diff options
authorvboxsync <vboxsync@cfe28804-0f27-0410-a406-dd0f0b0b656f>2020-08-19 17:32:39 +0000
committervboxsync <vboxsync@cfe28804-0f27-0410-a406-dd0f0b0b656f>2020-08-19 17:32:39 +0000
commit2944c73a4ff1b98420a560fbf71649a7f8eada55 (patch)
parent32d967a7301f854ab8ab7279ebe03dc9a50f5556 (diff)
helper.vbs,configure.vbs: Added a bunch of new helpers and adjusted/renamed several old ones in preparation for a new envSub.vbs script.
git-svn-id: cfe28804-0f27-0410-a406-dd0f0b0b656f
2 files changed, 311 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/configure.vbs b/configure.vbs
index da86fbf006d..3e4a52cd42d 100644
--- a/configure.vbs
+++ b/configure.vbs
@@ -83,14 +83,6 @@ dim g_blnDisableCOM, g_strDisableCOM
g_blnDisableCOM = False
g_strDisableCOM = ""
-' Whether to ignore (continue) on errors.
-dim g_blnContinueOnError, g_rcExit
-g_blnContinueOnError = False
-' The script's exit code (for ignored errors).
-dim g_rcScript
-g_rcScript = 0
' Whether to try the internal stuff first or last.
dim g_blnInternalFirst
g_blnInternalFirst = True
@@ -699,7 +691,7 @@ sub CheckForkBuild(strOptkBuild)
EnvPrintCleanup "PATH", DosSlashes(Left(g_strPathkBuildBin, Len(g_strPathkBuildBin) - 9) & "win.x86"), ";"
end if
EnvPrintPrepend "PATH", DosSlashes(g_strPathkBuildBin), ";"
- EnvPrepend "PATH", g_strPathkBuildBin & ";"
+ EnvPrependPathItem "PATH", g_strPathkBuildBin, ";"
end if
PrintResult "kBuild", g_strPathkBuild
@@ -794,7 +786,7 @@ class VisualCPPState
strSavedPath = EnvGet("PATH")
if (m_strPathVCCommon <> "") then
- EnvAppend "PATH", ";" & m_strPathVCCommon & "/IDE"
+ EnvAppendPathItem "PATH", m_strPathVCCommon & "/IDE", ";"
end if
rcExit = Shell(DosSlashes(strClExe), True, strOutput)
EnvSet "PATH", strSavedPath
diff --git a/tools/win/vbscript/helpers.vbs b/tools/win/vbscript/helpers.vbs
index 34428000d05..4851b76a148 100644
--- a/tools/win/vbscript/helpers.vbs
+++ b/tools/win/vbscript/helpers.vbs
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ Set g_objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dim g_objFileSys
Set g_objFileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+'' Whether to ignore (continue) on errors.
+dim g_blnContinueOnError
+g_blnContinueOnError = False
+'' The script's exit code (for ignored errors).
+dim g_rcScript
+g_rcScript = 0
' Helpers: Paths '
@@ -139,6 +147,85 @@ function PathAbsLong(str)
end function
+' Compare two paths w/o abspathing them.
+' Ignores case, slash direction, multiple slashes and single dot components.
+function PathMatch(strPath1, strPath2)
+ PathMatch = true
+ if StrComp(strPath1, strPath2, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then
+ strPath1 = DosSlashes(strPath1)
+ strPath2 = DosSlashes(strPath2)
+ if StrComp(strPath1, strPath2, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then
+ ' Compare character by character
+ dim off1 : off1 = 1
+ dim off2 : off2 = 1
+ ' Compare UNC prefix if any, because the code below cannot handle it. UNC has exactly two slashes.
+ if Mid(strPath1, 1, 2) = "\\" and Mid(strPath2, 1, 2) = "\\" then
+ if (Mid(strPath1, 3, 1) = "\") <> (Mid(strPath2, 3, 1) = "\") then
+ PathMatch = false
+ exit function
+ end if
+ off1 = off1 + 2
+ off2 = off2 + 2
+ if Mid(strPath1, 3, 1) = "\" then
+ off1 = PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper(strPath1, off1)
+ off2 = PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper(strPath2, off2)
+ end if
+ end if
+ ' Compare the rest.
