path: root/java/ImageProcessing/framework/
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Diffstat (limited to 'java/ImageProcessing/framework/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 279 deletions
diff --git a/java/ImageProcessing/framework/ b/java/ImageProcessing/framework/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c16b2c6fa5..00000000000
--- a/java/ImageProcessing/framework/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-package imaging.framework;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.image.*;
-import java.applet.*;
-import gjt.Separator;
-import gjt.Util;
-import imaging.filters.Timer;
-public class ImageApp extends Applet
- public void init ()
- {
- // Use BorderLayout for our applet frame
- this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
- // Now load all the filters specified in the config file
- // this.loadFilters ();
- this.setupButtonPanel ();
- this.add ("Center", this.imageCanvas_);
- }
- private void setupButtonPanel ()
- {
- Panel southPanel = new Panel ();
- southPanel.setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
- Panel buttonPanel = new Panel ();
- buttonPanel.setLayout (new GridLayout (1, 5));
- this.statusDisplay_ = new StatusDisplay ();
- // Create a panel for all the buttons
- this.filePanel_ = new FilePanel (this);
- this.resetPanel_ = new ResetPanel (this);
- this.zoomPanel_ = new ZoomPanel (this);
- this.filterPanel_ = new FilterPanel (this);
- this.helpPanel_ = new HelpPanel (this);
- buttonPanel.add (this.filePanel_);
- buttonPanel.add (this.resetPanel_);
- buttonPanel.add (this.zoomPanel_);
- buttonPanel.add (this.filterPanel_);
- buttonPanel.add (this.helpPanel_);
- southPanel.add ("North", new Separator ());
- southPanel.add ("Center", buttonPanel);
- southPanel.add ("South", this.statusDisplay_);
- southPanel.resize (400, 400);
- // Now add all these components to the main frame
- this.add ("South", southPanel);
- this.add ("North", new Panel ()); // Empty panel (for aesthetics)
- // this.add ("East", new Panel ()); // Empty panel (for aesthetics)
- // this.add ("West", new Panel ()); // Empty panel (for aesthetics)
- }
- public void displayStatus (String s)
- {
- this.statusDisplay_.setText (s);
- }
- // Handle all action events
- public void zoomFactor (double zoomFactor)
- {
- this.imageCanvas_.zoomFactor (zoomFactor);
- }
- public void reloadFilters ()
- {
- this.filterPanel_.loadFilters ();
- repaint ();
- }
- public ImageFilter getFilter (String s)
- {
- return (ImageFilter) this.filterTable_.get (s);
- }
- public void apply ()
- {
- ImageFilter filter = this.getFilter (this.filterPanel_.choice ().getSelectedItem ());
- if (filter != null)
- {
- Util.getFrame (this).setCursor (Frame.WAIT_CURSOR);
- this.imageCanvas_.applyFilter (filter);
- Util.getFrame (this).setCursor (Frame.DEFAULT_CURSOR);
- }
- }
- public void resetImage ()
- {
- this.imageCanvas_.applyFilter (null);
- }
- public void openURL (String url)
- {
- if (url == null)
- {
- DialogManager.popDialog (DialogType.MALFORMED_URL,
- "Error: Malformed URL");
- return;
- }
- Image image;
- try
- {
- if (url.compareTo ("pj") == 0) // This is just for debugging...
- image = getImage (new URL ("http://www.cs/~pjain/myphoto.gif"));
- else
- image = getImage (new URL (url));
- }
- catch (MalformedURLException e)
- {
- DialogManager.popDialog (DialogType.MALFORMED_URL,
- "Error: Malformed URL");
- return;
- }
- if (image != null)
- this.imageCanvas_.setImage (image);
- else
- DialogManager.popDialog (DialogType.URL_NOT_FOUND,
- "Error: URL not found");
- }
- public void saveFile ()
- {
- DialogManager.popDialog (DialogType.NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED,
- "Save File: Not yet implemented ");
- }
- public Choice getFilters ()
- {
- Choice choice = new Choice ();
- // Add the default choice first
- choice.addItem ("None");
- // Now do the file processing -- to determine which filters need
- // to be loaded.
