path: root/samwise/PerlSam/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'samwise/PerlSam/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/samwise/PerlSam/ b/samwise/PerlSam/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a6e5cade74..00000000000
--- a/samwise/PerlSam/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package PerlSam::Generator;
-# Forward Declarations
-sub ConvertPathToRelative ($);
-sub ExpandIDLFiles (\%);
-sub ExpandBaseNames (\@);
-sub ExpandLibraries (\@);
-sub ExpandIncludeDirs (\@);
-sub ProjectOrder (\%);
-# some private declarations
-sub GetLibInfo ();
-sub SetLibInfo (\%);
-sub GenerateDependencies (\%);
-# Instantiations
-use PerlSam::Generator::Borland;
-use PerlSam::Generator::GNUMake;
-use PerlSam::Generator::Automake;
-use PerlSam::Generator::MSVC6;
-#use PerlSam::Generator::MSVC7;
-use PerlSam::Generator::View;
-use PerlSam::Generator::VisualAge;
-# Global
-use Cwd;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use strict;
-# Global
-# Return the default generators
-sub GetDefaults ()
- return ('msvc6', 'gnumake', 'borland');
-# Constructor
-sub new (@)
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref ($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {};
- @{$self->{GENERATORS}} = ();
- foreach my $name (@_) {
- if ($name eq 'view') {
- push @{$self->{GENERATORS}}, new PerlSam::Generator::View;
- }
- elsif ($name eq 'msvc6') {
- push @{$self->{GENERATORS}}, new PerlSam::Generator::MSVC6;
- }
- elsif ($name eq 'gnumake') {
- push @{$self->{GENERATORS}}, new PerlSam::Generator::GNUMake;
- }
- elsif ($name eq 'borland') {
- push @{$self->{GENERATORS}}, new PerlSam::Generator::Borland;
- }
- elsif ($name eq 'automake') {
- push @{$self->{GENERATORS}}, new PerlSam::Generator::Automake;
- }
- elsif ($name eq 'visualage') {
- push @{$self->{GENERATORS}}, new PerlSam::Generator::VisualAge;
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "Error: Unrecognized Generator <$name>\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- bless ($self, $class);
- return $self;
-# Public Methods
-sub GenerateWorkspace (\%)
- my $self = shift;
- foreach my $generator (@{$self->{GENERATORS}}) {
- $generator->GenerateWorkspace (@_);
- }
-sub GenerateProjects (\%)
- my $self = shift;
- foreach my $generator (@{$self->{GENERATORS}}) {
- $generator->GenerateProjects (@_);
- }
-sub SetLibraryInfo (\%)
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- SetLibInfo (%{$data});
-# Private Methods
-# global data
-my $generator_lib_info;
-sub GetLibInfo ()
- return $generator_lib_info;
-sub SetLibInfo (\%)
- $generator_lib_info = shift;
-# Takes in a string of paths based on ACE_ROOT and converts them to relative
-# paths based on the current directory (example: /bin -> ../../bin)
-sub ConvertPathToRelative ($)
- my $args = shift;
- $args =~ s/\s\s*/ /g;
- $args =~ s/\s$//g;
- my @list = split / /, $args;
- my $result = "";
- my $root;
- my $current = getcwd ();
- my $traverse = $current;
- my $external = 0;
- my @current_list;
- # This little bit of code walks up the path looking ACE_ROOT. If
- # not found, just default to using "$ACE_ROOT/"
- while (1) {
- # Are we in the "root" yet?
- if (-r "$traverse/samwise/PerlSam/") {
- last;
- }
- # Move up in the directory tree by lopping off the last part of
- # the path
- if ($traverse =~ m/(.*)\/[^\/]*/) {
- $traverse = $1;
- $root .= "../";
- }
- else {
- # Ran out of path, default to environment variable
- $root = "\$ACE_ROOT/";
- $external = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- # Remove the trailing slash
- $root =~ s/\/$//;
- if (!$external) {
- # Figure out what our relative current directory is
- $current =~ s/^\Q$traverse\E\///;
- @current_list = split /\//, $current;
- }
- # Rebuild the stringified list
- foreach my $entry (@list) {
- my $this_root = $root;
- my @this_current = @current_list;
- # Loop off any common parts. So if current directory is
- # "\TAO\tests" and the entry is "\TAO\" then reduce the root
- if (!$external) {
- if ($entry =~ m/^\//) {
- while ($#this_current >= 0) {
- my $top_dir = shift @this_current;
- if ($entry && $entry =~ s/^\/$top_dir//) {
- if ($this_root eq '..') {
- $this_root = '.';
- } else {
- $this_root =~ s/^\.\.\///;
- }
- } else {
- last;
- }
- }
- $result .= $this_root . $entry . " ";
- } else {
- $result .= $entry . " ";
- }
- }
- }
- # Remove the trailing space from the stringified list.
