path: root/protocols/ace/RMCast
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/ace/RMCast')
28 files changed, 0 insertions, 4343 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/ b/protocols/ace/RMCast/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb6428d28b..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Name: ACE_RMCast
-Description: ACE Reliable Multicast Library
-Requires: ACE
-Version: @VERSION@
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lACE_RMCast
-Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b647a255dad..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Time_Value.h" // ACE_Time_Value
-#include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h" // abort
-#include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h" // gettimeofday
-#include "Acknowledge.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- Acknowledge::
- Acknowledge (Parameters const& params)
- : params_ (params),
- hold_ (params.addr_map_size ()),
- cond_ (mutex_),
- nrtm_timer_ (params_.nrtm_timeout ()),
- stop_ (false)
- {
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- in_start (In_Element* in)
- {
- Element::in_start (in);
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- out_start (Out_Element* out)
- {
- Element::out_start (out);
- tracker_mgr_.spawn (track_thunk, this);
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- out_stop ()
- {
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- stop_ = true;
- cond_.signal ();
- }
- tracker_mgr_.wait ();
- Element::out_stop ();
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- collapse (Queue& q)
- {
- // I would normally use iterators in the logic below but ACE_Map_Manager
- // iterates over entries in no particular order so it is pretty much
- // unusable here. Instead we will do slow and cumbersome find's.
- //
- u64 sn ( () + 1);
- for (;; ++sn)
- {
- Queue::ENTRY* e;
- if (q.find (sn, e) == -1 || e->int_id_.lost ()) break;
- Message_ptr m (e->int_id_.msg ());
- q.unbind (sn);
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- (sn - 1);
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- track ()
- {
- while (true)
- {
- Messages msgs;
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- if (stop_)
- break;
- if (hold_.current_size () != 0)
- {
- for (Map::iterator i (hold_.begin ()), e (hold_.end ());
- i != e;
- ++i)
- {
- Queue& q = (*i).int_id_;
- if (q.current_size () == 0) continue;
- track_queue ((*i).ext_id_, q, msgs);
- }
- }
- if (--nrtm_timer_ == 0)
- {
- nrtm_timer_ = params_.nrtm_timeout ();
- // Send NRTM.
- //
- unsigned short max_payload_size (
- params_.max_packet_size () - max_service_size);
- u32 max_elem (NRTM::max_count (max_payload_size));
- Profile_ptr nrtm (create_nrtm (max_elem));
- if (nrtm.get ())
- {
- Message_ptr m (new Message);
- m->add (nrtm);
- msgs.push_back (m);
- }
- }
- }
- // Send stuff off.
- //
- for (Messages::Iterator i (msgs); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- Message_ptr* ppm;
- (ppm);
- send (*ppm);
- }
- // Go to sleep but watch for "manual cancellation" request.
- //
- {
- ACE_Time_Value time (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
- time += params_.tick ();
- Lock l (mutex_);
- while (!stop_)
- {
- if (cond_.wait (&time) == -1)
- {
- if (errno != ETIME)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- if (stop_)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- track_queue (Address const& addr, Queue& q, Messages& msgs)
- {
- unsigned short max_payload_size (
- params_.max_packet_size () - max_service_size);
- u32 max_elem (NAK::max_count (max_payload_size));
- u32 count (0);
- Queue::iterator i (q.begin ()), e (q.end ());
- // Track existing losses.
- //
- while (i != e)
- {
- NAK_ptr nak (new NAK (addr));
- // Inner loop that fills NAK profile with up to max_elem elements.
- //
- for (; i != e && nak->count () < max_elem; ++i)
- {
- u64 sn ((*i).ext_id_);
- Descr& d = (*i).int_id_;
- if (d.lost ())
- {
- d.timer (d.timer () - 1);
- if (d.timer () == 0)
- {
- //@@ Need exp fallback.
- //
- d.nak_count (d.nak_count () + 1);
- d.timer ((d.nak_count () + 1) * params_.nak_timeout ());
- nak->add (sn);
- ++count;
- // cerr << 6 << "NAK # " << d.nak_count () << ": "
- // << addr << " " << sn << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- // Send this NAK.
- //
- if (nak->count ())
- {
- // cerr << 5 << "NAK: " << addr << " " << nak->count () << " sns"
- // << endl;
- Message_ptr m (new Message);
- m->add (Profile_ptr (nak.release ()));
- msgs.push_back (m);
- }
- }
- // Detect and record new losses.
- //
- for (u64 sn ( () + 1), end (q.max_sn ()); sn < end; ++sn)
- {
- if (q.find (sn) == -1)
- {
- q.bind (sn, Descr (1));
- }
- }
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- recv (Message_ptr m)
- {
- // Handle NRTM. There could be some nasty interaction with code
- // that handles data below (like missing message and NAK). This
- // is why I hold the lock at the beginning (which may be not very
- // efficient).
- //
- Lock l (mutex_);
- if (NRTM const* nrtm = static_cast<NRTM const*> (m->find (NRTM::id)))
- {
- for (Map::iterator i (hold_.begin ()), e (hold_.end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- u64 sn (nrtm->find ((*i).ext_id_));
- if (sn != 0)
- {
- Queue& q = (*i).int_id_;
- u64 old (q.max_sn ());
- if (old < sn)
- {
- // Mark as lost.
- //
- q.bind (sn, Descr (1));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (m->find (Data::id) || m->find (NoData::id))
- {
- Address from (
- static_cast<From const*> (m->find (From::id))->address ());
- u64 sn (static_cast<SN const*> (m->find (SN::id))->num ());
- Map::ENTRY* e;
- if (hold_.find (from, e) == -1)
- {
- // First message from this source.
- //
- hold_.bind (from, Queue (sn));
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- else
- {
- Queue& q = e->int_id_;
- if (sn <= ())
- {
- // Duplicate.
- //
- //cerr << 6 << "DUP " << from << " " << () << " >= " << sn
- // << endl;
- }
- else if (sn == () + 1)
- {
- // Next message.
- //
- q.rebind (sn, Descr (m));
- collapse (q);
- }
- else
- {
- // Some messages are missing. Insert this one into the queue.
- //
- q.rebind (sn, Descr (m));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- l.release ();
- // Just forward it up.
- //
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- }
- void Acknowledge::
- send (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (Data const* data = static_cast<Data const*> (m->find (Data::id)))
- {
- size_t max_payload_size (
- params_.max_packet_size () - max_service_size);
- if (max_payload_size > data->size ())
- {
- u32 max_size (max_payload_size - data->size ());
- u32 max_elem (NRTM::max_count (max_size));
- if (max_elem > 0)
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- Profile_ptr nrtm (create_nrtm (max_elem));
- if (nrtm.get ())
- m->add (nrtm);
- }
- }
- nrtm_timer_ = params_.nrtm_timeout (); // Reset timer.
- }
- out_->send (m);
- }
- Profile_ptr Acknowledge::
- create_nrtm (u32 max_elem)
- {
- // Prepare NRTM.
- //
- NRTM_ptr nrtm (new NRTM ());
- // Gather the information.
- //
- {
- for (Map::iterator i (hold_.begin ()), e (hold_.end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- Address addr ((*i).ext_id_);
- Queue& q = (*i).int_id_;
- //@@ Should look for the highest known number.
- //
- nrtm->insert (addr, ());
- if (--max_elem == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (nrtm->empty ())
- return Profile_ptr (0);
- else
- return Profile_ptr (nrtm.release ());
- }
- ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN Acknowledge::
- track_thunk (void* obj)
- {
- reinterpret_cast<Acknowledge*> (obj)->track ();
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7654b1fec..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Acknowledge.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Acknowledge : public Element
- {
- public:
- Acknowledge (Parameters const& params);
- virtual void
- in_start (In_Element* in);
- virtual void
- out_start (Out_Element* out);
- virtual void
- out_stop ();
- public:
- virtual void
- recv (Message_ptr m);
- virtual void
- send (Message_ptr m);
- // Sun C++ 5.4 can't handle private here.
- //
- // private:
- public:
- struct Descr
- {
- //@@ There should be no default c-tor.
- //
- Descr ()
- : nak_count_ (0), timer_ (1)
- {
- }
- Descr (unsigned long timer)
- : nak_count_ (0), timer_ (timer)
- {
- }
- Descr (Message_ptr m)
- : m_ (m)
- {
- }
- public:
- bool
- lost () const
- {
- return m_.get () == 0;
- }
- public:
- Message_ptr
- msg ()
- {
- return m_;
- }
- void
- msg (Message_ptr m)
- {
- m_ = m;
- }
- public:
- unsigned long
- nak_count () const
- {
- return nak_count_;
- }
- void
- nak_count (unsigned long v)
- {
- nak_count_ = v;
- }
- unsigned long
- timer () const
- {
- return timer_;
- }
- void
- timer (unsigned long v)
- {
- timer_ = v;
- }
- private:
- Message_ptr m_;
- unsigned long nak_count_;
- unsigned long timer_;
- };
- private:
- struct Queue : ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<u64, Descr, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- {
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<u64, Descr, ACE_Null_Mutex> Base;
- // Should never be here but required by ACE_Hash_Blah_Blah.
