path: root/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 1026 deletions
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/C-inclient.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/C-inclient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 049bd51d1e6..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/C-inclient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include "ace/OS.h"
-// $Id$
-/* BSD socket client */
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- // Initialize WinSock DLL on Win32...
- ACE_OS::socket_init (ACE_WSOCK_VERSION);
- struct sockaddr_in saddr;
- struct hostent *hp;
- char *host = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST;
- u_short port_num =
- htons (argc > 2 ? atoi (argv[2]) : ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT);
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ACE_HANDLE s_handle;
- int w_bytes;
- int r_bytes;
- int n;
- // Create a local endpoint of communication.
- if ((s_handle = ACE_OS::socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
- ACE_OS::perror ("socket"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- // Determine IP address of the server.
- if ((hp = ACE_OS::gethostbyname (host)) == 0)
- ACE_OS::perror ("gethostbyname"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- // Set up the address information to contact the server.
- ACE_OS::memset ((void *) &saddr, 0, sizeof saddr);
- saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- saddr.sin_port = port_num;
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&saddr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
- // Establish connection with remote server.
- if (ACE_OS::connect (s_handle, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr,
- sizeof saddr) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("connect"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- // Send data to server (correctly handles "incomplete writes" due to
- // flow control).
- while ((r_bytes = ACE_OS::read (ACE_STDIN, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
- for (w_bytes = 0; w_bytes < r_bytes; w_bytes += n)
- if ((n = ACE_OS::send (s_handle, buf + w_bytes,
- r_bytes - w_bytes)) < 0)
- ACE_OS::perror ("write"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- if (ACE_OS::recv (s_handle, buf, 1) == 1)
- ACE_OS::write (ACE_STDOUT, buf, 1);
- // Explicitly close the connection.
- if (ACE_OS::closesocket (s_handle) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("close"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/C-inserver.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/C-inserver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a0c0cca94..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/C-inserver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#include "ace/OS.h"
-// $Id$
-/* BSD socket server. */
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- // Initialize WinSock DLL on Win32...
- ACE_OS::socket_init (ACE_WSOCK_VERSION);
- u_short port_num =
- htons (argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT);
- struct sockaddr_in saddr;
- ACE_HANDLE s_handle, n_handle;
- /* Create a local endpoint of communication */
- if ((s_handle = ACE_OS::socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
- ACE_OS::perror ("socket"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- /* Set up the address information to become a server */
- ACE_OS::memset ((void *) &saddr, 0, sizeof saddr);
- saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- saddr.sin_port = port_num;
- saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- /* Associate address with endpoint */
- if (ACE_OS::bind (s_handle, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr,
- sizeof saddr) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("bind"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- /* Make endpoint listen for service requests */
- if (ACE_OS::listen (s_handle, 5) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("listen"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- /* Performs the iterative server activities */
- for (;;)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- int r_bytes;
- struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;
- int cli_addr_len = sizeof cli_addr;
- struct hostent *hp;
- /* Create a new endpoint of communication */
- do
- n_handle = ACE_OS::accept (s_handle, (struct sockaddr *)
- &cli_addr, &cli_addr_len);
- while (n_handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE && errno == EINTR);
- if (n_handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
- {
- ACE_OS::perror ("accept");
- continue;
- }
- int addr_len = sizeof cli_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
- hp = ACE_OS::gethostbyaddr ((char *) &cli_addr.sin_addr,
- addr_len, AF_INET);
- if (hp != 0)
- ACE_OS::printf ("client %s\n", hp->h_name), ACE_OS::fflush (stdout);
- else
- ACE_OS::perror ("gethostbyaddr");
- /* Read data from client (terminate on error) */
- while ((r_bytes = ACE_OS::recv (n_handle, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
- if (ACE_OS::write (ACE_STDOUT, buf, r_bytes) != r_bytes)
- ACE_OS::perror ("write"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- if (ACE_OS::send (n_handle, "", 1) != 1)
- ::perror ("write"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- /* Close the new endpoint
- (listening endpoint remains open) */
- if (ACE_OS::closesocket (n_handle) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("close"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- ACE_OS::exit (0);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inclient.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inclient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index de2d0b1f6cb..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inclient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// This tests the non-blocking features of the ACE_SOCK_Connector
-// class.
-#include "ace/SOCK_Connector.h"
-#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-// ACE SOCK_SAP client.
