path: root/src/nmcli/nmcli-completion
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1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/nmcli/nmcli-completion b/src/nmcli/nmcli-completion
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45dfe89c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nmcli/nmcli-completion
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# nmcli(1) completion
+ eval "local ARRAY=(\"\${$1[@]}\")"
+ local i
+ local tmp=()
+ local lower=$2
+ local upper=${3:-$lower}
+ # for some reason the following fails. So this clumsy workaround...
+ # A=(a "")
+ # echo " >> ${#A[@]}"
+ # >> 2
+ # A=("${A[@]:1}")
+ # echo " >> ${#A[@]}"
+ # >> 0
+ # ... seriously???
+ for i in "${!ARRAY[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "$i" -lt "$2" || "$i" -gt "${3-$2}" ]]; then
+ tmp=("${tmp[@]}" "${ARRAY[$i]}")
+ fi
+ done
+ eval "$1=(\"\${tmp[@]}\")"
+ local cur words cword i output
+ _init_completion || return
+ # we don't care about any arguments after the current cursor position
+ # because we only parse from left to right. So, if there are some arguments
+ # right of the cursor, just ignore them. Also don't care about ${words[0]}.
+ _nmcli_array_delete_at words $((cword+1)) ${#words[@]}
+ _nmcli_array_delete_at words 0
+ # _init_completion returns the words with all the quotes and escaping
+ # characters. We don't care about them, drop them at first.
+ for i in ${!words[@]}; do
+ words[i]="$(printf '%s' "${words[i]}" | xargs printf '%s\n' 2>/dev/null || true)"
+ done
+ # In case the cursor is not at the end of the line,
+ # $cur consists of spaces that we want do remove.
+ # For example: `nmcli connection modify id <TAB> lo`
+ if [[ "$cur" =~ ^[[:space:]]+ ]]; then
+ cur=''
+ fi
+ output="$(nmcli --complete-args "${words[@]}" 2>/dev/null)"
+ # Bail out early if we're completing a file name
+ if [ $? = 65 ]; then
+ compopt -o default
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$output' -- $cur ) )
+ # Now escape special characters (spaces, single and double quotes),
+ # so that the argument is really regarded a single argument by bash.
+ # See
+ local escaped_single_quote="'\''"
+ local i=0
+ local entry
+ for entry in ${COMPREPLY[*]}
+ do
+ if [[ "${cur:0:1}" == "'" ]]; then
+ # started with single quote, escaping only other single quotes
+ # [']bla'bla"bla\bla bla --> [']bla'\''bla"bla\bla bla
+ COMPREPLY[$i]="${entry//\'/${escaped_single_quote}}"
+ elif [[ "${cur:0:1}" == '"' ]]; then
+ # started with double quote, escaping all double quotes and all backslashes
+ # ["]bla'bla"bla\bla bla --> ["]bla'bla\"bla\\bla bla
+ entry="${entry//\\/\\\\}"
+ entry="${entry//\"/\\\"}"
+ entry="${entry//!/\"\\!\"}"
+ COMPREPLY[$i]="$entry"
+ else
+ # no quotes in front, escaping _everything_
+ # [ ]bla'bla"bla\bla bla --> [ ]bla\'bla\"bla\\bla\ bla
+ entry="${entry//\\/\\\\}"
+ entry="${entry//\'/\'}"
+ entry="${entry//\"/\\\"}"
+ entry="${entry// /\\ }"
+ entry="${entry//\(/\\(}"
+ entry="${entry//)/\\)}"
+ entry="${entry//!/\\!}"
+ entry="${entry//&/\\&}"
+ COMPREPLY[$i]="$entry"
+ fi
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+ # Work-around bash_completion issue where bash interprets a colon
+ # as a separator.
+ # Colon is escaped here. Change "\\:" back to ":".
+ # See also:
+ #
+ #
+ i=0
+ for entry in ${COMPREPLY[*]}
+ do
+ entry="${entry//\\\\:/:}"
+ COMPREPLY[$i]=${entry}
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+} &&
+complete -F _nmcli nmcli
+# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh