 );
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-This and the next three pages present the protocol objects that
-provide compression and encryption. If you were hoping to learn the
-secrets of compression and encryption then I'm going to disappoint
-you. There are some really good libraries out there that do this
-stuff though and if anyone wants to integrate one of them into the
-tutorial I'll be glad to take it!
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>COMPRESSOR_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>COMPRESSOR_h</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Task.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* A reallly dumb compression object. (It actually adds 3 bytes to
- every message block.)
-class Compressor : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- Compressor (void);
- ~Compressor (void);
- <font color=red>// This is called when the compressor is on the downstream side.</font>
- <font color=red>// We'll take the message, compress it and move it along to the next</font>
- <font color=red>// module.</font>
- int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- <font color=red>// This one is called on the upstream side. No surprise: we</font>
- <font color=red>// decompress the data and send it on up the stream.</font>
- int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* COMPRESSOR_H */</font>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-Here we implement the details of our compression. By having both
-compression and decompression in one object it's easier to keep track
-of implementation details. Splitting Xmit/Recv like I did will make
-things more difficult if something has to change in their interaction.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Compressor.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=#008888>Compressor::Compressor</font>( void )
- : Protocol_Task()
- ;
-<font color=#008888>Compressor::~Compressor</font>(void)
- ;
-<font color=red>/* This is where you insert your compression code. Most compressors
- want to work on a block of data instead of a byte-stream.
- Fortunately the message block has a block that can be compressed.
- Take a look at libz for a quick way to add compression to your
- apps
- */</font>
-int <font color=#008888>Compressor::send</font>(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) <font color=#008888>Compressor::send</font>() compressing (%s)\n</font>", message->rd_ptr() ));
- <font color=red>// Create a block to hold the compressed data. I belive libz</font>
- <font color=red>// recommends a buffer about 10-20% larger than the source.</font>
- <font color=red>// Other libraries/algorithms may have their own quirks.</font>
- ACE_Message_Block * compressed = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- <font color=red>// Perform a bogus compression algorithm. 'CD' just tells me</font>
- <font color=red>// that this is compressed data and when we "<font color=green>decompress</font>" we'll </font>
- <font color=red>// look for this signature to validate the data received.</font>
- <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::sprintf</font>( compressed->wr_ptr(), "<font color=green>CD:%s</font>", message->rd_ptr() );
- compressed->wr_ptr( strlen(compressed->wr_ptr())+1 );
- <font color=red>// Send the compressed data down the stream to the next module</font>
- this->put_next( compressed );
- <font color=red>// We're done here.</font>
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
-<font color=red>/* And here's the decompression side. We've written Xmit/Recv so that
- we're guaranteed to get an entire block of compressed data. If
- we'd used recv() in the Recv object then we might have gotten a
- partial block and that may not decompress very nicely.
- */</font>
-int <font color=#008888>Compressor::recv</font>(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) <font color=#008888>Compress::recv</font>() decompressing (%s)\n</font>", message->rd_ptr() ));
- <font color=red>// Room for the decompressed data. In the real world you</font>
- <font color=red>// would probably want to send the original (uncompressed)</font>
- <font color=red>// data size in the message. You can predict the maximum</font>
- <font color=red>// possible decompression size but it's cheap and easy just to </font>
- <font color=red>// send that along. Look again at how I do exacly that</font>
- <font color=red>// between Xmit and Recv.</font>
- ACE_Message_Block * decompressed = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- <font color=red>// Check for our signature. Even when you use a real</font>
- <font color=red>// compression algorithm you may want to include your own</font>
- <font color=red>// signature so that you can verify the block. It pays to be</font>
- <font color=red>// paranoid!</font>
- if( <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::strncmp</font>( message->rd_ptr(), "<font color=green>CD:</font>", 3 ) )
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Improperly encompressed data.\n</font>" ));
- message->release();
- return(-1);
- }
- <font color=red>// Skip past the signature before going any further.</font>
- message->rd_ptr( 3 );
- <font color=red>// Perform a bogus decompression algorithm. This is where you </font>
- <font color=red>// would feed to libz or your favorite decompressor. (It's</font>
- <font color=red>// costly but you could invoke popen() on gzip!)</font>
- <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::sprintf</font>( decompressed->wr_ptr(), "<font color=green>%s</font>", message->rd_ptr() );
- decompressed->wr_ptr( strlen(decompressed->wr_ptr())+1 );
- <font color=red>// Recv the decompressed data down the stream to the next module</font>
- this->put_next( decompressed );
- <font color=red>// We're done here.</font>
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-While I might be able to come up with a competitive compressor, I
-don't have a snowball's chance to code up encryption. I'd be better
-off piping the data through the standard Unix crypt command.