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- char *host = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST;
- u_short r_port = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
- ACE_Time_Value timeout (argc > 3 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[3]) : ACE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ACE_SOCK_Stream cli_stream;
- ACE_INET_Addr remote_addr (r_port, host);
- ACE_SOCK_Connector con;
- // Attempt a non-blocking connect to the server, reusing the local
- // addr if necessary.
-#if defined (VXWORKS)
- // Initiate blocking connection with server.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "starting connect\n"));
- if (con.connect (cli_stream, remote_addr) == -1)
- // Initiate timed, non-blocking connection with server.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "starting non-blocking connect\n"));
- if (con.connect (cli_stream, remote_addr, (ACE_Time_Value *) &ACE_Time_Value::zero) == -1)
-#endif /* VXWORKS */
- {
- if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "connection failed"), 1);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "starting timed connect\n"));
-#if !defined (VXWORKS)
- // Check if non-blocking connection is in progress,
- // and wait up to timeout seconds for it to complete.
- if (con.complete (cli_stream, &remote_addr, &timeout) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "complete failed"), 1);
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connected to %s\n", remote_addr.get_host_name ()));
-#endif /* !VXWORKS */
- }
-#if !defined (VXWORKS)
- if (cli_stream.disable (ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "disable"), 1);
-#endif /* !VXWORKS */
- // Send data to server (correctly handles "incomplete writes").
- for (ssize_t r_bytes;
- (r_bytes = ACE_OS::read (ACE_STDIN, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0; )
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (buf, "quit\n") == 0)
- break;
- else if (cli_stream.send (buf, r_bytes, 0, &timeout) == -1)
- {
- if (errno == ETIME)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%p\n", "send_n"));
- else
- // Breakout if we didn't fail due to a timeout.
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "send_n"), -1);
- }
- // Explicitly close the writer-side of the connection.
- if (cli_stream.close_writer () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "close_writer"), 1);
- // Wait for handshake with server.
- if (cli_stream.recv_n (buf, 1) != 1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "recv_n"), 1);
- // Close the connection completely.
- if (cli_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "close"), 1);
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inserver-poll.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inserver-poll.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ba1fa02ad4..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inserver-poll.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// IPC_SAP/poll server, which illustrates how to integrate the ACE
-// $Id$
-// socket wrappers with the SVR4 poll() system call to create a
-// single-threaded concurrent server.
-#include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_SVR4_POLL)
-// Maximum per-process open I/O descriptors.
-const int MAX_FDS = 200;
-main (void)
- // Create a server end-point.
- ACE_SOCK_Acceptor peer_acceptor (addr);
- ACE_SOCK_Stream new_stream;
- ACE_HANDLE s_handle = peer_acceptor.get_handle ();
- struct pollfd poll_array[MAX_FDS];
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FDS; i++)
- {
- poll_array[i].fd = ACE::INVALID_HANDLE;
- poll_array[i].events = POLLIN;
- }
- poll_array[0].fd = s_handle;
- for (int n_handles = 1;;)
- {
- // Wait for client I/O events (handle interrupts).
- while (ACE_OS::poll (poll_array, n_handles) == -1
- && errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- // Handle pending logging messages first (s_handle + 1 is
- // guaranteed to be lowest client descriptor).
- for (i = 1; i < n_handles; i++)
- {
- if (poll_array[i].revents & POLLIN)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- int n;
- // recv will not block in this case!
- if ((n = ACE_OS::recv (poll_array[i].fd, buf, sizeof buf, 0)) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("read failed");
- else if (n == 0)
- {
- // Handle client connection shutdown.
- if (ACE_OS::close (poll_array[i].fd) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("close");
- poll_array[i].fd = poll_array[--n_handles].fd;
- // Send handshake back to client to unblock it.
- if (ACE_OS::send (poll_array[i].fd, "", 1) != 1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "send_n"));
- }
- else
- ACE_OS::printf ("%*s", n, buf), fflush (stdout);
- }
- ACE_OS::fflush (stdout);
- }
- if (poll_array[0].revents & POLLIN)
- {
- ACE_INET_Addr client;
- ACE_Time_Value nonblock (0, 0);
- // Handle all pending connection requests (note use of
- // "polling" feature that doesn't block).
