path: root/java/ImageProcessing/framework/
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Diffstat (limited to 'java/ImageProcessing/framework/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 622 deletions
diff --git a/java/ImageProcessing/framework/ b/java/ImageProcessing/framework/
deleted file mode 100644
index ac125a1d9de..00000000000
--- a/java/ImageProcessing/framework/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-package imaging.framework;
-import JACE.Timers.ProfileTimer;
-import imaging.filters.*;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.image.*;
-import java.applet.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import gjt.*;
-public class BenchmarkApplet extends Applet implements Runnable
- public static final Font GLOBAL_FONT = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 10);
- private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- private static final String WELCOME = "Welcome to MedJava Image Processing Benchmarking Tool";
- private static final String COPYRIGHT = "(c) 1997 Distributed Object Computing Group, Washington Univesity";
- private static final String ABORT = "Image Processing Tests Aborted";
- private static final String STOP = "Stop";
- private static final String START= "Start";
- private static final String CLEAR= "Clear";
- private static final String RANDOM= "Create Random Image";
- private static final int INTERNAL_ITERATIONS = 10;
- private static final int TRIALS = 1;
- private List images_, filters_;
- private TextArea console_;
- private TextField new_image_;
- private Button start_button_;
- private Button stop_button_;
- private Button clear_button_;
- private Button random_button_;
- private ButtonPanel button_panel_ = new ButtonPanel();
- private Hashtable filter_table_ = new Hashtable();
- private Hashtable image_table_ = new Hashtable();
- private Thread benchmarker_;
- private long elapsed_time_;
- private SpatialFilter filter_;
- private Object monitor_ = new Object();
- public void init()
- {
- Panel control_panel = new Panel();
- Panel sub_panel1 = new Panel();
- Panel filter_panel = new Panel();
- Panel image_panel = new Panel();
- Label image_panel_label = new Label("Images");
- Label filter_panel_label = new Label("Filters");
- new_image_ = new TextField();
- console_ = new TextArea();
- images_ = new List();
- filters_ = new List();
- console_.setEditable(false);
- images_.setMultipleSelections(true);
- filters_.setMultipleSelections(true);
- console_.setFont(GLOBAL_FONT);
- images_.setFont(GLOBAL_FONT);
- filters_.setFont(GLOBAL_FONT);
- image_panel_label.setFont(GLOBAL_FONT);
- filter_panel_label.setFont(GLOBAL_FONT);
- console_.appendText(WELCOME + NEW_LINE);
- console_.appendText(COPYRIGHT + NEW_LINE);
- image_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- image_panel.add("North", image_panel_label);
- image_panel.add("Center", images_);
- image_panel.add("South", new_image_);
- filter_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- filter_panel.add("North", filter_panel_label);
- filter_panel.add("Center", filters_);
- sub_panel1.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5));
- sub_panel1.add(filter_panel);
- sub_panel1.add(image_panel);
- control_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 5, 5));
- control_panel.add(sub_panel1);
- control_panel.add(console_);
- setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- stop_button_ = button_panel_.add(STOP);
- start_button_ = button_panel_.add(START);
