path: root/protocols/ace/TMCast
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/ace/TMCast')
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 1991 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/ b/protocols/ace/TMCast/
deleted file mode 100644
index a56956f81b2..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Name: ACE_TMCast
-Description: ACE Transaction Multicast Library
-Requires: ACE
-Version: @VERSION@
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lACE_TMCast
-Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Export.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/Export.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf04f7ee114..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Export.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// $Id$
-// Definition for Win32 Export directives.
-// This file is generated automatically by ACE_TMCast
-// ------------------------------
-#include "ace/config-all.h"
-#if defined (ACE_AS_STATIC_LIBS) && !defined (TMCAST_HAS_DLL)
-# define TMCAST_HAS_DLL 0
-#if !defined (TMCAST_HAS_DLL)
-#define TMCAST_HAS_DLL 1
-#endif /* ! TMCAST_HAS_DLL */
-#if defined (TMCAST_HAS_DLL) && (TMCAST_HAS_DLL == 1)
-# if defined (TMCAST_BUILD_DLL)
-# define ACE_TMCast_Export ACE_Proper_Export_Flag
-# else /* TMCAST_BUILD_DLL */
-# define ACE_TMCast_Export ACE_Proper_Import_Flag
-# endif /* TMCAST_BUILD_DLL */
-#else /* TMCAST_HAS_DLL == 1 */
-# define ACE_TMCast_Export
-#endif /* TMCAST_HAS_DLL == 1 */
-// Set TMCAST_NTRACE = 0 to turn on library specific tracing even if
-// tracing is turned off for ACE.
-#if !defined (TMCAST_NTRACE)
-# if (ACE_NTRACE == 1)
-# define TMCAST_NTRACE 1
-# else /* (ACE_NTRACE == 1) */
-# define TMCAST_NTRACE 0
-# endif /* (ACE_NTRACE == 1) */
-#endif /* !TMCAST_NTRACE */
-#if (TMCAST_NTRACE == 1)
-# define TMCAST_TRACE(X)
-#else /* (TMCAST_NTRACE == 1) */
-# if !defined (ACE_HAS_TRACE)
-# define ACE_HAS_TRACE
-# endif /* ACE_HAS_TRACE */
-# include "ace/Trace.h"
-#endif /* (TMCAST_NTRACE == 1) */
-#endif /* TMCAST_EXPORT_H */
-// End of auto generated file.
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/FaultDetector.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/FaultDetector.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ffcdd174c..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/FaultDetector.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/FaultDetector.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Protocol.hpp"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- class FaultDetector
- {
- public:
- FaultDetector ()
- : alone_ (true), silence_period_ (-1)
- {
- }
- public:
- class Failed {};
- void
- insync ()
- {
- if (alone_)
- alone_ = false;
- silence_period_ = 0;
- }
- void
- outsync ()
- {
- if (!alone_ && ++silence_period_ >= Protocol::FATAL_SILENCE_FRAME)
- {
- // cerr << "Silence period has been passed." << endl;
- // cerr << "Decalring the node failed." << endl;
- throw Failed ();
- }
- }
- private:
- bool alone_; // true if we haven't heard from any members yet.
- short silence_period_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Group.cpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/Group.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 29187838a85..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Group.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/Group.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Group.hpp"
-#include <typeinfo>
-// OS primitives
-#include <ace/OS.h>
-#include <ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h>
-#include <ace/Synch.h>
-#include <ace/Time_Value.h>
-#include <ace/SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.h>
-#include "Messaging.hpp"
-#include "Protocol.hpp"
-// Components
-#include "LinkListener.hpp"
-#include "FaultDetector.hpp"
-#include "TransactionController.hpp"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- bool
- operator== (std::type_info const* pa, std::type_info const& b)
- {
- return *pa == b;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- class Terminate : public virtual Message {};
- //
- //
- //
- class Failure : public virtual Message {};
- //
- //
- //
- class Scheduler
- {
- public:
- Scheduler (ACE_INET_Addr const& addr,
- char const* id,
- MessageQueue& out_send_data,
- MessageQueue& out_recv_data,
- MessageQueue& out_control)
- : cond_ (mutex_),
- addr_ (addr),
- sock_ (),
- out_control_ (out_control),
- in_data_ (mutex_),
- in_link_data_(mutex_),
- in_control_ (mutex_),
- sync_schedule (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ()),
- transaction_controller_ (in_data_, out_send_data, out_recv_data)
- {
- ACE_OS::strncpy (id_, id, Protocol::MEMBER_ID_LENGTH);
- id_[Protocol::MEMBER_ID_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
- sock_.set_option (IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32); // @@ ttl is hardcoded
- in_data_.subscribe (cond_);
- in_link_data_.subscribe (cond_);
- in_control_.subscribe (cond_);
- ACE_thread_t unused;
- if (ACE_OS::thr_create (&thread_thunk,
- this,
- &unused,
- &thread_) != 0) ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- virtual ~Scheduler ()
- {
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (in_control_);
- in_control_.push (MessagePtr (new Terminate));
- }
- if (ACE_OS::thr_join (thread_, 0) != 0) ACE_OS::abort ();
- // cerr << "Scheduler is down." << endl;
- }
- public:
- MessageQueue&
- in_data ()
- {
- return in_data_;
- }
- private:
- thread_thunk (void* arg)
- {
- Scheduler* obj = reinterpret_cast<Scheduler*> (arg);
- obj->execute ();
- return 0;
- }
- void
- execute ()
- {
- try
- {
- sock_.join (addr_);
- auto_ptr<LinkListener> ll (new LinkListener (sock_, in_link_data_));
- {
- AutoLock lock (mutex_);
- // Loop
- //
- //
- while (true)
- {
- cond_.wait (&sync_schedule);
- // "Loop of Fairness"
- bool done = false;
- do
- {
- // control message
- //
- //
- if (!in_control_.empty ())
- {
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- // outsync
- //
- //
- if (sync_schedule < ACE_OS::gettimeofday ())
- {
- outsync ();
- // schedule next outsync
- sync_schedule =
- ACE_OS::gettimeofday () +
- ACE_Time_Value (0, Protocol::SYNC_PERIOD);
- }
- // link message
- //
- //
- if (!in_link_data_.empty ())
- {
- MessagePtr m (in_link_data_.front ());
- in_link_data_.pop ();
- std::type_info const* exp = &typeid (*m);
- if (exp == typeid (LinkFailure))
- {
- // cerr << "link failure" << endl;
- throw false;
- }
- else if (exp == typeid (LinkData))
- {
- LinkData* data = dynamic_cast<LinkData*> (m.get ());
- // Filter out loopback.