- //
- Queue ()
- : Base (ACE_RMCAST_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE), sn_ (0), max_sn_ (0)
- {
- }
- Queue (u64 sn)
- : Base (ACE_RMCAST_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE), sn_ (sn), max_sn_ (sn)
- {
- }
- Queue (Queue const& q)
- : Base (ACE_RMCAST_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE), sn_ (q.sn_), max_sn_ (sn_)
- {
- for (Queue::const_iterator i (q), e (q, 1); i != e; ++i)
- {
- bind ((*i).ext_id_, (*i).int_id_);
- }
- }
- public:
- int
- bind (u64 sn, Descr const& d)
- {
- int r (Base::bind (sn, d));
- if (r == 0 && sn > max_sn_) max_sn_ = sn;
- return r;
- }
- int
- rebind (u64 sn, Descr const& d)
- {
- int r (Base::rebind (sn, d));
- if (r == 0 && sn > max_sn_) max_sn_ = sn;
- return r;
- }
- int
- unbind (u64 sn)
- {
- int r (Base::unbind (sn));
- if (r == 0 && sn == max_sn_)
- {
- for (--max_sn_; max_sn_ >= sn_; --max_sn_)
- {
- if (find (max_sn_) == 0) break;
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- public:
- u64
- sn () const
- {
- return sn_;
- }
- void
- sn (u64 sn)
- {
- sn_ = sn;
- }
- u64
- max_sn () const
- {
- if (current_size () == 0) return sn_;
- return max_sn_;
- }
- private:
- u64 sn_, max_sn_;
- };
- typedef
- ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<Address,
- Queue,
- AddressHasher,
- ACE_Equal_To<Address>,
- ACE_Null_Mutex>
- Map;
- private:
- void
- collapse (Queue& q);
- void
- track ();
- void
- track_queue (Address const& addr, Queue& q, Messages& msgs);
- Profile_ptr
- create_nrtm (u32 max_elem);
- track_thunk (void* obj);
- private:
- Parameters const& params_;
- Map hold_;
- Mutex mutex_;
- Condition cond_;
- unsigned long nrtm_timer_;
- bool stop_;
- ACE_Thread_Manager tracker_mgr_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Bits.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Bits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b45580647b..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Bits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Bits.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Mutex.h"
-#include "ace/Condition_T.h"
-#include "ace/Synch_Traits.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- typedef ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX Mutex;
- typedef ACE_Guard<Mutex> Lock;
- typedef ACE_Condition<Mutex> Condition;
- // tmp
- //
- //using std::cerr;
- //using std::endl;
-#endif // ACE_RMCAST_BITS_H
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Flow.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Flow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a415862647e..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Flow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Flow.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Flow.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" // sleep
-#include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h" // gettimeofday
-#include "ace/os_include/os_math.h" // exp
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- Flow::
- Flow (Parameters const& params)
- : params_ (params),
- nak_time_ (0, 0),
- sample_start_time_ (0, 0),
- sample_bytes_ (0),
- current_tput_ (0.0),
- cap_tput_ (0.0)
- {
- }
- void Flow::
- send (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (Data const* data = static_cast<Data const*> (m->find (Data::id)))
- {
- ACE_Time_Value now_time (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
- Lock l (mutex_);
- sample_bytes_ += data->size ();
- if (sample_start_time_ == ACE_Time_Value (0, 0))
- {
- sample_start_time_ = now_time;
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_Time_Value delta (now_time - sample_start_time_);
- if (delta > ACE_Time_Value (0, 2000))
- {
- current_tput_ =
- double (sample_bytes_) / (delta.sec () * 1000000 + delta.usec ());
- // cerr << "tput: " << current_tput_ << " bytes/usec" << endl;
- sample_bytes_ = 0;
- sample_start_time_ = ACE_Time_Value (0, 0);
- }
- }
- if (cap_tput_ != 0.0
- && current_tput_ != 0.0
- && current_tput_ > cap_tput_)
- {
- double dev = (current_tput_ - cap_tput_) / current_tput_;
- // cerr << "deviation: " << dev << endl;
- // Cap decay algorithm.
- //
- {
- ACE_Time_Value delta (now_time - nak_time_);
- unsigned long msec = delta.msec ();
- double x = msec / -16000.0;
- double y = 1.0 * exp (x);
- cap_tput_ = cap_tput_ / y;
- // cerr << "cap decay: " << cap_tput_ << " bytes/usec" << endl;
- }
- l.release ();
- timespec time;
- time.tv_sec = 0;
- time.tv_nsec = static_cast<unsigned long> (dev * 500000.0);
- // Don't bother to sleep if the time is less than 10 usec.
- //
- if (time.tv_nsec > 10000)
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (time));
- }
- }
- out_->send (m);
- }
- void Flow::
- recv (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (NAK const* nak = static_cast<NAK const*> (m->find (NAK::id)))
- {
- Address to (static_cast<To const*> (m->find (To::id))->address ());
- if (nak->address () == to)
- {
- // This one is for us.
- //
- //cerr << "NAK from "
- // << static_cast<From const*> (m->find (From::id))->address ()
- // << " for " << nak->count () << " sns." << endl;
- ACE_Time_Value nak_time (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
- Lock l (mutex_);
- nak_time_ = nak_time;
- if (cap_tput_ == 0.0)
- cap_tput_ = current_tput_;
- if (cap_tput_ != 0.0)
- {
- cap_tput_ = cap_tput_ - cap_tput_ / 6.0;
- // cerr << "cap: " << cap_tput_ << " bytes/usec" << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- in_->recv (m);
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Flow.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Flow.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e64d0d438a2..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Flow.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Flow.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Flow : public Element
- {
- public:
- Flow (Parameters const& params);
- public:
- virtual void
- send (Message_ptr m);
- virtual void
- recv (Message_ptr m);
- private:
- Parameters const& params_;
- Mutex mutex_;
- ACE_Time_Value nak_time_;
- // Throughput sampling.
- //
- ACE_Time_Value sample_start_time_;
- unsigned long sample_bytes_;
- double current_tput_;
- double cap_tput_;
- };
-#endif // ACE_RMCAST_FLOW_H
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Fragment.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Fragment.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 27247f0e3f9..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Fragment.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Fragment.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Fragment.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- Fragment::
- Fragment (Parameters const& params)
- : params_ (params),
- sn_ (1)
- {
- }
- void Fragment::
- send (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (Data const* data = static_cast<Data const*> (m->find (Data::id)))
- {
- size_t max_payload_size (
- params_.max_packet_size () - max_service_size);
- if (data->size () <= max_payload_size)
- {
- u64 sn;
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- sn = sn_++;
- }
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new SN (sn)));
- out_->send (m);
- return;
- }
- char const* p = data->buf ();
- size_t size (data->size ());
- // Need fragmentation.
- //
- u32 packets (size / max_payload_size + (size % max_payload_size ? 1 : 0));
- // cerr << "size : " << size << endl
- // << "packs: " << packets << endl;
- for (u32 i (1); i <= packets; ++i)
- {
- Message_ptr part (new Message);
- size_t s (i == packets ? size % max_payload_size : max_payload_size);
- // cerr << "pack: " << s << endl;
- u64 sn;
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- sn = sn_++;
- }
- part->add (Profile_ptr (new SN (sn)));
- part->add (Profile_ptr (new Part (i, packets, size)));
- part->add (Profile_ptr (new Data (p, s)));
- out_->send (part);
- p += s;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Fragment.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Fragment.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bfaa3044c83..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Fragment.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Fragment.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Fragment : public Element
- {
- public:
- Fragment (Parameters const& params);
- public:
- virtual void
- send (Message_ptr m);
- Parameters const& params_;
- private:
- Mutex mutex_;
- u64 sn_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Link.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Link.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e3379ac1893..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Link.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Link.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Time_Value.h" // ACE_Time_Value
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h"
-#include "Link.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- Link::
- Link (Address const& addr, Parameters const& params)
- : params_ (params),
- addr_ (addr),
- ssock_ (Address (static_cast<unsigned short> (0),
- static_cast<ACE_UINT32> (INADDR_ANY)),
- 1),
- stop_ (false)
- {
- srand (time (0));
- rsock_.set_option (IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, 0);
- // rsock_.set_option (IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 0);
- // Set recv/send buffers.
- //
- {
- int r (131070);
- int s (sizeof (r));
- static_cast<ACE_SOCK&> (rsock_).set_option (
- static_cast<ACE_SOCK&> (ssock_).set_option (
- rsock_.get_option (SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &r, &s);
- //cerr << 5 << "recv buffer size: " << r << endl;
- ssock_.get_option (SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &r, &s);
- //cerr << 5 << "send buffer size: " << r << endl;
- }
- // Bind address and port.
- //
- if (ACE_OS::connect (ssock_.get_handle (),
- reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*> (addr_.get_addr ()),
- addr_.get_addr_size ()) == -1)
- {
- ACE_OS::perror ("connect: ");
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- ssock_.get_local_addr (self_);
- //cerr << 5 << "self: " << self_ << endl;
- }
- void Link::
- in_start (In_Element* in)
- {
- Element::in_start (in);
- rsock_.join (addr_);
- // Start receiving thread.