- while (ACE_OS::poll (poll_array, 1, nonblock) > 0)
- if (peer_acceptor.accept (new_stream, &client) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("accept");
- else
- {
- const char *s = client.get_host_name ();
- ACE_ASSERT (s != 0);
- ACE_OS::printf ("client %s\n", s);
- ACE_OS::fflush (stdout);
- poll_array[n_handles++].fd = new_stream.get_handle ();
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main (void)
- ACE_OS::fprintf (stderr, "This feature is not supported\n");
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_SVR4_POLL */
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inserver.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inserver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 313d1c683b6..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-inserver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-// This example tests the non-blocking features of the
-// ACE_SOCK_Acceptor and ACE_SOCK_Stream classes.
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-#include "ace/Handle_Set.h"
-// ACE SOCK_SAP server.
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- u_short port = argc > 1
- ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1])
- ACE_Time_Value timeout (argc > 2
- ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2])
- int sleep_time = argc > 3 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[3]) : 0;
- ACE_SOCK_Acceptor peer_acceptor;
- // Create a server address.
- ACE_INET_Addr server_addr (port);
- // Create a server, reuse the address.
- if ( (server_addr, 1) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "open"), 1);
-#if !defined(VXWORKS)
- // Set the peer acceptor into non-blocking mode.
- else if (peer_acceptor.enable (ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "enable"), 1);
-#endif /* !VXWORKS */
- else if (peer_acceptor.get_local_addr (server_addr) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "get_local_addr"), 1);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "starting server at port %d\n",
- server_addr.get_port_number ()));
- // Keep these objects out here to prevent excessive constructor
- // calls within the loop.
- ACE_SOCK_Stream new_stream;
- ACE_INET_Addr cli_addr;
- ACE_Handle_Set handle_set;
- // Performs the iterative server activities.
- for (;;)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- handle_set.reset ();
- handle_set.set_bit (peer_acceptor.get_handle ());
- int result = ACE_OS::select (int (peer_acceptor.get_handle ()) + 1,
- handle_set,
- 0, 0, timeout);
- if (result == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "select"), -1);
- else if (result == 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "select timed out\n"));
- else
- {
- // Create a new ACE_SOCK_Stream endpoint (note automatic restart
- // if errno == EINTR).
- while ((result = peer_acceptor.accept (new_stream, &cli_addr)) != -1)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "client %s connected from %d\n",
- cli_addr.get_host_name (), cli_addr.get_port_number ()));
-#if !defined(VXWORKS)
- // Enable non-blocking I/O.
- if (new_stream.enable (ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "enable"), -1);
-#endif /* !VXWORKS */
- handle_set.reset ();
- handle_set.set_bit (new_stream.get_handle ());
- // Read data from client (terminate on error).
- for (ssize_t r_bytes;;)
- {
- // Wait to read until there's something from the client.
- if (ACE_OS::select (int (new_stream.get_handle ()) + 1,
- handle_set,
- 0, 0, timeout) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "select"), -1);
- // Keep reading until the client shuts down.
- for (;;)
- {
- // Sleep for some amount of time in order to
- // test client flow control.
- ACE_OS::sleep (sleep_time);
- r_bytes = new_stream.recv (buf, sizeof buf, 0, &timeout);
- if (r_bytes <= 0)
- {
- if (errno == ETIME)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "ACE::recv"));
- break;
- }
- else if (ACE::write_n (ACE_STDOUT, buf, r_bytes) != r_bytes)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "ACE::send_n"));
- }
- if (r_bytes == 0)
- {
- "reached end of input, connection closed by client\n"));
- // Send handshake back to client to unblock it.
- if (new_stream.send_n ("", 1) != 1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "send_n"));
- break;
- }
- else if (r_bytes == -1)
- {
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ETIME)
- "no input available, going back to reading\n"));
- else
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "recv"), -1);
- }
- }
- // Close new endpoint (listening endpoint stays open).
