path: root/NEWS
diff options
authorLubomir Rintel <>2016-01-18 13:06:00 +0100
committerLubomir Rintel <>2016-01-18 13:06:30 +0100
commit636380d19d56cc7a52f5bcf992ca23b667072978 (patch)
tree82d29b43dab4558231deb6f2611099fb8c1abfbd /NEWS
parent320a3dee14d3d3675379861a7ed07a98544349f5 (diff)
release: update NEWS
Diffstat (limited to 'NEWS')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 784adcd216..2cfd2d56ce 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,274 @@
+Overview of changes since NetworkManager-1.0
+This is a new stable release of NetworkManager. Notable changes include:
+* Added an option to enable use of random MAC addresses for Wi-Fi access
+ point scanning (defaults to disabled). Controlled with
+ 'wifi.mac-address-randomization' property (MAC_ADDRESS_RANDOMIZATION key in
+ ifcfg files).
+* Wi-Fi scanning now utilizes wpa_supplicant's AP list.
+* Added support for Wi-Fi powersave, configured with POWERSAVE key in ifcfg
+ files.
+* Added support for creation of more types of software devices: tun & tap,
+ maxvlan, vxlan and ip tunnels (ipip, gre, sit, isatap, vti, ip6ip6, ipip6,
+ ip6gre and vti6).
+* The software devices (bond, bridge, vlan, team, ...) can now be stacked
+ arbitrarily. The nmcli interface for creating master-slave relationships
+ has been significantly improved by the use of 'master' argument to
+ all link types.
+* RFC7217 stable privacy addressing is now used by default to protect from
+ address-based host tracking. The IPv6 addressing mode is configured with
+ IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE key in ifcfg files.
+* Improved route management code to avoid clases between conflicting
+ routes in multiple connections.
+* Refactored platform code resulting in more robust interface to platform,
+ less overhead and reduced memory footprint.
+* Improved interoperability with other network management tools. The
+ externally created software devices are not managed until they're
+ activated.
+* The Device instances now exist for all software connections and the platform
+ devices are now only created when the device is activated. This makes it
+ possible for connections with device of same name not to clash unless
+ they're activated concurrently. The links are now not unnecessarily present
+ unless the connection is active, avoiding pollution of the link name space.
+* NetworkManager now correctly manages connectivity in namespace-based
+ containers such as LXC and Docker.
+* Support for configuring ethernet Wake-On-Lan has been added.
+* Added LLDP listener functionality and related CLI client commands. Enabled via
+ LLDP option in ifcfg files.
+* CLI secret agent has been extended with support for VPN secrets.
+* The command line client now utilizes colors for its output.
+* The command line client now sorts the devices and properties for better
+ clarity.
+* Numerous impovement to Bash command completion for nmcli.
+* NetworkManager relies on less external libraries. The use of dbus-glib
+ has been replaced with gio's native D-Bus support and libnl-route is no
+ longer used.
+* Dependency on avahi-autoipd has been dropped. Native IPv4 link-local
+ addressing configuration based on systemd network library is now used
+ instead.
+* Hostname is now managed via systemd-hostnamed on systemd-based systems.
+* Management of resolv.conf management can be changed at runtime, private
+ resolv.conf is always written in /run.
+* DNS options in resolv.conf are now honored.
+* Updated version of systemd network library used for internal DHCP and
+ IPv4 link-local support.
+* Support for event logging via audit subsystem has been added.
+* Support for native logging via systemd-journald has been added taking
+ advantage of its structured logging.
+* Live reconfiguration in IP configuration after changing the settings without
+ reactivation of the device with "nmcli device reapply" command and via
+ D-Bus API.
+* The API for VPN plugins now supports multiple simultaneous connections.
+ Most popular VPN plugins have been updated to support this functionality.
+* The libnm library now provides API to access VPN service definitions.
+* Fair amount of bugs was fixed and robustness was generally improved.
+* New DHCP_FQDN key in ifcfg files to configure the full FQDN to be sent to
+ the DHCP servers.
+* Added multicast_snooping option to BRIDGING_OPTS ifcfg key.
+The following features were backported to 1.0.x releases from 1.0.0 to 1.0.8
+are also present in NetworkManager-1.2:
+* Added support for handling VPN secrets to nmtui and nmcli agent.
+* The team devices can now properly be enslaved to bridges.
+* Failed DHCP attempts for assumed connections are now retried after
+ a timeout. Configured with DHCP_TIMEOUT ifcfg option.
+* Default wired connection is now created after udev registers the device.
+* Support for Bluetooth DUN devices with Bluez 5 has been fixed.
+* The 'ipv6.ignore-auto-dns' property is now properly honored making it
+ possible to override automatically obtained name servers.
+* Invalid permanent MAC adddresses as reported by some devices are now
+ ignored.
+* Device links reported by more recent versions of Linux kernel that reside
+ in different network namespaces are no longer confused with links in
+ the namespace NetworkManager runs in.
+* MAC address changes of VLANs enslaved to a bond are now properly
+ propagated to the master device.