- //
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (data->header(), id_) != 0)
- {
- insync ();
- transaction_list ();
- current_transaction (data->header().current,
- data->payload (),
- data->size ());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // cerr << "unknown message type from link listener: "
- // << typeid (*m).name () << endl;
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- }
- // api message
- //
- //
- if (!in_data_.empty ())
- {
- // API
- api ();
- }
- } while (!in_link_data_.empty() ||
- sync_schedule < ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
- if (done) break;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- // cerr << "Exception in scheduler loop." << endl;
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (out_control_);
- out_control_.push (MessagePtr (new Failure));
- }
- }
- // Events
- //
- // Order:
- //
- // API
- //
- void
- insync ()
- {
- fault_detector_.insync ();
- }
- void
- outsync ()
- {
- char buf[Protocol::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- Protocol::MessageHeader* hdr =
- reinterpret_cast<Protocol::MessageHeader*> (buf);
- void* data = buf + sizeof (Protocol::MessageHeader);
- hdr->length = sizeof (Protocol::MessageHeader);
- hdr->check_sum = 0;
- ACE_OS::strcpy (hdr->, id_);
- size_t size (0);
- transaction_controller_.outsync (hdr->current, data, size);
- hdr->length += size;
- fault_detector_.outsync ();
- // sock_.send (buf, hdr->length, addr_);
- sock_.send (buf, hdr->length);
- }
- void
- transaction_list ()
- {
- }
- void
- current_transaction (Protocol::Transaction const& t,
- void const* payload,
- size_t size)
- {
- transaction_controller_.current_transaction (t, payload, size);
- }
- void
- api ()
- {
- transaction_controller_.api ();
- }
- private:
- ACE_hthread_t thread_;
- ACE_Thread_Mutex mutex_;
- ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> cond_;
- typedef ACE_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> AutoLock;
- char id_[Protocol::MEMBER_ID_LENGTH];
- ACE_INET_Addr addr_;
- ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast sock_;
- MessageQueue& out_control_;
- MessageQueue in_data_;
- MessageQueue in_link_data_;
- MessageQueue in_control_;
- // Protocol state
- //
- //
- ACE_Time_Value sync_schedule;
- FaultDetector fault_detector_;
- TransactionController transaction_controller_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class Group::GroupImpl
- {
- public:
- virtual ~GroupImpl ()
- {
- }
- GroupImpl (ACE_INET_Addr const& addr, char const* id)
- throw (Group::Failed)
- : send_cond_ (mutex_),
- recv_cond_ (mutex_),
- failed_ (false),
- in_send_data_ (mutex_),
- in_recv_data_ (mutex_),
- in_control_ (mutex_),
- scheduler_ (new Scheduler (addr,
- id,
- in_send_data_,
- in_recv_data_,
- in_control_)),
- out_data_ (scheduler_->in_data ())
- {
- in_send_data_.subscribe (send_cond_);
- in_recv_data_.subscribe (recv_cond_);
- in_control_.subscribe (send_cond_);
- in_control_.subscribe (recv_cond_);
- }
- void
- send (void const* msg, size_t size)
- throw (Group::InvalidArg, Group::Failed, Group::Aborted)
- {
- if (size > Protocol::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE) throw InvalidArg ();
- // Note the potential deadlock if I lock mutex_ and out_data_ in
- // reverse order.