-So, while I was lazy with Compress, I'm realistic with Crypt. I'll
-show you the hooks and entry points and let someone else contribute an
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>CRYPT_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>CRYPT_h</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Protocol_Task.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* An interface (adaptor) between your favorite encryption method and
- an ACE_Stream.
-class Crypt : public Protocol_Task
- typedef Protocol_Task inherited;
- Crypt (void);
- ~Crypt (void);
- <font color=red>// Moving downstream will encrypt the data</font>
- int send (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
- <font color=red>// And moving upstream will decrypt it.</font>
- int recv (ACE_Message_Block *message,
- ACE_Time_Value *timeout);
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* CRYPT_H */</font>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-The encryption implementation isn't any smarter than that of the
-compressor. Still, the hooks are there for you to insert your
-favorite library.
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>Crypt.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=red>/* The expected constructor...
- */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Crypt::Crypt</font>( void )
- : Protocol_Task()
-<font color=#008888>Crypt::~Crypt</font>(void)
-<font color=red>/* To send the data we'll apply a signature and encryption.
- */</font>
-int <font color=#008888>Crypt::send</font>(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) <font color=#008888>Crypt::send</font>() encrypting (%s)\n</font>", message->rd_ptr() ));
- <font color=red>// I suspect that some encryptors might change the data size.</font>
- <font color=red>// It probably isn't safe to create a same-size destination buffer.</font>
- ACE_Message_Block * encrypted = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- <font color=red>// Perform a bogus encryption algorithm and add our safety</font>
- <font color=red>// signature. Adding the original data size is also probably</font>
- <font color=red>// a good idea that I haven't encorporated here.</font>
- <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::sprintf</font>( encrypted->wr_ptr(), "<font color=green>ED:%s</font>", message->rd_ptr() );
- encrypted->wr_ptr( strlen(encrypted->wr_ptr())+1 );
- <font color=red>// Send the encrypted data down the stream to the next module</font>
- this->put_next( encrypted );
- <font color=red>// We're done here.</font>
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
-<font color=red>/* The upstream movement requires that we decrypt what the peer has
- given us.
-int <font color=#008888>Crypt::recv</font>(ACE_Message_Block *message, ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) <font color=#008888>Crypt::recv</font>() decrypting (%s)\n</font>", message->rd_ptr() ));
- <font color=red>// Create a destination for the decrypted data. The same</font>
- <font color=red>// block size caveat exists of course.</font>
- ACE_Message_Block * decrypted = new ACE_Message_Block( message->size() );
- <font color=red>// Check the signature as expected.</font>
- if( <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::strncmp</font>( message->rd_ptr(), "<font color=green>ED:</font>", 3 ) )
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "<font color=green>(%P|%t) Improperly encrypted data.\n</font>" ));
- message->release();
- return(-1);
- }
- <font color=red>// Don't forget to skip past the signature before decrypting</font>
- <font color=red>// or things will be quite exciting!</font>
- message->rd_ptr( 3 );
- <font color=red>// Perform a bogus decryption algorithm</font>
- <font color=#008888>ACE_OS::sprintf</font>( decrypted->wr_ptr(), "<font color=green>%s</font>", message->rd_ptr() );
- decrypted->wr_ptr( strlen(decrypted->wr_ptr())+1 );
- <font color=red>// Send the decrypted data down the stream to the next module</font>
- this->put_next( decrypted );
- <font color=red>// We're done here.</font>
- message->release();
- return( 0 );
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 015</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 015</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Building a protocol stream</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-Well, this has certainly been one of the more verbose tutorials to
-date. I must say "thanks" to everyone who stuck it out this far!