- //
- recv_mgr_.spawn (recv_thunk, this);
- }
- void Link::
- out_start (Out_Element* out)
- {
- Element::out_start (out);
- }
- void Link::
- in_stop ()
- {
- // Stop receiving thread.
- //
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- stop_ = true;
- }
- recv_mgr_.wait ();
- Element::in_stop ();
- }
- void Link::
- send (Message_ptr m)
- {
- // Simulate message loss and reordering.
- //
- if (params_.simulator ())
- {
- if ((rand () % 17) != 0)
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- if (hold_.get ())
- {
- send_ (m);
- send_ (hold_);
- hold_ = Message_ptr (0);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((rand () % 17) != 0)
- {
- send_ (m);
- }
- else
- {
- hold_ = m;
- // Make a copy in M so that the reliable loop below
- // won't add FROM and TO to HOLD_.
- //
- m = hold_->clone ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- send_ (m);
- // Reliable loop.
- //
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new From (self_)));
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new To (self_)));
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- void Link::
- send_ (Message_ptr m)
- {
- ostream os (m->size (), 1); // Always little-endian.
- os << *m;
- if (os.length () > size_t (params_.max_packet_size ()))
- {
- "packet length (%d) exceeds max_poacket_size (%d)\n",
- os.length (), params_.max_packet_size ()));
- for (Message::ProfileIterator i (m->begin ()); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- "profile id: %d; size: %d\n",
- (*i).ext_id_, (*i).int_id_->size ()));
- }
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- ssock_.send (os.buffer (), os.length (), addr_);
- /*
- if (m->find (nrtm::id))
- {
- write (1, os.buffer (), os.length ());
- exit (1);
- }
- */
- }
- void Link::
- recv ()
- {
- size_t max_packet_size (params_.max_packet_size ());
- // This is wicked.
- //
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<char> holder (
- reinterpret_cast<char*> (
- operator new (max_packet_size + ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT)));
- char* data = ACE_ptr_align_binary (holder.get (), ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT);
- size_t size (0);
- while (true)
- {
- //@@ Should I lock here?
- //
- Address addr;
- // Block for up to one tick waiting for an incomming message.
- //
- for (;;)
- {
- ACE_Time_Value t (params_.tick ());
- ssize_t r = rsock_.recv (data, 4, addr, MSG_PEEK, &t);
- // Check for cancellation request.
- //
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- if (stop_)
- return;
- }
- if (r == -1)
- {
- if (errno != ETIME)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- else
- {
- size = static_cast<size_t> (r);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (size != 4 || addr == self_)
- {
- // Discard bad messages and ones from ourselvs since
- // we are using reliable loopback.
- //
- rsock_.recv (data, 0, addr);
- continue;
- }
- u32 msg_size;
- {
- istream is (data, size, 1); // Always little-endian.
- is >> msg_size;
- }
- if (msg_size <= 4 || msg_size > max_packet_size)
- {
- // Bad message.
- //
- rsock_.recv (data, 0, addr);
- continue;
- }
- size = rsock_.recv (data, max_packet_size, addr);
- if (msg_size != size)
- {
- // Bad message.
- //
- continue;
- }
- //cerr << 6 << "from: " << addr << endl;
- Message_ptr m (new Message ());
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new From (addr)));
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new To (self_)));
- istream is (data, size, 1); // Always little-endian.
- is >> msg_size;
- while (true)
- {
- u16 id, size;
- if (!((is >> id) && (is >> size))) break;
- //cerr << 6 << "reading profile with id " << id << " "
- // << size << " bytes long" << endl;
- Profile::Header hdr (id, size);
- if (id == SN::id)
- {
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new SN (hdr, is)));
- }
- else if (id == Data::id)
- {
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new Data (hdr, is)));
- }
- else if (id == NAK::id)
- {
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new NAK (hdr, is)));
- }
- else if (id == NRTM::id)
- {
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new NRTM (hdr, is)));
- }
- else if (id == NoData::id)
- {
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new NoData (hdr, is)));
- }
- else if (id == Part::id)
- {
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new Part (hdr, is)));
- }
- else
- {
- //cerr << 0 << "unknown profile id " << () << endl;
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- }
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- }
- recv_thunk (void* obj)
- {
- reinterpret_cast<Link*> (obj)->recv ();
- return 0;
- }
- void Link::
- recv (Message_ptr)
- {
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Link.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Link.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cff166c6e13..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Link.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Link.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/SOCK_Dgram.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Link : public Element
- {
- public:
- Link (Address const& addr, Parameters const& params);
- virtual void
- in_start (In_Element* in);
- virtual void
- out_start (Out_Element* out);
- virtual void
- in_stop ();
- public:
- virtual void
- send (Message_ptr m);
- private:
- virtual void
- send_ (Message_ptr m);
- private:
- void
- recv ();
- recv_thunk (void* obj);
- private:
- virtual void
- recv (Message_ptr);
- private:
- Parameters const& params_;
- Address addr_, self_;
- ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast rsock_;
- ACE_SOCK_Dgram ssock_;
- bool stop_;
- ACE_Thread_Manager recv_mgr_;
- // Simulator.
- //
- Message_ptr hold_;
- Mutex mutex_;
- };
-#endif // ACE_RMCAST_LINK_H
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/ b/protocols/ace/RMCast/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a121915c62..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to create
-## $Id$
-## This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to
-## this file will be lost the next time it is generated.
-## MPC Command:
-## ./bin/ -include /home/jtc/ACE/ACE-config3/MPC/config -include /home/jtc/ACE/ACE-config3/MPC/templates -type automake ACE.mwc
-includedir = @includedir@/ace/RMCast
-pkgconfigdir = @libdir@/pkgconfig
-ACE_BUILDDIR = $(top_builddir)
-ACE_ROOT = $(top_srcdir)
-libACE_RMCast_la_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(ACE_ROOT) \
-libACE_RMCast_la_SOURCES = \
- Acknowledge.cpp \
- Flow.cpp \
- Fragment.cpp \
- Link.cpp \
- Protocol.cpp \
- Reassemble.cpp \
- Retransmit.cpp \
- Simulator.cpp \
- Socket.cpp \
- Stack.cpp \
- Template_Instantiations.cpp
-libACE_RMCast_la_LDFLAGS = \
- -version-number @ACE_MAJOR@:@ACE_MINOR@:@ACE_BETA@
-libACE_RMCast_la_LIBADD = \
- $(ACE_BUILDDIR)/ace/
-nobase_include_HEADERS = \
- Acknowledge.h \
- Bits.h \
- Flow.h \
- Fragment.h \
- Link.h \
- Parameters.h \
- Protocol.h \
- RMCast_Export.h \
- Reassemble.h \
- Retransmit.h \
- Simulator.h \
- Socket.h \
- Stack.h
-pkgconfig_DATA = ACE_RMCast.pc
-ACE_RMCast.pc: ${top_builddir}/config.status ${srcdir}/
- ${top_builddir}/config.status --file $@:${srcdir}/
-## Clean up template repositories, etc.
- -rm -f *~ *.bak *.rpo *.sym lib*.*_pure_* core core.*
- -rm -f gcctemp.c gcctemp so_locations *.ics
- -rm -rf cxx_repository ptrepository ti_files
- -rm -rf templateregistry ir.out
- -rm -rf ptrepository SunWS_cache Templates.DB
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Parameters.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Parameters.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d254bd00fad..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Parameters.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Parameters.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Time_Value.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Parameters
- {
- public:
- Parameters (
- // Loss and reordering simulator.
- //
- bool simulator = false,
- // MTU(1500) - IP-hdr - UDP-hdr
- //
- unsigned short max_packet_size = 1470,
- // How often various worker threads wakeup to do
- // cacellation checks, queue run-throughs, etc.
- //
- ACE_Time_Value const& tick = ACE_Time_Value (0, 2000),
- // How long to wait, in ticks, before sending NAK.
- //
- unsigned long nak_timeout = 1,
- // How long to wait, in ticks, before sending NRTM.
- //
- unsigned long nrtm_timeout = 10,
- // How long to retain a message for retransmission, in ticks.