- clear_button_ = button_panel_.add(CLEAR);
- random_button_ = button_panel_.add(RANDOM);
- stop_button_.disable();
- add("Center", control_panel);
- add("South", button_panel_);
- getFilters();
- getImages();
- }
- synchronized public void run()
- {
- Image image;
- String image_name, filter_name;
- int image_height, image_width;
- String[] image_list = images_.getSelectedItems();
- String[] filter_list = filters_.getSelectedItems();
- ImageProducer image_source;
- FilteredImageSource filtered_image;
- // BenchmarkFrame bframe = BenchmarkFrame.instance();
- double cumulative_time;
- double best_time;
- SpatialFilter.setTimer(INTERNAL_ITERATIONS);
- console_.appendText(NEW_LINE);
- console_.appendText("Benchmark tests: [mem=" +
- Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() +"/" +
- Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() +"]"
- + NEW_LINE);
- for (int i = 0; i < image_list.length; i++)
- {
- image_name = image_list[i];
- image = (Image)image_table_.get(image_name);
- image_width = image.getWidth(this);
- image_height = image.getHeight(this);
- console_.appendText("Begining tests for image " + image_name);
- console_.appendText(" (size " + image_width + "x" + image_height +
- " = " + image_height*image_width*4 + " bytes )");
- console_.appendText(NEW_LINE);
- console_.appendText(NEW_LINE + " ********** " + NEW_LINE);
- // bframe.init("Begining tests for image " + image_name, image, image_width, image_height);
- // if (! bframe.isShowing())
- //;
- for (int j = 0; j < filter_list.length; j++)
- {
- filter_name = filter_list[j];
- filter_ = (SpatialFilter)filter_table_.get(filter_name);
- if (filter_ == null)
- System.err.println(filter_name + " is null");
- best_time = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- cumulative_time = 0;
- image_source = image.getSource();
- filtered_image = new FilteredImageSource(image.getSource(), filter_);
- for (int l = 0; l < TRIALS; l++)
- {
- elapsed_time_ = 0;
- prepareImage(createImage(filtered_image), this);
- try
- {
- // synchronized(monitor_)
- // {
- while (elapsed_time_ == 0)
- {
- System.out.println("Waiting for image loading to complete.");
- // monitor_.wait();
- wait();
- }
- System.out.println("Image loading has completed.");
- // }
- }
- catch(Exception excp)
- {
- System.out.println(excp);
- stop();
- }
- cumulative_time = (double)elapsed_time_ / (double)INTERNAL_ITERATIONS;
- System.out.println(image_name + " " + filter_name + " " + elapsed_time_);
- if (best_time > cumulative_time)
- best_time = cumulative_time;
- }
- console_.appendText(filter_name + ": best time from " +
- TRIALS + " trials of " + INTERNAL_ITERATIONS +
- " iterations equals: " + best_time + " ms");
- console_.appendText(NEW_LINE);
- Thread.yield();
- }
- console_.appendText(NEW_LINE);
- }
- console_.appendText("Tests concluded." + NEW_LINE);
- // if (bframe.isShowing())
- // bframe.hide();
- stop_button_.disable();
- start_button_.enable();
- }
- synchronized public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y,
- int width, int height)
- {
- System.out.println("Image Update called");
- boolean return_value = false;
- try
- {
- if ((infoflags & ALLBITS) != 0 ||
- (infoflags & SOMEBITS) != 0)
- {
- System.out.println("notify called" + width + " " + height);
- elapsed_time_ = filter_.filterTime();
- return_value = true;
- // monitor_.notify();
- notifyAll();
- }
- else if ((infoflags & ImageObserver.ABORT) != 0 ||
- (infoflags & ERROR) != 0)
- {
- System.out.println("image error!");
- // stop();
- return_value = true;