+ dim ch1, ch2
+ do while off1 <= Len(strPath1) and off2 <= Len(strPath2)
+ ch1 = Mid(strPath1, off1, 1)
+ ch2 = Mid(strPath2, off2, 1)
+ if StrComp(ch1, ch2, vbTextCompare) = 0 then
+ off1 = off1 + 1
+ off2 = off2 + 1
+ if ch1 = "\" then
+ off1 = PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper(strPath1, off1)
+ off2 = PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper(strPath2, off2)
+ end if
+ else
+ PathMatch = False
+ exit function
+ end if
+ loop
+ ' One or both of the strings ran out. That's fine if we've only got slashes
+ ' and "." components left in the other.
+ if off1 <= Len(strPath1) and Mid(strPath1, off1, 1) = "\" then
+ off1 = PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper(strPath1, off1 + 1)
+ end if
+ if off2 <= Len(strPath2) and Mid(strPath2, off2, 1) = "\" then
+ off2 = PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper(strPath2, off2 + 1)
+ end if
+ PathMatch = off1 > Len(strPath1) and off2 > Len(strPath2)
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+'' PathMatch helper
+function PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper(strPath, off)
+ dim ch
+ do while off <= Len(strPath)
+ ch = Mid(strPath, off, 1)
+ if ch = "\" then
+ off = off + 1
+ elseif ch = "." and off = Len(strPath) then
+ off = off + 1
+ elseif ch = "." and Mid(strPath, off, 2) = ".\" then
+ off = off + 2
+ else
+ exit do
+ end if
+ loop
+ PathMatchSkipSlashesAndSlashDotHelper = off
+end function
' Helpers: Files and Dirs '
@@ -392,6 +479,36 @@ end function
+' Gets an environment variable with default value if not found.
+function EnvGetDef(strName, strDefault)
+ dim strValue
+ strValue = g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName)
+ if strValue = "" or IsNull(strValue) or IsEmpty(strValue) then
+ EnvGetDef = strDefault
+ else
+ EnvGetDef = strValue
+ end if
+end function
+' Gets an environment variable with default value if not found or not
+' in the array of valid values. Issue warning about invalid values.
+function EnvGetDefValid(strName, strDefault, arrValidValues)
+ dim strValue
+ strValue = g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName)
+ if strValue = "" or IsNull(strValue) or IsEmpty(strValue) then
+ EnvGetDefValid = strDefault
+ elseif not ArrayContainsString(arrValidValues, strValue) then
+ MsgWarning "Invalid value " & strName & " value '" & EnvGetDefValid & "', using '" & strDefault & "' instead."
+ EnvGetDefValid = strDefault
+ else
+ EnvGetDefValid = strValue
+ end if
+end function
' Sets an environment variable.
sub EnvSet(strName, strValue)
g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName) = strValue
@@ -400,24 +517,143 @@ end sub
-' Appends a string to an environment variable
-sub EnvAppend(strName, strValue)
- dim str
- str = g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName)
- g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName) = str & strValue
- LogPrint "EnvAppend: " & strName & "=" & str & strValue
-end sub
+' Prepends a string to an Path-like environment variable.
+function EnvPrependItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, blnKeepEmpty, ByRef fnItemMatcher)
+ dim strValue
+ strValue = EnvRemoveItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, blnKeepEmpty, fnItemMatcher, "EnvPrependItemEx")
+ if strValue <> "" then
+ strValue = strItem & strSep & strValue
+ else
+ strValue = strItem
+ end if
+ g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName) = strValue
+ EnvPrependItemEx = strValue
+end function
+' Appends a string to an Path-like environment variable,
+function EnvAppendItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, blnKeepEmpty, ByRef fnItemMatcher)
+ dim strValue
+ strValue = EnvRemoveItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, blnKeepEmpty, fnItemMatcher, "EnvAppendItemEx")
+ if strValue <> "" then
+ strValue = strValue & strSep & strItem
+ else
+ strValue = strItem
+ end if
+ g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName) = strValue
+ EnvAppendItemEx = strValue
+end function
+' Generic item remover.