-A quick review of what we've done:
-<LI>Create a simple client application and Client object that uses a
-Protocol Stream without really knowing how they work. The app (and
-object) rely on the public interface of the Protocol Stream to get the
-job done. At this level the protocol details are irrelevant.
-<LI>Next, we create a simple server application and Server object
-similar to the client. The Protocol Stream is of course used and we
-have to know a little more so that we can insert a <i>reader</i> that
-will ultimately process the data from the client.
-<LI>We then go into the details of the Protocol_Stream implementation
-and it's Protocol_Task object that forms the basis for the stream
-tasks. Each object is kept as small and simple as possible to improve
-reusability and future maintenance.
-<LI>Finally, the individual protocol objects are discused. Separate
-objects for the peer interface were created as well as the bogus
-compressor and encryptor. The protocol can be extended or modified by
-creating new such objects and installing them in the Protocol_Stream's
-open() method.
-It doesn't sound like much but it certainly took a bunch of files to
-get there. It's easy to get lost in the details when there's so much
-to cover so you're encouraged to go over things a couple of times.
-As always, enhancments of the tutorials is welcome!
-Here's the complete file list:
-<LI><A HREF="client">Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.client">client Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="client.cpp">client.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.h">Client_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Client_i.cpp">Client_i.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Makefile.server">Server Makefile</A>
-<LI><A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.h">Server_i.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Server_i.cpp">Server_i.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.h">Handler.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Handler.cpp">Handler.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Stream.cpp">Protocol_Stream.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Stream.h">Protocol_Stream.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Task.cpp">Protocol_Task.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Protocol_Task.h">Protocol_Task.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Xmit.cpp">Xmit.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Xmit.h">Xmit.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Recv.cpp">Recv.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Recv.h">Recv.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Compressor.cpp">Compressor.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Compressor.h">Compressor.h</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Crypt.cpp">Crypt.cpp</A>
-<LI><A HREF="Crypt.h">Crypt.h</A>
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diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/server.cpp b/docs/tutorials/015/server.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4867833c220..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/server.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "Server_i.h"
-#include "ace/Select_Reactor.h"
-// A signal handler that will close the server object
-extern "C" void handler (int)
- Server::close();
-int main (int, char **)
- /* On Win32, the WFMO reactor is used by default.
- Unfortunately, that causes the sockets to be put into
- non-blocking mode which will break Recv::recv(). To
- prevent that issue, I explicitly use the Select Reactor
- instead. I'll talk more about the "problem" in the Recv
- comments.
- */
- // First, we create a Select_Reactor that will do the work.
- // To keep things simple, I'll create it on the stack.
- ACE_Select_Reactor mySelectReactor;
- // Next, we need an ACE_Reactor that is the bridge between the
- // code and the real reactor. It is given a pointer to the
- // real reactor.
- ACE_Reactor myReactor (&mySelectReactor);
- // Finally, we set the singleton instance to use the reactor
- // we've created.
- ACE_Reactor::instance (&myReactor);
- // The server object that abstracts away all of the difficult parts.
- Server server;
- // Attempt to open the server. Like all good ACE-based
- // objects, we'll get -1 on failure.
- if( == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", ""), -1);
- }
- // Install a signal handler for ^C so that we can exit gracefully
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- // Run the server's main loop until we're interrupted
- if( == -1 )
- {
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", ""), -1);
- }
- return 0;
-/* These explicit instantiations were taken from an earlier tutorial.
- Your compiler may require others as well.
-template class ACE_Acceptor <Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>;
-template class ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Acceptor <Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/015/stream.gif b/docs/tutorials/015/stream.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index daae2420b74..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/015/stream.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