- //
- unsigned long retention_timeout = 500, // 1 sec
- size_t addr_map_size = 50
- )
- : simulator_ (simulator),
- max_packet_size_ (max_packet_size),
- tick_ (tick),
- nak_timeout_ (nak_timeout),
- nrtm_timeout_ (nrtm_timeout),
- retention_timeout_ (retention_timeout),
- addr_map_size_(addr_map_size)
- {
- }
- public:
- bool
- simulator () const
- {
- return simulator_;
- }
- unsigned short
- max_packet_size () const
- {
- return max_packet_size_;
- }
- ACE_Time_Value const&
- tick () const
- {
- return tick_;
- }
- unsigned long
- nak_timeout () const
- {
- return nak_timeout_;
- }
- unsigned long
- nrtm_timeout () const
- {
- return nrtm_timeout_;
- }
- unsigned long
- retention_timeout () const
- {
- return retention_timeout_;
- }
- size_t
- addr_map_size () const
- {
- return addr_map_size_;
- }
- private:
- bool simulator_;
- unsigned short max_packet_size_;
- ACE_Time_Value tick_;
- unsigned long nak_timeout_;
- unsigned long nrtm_timeout_;
- unsigned long retention_timeout_;
- size_t addr_map_size_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Protocol.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Protocol.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 755872371cb..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Protocol.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Protocol.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Protocol.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- u16 const From:: id = 0x0001;
- u16 const To:: id = 0x0002;
- u16 const Data:: id = 0x0003;
- u16 const SN:: id = 0x0004;
- u16 const NAK:: id = 0x0005;
- u16 const NRTM:: id = 0x0006;
- u16 const NoData::id = 0x0007;
- u16 const Part:: id = 0x0008;
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Protocol.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Protocol.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c0e2797b732..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Protocol.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1274 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Protocol.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Refcounted_Auto_Ptr.h"
-#include "ace/Vector_T.h"
-#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
-#include "ace/CDR_Stream.h"
-#include "ace/CDR_Size.h"
-#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-#include "ace/Null_Mutex.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- // Basic types.
- //
- typedef ACE_CDR::UShort u16;
- typedef ACE_CDR::ULong u32;
- typedef ACE_CDR::ULongLong u64;
- // Protocol parameters
- //
- //
- unsigned short const max_service_size = 60; // service profiles (Part, SN,
- // etc), sizes plus message size.
- //
- //
- //
- typedef ACE_INET_Addr Address;
- struct AddressHasher
- {
- unsigned long
- operator() (Address const& a) const
- {
- unsigned long port (a.get_port_number ());
- unsigned long ip (a.get_ip_address ());
- port <<= sizeof (unsigned long) - sizeof (unsigned short);
- return port ^ ip;
- }
- };
- //@@ Provide stream<< (Address const&)
- //
- typedef ACE_OutputCDR ostream;
- typedef ACE_SizeCDR sstream;
- typedef ACE_InputCDR istream;
- struct Profile;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<Profile, Mutex>
- Profile_ptr;
- struct Profile
- {
- public:
- class Header
- {
- public:
- Header (u16 id, u16 size)
- : id_ (id), size_ (size)
- {
- }
- Header (istream& is)
- {
- (void) (is >> id_ >> size_);
- }
- public:
- u16
- id () const
- {
- return id_;
- }
- u16
- size () const
- {
- return size_;
- }
- protected:
- void
- size (u16 s)
- {
- size_ = s;
- }
- friend struct Profile;
- private:
- u16 id_;
- u16 size_;
- };
- public:
- virtual
- ~Profile ()
- {
- }
- Profile_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return clone_ ();
- }
- protected:
- Profile (u16 id)
- : header_ (id, 0)
- {
- }
- Profile (Header const& h)
- : header_ (h)
- {
- }
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ () = 0;
- private:
- Profile&
- operator= (Profile const&);
- public:
- u16
- id () const
- {
- return ();
- }
- u16
- size () const
- {
- return header_.size ();
- }
- protected:
- void
- size (u16 s)
- {
- header_.size (s);
- }
- u16
- calculate_size ()
- {
- sstream ss;
- serialize_body (ss);
- return static_cast<u16> (ss.total_length ());
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream&) const = 0;
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream&) const = 0;
- friend
- ostream&
- operator<< (ostream& os, Profile const& p);
- friend
- sstream&
- operator<< (sstream& ss, Profile const& p);
- private:
- Header header_;
- };
- inline
- ostream&
- operator<< (ostream& os, Profile::Header const& hdr)
- {
- os << ();
- os << hdr.size ();
- return os;
- }
- inline
- sstream&
- operator<< (sstream& ss, Profile::Header const& hdr)
- {
- ss << ();
- ss << hdr.size ();
- return ss;
- }
- inline
- ostream&
- operator<< (ostream& os, Profile const& p)
- {
- os << p.header_;
- p.serialize_body (os);
- return os;
- }
- inline
- sstream&
- operator<< (sstream& ss, Profile const& p)
- {
- ss << p.header_;
- p.serialize_body (ss);
- return ss;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- class Message;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<Message, Mutex>
- Message_ptr;
- class Message
- {
- typedef
- ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<u16, Profile_ptr, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- Profiles;
- public:
- Message ()
- : profiles_ (4)
- {
- }
- Message_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return new Message (*this);
- }
- protected:
- Message (Message const& m)
- : profiles_ (4)
- {
- for (Profiles::const_iterator i (m.profiles_); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- // Shallow copy of profiles. This implies that profiles are not
- // modified as they go up/down the stack.
- //
- profiles_.bind ((*i).ext_id_, (*i).int_id_);
- }
- }
- private:
- Message&
- operator= (Message const&);
- public:
- bool
- add (Profile_ptr p)
- {
- u16 id (p->id ());
- if (profiles_.find (id) == 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- profiles_.bind (id, p);
- return true;
- }
- void
- replace (Profile_ptr p)
- {
- profiles_.rebind (p->id (), p);
- }
- void
- remove (u16 id)
- {
- profiles_.unbind (id);
- }
- Profile const*
- find (u16 id) const
- {
- Profiles::ENTRY* e = 0;
- if (profiles_.find (id, e) == -1) return 0;
- return e->int_id_.get ();
- }
- typedef
- Profiles::const_iterator
- ProfileIterator;
- ProfileIterator
- begin () const
- {
- return ProfileIterator (profiles_);
- }
- public:
- size_t
- size () const
- {
- sstream ss;
- u32 s (0);
- ss << s;
- for (Profiles::const_iterator i (profiles_); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- ss << *((*i).int_id_);
- }
- return ss.total_length ();
- }
- friend
- ostream&
- operator<< (ostream& os, Message const& m)
- {
- u32 s (m.size ());
- os << s;
- for (Profiles::const_iterator i (m.profiles_); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- os << *((*i).int_id_);
- }
- return os;
- }
- private:
- Profiles profiles_;
- };
- typedef ACE_Vector<Message_ptr, ACE_VECTOR_DEFAULT_SIZE> Messages;
- //
- //
- //
- struct From;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<From, Mutex>
- From_ptr;
- struct From : Profile
- {
- static u16 const id;
- public:
- From (Header const& h, istream& is)
- : Profile (h)
- {
- u32 addr;
- u16 port;
- is >> addr;
- is >> port;
- address_ = Address (port, addr);
- }
- From (Address const& addr)
- : Profile (id), address_ (addr)
- {
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- From_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return From_ptr (static_cast<From*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new From (*this);
- }
- From (From const& from)
- : Profile (from),
- address_ (from.address_)
- {
- }
- public:
- Address const&
- address () const
- {
- return address_;
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream& os) const
- {
- u32 addr (address_.get_ip_address ());
- u16 port (address_.get_port_number ());
- os << addr;
- os << port;
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream& ss) const
- {
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- }
- private:
- Address address_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- struct To;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<To, Mutex>
- To_ptr;
- struct To : Profile
- {
- static u16 const id;
- public:
- To (Header const& h, istream& is)
- : Profile (h)
- {
- u32 addr;
- u16 port;
- is >> addr;
- is >> port;
- address_ = Address (port, addr);
- }
- To (Address const& addr)
- : Profile (id), address_ (addr)
- {
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- To_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return To_ptr (static_cast<To*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new To (*this);
- }
- To (To const& to)
- : Profile (to),
- address_ (to.address_)
- {
- }
- public:
- Address const&
- address () const
- {
- return address_;
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream& os) const
- {
- u32 addr (address_.get_ip_address ());
- u16 port (address_.get_port_number ());
- os << addr;
- os << port;
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream& ss) const
- {
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- }
- private:
- Address address_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- struct Data;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<Data, Mutex>
- Data_ptr;
- struct Data : Profile
- {
- static u16 const id;
- public:
- virtual
- ~Data ()
- {
- if (buf_)
- operator delete (buf_);
- }
- Data (Header const& h, istream& is)
- : Profile (h),
- buf_ (0),
- size_ (h.size ()),
- capacity_ (size_)
- {
- if (size_)
- {
- buf_ = reinterpret_cast<char*> (operator new (capacity_));
- is.read_char_array (buf_, size_);
- }
- }
- Data (void const* buf, size_t s, size_t capacity = 0)
- : Profile (id),
- buf_ (0),
- size_ (s),
- capacity_ (capacity < size_ ? size_ : capacity)
- {
- if (size_)
- {