+' fnItemMatcher(strItem1, strItem2)
+function EnvRemoveItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, blnKeepEmpty, ByRef fnItemMatcher, strCaller)
+ dim strValue, off
+ strValue = g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName)
+ EnvRemoveItemEx = strValue
+ if strValue <> "" then
+ ' Split it up into an array of items
+ dim arrItems : arrItems = Split(strValue, strSep, -1, vbTextCompare)
+ ' Create an array of matching indexes that we should remove.
+ dim cntToRemove : cntToRemove = 0
+ redim arrIdxToRemove(ArraySize(arrItems) - 1)
+ dim i, strCur
+ for i = LBound(arrItems) to UBound(arrItems)
+ strCur = arrItems(i)
+ if fnItemMatcher(strCur, strItem) or (not blnKeepEmpty and strCur = "") then
+ arrIdxToRemove(cntToRemove) = i
+ cntToRemove = cntToRemove + 1
+ end if
+ next
+ ' Did we find anthing to remove?
+ if cntToRemove > 0 then
+ ' Update the array and join it up again.
+ for i = cntToRemove - 1 to 0 step -1
+ arrItems = ArrayRemove(arrItems, arrIdxToRemove(i))
+ next
+ dim strNewValue : strNewValue = ArrayJoinString(arrItems, strSep)
+ EnvRemoveItemEx = strNewValue
+ ' Update the environment variable.
+ LogPrint strCaller &": " & strName & ": '" & strValue & "' --> '" & strNewValue & "'"
+ g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName) = strNewValue
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Generic case-insensitive item matcher.
+' See also PathMatch().
+function EnvItemMatch(strItem1, strItem2)
+ EnvItemMatch = (StrComp(strItem1, strItem2) = 0)
+end function
+' Prepends an item to an environment variable, after first removing any
+' existing ones (case-insensitive, preserves empty elements).
+function EnvPrependItem(strName, strItem, strSep)
+ EnvPrependItem = EnvPrependItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, true, GetRef("EnvItemMatch"))
+ LogPrint "EnvPrependItem: " & strName & "=" & EnvPrependPathItem
+end function
+' Appends an item to an environment variable, after first removing any
+' existing ones (case-insensitive, preserves empty elements).
+function EnvAppendItem(strName, strItem, strSep)
+ EnvAppendItem = EnvAppendItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, true, GetRef("EnvItemMatch"))
+ LogPrint "EnvAppendItem: " & strName & "=" & EnvPrependPathItem
+end function
+' Removes a string element from an environment variable, case
+' insensitive but preserving empty elements.
+function EnvRemoveItem(strName, strItem, strSep)
+ EnvRemoveItem = EnvRemoveItemEx(strName, strIten, strSep, true, GetRef("EnvItemMatch"), "EnvRemoveItem")
+end function
+' Appends a string to an Path-like environment variable,
+function EnvPrependPathItem(strName, strItem, strSep)
+ EnvPrependPathItem = EnvPrependItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, false, GetRef("PathMatch"))
+ LogPrint "EnvPrependPathItem: " & strName & "=" & EnvPrependPathItem
+end function
+' Appends a string to an Path-like environment variable,
+function EnvAppendPathItem(strName, strItem, strSep)
+ EnvAppendPathItem = EnvAppendItemEx(strName, strItem, strSep, false, GetRef("PathMatch"))
+ LogPrint "EnvAppendPathItem: " & strName & "=" & EnvAppendPathItem
+end function
+' Removes a string element from an Path-like environment variable, case
+' insensitive and treating forward and backward slashes the same way.