+* Fixed error handling for teaming devices with invalid configuration.
+* Wi-Fi AP list is now updated correctly after AP mode has been used.
+* The error handling for VPN secret agents is now significantly more robust.
+* Detection of s390 CTC devices now works properly.
+* A GATEWAY key in in /etc/sysconfig/network now no longer affects
+ non-static connections.
+* Added support for IPv6-only VPN connections.
+* The systemd service now uses HUP signal to reload configuration.
+* Change VLAN default flags to set REORDER_HDR for new connections.
+* nmtui is now able to ignore automatically configured routes.
+* Allow setting IPv6 and PPP settings for GDM and CDMA connections via
+ nmcli.
+* Added support for adding ADSL connections in nmcli.
+* Improved capture portal detection.
+* Default route through WiFi connection is now preferred to Mobile
+ Broadband if both are available.
+* Expose a flag to determine whether a particular connection is metered
+ via API and client tools. Configurable in ifcfg with CONNECTION_METERED
+ key.
+* Add support for locking connections to a channel within a particular
+ band.
+* Add support for configuring Wake-on-LAN capabilitites.
+* Allow overriding the MTU for team device.
+* The MTU setting from an IPv6 neighbor discovery Router Advertisements is
+ now ignored if applying it would result in invalid configuration.
+* Some configuration options can now be changed without restarting the
+ daemon. Notably, this applies to 'dns', 'connectivity' and
+ 'ignore-carrier' settings.
+* The connection activation was made more robust. If an active connection
+ is reactivated, the device it's active on takes precedence. If an attempt
+ is made to activate a connection on a different device than it is active on,
+ the activation proceeds removing the connection from the active device.
+* The device specifiers in configuration files now support negation via
+ 'except:' match.
+* Devices that only have IPv6 link-local address are no longer assumed to
+ be connected.
+* nmcli now provides hints and tab-completion for enumeration properties.
+* If the IPv6 interface tokens are set they are honored when creating an
+ interface identifier for IPv6 addressing.
+* NetworkManager now maintains correct routing configuration when multiple
+ interfaces are connected to the same network.
+* The management of devices can now be controlled with udev rules. The veth
+ devices as well as the virtual Ethernet devices of various
+ virtualization tools (VMWare, VirtualBox, Parallels Workstation) are
+ now ignored by default.
+* The IPv6 privacy extensions are now enabled by default and handling of
+ the ip6-privacy sysctl has been improved.
+* Activating a Bond, Bridge or Team device can now optionally activate the
+ slave connections as well. The behavior is controlled with
+ 'connection.autoconnect-slaves' property and AUTOCONNECT-SLAVES key in
+ ifcfg files..
+* The platform support code has been refactored, resulting in better
+ scalability in large configurations.
+* Changes to network interfaces configuration done outside NetworkManager
+ are now picked up and exposed to the user via NetworkManager API and tools.
+* A connection can now optionally leave externally configured default route
+ in place instead of overriding it. The behavior is controlled with
+ 'ipv4.never-default' and 'ipv6.never-default' properties.
+* nmcli allows multiple devices for 'nmcli device disconnect/delete'.
+* Firewall zone is added to firewalld for device-based VPN connections too.
+* Wi-Fi devices now indicate support for 2GHz and 5GHz frequencies
+* "nmcli device" output now indicates physical port ID
+* New config items added to the 'ifcfg-rh' plugin:
+ - IPADDR and PREFIX are now supported for specifying address ranges of
+ shared IPv4 connections
+* Dispatcher scripts now get a CONNECTION_FILENAME variable with the path
+ to the configuration file for the connection
+* An example dispatcher script that is able to apply complex routing rules
+ (such as setting up policy-based routing) for 'ifcfg-rh' connections was
+ added to examples/dispatcher/.
+* 'mode' key of Bond device options property now accepts numeric values
+* Connection attempts for devices without carrier on startup now wait for
+ carrier to appear within a short timeout instead of failing
+ immediately. This makes system startup more robust.
+* Bridge connectivity is now properly restored on resume from suspend
+* The D-Bus name is acquired earlier during the daemon startup. This makes
+ it possible for the systemd service manager to optimize the service
+ startup so that services that require networking are activated sooner
+ contributing to faster system start up time.
+* A lot of memory leak problems were fixed, resulting in reduced memory usage.
+ Many of them were discovered as a result of improvements in use of
+ Valgrind in the testing infrastructure.
+* Management of 'teamd' daemon instances for Team devices is now more robust.
+* The 'dnsmasq' daemon respawns when it terminates and it is configured for
+ management of DNS resolver configuration
+* Hostnames that are not fully qualified are no longer sent to a DHCPv6
+ server for a dynamic DNS update
+* Connection UUIDs are now checked for uniqueness when connection
+ configurations are read
+* Receipt of a NDP Router Advertisement can no longer lower the IPv6 hop
+ limit (CVE-2015-2924)
Overview of changes since NetworkManager-0.9.10