- buf_ = reinterpret_cast<char*> (operator new (capacity_));
- ACE_OS::memcpy (buf_, buf, size_);
- }
- Profile::size (calculate_size ());
- }
- Data_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return Data_ptr (static_cast<Data*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new Data (*this);
- }
- Data (Data const& d)
- : Profile (d),
- buf_ (0),
- size_ (d.size_),
- capacity_ (d.capacity_)
- {
- if (size_)
- {
- buf_ = reinterpret_cast<char*> (operator new (capacity_));
- ACE_OS::memcpy (buf_, d.buf_, size_);
- }
- Profile::size (calculate_size ());
- }
- public:
- char const*
- buf () const
- {
- return buf_;
- }
- char*
- buf ()
- {
- return buf_;
- }
- size_t
- size () const
- {
- return size_;
- }
- void
- size (size_t s)
- {
- if (s > capacity_)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- size_ = s;
- Profile::size (calculate_size ());
- }
- size_t
- capacity () const
- {
- return capacity_;
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream& os) const
- {
- os.write_char_array (buf_, size_);
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream& ss) const
- {
- ss.write_char_array (buf_, size_);
- }
- private:
- char* buf_;
- size_t size_;
- size_t capacity_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- struct SN;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<SN, Mutex>
- SN_ptr;
- struct SN : Profile
- {
- static u16 const id;
- public:
- SN (Header const& h, istream& is)
- : Profile (h)
- {
- is >> n_;
- }
- SN (u64 n)
- : Profile (id), n_ (n)
- {
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- SN_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return SN_ptr (static_cast<SN*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new SN (*this);
- }
- SN (SN const& sn)
- : Profile (sn),
- n_ (sn.n_)
- {
- }
- public:
- u64
- num () const
- {
- return n_;
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream& os) const
- {
- os << n_;
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream& ss) const
- {
- ss << n_;
- }
- private:
- u64 n_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class NAK;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<NAK, Mutex>
- NAK_ptr;
- class NAK : public Profile
- {
- public:
- static u16 const id;
- typedef ACE_Vector<u64, ACE_VECTOR_DEFAULT_SIZE> SerialNumbers;
- typedef SerialNumbers::Iterator iterator;
- NAK (Header const& h, istream& is)
- : Profile (h)
- {
- u64 sn (0);
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- sstream ss;
- ss << sn;
- size_t sn_size (ss.total_length ());
- ss.reset ();
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- size_t addr_size (ss.total_length ());
- is >> addr;
- is >> port;
- // num_of_sns = (size - addr_size) / sn_size
- //
- for (unsigned long i (0); i < ((h.size () - addr_size) / sn_size); ++i)
- {
- is >> sn;
- sns_.push_back (sn);
- }
- address_ = Address (port, addr);
- }
- NAK (Address const& src)
- : Profile (id), address_ (src)
- {
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- NAK_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return NAK_ptr (static_cast<NAK*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new NAK (*this);
- }
- NAK (NAK const& nak)
- : Profile (nak),
- address_ (nak.address_),
- sns_ (nak.sns_)
- {
- }
- public:
- void
- add (u64 sn)
- {
- sns_.push_back (sn);
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- public:
- Address const&
- address () const
- {
- return address_;
- }
- iterator
- begin () /* const */
- {
- return iterator (sns_);
- }
- /*
- iterator
- end () const
- {
- return sns_.end ();
- }
- */
- size_t
- count () const
- {
- return sns_.size ();
- }
- public:
- // Count max number of elements that will fit into NAK profile
- // with size <= max_size.
- //
- static u32
- max_count (u32 max_size)
- {
- u32 n (0);
- sstream ss;
- Profile::Header hdr (0, 0);
- ss << hdr;
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- while (true)
- {
- u64 sn (0);
- ss << sn;
- if (ss.total_length () <= max_size)
- ++n;
- if (ss.total_length () >= max_size)
- break;
- }
- return n;
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream& os) const
- {
- NAK& this_ = const_cast<NAK&> (*this); // Don't put in ROM.
- u32 addr (address_.get_ip_address ());
- u16 port (address_.get_port_number ());
- os << addr;
- os << port;
- // Stone age iteration.
- //
- for (iterator i (this_.begin ()); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- u64* psn;
- (psn);
- os << *psn;
- }
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream& ss) const
- {
- NAK& this_ = const_cast<NAK&> (*this); // Don't put in ROM.
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- // Stone age iteration.
- //
- for (iterator i (this_.begin ()); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- u64 sn (0);
- ss << sn;
- }
- }
- private:
- Address address_;
- SerialNumbers sns_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- struct NRTM;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<NRTM, Mutex>
- NRTM_ptr;
- struct NRTM : Profile
- {
- static u16 const id;
- public:
- NRTM (Header const& h, istream& is)
- : Profile (h), map_ (10)
- {
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- u64 sn (0);
- sstream ss;
- ss << sn;
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- size_t block_size (ss.total_length ());
- // num_of_blocks = size / block_size
- //
- for (size_t i (0); i < (h.size () / block_size); ++i)
- {
- is >> sn;
- is >> addr;
- is >> port;
- map_.bind (Address (port, addr), sn);
- }
- }
- NRTM ()
- : Profile (id), map_ (10)
- {
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- NRTM_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return NRTM_ptr (static_cast<NRTM*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new NRTM (*this);
- }
- NRTM (NRTM const& nrtm)
- : Profile (nrtm)
- {
- for (Map::const_iterator i (nrtm.map_); !i.done (); i.advance ())
- {
- map_.bind ((*i).ext_id_, (*i).int_id_);
- }
- }
- public:
- void
- insert (Address const& addr, u64 sn)
- {
- map_.bind (addr, sn);
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- u64
- find (Address const& addr) const
- {
- u64 sn;
- if (map_.find (addr, sn) == -1) return 0;
- return sn;
- }
- bool
- empty () const
- {
- return map_.current_size () == 0;
- }
- public:
- // Count max number of elements that will fit into NRTM profile
- // with size <= max_size.
- //
- static u32
- max_count (u32 max_size)
- {
- u32 n (0);
- sstream ss;
- Profile::Header hdr (0, 0);
- ss << hdr;
- while (true)
- {
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- u64 sn (0);
- ss << sn;
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- if (ss.total_length () <= max_size)
- ++n;
- if (ss.total_length () >= max_size)
- break;
- }
- return n;
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream& os) const
- {
- for (Map::const_iterator i (map_), e (map_, 1); i != e; ++i)
- {
- u32 addr ((*i).ext_id_.get_ip_address ());
- u16 port ((*i).ext_id_.get_port_number ());
- u64 sn ((*i).int_id_);
- os << sn;
- os << addr;
- os << port;
- }
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream& ss) const
- {
- for (Map::const_iterator i (map_), e (map_, 1); i != e; ++i)
- {
- u32 addr (0);
- u16 port (0);
- u64 sn (0);
- ss << sn;
- ss << addr;
- ss << port;
- }
- }
- private:
- typedef
- ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<Address,
- u64,
- AddressHasher,
- ACE_Equal_To<Address>,
- ACE_Null_Mutex>
- Map;
- Map map_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- struct NoData;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<NoData, Mutex>
- NoData_ptr;
- struct NoData : Profile
- {
- static u16 const id;
- public:
- NoData (Header const& h, istream&)
- : Profile (h)
- {
- }
- NoData ()
- : Profile (id)
- {
- Profile::size (0);
- }
- NoData_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return NoData_ptr (static_cast<NoData*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new NoData (*this);
- }
- NoData (NoData const& no_data)
- : Profile (no_data)
- {
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream&) const
- {
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream&) const
- {
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- struct Part;
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<Part, Mutex>
- Part_ptr;
- struct Part : Profile
- {
- static u16 const id;
- public:
- Part (Header const& h, istream& is)
- : Profile (h)
- {
- is >> num_;
- is >> of_;
- is >> total_size_;
- }
- Part (u32 num, u32 of, u64 total_size)
- : Profile (id),
- num_ (num),
- of_ (of),
- total_size_ (total_size)
- {
- size (calculate_size ());
- }
- Part_ptr
- clone ()
- {
- return Part_ptr (static_cast<Part*> (clone_ ().release ()));
- }
- protected:
- virtual Profile_ptr
- clone_ ()
- {
- return new Part (*this);
- }
- Part (Part const& part)
- : Profile (part),
- num_ (part.num_),
- of_ (part.of_),
- total_size_ (part.total_size_)
- {
- }
- public:
- u32
- num () const
- {
- return num_;
- }
- u32
- of () const
- {
- return of_;
- }
- u64
- total_size () const
- {
- return total_size_;
- }
- public:
- virtual void
- serialize_body (ostream& os) const
- {
- os << num_;
- os << of_;
- os << total_size_;
- }
- virtual void
- serialize_body (sstream& ss) const
- {
- ss << num_;
- ss << of_;
- ss << total_size_;
- }
- private:
- u32 num_;
- u32 of_;
- u64 total_size_;
- };
-operator<< (std::ostream& os, ACE_RMCast::Address const& a)
- char buf[64];
- a.addr_to_string (buf, 64, 1);
- return os << buf;
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/README b/protocols/ace/RMCast/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eda58871b0..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-RMCast is a reliable source-ordered multicast protocol implementation
-for message-oriented multi-sender group communication built on top of
-IPv4 multicast. It uses sequence numbers for re-ordering, duplicate
-suppression and loss detection. Negative acknowledgments (NAK) with
-retransmissions are used to recover from losses.
