path: root/java/gjt/test/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/java/gjt/test/ b/java/gjt/test/
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-package gjt.test;
-import java.applet.Applet;
-import java.awt.*;
-// The OccupationOracle class makes a guess at a person's occupation
-// within an engineering organization based on a few "key" traits.
-// Invalid entries in numeric fields result in an "Unknown" occupation.
-// This applet uses the awt.GridBagLayout class to structure the
-// occupation form. The awt.GridBagLayout class allows fields to
-// be placed in rows and columns within a form. Each component
-// is given a "display area" based on the constraints in effect
-// when it is added to the layout.
-// Author: Jerry Jackson (thanks, sifu)
-public class OccupationOracle extends Panel {
- // Construct the form. Create each component of the form and
- // add it to the layout. Initialize the occupation to "Unknown".
- public OccupationOracle() {
- // Use the GridBagLayout layout to construct rows and
- // columns.
- GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
- // Create a new set of constraints to use when adding
- // a component to the layout. The constraint values
- // in effect when a component is added to the layout
- // are cloned and stored in conjunction with the component
- // by the layout.
- GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
- // Set the font for the form.
- //setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 12));
- // Associate the GridBagLayout object with the applet.
- setLayout(gridbag);
- // The "anchor" constraint determines how a component
- // is justified within its display area.
- constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
- // Determines how much space should be given to this component.
- // if left at 0.0, all components clump up in the middle as the
- // padding is applied to the outside.
- constraints.weightx = 1.0;
- // Create a name label and text field.
- makeNameField();
- // Setting the "gridwidth" constraint to 1 will
- // cause the component to take up the minimum
- // horizontal space in its row.
- constraints.gridwidth = 1;
- // "addFormComponent" will associate the current constraints
- // with a component and add the component to the form.
- addFormComponent(gridbag, nameLabel, constraints);
- // Setting the "gridwidth" constraint to REMAINDER will
- // cause the component to fill up the remainder of its row.
- // i.e. it will be the last entry in the row.
- constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- // The "fill" constraint tells what to do if the item is in
- // a area larger than it is. In this case we want to fill
- // any extra horizontal space.
- constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, nameField, constraints);
- // Create and add an age label and text field.
- makeAgeField();
- constraints.gridwidth = 1;
- constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
- constraints.weightx = 0.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, ageLabel, constraints);
- constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- constraints.weightx = 1.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, ageField, constraints);
- // Create and add a world view label and a single checkbox
- // for a true/false value.
- makeWorldViewField();
- constraints.gridwidth = 1;
- constraints.weightx = 0.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, worldViewLabel, constraints);
- constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- constraints.weightx = 1.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, worldViewField, constraints);
- // Create and add a coffee consumption label and text field.
- makeCoffeeField();
- constraints.gridwidth = 1;
- constraints.weightx = 0.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, coffeeLabel, constraints);
- constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- constraints.weightx = 1.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, coffeeField, constraints);
- // Create and add a fashion sense label and a checkbox
- // group that has three mutually exclusive values.
- makeFashionField();
- constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- constraints.weightx = 0.0;
- constraints.weighty = 0.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, fashionLabel, constraints);
- // The three checkboxes that represent fashion sense.
- addFormComponent(gridbag, low, constraints);
- addFormComponent(gridbag, medium, constraints);
- addFormComponent(gridbag, high, constraints);
- // The Occupation field is output only.
- makeOccupationField();
- constraints.gridwidth = 1;
- constraints.weightx = 0.0;
- constraints.weighty = 1.0;
- constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, occupationLabel, constraints);
- constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
- constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- constraints.weightx = 1.0;
- addFormComponent(gridbag, occupationField, constraints);
- // Display the initial "Unknown" occupation.
- recalculateOccupation();
- resize(400, 250);
- }
- // The paint() method for this applet just calls the paintComponents()
- // method which is defined by the Container class. It causes all
- // the components visible within the Container to get painted.