- if (new_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "close"));
- }
- if (result == -1)
- {
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
- "no connections available, going back to accepting\n"));
- else
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "ACE::write"), -1);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-unclient.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-unclient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 41a1c5db682..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-unclient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* ACE_LSOCK Client */
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/LSOCK_Connector.h"
-#include "ace/UNIX_Addr.h"
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- char *rendezvous = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : ACE_DEFAULT_RENDEZVOUS;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ACE_LSOCK_Stream cli_stream;
- ACE_LSOCK_Connector con;
- /* Establish the connection with server */
- if (con.connect (cli_stream, ACE_UNIX_Addr (rendezvous)) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "connect"), 1);
- /* Send data to server (correctly handles "incomplete writes") */
- for (int r_bytes; (r_bytes = ACE_OS::read (ACE_STDIN, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0; )
- if (cli_stream.send_n (buf, r_bytes) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "send_n"), 1);
- /* Explicitly close the writer-side of the connection. */
- if (cli_stream.close_writer () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "close_writer"), 1);
- /* Wait for handshake with server. */
- if (cli_stream.recv_n (buf, 1) != 1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "recv_n"), 1);
- /* Close the connection completely. */
- if (cli_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "close"), 1);
- return 0;
-int main (void)
- "this platform does not support UNIX-domain sockets\n"), -1);
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-unserver.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-unserver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 25ecf7aa8cd..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/CPP-unserver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* ACE_LSOCK Server */
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/LSOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#include "ace/LSOCK_Stream.h"
-#include "ace/UNIX_Addr.h"
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- char *rendezvous = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : ACE_DEFAULT_RENDEZVOUS;
- /* Create a server address. */
- ACE_UNIX_Addr server_addr (rendezvous);
- ACE_LSOCK_Acceptor peer_acceptor;
- /* Create a server */
- if ( (server_addr) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "open"), 1);
- /* Keep these guys out here to prevent excessive constructor
- calls... */
- ACE_LSOCK_Stream new_stream;
- ACE_UNIX_Addr cli_addr;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "starting server %s\n",
- server_addr.get_path_name ()));
- /* Performs the iterative server activities */
- for (;;)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ACE_Time_Value timeout (ACE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
- /* Create a new ACE_SOCK_Stream endpoint (note
- automatic restart if errno == EINTR) */
- if (peer_acceptor.accept (new_stream, &cli_addr, &timeout) == -1)
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "accept"));
- continue;
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "client %s\n",
- cli_addr.get_path_name ()));
- /* Read data from client (terminate on error) */
- for (int r_bytes;
- (r_bytes = new_stream.recv (buf, sizeof buf)) > 0; )
- if (ACE_OS::write (ACE_STDOUT, buf, r_bytes) != r_bytes)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "ACE::send_n"));
- if (new_stream.send_n ("", 1) != 1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "send_n"));
- /* Close new endpoint (listening endpoint stays open) */
- if (new_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "close"));
- }
- return 0;
-int main (void)
- "this platform does not support UNIX-domain sockets\n"), -1);
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/FD-unclient.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/FD-unclient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2165064ab83..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/FD-unclient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/LSOCK_Connector.h"
-#include "ace/UNIX_Addr.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_MSG) && !defined (ACE_HAS_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKETS)
-// ACE_LSOCK Client.
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- char *file_name = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "./local_data";
- char *rendezvous = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : ACE_DEFAULT_RENDEZVOUS;
- ACE_HANDLE handle;
- int n;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ACE_LSOCK_Stream cli_stream;
- ACE_UNIX_Addr addr (rendezvous);
- // Establish the connection with server.
- ACE_LSOCK_Connector connector;
- if (connector.connect (cli_stream, addr) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("connect"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- if ((handle = ACE_OS::open (file_name, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("open"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- // Send handle to server (correctly handles incomplete writes).
- if (cli_stream.send_handle (handle) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("send"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- if ((n = cli_stream.recv_n (buf, sizeof buf)) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("recv"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- else
- ACE_OS::write (ACE_STDOUT, buf, n);
- // Explicitly close the connection.
- if (cli_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("close"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- return 0;
-int main (void)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "your platform must support sendmsg/recvmsg to run this test\n"), -1);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_MSG */
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/FD-unserver.cpp b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/FD-unserver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 38cf2b9de8c..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/FD-unserver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/LSOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#include "ace/LSOCK_Stream.h"
-#include "ace/UNIX_Addr.h"
-// ACE_LSOCK Server
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- char *rendezvous = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : ACE_DEFAULT_RENDEZVOUS;
- // Create a server.
- ACE_OS::unlink (rendezvous);
- ACE_UNIX_Addr addr (rendezvous);
- ACE_LSOCK_Acceptor peer_acceptor (addr);
- ACE_LSOCK_Stream new_stream;
- // Performs the iterative server activities.