-One new and interesting idea implemented in this protocol is history
-transmission (dubbed negative retransmission). In a nutshell, each
-sender, along with normal payload, transmits a list of other sender's
-IDs along with sequence numbers of last messages received from those
-senders by this member. This, in some sense, builds a pyramid of
-information: each subsequent message carries some information for a
-number of previous messages (from other senders). This helps other
-receivers detect losses.
-The protocol does not track group membership. Messages are retained
-for retransmission for a predefined amount of time. The "last message
-or lost message" dilemma is solved by periodic history transmissions
-in cases when there is no useful traffic (idle network).
-There is a simple example available in examples/RMCast/Send_Msg with
-the corresponding README file.
-Over-the-wire representation is little-endian CDR. The protocol is
-message-based with information encapsulated into one or multiple
-profiles (Protocol.h):
-struct Profile
- u16 id; // Profile id.
- u16 size; // Profile size.
-struct Message
- u32 size; // Total size of the message.
- sequence<Profile> profiles; // Sequence of profiles.
-The following profiles are defined (Protocol.h):
-struct From: Profile
- u32 addr; // IPv4 address.
- u16 port;
-The 'From' profile appears in each message. It is never transmitted
-over the wire. Instead the 'Link' layer (see below) adds it.
-struct To: Profile
- u32 addr; // IPv4 address.
- u16 port;
-The 'To' profile also appears in each message. It is also never
-transmitted over the wire since all communications are done via
-well-known group address. It is added by the 'Link' layer and is used
-by a group member to identify messages from itself ('From' == 'To').
-struct Data: Profile
- sequence<octet> data;
-The 'Data' profile is used to transmit user payload.
-struct SN: Profile
- u64 sn;
-The 'SN' profile carries sequence number for 'Data' and 'NoData' profiles.
-struct NAK: Profile
- u32 addr; // IPv4 address.
- u16 port;
- sequence<u64> sns;
-The 'NAK' profile carries sequence numbers of all the messages originated
-from the member identified by addr:port that the receiver detected were
-struct NRTM: Profile
- struct Pair
- {
- u32 addr; // IPv4 address.
- u16 port;
- u64 max_sn;
- };
- sequence<Pair> nrtm;
-The 'NRTM' profile carries highest sequence numbers known to this member
-for (some sub-) set of members. It is used by other members to detect loses.
-This profile is normally combined with 'Data' transmission.
-struct NoData: Profile
-The 'NoData' profile is send in reply to 'NAK' when the lost message is
-no longer available.
-Below is the list of actions that trigger messages with various
-user calls send(): SN
- Data
-detected loss: NAK
-received NAK: SN or SN
- Data NoData
-This section describes high-level architecture of the implementation.
-The protocol is implemented as a stack (Stack.h) of the following
-The 'Socket' element is the user interface of the member. When a user
-calls send() 'Socket' creates a new message with 'SN' and 'Data' profiles
-and forwards it to the 'Acknowledge' element. It also receives (from
-'Acknowledge') and queues incoming messages that are delivered to the user
-when recv() is called.
-The 'Acknowledge' element is responsible for re-ordering, duplicate
-suppression, loss detection and negative acknowledgments. It maintains a
-dynamically changing "window" (which slides toward higher sequence
-numbers) of received messages. Messages that arrive out of order are held
-in this window. Presence of a hole in the windows for a long period of time
-indicates loss and triggers a negative acknowledgment.
-The 'Retransmit' element is responsible for message retention, aging and
-retransmission in response to NAKs. Each message received from the 'Socket'
-element is held for predetermined amount of time in case retransmission is
-required. Upon reception of a NAK duplicate is send if the requested message
-is still available. Otherwise 'NoData' profile is sent.
-The 'Link' element is responsible for interfacing with the IPv4 multicast
-socket. It also parses over-the-wire representation into in-memory messages
-with individually-accessible profiles.
-Boris Kolpackov <>
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast.mpc b/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast.mpc
deleted file mode 100644
index f77bd4d942c..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast.mpc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// -*- MPC -*-
-// $Id$
-project(RMCast) : acelib, core, threads {
- avoids = ace_for_tao
- sharedname = ACE_RMCast
- dynamicflags = ACE_RMCAST_BUILD_DLL
- Pkgconfig_Files {
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast_Export.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast_Export.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51257c4d682..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast_Export.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// $Id$
-// Definition for Win32 Export directives.
-// This file is generated automatically by
-// ------------------------------
-#if !defined (ACE_RMCAST_EXPORT_H)
-#include "ace/config-all.h"
-#if defined (ACE_AS_STATIC_LIBS) && !defined (ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL)
-# define ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL 0
-#if !defined (ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL)
-#endif /* ! ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL */
-#if defined (ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL)
-# if (ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL == 1)
-# if defined (ACE_RMCAST_BUILD_DLL)
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export ACE_Proper_Export_Flag
-# else
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export ACE_Proper_Import_Flag
-# endif /* ACE_RMCAST_BUILD_DLL */
-# else
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export
-# endif /* ! ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL == 1 */
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export
-#endif /* ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL */
-#endif /* ACE_RMCAST_EXPORT_H */
-// End of auto generated file.
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Reassemble.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Reassemble.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa3e0d0167..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Reassemble.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Reassemble.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Reassemble.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- Reassemble::
- Reassemble (Parameters const& params)
- : params_ (params)
- {
- }
- void Reassemble::
- recv (Message_ptr m)
- {
- Map::ENTRY* e;
- Address from (
- static_cast<From const*> (m->find (From::id))->address ());
- if (Data const* data = static_cast<Data const*> (m->find (Data::id)))
- {
- if (Part const* part = static_cast<Part const*> (m->find (Part::id)))
- {
- if (map_.find (from, e) == -1)
- {
- // First part of the message.
- //
- if (part->num () != 1)
- {
- // We assume that we received NoData for one of the preceding
- // fragments. Ignore this one.
- return;
- }
- Data_ptr new_data (new Data (data->buf (),
- static_cast<size_t> (data->size ()),
- static_cast<size_t> (part->total_size ())));
- //std::cerr << "part->total_size (): " << part->total_size () << endl;
- map_.bind (from, new_data);
- }
- else
- {
- // Next part of the message.
- //
- if (part->num () == 1)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- Data const* data = static_cast<Data const*> (m->find (Data::id));
- Data_ptr& new_data = e->int_id_;
- ACE_OS::memcpy (new_data->buf () + new_data->size (),
- data->buf (),
- data->size ());
- //std::cerr << "data->size (): " << data->size () << endl
- // << "new_data->size (): " << new_data->size () << endl
- // << "new_data->capa (): " << new_data->capacity () << endl;
- new_data->size (new_data->size () + data->size ());
- if (part->num () == part->of ())
- {
- // Reassembly is complete.
- //
- if (part->total_size () != new_data->size ())
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- Message_ptr new_msg (new Message ());
- Address to (
- static_cast<To const*> (m->find (To::id))->address ());
- new_msg->add (Profile_ptr (new To (to)));
- new_msg->add (Profile_ptr (new From (from)));
- new_msg->add (Profile_ptr (new_data.release ()));
- map_.unbind (from);
- in_->recv (new_msg);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Non-fragmented message. Make sure we are in the consistent state
- // and forward it up.
- //
- if (map_.find (from, e) != -1)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- }
- else if (m->find (NoData::id) != 0)
- {
- if (map_.find (from, e) != -1)
- {
- // We already received some fragments. Clean everyhting up.
- //
- map_.unbind (from);
- }
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Reassemble.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Reassemble.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cffa4fdc359..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Reassemble.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Reassemble.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Reassemble : public Element
- {
- public:
- Reassemble (Parameters const& params);
- public:
- virtual void
- recv (Message_ptr m);
- private:
- Parameters const& params_;
- typedef
- ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<Address,
- Data_ptr,
- AddressHasher,
- ACE_Equal_To<Address>,
- ACE_Null_Mutex>
- Map;
- Map map_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Retransmit.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Retransmit.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b968908f82b..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Retransmit.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Retransmit.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Time_Value.h" // ACE_Time_Value
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h" // abort
-#include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h" // gettimeofday
-#include "Retransmit.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- Retransmit::
- Retransmit (Parameters const& params)
- : params_ (params),
- cond_ (mutex_),
- stop_ (false)
- {
- }
- void Retransmit::
- out_start (Out_Element* out)
- {
- Element::out_start (out);
- tracker_mgr_.spawn (track_thunk, this);
- }
- void Retransmit::
- out_stop ()
- {
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- stop_ = true;
- cond_.signal ();
- }
- tracker_mgr_.wait ();
- Element::out_stop ();
- }
- void Retransmit::
- send (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (m->find (Data::id) != 0)
- {
- SN const* sn = static_cast<SN const*> (m->find (SN::id));
- Lock l (mutex_);
- queue_.bind (sn->num (), Descr (m->clone ()));
- }
- out_->send (m);
- }
- void Retransmit::
- recv (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (NAK const* nak = static_cast<NAK const*> (m->find (NAK::id)))
- {
- Address to (static_cast<To const*> (m->find (To::id))->address ());
- if (nak->address () == to)
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- for (NAK::iterator j (const_cast<NAK*> (nak)->begin ());
- !j.done ();
- j.advance ())
- {
- u64* psn;
- (psn);
- Message_ptr m;
- Queue::ENTRY* pair;
- if (queue_.find (*psn, pair) == 0)
- {
- //cerr << 5 << "PRTM " << to << " " << pair->ext_id_ << endl;
- m = pair->int_id_.message ();
- pair->int_id_.reset ();
- }
- else
- {
- //cerr << 4 << "message " << *psn << " not available" << endl;
- m = Message_ptr (new Message);
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new SN (*psn)));
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new NoData));
- }
- out_->send (m);
- }
- }
- }
- in_->recv (m);
- }
- ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN Retransmit::
- track_thunk (void* obj)
- {
- reinterpret_cast<Retransmit*> (obj)->track ();
- return 0;
- }
- void Retransmit::
- track ()
- {
- while (true)
- {
- Lock l (mutex_);
- for (Queue::iterator i (queue_); !i.done ();)
- {
- if ((*i) () >= params_.retention_timeout ())
- {
- u64 sn ((*i).ext_id_);
- i.advance ();
- queue_.unbind (sn);
- }
- else
- {
- i.advance ();
- }
- }
- // Go to sleep but watch for "manual cancellation" request.