- }
- }
- catch(SecurityException excp)
- {
- System.err.println(excp);
- }
- return return_value;
- }
- public void stop()
- {
- try
- {
- if (benchmarker_.isAlive())
- {
- BenchmarkFrame bframe = BenchmarkFrame.instance();
- if (bframe.isShowing())
- bframe.hide();
- System.out.println("Stopping tests...");
- benchmarker_.stop();
- console_.appendText(NEW_LINE + ABORT + NEW_LINE);
- }
- start_button_.enable();
- stop_button_.disable();
- }
- catch(SecurityException exception)
- {
- console_.appendText(NEW_LINE + "Stop Failed." + NEW_LINE);
- }
- }
- public boolean action(Event evt, Object what)
- {
- if (what.equals(START))
- {
- boolean proceed = ! (benchmarker_ != null && benchmarker_.isAlive());
- stop_button_.enable();
- if (proceed &&
- images_.getSelectedIndexes() != null &&
- filters_.getSelectedIndexes() != null)
- {
- System.out.println("Starting tests...");
- start_button_.disable();
- benchmarker_ = new Thread(this);
- benchmarker_.setPriority(Math.min(Thread.currentThread().getPriority() + 2,
- Thread.MAX_PRIORITY - 1));
- benchmarker_.start();
- }
- }
- else if (what.equals(STOP))
- {
- stop();
- }
- else if (what.equals(CLEAR))
- {
- console_.setText("");
- console_.appendText(WELCOME + NEW_LINE);
- console_.appendText(COPYRIGHT + NEW_LINE);
- }
- else if (what.equals(RANDOM))
- {
- RandomImageDialog.instance(this).show();
- }
- else if ( == new_image_)
- {
- getSingleImage(new_image_.getText());
- }
- return true;
- }
- private void getSingleImage(String image_url)
- {
- Image image;
- MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
- try
- {
- image = getImage(new URL(image_url));
- tracker.addImage(image, 0);
- tracker.waitForID(0);
- if (image != null)
- {
- int index = image_url.lastIndexOf('/');
- if (index != -1)
- image_url = image_url.substring(index + 1);
- image_table_.put(image_url, image);
- images_.addItem(image_url);
- }
- }
- catch(MalformedURLException e)
- {
- System.err.println(e);
- }
- catch(InterruptedException excp)
- {
- System.err.println(excp);
- }
- }
- private void getImages()
- {
- Image image;
- String image_list = getParameter("images"), image_url;
- StringTokenizer str_tok = new StringTokenizer(image_list, ",");
- while (str_tok.hasMoreTokens())
- {
- image_url = str_tok.nextToken();
- getSingleImage(image_url);
- }
- }
- private void getFilters()
- {
- URL url;
- Object download;
- String config_file;
- String configInfo= null;
- Choice choice = new Choice ();
- ImageFilter filter;
- config_file = getParameter ("configFile");
- if (config_file == null)
- config_file = "";
- try
- {
- System.out.println ("Configuration File: " + config_file);
- // Create a new URL
- url = new URL (config_file);
- // Get the input stream and pipe it to a DataInputStream
- DataInputStream iStream = new DataInputStream (url.openStream ());
- // Create a buffer to hold all the data we get
- StringBuffer tempBuf = new StringBuffer ();
- // Keep reading the data until we are done
- String tempString = iStream.readLine ();
- while (tempString != null)
- {
- tempBuf.append (tempString);
- tempBuf.append (" ");
- tempString = iStream.readLine ();
- }
- configInfo = tempBuf.toString ();
- System.out.println(configInfo);
- if (configInfo != null)
- {
- StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer (configInfo);
- String fullFilterName = null;
- String filterName = null;
- // Now parse the string, picking up filter names. Use these
- // names to load the actual filters as well add new choices to
- // the filter choices.