- // Check if the filename has been previously specified and
- // if not then check if the user has specified the name of the
- // config file
- if (this.configFile_ == null)
- this.configFile_ = getParameter ("configFile");
- if (this.configFile_ == null)
- this.configFile_ = "";
- if (this.filterContext_ == null)
- this.filterContext_ = getParameter ("filterContext");
- if (this.filterContext_ == null)
- this.filterContext_ = "";
- URL url;
- String configInfo= null;
- try
- {
- System.out.println ("Configuration File: " + this.configFile_);
- // Create a new URL
- url = new URL (this.configFile_);
- // Get the input stream and pipe it to a DataInputStream
- DataInputStream iStream = new DataInputStream (url.openStream ());
- // Create a buffer to hold all the data we get
- StringBuffer tempBuf = new StringBuffer ();
- // Keep reading the data until we are done
- String tempString = iStream.readLine ();
- while (tempString != null)
- {
- tempBuf.append (tempString);
- tempBuf.append (" ");
- tempString = iStream.readLine ();
- }
- configInfo = tempBuf.toString ();
- }
- catch (MalformedURLException e)
- {
- System.err.println (e);
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- System.err.println (e);
- }
- if (configInfo != null)
- {
- try
- {
- StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer (configInfo);
- String fullFilterName = null;
- String filterName = null;
- // Now parse the string, picking up filter names. Use these
- // names to load the actual filters as well add new choices to
- // the filter choices.
- while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
- {
- // Get the next token
- fullFilterName = tokens.nextToken ();
- filterName = this.extractFilterName (fullFilterName);
- // URL filter = new URL (this.filterContext_ + fullFilterName + ".class");
- System.out.println ("Loading: " + fullFilterName);
- // Load the filter class
- Class c = Class.forName (fullFilterName);
- // Class c = this.filterRepository_.load (filter);
- // Add the filter to the Filter Repository
- this.filterTable_.put (filterName,
- (ImageFilter) c.newInstance ());
- // Add filter name to the list of filter choices
- choice.addItem (filterName);
- }
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
- {
- System.err.println ("Filter not found: " + e);
- return null;
- }
- catch (IllegalAccessException e)
- {
- System.err.println ("Filter not found: " + e);
- return null;
- }
- catch (InstantiationException e)
- {
- System.err.println ("Filter not found: " + e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- return choice;
- }
- // Extract the short filter name from the full filter name. For
- // example, this method returns "EmbossFilter" if it is given the
- // string "imaging/filters/EmbossFilter"
- private String extractFilterName (String s)
- {
- String filterName = null;
- StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer (s, ".");
- while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
- filterName = tokens.nextToken ();
- return filterName;
- }
- private Panel centerPanel_ = new Panel ();
- private String configFile_ = null;
- private String filterContext_ = null;
- private Choice choice_ = null;
- private ImageCanvas imageCanvas_ = new ImageCanvas ();
- private FilePanel filePanel_;
- private ResetPanel resetPanel_;
- private ZoomPanel zoomPanel_;
- private FilterPanel filterPanel_;
- private HelpPanel helpPanel_;
- private StatusDisplay statusDisplay_;
- // Now create all the buttons
- private Button URLDialogButton_ = new Button ("Open URL");
- private Button saveButton_ = new Button ("Save");
- private Button reloadButton_ = new Button ("Reload Filters");
- private Button applyButton_ = new Button ("Apply");
- private Button resetButton_ = new Button ("Reset");
- private Button aboutButton_ = new Button ("About");
- private Button zoomInButton_ = new Button ("<< Zoom in");
- private Button zoomOutButton_ = new Button ("Zoom out >>");
- private Hashtable filterTable_ = new Hashtable ();
- private ImageFilterFactory iff_ = new ImageFilterFactory ();
- // private FilterRepository filterRepository_ = new FilterRepository ();