- //
- ACE_Time_Value time (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
- time += params_.tick ();
- while (!stop_)
- {
- if (cond_.wait (&time) == -1)
- {
- if (errno != ETIME)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- if (stop_)
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Retransmit.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Retransmit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a3a8f72bd7..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Retransmit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Retransmit.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Retransmit : public Element
- {
- public:
- Retransmit (Parameters const& params);
- virtual void
- out_start (Out_Element* out);
- virtual void
- out_stop ();
- public:
- virtual void
- send (Message_ptr m);
- virtual void
- recv (Message_ptr m);
- private:
- struct Descr
- {
- // Shouldn't be available but ACE_Hash_Map needs it.
- //
- Descr ()
- : msg_ (), count_ (0)
- {
- }
- Descr (Message_ptr msg)
- : msg_ (msg), count_ (0)
- {
- }
- unsigned long
- inc ()
- {
- return ++count_;
- }
- void
- reset ()
- {
- count_ = 0;
- }
- Message_ptr
- message () const
- {
- return msg_->clone ();
- }
- private:
- Message_ptr msg_;
- unsigned long count_;
- };
- typedef
- ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<u64, Descr, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- Queue;
- private:
- void
- track ();
- track_thunk (void* obj);
- private:
- Parameters const& params_;
- Queue queue_;
- Mutex mutex_;
- Condition cond_;
- bool stop_;
- ACE_Thread_Manager tracker_mgr_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Simulator.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Simulator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b024d1d299..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Simulator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Simulator.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Simulator.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- Simulator::
- Simulator ()
- {
- srand (time (0));
- }
- void Simulator::
- send (Message_ptr m)
- {
- // Note: Simulator may work in unpredictable ways mainly due
- // to the "reliable loopback" mechanism.
- //
- out_->send (m);
- return;
- int r (rand ());
- if ((r % 3) == 0) return;
- Lock l (mutex_);
- if (hold_.get ())
- {
- out_->send (m);
- out_->send (hold_);
- }
- else
- {
- hold_ = m;
- }
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Simulator.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Simulator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b227f488b..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Simulator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Simulator.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Simulator : public Element
- {
- public:
- Simulator ();
- public:
- virtual void
- send (Message_ptr m);
- private:
- Message_ptr hold_;
- Mutex mutex_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Socket.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Socket.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f433f7c6ed..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Socket.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Socket.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/OS_Memory.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h" // gettimeofday
-#include "ace/Unbounded_Queue.h"
-#include "ace/Pipe.h"
-#include "Stack.h"
-#include "Protocol.h"
-#include "Bits.h"
-#include "Fragment.h"
-#include "Reassemble.h"
-#include "Acknowledge.h"
-#include "Retransmit.h"
-#include "Flow.h"
-#include "Link.h"
-#include "Socket.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Socket_Impl : protected Element
- {
- public:
- ~Socket_Impl ();
- Socket_Impl (Address const& a, bool loop, Parameters const& params);
- public:
- void
- send_ (void const* buf, size_t s);
- ssize_t
- recv_ (void* buf,
- size_t s,
- ACE_Time_Value const* timeout,
- ACE_INET_Addr* from);
- ssize_t
- size_ (ACE_Time_Value const* timeout);
- get_handle_ ();
- private:
- virtual void
- recv (Message_ptr m);
- private:
- bool loop_;
- Parameters const params_;
- Mutex mutex_;
- Condition cond_;
- ACE_Unbounded_Queue<Message_ptr> queue_;
- ACE_Pipe signal_pipe_;
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<Fragment> fragment_;
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<Reassemble> reassemble_;
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<Acknowledge> acknowledge_;
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<Retransmit> retransmit_;
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<Flow> flow_;
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<Link> link_;
- };
- Socket_Impl::
- Socket_Impl (Address const& a, bool loop, Parameters const& params)
- : loop_ (loop),
- params_ (params),
- cond_ (mutex_)
- {
- fragment_.reset (new Fragment (params_));
- reassemble_.reset (new Reassemble (params_));
- acknowledge_.reset (new Acknowledge (params_));
- retransmit_.reset (new Retransmit (params_));
- flow_.reset (new Flow (params_));
- link_.reset (new Link (a, params_));
- // Start IN stack from top to bottom.
- //
- in_start (0);
- fragment_->in_start (this);
- reassemble_->in_start (fragment_.get ());
- acknowledge_->in_start (reassemble_.get ());
- retransmit_->in_start (acknowledge_.get ());
- flow_->in_start (retransmit_.get ());
- link_->in_start (flow_.get ());
- // Start OUT stack from bottom up.
- //
- link_->out_start (0);
- flow_->out_start (link_.get ());
- retransmit_->out_start (flow_.get ());
- acknowledge_->out_start (retransmit_.get ());
- reassemble_->out_start (acknowledge_.get ());
- fragment_->out_start (reassemble_.get ());
- out_start (fragment_.get ());
- }
- Socket_Impl::
- ~Socket_Impl ()
- {
- // Stop OUT stack from top to bottom.
- //
- out_stop ();
- fragment_->out_stop ();
- reassemble_->out_stop ();
- acknowledge_->out_stop ();
- retransmit_->out_stop ();
- flow_->out_stop ();
- link_->out_stop ();
- // Stop IN stack from bottom up.
- //
- link_->in_stop ();
- flow_->in_stop ();
- retransmit_->in_stop ();
- acknowledge_->in_stop ();
- reassemble_->in_stop ();
- fragment_->in_stop ();
- in_stop ();
- }
- void Socket_Impl::
- send_ (void const* buf, size_t s)
- {
- Message_ptr m (new Message);
- m->add (Profile_ptr (new Data (buf, s)));
- // Qualification is for VC6 and VxWorks.
- //
- Element::send (m);
- }
- ssize_t Socket_Impl::
- recv_ (void* buf,
- size_t s,
- ACE_Time_Value const* timeout,
- ACE_INET_Addr* from)
- {
- ACE_Time_Value abs_time;
- if (timeout)
- abs_time = ACE_OS::gettimeofday () + *timeout;
- Lock l (mutex_);
- while (queue_.is_empty ())
- {
- if (timeout)
- {
- if (cond_.wait (&abs_time) != -1)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (cond_.wait () != -1)
- break;
- }
- return -1; // errno is already set
- }
- Message_ptr m;
- if (queue_.dequeue_head (m) == -1)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- if (queue_.is_empty ())
- {
- // Remove data from the pipe.
- //
- if (signal_pipe_.read_handle () != ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
- {
- char c;
- if (signal_pipe_.recv (&c, 1) != 1)
- {
- ACE_OS::perror ("read: ");
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- }
- }
- if (from)
- *from = static_cast<From const*> (m->find (From::id))->address ();
- if (m->find (NoData::id) != 0)
- {
- errno = ENOENT;
- return -1;
- }
- Data const* d = static_cast<Data const*>(m->find (Data::id));
- ssize_t r (static_cast<ssize_t> (d->size () < s ? d->size () : s));
- ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, d->buf (), r);
- return r;
- }
- ssize_t Socket_Impl::
- size_ (ACE_Time_Value const* timeout)
- {
- ACE_Time_Value abs_time;
- if (timeout)
- abs_time = ACE_OS::gettimeofday () + *timeout;
- Lock l (mutex_);
- while (queue_.is_empty ())
- {
- if (timeout)
- {
- if (cond_.wait (&abs_time) != -1)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (cond_.wait () != -1)
- break;
- }
- return -1; // errno is already set
- }
- // I can't get the head of the queue without actually dequeuing
- // the element.