- MessageQueueAutoLock l1 (out_data_);
- AutoLock l2 (mutex_);
- throw_if_failed ();
- out_data_.push (MessagePtr (new Send (msg, size)));
- l1.unlock (); // no need to keep it locked
- while (true)
- {
- throw_if_failed ();
- if (!in_send_data_.empty ())
- {
- MessagePtr m (in_send_data_.front ());
- in_send_data_.pop ();
- std::type_info const* exp = &typeid (*m);
- if (exp == typeid (ACE_TMCast::Aborted))
- {
- throw Group::Aborted ();
- }
- else if (exp == typeid (Commited))
- {
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- // cerr << "send: group-scheduler messaging protocol violation; "
- // << "unexpected message " << typeid (*m).name ()
- // << " " << typeid (Aborted).name () << endl;
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- }
- // cerr << "send: waiting on condition" << endl;
- send_cond_.wait ();
- // cerr << "send: wokeup on condition" << endl;
- }
- }
- size_t
- recv (void* msg, size_t size) throw (Group::Failed, Group::InsufficienSpace)
- {
- AutoLock lock (mutex_);
- while (true)
- {
- throw_if_failed ();
- if (!in_recv_data_.empty ())
- {
- MessagePtr m (in_recv_data_.front ());
- in_recv_data_.pop ();
- std::type_info const* exp = &typeid (*m);
- if (exp == typeid (Recv))
- {
- Recv* data = dynamic_cast<Recv*> (m.get ());
- if (size < data->size ()) throw Group::InsufficienSpace ();
- memcpy (msg, data->payload (), data->size ());
- return data->size ();
- }
- else
- {
- // cerr << "recv: group-scheduler messaging protocol violation. "
- // << "unexpected message " << typeid (*m).name () << endl;
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- }
- recv_cond_.wait ();
- }
- }
- private:
- void
- throw_if_failed ()
- {
- if (!failed_ && !in_control_.empty ()) failed_ = true;
- if (failed_) throw Group::Failed ();
- }
- private:
- ACE_Thread_Mutex mutex_;
- ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> send_cond_;
- ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> recv_cond_;
- typedef ACE_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> AutoLock;
- bool failed_;
- MessageQueue in_send_data_;
- MessageQueue in_recv_data_;
- MessageQueue in_control_;
- auto_ptr<Scheduler> scheduler_;
- MessageQueue& out_data_;
- };
- // Group
- //
- //
- Group::
- Group (ACE_INET_Addr const& addr, char const* id)
- throw (Group::Failed)
- : pimpl_ (new GroupImpl (addr, id))
- {
- }
- Group::
- ~Group ()
- {
- }
- void
- Group::send (void const* msg, size_t size) throw (Group::InvalidArg, Group::Failed, Group::Aborted)
- {
- pimpl_->send (msg, size);
- }
- size_t
- Group::recv (void* msg, size_t size) throw (Group::Failed, Group::InsufficienSpace)
- {
- return pimpl_->recv (msg, size);
- }
-template class ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Group.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/Group.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 13c49f210bb..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Group.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/Group.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include <ace/Auto_Ptr.h>
-#include <ace/INET_Addr.h>
-#include "Export.hpp"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- class ACE_TMCast_Export Group
- {
- public:
- class Aborted {};
- class Failed {};
- class InvalidArg {};
- class InsufficienSpace {};
- public:
- ~Group ();
- Group (ACE_INET_Addr const& addr, char const* id) throw (Failed);
- public:
- void
- send (void const* msg, size_t size) throw (InvalidArg, Failed, Aborted);
- size_t
- recv (void* msg, size_t size) throw (Failed, InsufficienSpace);
- private:
- bool
- failed ();
- private:
- class GroupImpl;
- auto_ptr<GroupImpl> pimpl_;
- private:
- Group (Group const&);
- Group&
- operator= (Group const&);
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/GroupFwd.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/GroupFwd.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ed7304ff7..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/GroupFwd.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/GroupFwd.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Export.hpp"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- class ACE_TMCast_Export Group;
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/LinkListener.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/LinkListener.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 983f7828f3e..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/LinkListener.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/LinkListener.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-// OS primitives
-#include <ace/OS_NS_string.h>
-#include <ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h>
-#include <ace/Synch.h>
-#include <ace/SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.h>
-#include <ace/Refcounted_Auto_Ptr.h>
-#include "Messaging.hpp"
-#include "Protocol.hpp"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- //
- //
- //
- class LinkFailure : public virtual Message {};
- //
- //
- //
- class LinkData : public virtual Message
- {
- public:
- LinkData (Protocol::MessageHeader const* header,
- void* payload,
- size_t size)
- : size_ (size)
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&header_, header, sizeof (Protocol::MessageHeader));
- ACE_OS::memcpy (payload_, payload, size_);
- }
- Protocol::MessageHeader const&
- header () const
- {
- return header_;
- }
- void const*
- payload () const
- {
- return payload_;
- }
- size_t
- size () const
- {
- return size_;
- }
- private:
- Protocol::MessageHeader header_;
- char payload_[Protocol::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- size_t size_;
- };
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<LinkData, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- LinkDataPtr;
- //
- //
- //
- class LinkListener
- {
- private:
- class Terminate : public virtual Message {};
- public:
- LinkListener (ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast& sock, MessageQueue& out)
- : sock_(sock), out_ (out)
- {
- ACE_thread_t unused;
- if (ACE_OS::thr_create (&thread_thunk,
- this,
- &unused,
- &thread_) != 0) ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- ~LinkListener ()
- {
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (control_);
- control_.push (MessagePtr (new Terminate));
- }
- if (ACE_OS::thr_join (thread_, 0) != 0) ACE_OS::abort ();