+function EnvRemovePathItem(strName, strItem, strSep)
+ EnvRemovePathItem = EnvRemoveItemEx(strName, strIten, strSep, false, GetRef("PathMatch"), "EnvRemovePathItem")
+end function
' Prepends a string to an environment variable
-sub EnvPrepend(strName, strValue)
- dim str
- str = g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName)
- g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName) = strValue & str
- LogPrint "EnvPrepend: " & strName & "=" & strValue & str
+sub EnvUnset(strName)
+ g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS").Remove(strName)
+ LogPrint "EnvUnset: " & strName
end sub
' Gets the first non-empty environment variable of the given two.
function EnvGetFirst(strName1, strName2)
@@ -427,6 +663,12 @@ function EnvGetFirst(strName1, strName2)
end if
end function
+' Checks if the given enviornment variable exists.
+function EnvExists(strName)
+ EnvExists = g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")(strName) <> ""
+end function
' Helpers: Strings '
@@ -717,7 +959,7 @@ end sub
' Returns an Array() statement string
function ArrayToString(arrStrings)
- dim strRet
+ dim strRet, i
strRet = "Array("
for i = LBound(arrStrings) to UBound(arrStrings)
if i <> LBound(arrStrings) then strRet = strRet & ", "
@@ -728,6 +970,22 @@ end function
+' Joins the elements of an array into a string using the given item separator.
+' @remark this is the same as Join() really.
+function ArrayJoinString(arrStrings, strSep)
+ if ArraySize(arrStrings) = 0 then
+ ArrayJoinString = ""
+ else
+ dim i
+ ArrayJoinString = "" & arrStrings(LBound(arrStrings))
+ for i = LBound(arrStrings) + 1 to UBound(arrStrings)
+ ArrayJoinString = ArrayJoinString & strSep & arrStrings(i)
+ next
+ end if
+end function
' Returns the input array with the string appended.
' @note This works by reference
function ArrayAppend(ByRef arr, str)
@@ -1143,6 +1401,13 @@ end sub
+' Info message.
+sub MsgInfo(strMsg)
+ Print "info: " & strMsg
+end sub
' Warning message.
sub MsgWarning(strMsg)
Print "warning: " & strMsg
@@ -1167,6 +1432,27 @@ sub MsgError(strMsg)
g_rcScript = 1
end sub
+' Error message, fatal unless flag to ignore errors is given.
+' @note does not return
+sub MsgSyntaxError(strMsg)
+ Print "syntax error: " & strMsg
+ Wscript.Quit(2)
+end sub
+' Helpers: Misc '
+' Translate a kBuild / VBox architecture name to a windows one.
+function XlateArchitectureToWin(strArch)
+ strArch = LCase(strArch)
+ XlateArchitectureToWin = strArch
+ if strArch = "amd64" then XlateArchitectureToWin = "x64"
+end function
' Testcases '
@@ -1248,5 +1534,15 @@ sub SelfTest
arr = ArrayRVerSortStrings(arr)
if ArrayToString(arr) <> "Array(""v10"", ""v1"", ""v0"")" then MsgFatal "SelfTest: Array #10: " & ArrayToString(arr)
+ if ArrayJoinString(arr, ":") <> "v10:v1:v0" then MsgFatal "SelfTest: Array #11: " & ArrayJoinString(arr, ":")
+ if PathMatch("c:\", "C:\") <> true then MsgFatal "SelfTest: PathMatch #1"
+ if PathMatch("c:\\\winDows/sysTem32", "C:\WindowS\.\\.\System32\.") <> true then MsgFatal "SelfTest: PathMatch #2"
+ if PathMatch("c:\\\winDows/sysTem32", "C:\WindowS\.\\..\System32\.") <> false then MsgFatal "SelfTest: PathMatch #3"
+ if PathMatch("\\x\", "\\\x\") <> false then MsgFatal "SelfTest: PathMatch #4"
+ if PathMatch("\\x\", "\\x\") <> true then MsgFatal "SelfTest: PathMatch #5"
+ if PathMatch("\\", "\\") <> true then MsgFatal "SelfTest: PathMatch #6"
+ if PathMatch("\\x", "\\x") <> true then MsgFatal "SelfTest: PathMatch #7"
end sub