path: root/samwise/PerlSam/Generator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'samwise/PerlSam/Generator/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 390 deletions
diff --git a/samwise/PerlSam/Generator/ b/samwise/PerlSam/Generator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 184c1be8573..00000000000
--- a/samwise/PerlSam/Generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package PerlSam::Generator::GNUMake;
-use Cwd;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use File::Basename;
-use FileHandle;
-use strict;
-# Forward Declarations
-# Constructor
-sub new (@)
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref ($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {};
- bless ($self, $class);
- return $self;
-# Methods
-sub GenerateWorkspace (\%)
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- my $string;
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "#\n";
- $string .= "# \$Id\$\n";
- $string .= "#\n";
- $string .= "# GNU Workspace Makefile generated by the Samwise Compiler\n";
- $string .= "#\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "# Subdirectories\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "DIRS =";
- foreach my $dir (@{$data->{WORKSPACE}->{SUBDIRS}}) {
- $string .= " \\\n $dir";
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "# Subprojects\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "MAKEFILES =";
- foreach my $project (PerlSam::Generator::ProjectOrder (%{$data})) {
- $string .= " \\\n $project.gnu";
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "# Include macros and targets\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- my $ace_root = PerlSam::Generator::ConvertPathToRelative ("/");
- # Only put this in if we are in the ACE_wrappers tree
- if ($ace_root ne "\$ACE_ROOT/") {
- $string .= "ifndef ACE_ROOT\n";
- $string .= " ACE_ROOT = $ace_root\n";
- $string .= "endif\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- }
- $string .= "include \$(ACE_ROOT)/samwise/makeinclude/workspace.GNU\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- my $file_name = "GNUmakefile";
- print "Creating Workspace: $file_name\n";
- my $file_handle = new FileHandle ($file_name, "w");
- print $file_handle $string;
-sub GenerateProjects (\%)
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- foreach my $project (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}}) {
- my $string;
- my $description = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{DESCRIPTION};
- my $target = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{TARGET};
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{TYPE};
- my $file_name = $project . ".gnu";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "#\n";
- $string .= "# \$Id\$\n";
- $string .= "#\n";
- $string .= "# GNU Project Makefile generated by the Samwise Compiler\n";
- $string .= "# Project Description: $description\n";
- $string .= "#\n";
- $string .= "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- my $ace_root = PerlSam::Generator::ConvertPathToRelative ("/");
- # Only put this in if we are in the ACE_wrappers tree
- if ($ace_root ne "\$ACE_ROOT/") {
- $string .= "ifndef ACE_ROOT\n";
- $string .= " ACE_ROOT = $ace_root\n";
- $string .= "endif\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- }
- if ($type ne 'executable' && $type ne 'library') {
- die "Unknown project type $type\n";
- }
- $string .= "MAKEFILE = $file_name\n\n";
- my @project_libs = ();
- if (defined $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBS}) {
- @project_libs = @{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBS}};
- }
- # Libraries need to add their own -I directory to the list!
- if (defined $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBINFO}->{NAMESPACE}
- && defined $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBINFO}->{NAME}) {
- push @project_libs,
- $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBINFO}->{NAMESPACE}
- .'::'
- .$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBINFO}->{NAME};
- }
- my $dirs = PerlSam::Generator::ExpandIncludeDirs (@project_libs);
- my $include_dirs = PerlSam::Generator::ConvertPathToRelative ($dirs);
- $string .= "CPPFLAGS += ";
- foreach my $inc (split / /, $include_dirs) {
- $string .= "\\\n -I".$inc;
- }
- # and we also need to add any local includes....