- $result =~ s/ $//;
- return $result;
-sub ExpandIDLFiles (\%)
- my $project = shift;
- foreach my $file (keys %{$project->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $base = $file;
- $base =~ s/\.idl$//i;
- next if (!defined $project->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE});
- if ($project->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE} eq 'clientidl') {
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."C.h"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."C.i"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."C.cpp"} = ();
- }
- elsif ($project->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE} eq 'idl') {
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."C.h"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."C.i"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."C.cpp"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."S.h"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."S.i"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."S.cpp"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."S_T.h"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."S_T.i"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."S_T.cpp"} = ();
- $project->{SOURCES}->{$base ."S_T.cpp"}->{TYPE} = 'template';
- }
- }
-sub ExpandBaseNames (\@)
- my $libs = shift;
- my $libinfo = GetLibInfo ();
- my @results;
- foreach my $namespace (@{$libinfo->{ORDER}}) {
- foreach my $maplib (@{$libinfo->{$namespace}->{LIST}}) {
- foreach my $lib (@{$libs}) {
- my $lib_namespace;
- my $lib_name;
- if ($lib =~ m/(.*)::(.*)/) {
- $lib_namespace = $1;
- $lib_name = $2;
- }
- next if ($lib_namespace ne $namespace);
- if ($lib_name eq $maplib) {
- push @results, $libinfo->{$namespace}->{DETAILS}->{$maplib}->{BASE};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return @results;
-sub ExpandLibraries (\@)
- my $libs = shift;
- my $libinfo = GetLibInfo ();
- my $results = "";
- foreach my $namespace (@{$libinfo->{ORDER}}) {
- foreach my $maplib (@{$libinfo->{$namespace}->{LIST}}) {
- foreach my $lib (@{$libs}) {
- my $lib_namespace;
- my $lib_name;
- if ($lib =~ m/(.*)::(.*)/) {
- $lib_namespace = $1;
- $lib_name = $2;
- }
- next if ($lib_namespace ne $namespace);
- if ($lib_name eq $maplib) {
- my $dir = $libinfo->{$namespace}->{DETAILS}->{$maplib}->{LINK};
- my $data = $libinfo->{$namespace}->{DETAILS}->{$maplib}->{BASE};
- $dir =~ s/\/$//;
- if (defined $data) {
- $results .= ConvertPathToRelative ($dir) . "/$data ";
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "Error: No base name defined for lib <$maplib>\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Add in any local libs
- foreach my $lib (@{$libs}) {
- if ($lib =~ m/^::(.*)$/) {
- $results .= "$1 ";
- }
- }
- # Get rid of the last space
- $results =~ s/ $//;
- return $results;
-sub ExpandIncludeDirs (\@)
- my $libs = shift;
- my $libinfo = GetLibInfo ();
- my $results = "";
- foreach my $namespace (@{$libinfo->{ORDER}}) {
- foreach my $maplib (@{$libinfo->{$namespace}->{LIST}}) {
- foreach my $lib (@{$libs}) {
- my $lib_namespace;
- my $lib_name;
- if ($lib =~ m/(.*)::(.*)/) {
- $lib_namespace = $1;
- $lib_name = $2;
- }
- next if ($lib_namespace ne $namespace);
- if ($lib_name eq $maplib) {
- my $dir = $libinfo->{$namespace}->{DETAILS}->{$maplib}->{INCLUDE};
- if ($results !~ m/^$dir / &&
- $results !~ m/ $dir /)
- {
- $results .= $dir . " ";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Add in any local libs
- foreach my $lib (@{$libs}) {
- if ($lib =~ m/^::(.*)\/[^\/]+$/) {
- $results .= "$1 ";
- }
- }
- # Get rid of the last space
- $results =~ s/ $//;
- return $results;
-sub GenerateDependencies (\%)
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- print "====================\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- print "Entering Generator::GenerateDependencies\n" if ($main::verbose >= 1);
- #
- # Create a mapping between output names to project names
- #
- my %output; # Mapping between output and project
- print "Calculating output/project mapping\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- foreach my $project (values %{$data->{PROJECTS}}) {
- %output->{$project->{TARGET}} = $project->{NAME}
- }
- print Dumper (\%output) if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- #
- # Go through all the libraries needed by a project and create a DEPENDS
- # list for all dependencies on other projects in this workspace
- #
- foreach my $project (values %{$data->{PROJECTS}}) {
- print "Looking at project $project->{NAME}\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- @{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project->{NAME}}->{DEPENDS}} = ();
- foreach my $library (ExpandBaseNames (@{$project->{LIBS}})) {
- print " Looking for library '$library' ..." if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- if (defined %output->{$library}) {
- print "found" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- push @{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project->{NAME}}->{DEPENDS}}, %output->{$library};
- }
- print "\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- }
- }
- print "====================\n" if ($main::verbose>= 2);
-sub ProjectOrder (\%)
- my $data = shift;
- my %done; # Hash for indicating whether a project has been ordered for compilation
- my @order; # Resulting order of the projects
- my $count; # Counter to keep track of how many projects made "done" in a pass
- my $cycle = 0; # Keep track of the cycle
- print "====================\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- print "Entering Generator::ProjectOrder\n" if ($main::verbose >= 1);
- do {
- $count = 0;
- ++$cycle;
- print "Starting Cycle $cycle\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- #
- # Search for projects that have all dependencies ready and add them to
- # the ordered list if so
- #
- foreach my $project (values %{$data->{PROJECTS}}) {
- print " Looking at project $project->{NAME}..." if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- if (defined %done->{$project->{NAME}}) {
- print "done\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- }
- else {
- my $notready = 0;
- foreach my $depend (@{$project->{DEPENDS}}) {
- if (!defined %done->{$depend}) {
- print "waiting on $depend\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- $notready = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($notready == 0) {
- ++$count;
- push @order, $project->{NAME};
- %done->{$project->{NAME}} = 1;
- print "ready\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- }
- }
- }
- } while ($count > 0);
- #
- # Perform a verification that there are no leftovers. If there are, then
- # it means there was a circular dependency
- #
- foreach my $project (values %{$data->{PROJECTS}}) {
- if (!defined %done->{$project->{NAME}}) {
- print STDERR "Error: Circular dependency detected for project: $project->{NAME}\n";
- }
- }
- print "Final Order: ", join (" ", @order), "\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- print "====================\n" if ($main::verbose >= 2);
- return @order;