- // cerr << "Link listener is down." << endl;
- }
- thread_thunk (void* arg)
- {
- LinkListener* obj = reinterpret_cast<LinkListener*> (arg);
- obj->execute ();
- return 0;
- }
- void
- execute ()
- {
- char msg[Protocol::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
- ssize_t header_size = sizeof (Protocol::MessageHeader);
- // OS::Time timeout (1000000); // one millisecond
- ACE_Time_Value timeout (0, 1000); // one millisecond
- try
- {
- while (true)
- {
- // Check control message queue
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (control_);
- if (!control_.empty ()) break;
- }
- ACE_INET_Addr junk;
- ssize_t n = sock_.recv (msg,
- junk,
- 0,
- &timeout);
- if (n != -1)
- {
- if (n < header_size) throw false;
- Protocol::MessageHeader* header =
- reinterpret_cast<Protocol::MessageHeader*> (msg);
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (out_);
- out_.push (MessagePtr (new LinkData (header,
- msg + header_size,
- n - header_size)));
- }
- }
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (out_);
- out_.push (MessagePtr (new LinkFailure));
- }
- }
- private:
- typedef ACE_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> AutoLock;
- ACE_hthread_t thread_;
- ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast& sock_;
- MessageQueue& out_;
- MessageQueue control_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/MTQueue.cpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/MTQueue.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d10eb23b7..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/MTQueue.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/MTQueue.cpp
-// author : Steve Huston <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "LinkListener.hpp"
-#include "MTQueue.hpp"
-template class ACE_Node<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message,ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message,ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message,ACE_Null_Mutex> >;
-template class ACE_Node<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>* >;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>* >;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> *>;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Set_Const_Iterator<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> *>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Node<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message,ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message,ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Iterator<ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message,ACE_Null_Mutex> >
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Node<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set_Const_Iterator<ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> *>
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/MTQueue.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/MTQueue.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb128823fe..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/MTQueue.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/MTQueue.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-#include "ace/Unbounded_Set.h"
-#include "ace/Unbounded_Queue.h"
-#include "ace/os_include/sys/os_types.h"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- template <typename T,
- typename M,
- typename C,
- typename Q = ACE_Unbounded_Queue<T> >
- class MTQueue
- {
- public:
- typedef T ElementType;
- typedef M MutexType;
- typedef C ConditionalType;
- typedef Q QueueType;
- public:
- MTQueue ()
- : mutexp_ (new MutexType),
- mutex_ (*mutexp_),
- queue_ (),
- signal_ (false)
- {
- }
- MTQueue (MutexType& mutex)
- : mutexp_ (),
- mutex_ (mutex),
- queue_ (),
- signal_ (false)
- {
- }
- public:
- bool
- empty () const
- {
- return queue_.is_empty ();
- }
- size_t
- size () const
- {
- return queue_.size ();
- }
- // typedef typename QueueType::Empty Empty;
- class Empty {};
- T&
- front ()
- {
- ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Iterator<T> f (queue_);
- T* tmp;
- if (! (tmp)) throw Empty ();
- return *tmp;
- }
- T const&
- front () const
- {
- ACE_Unbounded_Queue_Const_Iterator<T> f (queue_);
- T* tmp;
- if (! (tmp)) throw Empty ();
- return *tmp;
- }
- /*
- T&
- back ()
- {
- return queue_.back ();
- }
- T const&
- back () const
- {
- return queue_.back ();
- }
- */
- void
- push (T const& t)
- {
- signal_ = empty ();
- queue_.enqueue_tail (t);
- }
- void
- pop ()
- {
- T junk;
- queue_.dequeue_head (junk);
- }
- public:
- void
- lock () const
- {
- mutex_.acquire ();
- }
- void
- unlock () const
- {
- if (signal_)
- {
- signal_ = false;
- for (ConditionalSetConstIterator_ i (cond_set_);
- !i.done ();
- i.advance ())
- {
- ConditionalType** c = 0;
- (c);
- (*c)->signal ();
- }
- }
- mutex_.release ();
- }
- void
- subscribe (ConditionalType& c)
- {
- //@@ should check for duplicates
- //
- cond_set_.insert (&c);
- }
- void
- unsubscribe (ConditionalType& c)
- {
- //@@ should check for absence
- //
- cond_set_.remove (&c);
- }
- private:
- auto_ptr<MutexType> mutexp_;
- MutexType& mutex_;
- QueueType queue_;
- typedef
- ACE_Unbounded_Set<ConditionalType*>
- ConditionalSet_;
- typedef
- ACE_Unbounded_Set_Const_Iterator<ConditionalType*>
- ConditionalSetConstIterator_;
- ConditionalSet_ cond_set_;
- mutable bool signal_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/ b/protocols/ace/TMCast/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3338e4a8f64..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to create
-## $Id$
-includedir = @includedir@/ace/TMCast
-pkgconfigdir = @libdir@/pkgconfig
-ACE_BUILDDIR = $(top_builddir)
-ACE_ROOT = $(top_srcdir)
-libACE_TMCast_la_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(ACE_ROOT) \
-libACE_TMCast_la_SOURCES = \
- Group.cpp \
- MTQueue.cpp \
- Protocol.cpp \
- Template_Instantiations.cpp
-libACE_TMCast_la_LDFLAGS = \
- -version-number @ACE_MAJOR@:@ACE_MINOR@:@ACE_BETA@
-libACE_TMCast_la_LIBADD = \
- $(ACE_BUILDDIR)/ace/
-nobase_include_HEADERS = \
- Export.hpp \
- FaultDetector.hpp \
- Group.hpp \
- GroupFwd.hpp \
- LinkListener.hpp \
- MTQueue.hpp \
- Messaging.hpp \
- Protocol.hpp \
- TransactionController.hpp
-pkgconfig_DATA = ACE_TMCast.pc
-ACE_TMCast.pc: ${top_builddir}/config.status ${srcdir}/
- ${top_builddir}/config.status --file $@:${srcdir}/
-## Clean up template repositories, etc.