- if (defined $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBINFO}->{INCLUDE}) {
- foreach my $inc (split / /, $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBINFO}->{INCLUDE}) {
- $string .= "\\\n -I".$inc;
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "LDLIBS =";
- my $libs = PerlSam::Generator::ExpandLibraries (@{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{LIBS}});
- foreach my $lib (reverse split / /, $libs) {
- $string .= " \\\n -L".File::Basename::dirname ($lib);
- $string .= " \\\n -l".File::Basename::basename ($lib);
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- if ($type eq 'library') {
- $string .= "ACE_SHLIBS =";
- foreach my $lib (split / /, $libs) {
- $string .= " \\\n -L".File::Basename::dirname ($lib);
- $string .= " \\\n -l".File::Basename::basename ($lib);
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- }
- my $SRC_MACRO = '';
- my $GNU_INCLUDE = '';
- if ($type eq 'executable') {
- $string .= "BIN = $target\n";
- $GNU_INCLUDE = 'executable.GNU';
- }
- elsif ($type eq 'library') {
- $string .= "LIBNAME = $target\n";
- $string .= "LIB = lib\$(LIBNAME).a\n";
- $string .= "SHLIB = lib\$(LIBNAME).\$(SOEXT)\n";
- $GNU_INCLUDE = 'library.GNU';
- }
- my %vpath = ();
- $string .= "$SRC_MACRO=";
- foreach my $src (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$src}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && $type eq 'template') {
- next;
- }
- if ($src =~ /\.cpp$/
- || $src =~ /\.cc$/
- || $src =~ /\.C$/
- || $src =~ /\.c$/) {
- $string .= " \\\n $src";
- }
- $vpath{File::Basename::dirname ($src)} = '1';
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= 'VPATH=' . join(':', sort keys %vpath) . "\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "TEMPLATE_FILES =";
- foreach my $src (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$src}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && $type eq 'template') {
- $string .= " \\\n $src";
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "HEADERS =";
- foreach my $src (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- if ($src =~ /.h$/ || $src =~ /.i$/ || $src =~ /.inl$/) {
- $string .= " \\\n $src";
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- my $has_idls = 0;
- foreach my $file (keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && ($type eq 'idl' || $type eq 'clientidl')) {
- $has_idls = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($has_idls) {
- $string .= "IDL_FILES=";
- foreach my $file (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && ($type eq 'idl' || $type eq 'clientidl')) {
- my $base = $file;
- $base =~ s/\.idl$//;
- $string .= "\\\n $base";
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "$SRC_MACRO+=";
- foreach my $file (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && ($type eq 'idl' || $type eq 'clientidl')) {
- my $idl = $file;
- my $base = $idl;
- $base =~ s/\.idl$//;
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_CLIENT_SRC_EXT)";
- if ($type ne 'clientidl') {
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_SERVER_SRC_EXT)";
- }
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "HEADERS+=";
- foreach my $file (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && ($type eq 'idl' || $type eq 'clientidl')) {
- my $idl = $file;
- my $base = $idl;
- $base =~ s/\.idl$//;
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_CLIENT_HDR_EXT)";
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_CLIENT_INL_EXT)";
- if ($type ne 'clientidl') {
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_SERVER_HDR_EXT)";
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_SERVER_INL_EXT)";
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_SERVER_THDR_EXT)";
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_SERVER_TINL_EXT)";
- }
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "TEMPLATE_FILES+=";
- foreach my $file (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && ($type eq 'idl' || $type eq 'clientidl')) {
- if ($type ne 'clientidl') {
- my $base = $file;
- $base =~ s/\.idl$//;
- $string .= "\\\n $base\$(IDL_SERVER_TSRC_EXT)";
- }
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- my @opts = ();
- foreach my $file (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && ($type eq 'idl' || $type eq 'clientidl')) {
- push @opts,
- $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{OPTS};
- }
- }
- my @unique_opts = sort @opts;
- $string .= "TAO_IDLFLAGS+=";
- my $previous_opt = '';
- foreach my $o (@unique_opts) {
- if ($o ne $previous_opt) {
- $string .= "\\\n $o";
- $previous_opt = $o;
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= "include \$(ACE_ROOT)/samwise/makeinclude/$GNU_INCLUDE\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- if ($has_idls) {
- my $idl_deps = "";
- my $realclean_cmds = "";
- foreach my $file (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$file}->{TYPE};
- if (defined $type && ($type eq 'idl' || $type eq 'clientidl')) {
- my $base = $file;
- $base =~ s/\.idl$//;
- $realclean_cmds .= "\t\-\$(RM) \$(foreach ext, \$(IDL_EXT), $base\$(ext))\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $string .= ".PRECIOUS: \$(foreach ext, \$(IDL_EXT), $base\$(ext))\n";
- $string .= "\n";
- $idl_deps .= " $base\$(IDL_CLIENT_HDR_EXT)";
- }
- }
- $string .= "realclean:\n";
- $string .= $realclean_cmds;
- $string .= "\n";
- foreach my $src (sort keys %{$data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- my $type = $data->{PROJECTS}->{$project}->{SOURCES}->{$src}->{TYPE};
- if ((!defined $type || $type ne 'template') && $src =~ /.cpp$/) {
- my $base = $src;
- $base =~ s/\.cpp$//;
- $base = File::Basename::basename ($base);
- $string .= ".shobj/$base.o .obj/$base.o ";
- $string .= ".shobj/$ .obj/$";
- $string .= $idl_deps . "\n";
- }
- }
- $string .= "\n";
- }
- print "Creating Project: $file_name\n";
- my $file_handle = new FileHandle ($file_name, "w");
- print $file_handle $string;
- }
-# Internal Methods