- while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
- {
- // Get the next token
- fullFilterName = tokens.nextToken ();
- filterName = this.extractFilterName (fullFilterName);
- System.out.println ("Loading: " + fullFilterName);
- // Load the filter class
- Class c = Class.forName (fullFilterName);
- // Class c = this.filterRepository_.load (filter);
- filter = (ImageFilter)c.newInstance();
- if (filter instanceof SpatialFilter)
- {
- // Add the filter to the Filter Repository
- filter_table_.put(filterName, filter);
- // Add filter name to the list of filter choices
- filters_.addItem (filterName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- System.err.println ("Filter not found: " + e);
- }
- }
- private String extractFilterName (String s)
- {
- String filterName = null;
- StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer (s, ".");
- while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
- filterName = tokens.nextToken ();
- return filterName;
- }
- public void generateRandomImage(String name, int width, int height)
- {
- Image image = createImage(width, height);
- Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
- FilteredImageSource filtered_image;
- if (g != null)
- {
- ImageFilter filter = new RandomizeFilter();
- g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
- filtered_image = new FilteredImageSource(image.getSource(), filter);
- image_table_.put(name, createImage(filtered_image));
- images_.addItem(name);
- }
- }
-class RandomImageDialog extends Frame
- private static String GENERATE = "Generate";
- private static String CANCEL = "Cancel";
- private TextField name_ = new TextField(30),
- width_ = new TextField(5),
- height_= new TextField(5);
- private BenchmarkApplet applet_;
- private Button generate_button_;
- private Button cancel_button_;
- private ButtonPanel button_panel_ = new ButtonPanel();
- private static RandomImageDialog instance_;
- public static RandomImageDialog instance(BenchmarkApplet applet)
- {
- if (instance_ == null)
- instance_ = new RandomImageDialog(applet);
- return instance_;
- }
- protected RandomImageDialog(BenchmarkApplet applet)
- {
- super("Generate Random Image");
- applet_ = applet;
- Panel controls = new Panel();
- GridBagLayout gb = new GridBagLayout();
- GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints();
- Label width = new Label("Width: "),
- height = new Label("Height: "),
- name = new Label("Name: ");
- reshape (0, 0, 300, 200);
- controls.setLayout(gb);
- gc.gridx = 0;
- gc.gridy = 0;
- gc.gridwidth = 1;
- gc.insets = new Insets(5,5,5,5);
- gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
- width.setFont(BenchmarkApplet.GLOBAL_FONT);
- gb.setConstraints(width, gc);
- controls.add(width);
- gc.gridx = 1;
- gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
- gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
- gb.setConstraints(width_, gc);
- controls.add(width_);
- gc.gridx = 2;
- gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
- gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
- height.setFont(BenchmarkApplet.GLOBAL_FONT);
- gb.setConstraints(height, gc);
- controls.add(height);
- gc.gridx = 3;
- gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
- gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
- gb.setConstraints(height_, gc);
- controls.add(height_);
- gc.gridx = 0;
- gc.gridy = 1;
- gc.gridwidth = 1;
- gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
- gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
- name.setFont(BenchmarkApplet.GLOBAL_FONT);
- gb.setConstraints(name, gc);
- controls.add(name);
- gc.gridx = 1;
- gc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
- gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
- gb.setConstraints(name_, gc);
- controls.add(name_);
- setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- generate_button_ = button_panel_.add(GENERATE);
- cancel_button_ = button_panel_.add(CANCEL);
- add("Center", controls);
- add("South", button_panel_);
- }
- public boolean action(Event evt, Object what)
- {
- if (what.equals(GENERATE))
- {
- String width = width_.getText(),
- height = height_.getText(),
- name = name_.getText();
- try
- {
- int width_num = Integer.parseInt(width),
- height_num = Integer.parseInt(height);
- applet_.generateRandomImage(name, width_num, height_num);
- dispose();
- }
- catch(NumberFormatException nfe)
- {
- width_.setText("");
- height_.setText("");
- }
- }
- else if (what.equals(CANCEL))
- dispose();
- return true;
- }
-class BenchmarkFrame extends Frame
- private String desc_;
- private Image image_;
- private int height_, width_;
- private static BenchmarkFrame instance_;
- private static final Font FONT = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12);
- public static BenchmarkFrame instance()
- {
- if (instance_ == null)
- instance_ = new BenchmarkFrame();
- return instance_;
- }
- public void init(String desc, Image image, int width, int height)
- {
- reshape(0, 0, width, height + 50);
- setImage(desc, image);
- }
- public void setImage(String desc, Image image)
- {/*
- try
- {
- MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
- tracker.addImage(image, 0);
- tracker.waitForID(0);
- }
- catch(InterruptedException excp)
- {
- }
- */
- desc_ = desc;
- image_ = image;
- }
- public void paint(Graphics g)
- {
- g.setColor(;
- g.setFont(FONT);
- g.drawImage(image_, 0, 50, this);
- g.drawString(desc_, 5, 40);
- }
- protected BenchmarkFrame()
- {
- super("Benchmark Frame");
- }