- public void paint(Graphics g) {
- paintComponents(g);
- }
- // When any action occurs within the form we do the same thing:
- // recalculate the person's occupation.
- public boolean action(Event event, Object arg) {
- recalculateOccupation();
- return true;
- }
- // A helper function that associates constraints with a component
- // and adds it to the form.
- private void addFormComponent(GridBagLayout grid, Component comp,
- GridBagConstraints c) {
- grid.setConstraints(comp, c);
- add(comp);
- }
- // recalculateOccupation() fetches the values of each component
- // and computes an occupation based on some truly stupid heuristics.
- private void recalculateOccupation() {
- // If we don't have a name yet we might incorrectly categorize
- // the CEO!
- if (nameField.getText() == "") {
- occupationField.setText("Unknown");
- }
- // Fetch other important values that we'll use in our
- // calculations.
- int age;
- int coffeeConsumption;
- boolean binaryView = worldViewField.getState();
- // Try to fetch integer values for age and coffeeConsumption.
- // If the values in the fields can't be parsed as integers,
- // set the occupation to "Unknown".
- try {
- age = Integer.parseInt(ageField.getText());
- coffeeConsumption = Integer.parseInt(coffeeField.getText());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- occupationField.setText("Unknown");
- return;
- }
- // Check for the CEO.
- String name = nameField.getText();
- if (name.endsWith("II") ||
- name.endsWith("III") ||
- name.endsWith("IV")) {
- if (age < 35 || coffeeConsumption < 4) {
- occupationField.setText("Junior Executive");
- } else {
- occupationField.setText("CEO");
- }
- return;
- }
- // Fashion sense is a critical piece of information.
- // The getCurrent() method of CheckboxGroup returns whichever
- // Checkbox in the group is currently selected. Only one
- // can be selected at a time.
- Checkbox fashionValue = fashionGroup.getCurrent();
- if (fashionValue == low || fashionValue == medium) {
- // There are two kinds of people in the world: those who
- // divide people into two kinds and those who don't.
- if (binaryView && coffeeConsumption >= 4) {
- occupationField.setText("Engineer");
- } else if ((age > 40 && binaryView) ||
- (age < 40 && coffeeConsumption >= 4)) {
- occupationField.setText("Engineering Manager");
- } else {
- occupationField.setText("Product Manager");
- }
- } else {
- // High fashion sense. Not an engineer!
- if (binaryView || coffeeConsumption >= 4) {
- occupationField.setText("Vice President");
- } else {
- occupationField.setText("Product Marketing");
- }
- }
- }
- // Helper functions to create form components.
- private void makeNameField() {
- nameLabel = new Label("Name: ");
- nameField = new TextField(40);
- }
- private void makeAgeField() {
- ageLabel = new Label("Age: ");
- ageField = new TextField(3);
- }
- private void makeOccupationField() {
- occupationLabel = new Label("Occupation: ");
- occupationField = new TextField(40);
- }
- private void makeWorldViewField() {
- worldViewLabel = new Label("Binary World View: ");
- worldViewField = new Checkbox();
- }
- private void makeCoffeeField() {
- coffeeLabel = new Label("Coffee consumption: ");
- coffeeField = new TextField(3);
- }
- private void makeFashionField() {
- fashionLabel = new Label("Fashion sense:");
- fashionGroup = new CheckboxGroup();
- low = new Checkbox("Low ", fashionGroup, false);
- medium = new Checkbox("Medium", fashionGroup, true);
- high = new Checkbox("High ", fashionGroup, false);
- }
- // Text fields.
- private TextField nameField;
- private TextField ageField;
- private TextField coffeeField;
- private TextField occupationField;
- // Labels.
- private Label nameLabel;
- private Label ageLabel;
- private Label coffeeLabel;
- private Label fashionLabel;
- private Label worldViewLabel;
- private Label occupationLabel;
- // Checkboxes.
- private Checkbox worldViewField;
- private Checkbox low;
- private Checkbox medium;
- private Checkbox high;
- // The fashion sense checkbox group.
- private CheckboxGroup fashionGroup;