- for (;;)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ACE_HANDLE handle;
- // Create a new ACE_SOCK_Stream endpoint.
- if (peer_acceptor.accept (new_stream) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("accept");
- // Read data from client (correctly handles incomplete reads due
- // to flow control).
- if (new_stream.recv_handle (handle) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("recv_handle"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- ACE_OS::puts ("----------------------------------------");
- for (int n; (n = ACE_OS::read (handle, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0; )
- ACE_OS::write (ACE_STDOUT, buf, n);
- ACE_OS::puts ("----------------------------------------");
- if (new_stream.send ("yow", 3) == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("send"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- // Close new endpoint (listening endpoint stays open).
- if (new_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_OS::perror ("close");
- }
- return 0;
-main (void)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "your platform doesn't not support UNIX domain sockets\n"), -1);
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/Makefile b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 75eebdece96..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)Makefile 1.1 10/18/96
-# Makefile for IPC_SAP test
-# Local macros
-BIN = CPP-inclient \
- CPP-unclient \
- CPP-inserver \
- CPP-inserver-poll \
- CPP-unserver \
- FD-unclient \
- FD-unserver \
- C-inclient \
- C-inserver
-LSRC = $(addsuffix .cpp,$(BIN))
-# Include macros and targets
-include $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/wrapper_macros.GNU
-include $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/macros.GNU
-include $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.common.GNU
-include $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.nonested.GNU
-include $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.bin.GNU
-include $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.local.GNU
-# Local targets
-# Dependencies
-# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- g++dep uses it.
-.obj/CPP-inclient.o .shobj/ CPP-inclient.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/INET_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.i
-.obj/CPP-unclient.o .shobj/ CPP-unclient.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Connector.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/INET_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/UNIX_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Connector.i
-.obj/CPP-inserver.o .shobj/ CPP-inserver.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/INET_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Handle_Set.h
-.obj/CPP-inserver-poll.o .shobj/ CPP-inserver-poll.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/INET_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.i
-.obj/CPP-unserver.o .shobj/ CPP-unserver.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Acceptor.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/INET_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/UNIX_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.i
-.obj/FD-unclient.o .shobj/ FD-unclient.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Connector.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/INET_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/UNIX_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Connector.i
-.obj/FD-unserver.o .shobj/ FD-unserver.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Acceptor.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/INET_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Stream.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/UNIX_Addr.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/LSOCK_Stream.i
-.obj/C-inclient.o .shobj/ C-inclient.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i
-.obj/C-inserver.o .shobj/ C-inserver.cpp \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Time_Value.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/config.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/stdcpp.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \
- $(WRAPPER_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/README b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f154faf6de..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains groups of client and server test programs that
-exercise the various C++ wrappers for sockets. In general, the test
-programs do more or less the same thing -- the client establishes a
-connection with the server and then transfers data to the server,
-which keeps printing the data until EOF is reached (e.g., user types
-Unless noted differently, the server is implemented as an "iterative
-server," i.e., it only deals with one client at a time. The following
-describes each set of tests in more detail:
- . C-inclient.cpp/C-inserver.cpp -- This is basically a C code
- implementation that opens a connection to the server and
- sends all the data from the stdin using Internet domain
- sockets (i.e., TCP).
- . CPP-inclient.cpp/CPP-server.cpp -- This test is basically
- a C++ wrapper version of the preceeding "C" test using
- Internet domain sockets (i.e., TCP).
- . CPP-unclient.cpp/CPP-unserver.cpp -- This test is basically
- a C++ wrapper version of the preceeding "C++" test using
- UNIX domain sockets.
- . FD-unclient.cpp/FD-inclient.cpp -- This test illustrates
- how to pass file descriptors between two processes on the
- same machine using the ACE C++ wrappers for UNIX domain
- sockets.
- . CPP-inserver-poll.cpp -- This test illustrates how to
- write single-threaded concurrent servers using UNIX SVR4
- poll(). You can run this test using the CPP-inclient.cpp
- program as the client.
-For examples of the ACE SOCK_{Dgram,CODgram} and
-SOCK_Dgram_{Mcast,Bcast} wrappers, please take a look in the
-./examples/Reactor/{Dgram,Multicast,Ntalker} directories.
diff --git a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/local_data b/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/local_data
deleted file mode 100644
index c0119859a28..00000000000
--- a/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP/local_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-I am Iron man!