- -rm -f *~ *.bak *.rpo *.sym lib*.*_pure_* core core.*
- -rm -f gcctemp.c gcctemp so_locations *.ics
- -rm -rf cxx_repository ptrepository ti_files
- -rm -rf templateregistry ir.out
- -rm -rf ptrepository SunWS_cache Templates.DB
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Messaging.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/Messaging.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 886745d1120..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Messaging.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/Messaging.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include <ace/Synch.h>
-#include <ace/Refcounted_Auto_Ptr.h>
-#include "MTQueue.hpp"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- class Message
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~Message () {}
- };
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<Message, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- MessagePtr;
- typedef
- MTQueue<MessagePtr, ACE_Thread_Mutex, ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex> >
- MessageQueue;
- struct MessageQueueAutoLock
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock (MessageQueue& q)
- : q_ (q)
- {
- q_.lock ();
- }
- void
- unlock ()
- {
- q_.unlock ();
- }
- ~MessageQueueAutoLock ()
- {
- q_.unlock ();
- }
- private:
- MessageQueue& q_;
- };
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Protocol.cpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/Protocol.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ea4c6b39020..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Protocol.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/Protocol.cpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "Protocol.hpp"
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- namespace Protocol
- {
- /*
- namespace
- {
- char const* labels[] = {
- }
- std::string
- tslabel (Protocol::TransactionStatus s)
- {
- return labels[s];
- }
- std::ostream&
- operator << (std::ostream& o, Transaction const& t)
- {
- return o << "{" << << "; " << tslabel (t.status) << "}";
- }
- */
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Protocol.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/Protocol.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cdf374f4f9..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Protocol.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/Protocol.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- namespace Protocol
- {
- //
- //
- //
- unsigned long const MEMBER_ID_LENGTH = 38;
- struct MemberId
- {
- char id[MEMBER_ID_LENGTH];
- /*
- unsigned long ip;
- unsigned short port;
- */
- };
- //
- //
- //
- typedef unsigned short TransactionId;
- typedef unsigned char TransactionStatus;
- TransactionStatus const TS_BEGIN = 1;
- TransactionStatus const TS_COMMIT = 2;
- TransactionStatus const TS_ABORT = 3;
- TransactionStatus const TS_COMMITED = 4;
- TransactionStatus const TS_ABORTED = 5;
- struct Transaction
- {
- TransactionId id;
- TransactionStatus status;
- };
- // Transaction List (TL)
- // unsigned long const TL_LENGTH = 1;
- // typedef Transaction TransactionList[TL_LENGTH];
- //
- //
- //
- struct MessageHeader
- {
- unsigned long length;
- unsigned long check_sum;
- MemberId member_id;
- Transaction current;
- //TransactionList transaction_list;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- unsigned long const MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 768;
- unsigned long const
- MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE - sizeof (MessageHeader);
- // Protocol timing
- //
- //
- unsigned long const SYNC_PERIOD = 30000; // in mks
- unsigned short const VOTING_FRAME = 4; // in SYNC_PERIOD's
- unsigned short const SEPARATION_FRAME = 5; // in SYNC_PERIOD's
- // Generally it's a good idea to set it to < VOTING_FRAME + SEPARATION_FRAME
- //
- // short const FATAL_SILENCE_FRAME = 10000;
- // Helpers
- // std::string
- // tslabel (Protocol::TransactionStatus s);
- // std::ostream&
- // operator << (std::ostream& o, Transaction const& t);
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/README b/protocols/ace/TMCast/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 7104be46e30..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-TMCast (stands for Transaction MultiCast) is an implementation of a
-transactional multicast protocol. In essence, the idea is to represent
-each message delivery to members of a multicast group as a transaction
-- an atomic, consistent and isolated action. A multicast transaction
-can be viewed as an atomic transition of the group members to a new
-state. If we define [Mo] as a set of operational (non-faulty) members
-of the group, [Mf] as a set of faulty members of the group, [Ma] as a
-set of members that view transition [Tn] as aborted and [Mc] as a set
-of members that view transition [Tn] as committed, then this atomic
-transition [Tn] should satisfy one of the following equations:
-Mo(Tn-1) = Ma(T) U Mf(T)
-Mo(Tn-1) = Mc(T) U Mf(T)
-Or, in other words, after transaction T has been committed (aborted),
-all operational (before transaction T) members are either in the
-committed (aborted) or failed state.
-Thus, for each member of the group, outcome of the transaction can be
-commit, abort or a member failure. It is important for a member to
-exhibit a failfast (error latency is less than transaction cycle)
-behavior. Or, in other words, if a member transitioned into a wrong
-state, it is guaranteed to fail instead of delivering a wrong result.
-In order to achieve such an error detection in a decentralized
-environment, certain limitations were imposed. One of the most
-user-visible limitation is the fact that the lifetime of the group
-with only one member is very short. This is because there is not way
-for a member to distinguish "no members yet" case from "my link to the
-group is down". In such a situation, the member assumes the latter
-case. There is also a military saying that puts it quite nicely: two
-is one, one is nothing.
-State of Implementation
-The current implementation is in a prototypical stage. The following
-parts are not implemented or still under development:
-* Handling of network partitioning (TODO)
-* Redundant network support (TODO)
-* Member failure detection (partial implementation)
-There is a simple example available in examples/TMCast/Member with
-the corresponding README.
-Primary goals of the protocol are to (1) mask transient failures of the
-underlying multicast protocol (or, more precisely, allow to recover
-from transient failures) and (2) exhibit failfast behavior in cases of
-permanent failures.
-The distinction between transient and permanent failures is based on
-timeouts thus what can be a transient failure in one configuration of
-the protocol could be a permanent failure in the other.
-[Maybe talk more about a transient/permanent threshold and its effect
-on performance/resource utilization/etc.]
-[Maybe add a terminology section.]
-Each member of a multicast group has its unique (group-wise) id:
-struct MemberId
- char id[MEMBER_ID_LENGTH];
-Each payload delivery is part of a transaction. Each transaction is
-identified by TransactionId:
-typedef unsigned short TransactionId;
-Each transaction has a status code which identifies its state, as viewed by
-a group member:
-typedef unsigned char TransactionStatus;
-TransactionStatus const TS_BEGIN = 1;
-TransactionStatus const TS_COMMIT = 2;
-TransactionStatus const TS_ABORT = 3;
-TransactionStatus const TS_COMMITTED = 4;
-TransactionStatus const TS_ABORTED = 5;
-Thus each transaction is described by its id and status:
-struct Transaction
- TransactionId id;
- TransactionStatus status;
-The outcome of some predefined number of recent transactions is stored
-in TransactionList:
-typedef Transaction TransactionList[TL_LENGTH];
-Each message sent to a multicast group has the following header:
-struct MessageHeader
- unsigned long length;
- unsigned long check_sum;
- MemberId member_id;
- Transaction current;
- TransactionList transaction_list;
-[Maybe describe each field here.]
-A new member joins the group with transaction id 0 and status
-Each member sends a periodic 'pulse' messages with some predefined interval
-advertising its current view of the group. This includes the state of the
-current transaction and the history of the recent transactions.
-If a member of the group needs a payload delivery it starts a new
-transaction by sending a message with current transaction set to
-{++current_id, TS_BEGIN}
-and payload appended after the header.
-Each member joins a transaction in one of the following ways:
-* A member that began the transaction joins it 'to commit' (TS_COMMIT)
-* A member that received TS_BEGIN joins current transaction 'to commit'
-* A member that received TS_COMMIT or TS_ABORT but did not receive TS_BEGIN
- joins current transaction 'to abort' (TS_ABORT).
-After a member has joined the transaction it starts participating in the
-transaction's voting phase. On this phase members of the group decide the
-fate of the transaction. Each member sends a predefined number of messages
-where it announces its vote. In between those messages the member is receiving
-and processing votes from other members and can be influenced by their
-In their decision-making members follow the principle of the majority. As
-the voting progresses (and comes close to an end) members become more and
-more reluctant to deviate from the decision of the majority.
-[Maybe add an equation that measures member's willingness to change
-its mind.]
-At the end of the voting phase each member declares the current transaction
-either committed (TS_COMMITTED) or aborted (TS_ABORTED). If this decision does
-not agree with the majority the member declares itself failed.
-In addition, each member builds a 'majority view' of the transaction history
-(based on transaction_list). If it deviates from the member's own history the
-member declares itself failed.
-Here are some example scenarios of how the protocol behaves in different
-situations. Let's say we have three members of the group S, R1, R2. S
-initiates a transaction. R1 and R2 join it.
