path: root/lib/avtp_pipeline/platform/Linux/intf_alsa/example_listener.ini
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/avtp_pipeline/platform/Linux/intf_alsa/example_listener.ini')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/avtp_pipeline/platform/Linux/intf_alsa/example_listener.ini b/lib/avtp_pipeline/platform/Linux/intf_alsa/example_listener.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b15b48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/avtp_pipeline/platform/Linux/intf_alsa/example_listener.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# General Talker Configuration for ALSA and
+# uncompressed 61883-6 audio mapping
+# role: Sets the process as a talker or listener. Valid values are
+# talker or listener
+role = listener
+# initial_state: Specify whether the talker or listener should be
+# running or stopped on startup. Valid values are running or stopped.
+# If not specified, the default will depend on how the talker or
+# listener is launched.
+initial_state = stopped
+# stream_addr: Used on the listener and should be set to the
+# mac address of the talker.
+#stream_addr = 01:23:45:67:89:ab
+# stream_uid: The unique stream ID. The talker and listener must
+# both have this set the same.
+#stream_uid = 0
+# dest_addr: When SRP is being used the destination address only needs to
+# be set in the talker. If SRP is not being used the destination address
+# needs to be set in both side the talker and listener.
+# The destination is a multicast address, not a real MAC address, so it
+# does not match the talker or listener's interface MAC. There are
+# several pools of those addresses for use by AVTP defined in 1722.
+# At this time they need to be locally administered and must be in the range
+# of 91:E0:F0:00:FE:00 - 91:E0:F0:00:FE:FF.
+# Typically :00 for the first stream, :01 for the second, etc.
+#dest_addr = 91:e0:f0:00:fe:00
+# max_interval_frames: The maximum number of packets that will be sent during
+# an observation interval. This is only used on the talker.
+#max_interval_frames = 1
+# max_transit_usec: Allows manually specifying a maximum transit time.
+# On the talker this value is added to the PTP walltime to create the AVTP Timestamp.
+# On the listener this value is used to validate an expected valid timestamp range.
+# Note: For the listener the map_nv_item_count value must be set large enough to
+# allow buffering at least as many AVTP packets that can be transmitted during this
+# max transit time.
+max_transit_usec = 50000
+# raw_tx_buffers: The number of raw socket transmit buffers. Typically 4 - 8 are good values.
+# This is only used by the talker. If not set internal defaults are used.
+#raw_tx_buffers = 1
+# raw_rx_buffers: The number of raw socket receive buffers. Typically 50 - 100 are good values.
+# This is only used by the listener. If not set internal defaults are used.
+raw_rx_buffers = 200
+# report_seconds: How often to output stats. Defaults to 10 seconds. 0 turns off the stats.
+#report_seconds = 1
+# Ethernet Interface Name. Only needed on some platforms when stack is built with no endpoint functionality
+ifname = pcap:eth0
+# Bit mask used for CPU pinning. Defaults to all cpus can be used (0xffffffff).
+#thread_affinity = 12
+# Enable real time scheduling with this priority. Defaults to not use RT sched (0).
+thread_rt_priority = 10
+# Mapping module configuration
+# map_lib: The name of the library file (commonly a .so file) that
+# implements the Initialize function. Comment out the map_lib name
+# and link in the .c file to the openavb_tl executable to embed the mapper
+# directly into the executable unit. There is no need to change anything
+# else. The Initialize function will still be dynamically linked in.
+map_lib = ./
+# map_fn: The name of the initialize function in the mapper.
+map_fn = openavbMapUncmpAudioInitialize
+# map_nv_item_count: The number of media queue elements to hold.
+map_nv_item_count = 400
+# map_nv_tx_rate: Transmit rate.
+# This must be set for the uncompressed audio mapping module.
+map_nv_tx_rate = 8000
+# map_nv_packing_factor: Multiple of how many packets of audio frames to place in a media queue item.
+# Note: Typically when decreasing the map_nv_tx_rate the packing factor will also be decreased since
+# the number of frames per packet will be increasing.
+map_nv_packing_factor = 256
+# Interface module configuration
+# intf_lib: The name of the library file (commonly a .so file) that
+# implements the Initialize function. Comment out the intf_lib name
+# and link in the .c file to the openavb_tl executable to embed the interface
+# directly into the executable unit. There is no need to change anything
+# else. The Initialize function will still be dynamically linked in.
+# intf_fn: The name of the initialize function in the interface.
+intf_lib = ./
+# intf_fn: The name of the initialize function in the interface.
+intf_fn = openavbIntfAlsaInitialize
+# intf_nv_ignore_timestamp: If set the listener will ignore the timestamp on media queue items.
+# intf_nv_ignore_timestamp = 1
+# intf_nv_device_name: ALSA device name. Commonly "default" or "plug:dmix"
+intf_nv_device_name = default
+# intf_nv_audio_rate: Sampling rate of the audio (samples/second)
+intf_nv_audio_rate = 48000
+# intf_nv_audio_bit_depth: Number of bits per audio sample. Typical values are 16, 24, and 32.
+intf_nv_audio_bit_depth = 24
+# intf_nv_audio_channels: Number of channels of audio.
+intf_nv_audio_channels = 8
+# intf_nv_allow_resampling: 0 = disable software resampling. 1 = allow software resampling. Default is disable.
+intf_nv_allow_resampling = 1
+# intf_nv_start_threshold_periods: The number of period to wait before starting playback. The larger the value to great
+# the latency. The small the number the great chance for a buffer underrun. A good range is 1 - 5.
+intf_nv_start_threshold_periods = 3
+# intf_nv_period_time: the number of microseconds which should be set to unify latency between different platforms.
+# This influence ALSA's period_time and period_size parameters and the result value should be the nearest possible.
+# Initial playback latency is equal intf_nv_start_threshold_periods * intf_nv_period_time. If not set internal defaults are used.
+# intf_nv_period_time = 0
+# Default PC audio is little-endian
+intf_nv_audio_endian = little