- //
- Message_ptr m;
- if (queue_.dequeue_head (m) == -1)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- if (queue_.enqueue_head (m) == -1)
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- if (m->find (NoData::id) != 0)
- {
- errno = ENOENT;
- return -1;
- }
- Data const* d = static_cast<Data const*>(m->find (Data::id));
- return static_cast<ssize_t> (d->size ());
- }
- ACE_HANDLE Socket_Impl::
- get_handle_ ()
- {
- if (signal_pipe_.read_handle () == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
- {
- ();
- }
- return signal_pipe_.read_handle ();
- }
- void Socket_Impl::
- recv (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (m->find (Data::id) != 0 || m->find (NoData::id) != 0)
- {
- if (!loop_)
- {
- Address to (static_cast<To const*> (m->find (To::id))->address ());
- Address from (
- static_cast<From const*> (m->find (From::id))->address ());
- if (to == from)
- return;
- }
- Lock l (mutex_);
- //if (queue_.size () != 0)
- // cerr << "recv socket queue size: " << queue_.size () << endl;
- bool signal (queue_.is_empty ());
- queue_.enqueue_tail (m);
- if (signal)
- {
- // Also write to the pipe.
- if (signal_pipe_.write_handle () != ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
- {
- char c;
- if (signal_pipe_.send (&c, 1) != 1)
- {
- // perror ("write: ");
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- }
- cond_.signal ();
- }
- }
- }
- // Socket
- //
- //
- Socket::
- ~Socket ()
- {
- }
- Socket::
- Socket (Address const& a, bool loop, Parameters const& params)
- : impl_ (new Socket_Impl (a, loop, params))
- {
- }
- void Socket::
- send (void const* buf, size_t s)
- {
- impl_->send_ (buf, s);
- }
- ssize_t Socket::
- recv (void* buf, size_t s)
- {
- return impl_->recv_ (buf, s, 0, 0);
- }
- ssize_t Socket::
- recv (void* buf, size_t s, ACE_INET_Addr& from)
- {
- return impl_->recv_ (buf, s, 0, &from);
- }
- ssize_t Socket::
- recv (void* buf, size_t s, ACE_Time_Value const& timeout)
- {
- return impl_->recv_ (buf, s, &timeout, 0);
- }
- ssize_t Socket::
- recv (void* buf,
- size_t s,
- ACE_Time_Value const& timeout,
- ACE_INET_Addr& from)
- {
- return impl_->recv_ (buf, s, &timeout, &from);
- }
- ssize_t Socket::
- size ()
- {
- return impl_->size_ (0);
- }
- ssize_t Socket::
- size (ACE_Time_Value const& timeout)
- {
- return impl_->size_ (&timeout);
- }
- ACE_HANDLE Socket::
- get_handle ()
- {
- return impl_->get_handle_ ();
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Socket.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Socket.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3468df15d4d..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Socket.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Socket.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/config-lite.h" // ACE_HANDLE
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-#include "ace/Time_Value.h"
-#include "RMCast_Export.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- class Socket_Impl;
- class ACE_RMCast_Export Socket
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~Socket ();
- // If 'simulator' is 'true' then internal message loss and
- // reordering simulator (on IPv4 level) is turned on.
- //
- Socket (ACE_INET_Addr const& a,
- bool loop = true,
- Parameters const& params = Parameters ());
- public:
- virtual void
- send (void const* buf, size_t s);
- // Block if message is not available. Upon successful completion
- // return the next message. Otherwise return -1 and errno set to
- // indicate the error. ENOENT indicates that the sender does not
- // retain the data for this message anymore.
- //
- virtual ssize_t
- recv (void* buf, size_t s);
- virtual ssize_t
- recv (void* buf, size_t s, ACE_INET_Addr& from);
- // Block for up to <timeout> until message is available. Upon
- // successful completion return the next message. Otherwise
- // return -1 and errno set to indicate the error. ETIME indicates
- // that the operation timed out. ENOENT indicates that the sender
- // does not retain the data for this message anymore.
- //
- virtual ssize_t
- recv (void* buf, size_t s, ACE_Time_Value const& timeout);
- virtual ssize_t
- recv (void* buf,
- size_t s,
- ACE_Time_Value const& timeout,
- ACE_INET_Addr& from);
- // Block if message is not available. Upon successful completion
- // return the size of the next message. Otherwise return -1 and
- // errno set to indicate the error. ENOENT indicates that the
- // sender does not retain the data for this message anymore.
- //
- virtual ssize_t
- size ();
- // Block for up to <timeout> until message is available. Upon
- // successful completion return the size of the next message.
- // Otherwise return -1 and errno set to indicate the error.
- // ETIME indicates that the operation timed out. ENOENT indicates
- // that the sender does not retain the data for this message anymore.
- //
- virtual ssize_t
- size (ACE_Time_Value const& timeout);
- public:
- // Reactor interface. Note that the handle returned by get_handle()
- // is for signalling purposes only.
- //
- get_handle ();
- private:
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<Socket_Impl> impl_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Stack.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Stack.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aa62558b4c9..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Stack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Stack.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Stack.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- // Out_Element
- //
- Out_Element::
- ~Out_Element ()
- {
- }
- Out_Element::
- Out_Element ()
- : out_ (0)
- {
- }
- void Out_Element::
- out_start (Out_Element* out)
- {
- out_ = out;
- }
- void Out_Element::
- send (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (out_) out_->send (m);
- }
- void Out_Element::
- out_stop ()
- {
- out_ = 0;
- }
- // In_Element
- //
- In_Element::
- ~In_Element ()
- {
- }
- In_Element::
- In_Element ()
- : in_ (0)
- {
- }
- void In_Element::
- in_start (In_Element* in)
- {
- in_ = in;
- }
- void In_Element::
- recv (Message_ptr m)
- {
- if (in_) in_->recv (m);
- }
- void In_Element::
- in_stop ()
- {
- in_ = 0;
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Stack.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Stack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 322fe0dc501..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Stack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// file : ace/RMCast/Stack.h
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Protocol.h"
-namespace ACE_RMCast
- struct Out_Element
- {
- virtual
- ~Out_Element ();
- Out_Element ();
- virtual void
- out_stop ();
- virtual void
- out_start (Out_Element* out);
- virtual void
- send (Message_ptr m);
- protected:
- Out_Element* out_;
- };
- struct In_Element
- {
- virtual
- ~In_Element ();
- In_Element ();
- virtual void
- in_stop ();
- virtual void
- in_start (In_Element* in);
- virtual void
- recv (Message_ptr m);
- protected:
- In_Element* in_;
- };
- struct Element : In_Element, Out_Element
- {
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Template_Instantiations.cpp b/protocols/ace/RMCast/Template_Instantiations.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 262a8e5b36a..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/Template_Instantiations.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// Note: this file is here only until support for explicit template
-// instantiations is removed from ACE, after ACE 5.5 is released.
-# include "ace/Array_Base.h"
-# include "ace/Condition_T.h"
-# include "ace/Functor_T.h"
-# include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
-# include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-# include "ace/Refcounted_Auto_Ptr.h"
-# include "ace/Thread_Mutex.h"
-# include "ace/Unbounded_Queue.h"
-# include "ace/Vector_T.h"
-# include "Acknowledge.h"
-# include "Protocol.h"
-# include "Retransmit.h"
-template class ACE_Array_Base<unsigned char>;
-template class ACE_Array_Base<ACE_RMCast::u64>;
-template class ACE_Array_Base<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Array_Base<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Const_Iterator_Base_Ex<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_Hash<unsigned short>, ACE_Equal_To<unsigned short>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Const_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Const_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Queue, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::u64>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Data, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Queue>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Data, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Queue, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_Hash<unsigned short>, ACE_Equal_To<unsigned short>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Node<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Node<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Data, ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::NAK, ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::NRTM, ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Vector<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Vector<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Vector<unsigned char>;
-template class ACE_Vector<ACE_RMCast::u64>;
-template class ACE_Vector_Iterator<unsigned char>;
-template class ACE_Vector_Iterator<ACE_RMCast::u64>;
-template class ACE_Vector_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Vector_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >;
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Array_Base<unsigned char>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Array_Base<ACE_RMCast::u64>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Array_Base<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Array_Base<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Const_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Const_Iterator_Base_Ex<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_Hash<unsigned short>, ACE_Equal_To<unsigned short>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Const_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Queue, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::u64>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Data, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Queue>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Data, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Queue, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::AddressHasher, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_INET_Addr>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Acknowledge::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_RMCast::u64, ACE_RMCast::Retransmit::Descr, ACE_Hash<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_RMCast::u64>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<unsigned short, ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>, ACE_Hash<unsigned short>, ACE_Equal_To<unsigned short>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Node<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Node<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Data, ACE_Thread_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::NAK, ACE_Thread_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::NRTM, ACE_Thread_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Profile, ACE_Thread_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector<unsigned char>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector<ACE_RMCast::u64>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector_Iterator<unsigned char>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector_Iterator<ACE_RMCast::u64>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Vector_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_RMCast::Message, ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
-#elif defined (__HP_aCC)
-// Make aC++ stop complaining about an empty translation unit
-static int shut_up_aCC = 0;