-Scenario 1. (two-step voting)
-1. S initiates a transaction (TS_BEGIN)
-2a. R1 receives TS_BEGIN, joins for commit
-2b. R2 receives TS_BEGIN, joins for commit
-3a. S announces TS_COMMIT (first vote)
-3b. R1 announces TS_COMMIT (first vote)
-3c. R2 announces TS_COMMIT (first vote)
-4a. S announces TS_COMMIT (second vote)
-4b. R1 announces TS_COMMIT (second vote)
-4c. R2 announces TS_COMMIT (second vote)
-5a. S announces TS_COMMITTED (end of vote)
-5b. R1 announces TS_COMMITTED (end of vote)
-5c. R2 announces TS_COMMITTED (end of vote)
-Scenario 2. (two-step voting)
-1. S initiates a transaction (TS_BEGIN)
-2a. R1 receives TS_BEGIN, joins for commit
-2b. R2 didn't receive TS_BEGIN
-3a. S announces TS_COMMIT (first vote)
-3b. R1 announces TS_COMMIT (first vote)
-3c. R2 received R1's TS_COMMIT announces TS_ABORT (first vote)
-4a. S received R2's TS_ABORT announces TS_ABORT (second vote)
-4b. R1 received R2's TS_ABORT announces TS_ABORT (second vote)
-4c. R2 announces TS_ABORT (second vote)
-5a. S announces TS_ABORTED (end of vote)
-5b. R1 announces TS_ABORTED (end of vote)
-5c. R2 announces TS_ABORTED (end of vote)
-Scenario 3. (three-step voting)
-1. S initiates a transaction (TS_BEGIN)
-2a. R1 receives TS_BEGIN, joins for commit
-2b. R2 didn't receive TS_BEGIN
-3a. S announces TS_COMMIT (first vote)
-3b. R1 announces TS_COMMIT (first vote)
-3c. R2 still didn't receive anything
-4a. S announces TS_COMMIT (second vote)
-4b. R1 announces TS_COMMIT (second vote)
-4c. R2 received R1's TS_COMMIT, announces TS_ABORT (first vote)
-5a. S received R2's TS_ABORT but it is the end of the voting phase and
- majority (S and R1) vote for commit, announces TS_COMMIT (third vote)
-5b. R1 received R2's TS_ABORT but it is the end of the voting phase and
- majority (S and R1) vote for commit, announces TS_COMMIT (third vote)
-5c. R2 announces TS_ABORT (second vote)
-6a. S announces TS_COMMITTED (end of vote)
-6b. R1 announces TS_COMMITTED (end of vote)
-6c. R2 discovers that the the majority has declared current transaction
- committed and thus declares itself failed.
-Boris Kolpackov <>
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/TMCast.mpc b/protocols/ace/TMCast/TMCast.mpc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff937a0a1a..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/TMCast.mpc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// -*- MPC -*-
-// $Id$
-project : acelib, core, exceptions, threads {
- avoids = ace_for_tao
- sharedname = ACE_TMCast
- dynamicflags += TMCAST_BUILD_DLL
- Pkgconfig_Files {
- }
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Template_Instantiations.cpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/Template_Instantiations.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 62e9b24a8bc..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/Template_Instantiations.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// Note: this file is here only until support for explicit template
-// instantiations is removed from ACE, after ACE 5.5 is released.
-# include "ace/Null_Mutex.h"
-# include "ace/Refcounted_Auto_Ptr.h"
-# include "TransactionController.hpp"
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Recv, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Send, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Message, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Recv, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-# pragma instantiate class ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<ACE_TMCast::Send, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#elif defined (__HP_aCC)
-// Make aC++ stop complaining about an empty translation unit
-static int shut_up_aCC = 0;
diff --git a/protocols/ace/TMCast/TransactionController.hpp b/protocols/ace/TMCast/TransactionController.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0d4281655..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/TMCast/TransactionController.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-// file : ACE_TMCast/TransactionController.hpp
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// cvs-id : $Id$
-#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Refcounted_Auto_Ptr.h"
-#include "Protocol.hpp"
-#include "Messaging.hpp"
-#include <typeinfo>
-namespace ACE_TMCast
- // Messages
- //
- //
- class Send : public virtual Message
- {
- public:
- Send (void const* msg, size_t size)
- : size_ (size)
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (payload_, msg, size_);
- }
- void const*
- payload () const
- {
- return payload_;
- }
- size_t
- size () const
- {
- return size_;
- }
- private:
- size_t size_;
- char payload_[Protocol::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
- };
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<Send, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- SendPtr;
- class Recv : public virtual Message
- {
- public:
- Recv (void const* msg, size_t size)
- : size_ (size)
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (payload_, msg, size_);
- }
- void const*
- payload () const
- {
- return payload_;
- }
- size_t
- size () const
- {
- return size_;
- }
- private:
- size_t size_;
- char payload_[Protocol::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
- };
- typedef
- ACE_Refcounted_Auto_Ptr<Recv, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- RecvPtr;
- class Aborted : public virtual Message {};
- class Commited : public virtual Message {};
- //
- //
- //
- class TransactionController
- {
- public:
- TransactionController (MessageQueue& in,
- MessageQueue& send_out,
- MessageQueue& recv_out)
- : trace_ (false),
- voting_duration_ (0),
- separation_duration_ (0),
- in_ (in),
- send_out_ (send_out),
- recv_out_ (recv_out)
- {
- = 0;
- current_.status = Protocol::TS_COMMITED;
- }
- public:
- class Failure {};
- void
- outsync (Protocol::Transaction& c, void* payload, size_t& size)
- {
- if (current_.status == Protocol::TS_COMMIT ||
- current_.status == Protocol::TS_ABORT)
- {
- if (++voting_duration_ >= Protocol::VOTING_FRAME)
- {
- // end of voting frame
- if (current_.status == Protocol::TS_COMMIT)
- {
- {
- if (initiated_)
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (send_out_);
- send_out_.push (MessagePtr (new Commited));
- }
- else // joined transaction
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (recv_out_);
- recv_out_.push (MessagePtr (recv_.release ()));
- recv_ = RecvPtr ();
- }
- }
- current_.status = Protocol::TS_COMMITED;
- // if (trace_) cerr << "commited transaction with id "
- // << << endl;
- }
- else // TS_ABORT
- {
- if (initiated_)
- {
- MessageQueueAutoLock lock (send_out_);
- send_out_.push (MessagePtr (new Aborted));
- }
- else
- {
- // free revc_ buffer if necessary
- //
- if (recv_.get ()) recv_ = RecvPtr ();
- }
- current_.status = Protocol::TS_ABORTED;
- // if (trace_) cerr << "aborted transaction with id "
- // << << endl;
- }
- // start transaction separation frame (counts down)
- // +1 because it will be decremented on this iteration
- separation_duration_ = Protocol::SEPARATION_FRAME + 1;
- }
- }
- // Set current outsync info
- =;
- c.status = current_.status;
- // Do some post-processing
- switch (current_.status)
- {
- case Protocol::TS_COMMITED:
- case Protocol::TS_ABORTED:
- {
- if (separation_duration_ > 0) --separation_duration_;
- break;
- }
- case Protocol::TS_BEGIN:
- {
- // transfer payload
- size = send_->size ();
- memcpy (payload, send_->payload (), size);
- send_ = SendPtr ();
- // get redy to vote for 'commit'
- current_.status = Protocol::TS_COMMIT;
- voting_duration_ = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- current_transaction (Protocol::Transaction const& t,
- void const* payload,
- size_t size)
- {
- Protocol::TransactionId& id =;
- Protocol::TransactionStatus& s = current_.status;
- if (id == 0 && != 0) // catch up
- {
- switch (t.status)
- {
- case Protocol::TS_BEGIN:
- case Protocol::TS_COMMIT:
- case Protocol::TS_ABORT:
- {
- id = - 1;
- s = Protocol::TS_COMMITED;
- break;
- }
- case Protocol::TS_ABORTED:
- case Protocol::TS_COMMITED:
- {
- id =;
- s = t.status;
- break;
- }
- }
- // if (trace_) cerr << "caught up with id " << id << endl;
- }
- bool stable (s == Protocol::TS_COMMITED || s == Protocol::TS_ABORTED);
- switch (t.status)
- {
- case Protocol::TS_BEGIN:
- {
- if (!stable || != id + 1)
- {
- // Transaction is in progress or hole in transaction id's
- // cerr << "unexpected request to join " << t
- // << " while on " << current_ << endl;
- // if (!stable) cerr << "voting progress is " << voting_duration_
- // << "/" << Protocol::VOTING_FRAME << endl;
- if ( == id) // collision
- {
- if (!stable && s != Protocol::TS_ABORT)
- {
- // abort both
- // cerr << "aborting both transactions" << endl;
- s = Protocol::TS_ABORT;
- voting_duration_ = 0; //@@ reset voting frame
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // @@ delicate case. need to think more
- // cerr << "Declaring node failed." << endl;
- throw Failure ();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // join the transaction
- initiated_ = false;
- recv_ = RecvPtr (new Recv (payload, size));
- id =;
- s = Protocol::TS_COMMIT;
- voting_duration_ = 0;
- // if (trace_) cerr << "joining-for-commit transaction with id "
- // << id << endl;
- }
- break;
- }
- case Protocol::TS_COMMIT:
- {
- if (stable && id == - 1)
- {
- // not begin and and we haven't joined
- // join for abort
- initiated_ = false;
- =;
- current_.status = Protocol::TS_ABORT;
- voting_duration_ = 0;
- // if (trace_) cerr << "joining-for-abort transaction with id "
- // << << endl;
- }
- break;
- }
- case Protocol::TS_ABORT:
- {
- if ((!stable && id == && s == Protocol::TS_COMMIT) ||
- (stable && id == - 1)) // abort current || new transaction
- {
- // if (trace_) cerr << "voting-for-abort on transaction with id "
- // << << endl;
- id =;
- s = Protocol::TS_ABORT;
- voting_duration_ = 0; //@@ reseting voting_duration_
- }
- else
- {
- }
- break;
- }
- case Protocol::TS_ABORTED:
- case Protocol::TS_COMMITED:
- {
- // nothing for now
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- api ()
- {
- if ((current_.status == Protocol::TS_COMMITED ||
- current_.status == Protocol::TS_ABORTED) &&
- separation_duration_ == 0) // no transaction in progress
- {
- // start new transaction
- // Note that in_ is already locked by Scheduler
- MessagePtr m (in_.front ());
- in_.pop ();
- if (typeid (*m) == typeid (Send))
- {
- send_ = SendPtr (dynamic_cast<Send*> (m.release ()));
- }
- else
- {
- // cerr << "Expecting Send but received " << typeid (*m).name ()
- // << endl;
- ACE_OS::abort ();
- }
- current_.status = Protocol::TS_BEGIN;
- initiated_ = true;
- // if (trace_) cerr << "starting transaction with id " <<
- // << endl;
- }
- }
- private:
- typedef ACE_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> AutoLock;
- bool trace_;
- Protocol::Transaction current_;
- bool initiated_;
- unsigned short voting_duration_;
- unsigned short separation_duration_;
- MessageQueue& in_;
- MessageQueue& send_out_;
- MessageQueue& recv_out_;
- SendPtr send_;
- RecvPtr recv_;
- };